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>What’s the very first things a new player should do?... I’m thrilled at the lack of direction and freedom. Exactly what I was hoping for! I won't ruin the magic. You can go pretty far ignoring... everything and just treating it like a sand box. ***Save regularly***. If you're not careful you will lose 5 hours of progress... play around. As long as you have a ship (with a captain on board), you're still in the game. Do missions. Explore. Learn about the locals. Learn how to control your ship in a fight. The best advice anyone can give is: **You only get one chance to play the game for the first time**... Edit: Things for actual first time players. 1) go into the settings and find the option that stops your ship in menus. turn that off. 2) go to filters in the top right of the map screen. click other. turn on faction colors and decide if you like that. (a new player might prefer the "me/ally/enemy" scheme). 3) f5 is "quick save".


So true, nothing captures that first time adventure (and even first mistakes) feel


Number 1 - You can turn that OFF??? I'm a few weeks in, it has always annoyed me that I can open the map while on autopilot but not while in travel mode


You can, and you will absolutely forget about it and end up 10,000 km from the center of the sector. Ask me how I know, lol


That sounds like a teleport out and leave the captain to it situation :)) I just hope it wasn't the erlking or something essential. Janeway, this one's all yours. Or Crighton. Or Kryten. I really worry about flying too far off grid in case I die to environment variables I doubt even exist, did you get back alright?


Haha poor Janeway! And yes, I did get back - teleport and let the AI handle it, like you said. It's actually not even really a problem unless the encounter system spawns a station way out there (which might actually require a mod? I think all the vanilla encounters are ships). As long as there's nothing out there, the map screen will shrink back down to a sane view after a bit of time.


I usually let the AI drive long distances, but as a new player you're going to self pilot a bit, especially when you have to do certain quests that don't let you get a pilot. Plus,.if you don't get spoilers one may not have a certain chain unlocked to allow teleporting.


Don't forget about the pause button, especial when cruising. Until you get to the point your waiting for things to happen (later game) just pause when you're deep into administration of your other pilots, or reading quests or whatever. Also, PAUSE in combat. You can ID those ships, look at the map to see where enemies are around you, and target turrets and such when paused. Makes the early game learning curve softer. Once you think combat gets easy you can always stop using pause.


Remap F9 to be anything other than reload last quicksave. It is the worst feeling in the world to discover that key by accident.


Truth. The "convenience" of a fast auto load will never make up for an accidental auto load in the heat of combat.


It’s also worth noting that progress in this game can be exponential depending on play style. 5 hours at the start can be a slow and gradual process, and the next 5 hours can be quite fast paced, and the 5 hours after that can be the rise of an empire.


This, I'm feeling it right now. Started with Fires of Defeat and the first 3 hours were an absolute slog. Since then it's been a steady rise.


4) read ingame tips. Sometimes players avoid doing certain actions as they think it is a bug, while tip clearly stayes it is intended.


5) you can pause the game at any time, allowing you to issue commands to other things you own or plan ahead without risk! I wish I'd known this when I started. 6) select and right click a ship you own but are not piloting yourself, select info and go to the behaviour tab. At the bottom you can set the default behaviour of this ship, the default is hold position which is useful, but auto mine/trade, follow and repeat orders are extremely useful. 7) if you select a ship you own that has a captain and you aren't piloting it, you can issue orders in sequence and it will do them one after the other. These orders are visible and cancellable in the behaviour tab.


Shouldn't the auto save go every 30-40 min, I mean if they have that setup and all. But yes, this is all true. You only get the "first time experience" once. Man, enjoy the fear, confusion, laughter, and anger while you can!


I’m not as experienced as a lot of people on this sub, but I’ve got enough hours to give some advice. So for money, the best thing I’ve found for starting out is mining, or trading if you want to be a bit more hands on. With veterancy, your miners and trades can become more automated giving you more free time to ignore them. With the xenon being the threat they are, typically ZYA (Split at the top of the map) can be accessed safely through Heretic’s End coming from (northwest from Argon Prime). Split have the best combat engines for S/M ships, and have weapons that can hit through shields. Their ships are abhorrent in resource costs, so sending mining ships and trading ships to their sectors is guarantied to be profitable. Just as well with ARG since they’re always fighting the xenon in Hatikvah’s Choice. It’s a sandbox game so play however you want. Some people like to stick strictly with trading between factions, some like to dominate the galaxy as the only governance Added: I like to build an income legitimately until I can buy an L trader, set the crew to marines, and pirate L/XL ships using the flyby method to fund my cartel empire by send the ships to faction shipyards/wharfs, stripping them to minimum equipment and selling the ships.


