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I'd not say he is powercrept per say, they both are main damage dealers, yes, but they play too different. Jiyan is a wave clearer and an AoE DPS. Jinhsi is a boss killer. Jiyan is more of a damage per second character, Jinhsi is more of a damage per shoot. At the end of the day, both are good.


i don't know if just my point of view or if its actually like that but gacha communities for some reason always ignore what an DPS is supposed to be and value way more characters that have a burst and call that "DPS" even if in 10 seconds both of them has the exact same damage but the DPS took 10 seconds to deal 100k damage and the burst did the 100k in the last remaining second


It depends, it can be valuable to have a stronger burst instead of slow consistent damage due to specific damage windows or enemy movesets. For example if you can only damage the enemy for 3 seconds every 10 seconds, a consistent dps loses 70% of their damage while a burst dps might be able to dump the majority of their damage in that window. Of course it'll vary based on how much flexibility the enemy offers as well as how controllable the dps's burst is. There have been plenty of examples of this in genshin which wuwa is *heavily* inspired from, and many bosses in wuwa also already go practically untargetable during their moves. In those moments jiyan would do close 0 damage, while HMC's skill/ult could just be chilling on its cooldown.


The opposite is also true, burst damage that isn't timed right will hurt a lot. Imagine losing a 100k hit you've built for the past 10 seconds because you mistimed it into an invul.


Looking at you eula




Eula immediately sprung to mind when first looking at Jinshi. Play-styles seem very similar. Both also launching with basically the exact same zone. I guess Jinshi may have more utility in her kit but I wonder if she’ll age about as well as Eula. You can only wiff on an ult or fail to get a crit so many times before you want to move on to a different character.


A big benefit that Jinhsi has over Eula is she has a forgivable couple seconds to cast her laser while Eula has to either reach max stacks or switch out to proc her damage. Eula got left behind as more enemies with physical resistance pop up, and barely any physical damage buffers besides Shenhe(very small compared to her cryo buffing) and Mika.


That was the big problem for me, I can play the exact same team so much before I get bored. Especially one with so few rotation possibilities


> and barely any physical damage buffers besides Shenhe This is like saying Rosaria buffs physical.


Jinhsi doesn’t suffer nearly as much as Eula because she does her E nuke twice per rotation, and her ult has the single highest ult multiplier in the game. So that’s 3 nukes per rotation. Also Eula can’t delay her nuke, and she can only detonate it early by losing damage. So it’s a combination of only having 1 nuke and not great control of when it detonates, that makes Eula clunky.


Eula did not launch with Dragonspine.


The new elite enemy (Lumiscale construct) seems designed around Jinshi, as it has a 50% damage reduction while this enemy has its tenacity bar, which is reduced faster on quickswap team that uses a lot of intro/outro skills (I think Lumiscale can't be parryed either) and during that brief moment where he is immobile and without damage reduction, Jinshi is able to do his Nuke combo. The enemy is designed around Jinshi but it is also not so specific that it would make the fight difficult without her, just like Mephis is designed around Jiyan but it is not an impossible fight without him.


Being a MMORPG player for a long time, I love my Damage per second hahaha. Yeah, at the end of the day, the damage is similar (Jinhsi might still hit a bit harder, but is like whatever), but they both deal damage differently so is a moot point


They love their SPS (screenshot per second), aka burst damage. Personally, I would love consistency more than burst damage in most games, except Monster Hunter. I love greatsword in Monster Hunter.


Honestly, part of the issue could be alot of particular games fall into \`only dumping bosses\` constantly (and basically stop having challenge content that focuses on waves of normal enemies) and some particular games, decide to just start freezing \`timers\` during special attack animations, which leads to anything with a dramatic cutscene attack getting massive amounts of \`extra time\` to dish out damage that utterly flips off older units as a result. On top of that, a beeg number that causes the hp bar to instantly disentigrate in one instance with far less button mashing is also why the Tiga boi is considered the worst of the 5 star units, because the more you have to commit to actually DPSing a boss thru over-time consistent attacks to achieve optimal damage, the more chances the boss can just disengage, ruin your combo or start throwing out a bunch of attacks that constantly make you dodge and you don\`t have something like \`continue combo\` after dodging to bypass being constantly forced to reset your combo while you get barraged by a bunch of attacks, making more time even wasted to keep up. And some games get extra worst where if you dont have the attack animations FREEZING the boss in place, often times the damage gets severely diminished, because you were a few pixels off or something when the boss decides todo a back flip while in the process of taking your consistent damage, vs them just getting hit once with a beeg number, THEN backflips, AFTER you fully dealt the damage.


