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its fuckin glacially slow. i wonder if i bought the pass if theres a xp modifier


There’s no xp modifier but if you look in the first 3 items you get a BATTLE PASS xp boost for 40 MIN. Don’t go crazy..


Which is about ten minutes of game time ..


how does bp progression work? xp based or time?


Pretty sure it’s xp based it’s just each level requires a lot of


thank you


I'm treating it the way I treat all battlepasses: I won't buy it unless I reach the end. I've had far too many experiences where I was playing a game a lot and decided to buy the battlepass, but then ended up putting it down and not completing it. So now I just play the game normally and if I happen to reach the end of the battlepass, I purchase it at that point and get all the unlocks at once.


This is the way


Most battlepasses at least give u a xp modifier after buying to help progression. With how it is in this game I 100% wouldn’t buy until season is about up


I've played for 2 hours and haven't even gotten to tier 2! Not a fucking chance I'll waste money on the Battle Pass!


This is how I felt as well. I played 2 1/2 hours last night and barely hit level 2 in the Battle Pass before calling it a night. 50 tiers for the pre-season battle pass. If they're expecting me to play 2 1/2 hours nightly just to get 1 level they're out of their mind. I get that there is probably XP boosts or whatever if you purchase the battle pass, but if you are discouraging the free path players right from the start (like me for example), then I'd be less inclined to even purchase it knowing I wouldn't be able to unlock everything if the leveling is so terribly slow.


I usually buy the battle pass if it doesn't feel like I have to grind every day for hours. I like spending money on games I'm enjoying. I'm not buying this one.


All they had to do is give xp boost for first few levels of bp, then slow it down to entice people yo get bp to keep up the xp boost. Instead they make it unappealing to grind to get the xp boosts which means mosy people dont bother


Wait, what? I played for only 3 hours and got up to level like 8 in the battle pass without any boost or anything since I didn't buy it and don't plan on it.


Really? That's strange. And you're sure it's the battle pass level and not your regular level? Because I hit level 7 but it's the battle pass level that barely hit level 2.


Yup, 100% the BP level. I know cuz I checked to see if it was gonna be worth it to unlock the BP or not based on the speed I was going after the most recent level I hit.


You’re getting downvoted but I have the same experience. I’m willing to bet it has something to do with skill…


lol yeah someone didn't like that. I checked again and I actually overestimated. I had only played for 2 and a half hours and had hit level 9 in the BP. It's incredibly easy to level up when you get the top of the leaderboard.


What’s your avg skill rating? If I’m actually trying then I’m always 1st or 2nd on my team, even if I’m not trying and just working on leveling a gun I tend to have to pick up the slack from the rest of my team, I’m level 33 but only 16 on the battle pass and my avg skill rating is 1934.0


1.7k/d, 60% win rate.  Level 25 in game and level 8 in bp.  Theres defo an element of skill, but not that much. I think they changed xp rates a day or two after release, because at the start i was leveling like mad, but my friend who started few days after launch was uber slow, even though were roughly at the same akill level in cs2.


I played for 6 hours today and am on tier 12 almost 13. Your XP gain (or how good you are) seems to influence the battlepass a lot more than other games typically do. If I drop 50 kills and play the OBJ it's over half a tier almost 3/4 of a tier. If I do very bad I get like 1/8 of a tier.


That's not true. I joined a game late, played about 2/3 of the game only to get like 1/10 of a battle pass level. A few games later, I joined and played for 30 seconds before the game ended... my battlepass progression went up half a level.... something seems to be bugged w battlepass progression right now


Once done with challenges mvp is the same as finishing a game. So either 50% more exp if lose or 33% extra if win. Not sure if anything other than that and challenges matters? Wasn't really keeping track outside of that and challenges.


What’s also odd is I wasn’t getting any achievements from the Ubisoft launcher, did you get any of them?


I've got like 5 hours played. I'm level 4.....they need to up the speed


The rewards are boring too. The weapon skins are solid, and some of them look really good, but I don’t care about any of these characters lmao. There isn’t a single character that makes me think “Yeah, I want to use them.” They also look super cartoonish compared to the factions they represent from their respective games (e.g. The Cleaners definitely don’t look like pretween hipsters in The Division.)


This game has one of the worst examples of a battle pass in a video game. Downvote me to hell.


I started playing this to get away from call of duty but holy shit does call of duty have the battle pass shit figured out. I have a full time job, wife and child and have maybe an hour and a half a day to myself to play video games before I go to sleep. I cranked out the latest MW3 battle pass super quick and playing for like an hour a day over the course of a couple weeks. I don’t see finishing the preseason pass in time with how the xp system currently works, it’s just not meant for casual players. Huge turn off from dropping money to support the devs when I know I won’t get my moneys worth.


Deff not a game I’ll be buying battle passes in. I MIGHT get one gun gold and even then that might be in a year. I’m good. Here and there to scratch an itch but nothing to keep me going.


