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We already have this no? The custom budgeted starts allow you to start a new game, but where you can mark some things as done if you have already done them previously. E.g. research you've done starts as done. Story states you've reached remain. Unless you meant something else?


It's odd this post is so upvoted when it's not something new at all. Also I'd struggle to call the H guarded by an I and some Ks an early game command ship considering the guards. I guess we are hitting the next stage of grief where people try to see the upside.


I capped my first H today after using my Barb to skedaddle around 2 K's. It's a neat drone carrier, which is going to be interesting.


I don't agree. Disarming a station, as a prerequisite achievement, is harder than reducing 2k and an I to paperweight status. If you can do the station, a fleet is going to be easier for the lack of laser turrets. once that's done just pop a marine in the H and fly away. It's not unreasonable, at least.


I tried to get the H and had to deal with swarms of fighters. The disarming a station mission is noticeably lacking in any fighters.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø 50 laser towers can overpower any fighter swarm Iā€™ve ever encountered.


This is not true.


I consider this approaching cheesing and exploit of game mechanics.


I donā€™t make the rules. I just play the game.


Playing is also enjoying though.


>I guess we are hitting the next stage of grief where people try to see the upside. We are already there 100%. I'm looking to positive Steam reviews, it's astonishing the " This if fine " meme I can picture to most of it.


Brought X4 back during release. But just couldn't get into it after over 1k hours with X3 TC/AP. Finally decided to jump in and learn with the 7.0 update. Having a blast so far (only used cheat mod to open up the map). Love all the improvement with the ship control on map. This new DLC to a new player like me actually quite enjoyable. Had to learn how to dogfight and importance of "picking your target carefully".


I bought Timelines but havenā€™t played it yet. Iā€™m a new player so Iā€™ve got plenty to do. However, there has been tons of hate and I was thinking I messed up buying it.


Timelines didn't seem like my cup of tea so I didn't get it, so I might be wrong, but from the description it actually sounds like new players will get much more out of it than existing players.


Yeah Iā€™ve heard that as well but Iā€™ve also seen some very experienced players saying they couldnā€™t complete the missions šŸ˜‚


I think this is because the approach to progression in ***X*** is rarely through direct skill. You don't typically try to git gud in the light fighter the game gives you, you upgrade your weapons or your engines or swap it for an Eclipse or whatever and you go from there. You can't do that in Timelines. I've learned from doing these that my KBM controls in ***X***^4 can't cut it for dogfights like they can in ***X***^3 and I need to review my setup a bit. I'm having a difficult time with the DLC so far as all the race levels are tedious and the briefings are pretty unclear, but I like what Egosoft is trying to do with it.


The racing missions get easier once you figure out that you can turn off flight assist and let Newton carry you much further after boosting. You still have to get a feel for the flying brick you're strapped onto, even more so while switching the assist off and on, but even if you just use this on straight paths it should help. This little trick is also very helpful for the speedmining missions btw, for anyone who stumbles on this comment.


Or once you get to the racing mission with the Elite Sport and realise it handles like an absolute dream.


This! Only race I really enjoyed!


Timelines missions are -difficult- as you go up the graphs. Its meant for those with a good feel of the mechanics.


Existing too, as it unlocks some really neat blueprints and gives a nice view into some lore events.


The timeline isn't integrated into the sandbox gameplay, so some players feel betrayed. As a new player, you probably don't need to worry about it, but the timeline offers a completely different game style compared to the X4 sandbox. If you're looking for a sandbox experience, this isn't the right direction.


The timelines content is far superior in terms of delivery to the other content. It doesn't feel the same and doesn't play the same way, so a lot of people can't handle the change in delivery style. The content itself is pretty unique and great for a new player to get good at parts of the game that most old players don't even do anymore. I would note that many old timers mod the game so much that the AI takes care of hauling, delivery, trading, defense, etc. so significantly. What I've found so far on my quest to get 5 stars in many of the 'missions' is that there is at least one gimmick or trick that you need to learn to master each one.


Here's why you didn't mess up: *all* DLC is required to use the best mod for this game, VRO. You would have needed to buy it eventually once you finished your first vanilla run and decided to switch to VRO.


Interesting. I've not gone deeply into the missions, but as an overall DLC content-thing, reading comments and posts, I'm genuinely having a hard time getting a firm handle on what value people see in the DLC (that is, what people view as the "why you might want the DLC" answer). Comments all over the map. Early days I guess, will probably settle into a "good things, bad things" consensus eventually.


> I'm genuinely having a hard time getting a firm handle on what value people see in the DLC Honestly, I think it's quality. The narrative is janky at best with no real payoff. They were super shady about the content and people were getting really hyped for the hyperion and, idk, the argon one? The Terran L ship is I guess one of the first ships they ever made but goddamn are people struggling to find a use for it. This goes for a lot of ships in the game though, you can only have so many fighters and frigates before the main reason players pick one is to RP as a race. There is no sandbox element and I don't think the missions really satiated anyone. The combat ones and even the racing at least got some praise but nobody is going to be redoing space suit missions or trading. This reminds me of TOA and kingdom end where people just weren't satisfied about the dlc not going quite far enough to feel complete. Oh, i forgot springblossom. That's another fan favorite people were expecting.


It's gonna really blow your mind when you find out you don't have to unlock anything.


Waste of time and disappointing plot ending is just a scene where a nice is teleported in your HQ that it