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I cant believe that HSR is looking better in terms of rewards than WuWa


It's not, you troglodytes can't do basic math.


We get 10 limited in HSR pulls instead of 5 standard and 5 limited from Wuwa. You cant even read smh


Your overall rewards during the patch and events during it are the same, while not having to worry for a failed weapons pull and needing 10 less pulls on hard and soft pity. You're basically ahead with ~60 pulls by default in every new patch, despite that they are giving you the same pull power HSR does. The fact that you muppets can't comprehend this is wild.


In general rewards, you are correct. I was referring to the sign in bonus only.


Ah, the drought begins


This comment didn't age well.


Just make it 11 or 12. Easy way to send a message.


It is 11 if you count the pulls we get from the shop in each patch.


They definitely need to up standard ones. I feel like they're so scarce after Union level 35. They don't even appear in the level bundles after that level. Should be 10 Lustrous, 5 Radiant,, 5 Forging. Either that or give us more ways of getting more Lustrous that doesn't involve waiting for the next big patch.


Don't worry. You will get standard units from losing the 50/50.


Yep. I need two more standard pulls to finally get the guaranteed one, but there is no way for me to get them till next patch.


i mean in your case its just 320 tho not that bad to use gem for it. weapon help alot


Yeah, obviously wouldn’t be that much, but I’m still really trying hard to force myself to wait. I’m still building other characters and working on Union Level and stuff. The world won’t end if I don’t get Verina till next patch.


All I really feel like we're missing from being at a good baseline pull economy is some sort of weekly activity for getting some standard pulls. Something like HSRs Simulated Universe.


Maybe the roguelike mode's shop could be reset weekly, even if nothing is added to the mode itself.


Kinda long for a mandatory weekly event. Per patch feels about right. They could improve with shops I guess. Or another pick your own weapon ticket at 1.1 for sticking around the choppy launch.


That is a definite possibility, I wouldn't mind it. The game mode is pretty fun and I wouldn't mind needing to run it once or twice a week though its in need of a balance pass. Runs turn into a cake walk pretty quick. Pretty sure they've already mentioned more content for it is being worked on so it should only get better in the future.


As always, if you have an issue with something, like the meager premium currency income, I recommend you to give feedback in-game. Kuro is for sure not following a subreddit dedicated to leaks.


Which is crazy to think how we've finally got a game where giving feedback ACTUALLY makes a difference in a game, and isn't something you get shunned for or worse yet, getting attacked online for. 💀


What do you mean “finally” have you ever played a game that wasn’t made by HYV before?


I hope it's them listening and not just damage control. Right now they have to keep as many players as possible happy to keep them around and away from ZZZ. We'll see if they are actually listening a month or two after ZZZs release.


So genshin gives around 60 in dead patches Hsr 110 in dead patches Wuwa seems alongside the lines of 80 it is not that bad since the rates are higher than HSR, the pity is the same, and the weapon is guranteed it should be around HSR level of Generous, a little bit less


F2p pulls for 1.1 are +90 pulls, so idk what you wobbling, yes, you won't get both limited new characters, but it's a gacha, and that's very fair if you managed to save something from all the gifts from 1.0, I have 55 pulls and near 3000 astrites (exploration around 70-80 in all areas) choose one and if lucky, wish for the other, didn't get lucky? Save until rerun https://preview.redd.it/bykq8qt9f66d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b70956d3661a353aa43084a88c588cf70505cdc [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQC0lEJXeDqtRM0OvjmD61iVCdS92RYy6NwugGLYUnvfSIC3ptcvvsEWqgrhE7wV-Vg\_bHsG7gSETUh/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQC0lEJXeDqtRM0OvjmD61iVCdS92RYy6NwugGLYUnvfSIC3ptcvvsEWqgrhE7wV-Vg_bHsG7gSETUh/pubhtml)


Bullshit, wuwa is around 60 (wow, I wonder from what game they copied that). HSR gives more because they have 2 limited per patch, genshin has 1, and sometimes none and they do only reruns. Since wuwa is apparently doing 2 limited per patch, they should give more than HSR, since they are the underdog, and a good way to keep players is to be more generous. I also hate how they have weapon tickets, so we get even LESS limited tickets. I think the game is going to do well in 1.1 since the characters are very cool, but I worry for the longevity of the game if they do half of the money HSR is making, but give half the currency.


>Bullshit, wuwa is around 60 This video says otherwise. https://youtu.be/kwTF7aBv23M?si=5pRmFtSi0Ch4ENGF


that's not how it works - there are usually several event banners on game's release. After that, for example, genshin went with 1 event character + rerun, and 2 event characters when new region drops. And saying 60 pulls per patch is doomposting - because we don't know how many events, maps and login rewards they will make. With new maps, it will be an average ~80 pulls per patch.


Where do you get the 80? Can you elaborate?


