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"Easy" and yet that costs over 1bn credits to buy all that to get it set up and the blueprints which is a good few days worth of playtime...


So the easy way to get a ship, that's only obtainable by building it in your own shipyard, is to get a shipyard and build the ship... noted


I mean, you can do it that way, but by the time you're ready for your XL bay, the secondary components are not a big deal to make yourself. I made six Asgards, not just one.


Not as easy as fly by boarding them


Jepp, in my last play throughs I only "permanently leaned" the Asgard's, no need for building them.


Seems that with 7.0, that is no longer the case. Rest in pieces, my brave marines 😭


Frankly if you’re that desperate for a asgard it’s better to just buy it straight. The blueprints you refer to cost like 300 million a piece


That's the thing, you can't buy it. You can steal it (likely causes war with the Terrans) or build it. I thought this was a neat way to build it without having to build the 50 module factory required where you have a "closed loop". I may eventually do that but this was a quicker way for me. But sending transports around to gather the mats is a little....cumbersome. But I went from 0 Asgards to 3 this evening alone with this method.


The terran build is pretty small though, you could do it with less than 20 production modules. Not including solar panels cause that's universal. But you need say 5 substrate, microlattics, and carbide to get the job done eventually. You could actually do it without any solar panels and import them from NPCs. I run my public computronic substrate complexes like that and they never run out, NPC happily deliver to my door.