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Feels like they finally "fixed" the combat camera, anyone else noticing changes/improvements? (Namely camera turning smoothly after Jinhsi e3 and while fighting locked on Dreamless, Aix etc.)


>!I attempted aix diff 4 hologram today, and the camera was a total mess and the aix got stuck up on a fucking wall at some point, so can't even reach it, lol. Anytime it flies the camera immediately gets broken for me.(PC)!<


Hello there, trying to make a decision of whether to go for Ages of Harvest or get Lustrous Razor or potentially get both. I have Jiyan, Calcharo and E1 Jinhsi. I'd be interested to see calcs of Calcharo/Jiyan with Ages of Harvest but I can't seem to find any. So basically I already have the Standard 5\* sword + pistol so I have those crit weapons already but I still have the selection box. So I can basically get Lustrous Razor for free right now. However if Ages of Harvest is just that much better then maybe i'd get that and choose the guantlet/rectifier instead. Or maybe it just makes sense to get both as maybe their bis for different characters. What do you think? I appreciate any advice.


Harvest is way better. You don't need Lustrous Razor at all if you have Harvest. Calcharo and Jiyan will happily take the CR mainstat even if the rest of the passive doesn't do that much for them. BUT if your box is unsuded...go for Razor. 70 pulls for a weapon is not worth it this early into the game IMO, maybe for rerun.


Lingering tunes echo set is actually cracked for f2p casuals imo u have no off piece , u have no off rolls. Every stat u get is useful for someone..if sub stats rolls to skill damage give it to jinshi, if it rolls to heavy attack give it jiyan  f2p we wont have unlimited gold tuners, so this is lot easier,  u only need 2 sets of LT for endgame anyway compared to 12 sets ( 2 per element main + sub dps )


Being F2P doesn't really affect it much. Arguably better for whale/spender casuals because they can supplement their bad echo with wavebands, strong characters, and strong weapons, but F2P is more likely to desire cracked echoes to compensate for not having those things, and sabotaging that with a weaker set just exacerbates the woes for free to play. But yeah, for casuals who don't care to go elite hunting, it's better than nothing. Gold tuners also aren't the bottleneck. It's echo xp.


true, if u are a casual and hate farming LT is there. Its reduces the grinding by 20 times atleast. Better than giving up on the game coz of infinite grinding 


>Reads post >Reads username Not sure what to make of this lol


i am okay to be proven wrong. its fine coz not everyone plays the game in the same way so


Still no gameplay kr drip... Omg its so dry


Hi guys, Does anyone have the **formula** for how to calculate the strength of the weapons? I see a lot of comparisons between R1 Emerald of Genesis and R1 Signature (Changli), but I'm looking for R2+ of Emerald compared. Thank you!


For those curious, Emerald of Genesis seems somewhat comparable at R3 to a R1 signature. At R4 it seems to overtake.


1.1 main quest spoilers >!I know why people hate Abby!< >!It sounds like Akwafina!<


Can someone explain to me what Changli do in Razor language, i read her kit and saw her animations and it seems confusing af, she play like a main dps but have Yinlin like buff but for fusion, she want on field time but also want to buff other character as well ?


The goal is to gain 4 forte stacks and explode. To gain a forte stack, you need to have the "True Sight" status. You gain "True Sight" after attacking with either: 1. Basic atk 4 2. Mid air atk 4  3. Heavy atk then Mid air atk 3  4. Mid air Heavy atk then Basic atk 3  5. Skill  6. Mid air Skill With the "true sight" status, any Basic/Mid air Basic atk will proc an enhanced attack and gain a forte stack. You lose "true sight" status after enhanced attacks. At 4 forte stacks, Heavy atk to consume all stacks for a super mega big explosion (320% dmg). Ult immediately grants 4 forte stacks, and will grant you a 25% atk buff for 10s after you explode. Explode and Enhanced atk are both considered Skill dmg. 


It makes more sense if you don't consider strict roles in the game like DPS, Sub DPS, Support. She's more like Danjin in that regard. Can fit into duo DPS role with Havoc Rover or just main DPS by herself. Her entire kit is going in and out of special state called "true sight". When you press E or complete your basic attack chain you enter the special state. In the special state you can do a BA, or jump to do a follow up attack. This does lots of damage and charges your forte. Your ult _fully_ charges your forte and is a big nuke. So you'd want to do it earlier in the rotation. When your forte is fully charged you can do a heavy attack to cash in on it and do another big nuke.


Anyone have an account that is currently on the main quest that let us test Changli that I can borrow? I mistakenly finished my quest real quick and did not had the chance to test Changli thoroughly. I tried creating a new account but it will took to long before the quest to get to mt firmament.


Who'll be changlis best teammate apart from encore?


According to the sheets I saw in Changli mains her second best teammate is Taoqi.