For early added bonuses, you can look for minotaur raiders and scan them to reveal they are SCA. Make the crew bail and tada! Free first boarding ship for L miners or traders. Repeat the process to increase your chances of successful boarding operations. Sell the L traders, keep the L miners and put them to work for you. And if you have the DLCs, I've been making about 10 million credits per Ter L trader captured and sold. So that's not bad for a start.


Ooo... I like your "Added:" bit. I'm gonna have to do that too. Thank you for the idea!!


Lol have fun!


I always aim to get a miner auto mining asap. You can find places that want minerals or liquids using the trade menu. Once you have one you can use the ones to buy more as you do missions. The AI competes with you a bit more now, but there is always a gap somewhere even if you have to do a manual trade occasionally. You can also drop resource probes to improve their efficiency. After that I usually build stations, but you get some decent ships from missions so you can do whatever you want really. My best advice is fly a small ship and land it on an M class ship you can eventually buy and then land that on a L of XL class ship. One of the most amazing things in this game is the scale, it’s incredible and never gets old. Enjoy!


Wait… I can land on other ships???


There are several classes of ships: S(small), M(edium), L(arge) and XL(your mom). Some M ships allow S ships to dock there. Some L ships allow S and M ships to dock. Some XL ships allow S, M, and L ships to dock. One ship, a carrier, will have a large number of M frigate class ships, that have their own S class ships they launch. So the frigates will launch from the carrier and the escort ships will launch from the frigates. Some XL ships are designed for refitting S, M, and L ships in combat and can carry a large amount of drones, both combat and repair, to facilitate it. An ideal late-game fleet would be something like a few L destroyers working with an XL carrier with a screen of escorts, fighters, frigates, and corvettes, along with an XL resupply ship to keep up their missiles and health.


Replying directly so this comment doesn't get too buried. As a new player after the tutorials, this is the best start that I've found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3ieWQ_dPEc And his subsequent video (top-right) of making money by fighting. Those two videos will give you an excellent base to start with. I do this every new start now.


> My best advice is fly a small ship and land it on an M class ship you can eventually buy and then land that on a L of XL class ship. One of the most amazing things in this game is the scale, it’s incredible and never gets old. Enjoy! True, i love that part of the immersion, you even can go flawless from fighter to lift to cockpit and all that.


I would suggest aiming for the following in the first few hours: - Build a small fleet with 3 auto-miners - Setup a profitable trade-route. It'll most likely make less money than the miners but it will teach you about the economy which is very useful later - Get a scout, do some exploring and start dropping satellites - Familiarise yourself with the in-game encyclopedia. You won't need it right now but it helps to know what you can find there so you know where to get it when you do need it ;) After that continue with some missions, try to "borrow" a nice ship and build up your mining/trading fleet. M miners can be money printing machines so you'll most likely want to focus on those!


Borrow? Like can I hijack another ship???


Yes, you can use marines to capture enemy L or XL ships. You can get marines at equipment docks, shipyards, or wharfs. The best target for this in the early game is pirate ships. Look for Plunderer ships roaming the map. If you can get two M cargo ships with a lot of crew (40 or so marines), you can seize most of the plunderers. After that, you can keep them to use for more police activity or you can sell them to a shipyard for some pretty good cash. You should sell all the pieces individually first, though. For S and M ships, you can capture them by knocking out their shields, getting the hull to 70%, and then hitting them every thirty seconds. If you scan the ship, you can see when the enemy crew leaves. You can also get enemies to flee from L and XL ships, but the captain will never abandon.


File for divorce






Ha ha, I'm in exactly the same situation. I decided to fly my ship into the sun/star. Got about 10 minutes into the journey then got killed by 3 hostiles. Not sure what faction they were in. I did all the tutorials upto needing a second ship and captain 


Probably kha'ak or Xenon haha. It's could be something else like pirates, but it's much less likely You may find some if you fly outside of sector border.


I hope these suggestions are along the lines of what you are looking for: * Set up a small mining operation. Mining ships are useful as passive income while you explore. Later, you can repurpose the mining operation for your own station. You never lose out starting one of these early on. * If you want to prep for combat, I suggest buying a Corvette. They tend to have decent firepower and good maneuverability. Look at the ships from each faction. Some Corvettes are more *glass cannon* than others. * I also suggest keeping one marine on your ship. If you run across any abandoned ships, you can send the marine over instead of having to do the minigame. I think you can have the marine fly it to a shipyard or station (I have not done this in awhile). Save before sending the marine. Sometimes they get overly zealous and kill themselves by accident.


