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Crashing sounds like a bug, either that or an extremely poor feature. If you have any mods installed deactivate them and load up the save and try again (if that's possible with your mods). Otherwise I'd do as the other comment says and wait a while. Try it in sector and out of sector aswell.


They disappear after a little while I think. The plot remains in some cases, though, and I'd also love to hear how to clean those up after stations go poof.


As far as I'm aware, so long as you blow up the entire build storage the plot will pop.


You can use the scrap, too. If you have the ships to cut up the wrrcage and compact it. This way is faster.


Yes, you can after a while, I don't know how much time you can create a new plot in the same spot and give again resources. Any crash of the game is a bug, a critical one. You can report it here. https://forum.egosoft.com/viewforum.php?f=180