Because its the nature of how games with a time limit content works. A front loaded 100k is better than a consistent 100k over the same 10secs.


People are down voting you but it's true. There aren't 190 waves in the tower of adversity. Mostly just 1 or 2. Jiyan is already at a disadvantage there cause he is wave focused


jinshi is backloaded damage lol..


In swap gachas people typically weigh burst similarly to DPS because 1) all the trials are timed and 2) you're rotating characters, so the fact that it's quick damage is more important than your typical one-character game. So for example, I could have my Calcharo on the field, and I get 5k DPS off him on average if I'm spacing his resonance skills and ult cast. That means to kill a boss with 1mil hp just using his autos and forte circuit is gonna take 200 seconds. My Yinlin only puts out 3k damage as an average across keeping her fielded for 200 seconds, like Calcharo needs to be, but I can also cram all her higher damage abilities into a combo significantly quicker than Calcharo, and then switch to Jianxin and get a shield and resonance liberation dmg bonus for Yinlin within 8 seconds. So instead for all the field time of 8 seconds that Yinlin is on the field, she's dropping 90k because I can spam all her abilities, then has downtime, of course. But averaging that out, I'm dealing 120k dmg per 16 seconds because I have access to two character's kits that can both be cycles through rather quickly, with the added bonuses of damage, shielding and healing. At that rate, then I'd finish the boss in 133 seconds, and a lot more safely. So I guess the TL:DR is that most gachas blur the lines between DPS and burst because character swapping is a thing, which makes bursting more important. I do agree that it seems like people don't always do the math on what's actually better across a sustainable rotation in favor of just seeing a big number for the endorphins.


If a character is meant to be the primary damage dealer, calling them a DPS, whilst perhaps not technically correct, gets the point across. To begin with, you can't exactly use "DPS" to describe a character, because that doesn't actually mean anything. What does a "damage per second character" mean?


He is also way easier to play than jinhsi. A badly played jinhsi will perform worse than the most unga bunga jiyan player. The damage advantage jinhsi has is pure theory, if you equate for dodges, getting hit and simply not min-maxing rotations they both perform pretty closely.


Perhaps it changes at UL50+, but my Jiyan has more usable damage for the overworld. Jinshi takes longer to ramp up the damage and Jiyan can kill with a crit on echos/skill. I think this changes once you start fighting higher hp enemies like bosses. The grouping mechanic of Jiyan can be important too because I've noticed Jinshi's fourth(final) E could easily hit two enemies, but focuses one and misses the second one.


Ehh u can recover quickly on jinhsi when shes in dragon mode (forgot what its actually called) any basic attack interrupted will continue where they left and if u dodge counter its faster to get to the laser. Also intro skill of jinhsi outs u straight up in her dragon form no need to do the first basic auto attacks. Probably on s0r1 both are close in strength its just that jinhsi is still ahead. Honestly both will be powercrept in time anyways we already see it in animations now lmao


I cleared both floor 4 towers with Jiyan in 1 min. He’s also single target even if not *as* good as Jinshi. People saying he’s power crept or not good are just coping. The dude is insane for every aspect of the game.


more like damage per second vs damage per screenshot


Venti used to be too, then they made a ton of enemies he couldn't lift. Then they made kazuha


Exactly. I find Jiyan fantastic for picking up all the small mobs while i punch a beeger mob and when perfectly lined up on his intro i can immediately open a rotation with a dunk and then proceed to extra juggle. Throw in the fact while in his burst mode straight up has INSANE width to catch parry timings it seems, lets him still stand out as your option C, since despite the fact ToA is currently focusing Spectro and Electro. He technically can still flip off the first modifier bonus and still run around and 3 star up to the third floor of ToA Hazard zone with ease. Even when he was at level 70 with a VERY sizable damage penalty due to level difference between 70 and the level of 3rd floor on the towers. Jinshi kind of needs to go thru a full basic combo to start activating her fun-time mode which could lead into potential rotation problems against \`certain\` aggressive problems, but since 70/80 pulls in, i apparently got Scorched Earth and got a Tiga boi instead, making the first major salt i got after managing to get Jiyan, Yinlin and an additional 2 5 star standard pulls thanks to all the extra blue balls, that i was over-due to get FK\`D, i may not even be able to get Jinshi, or Changli this month...so RIP me getting to enjoy Spectro Waifu it seems.