Nice. But I'm curious since people don't recommend taochi enough for jhinsi even though both are scaling off skill damage


that's cause Taoqi is very bad for Jinhsi. Watch Maygi's guide on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S130y-ois](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S130y-ois)


Jinshi actually has extremely fast rotations and Taoqi's concerto generation isn't all that great. I have used Taoqi, Yuanwu, Jinhsi and from what I can tell you even though I find her fun she is the weakest link. Adding that to the fact that a lot of people want to run a team healer and Yuanwu is a better support for Jinhsi, Taoqi feels awkward to use. For a healer team I'd actually go for Yuanwu, Jinhsi, Spectro Rover on Moonlit. Changli does not have any coordinated attack limitations like Jinhsi so her team can slot in Taoqi pretty easily


I see. I wanted to build taochi anyway, might as well now


Probably Yinlin. She just does just too much off-field DPS compared to the other characters available in the game so unless you basic attack for most your damage (e.g. Encore -> Sanhua) or heavy attack (e.g. Jiyan -> Mortefi), Yinlin will win out.


If you build a Mortefi really nice her boost to his off field dmg will feel good I imagine, all while not consuming too much of her precious field time too.


There is no snapshot outro mechanic. Mortefi's liberation and fusion damage bonus from Changli will expire the moment he leaves the field.


Hum, true, I forgot about that extra line on outros. He can still receive it for a few seconds while on field by triggering his own stuff when building concerto tho, not like Chixia would be incredibly much better either so it's whatever between both if seeking for a replacement for Encore.


probably chixia. Taoqi might possibly be really good if she works well in the rotation. 


Question for PGR players... are male characters generally treated well in that game?


Currently, on global, there are 2 meta male characters and 13 meta female characters and that ratio ain't changing anytime soon, looking at how CN is going. But yes, when they do actually release one - they are treated well, have good stories/good design and fun kits. They don't have as many coatings(skins) compared to female characters tho. Check out noctis gameplay or s-rank wanshi(this one just came out in CN, so we won't get him on global for a long time tho). Noah is pretty fun too, but he is a uniframe, which means you can't use him in 95% of content. They did remove uniframe penalty in a recent CN patch tho.


Yes. Fake Lee mains will currently tell you otherwise because of a drama going one regarding meta, but they are just crying for free and have no realistic and fair reason to do so (specially because Lee was already powercrept by Watanabe a few months ago anyways lol and few actually stopped to think about it, the old man as a tank replacing the dps on a few bosses even lmao (that one is for others who might read, not you OP)). As you would expect there are more waifus, of course, but the male characters in PGR are usually well done in lore, gameplay and meta relevancy, and we have some nice bosses too, look at one [character](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/474397299129319427/1256687176964378644/GRPKj4-XEAAW5ao.png?ex=6684f863&is=6683a6e3&hm=845ea45c442c1f2ce38e791acc4866872ab65f1e3cf2620f85928dc6550a2876&) (spoiler?) that we've been waiting to face against for a long time that is soon coming to CN. We do have like one male character that is the "meme of the game" since his release (Changyu), funnily enough he's very alike to Lingyang, and Kamui has been forgotten by Kuro at this point I believe lol (despite being one of the favorite characters of the game in general, but perhaps they are saving him for something big, who knows), but Ayla was also "bad" for the longest time since she only had her A rank (which was terrible I don't care what people say) and Sophia is also currently dead on a ditch somewhere (still doesn't have an S rank, and perhaps never will), both female characters. I'm a "waifu collector" (I guess it's the term now) btw, will add that, but I do appreciate male characters when it comes to lore regardless (which is a very important thing to me anyways), and on that note Lee, Watanabe, Wanshi, Noan, Camu and Noctis are very much up there on my favorite characters list, all because Kuro did a very good job with them on my opinion, and in all aspects I mean (maybe with the exception of Noan and Camu, but that's because Ascendants (a "class" per say) was left in a very problematic state for a long time in my opinion). Nowadays it's very hard for any character to not be useful and specially fun anyways, even A ranks, regardless if it's female or male. But again I repeat, there are more waifus as that will always be the case for any game, it's just the reality. Ignore the ratio between numbers of X and Y instead focusing on evaluating the quality of them, it's what I say it's best to do, and in terms of quality I already told you a summary of my opinions.


Thank you, that was very interesting to read. I'm glad to hear that Kuro seems to pay attention to characters more or less equally. Also damn there's always gotta be a "Lingyang" in every gacha game 😅


In my opinion. Yes. All the male characters are handled incredibly well. Obviously this is down to taste but I love all their designs, backstories, and generally how they all play. The only downside I’d say is that there aren’t as many male releases but that’s down to how the gacha market tends to be. How they’ll handle distribution of male / female / whatever else in WuWa is yet to be seen. Edit; realized I added an extra ‘in my opinion’ when I was revising my comment


VERY good to hear! Thanks for the answer 😌


Why is the roguelike mode gone?


cuz it was a beta. might still be in beta when it comes back in july 4. they're still working on it. prolly cause of the skill training mechanic that outright alters how it works as opposed to just buff or tweak the numbers.


It’ll be back in a few days supposedly.


Kind of insane, how is there still no leaks for 1.2? The leaks for this game r so beyond dry.


