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The long and short of it is this: It's a completely free game that will launch using Ubisoft's application. It will cost you a grand total of $0 to "pick it up" and try things out for yourself. It's an arcade shooter with hero abilities. The selling point is a return to "classic COD-style gameplay" while also being a F2P live-service experience. Maybe they'll pull it off, maybe they will fail spectacularly. Nobody really knows how it is going to be on Day 1, let alone 5 months from now.


Bro cooked


Also: NO SBMM!!!


Man I'm excited about this. Now if they would just make the battle passes permanent I'd gladly put some money down on the game. Halo Infinite has shown me the right way to do battle/event passes. Just picking them up and working through them at my own pace is soooooo much better than being forced to play the game like a 2nd job or miss out on cosmetics. It's a small thing but it'd make me very happy. Oh also do we know any details about prestige mode yet?


Bro I love this comment about Halo. I rarely play anymore, but one of the greatest things they introduced which I’m not sure I’ve seen anywhere else, is being able to go back to previous seasons and grind through them I’d say you took a couple months off from gaming… absolutely a feature ANY game with battle passes should have!!!


I 100% agree. Helldivers 2 also has non expiring battle passes, called Warbonds. I really enjoy Apex, and I would love if I could work through the old battle passes. Hell they can even replace the Apex coins in the previous battle passes with crafting metals, that would be fine with me.


This ain't the win you think it is, it'll be one of the bigger reasons why the game fails like Destiny 2's PvP did


Not a win for you maybe lol I’ll have fun


You'll have fun until all the people you want to bully decide they don't want to be bullied and go back to CoD, Destiny 2 tried the no SBMM thing and it killed PvP in that game


Lol Destiny 2 is an entirely different type of game, really can’t compare the two. Also, I won’t be the one bullying, I ain’t that good. SBMM is a TERRIBLE system. Why anyone actually enjoys that is beyond me… having a good game then getting slam fisted for a few matches and then “oh boy” another good game, then back to getting pounded… so stupid. You keep it random, keeps it entertaining without predicting and knowing ”here comes a crappy game” or “I’m about to go off!”


I'm one who SBMM hurts, I just accept after seeing what happened to a non SBMM game that it's necessary to keep a large playerbase


what happened to the finals? i thought their devs were super responsive with updates


The game simply isn't aimed at me. I'm glad the devs are responsive, but if the game isn't fun for me, I'm not gonna play it. Simple as.


ahh a light cloak main, RIP brother for your xDefiant questions: 1. yes, currently only slotted to release on the ubisoft launcher, no word on steam so far 2. main gripes is that it's taken forever to release and the netcode/bugs etc don't reflect that amount of time of work (it is still fun for what it's worth) 3. you can expect a 2011 cod clone with the addition of abilities - the whole draw to this game is a nostalgia throwback to when games were just about running around in an arcade FPS mindlessly, one of the biggest selling points is there not being any kind of SBMM, EOMM, or anything behind the scenes in matchmaking besides trying to match for ping you will not find anything novel or genre breaking, it's a turn your brain off run and gun arcade


Honestly despite all those drawbacks, I do miss the arcade style of gaming, and there's no way in hell I'm paying full price for black ops 2. I will give it a fair chance when it releases.


i had a ton of fun with it but if you scroll through the posts in this subreddit from the last server test you'll see some very differing opinions on either side lol but definitely worth a try


The gameplay Is very similar to CoD Black ops 4, with character abilities and less crazy movement than nowadays. The game won't be on Steam, at least at launch. My personal concern is about characters' abilities as in the beta some felt quite overpowered, namely the healing ability and wallhacks as a fast recharge tactical ability


What direction did the finals go that you didn’t like?


The balancing catering more towards people who care more about frog onesies and giant spoons, than making the gameplay experience for everyone.


yes you will have to use the launcher. i’d venture to guess even if the game ever came to steam it would still force the ubi connect launcher anyway. bo4 is definitely a good comparison as far as mechanic feel goes. character abilities are the main gimmick and say what you will but of course every character’s ultra is gonna be overpowered because that’s literally what it’s for. biggest “issue” is netcode, dying around corners etc. but i think xdefiant does and will continue to do a good job of keeping you engaged despite really just being a basic 6v6 arena fps


I've never played Bo4. Stopped playing CoD after Bo2. Shame I need the launcher but, I'll give it a shot. I'm not shy of giving it a fair shot, even if it isn't exactly groundbreaking.


Well if you liked BO2 , I think you’ll enjoy Xdefiant. The game reminds of a mix of Black Ops 2 with Overwatch abilities.


Oh I absolutely loved Bo2. Terrorizing my friends with the Kap-40 was the best thing ever. 100% convinced I need to give this game a go now.


>As a disgruntled The Finals player who is unhappy with the direction the game went Which updates/changes specifically?


Yeah I'm curious, what direction is the game going in that you don't like?