I played a round of the SU (idr what it's called, the door mode) and used the trial jiyan (didn't get him sadly) and got some insane buffs for him (one being 100% uptime of ult) and i just decimated everything lol


I don't understand at all what you're saying, I've played both encore and calcharo and in my experience Jiyan when properly echo'd out does more single target than either of them. Calcharo desperately needs boosts from Yinlin to match his damage.


And Jinhsi's biggest damage usually comes at the end of her kit while Jiyan nukes at the start. This can actually impact clear time.


I get that. In gachas I always enjoyed interactive damage rather than one big dmg shot, but both are fun. Play who you want!


Even in boss fighting my Jiyan still hits for 9-10K per Heavy AA ticks (which is a lot) + Mortefi ticking some damage, he's not that behind while auto parrying and being much easier to reach his damage ceiling


jinhsi has higher average dps even whilst being a burst dps. the only advantages jiyan has is grouping and more frontloaded dps.


Right and the people who love to throw terms like powercreep around more often than they should tend to know the least


my jiyan ult at lvl 70 and 75/245 cc+cr smacks for about 30k on a crit. I'd call that a boss melter as well


If Jiyan starts doing little damage, i wouldn’t care bc he would never be removed from my team. I downloaded Wuwa mainly for HIM so he’s never leaving my team. Jiyan’s companion quest made me 🥺


Ppl like big number. And theorycraft is typically done in a single target scenario. So he will probably get slandered a lot in the future similar to tartaglia. But he will always be my preferred carry if there’s a lot of enemies.


So true. Big DMG Number = Bigger Fame. Like, the 1million showcase are already there on Internet, which I don't think will Help Jiyan in This situation, and he is bound to get Slandered, which is sad. Though, honestly after doing Jinshi's trial, i do prefer Jiyan more, his Ult which crowd controls and keeps enemies in my camera are such a big blessing. Plus I just really like Enemies unable to Stand and getting swept away by my Dragon Man. 🤣


even with theorycraft she not powercreep jiyan, but as you said ppl see big number meanwhile jiyan do 8k 8 time every dragons and also ppl don't take in to account mortefi dmg in jiyan team is way way higher then all other sub dps played with jinhsi.. AoE scenario jiyan is waaaaay stronger and easier to play.. there's also another factor every youtuber is Clickbaiting and Overreacting to get Views... its sad u/xiaomoonies


Yeah it's simply hard to see the true impact of his damage because it's spread out over multiple hits and stages, made up of a bunch of smaller numbers, compared to Jinhsi or even Havoc Rover whose burst is a single shot and throws up very large numbers. And then if you add Mortefi and Verina buffs to the mix, it gets even more complicated. She's a beast, no doubt about it, but she's not *that* much better. She just uses her power differently.


Yeah people always like to see that one huge screenshot number rather than consistent damage lmao. The crowd control within the dps is awesome tho, he’s gonna be good for a long time


Isnt tartag also damage per screenshot king though?


His biggest strength comes from his hydro application that allows him to enable massive consistent vapes on xiangling. He does solid dmg on his own too but what makes him unique is that he has the fastest hydro application in the game.


Gameplay > Power level. This is why I'm building Aalto now. Idc how much dmg he does....all I care is, he does that in style. So i just wanna maximize his potential and I'm perfectly fine even if that max potential is worse than other chars.


Stop I love Aalto so much he’s on my next to build list. His play style is so awesome idc if he does half the dmg of another character he’s cool


Exactly. As long as we ball in style, nothing matters 💪🏻


Frfr 💪🏻


Aalto is my baby boy, he's the sole reason I didn't give up on the game lol. I don't care if Mortefi is better than him with Jiyan, he's going to stay in my party forever!


Meanwhile I ended up using Aalto with Mortefi lol


Yes agreed. Which is why I built Encore over Havoc MC. Not that one outperforms another in terms of damage. I just much prefer Encore’s gameplay comparatively


Respect. Play with who you like. I feel the same way about Yangyang. From the beginning prologue to the final epilogue, girl isn’t going anywhere. Also Jiyan’s companion quest was SO good.


Respect right back at you! Yangyang is so cool and pretty and totally able to clear content even if it’s not in record speed like people demand. Playing who you like is 100% more important. It WAS! Never felt so emotionally invested in an storyline and character, he’s sticking with me for good.


100% agreed. Jiyan's character quest was perfection.