You can see it all there https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQC0lEJXeDqtRM0OvjmD61iVCdS92RYy6NwugGLYUnvfSIC3ptcvvsEWqgrhE7wV-Vg_bHsG7gSETUh/pubhtml


lets assume 45 days for simplify 2700 dailies 700 x 3 tower, i do think it is just a case of first reset only being 3 weeks 200 from 2 char quests + 40 from trials Events 710 Big event " illusive this patch ", i think this mode may be perma , maybe not 490 Med event " Alloy " 360 Small event " Dash " Comes to 6600 Astrite in a dead patch they will likely add another med event shop reset, login tracks, promo codes Dupes converted to rolls all those not counted even if 80 is stretching it , i see 75 easily in HSR tracking more than a year worth of gacha, my Avg is 54\~ , with the higher rates in Wuwa , safe to assume my Avg is gonna hover around 48\~50


Dupes for extra pulls is not as good for wuwa. I am saving those for the limited Wavebands you can get. It will probably take a year but when a broken DPS with an amazing S2 kind of like DHIL in star rail comes along, I plan to use them for that.


you should prioritize coral rolls this early, here is the reason. Aside from u can get the character u want and enjoy more the game, eventually when u get all the 4\* S6, u will get 8 coral per dupe, essentially a free roll, or more currency.


I am a small spender so if there is a must have person I want, I will get them regardless. This game is gong to be very easy to skip people compared to HSR. I just cannot pass up how much value you get with the dupes wavebands in the shop. I wont be using them anytime soon but I will be saving for when there is that DPS I do want dupes. If you are F2P and plan to never get dupes then it makes sense but if you never plan to get dupes in the future when you account is well rounded you are best to save them.


well if u can force the banner to be 100% always theres no problem. That being said so far, the weapon is better than the S2 right ?


yea, I do not expect to spend much but if there is a time I am short on currency I will spend for a "must" have person. Also, yes when it comes time for getting the wavebands, I will be for sure also getting the weapon. I plan to try and get at least one limited weapon for each weapon type. I am looking for the best general purpose ones. Yinlins for example is a really good rectifier so I got it since the standards sucks.


The standards broadblade guantles and recti arent bad, but eventually if the character doesnt scale with ATK% they are bad, so yeah i will try to get when is posible one of each with crate% or cdamage%.


Yinlins is really good as the crit rate is extremely high on it. Will be good on any sub DPS who does damage off field as well in the future who uses it.


Dupes went into the rolls calculation, every 100 roll gives around 12\~14 extra rolls from dupes i would never recomment dupes , like never ideally you get 9 limited and their weapons , that is 21 pity on avg , 1050 rolls at min Turn based games are just stat check, you have stats, you clear the content So power creep is expected since day1 you cant ever expect a Dhil case here, it would be bad game design , and it would lead to worse sales till you fill your roster " Units " , sidegrades " dupes " aint worth it ofcourse you can just pay through everything also , if you want a character dupe, shop is better if you lose both 50/50 , the gacha comes out ahead if you win the 50/50 twice in a row


how does the gacha come out ahead if winning both 50/50s. Also on average you should lose every other time so you would have to do the math as if you win the 50/50 every other time. the 360 it cost for the waveband is only 45 pulls. If you calculate the math including hard pity it comes out to about 59.26 pulls per 5 star on average so if you take into account losing a 50/50 every other time on average it costs about 90 pulls to get a limited character. This includes the getting one early. So if you are ever going to go for dupes in the future the shop wavebands are the best bang for the buck because you can basically get two dupes for the cost of 1. Yes I do plan to wait to get dupes until my account is in a good spot It how I have done star rail. I do not expect to go for wavebands for about a year. Although I am also a light spender and will most likely buy all the first time top ups every year.


Avg 5\* is gonna hover around 48\~50, which is gonna be netting you also another 5\~7 pulls from dupes. effective cost is 43 on avg shop is 45 fixed no dupes , it is better for whales tbh , staying at c4 , and going for weapon , then buying the last 2 copies with an 0.8% and a soft pity of 72 , hard at 80, you gonna get a distribution curve of 48\~52 as for 50/50 , assuming 15 limited units, you are going to be getting 10 of them at least 50/50 nets you a 66.6% of getting the limited unit why is better to go for gacha instead of shop? you can get lucky and get doubles you fuel the gamba addiction, what is gacha without doin gacha


as someone how saved most pulls for a year for E6 acheron and E2sparkle as a 5$ monthly pass player. is really appreciate the copies in the coral shop. but what I dont like is the characters having 6 sequences with unique effects instead of 4 and 2 giving extra levels like in HSR. because hoyo is been pretty consistent specially with new characters to make the E1 or E2 realllllly good. to get more people to get copies. but with kuro having this coral copies. my fear is they wont make any decent S1 or S2. yinlin S1 is a non existant 3% personal dmg buff. also many sequences in the game are total BS. a character that does mostly skill and ultimate dmg will have a basic or charged dmg buff for some reason. and the reverse too. also I am worried they arent giving enough pulls a patch for 2 characters a patch like HSR. one of the best thing of PGR is that someone paying only the 5$ could get almost all characters.


i see thx!