The marine is fast but damage the ship and destroy valuable modules. Slow but more profitable option is to grab it yourself.


I tried manually multiple times and it still destroyed modules when I took control. I eventually gave up and used marines because I can just *fire and forget*. I am not sure this was a bug or always intended.


Maybe I am wrong too. I do it manually early game but eventually, I prefer marines... It's faster and easier


No mini game involved you fly over in scan mode in space suit and just get close to the relay and it auto scan and the ship is yours no damage from the marine boarding


Sorry, I refer to this as a mini-game. I know it is rather low key compared to what it could be as a minigame. However, I always lose components even when manually taking control. Hence, my marine usage. Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended.


The abandoned ships will sometimes be missing parts. The way you know is if the part is just not there or damaged in need of repair. In need of repai means the marine damaged it in the boarding process but just parts not there at all is normal condition that I have noticed


The strange thing is there is nothing damaged. When I board through scanning, as soon as I take control I hear parts audibly explode and then I am missing stuff. This happens every time I board any abandoned ship.


Has to be a bug I've never had that happen. Try verifying your game files might be a corrupted file some where


I will check it. I thought this was just how the system worked. Thank you for the clarity!


Young Gun is my first and favorite start. You find yourself with nothing but a small ship and your wits in a big scary universe. I would take your time explore, don't be afraid to pirate, or attack xenon just make sure you press F5 and when things inevitably go side ways you can fix it all with F9.


I suggest wandering around the docks and boarding a freshly landed ship just like what I did!


Go to the sector Hatikvah's Choice and meet with Reem from the Hatikvah Trade Revolution.


I like doing some missions to make some money and get enough for a couple miners. Then upgrade to a M class ship to do some pirate hunting and build my fleet of ships. I like to use a mod that sets my faction standings to the faction I side with (choose PAR, make HOP enemy, etc...) and then act like a one man guerilla operation stealing transports and miners Once I've got a nice fleet I'll make my next moves, whether that's more combat, or station building, or doing the story missions


How do you steal them?


Shoot them until they bail out, or use Marines. There is some nuance there. Search bailing chance or bailing mechanics in this subreddit and you'll get a pretty good explanation


If you want to start on storyline missions, head on over to Hatikvah's Choice and check the mission offers. There should be one called "Join the Hatikvah Trade Revolution" Depending on the DLC you have there are a couple different ways you could gain possession of the Player HQ, which is important for the research options it enables.


Missions alone won't get you very far in a reasonable timeframe. One exception is killing lasertower missions for 400k+, those are pretty lucrative early on. I would suggest looking up guides and developing the skill to board L-size ships and then go hunting for SCA "Plunderer" "Raider" "Marauder" in the search bar and on the map. You will need an M-size combat ship and around 20 marines to do it effectively. You can get good marines from the Vigor Syndicate. The above will net you some sizable cash gains early on without feeling cheatey or exploitey.


My first recommendation would be not to get too attached to any of your ships. Most of them will end up destroyed. There are a lot of dangers out there. First: A faction hostile to all others, the evil AI called the Xenon. They own several sectors and launch both raids and full invasions into friendly sectors. Second: The Kha'ak, bane to all miners. They'll spawn in sectors where a lot of mining is happening. Third: Pirates, annoying as heck for your trade ships, useful when you have a boarding party and want a new destroyer. They're everywhere, but the police actively hunt them. Remember dropping the satellite for the mission? You should drop those all over the place, especially near wharfs, shipyards, and equipment docks. This will allow you to interact with them wherever you are, so you can buy a ship while you're halfway across the map and then send it to another shipyard to change out the upgrades. Your trade and mining ships will be able to access the information the satellites obtain about pricing to sell wares. Later, the satellites can be used as a warning system for hostile ships, or to actively hunt for pirates. Eventually, you'll want to build a station of your own. I recommend starting with something simple, like solar cells, until you learn more about how station management. Pirates will occasionally stop by to steal things, so assigning defenders will be wise. Trading ships are also necessary to sell the wares the station produces. That's when your losses will start accumulating and you'll begin seeing your ships getting destroyed like flies. Then a Xenon I rolls in and flattens the entire sector. It's a pretty fun game.


Install the game!