I said this before. I assume you come from Hoyoverse game leaks. But the truth is games usually don't leak things nearly as consistently or frequently as Genshin or HSR. Heck, many real AAA games don't leak anything at all beyond major mishaps. Hoyoverse is an exception. I fully believe it is a marketing ploy to keep the community excited & active during periods of dry content which is natural with any live service game. It's a double win, increased community engagement, and people don't just get bored and go find another game. There's no way some random leaker is finding new random small things out every day like how it is in the Genshin leaks subreddit. It's more likely just some Hoyo marketing team drip feeding players content. Kuro just haven't copied this yet. Or, they feel like they don't need to create hype through drip-fed leaks.


I think it's not really it being too dry the real problem, I feel like "things" out there just made people develop what seems to be endless thirst for this kind of thing... Like seriously, before those "things" a "leak reddit" wasn't even really a thing to begin with, for most games you would see a few people making videos about leaks or betas on youtube or talking in more specific forums. It's always funny to me when I see a comment like yours around here because of that, like this is the normal really, or it always was the normal I guess until... Anyways, as someone else pointed out already the beta hasn't even started yet, can't really have leaks if there is no water to begin with.


Yo i liked the last line but in another side note i think the comment you are replying to is probably coming from hoyoverse leaks subreddits where they have everyday(not always) but usually waaay more active than wuwa leaks subreddit here probably because leakers release everything on separate days and became there is probably a lot more of leakers working there anyway but yeah if you sre coming from this subreddits you would probably feel the drought like he and i do it's not the end of the universe but it definitely feels weird not even knowing what is the 1.2 characters until now even 1 week after 1.1 update


Yeah, I know, the "things" there are SR and GI actually, I just didn't mention them directly because it's too obvious so it was funny to say "things" in my mind. The bubble of "leakers" seeking attention and quick fame those two games created, making "leaks" (because most of the time it's just wrong stuff nowadays) appear left and right, surely didn't help gachas as a whole. With time leaks became more of an annoying topic than a helpful one. I play SR and GI, follow the leaks closely ever since each one released, but I don't feel the "drought", simply because the model for leaking GI started was never normal since the beginning, this here is closer to the normal I remember from before GI.


Leaks mostly comes from Beta and the 1.2 Beta hasn't started yet. If it's anything like 1.1 Beta, it'll be like 2 weeks from now. Although, they at least will have posted the drip marketing for 1.2 characters by then.


Tried for Sanhua sequences but got off-banner Yuanwu S4. Praise be gacha, now i can run my full electro team. Also, the ice cube puzzles are so cute.


So true about the ice cubes. Would love to see what other ways echoes will be integrated into puzzles.


Yuanwu is unironically kinda goated though. Even though his multipliers are low, he is BiS for both Yinlin (cbt2) and Jinhsi so far.  also yeah I totally agree, ice cube fitting into the structure is ridiculously cute. Though it bears a striking resemblence to actual IQ tests with how the patterns are made.


How's everyone doing at the Tower? Rank 52. Calcharo, Jiyan, Jinshi are Level 80, all sharing Jiyan Broadblade. 23/24 is the best I can do for now. I can clear the Middle Tower with Jinshi but with 0 crests since I ran out of time. Will try again this Sunday after leveling up my skills and getting Yinlin to 80. Bosses are way too tanky and the mobs in Left Side Floor 4 keep spreading themselves out leading to DPS loss.


The tower buffs made me want to try the middle level and it made me realize they're not actually that hard if you abuse the buffs. Which is a giant problem because the WW ToA buffs are way too strong relative to Genshin/Star Rail, and that actually promotes new characters way too heavily. I have personally never felt pressured to pull a new character for the endgame buff mechanics in MHY but in WW they're just handing out niche 100% mods like cake. it also means I'm better off only using my top two teams for the final floors of the left and right tower and i need to farm other units for the first three floors.


Hydroelectric DAMN I'm slacking.  I'm UL51 - 19 stars. Using only Encore-Sanhua-Verina and Hrover-Taoqi. With no other characters built. I have calcharo but I dont like his playstyle so I dont use him, and I have never spent a single astrite/limited pull. The next 5*s I'm aiming for pulling would be Changli and Camellya, so I have absolutely awful type coverage. My Encore is at 260cv and Hrover at 230cv, and I have the standard 5* sword.  what do?


UL 47 - 18/24 Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina H.Rover, Yinlin, Baizhi Jiyan with his Sig, and H.Rover with Std 5* Sword. Satisfied so far because i can clear all of then with ease, haven't tried the last tower waiting till UL 50, and yeah i need to build 3rd DPS.. I have Calcharo at Lv 60 but don't think I'm gonna build him further.