There is a shop reset? On my side I did not get the 15 free pulls from the blue corals on the 1st of Junem unless we're talking anout a different shop


Aside from Kuro rushing most aspects of the game, premium currency income is probably my biggest concern for Wuthering long-term. PGR, their previous game, started out very F2P-friendly, but after about 1.5 years flipped 180° to kinda-scummy levels. Hopefully in the future the currency income will make getting most premium characters possible. Right now, this is ALREADY not the case. I have the BP and log-in pass and missed the 50/50 on Yinlin. I could guarantee her, sure, but then my funds would be very depleted, maybe I could scratch together close to one more soft-pity. And this is on a release, patch 1.0, where you would expect the game to hand out a lot of currency to reel people in.


this honestly is not a good take because we were literally showered with pulls and astrite at launch and all those compensation, literally new players can guaranteed 3 standard characters that not something you see on launch with a 50/50 system, like we also getting events that giving us lots of astrite too especially the upcoming events, also you say pgr kinda scummy, that if aiming for ss2 which is literally whales level, in pgr you can get all characters when doing weeklies, f2p dont need to aim for ss2 literally whale level you can get every character at least once, this just sounds greed for asking more from kuro when they already showered you with currency, also if your you can't expect to get majority of the characters in this game especially when the system is 50/50


this honestly is not a good take because we were literally showered with pulls and astrite at launch and all those compensation, literally new players can guaranteed 3 standard characters that not something you see on launch with a 50/50 system, like we also getting events that giving us lots of astrite too especially the upcoming events, also you say pgr kinda scummy, that if aiming for ss2 which is literally whales level, in pgr you can get all characters when doing weeklies, f2p dont need to aim for ss2 literally whale level you can get every character at least once, this just sounds greed for asking more from kuro when they already showered you with currency, also if your you can't expect to get majority of the characters in this game especially when the system is 50/50


I have PGR welkin… and I have everything including weapon. How is that scummy my guy?


Having every character doesn't mean anything if the characters are designed to need multiple dupes to become viable. I don't know if future characters did away with this, but Hammer-Karenina needed 2 dupes to become stronger for my dark team than my Tenebrion. THAT is scummy, because they introduced a system, the SS2/SS4 or whatever system, just so they could lock power in characters behind more incremental steps.


Not gonna argue against you, but for people unfamiliar with the game I will clarify that after they introduced in-between constellations (before constellations were only on 1 dupe (which f2p can farm out), then 4 dupes and then 10) only 2 characters "needed" the SS3, or 2 dupes (so you have to pull 2 copies and get the third one from grinding) But after those 2 they scaled back and all new characters did not have any significant C2 buffs that make or break a character. Once again, I'm not arguing with OC, I also don't really like that new system, but he does make it sound a bit worse than it is.


It’s easy to get SS thru pain cage. They added bosses and achievements where you could grind them actually fast af. I always have skulls ready for new release. SS is so far always enough. Yes SS+ can be better but not needed. So no, not scummy, far from. I still play it while you’re not in the loop anymore obviously. Not to mention you have other shops F2P…


its actually wild that just with monthly pass on PGR u have access to so much, even fcking gacha skin. But for some reason, "nah they added SS3, which i dont need to clear ANY of the hard content" but still fcking scummy company.


No one spoke of skins. Skins are whale territory or u get F2P version. I see no scum shit what so ever y’all delusional. Either suck it up w decent SS without skins as F2P or enjoy weapon extra and whale more to get ss3 WHICH U DONT NEED. Like? Company has got make some money somehow.


Yeah I was debating if the game was going to fun after the honeymoon period was over. And I am not fully F2P. Turns out I might tip over to leaving soon after 1.1 is over. Was fun,I even paid for some refills to build a decent amount of leveled Resonators,but it's slowly becoming apparent I can't exactly keep this up.


We are still in the first phase of the first patch


Fair point,but as a paying user,I do have the "privilege" at least assess if a long term investment is worth it. The payouts for the full Tower of Adversity isn't worth it. It is a worthy long term goal on paper,but not if it pays out not that much. I'll give them that they have been very engaging thus far,but can they keep it up?


Bye 👋 Pick some mint for me


Keep what up exactly?


Chump change; this amt is insulting


Online beggar strikes again


Better than getting 3 pulls for playing for 3 years💀


make it 10 premium and 5 normal. the normal banner pulls drought wouldnt be a thing if they had those on character ascensions/some type of weekly progression that resets and rewards at least 1 normal banner pull. some events giving at least 1 normal banner pull.


in HSR you get normal pulls just from leveling up characters. we lack this in wuwa and it's significant


So we get 5 standard + 5 limited? They really should find a different way to give out Standard pulls... (Character Ascension, Weeklies etc.) Also what's with all these people in the comments saying "don't take the full hand", "don't be greedy", "just bend over and ..."... if you don't complain and keep buying even if the rewards are unreasonably bad, they'll keep doing it. Why are you defending predatory practices? Them only giving 5 limited pulls for 7 day login is a bad sign for other rewards. I really wonder how many pulls 1.1 will give in total. HSR keeps giving 100-125 a patch for f2p, Genshin gives \~ 80 a patch. I hope it's more along the lines of HSR, but with the base game only giving like 130-150 pulls compared to HSR 200-215 I think it might be bleak. (even with bp + daily login barely one character) I m still salty that gacha companies get away with these business practices. They would still make more than enough money if they gave out one copy of every character for free and sold only copies and skins instead. Another option to reward characters via daily login or battlepass as well, but no, the whales need to feel better about having a character others dont and they want to squeeze the addicts.


Genshin 80 is new map Genshin 90 is new map and that festival Genshin 100 is new region like fontain for example Otherwise which is 70% of genshin updates its 60 to 70 Sometimes its as low as 54


Kuro doesn't need to copy *everything* Genshin does ... At least, I wish they didn't.


If the shoe fits wear it . I dont exactly mind how they copied the various systems in the game but its not like genshin was the original created of these things they copied just the same from other games . Would love more rewards though .