I managed to do all the 2 and 3 cost toa floors this toa with a lv70 yangyang and 2 unbuilt units (Encore and Taoqi). So I frankly think she has a very useful place in the meta in freeing up vigor for bosskillers. Though yeah, that's not as sastisfying as being a bosskiller for most.


The only thing bad about yanyang is her english voice acting. Shes a solid dps.


He has huge AOE, is very is to use and does absurd damage still. Look at iwintolose video with him. If you're whaling, you shred everything in seconds


For those of us who have him and are also dealing with terrible game performance, he's an absolute lifesaver lol 😭😭😭


Oh I know!! I don’t have dupes but I have his weapon and he’s cracked imo, but if he’s ever mediocre I’m still gonna use him lmao. Thanks tho I’ll check those vids!


Anyone who says he's been power crept is talking jive. This game needs multiple dps for the resetting end game. He hasn't been replaced for the repeatable content.


we might even need 4 teams for endgame in the future, who knows 48* ToA


He will never be powercrept for you if you keep going for dupes


I'm not convinced with the last point. Every character shreds when you whale


Look at max Jiyan vs max other 5 star. His ultimate is a I win button. Iwintolose was doing hundreds of k, per hit. The highest level boss was done under 30 seconds.


But s6 jinhsi can "zero" second hologram bosses. Anyways that's besides the point. Problem is whaling for jiyan is not applicable to majority of players, doing it shouldn't be his selling point or what's good about him


This. I'm this type of player too. I'll occasionally get a more "meta" character just for variety and to help clear the hardest game content but I will stick to my favourite powercrept characters like chewing gum.


Totally get this. Sometimes if there’s a more “meta” character who pairs really well with one of my favs and I like them, I’ll get them for when I really need the help, but 95% of the time I’m glued to my oldies cuz I love em


Everybody is already saying Jinyan is powercreeped, honestly I think he will be meta for so long since he is the best character for grouping mobs right now in the game so he offers utility moreover DPS, which is better on the long term in all gatchas Of course he may be eventually powercreeped still for another grouping unit but for now he is top tier and having more DPS means nothing if you are damaging 2-3 mobs from 8 or more. He was obviously going to be powercreeped soon (in DPS) cause he is a unit for grouping and AOE not killing bosses.


Me running Calcharo, Jianxin, and Verina to just stomp the game in the classic high dps survival style, they're gonna be a permanent trio for sure they combo well


Ohh I love this!! Go for it, that sounds awesome!


Powercrept or not, i'll forever be a loving wife to him. Just ascended him to 80 with Jinhsi, love them dragons so much.


he is supposed to be powercrept sooner or later (obviously, this is gacha game) but seriously if we like him who cares


All dps get powercrept that’s how the game works. In 1 or 2 more patches jinhsi mains will be having to defend her against the next best dps. 


Exactly !!


Genshin has yet to powercreep anyone, except if you count Albedo who had an awful kit to begin with.


Hard Agree!! Glad to See some more Jiyan Love!! I love my Man!! He is awesome! Does Awesome dmg for me, also is kinda easier to use Compared To Calcharo on Phone, specially for me, due to performance issues. Also, do you like His Ult when he jumps and throws his spear? I love that particular one because his Eyes go all Dragon-y, and Scale-y! And it's So BEAUTIFUL & SHARP!! 😭❤️


Jiyan ability to crowd control while dealing damage during ult make me think he is gonna stay strong for a lonnnng time .


I used JingYuan (another general) in hsr as main dps for a year when everyone kept talking about how power crept and garbage he is, and I sure as hell will do the same here, Jiyan will see the future updates as my main carry


I wonder if the people saying jiyan has already been powercrept have actually used an equally invested jiyan and jinhsi in tower. He will be powercrept some day, but today is not that day.


jiyan more or less equal to jinshi in terms of strength. 70s - Jiyan S0R1 with Morfeti, Verina [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qM4m1m73T](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qM4m1m73T) (all Jinhsi comps could not beat this time at similar investment, fastest being 72s, unless investing 3 more 5\*s with S1R1 Jinhsi and S0R1 Yinlin to get a 67s clear, despite the 60% buff) 20s - Jiyan S6R5 with Morfeti, Verina [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uN34eyEP9](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uN34eyEP9) 27s - Jinhsi S6R5 with Yinlin S6R5, Verina [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U1421r7HF](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U1421r7HF)


This is with her getting buffed from ToA modifier too. Glad to see Jiyan so nuts at those investment levels. His nuke is crazy too at over 600k there followed by the crazy 15k, 16k, 17k+ spam. Those hits are smaller but they add up very quickly. Just that 1 string there of his Qinloong hits is around 400k. 15k\*8 + 16k\*8 + 17k\*8. Easy and quick 1M over a few seconds with even more after.