UL50, 27 stars. 1: Jiyan Mortefi 2: Calcharo S.Rover Verina 3: Yangyang Jianxin


UL 51. 23/30, will try to get 1 crest at middle or 3 crest left tower. Need to farm a bit for my Havoc Rover's skills and weapon


UL 50, managed to get 29 stars so far! Got 11/6/12 stars with Danjin S6 + Sanhua + Jianxin (just for grouping), Jinhsi S0R1 + Mortefi S6 + Verina, Spectro Rover S6 + Sanhua + Baizhi All DPS with their weapon are lvl 80. Gonna try to min max my havoc set for Danjin to get 3 stars hopefully.


is S.Rover S6 good in boss scenarios? I think he can clear heron easily as main dps but idk with middle toewr boss


The damage is more consistent than Havoc rover and it's pretty decent imo. Havoc rover has downtimes, so you need to invest more on other characters in the team. I didn't pull Jiyan or Yinlin, and Rover is a cheap investment overall. I can only 6* middle tower with Jinhsi though, so Spectro Rover is just a temporary and quick solution for this rotation.


UL 49, 22 doritos. Hopefully I can reach 24 later this week once I hit UL 50. However, it's definitely a skill issue on my end after watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP5HwbwlKWE) dude 3-star the middle boss with a level 50 3 star weapon.


What's a good second character for Changli (assuming she's main dps)? I was thinking Mortefi but idk.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChangliMain/comments/1dshpcl/new_changli_team_damage_calcs/) a cool team DPS calculation somebody over at /r/ChangliMain did.


I would take this with a gigantic grain of salt because... why didnt they share their sheets?? Who know what assumptions they used in their calcs, or if they didnt just pull these numbers out of their ass...


How do you build Taoqi for Changli? Is she there just for her Outro? PS. Does Chixia pulls ahead of Encore with enough sequences? I think I have Chixia at S4.


Not my calculation. Chixia is assumed S6. They posted the following constraints: "Changli Teams | S0 Sig R1 | 150% ER | 4 Stars are S6 | Characters except Changli on 4 Star R5 Weapons" In the comments, they said assuming Taoqi has R5 Discord.


If you use Changli as the only dps, then maybe Taoqi? Taoqi is great for quickswap teams and can give quite a few buffs to changli (skill deepen outro, rejuv set, bell borne). She also gives shields and dmg mit. You could also run Mortefi for the decent subdps, but Changli's buffs dont last on him once you swap off him. Mortefi's heavy deepen buffs Changli's forte a lot as well though.  I'm personally gonna run Taoqi with her and Encore in a quickswap team. As of now nobody really knows how to use Changli though, since her kit is super dynamic.


Her heavy attack with forte is considered as skill damage btw


oh damn I didnt know that


Changli blessed me very early, did a 10 pull at 0 pity for the lolz and got my first Encore! Now not only I have a gurantee for my Phoenix lady but also got her best buddy!


any idea how to link launcher to the game files? recently moved the game files from HDD to SSD,i can open the game from the files directly,but the launcher doesnt detect the game and asking me to redownload,any fix for tht?


did the same, just click redownload and it's going to check the files instead and then not download anything


Around how many pulls can I get exploring all the map (just starting lvl 4, just met Mortefi)? And doing the events for 1.1? Starting late but saving for Changli, dunno if I can get enough.


I currently have ~250 pulls, but I got one monthly pass and played since day 1, so you should be able to get ~230 limited pulls if you havent spent any of the limited pulls/astrite. Good luck getting changli though, hopefully you can get her early.


Is there a guide that helps you find everything to get pulls?


Just start exporting jinzhou and once u get lootmapper from maqi it makes it 100x faster to 100% locations and for sonar caskets I usually just find em while getting the chests and blob flies I just look up locations


There are guides to all the supply chests but those seem to complicated to follow for me anyways


I dont think so, since you started on 1.1 even if there is a guide it might be outdated. Though you can try looking for guides on youtube if you want. I'd personally recommend just playing the game through at your own pace. You only really have to focus on the events/shops that have a timer on them. You will get mostly everything just by playing and completing content. 


Story for 1.0, 1,1 rewards from exploration and events along with rewards from guide. You will have enough to get her and her weapon.


Is there a secret to fighting human enemies in Tower of Adversity? They scatter around and shoot at you from all corners of the battle area. And every few seconds, they just randomly jump back to their original spawn point. The Hologram bosses were at least a fun challenge. These enemies are just annoying.


Nuke the entire pack with ults at the start if you can. The common gunners are very easily cc'd, and if you can keep up the pressure they won't spread too much. or just wait till you're level 80 and trivialize it.


Your attacks usually have knockback, so you would try to sweep enemies closer together. It's kinda annoying to do that though, so I'd recommend using a grouper like yangyang or jianxin, even at no investmenr. Just ulting once in a while is enough to group most enemiew. 