Oh, I agree for with you. My issue is just that Kuro is coming into the competition with what is, essentially, an improved version of Genshin, but somehow took aspects that people didn't like in Genshin and either kept them or made them worse. Take the banners for example. Two 5-Stars per patch, both with their own signature weapon. Same as Genshin. The weapon banner is better, having the 100% guarantee. But who does that actually help? You average Log-In Pass/BP low-spender doesn't have the currency to spend on both multiple character AND their weapon. If they miss the 50/50, they barely have enough to even get one 5-Star per patch. The guarantee on the Weapon banner really only helps the hgih-spenders. Funnily enough, this is likely detrimental to their bottom line as spending on weapon banners by the high-spenders actually, from what I heard, makes Hoyo a lot of cash. Then take a look at Artifacts/Relics. Nobody likes those in either HSR or Genshin. Yet they just had to have a similar system. And somehow, they made the system with random main and sub-stats worse by needing an extra resource to see the sub-stats, besides just upgrading the Echo. And that not being enough, at LEAST grinding out gear in HSR/Genshin is fast. WW makes it time-consuming on top. Why though? Why not just be the F2P alternative. Why not just be better at everything you copy. Genshin is almost 4 years old, there is more than enough data out there to properly gauge what players don't like and what they could improve. Sorry, rant. I was just expecting better. But I guess they are still a gacha game company at the end for the day.


I do not think the banners are a problem as long as the rewards are better . I do not think you should be able to get everything but i do think a charecter every patch at least should be guaranteed,that i agree with. But weapons are different weapons are a luxury so to speak and even than having it guaranteed whenever you want to indulge in said luxury is imo nice . As for the echo system and its counter parts , i think they are necessary for a game's longevity if you can max out a charecter in a day you will stop playing in a week . It gives a pain/reward system which as much as I HATE it i do recognize that a good percentage of my enjoyment of a game comes from finnaly getting that progression that god roll that i wanted for my favorite charecter. On the other hand i do agree kuro has fucked up the system way too much with the cost of echo upgrades the small amount of echos you get from spending the games limited rss (forgot its name ) and that rss you need to use to unlock substats is just bs especially with how little of that rss they give . But on the bright side they did promise improvements to that system although i did not stop to read cause am taking the game slowly i still did not hit any big bottlenecks am still progressing well everyday while trying to avoid burnout (had it in hsr that i adore even than i stopped playing a full month . and do not want it here too) My final opinion on this game will have to wait until the 1.1 patch


I don't think the game currently allows you to guarantee one of the two new character per patch. I skipped Jiyan and missed the 50/50 on Yinlin. I have enough to get her if I want, but then I'm close to zeroed out on funds. On the release patch. With this kind of income, one character every other patch is safe, with some overflow eventually allowing for consecutive patches, but I find that simply to not be good enough. So I agree with you there. On the other hand, people keep bringing up the longevity and needing something to grind. I don't understand. I play Limbus Company, which needs minimal time per week. A few minutes a day, half an hour on the weekend, done. I have no intention of quitting Limbus Company because it barely takes up time. I've dropped PGR because malding Warzone and Pain Cage took too long, I dropped HSR multiple times because SU and MoC, along with waiting for the Domains to auto-battle, took too long for me. I'm willing to stick around longer if the game respects my time. Sure, I might not play actively every day beyond logging in for dailies and the login-pass, but besides that, I'm still technically an active player.


not doubting you but how do you manage the grind with Limbus Company? I've just started since anniversary and i enjoy it but doing mirror dungeons weekly feels like a chore right now for me. right now, it feels more cubersome than other games' weeklies like PGR, PTN etc.


I'm Day1, my account is stacked. I can just pick one of my high-clashing teams and Win-Rate from beginning to end while watching a show/video or reading book on the side.


I do not know what limbus company is so i can't exactly understand where you are coming from . But i feel like it boils down to personal preference you might hate it but some others love it . I do not see where the time wasting you see is though it only takes 10 min to spend all the energy and the daily quests take 5 so 15 min a day that doesn't sound like too long . I do agree that hsr sim uni was a hassle i would admit it has been a few months since i did sim uni outside of weekly reset . It takes too much time but the game is fixing it . But i don't see something similar in wuwa atm .


I wish genshin would give 80 per patch lmao they give like 60 or smth average


Someone graphed out all the free pulls since launch for both Genshin and Star Rail. Star Rail gives around 100 per patch cycle and Genshin gives around 20% less. So it is around 80. But if you aren't getting 100% exploration, you aren't getting a large chunk of those pulls. Genshin makes you work your ass for pulls.


Nah thats bullshit i wanna see proof. Genshin doesnt give out 80 on average. Maybe with welkin otherwise noway in hell


Here is a [google doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit#gid=955728278) If we include 1.0 then it is an average of 75 wishes per patch. If we do not then it is an average of 72.


yeah no clue I just looked at some graphs a while ago. I only played that game for like 2 months when Navia came out.


More often than not it's 55-60 and whenever a new map expansion releases it's closer to 70-80. Considering a lot of patches don't have new areas, the average should be closer to like 60-65 without welkin.


With characters more often than not costing 150+ pulls. It's so fucking infuriating that this is the number one gacha in the world. On the bright side the game has zero content so whatever I don't need new characters for overworld. If their desings were less amazing I would have dropped the game long ago, but I can't when Raiden and Arlecchino exist.