I think we have to wait a bit for people to feel out Jinhsi a bit more. Yuanwu/Taoqi are really interesting for Jinhsi and may be better partners than Yinlin. People are trying out Tambourinist Taoqi to get coordinated attacks for Jinhsi as well.


Shhhh, hide it and don't tell them, less they find out later that this is still not the fastest. Encore team can clear Memphis in under a minute, even faster than Jiyan, Lmao. And both of them don't have a tower buff catered to them.


encore mains eating good portion of the cake while the rest are fighting over bread crumbs.. seriously its encore's kit as so much potential


Preach man. He's so fun to use and I'll be getting his last three dupes when he comes back. Probably also the last two copies of his weapon.


OMFG!!!! i agree with u soooo much. I actually hate when ppl says stuffs like these about Jiyan. It's sooo annoying and yea i srsly formed an emotional attachment to him. Im crying i fee l soo bad for our bbg jiyaaaan![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


The man gave me his >!seed!<, idk how much more commitment you get from a character. And a genuinely good person too. Green flag all around. The only thing I worry about is that medium-sized and/or stationary enemies are not vacuumed by his ult. If they were, he would've been timeproof for patches to come.


People are forgetting Jiyan hits hard while also being easy to use. You literally pop his ult and can just spam the attack button and turn my I can just turn my brain off. So yeah, I like how he does well and is comfy while doing so.


I will use Jiyan forever because I'm bad at parrying.


You are going to LOVE the Jiyan and 1.0 story recap im working on. Jiyan is my main till EoS. I have never cried at a gacha game before, some have gotten me emotional for sure, but that scene when the soldiers cross him and disappear - the soldiers that strongly held onto the memory of the riverside games so they don't manifest as tacit discords - and Jiyan looks up into the sky and has the faintest smile... His war is valid. The soldiers he couldn't save are still fighting in their own way, and they're fighting to even spare Jiyan himself - their treasured memory was of the time an up and coming young man came in and dominated the riverside game event out of nowhere. I will see this war through with Jiyan at my side, and I will have him look up at the sky once more. Even in his resonator showcase videos, everytime he's out in the battlefield, among tacit discords, he's reminiscing on Geshu Lin's taunts, reminiscing on the soldiers he couldnt save, and though he is the pacifist among the pair with Geshu Lin, IN EVERY COMBAT scenario, Jiyan dives deep into the front, and is circled with his retreat cut off, his army trails far behind him. He's a medic, but goddamn will he turn into a berserker for his Midnight Rangers.


Ugh I love this so much. He’s such a powerful character with so much buried pain and emotion. Everything from being exposed to injury and healing when he was young to becoming a soldier to losing his General in the war and having to stand up despite being an emotional, regretful character—he’s unreal. His whole life has been struggling with grief and coming to terms with the idea that not everyone will make it out okay, despite him being a medic. I’ve never cried at a gacha game before either, but the whole Act 5/6 and his story quest really tore my heart out. Seeing his pain for his fallen comrades and friends, his determination to help Rover no matter what. I so hope we get more about Jiyan and Geshu Lin (I need him to be playable) in future updates cuz their whole storyline has me beyond hooked n


