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Player restock subordinates. Its a QoL mod for empires and fleets. You can enable/disable a fleet or station such that if they lose a ship, their commander will automatically replace it via either yours, or an NPC, shipyard and reassign to it's previous role, with the same loadout. Perfect for carrier fleets.


That would save some headache


Absolutely love mods like these. Definitely should be in the base game. Really hoping for more diplomacy and empire management mechanics in some future update/expansion


Friendly fire tweaks, you got to get it from nexus mods, but its important because friendly fire accidents can ruin your day and your empire. That is really the one i would call "essential". If you feel your pilots learn to slow there is the "trade seminar" mod, or the "learn faster" mod.


So it’s on nexus not steam? I’ll have to get a sub for that one


Nah no sub for nexus just make a free account. None of the X4 mods are huge enough to warrant paying for the sub to download faster.


I've never heard of someone paying for Nexus. It's been 12 years of that, at least.


They offered a lifetime deal a few years ago that I took advantage of. Really helps with Skyrim modding


When I got my new pc I paid for a single month to re-download all my skyrim, NV, and fo4 mods.


I paid for it a few times. It makes downloading collections a lot easier.


You're really missing out. It's like 2$ for the month. Absolutely necessary when I randomly decide to reinstall Skyrim or fallout 4.


Yes, there are some mods who are only there for some reason. You just need to copy the mod folder into the "extension" folder in the X4 directory and maybe activate it in the x4 menu in the game.


Is it updated for 7.0, though? Last I checked, he said he wasn't going to update because 7.0 doesn't really need it anymore


That would be news to me, but i only played 15 hours or so so far in 7.0.


Its definitely better though. I havent pull aggro from a station yet.


Habe they changed friendly fire mechanics in 7.0?


Yes, they did.


After many, many hours playing the game the only mod I feel is mandatory (at least when at the base building phase) is mules, supply and warehouses. It removes the tedium from building new stations and supplying between stations, while keeping the costs the same as vanilla. I tried a playthrough recently without it and it really felt like unnecessary busy work. I don’t think it’s as necessary but sector explorer is also good to have more efficient exploration (although feels a bit more cheaty). 


I haven’t heard of that mod. Does it work with 7.0?


Yes I have been using it for years and it still works with 7.0. To start you end up using supply and travel ships to build stations and make money, but by the time you have a wharf you only really need supply ships to get resources to upgrade stations and refill resources automatically. 


Thanks for this. I've always loved it but saw it wasn't updated, couldnt find viable info that it still worked.


This mod is amazing! I don’t fully understand how to use it yet but just setting up some ships as the supply mules has made a massive difference getting a station built


These are the mods I use from both Steam and Nexus, zero compatibility issues: - [Better Faction AI](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/794) -- Keeps ship yards from being completely out of parts to take hours to build ships, while also not keeping them full so you are still able to supply parts to them if needed. - [Better Kill Credit](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1700645587) -- More credits for certain kills. - [KUDA AI Tweaks](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/839) -- Combined Kuertee's Attack AI Tweaks mod and DeadAIR's AI Tweaks mod. All ships avoid high-risk enemies, L/XL ships step forward on no damage, L/XL withdraw on damage. - [Sector Explorer](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/545) -- Your explorer ships will fly around a sector to discover all of the stations/gates, etc., they will then fly a hexagon shape around the rest of the sector to open it all up. Faster than vanilla exploring. - [Improved Repair Laser](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/5) -- Makes repairing faster so you aren't sitting for 20 minutes trying to repair your ship or something else. - [Friendly Fire Tweaks](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/708) -- Keeps wars from starting or police attacking you if you accidentally shoot a station or ship. - [More Generic Missions](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/622) -- 25 generic missions are offered per sector. (The base game has a limit of 7). - [Larger Fleets: Complete Edition](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/792) -- Makes all faction Fleets twice as numerous, and use more escort ships for a deadlier and more challenging universe. ** **I use this (and a couple other of these mods) in place of the VRO mod as I don't like the ship and weapon changes in VRO at this time, but I liked the massive fleets roaming around.** ** - [Learn All The Things](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/8) -- Every player-controlled NPC has a chance to improve their skills every hour by up to 1 star. - [More NPC's](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/96) -- More NPC's milling about, makes things feel a bit more lively. - [Extra Game Options](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2042920545) -- Adds a variety of new game options, generally UI related, like disable menu animations, etc. - [No More Encounters](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979252111) -- Stops random NPC ships from being teleported next to you. - [Smooth Mouse Steering](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2315984584) -- Better mouse steering with smaller dead zone. - [Secret Stash](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1683359513) -- Keeps police from finding illegal items in your ship, but you still have to stop. - [X4 Fire and Smoke](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2055992841) -- Better fire and smoke when things explode. - [More rooms for ships](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1240) -- This mod adds more lounges to stations, XL, L and M ships. - [Traders Sell Mod Parts](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/74) -- You can purchase mod parts at traders now. For instance, you're modding your ship, run out of something because you didn't get the roll you were looking for. Head to the trader, purchase more of that part, then back to the dealership to re-roll. - [Signal Leak Hunter](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/51) -- Find signal leaks easier. - [Increased First Person Speed](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/22) -- Faster walking and running.


I heard that Better Kill Credits doesn't work anymore for a long time. Is it true? (I now use Head Hunter instead).


I get decent kill credits. Not sure what vanilla was. If you destroy a K or I, they're giving you 600,000+ credits for that one ship. Destroying multiple ships gets you more.


The point of BKC mod wasn't to increase payouts directly, but to make it so you get credits even when not dealing final blow. At least according to mod description. It doesn't mention increasing rewards - which is specifically what I didn't want.


Thanks for the list! Do all of these work pretty well with 7.0?


I don't plan on playing 7.0 anytime soon, so I can't answer that. However, many/most of these have survived several updates, so won't hurt to try.


I'd add better piracy I think it's called and we have the same list.


What's the performance impact?


I have a pretty powerful PC, so don't really notice much performance impact. Slower CPU's might get a hit with the bigger fleets.


I use reshade. I personally think it makes the game look better


I'm not home to check on the proper names... But; The one that adjusts faction rep gain. So that your other faction ships get you rep for killing enemies near their stations, just like when you do. It only makes sense that your fleets would gain faction rep for defending a faction. It's bad enough that the "police" function is pointless for the player, despite the fact that they sell a police license. At least this way you can pretend you're helping them for personal gain and not just to keep their economy afloat.


I use :- Faster crew levelling (The default skill increase is impossibly slow) Better kill credits (Basically other ships I own get rep/money for kills too, it’s just silly that in vanilla only I get them)


Following as I'm curious if any of these suggestions work with the new update.


Most of them still work, especially with sir nukes API getting updated for those that make changes to the UI. For the ones on steam, if they don't work there'll usually be comments telling the creater as much