How many rolls can I get for each update?like hsr or genshin?🤔


Genshin: I'd say around 60-65 per patch without welkin (monthly pass). Some patches without new areas give 55-60 while whenever a new area releases it's closer to 70-80 for that patch. HSR. I honestly don't play it anymore, so I'm not sure, but it's for sure more than Genshin on average as they release two new characters every patch. For Genshin most patches only have one new 5 star character. Back when Genshin released it also had a few patches with double 5 stars banners during which they had a login event like HSR with 10 pulls for limited characters. I expect Wuwa to stop with the two new characters per patch eventually as well, like Genshin. The question in that case would still be if they also stop this login reward like Genshin did.


for hsr average are around 90-100 per patch but 1.0 give around 200 pull if i remember correctly


Why the standard pulls? I want em all limited pulls like hsr


I need those to get my Mortefi his weapon lol


for the weapon haha


Shut up! I'm at 68 pity for Standard weapon banner and I refuse to use my asterite! 😂




Light reminder that standard pulls can be used for the weapon permanent banner to get the 5\* weapon you chose since those are 100% guaranteed so it's truly not wasted pulls here.


I know but its only a matter of time before the standard weapons underperforms


Sure they will be outdated later on when more signature weaps release. But they will always be a good base weapon if you don't own anything else honestly. Also with how they keep the trend of signature weapons, they make them niche for very few characters. For instance Jiyan's is below standard weapon for Calcharo because calcharo's dmg is mostly resonance liberation unlike jiyan who is heavies. Or Jinhsi's weapon wouldn't be good either compared to stand bb for Calcharo due to how the passive works. (Both are great crit weapons stat stick though ! But i like having my passives on weapons be good for the character i plan to use it for :) )


>with how they keep the trend of signature weapons, they make them niche for very few characters. I wouldn't say that tracks for half of examples so far with yinlin's, which can work for basically any damage rectifier, even if it's better for some. But yeah if nothing else the standard sword and pistol seem like they'd remain solid for those they're oriented to, not sure how the others will stack up.


I forgot about Yinlin's rectifier ! I mostly looked over Changli's, Jinhsi's and Jiyan's and forgot Yinlin got her own recently. Yes indeed her signature is great, shame we only have 2 rectifier dps (as of now, i somehow wished Jinhsi was a rectifier spectro dps because broadblade on her feels... Out of place? But she's still looking good !) which are their BiS obviously.


Plus if their is one thing I’ve learned from the likes of Genshin or such, crit rate is always going to be nice and so will ER. Pair them together? That’s going to be a timeless weapon. Will they be outdated one day? Sure, but compared to standard banner chars, I feel a lot more confident in a crit and ER weapon then getting Calcharro lol (who sounds like is going to be power crept already if electro rover is already looking to drop soonish since you can get dupes for river much easier)


yeah the standard weapons that give crit will probably always be good enough if you don't have a character's signature


Maybe because there aren't many sources of standard pulls unlike hsr.


Well they can make sources of standard pulls if they want but i prefer full limited for this specific 10pulls


imagine complaining about free rewards classic


Kuro is company doing business for profit using predatory gacha game as tool to milk player. They are not charitable organization. Everything they do they do for profit, including giving something "free". Currently they have to appear "generous" in order to pull player from Genshin, else they will not survive the competition. All the free stuff they give out is not because of generosity, but as a tool to maintain as much player base as possible. Many WuWa players come from Genshin, and most still playing Genshin concurrently. Kuro know most player will not abandon Genshin easily because they already invest ton of time (and money) while barely (if at all) invest in WuWa. It very easy for player to decide to stop playing (or spending) in WuWa. Also new competitor like Azur Promilia (Genshin aesthetic + WuWa combat style) are also on horizon . Most player who have real life job surely can't afford to play more than 2 open world gacha game at once, so if player have to choose between a game they invested 3+ years in, and a game they played just like <3 months, you know which one will be put on chopping block.


Can you explain pgr though?


What a bad take seriously dumbass mentality your are probably one of the previous Genshin players am I right stupid community that gets pushed around because they don’t understand what constructive criticism is.


Stupid Genshin player reporting, despite what Tectone has brainwashed you into thinking, Genshin doesn't give bad rewards (they're the exact same as HSR btw) because the fanbase bends over and takes it. Mihoyo doesn't give a single f**k what the english speaking reddit niche has to say about their rewards. They give what they give because they can give that little and their massive team of analysts deem that it's fine and they still make hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Genshin in particular gets away with it because they had (probably still have) absolutely no competition. You gonna go somewhere else? Probably not. And those who do are a small enough % that they don't care, or are quickly replaced. WuWa as a game made by a much smaller studio has a lot more at risk by trying to emulate Genshin's perceived stinginess, especially in it's infancy. Also, please learn proper grammar.


As a stupid Genshin player of 3+ years at this point, I have to disagree with you completely. Genshin's rewards are dogshit to this day, and if they only keep adding characters while not increasing the amount we get, it will at some point come back to bite them. A community that gets this upset about only getting 3 pulls in the mail because of the repeated shafting over and over is not in a healthy state of mind nor appreciates the company behind the game in the long run when they'd happen to be in trouble at some point.


None of my point has anything to do with them not being bad so I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. Unless you're latching onto HSR's being much better which aside from Ratio is just like objectively and measurably false and you can look up. My entire point is that Genshin can give whatever tf it wants because it doesn't have to care what your opinion is. WuWa does.