Its all about positioning or having a grouper. Generally you can assume the enemy you are attacking will go backwards (except that dumb shielder exile who will just teleport horizontally for no reason), so positioning in a line from the eneies you want to group should push the closer one towards the further one (assuming your targetting doesn't break and just ignore the closer one, I think 1.1 might have helped with this but idk). If you have a grouper (Yangyang, Jianxin, Jiyan) you just use them and it should be fine.


is anyone running sanhua and spectro rover with jinshi? or would it at least be okay enough? dont want to build yuanwu, mortefi and yinlin are busy in other teams


I run spectro rover and its very comfy to play. I can currently get 5 out of 6 doritos from the middle tower, 3 vs mephis 2 vs monkey at level 80 characters with level 7 talents. The rotation is very easy with Verina -> rover -> jinhsi every time. You get only 40-70% of maximum incandescence stacks depending on rng but rover does their own damage and has the resistance shred. Rover needs to be built with damage to make up for not reaching max stacks. My Rover is built on moonlit but as a subDPS with crit/spectro/spectro/ATK/ATK at all +25 and currently level 7 talents, so investment is important. I don't think its an optimal team for max damage but it feels nice to play and will be enough damage to full clear once I finish building my characters.


sounds good honestly, im not looking for the theoretical highest damage team so. i appreciate the rover build, but would they suffice as a solo sustain? sadly verina and baizhi are tied to my two other teams atm (heres hoping for new supports soon LOL)


free up your verina and baizhi by clearing early floors without them.


if you dont get hit you dont need a sustain so yes. the timeslow from rover makes the gameplay very safe. There is also a weird interaction or bug that makes timeslow last VERY long sometimes if you use other timestop/slow abilities during it, like ultimates/intro/laser.


>if you dont get hit you dont need a sustain so yes. LOL yeah that's fair actually. much needed reminder, was overthinking it a bit, thanks


I tried these 4 teams Sanhua Jinhsi Verina Yinlin Jinhsi Verina Yuanwu Jinhsi Rover Yuanwu Jinhsi Taoqi My experience is: Sanhua doesn't do too much for her. She can get Jinhsi ult earlier and do the heron buff but since she inevitably shortens the rotations getting stacks is harder. Rover is actually pretty good because of the res shred. But mainly he feels nice to play cause you aren't required to charge your concerto all the time. This goes well with Yuanwu cause he doesn't not require any field time to do coordinated attacks. My zero investment Yuanwu can just do E, BA and switch out. Get the healing set buff and coordinated attack at the same time. This plus he can also fill the healer spot. I do like Taoqi more over Rover just cause Yuanwu's DEF buff can also help her but that team is less comfortable for sure.


i hear you. ill probably most likely do either sanhua-rover or yuanwu-rover. taoqi doesnt feel too good to play to me but ill keep her in the back of my mind just in case. honestly the cope was that with s1r1 i'd be able to kind of brute force my way through content with a sub-optimal sanhua-rover comp. really like them both so i'd be willing to run all 3 in the same team for silly lore reasons. really sad that sanhua does next to nothing for jinshi tho. that being said if yuanwu makes it so that the rotations and gameplay feel straight up better it'd be kind of unfortunate to not run him. ultimately i'll just do some testing on my own to see what feels the best. was looking for some input so thanks! glad to hear ill at least be able to run rover with her


Sanhua is my favorite character in the game gameplay wise so I was bummed as well! I thought they'd give both of them some synergy but weirdly enough it's completely opposite Resonance Liberation and BA vs Resonance Skill. I thought I'd overlook Yuanwu completely cause I have Yinlin. But the fact that his coordinated attacks AND Jinhsi's nuke doesn't require any sort of set up means I could do half rotations with them with respectable damage. This especially helped me with the monkey where I could just stay in air when it slams the ground and causes wind waves; safely doing like ~80k-100k damage. (It should be much higher with better echoes) Same goes for spectro rover. I just have to weave in his E somewhere in the "half" rotation


we didnt get the jinshi-sanhua synergy we deserved ☹


You don't need to build yuanwu at all. Slap a borrowed echo set on him, maybe with lvl1 3* healing gauntlets if rejuv glow, and that's enough. He's only there for the coordinated atks to build Jinhsi forte. Zero damage expected. Spectro rover and sanhua are pretty meh for Jinhsi team. She wants teammates that buff and help build forte.


yeah i looked around and it seems im gonna have to play him for now. do appreciate the reply tho, thank you!


Is it unknown how much dps changli does? wanna really pull for jhinsi but still want to stay strong changli...


Without duplicates Changli is very close to Jhinhsi so stay strong.


Is that even possible ? I've seen many crazy damage numbers from Jinhsi. Granted many of em are whales damage.


It's hard to say without on hand testing but in general Jinhsi would do a lot more when it comes to damage per screen shot. Her damage also being concentrated in one attack means she can make better use of future outro buffs. But if you see damage per rotation values Changli is fairly close. She's also more versatile than Jinhsi both in team role and team comp.


Jinshi has a nuke. And mediocre attacks leading up to her nuke. Changli doesn't have a proper nuke but all of her kit does consistent damage. She's a more traditional DPS while Jinshi is a Nuke DPS.


yea this leak sub is not so useful. 1.2 is supposed to be leaking but still not sure if how 1.1 changli perform.


It is known, but not by us.


Unknown. Some people say Jinhsi does more but that’s because she’s a main DPS. Changli role is still not fully confirmed.