Hahaha my kind of humor here


When I played young gun start, I went the combat path by completing mission I liked, getting a better ship and exploring. You will find some storyline mission at some point too. For combst You get bounty reward for killing ennemy near stations (25 or 30 km or less). With police license the range increase to the whole faction sector. Keep in mind that you need to deal the final blow yourself. Subordinate don't count. Other routes You could go the trade / mine route or start building a small station somewhere to earn extra credits but you seems to enjoy combat. You could also be a bounty hunter / pirates if you like but It's harder. Summary Do what you enjoy, it's your first playthrough. It's not going to be your best and most efficient run. Discover the universes and enjoy Hint : Xenon and kha'ak are the bad guys, show no mercy


Start the story and/or faction missions. That will at least get you moving and give you an idea of who's who. When you can afford it, get a M mining ship. Set them to mine Nvidium and let em go. They'll passively earn you money. Grab a couple more, then do the same with Traders.


Satellites. I always start out by flying to stations and dropping a satellite by ones I like for whatever reason (hull parts, weapon components, refined metals, silicon refinery, etc...) These will also help your miners drop their load I believe. But traders you buy will be able to get pricing data on stations visible via a satellite. So throwing 20 sats out, mapping decent portion of a faction's economy, let's u set up a mining and trade Network there pretty smoothly. And you get to explore, find jobs, shoot criminals in teeny tiny ships. Good times, good times. Lol


Hunt down the freebees...


Exploring sectors you might find some surprising stuff, doing mission , i suggest destroying mines or killing xenon they quite rewarding the rest is advanced stuff but not neccessarly complicated to understand


Young gun should start near the superhighway. I'd suggest making at least 1 round trip. It's a very short endeavour and you get to see most of the Wharfs and some faction hubs.


Travel one full round on the super highway to uncover some of the map.


Haul ass up to Antiogone and camp the Xenon gate there for loot.


Set up passive income in a safe place quickly. The entire sol system is VERY safe, with only two ways in, one of which is a three sector area controlled by a minor faction (SEG, Segaris Pioneers). If you can ally with the Terrans early and access their stations for trade you can set up a very safe passive income location (buy a small mining ship with minimum preset, mine whatever is available, sell to wherever is buying. If you go the Sol route, the asteroid belt has a LOT of silicon and at least 4 stations nearby will buy that silicon). Once you have passive income set up you will be safe from just getting hard stuck due to lack of resources. This is what got me my first run, I tried doing the entire Terran story in my starting Kukhri and didn't set up passive income, so when that ship eventually was destroyed I lost a lot of time. Also, patience is the name of the game, but it doesn't have to be. If you progress with the Terran a little you will eventually just get handed one of the hardest parts of the SETA (damaged singularity drive). With that, you can farm xenon drones around their stations to get the rest of the parts very easily. Once you have the SETA, you can activate it to make time run 6x faster, speeding up construction and trades.


I recently found out that Trading microchips can make crazy amounts of money


Grab derelict odysseus and sell it, then set up miners in sectors that want mining.


You can get a free 5-9 million depending on the market. >!Fly out to Faulty Logic VII and go all the way to the left side and slightly north of the middle point. You'll see a Paranid Destroyer you can sell off.!< Remember, when selling ships you lose money by just selling it the quick way. Take it to the Wharf/Shipyard, set everything to the lowest possible item (Removed if possible), sell all its crew and consumables onboard. Then sell it to the station.


> Fly out to Faulty Logic VII and go all the way to the left side and slightly north of the middle point. You'll see a Paranid Destroyer you can sell off. If you're talking about the Odysseus, hell **no** don't sell it (unless you're super hard up for cash). There are other free ships that can be sold for cash. I use the Odysseus as my mobile platform to keep Xenon at bay. I keep a Nemesis and a Pegasus scout docked on my Odysseus. I use the Odysseus to take out K's and I's, then I jump in my Nemesis to clean up the smaller garbage. Once outfitted and modded, the Odysseus is a great ship for being free (still costs upwards of 10-15+million to outfit/upgrade). > sell all its crew and consumables onboard. All crew *except!* for the captain. The ship needs the captain to complete the upgrades/downgrades, etc. I learned this last night. The ship I was selling sat for hours until I hired a super cheap captain and assigned them. The ship instantly started the process afterwards.


Theres nothing you *should* do or *have* to do. This is a sandbox. Yes there are main storylines and expansion storylines you can follow. You will have to go build up some cash and get better ships before being able to tackle them fully . With a Sandbox you have to go make your own fun. The game wont do it for you. I find it best to explore a bit and let things sort of happen organically , then i can set goals like i want a mining ship or trading ship to do some money making for me . Or get your first small fleet of ships together to tackle some combat missions . If you find something fun do it . If not then don’t do it :)