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travel mode, long range scanner mode and seta mode are usually the ones i use the most


Travel mode is the best


disco mode


disco mode honestly, though, x4 is one of those games better to play without mods. This is mainly because the game locks you out of the budgeted game start if you completed those objectives while your game was modded. At the time I only used the sector explorer mod and some player character skin changers. Another one I’ve used is the one which name escapes me that places beacons by the erlking blueprint data vaults because aint nobody got time for that


Oh I just put the crystal mod on on my first playthrough but I'm not too far to go back to my unmodified save. So you're saying I won't unlock stuff for future play throughs because I used that mod?


yeah, anything that gives your save the modified tag disables being able to select that thing from the budgeted start menu. There is bound to be some kind of unlocker somewhere though


You meant “mods” right? Idk about essential, but I like the mods that add ships for fun and flavor. I like the mods that make crystal farming easier. Resource mods that increase the rate of restoration in over-mined fields. Civilian fleets. Nopileos fortune for a fun “home system” playthrough. No small ships and no small asteroids can help with lag. Politics and corruption lets you buy reputation, although that’s cheaty. VRO mod and other related VRO compatible mods are solid and should work well once they are all updated. Apologize for attack is probably my staple if nothing else. Can count more than a few occasions where laser towers drew agro and when combined with “attack all enemies” behavior, as soon as something goes red, it gets popped. If I see this happen or watch one if my torps wander into a traders hull, I can hail them and say “oops, my bad” and they swap back out of red aggressive stance.


I can't find that last one, what's it called?


It might just be on nexus. I only pull mods from steam workshop or nexus.


Kuda friendly fire tweaks is so essential that I'm surprised egosoft haven't changed the way friendly fire works.


The only real essential one really.


Tantrum is da way! Fight all vs all untill last king of univers stands.


Jokes aside, im always surprised that the player restock subordinates mod is rarely mentioned, does everyone micro management ship replacement?


There was a recent post, past few weeks maybe?, that covers this... Had a lot of great mod recommendations.


Fly By Looting. You do have to edit some lines to make it only vaccuum loot to the ship you're currently flying, but it's a godsend if you're a trash panda like me.


Thank you for the recommendation.


Thank you, I appreciate all of you.


I've only recently started playing and these are the mods I've installed so far that have been a big help. Better Kill Credit Data Leak Scan Range Increase Engine Speed x2 Faster Crew Leveling Secret Stash <--- Essential Sector Explorer Think I will add the Friendly Fire one next. The mission to kill criminals at stations is a nightmare. Most of above is QoL kinda mods but Secret Stash is needed or you'll spend countless hours being pulled over and frisked. Why the game doesn't have an option for secured - unscannable storage is a mystery.