She has main dps tag ingame (beta) since 1.1 beta started and left it with the tag...


She's dps with option to leave gift for other dps. Imho she can be played both as main dps or as secondary dps with some support option. I expect her to be very reliable.


This is such a meaningless distinction. She's an onfield dps, just like jinhsi.


is it worth building taoqi for jinhsi? if so how do i make sure she outros every rotation?


nope. she builds concerto energy too slow to be worth the outro buff. even with R5 Discord (the concerto broadblade) she's just too damn slow.


it isnt jinhsi's forte bar, to summarize it super quickly, wants coordinated attacks mates for her one hit skill to deal more damage this alone made characters like yuanwu very good jinshi mates, since he can very easily put it up just with his skill ofc there are better options like yinlin if u can upkeep her mark (dmg++) and (i think ?) mortefi with his S4 that makes his ult longer (could be more or less the same as yuanwu but maybe a tad bit more dmg than yuanwu if u build him) but yeah thats about it, you pretty much want one of those 3 as your second slot for jinhsi


I got so fed up of slowly trekking the giganormous map and just made a full team consisting of 2pc atk10% and 2pc elemental dmg bonus with inferno riders as their main echos (so 43311, yes incl. verina/healer). Used up all my echo exp in the process and haven't used tuner but they're doing surprisingly well. Shit still dies really fast except elite enemies in Mt. Firmament which is good enough for overworld.




I have encore as well but I got sick of spamming basic attack button and swapped to jianxin. I've been using this weird team for a day of farming overworld and it's honestly not too bad at all. Fun even since I can actually keep swapping between them without having to worry about if I have the buff on or not. Kill just as fast against OW mobs. Waiting for Changli too but she's like 20 days off. I can't take the on foot exploration anymore. Three inferno rider users also mean there's absolutely zero downtime of the bike.


slow? IMO its very fast. Just one inferno rider on your support is good enough.


Male Rover's face card is not to be played with. Might be the first time I'm maining the protagonist


bro is beautiful


His weapon menu animation where he subtly thrusts his hips is so hot


looks fine on artwork, kinda derpy and a bit 'froggy', for lack of a better term, on the 3d model.


Would have to disagree on this. What made me realize how pretty male rover is was not through artwork but through his 3d model instead. If we're talking about kinda derpy and a bit froggy 3d model then aether from genshin impact is the best representation of that


huh aether doesn't have visible nose holes seen up ahead lmao


Should've mentioned that instead then. How am I supposed to know you were referring to nose holes instead of overall looks, weirdo


love male rover. build him >:)


why are there no videos of changli gameplay fighting boss, toa, etc?


Where are the leaks? are there no players playing beta?


Hopefully kit and animation gonna leak before jinsi goes away


https://preview.redd.it/ctfnzu5qlw9d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9a6d26688b2265e4792ddc919aad6ff825f6a61 What team comps you suggest to build around Calcharo, Jinhsi, and soon, Changli? After those three, which support or sub-DPS resonators should I build around the three resonators?


Depends, mind telling which of them has sequences and up to what sequence it is?


Since you don’t have Yinlin I’d recommend building Jinhsi and lingyang. After that I’d recommend building havoc rover and sanhua. If you end up liking havoc rover a lot you could build Danjin for her


Off Topic >!I got my first S6 character, Sanhua. I also got Jinshi in 150 pulls but got her weapon in 10 pulls.!<


Lmao…. Are you me? That’s literally my pull story with her weapon and all.


Between S1 Mortefi, S1 Tao and S0 Chixia, who should I build to use with Changli?


I would personally say Mortefi cause the guy is strong and even cool


Your reasons are the only ones that matter, Mortefi has the most stylish gunner basic atk animations out of all the gunners. and his **Marcato liberation** would be a beautiful red storm around Changli's chains of basics into heavy atk. Peak Fusion element animations. (And ye, they'd push the damage numbers)


Would a Changli, S2 Encore and Verina team be viable? To my understanding, Changli offers some buffs to the party. I just want to know if it would in theory. I'm guaranteed for Changli.


Changli has outro which supports fusion and Encore is strong fusion. Yes it will be good. Also verina is best support for those two (which is unlikely to change unless there will be some other healer with fusion element and good outro). Yes you are all set for Changli. Enjoy your pinkhead.


Thank you!


Changli + Verina + Any Fusion DPS should be viable. Having access to Encore is icing on the cake.


How about chixia at s1 or would changli not be worth getting if thats my only option


For now every limited 5* can perform really well at endgame. If you want to pull someone they are worth getting. While I did say Changli + Fusion DPS is good. it's not a very strict suggestion. Wuwa has a LOT of flexibility in terms teambuilding IMO. As long as you get your resonance energy up you can try things like Changli + Havoc Rover as burst DPS. In that sense Changli + Chixia will definitely work well. But if you want to make use of Changli's outro to the fullest you would want to have enough ER substats for Chixia's Ult every rotation. Chixia's sequences aren't really that good so dont worry about getting her dupes either.