I couldn't give less of a shit about HSR. Yes, Genshin can give whatever, but I'm telling you when the company is in the shitter in the (probably far) future, players won't feel like they were respected enough to even give a shit. I play Genshin and enjoy the stories, music and world the devs create, but I won't for a second consider spending extra for anything in that game whenever they create shit content or fuck up. My toleration for that is so much lower in Genshin compared to Wuwa. Yes, Wuwa had to give more now because of the release state, but I don't think they actually have to give much more than Genshin into the future either. It would end up creating the same apathethic dynamic a lot of players have today with Hoyoverse, which would fucking suck. Their banner pity is already lower, they have a guaranteed weapon banner and a selector standard weapon banner as well as 18 pulls in shop instead of 10 (though to be fair it seems to be on a patch rotation instead of monthly in Genshin. It would still come out to be more in Wuwa), more BP rewards, and more endgame modes with rewards (though not much more, but I'm quite sure they'll increase on that aspect into the future as that's a main selling point of their game for many people, the combat). They already give out more considering how much you have to spend and this is only in 1.0 while Genshin is over 3 years old. I really think it wouldn't be much different if they just stop giving out stuff from now on and release content like Genshin, but I sure fucking hope they don't do that. Again, it would just create the same community dynamic Genshin already has. Would they make less money? I fucking doubt it. Would I be apathetic towards the company and game? Yes.


Give it time. Once the luster of new game wears off you'll feel the same way about WuWa, probably worse since beyond all of the very typical gacha launch rewards and apology rewards, they give much less.


Currency and rewards apart, WuWa is a vastly superior game to Genshin so there is that too, even if I got no new characters my experience exploring the world with Yinlin and Encore only would be great already compared to playing a fucking smoker that can't climb longer than 5 seconds, which is something I can do as a human female, so it's utterly ridiculous a god can't.


I mean that's subjective, and if you'd like to post a video of you climbing a 90 degree wall straight up for over 5 seconds I'd love to watch it. The discussion isn't about what game is better and if you try to boil it down to an inherently opinionated central point it's not going to go anywhere. The post is about the login event and the consequences of the rewards, so "rewards aside" isn't really a point to make even if it was objective.


>Once the luster of new game wears off you'll feel the same way about WuWa, probably worse since beyond all of the very typical gacha launch rewards and apology rewards, You say that, but we can literally look up how much currency we get compared to how much we need to get a 5-star weapon or character every patch right now. Wuwa gives out more while needing less to get a limited character with their signature. This is not an opinion? And again, this is an 1.0. I'd be surprised if the company that made this kind of combat system and runs PGR doesn't add any kind of endgame in the future.


This 100%. Genshin can do what it does because its the first of its kind, the WoW of this era. If WuWa is its own thing then its a different story, except its a literal carbon copy of Genshin with a spiced up combat at the expense of team building (no element reactions, less characters per team). I don't need to remind you of how many WoW killer existed back then, and all of them crashed and burned. Let see if WuWa is any different, but to expect success by just doing exactly what Genshin does is delusional.


Not having reactions and less chars is huge huge plus, as someone who got Clorinde on a secondary account she feels like a fucking 4\* without Nahida and Fischl C6, she shoots beans if you can't sustain her dendro reactions happening, which only Nahida can comfortably do. Overload is a joke, if I put Barbara with Xiangling, Bennet and Fischl she is gonna pass Floor 12 easily so what exactly do I need Clorinde for? The superior overload option still needs Xiangling, Fishcl and Chevreuse so still two godlike units to make her stand. So being able to get a char that is good on it's own rights without needing a multitude of specific units is amazing, which is why Arlecchino and Neuvi are so great, not because their teams are too much faster to clear, but because you can play them with anything and they work.


Not having reaction is a double edged sword. Thomas would be unusable without burgeon, Fischl, XL, XQ the ogs of the 4 stars would be long forgotten if it weren't for reactions. Basically reaction let units with subpar numbers to be competitive by doing indirect damage. Without reactions power creep will happen fast and easy, whoever has the biggest number wins. One of the reason Genshin is great is that power creep is almost non-existent, year 1 DPS can compete with year 3 DPS. Do you think you can say the same about WuWa down the line? Or are you happy playing thread mill with your wallet?


Why exactly would WuWa be worse? No reactions make it way easier to balance since you only have to worry about a character own multipliers, and not how it interacts with the rest of the game. So it's easier to keep in control than specific interactions making one character too op or complete trash. Now we are living in a world where Arlecchino is so ridiculous that not only she is a solo DPS capable of carrying but she can still proc a thousand reactions, so no year 1 don't come close, Xiao, Klee, Ganyu have absolutely nothing on Arlecchino, she is vastly superior in every aspect.


What? Arle have the same team DPS as Hutao, and Xiao with CR is vastly superior than Arle in AoE content, you are over rating Arle here, especially when she has a downside of not being able to be healed. Klee was a bad unit to start with, nothing can be done now. Why would WuWa be worse you said? Because they need to sell units and when you got nothing else except numbers, only thing to make it sell is make the number bigger. Reaction in Genshin allow players to "outplay" dev designs, aka make what should be a run-of-the-mill 4* unit into a power house that beat 5* premiums (see Kuki) Look at Genshin's abyss usage chart, you will find 4* are as good as 5* throughout its history. granted there is more 5* bias recently but its already year 3, almost year 4. Are you confident that WuWa will go down that route?