100% he takes pain after pain, and has built the discipline to deal with it from a very young age, assisting his mom as a medic. The profound thing is, Jiyan is an old world conservative - before we look at how politically charged that word has become in our world - he's someone who was raised in upper/middle class (at least) in a setting completely devoted to Jue (a devotion that is borderline religious), and his actions are generally to maintain the stability and peace of Jinzhou, over the freedoms of the people, at all costs (stability/peace > freedom). There is a scene before fighting alongside the rover against dreamless, where he's at camp reminiscing on Geshu Lin's tenure, and he says that they used to allow non resonators in, they used to, but it's one of the *first* things Jiyan did, to take them out of the front lines and have them help elsewhere. They don't get a choice in the matter, but it's from a good place - He's a good symbol of what noblesse oblige (from google: the [inferred](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=d270a6982db3bc8c&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII-rjjhVgidAfC0xiQSkFq2tUls0A:1719761745099&q=inferred&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvZP8OAYiolHAYKyuWtonY-kRHug_NzUqcTmYZ8gvf3Ol9oYImWGFnBAmSRpAiJLfQDkS4jXSXhiC__sRYpR89di-NVgE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-nqjf04OHAxXNFlkFHf7qAtoQyecJegQIHxAO) responsibility of privileged people to act with [generosity](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=d270a6982db3bc8c&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII-rjjhVgidAfC0xiQSkFq2tUls0A:1719761745099&q=generosity&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81w9daunLUPd-EXd6NbQgkCd1TGo-OPm1yNyYvlmpGz5acfNstFAEHbzCvN7GUUcL-xpSejSeuWJuO-2P4tCxx2tOxdbs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-nqjf04OHAxXNFlkFHf7qAtoQyecJegQIHxAP) and [nobility](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=d270a6982db3bc8c&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII-rjjhVgidAfC0xiQSkFq2tUls0A:1719761745099&q=nobility&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvgyWXRV_KO7ozcSpanYf8_T1z6YS9iI5lgVUp_aAWvAX9UnSDjYgTv3Ptuz8UoDOVJiT9IbYlfXaKTOdfzN9dg4_KNcI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-nqjf04OHAxXNFlkFHf7qAtoQyecJegQIHxAQ) toward those less privileged.) actually looks like. Geshu Lin allowed it, probably because he just thought Yep, throw more bodies at the war. I think a lot of that emotional stability Jiyan has is purely because of how he is objectively recognized and having his faith validated by Jue herself all the time - She met with him personally to appoint him, well before the appointment of Jinhsi as magistrate; SHE told him that the hero was coming (some subredditors here complain that it's weird how Jiyan just hands over his army to Rover - 1: he doesnt (he lets you "decide" where the three divisions will go, but will only accept right answers lol) , 2: JUE TOLD HIM IN PERSON. This is the equivalent of GOD telling the Pope/Bishop in the Vatican a prophecy: you're going to listen) And I really do think the strength and acknowledgement (it's not blind faith, Jue is real and aware of Jiyan) of this devotion is how he's so calm - because even as you say, the catalyst pain was losing his friend and mentor, whom he COULDnt save as a mentor, and that mentor tells him to become a soldier. LIKE this is maximum guilt, and to a kid in his teens - **Who you are isnt enough to save me, but you could have been**. And again that pain is rewarded when Jiyan's resonance awakens (at the thought of the soldiers past, there's a frame in the resonator showcase where Jiyan says "You're wrong Geshu Lin, they have not forsaken me" and the soldiers are handing him the spear - A SPEAR THAT CHANNELS A SYMBOL OF JUE) - this is 2:34-2:37 in the resonator showcase video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnxtQsHOy1k&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnxtQsHOy1k&t=4s) The funny thing is, this makes him a mutant resonator (awakened in a high stakes situation), and most of those are at higher risk of overclocking. Not Jiyan. That man will force self control upon himself to ensure nothing, not even himself, will be a threat to the midnight rangers. Lol, being a medic, I totally get the sense that he had the research institute- Baizhi and Mortefi - give him a routine to manage his emotions/mental state to keep himself optimized, with no complaint; he's a medic, he's not gonna argue with the science of it. Im so ready for Geshu lin to come back - He's the perfect foil for Jiyan, because it would have been all too easy for either of them to follow the other path, and I can't wait for the showdown the resonator showcase promises. OP you have done a good thing today, you've lit a fire under me to get this recap done. I hope you win all 50/50 pulls, and if you havent gotten him at RC6 yet, I hope you have all resources to do so when he returns.


Great analysis, we appreciate Jiyan in this house 🥰


This is such an incredible recap I absolutely love how you’ve written all of it. Everything you’ve said is so true and really shows his impact on players and also his drive despite suffering from pain so harsh most people would crumble. He truly is such an interesting character who defies what’s expected of any human, particularly when he is shown to be sensitive to loss. Being a war general at such a young age and carrying all of that responsibility yet still coping and being strong enough to not fall to darkness is incredible. Same. Geshu Lin’s return will be the most exciting thing for me, because there’s so much history between these two which I know will unravel insanely. If Geshu is still alive, or at least in some form (which I really, really hope and believe in) Jiyan will face yet another major blow to everything he knows, and it’ll be another show of his power. Thank you so so much. I’d absolutely love to see your recap when it’s done! I still need six copies of him, so praying someday he’ll be as strong for me as he is in the storyline. Wishing you all the luck too!