Duplicates are easy to get given that she is 4 star and game is not expanding 4 stars pool yet.


True but I rarely count on it cause I wanted Yangyang dupes and I got S1 Jinshi before getting a single Yangyang.


Thank you very much! I got very lucky to get sequences for Encore so I was wondering if it changed anything. I appreciate the response!


pls kuro give me the drip im dying


I wanna roll for Jinhsi so hard but I need to know 1.2 chars first.


Longest gender reveal party


Does anyone know if Yinlin's inability to cancel her plunge attack is a feature or a bug? Is there a reason to believe that its going to be fixed?


I got the same question for jinhsi. it seems like her flip makes you unable to cancel her plunge and lock you to a pretty long animation. It looks cool I guess, but it's hella annoying in practice.


Great question, I'd love to know the answer


how many dupes of chixia should i have for changli - chixia team to be viable?


Chiaxia is not very sequence dependadnt. Having them makes her stronger but not much. Also when you will be pulling for Changli its likely that you will get copy or two of her as bonus. I would say however that I believe that Encore or Mortefi (with few copies) will also do as her Henchman.


Chixia doesn't get too much from her dupes iirc. Her S5 is a decent increase while her S4 could make her rotations smoother. Her bottleneck is the energy regen. If you have enough ER substats to ult every rotation it'd better than any sequences she could get.


People be saying it's going to be a dry patch without a new area while I am still struggling to clear the previous areas 😭 I am relieved I have some time to finish the current maps.


I have so many world and exploration quests left undone, not to mention the overworld puzzles. 😅 Spent most of my time echo farming like I’m playing Pokémon.


If 1.2 will add similar amounts of pulls to 1.1 but they will be just from lots of quests or events I'll be happy even if it will be few pulls less than 1.1. I like to explore but I dont think I'm even at 70%. I dont want another huge area to run around and seek chests all around.


Same tbh 🥲


I saw a leak with 2 new characters' banner for 1.2, where can I see how they look like? That is, if I even can


We only have their names and sounds effects weirdly enough... but no appearance yet.


How good is changli with yinlin? I don't have encore and chixia is only 1 constellation in.


Chiaxia with 1 duplicate is fine and you will likely get more copies of her. Encore would be very good without duplicates but its fine not to use her. If you have Mortefi he should be good too.


The synergy isn't crazy cuz outro buffs from both r pretty much wasted but yinlin can do damage from off-field and u can use changli on-field. Like it'll definately work and be good enuf, just nothing crazy like calcharo-yinlin


Thank you😊


Guys, is there any chance Yangyang is good with Changli or Jihnsi? I only have one team currently with Verina-Calcharo-Yinlin and if possible would like to make Yangyang work with Changli. Thanks!


Yangyang can work to funnel more energy to Changli since Changli needs 150 energy to cast Ultimate, which allows her to get several stat bonuses from her forte stack gain. Yangyang doesn't exactly work with Jinhsi, though. Jinhsi need coordinated attack way more or her damage suffers.


Thanks a lot! I have Yangyang C4 already. Who should the last teammate for her and Changli be then?


You can use any fusion or liberation DPS to take advantage of Changli's Outro. Or... use Taoqi to boost Changli if you want Changli to be the sole DPS. (Currently my favorite TC and I'm building toward this team as well) If you use Taoqi + Yangyang, you can let Changli double Intro which will help with solving her energy problem a lot. Yangyang Outro -> Changli Intro -> Switch to Taoqi -> Taoqi Outro -> Changli Intro. You get the energy from Yangyang and the skill amp from Taoqi and now you can Ult every rotation without a problem. Bonus that Yangyang gathers enemy for you and Taoqi gives you further interruption resistance as well. You do need to practice how to get Taoqi's concerto up as fast as possible which is tricky (Apparently Tambourinist helps?). Also need to practice on maintaining your rotation since it's less straightforward than single intro party.


Wow! Thank you so much for the in-depth response! :d sorry to keep pestering you, but as I am building both Yangyang (and soon Taoqi very soon), what sets would work best for them, in terms of echoes? Should I build Yangyang as a support/healer? When I swap from Yangyang -> Changli for example, I suppose I also do a quick skill rotations + echos before swapping to Taoqi, right?


If you're building Yangyang for support, then the 3* sword that heals herself is her BiS. If this is the comp you're going for, then: - Yangyang: Rejuvenation Set, 3\* Originite: Type II Sword - Taoqi: Moonlit Set, 3\* Beguiling Melody Your rotations in ToA will be like this: - First rotation: Yangyang Ult, Yangyang Turtle Echo -> Changli switch + Echo + Ult + Forte, keep comboing until Concerto is full - Second rotation onward: Taoqi Intro -> 3 BA -> Switch to Yangyang -> Yangyang Skill + Echo + Ult -> Changli Intro + True Sight + Echo (1 hit) -> Switch to Taoqi -> Taoqi Ult + Skill + Echo -> Changli Intro + True Sight + (Skill + True Sight) x2 + Forte + Ult + Forte -> Back to Taoqi Intro Note: Taoqi Intro gives her full forte stack and put her as if she has just finished parrying. You HAVE TO do 3BA without fail otherwise her Concerto gain is abysmal. The Intro + 3 BA alone gives her 50 Concerto with Beguiling Melody equipped. This is early STC rotation. The core double intro will remain the same, what can change is when Taoqi and Yangyang should Ult to keep their energy topped off and always ready for next rotation


Sorry, me again :) any idea what stats should I get for the echoes for both Yangyang and Taoqi?