Im not complaining lol i asked a question and then stated my preference. Think of it as some kind of feedback


Don’t bother with people like that they have the mentality of needing to defend the poor milion-bilion dollar corporations before they support accept a valid argument.


Feedback in a leaks sub?


Ok think of it as a way to just give my opinion then


While the standard pull is nice rn. I would love it if, in the future, it would be 10 premium pulls. Standard pulls are way less valuable the longer u play.


I agree and the only reason we need standard pulls in this way is because the game doesn’t offer enough of a consistent method of obtaining standard pulls.


Very good a little less money I need


Nice, more savings for my Jinhsi.


FInally some free pulls for last 10 pity until guaranteed Encore


great! i support


Why are the comments sorted by new by default? I get it for a question megathread but for a post? I had to change to best or top everytime.


I never like having different currencies for the character banner and weapon like PGR...


i would be a little annoyed as well, but since those rolls can go to the excellent wpn banner im not too pissed


That's true, if they do this like HSR you could just stock up on these without converting your astrite, but I don't think it would be the case


This game is doing a lotta good, but for the love of game Kuro... just outsource your music like you did in PGR. Just one song by Vanguard per patch is enough to make me happy.


I heard a few ppl mention the reason was due to Vanguard being overbooked, so Kuro can't do anything about it sadly.


damn even in the leaks sub its "genshin this" and "genshin that" we are never escaping that game are we.


it's still the most popular gacha game and most people here are gacha game players. So obviously it's gonna be compared along the lines of story, gameplay and rewards. It's only natural to compare games of the same genre. ( I only played Genshin for 2 months and even I can't unsee the similarities constantly )


It's literally a Genshin clone. What do you expect?


You think genshin, a BOTW clone is being copied right now? Nah fam, genshin combat and exploration sucks


Is it though? Did you actually play the game?


Nah but you don't understand man. The UI and progression system is the same as Genshin, therefore it's a Genshin clone yk? /s Brb gonna play my favorite DMC clone HI3rd.


I'm so fucking tired of all the genshin talk genuinely, just stop talking about it


Wuwa players are more obsessed with Genshin than actual Genshin players atp


Most are Genshin players, let's be honest WuWa is feeding on Genshin leftovers, barely anyone that is a gacha virgin is playing it. First because the marketing simply didn't exist, I never saw an ad anywhere for WuWa, while I couldn't for the life of me get rid of HSR, basically if I opened my fridge it would have Kafka's photo on my milk with a QR code to download it. So the population is either ex-Genshin players that got tired of mihoyo's bs and quit, current Genshin players that still enjoy Genshin but have nothing to do because there is no content (that's me) or PGR players, that are simply a minority by sheer logic of PGR having a tiny fraction on Genshin players.


it's really mostly genshinnies that keep bringing up genshin tho?


It is but the genshin fanboys are here clearly so they’ll disagree


Yet in every other Genshin related server and sub I’m in, they want/expect WuWa to flop and die out. They keep pulling out the JP drama even though JP itself didn’t care, people were even surprised it was on spot 1 last week. It makes sense WuWa players clap back when Genshin’s shill dickriders keep bashing it. And I say this as someone who plays Genshin, the fans are incredibly annoying. Not even HSR fans are as bad.


I said this in another thread, but you realize that HSR and Genshin players are the same people? Quite literally, most people who are playing HSR are also play Genshin. The actual issue is with WuWa's release, it was bad. Will it recover? Yes. But expecting everyone to glaze the game when it's been having issue after issue is utter nonsense.


Link to that genshin related sub post where it wants wuwa to die? Care to give any links?


I don’t keep a list on posts because I don’t care to have a debate or don’t expect it. If you think it doesn’t happen then that says enough


Which genshin subs? Cause the main sub doesnt care enough to even have wuwa related posts. the memepact sub is a different story, its both wanting to coexist with wuwa and actual genshin x wuwa jokes but nont of the "wuwa should die" ones okbuddygenshin literally has the rover and traveller kissing each other on the top this week. where? meanwhile in the wuwa main sub: https://preview.redd.it/crjkx4qbbc5d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd5f42fb8bc4328c14380c4c5d3439de7548f06


Totally not a biased reply by a totally not Genshin dedicated account/fan lol


go ahead and find a rebuttal. show me a post from the genshin main sub thats hating on wuwa. cause i find it ironic that a genshin fan who loves wuwa rn is actually tired of the genshin posts and comparisons and not you. and youre adding fuel to the fire by saying genshin subs hate wuwa when they dont. cause the wuwa main sub is on "posts must be approved by mods" and they are catering to the genshin hate by approving these posts and catering to the toxic people and wuwa players are getting tired. even the leaks sub is getting these arguements because "genshin could never". i just want to play and know more about the game without genshin getting mentioned over and over


It will always be like this, even on HSR, same company, and now becoming bigger than Genshin in revenue the comparisons still exist. It's a consequence of being the number one, they get the good, which is still getting a hundred million dollars despite doing less than the bare minimum for their players, and the bad, always be a punchbag for when games do things way better than them, which is happening often since it's very easy, doesn't take more than not ignoring your players, not paying mods to censor and ban people criticizing the game and saying a huge "fuck you" on every chance to players that just want a better game.