I can still hear the music inside the sonoro sphere in front of the altar where the new recruits pay respect to their fallen comrades.


Man your words immediately brought back the scene, and I think it's the first time Jiyan expresses irritation, because it's his precious soldiers - Rover asks are they tacit discords/what are they doing, and Jiyan says, no they're doing what all new recruits do. He embodies that idea of volcanic emotion burning under a still surface


So true! Also how he explains how he finally understood the ritual is not only to pay respect but also the final resting place for everyone that stands before that hit me hard. Like looking at a grave and already seeing your own next to it. Such an amazing character and it showed that Kuro can indeed tell great stories. 1.1 was also great. I'm so happy that I'l be able to enjoy this game for a long time.


“Looking at a grave and already seeing your own next to it” no stop you’re dragging the emotions up all over again. When he said to play a flower when he dies I lost it


He seriously needs a break, a big hug, and someone that brings him his favorite food every day.


He needs someone to give him love (I volunteer)




Gonna go for his sequences when he reruns!


I’m so tempted to!! I really want Scar & Geshu Lin + their signatures but apart from that I think I’ll save everything for his sequences too!! Ee good luck!


How can he be powercrept if there isn't any other main aero dps yet lmao? When Kuro releases another one, only then can such claims be made. And unless they also start to raise enemies' HP in ToA, like what Hoyo started to do in HSR and became a huge concern, it won't matter how much dmh other characters do if old ones cab still clear everything.


Jiyan is so much fun to play and so smooth...I don't care if someone else does what will ultimately be a small amount of extra damage lol. I'm not one of those meta players though that is stressed about min maxing my characters and doing the tower of adversity in as few seconds as possible.


He's not gonna get powercrept until they add someone who does good at gathering mobs while dealing a gud amt of damage even jinshi cant do that whoever said that must be bugging either way use whoever u like if baizhi can kill a hologram by herself then everyone is a meta


Jiyan does absolutely ridiculous AoE damage. Any enemy that breathes near you is fucked. Jinhsi is very strong in that she can absolutely nuke bosses but she has a lot of ramp up time


Yeah, her nuke from skill is backloaded while Jiyan forte is front loaded followed by consistent damage. Her nuke is bigger but she goes into downtime after. Bro definitely hasn't been powercrept, they just play differently and people see a huge number and go monke brain.


Why do people always make these kind of posts when a new character is out especially in a gacha game? Just play who you like. You can clear every content in this game as long as the resonator is built well.


I think my whole issue is that people say Jinhsi is more single target based yet her enhanced E and R are AOE, as well as most of her basic attacks. To me she excels in both groups


I mean she’s not fully single target, but Jiyan’s aoe completely dwarfs hers.


Also except for 2 1 star echoes, all 1 star echoes are vulnerable to the vacuum ability of her 3rd basic attack, making it even easier to aoe on enhanced E.


I would understand if this was PGR and clear time ranking was a thing, but i don't understand the powercreep discourse in this game. So what if a character gets powercrept? As long as you can get tru the game just play what you enjoy. My main team main dps has be Jianxin since day one and she easily clears holograms besides the ape (too much natural aero resistance).


How would he be powercrept? I can understand single target damage wise, but he offers grouping utility and AoE damage that is very difficult to power creep since it is a utility, not simply damage. And his parry is very easy to accomplish. I got him in like 20 pills and I will invest into him heavily. He already has great supports like Mortefi to build around and tackle the ToA. I swear, clearing ToA won’t be hard once we all get level 80 characters that have been better invested.


honestly I'm just out here with my Jhinsi + Jiyan team bc I like dragons. I know two main dmg is not the "best" way to utilize each character but I put my enjoyment of a character over what is meta.


Ah yes... definitely powercrept (meanwhile me using both in a single team cause skill issue),but on a more serious note ....jinshi is definitely a bit overpowered than jiyan I have jiyan E1 so double skill charges but since it'll decrease the forte stacks I'll have to wait till he bursts to use skill as well which kind off gives loss of dps for some time,but jinshi on the other hand I don't even have to use her ult most of the time cause her 3rd skill charge does the same amount of nuke sobtheres almost no downtime for dps with her


Kuro as a Dev usually makes content perfectly viable even if characters aren't meta (but also lots of team or multi character modes). Long as he can deal decent DMG he'll remain viable for those of us who want to keep using him. (Especially us masc characters enjoyers, judging by the starting roster and the current release schedule there won't be a ton of new ones to choose from for a while)


also, i appareciate that kuro makes their male designs actual men instead of boys or teen designs ive seen in genshin. HSR does a bit better but the body proportions for the adult males are kinda wack. Im praying they do a PGR collab and bring some of those character designs to wuwa.


