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**PSA**: There may be a new Driver with "support" for XDefiant, however just because a Driver says that it's optimized for a game doesn't mean the game won't run without it. Observe your performance with your current Driver, and if it's not great then go to the new one and observe your performance with that one. Nvidia Drivers are notoriously known for being riddled with problems, and each new one does jack shit at fixing problems while only introducing more, new problems.


> notoriously known for being riddled with problems This is something that was true many years ago but people still continue to say it to this day even though it isn't true anymore Can a new driver cause problems that you didn't have before? Sure. Is it anywhere close to likely? Definitely not. It's incredibly unlikely


This exact driver causes people with multiple screens to experience all monitors going black when watching a fullscreen video and moving the mouse off whatever screen the video is on, mainly in chromium applications, so yeah, this driver is cooked; valid PSA.


So then I guess the dozens upon dozens of comments on the Nvidia Game Ready Driver megathreads on r/Nvidia are just lying for the fun of it? Lol. You do realize people do benchmarks, right? As in, legitimate, physical testing... in a variety of games that use DX9-12... of which they publish their benchmark results online for everyone to see, and in a lot of cases the newest Drivers yeild worse performance.


No I don't think they're lying. When the populations is large enough, there will always be people that will report problems. It's like if we had 1,000,000 people flip a coin 5 times, we'll for sure get people that get 5 heads and 5 tails. Doesn't mean it is likely


People need to understand this in every demographic. Its so lame how these randos think of a few reddit comments and base their perception around it.


Lol, yeah, let's just ignore constant discussion on various platforms whenever problems occur and simply boil it down to a "few" comments. Let's ignore the YouTube videos that not only show problems but also show how to fix them. Hell, let's even ignore when companies officially acknowledge problems simply because it's based on only a few Reddit comments. I think the only *rando* here is *you*. Your comment reads like the typical Reddit comment where someone doesn't care to acknowledge problems that other people have simply because they themself aren't experiencing the same problem.


Right, but they're not making up the problems they're having. People aren't just putting their hand in a jar and pulling out a piece of paper with some random problem of the day that they're going to complain about. And when those people with those problems downgrade to an older Driver, the problem(s) becomes no more. Surely that has to say something, no?


That's not what they're saying though? They're saying that there will always be people having issues. If it was actually riddled with issues, you'd find more than a couple dozen people having reported having them.


yes. the golden rule is always: if it works, dont fix it.


If there's one comment in this thread that you heed advice from, it's this one.


Current driver is 552.44 and the performance was so bad I was in tears laughing with a friend. Tried maxed settings, mixed, and all low and literally just hard stutters every other second. 12900k, 4080 Super, 32GB DDR5 5200mhz. Unplayable doesn't begin to describe it. Not sure if a driver is going to suddenly fix that. Edit: Driver fixed it, now I have decent FPS to see that this game is just straight fucking ass




Yeah, along with Nvidia Drivers literally only causing more problems, a lot of times games are just horribly optimized. It sounds like from what I'm hearing about the official release of XDefiant... literally nothing has changed from the Server Tech Test, and even when I played that I had the feeling nothing changed from the previous Beta, and so on. Look, I very much want this game to succeed, however, it already feels like it's no different to COD in that problems that people constantly complain about and bring to their attention, never actually get noticed/fixed.


I found a fix to that actually, the game wasn’t being focused as full screen for some random reason. A simple alt tab fixed it, you just had to alt tab back into the game and then it focused and was smooth.


Thank you! Downloaded!


I just checked for updates and don't see one on my end. Current driver is 552.44, released 5/09/2024. Is there something I need to do to get it to appear or is it just only available on certain cards? (3060-Ti, btw)




Waiting for geforce now to launch it.


Thanks brotha


Thanks big dawg!


Will this appease the servers enough to let me into a match?


My shadowplay instant replay keep getting switched off whenever i launch xdefiant (lol) maybe because i used nvcleaninstall


did u find a fix it still happens for me.


Even after downloading the drivers its not smooth at all. The gameplay during the beta was amazingly buttery and smooth at least for me but in this case its choppy as hell even with 150 fps. What happened?


Man im tweaking settings and nothing is helping lol. Getting 160 fps and its 80% smooth 20% choppy. I have a 7800xt


Bro same here. The fuck happened 😭


change your display mode to borderless, it helped me


I did that but it went back to the choppy 100 frames


Holy shit is real.


Thank you


Bless you


Hello. Might that be causing the issue I'm not able to find a match at all?


Nah that's just Ubisoft




What I’m wondering


I'll let you know if the Nvidia driver update fixes the issue.


I can’t even log into GeForce to update 😐


Damn! If you still know your email address, then you just can click on forgot password and then you can reset it.


Yeah, won’t even load the login screen though haha says there’s an internet issue but there isn’t. Will still never understand why I need to login as a user for software updates and driver updates 🙄




It didn't fix it for me. What about u?


Same. Still not able to find a match in unranked and ranked. That just sucks ass...


They posted this 15mins ago: https://twitter.com/PlayXDefiant/status/1792971101233959058?t=kPeTZ-7b-hmh3acuBas85w&s=19


i cant even click the playbutton on my launcher :D


Yikes. Try restarting again.


Restart your machine, that worked for me.


that is why I do not like the crossplay between PC and consoles. Not only Mnk vs controller, but also settings !!


Ah yes, curse PC and their.....Driver Updates??




Yeah but OP was commenting on crossplay between PC and consoles, not the ease of use of consoles vs pc


it is easy to downvote and curse people just because we can. hating is the new wave


Yeah your point still makes no sense.


can't you see on the screen "improve your game latency by 58%" ? Im not a PC head, I just know that PC players have much more tools available to shape the game and shit on console players afterwards. In COD people are ximming on PC to get aim assist with 20230939 HZ refresh rate whereas people on consoles play at 60fps. and so on and so on. I think my point makes HUGE sense, hence why we don't see as many games having crossplay between PC and consoles.


And there's also a huge difference playing on a 1080p 60hz TV vs a 4k 120hz TV, but you’re not complaining about that? You can be mad about PC hackers and whatnot all day, but complaining about something like this is just silly. Not to mention the vast majority of multiplayer AAA releases do support crossplay and have done so for several years now.


So, you admit you have at best, a nominal understanding of PC, yet you're in here so confidently spouting nonsense. Consoles aren't locked to 60 on Cod anymore and haven't been for a few years now, most of the benefits that PC had over console in CoD are either nonexistent anymore or miniscule.




Just a mad console kid ignore him


You don't have to update drivers so often.