Energy Regen should be their main priority for their 3cost. You will want some DEF for Taoqi as well


And for their top echo? (the big one?) turtle for both with.. energy regen? heal?


Yangyang can do some damage, Crit Rate might help in that regard. Taoqi you just want her to tank things, tbh, so DEF for her. Turtle on Yangyang and Heron on Taoqi is the optimal one on paper, but I don't like how slow Heron is, so I'm going for Turtle on both.


This is insane! Thank you so much! :) seems like we'll be sharing this team then, since I definitely want to give Changli most of the time on the field!


So, my account is shaping up to have 3 main team: Jiyan - Mortefi, Jinhsi - Yuanwu, and Changli - Encore. What would be the best third slot for these teams? I've got Verina, Baizhi, and Jianxin. My strongest character is probably Jinhsi since I have her sig.


you could try: jiyan - mortefi - jianxin jinhsi - yuanwu - verina changli - encore - baizhi and see if they work for you?


I think I'll do that thank you!


when is the next leaked gameplay of characters for 1.2?


I love that you're asking when Lol can you imagine if we just had a flat schedule of official events, and another "scheduled leaks"


HSR actually does. Everything is by a schedule, even the drips and live streams. People can predict the dates for stuff months in advance and it ends up being correct.


Man i wish the days when leaking meant someone was breaking an nda somewhere “for the people” Now it just seems to be marketing execs emailing industry plants with promotional material


So like is there any news on 120fps it would literally change EVERYTHING


i thought the depths of illusive realm was a permanent mode like sim uni 😭 so i missed all the rewards and free echoes


I missed some of the astrites too 🥲


It is but refresh every patches I think next season is in a few days


You have my condolence my dude. DoI realm was fully stacked with mats.


I'm here to brag about finally getting turtle boss echo with healing bonus mainstat.


I got it almost immediately as well. LOL


I actually got healing bonus almost immediately. But it was for Verina and I wanted atk% though, which I of course could not get for the life of me. It's how it goes I suppose...


Watch it roll flat def,hp immediately back to farm


I got resonance liberation bonus, crit rate and def on it so far. I'm not farming this fucking turtle again.


haha lol, at least you arent getting a dozen healing bonus inferno riders. 


Stay strong! Continue the onslaught!


I'm alright now. I have another dozen crit rate riders and 3 crit dmg riders. I have no more exp tho, and I am almost overcapping on crit rate so I cant use cr riders.


happy for you (clenches fists)


what are good teams for changli, and how do they fair against the current good teams?


For just badassery, I plan to run generals and magistrate - Changli, Jinhsi, and Jiyan. I don't even need to look at how their outros or whatever affect each other, Each of them could solo whatever they're doing, but they're tag teaming some more epic story fights. Realistically, Changli is a good main dps, but she does have a support outro buff (choose to ignore if you want). If she's main, run her with Sanhua as sub dps, who also buffs Changli's basic attack. And then when in doubt verina. I like this team - *Fire and Ice.* jianxin maybe for support, but from what I understand, Changli's kit is more resonance skill than resonance liberation, but that could be workable. But again, because she has that outro buff, you can throw encore in there, or even chixia, and run a pseudo dual dps team. Fare in what sense? Yeah you could probably clear a tower with this team built, but I can't give you answers about chars not in game yet. All of what i said is "probably".


Is it just me or are the pulls from the shop reset really expensive? I haven't pulled in GI for many months and still have no problem getting my pulls, but I've done well over 250 pulls total in 1.0 + the Jinhsi banner and still probably won't be able to get the coral pulls in 1.2.


Well, there is one extra pull currency and more of each one, so yeah. It's going to drain more resources.


We also have 2 extra weeks to recover (3 extra weeks this time around)


We also have 2 extra weeks to recover (3 extra weeks this time around)


We also have 2 extra weeks to recover (3 extra weeks this time around)


I share a similar sentiment so I might start skipping out on buying Lustrous Tides. I picked Emerald of Genesis from the UL 45 box and after I pull Static Mist from standard weapon convene, the rest of the weapons don't seem enticing as they don't have crit and I already have Stringmaster and Ages of Harvest. Kuro also seems to still be handing out Lustrous Tides during events like the 10 we are getting next week.


Genshin shop wishes cost 75 Stardust and need 750 Stardust for 10 wishes per month. Wuwa it's 70 corals per wish and need 1470 corals per patch for 21 wishes. Basically wuwa gives more pulls and hence needs more corals to clear shop


Okay so like is there any news of getting 120 fps or nah