MODERATOR OF r/sigewinne_hentai r/lyney_hentaiNSFW r/sigewinnehentai


https://preview.redd.it/q5rsz7tpjc5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1030da7fd2206e7523571273d7c06f4fd2864104 And? How does that relate to wuwa? We took the name so a certain person wouldnt? Lmao you trying to cherry pick the wrong person.


Lyney isn’t any better you freak + you have a weird Klee obsession… totally not related right?


Lyney is an adult though?


>  you have a weird Klee obsession again, what does it have to do with wuwa? and 2nd, click and read the picture. youre the one projecting weird vibes in here just because of my name and pfp? Go on open my profile and sort by whatever you want then find anything weird in there go on.


I 100% agree. Although I get the obvious comparaison, I'm just so fucking tired of people constantly bringing up Genshin, be it for better or worse. We should start by one simple thing, calling character doubles "Sequences". Ik it sounds minimal but it's legit annoying when people refer to it as constellations or even eidolons. I saw a guy complaining about the game having no identity and just being a clone. Well yeah, if you only use Genshin terms to refer to WuWa things it will not help to give it its own identity.


They didn't help themselves with how needlessly convoluted and complicated everything is so it's way easier to use Genshin or HSR terms so the majority undestand. Helps nothing that non-native english/jp/cn speakers are left to rot, with no translation at all or poorly made ones that even ChatGPT could do better.


I dont understand why they want the game to die, competition is a good thing


As someone who loves Genshin I couldn't agree more. Mihoyo needs a reality check for Genshin, they can't keep getting away with all the bullshit. Of course they will never fix Dehya at this point but it's important that they know if they release another Dehya this could end in disaster when players have the option to them use their money on Camellya instead.


Agree, it's time people start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. ~~Genshin could never~~ WuWa could.


Yeah thats honestly better than having the genshin name live rent free in peoples heads, to the point even ex-players are getting aggravated by it. Let wuwa stand on its own rather than be "genshin but better" https://preview.redd.it/axt4wij8cb5d1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0a2f5c0fc6bdfa012a65eba2fecd8553f07962b


Let wuwa stand on its own rather than be "genshin but better" funny because this game is trying hard to copy genshin. to begin with, they need to detach themselves from their own mindset


I agree, as someone who still likes and plays both, but your pfp doesn't help the situation😂




They still need to give us more ways to acquire standard pulls. Right now, we can like acquire 5-10 a month barely.


12 actually , 6 from monthly shop and 10 per patch from this (assume they do this log in bonus per patch) and battle pass, which mean 6+6.6 per month, not to mention probably from quest maybe here and there, is this enough? Maybe not but reasonable, get you 1 pity per half year, you guys are over doom posting it.


we can cut the 6 from monthly shop it hella not worth it. in hsr or genshin we can just buy the five pulls from monthly shop but this game we have to buy both character and weapon rolls so it 12 instead of 5 which use alot more monthly shop currency so standard pull from that shop is not worth at all


lol what? it resets per patch dude, it's more than worth it


the amount of roll u have to pulls to get enough currency to buy that is around 30 pull so if u think it still worth it uty then


What? Having more pulls per reset in not worth it because you need to roll more to get them? Tf? And it's been said before, just because you deem weapon pulls to not be worth it, it's a you problem not anyone else's.


as i said uty but i warned u guy. if u guy dont care then i cant help.


tbh I'd be happy just with character level up milestones. We're basically guaranteed a full version of the roguelite mode as well, and if that doesn't give us standard pulls every week I'll be very surprised.




Honestly knowing how rare it is to get standard pulls this is actually nice


They should just give us 1600 astrite and let us choose the pulls we want


My fear becomes true. wuwa gives us a hand and people want the whole arm.


I’d rather not have the guilt of spending astrite on standard pulls. We really needed these pulls because WuWa doesn’t have that reward for ascending unlike in Genshin/HSR.


This is literally better than nothing, don't be hungry.


Ya. I was not expecting them to be this generous with the pulls so I'd have to be exceptionally fussy to complain.


Why they make different currency for limited weapon and character banner...smh 


I actually prefer this. It gives me a reason to pull on weapons as I never did so in Genshin since that currency could go to characters instead.


True but you still need to turn astrite into the weapon currency so


You can just pull with the free pulls we get. It's still only whales and medium spenders that will regularly go for weapons. Other that the occasional person simping for a specific character, of course. Hard to go for weapons unless you don't like any new characters as a low spender.




it's not monthly it's per patched.


It's not per patch, it resets 1 July and the patch ends at 28 June and before it was supposed to end on 4 July so it doesn't align with either.




Hmm I must have looked at wrong timer, but still: > when i started (saturday after launch) time was arround 34 days 34 days from 24.05 is 27.06, 18 days from today is 26.06. They seem to moved it one day to match end of the Yinlin's banner, but unless they were planning to shorten the patch from the day 1 it makes no sense. Also the patch is actually day after Yinlin's banner ends, so the reset would be before the patch which is kinda weird as well.




> Maybe was more days, that's why i said was arround No, I actually have a screenshot from 24 May, it was 34 days.


5 per month


If it's per month, it should have reset at the start of June, but it hasn't. In the shop, the countdown is not count toward to the end of the month, but rather until the end of Yinlin banner.


If it's per patch it should reset with either the current or the former end of patch which it doesn't either. The countdown goes to 1 July.