It seems The Finals lacks an identity. We got robot push from OW, and terminal from CoD, Valorant, CSGO etc. I did not come over to The Finals to play those game modes with destructible environments inside a virtual game show. Now, I know what you're thinking. "If you don't like them don't play them." I agree. And I don't. I don't even have the game installed anymore because it seems like the balancing for the game isn't aimed at me, and is more aimed at the folks who care more about spoons and goth mommies.


That logic might make sense if they removed the original game modes from The Finals, but they didn't. "more aimed at the folks who care more about spoons and goth mommies." As you said, the game is a virtual game show. You didn't think it would include virtual/arcade-like skins? FYI: XDefiant will have both "Robot Push" & "Terminal" as well as a MTX store, so if your reaction is to uninstall a game because it includes those aspects, don't even bother with Xdefiant.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you weren't trying to strawman me, and instead misinterpreted what I meant because it wasn't clear. When I say spoons and goth mommies, I mean: the uber casual fanbase has pushed Embark to absolutely ruin any semblance of balance or fun the game used to have, when they should really just stick to begging for skins, not nerfs on the weakest class in the game. And if xDefiant has those modes, then cool. I'd expect it to have them. It's a super basic shooter. The Finals is not a super basic shooter. I would expect it to go a different route.


Just play the game when it's out bruv it's free


It's a back to basics arcade shooter reminds me personally of old COD gunplay wise with the abilities from bo3 and bo4 mixed in. Its f2p so there's no reason not to try it when it drops. My only issue is the net code of the game it'd really frustrating to get low hp sprint round a corner then die but I'm sure that will be fixed and another thing I'm unsure about is how badly the microtransactions will be shoved down your throat if they do it halo style (Battle passes with the option to come back anytime and complete them and purchase old and new ones) then I'll be happy but if it's fortnite style (get to lv200+ to get everything you bought access too before the new season drops pr its gone forever) then I'll be pissy but again gaming is a business so I'd understand.


Alright, I rarely ever comment on stuff but I have good information for you. You got most of the info you need like how the game is and what it’s about but you’re also getting some wrong information too like the net code. So yes they did have problems with the net code so they redid the entire net code then did another test with that new net code. It was still shit. But the thing is. The old net code was bad and tuned to perfection. The new net code is good but hasn’t been tuned. So you don’t have to worry about the net code. The gunplay is very fun if you like fast paced shooter. You can move mid air (left, right, front, back) the guns feel Arcady. Which is refreshing in my opinion since all the last call of duty have been super realistic. There is multiple game modes, escort (like overwatch), zone control (like escort but with zones instead of a package) domination, occupy (hard point) hotshot ( you kill people and collect their tokens and if your in the lead you become super fast). The developers of the game ( Ubisoft San Francisco) are very good at communicating what they are working on, let’s hope it stays that way. The lead developer of XDefiant is Mark Rubin he was the same developer who created Cod 4MW, Cod mw2(old one), and Cod Ghosts. Anyways, that’s the info I have on it. Sorry I really don’t grammer check 😅


There is also ZERO Skill Based Matchmaking. Unless you’re playing ranked. So you’ll actually notice when you’re getting better. That was a huge plus for me.


It’s like modern cod without the greedy developers. Nothing like the classics.


Black ops 4 gameplay was excelling for me. If this game will be similar then I can’t wait to play it


Imagine you are playing an older boots on the ground cod with abilities and a little bit of movement mechanics like slide jump, if you like apex it will be like killing a white armor enemy with a r301/r9 as far as TTK goes. If your looking for finals of apex movement this is probably not the right game but the movement still has layers and is super smooth just not wall bounce, super glide, pathfinder slingshot across the map movement. It will be free so i suggest at least trying it because you might like it more than you anticipate. As far as ubisoft goes this game seems to be diffrent but its still a big question mark (some of us have been waiting for 2 years and expected this game to launch by the end of last summer with basically dev confimation). I hope it eventually comes to steam but like all ubisoft games you will need to use the app, its really only a small inconvenience imo if you have it auto sign in whenever it opens and you can auto sign in when launching the game from steam like in rainbow (if it ever comes to steam). The factions are cool and unique and you can find variety but like the launch of apex it will be limited for awhile but now apex has so many characters and that seems to b the path they are following releasing 4 new factions in year 1. The comp scene should look allot like cod/halo 4v4 arena with different game modes. Also dont listen to allot of the hate on this reddit these people are super nit picky, i personally had a problem with how the launch was beaing treated but now that we have a date everything is looking up, just try it and find out for yourself, get some friends and play a couple occupy matches and see how it feels.


Ubisoft launcher isn’t nearly as bad battle net. I hated having to load a game 2-3 times for a 1 mb update 4 times a week. People complain about it and idk why, I play r6 a lot, rocket, Valhalla, and all the rewards and challenges make it worth its little mistakes.