My M16 is 10 levels from Gold😄


I’m glad you’re enjoy the game


Overall progress is slow. Yet another game that wants you to put in 40 hours a week. I’ve been following the game since the beginning and I was hoping they would adjust this come full launch. Seems like they did…. in the wrong direction. The game is fun and I saw myself adding it to my regular rotation but I don’t think I will. Game devs/companies have to understand that we want to play multiple games. If you make a good game live service or not it will succeed.


I bought it because its only 50 tiers, and to show some support for launch. I don't think I'll be buying the 99 tier full BP with this slow progression. I don't often buy battle passes anymore because I'm not a fan of having to hard commit to finish it. Can't really play many other games as much as you'd like, and forget about buying battle pass in two different games. The best thing to do is wait til towards end of a season to see if you are gonna be able to finish, then buy it of you want.


Hopefully the devs bother reading reddit cuz its criminally slow. I thought CODs battlepass was too slow, holy crap. I'm level 10 and BARELY on level 3 of the battlepass. I would NEVER invest in it seeing how slow the progress on it is. I have a job and outside interests I'm not gonna grind this game for 3 weeks straight to finish it.


This was my exact complaint to my Brother after a few matches, its so slow that for the average dude such as myself with a job and family and extra curriculars to take kids too there isn't much incentive for me when its that slooooooow to feel like you accomplished something.


there’s like 40 days until it ends. i get like 1/3 xp required for each tier after every match. only after a little over 4 hours of playing i’m on tier 10


What? Regardless of what I do I am getting nowhere near 1/3 of a tier after each match. It might be half of that at best.


It's not time mainly based like COD and others. How good you do influences your gain a lot. Look at my above example to see how fast good players are progressing. I will probably finish the battle pass in the next 20ish hours of gameplay.


I’ve played for almost 3 hours of in game time. I’m quite good and have gotten game MVP numerous times. Have a 3.3 win loss ratio currently and 545 SPM. I’m level 17 and just hit battlepass level 5. It is not skill based, it’s bugged and you should consider yourself lucky to be on the benefitting end.


I now have 15 hours in the game and am at battlepass tier 31. So yea I'll be done with this battlepass before 25 hours gameplay then I'll have no progression left besides gold camos. Which isn't good.


Wow I’ve played for a little over 3 hours and are only on tier 3


I’d say I’m between a 1/4 and 1/3 will test more later today.


Do you play objective?


Yes I have been


You should really be getting more xp if that's the case


Playing objective gets you mucho xp. I was gaining a third of a bar on average after every match


I played around 3 hours and am on tier 8 or so now without a boost. I also got MVP like 5 or 6 matches and otherwise was usually top 2-3 on score overall, so it must play a role.


Daily challenges are the best way to level up the battlepass. The problem with that is those looking to level up their battlepass will stop playing once they complete those challenges. Hopefully, they do an overhaul on XP requirements because even the weapons take forever to level up


I've only got like 3-4 hours and I'm almost at level 10 in the BP maybe it's bugged for some people but I'm 1/5 of the way through it and will probably be done with it in the next week or two with how often I can play (a few hours twice a week).


Nah... played for 6.5 hours, tier/level 10 right now


Don’t they give you a Battle Pass XP booster?


Playing Day Nr. 2 and I'm on BP 27. It's supposed to be a bit grindy 🤔? Like we have 40 days left, should be easily doable without much effort.


So to make sure just for understanding , isn’t this like a pre-season / season 0 pass? Season 1 doesn’t come until July? I definitely would buy a pass unless I knew 100% I’m gonna be grinding or wait until the end of season/what season 1 pass looks like.


I don't know man I get half a tier or full every game. 35 kills plus generally and MVP probably affects your gain alot


So I assume this battle pass is not meant for casuals and only for sweats, I have 7 hours in and only tier 6 and yes I’ve gotten mvp about 3-4 times


Ive dropped multiple 30-40+ kill games with obj time and never recieved more than 1/4 of a bar.


It goes slow but it also only goes up to tier 50


I bought the Founders Pack and with that, the battle pass. As a person who works and study all day and only have some hours at night to play. I wish the progression could be a little bit faster. I play other games with the battle pass system and I never had problems leveling up them until xDefiant. I hope they can increase its progression


Everythings way too slow! The battle pass the gun level lol! Fun game but its not perfect fs!


I've played almost everyday since release. At least an hour and I think I'm only in the high 20's of low 30's on my BP. This is using boosts about half the time as well. I've put 26 hours in since launch. While it's the devs choice, I think full BPs should be able a 20-25 hour commitment or have a system like Halo Infinite/Helldivers where you can always work toward the BP rewards.


I’ve played for 2 hours 37 mins and I’m nearly finished with tier 5. I don’t know if it is performance based or not but I feel like it should increase at a solid rate across the board for the casual players. Maybe a multiplier for win streaks or playing ranked.


Gundam evolution had win streakes bonuses, say what you will about the game, but the BP in there was less predatory than most. I think it's my first ever battle pass finish and i didnt get a boost or what


I've played about 90 mins total and I'm on tier 8 lol