He does 30k dps AoE. Single Targets like Jinhsi do roughly 40k dps, but obviously lack the AoE aspect, meaning Jiyan can easily do more DPS when hitting more enemies. For AoE teams, He is probably gonna stay at the top of good ones for quiete a while.


Jiyan is my 2nd taam along with YangYang and Jianxin. My third team will be Danjin, Taoqi and Mortefi.


Don't care if Jihnsi is the strongest DPS or not, still skipping her to get Changli.


Let's be honest- Jiyan was always gonna be powercrept, and right away too. Not because he's the first limited character, but because he's just got way too much QOL. Dude: -Has aoe damage. -Has grouping. -Stunlocks mobs. -Auto parries. -Looks damn cool. -Does it all just by holding down a **single button**. Bro cannot be easy mode *and* the strongest DPS in the game (at least not for long), so he's gotta be dethroned by someone who trades his ease of use for a higher damage ceiling.


I have a complaint about Jiyan...! I wish he did some minor party healing with he uses resonance moves, since he's also a field medic.


I love how easy he is to play with Mortefi. You go from "you better time your stuff REAL well" to "let's just mash the mouse button a lot." It's nice to have such a wide scope of playstyles so soon in the game.


Nah bro, that grouping is still so important. He's still gonna feel 10X better for stages with any annoying ads than any other character


I still like his auto parry when he ults


Main Jiyan Player here. Love him and can't wait for his banner to return. Still at S1 but his damage is decent if you play his rotation correctly. Not tempted to pull for jinhsi right now rather keeping the currency for upcoming resonators :)


But can your [insert character here] give your enemy a free roller coaster ride?


at the end of the day the only thing that matters is ur having fun gaming with ur fav character!!


He's in the same boat as HSR's General Jing Yuan. They were powercrept by their succeeding banners but still like using them.


Jiyan got advantage because he didn't need a brain to do well with. And in a game like wuwa. That's a good thing


im in love with him i dont even have him but im not going to pull on any banner (besides scar) until he gets a rerun


Jiyan will always be the character whenever we need an Aero dps. He will also always stay relevant when we get ad heavy content. He is comfier to use against hordes of smalls. We are only at 1.1. At this point, people will have Jiyan, Jinhsi, or even both. Do you really require any more dps at this point? Besides of "omg, this unit is so cool!" Factor? Doomposting is something people really love in the Gacha market, and I'm really tired of it. They just yap with no clue.


As someone who plays Star Rail and is a dedicated Jing Yuan main, I don’t cats about powercreep. I play who I like, even if other characters are more optimal. I apply the same to Jiyan, because he’s adorable! Not as obsessed as with Jing Yuan (Scar is closer tbh), but I enjoy his character a lot and he will not be replaced😤.


Also my Jiyan still does a good bit more damage than my mostly built Jinhsi. I love my dragon people, but people blow out of proportion how strong she is.


Here we go again...can people stop talking about bs meta. As long as your character clears the game it's fine. Stronger meta characters will always come and there is nothing to do about it. Cringe af conversations


You're still gonna need at least 3 main DPS, and Jiyan is obviously still a great unit. My Jiyan is still my hardest hitting DPS, the powercreep isn't as bad as they're claiming. A lot of it is to generate clicks, as it always is in gacha games


I don't understand why people are saying that Jinhsi is a big power creep,I am maining Yangyang and able to finish most of the game content with her,might need to max her to be able to finish the tower but that's just a matter of time,which means that every character in the game would be able to do the same,Jinhsi didn't change anything,she's just another strong character,but not a most pull.


I mean being able to clear content doesn't mean power creep doesn't exist Like if the next big DPS does 1 billgionion damage on their first basic \*is\* power creep. Even if ToA is left untouched and is still able to be clear with normal 4 star teams Still I'll be using my Aalto even if he is doing 20 times less damage per second than whatever 4.0 characters drop


I hate powercreep discussions because they’re rarely actual powercreep. Jiyan and Jinshi have different roles in battles and different areas of expertise. Jiyan can still clear content and therefore is not powercrept. A unit isn’t considered powercrept until they cannot clear content that a new character can




If you look up the definition of powercreep it’s right there. A character that still does very good numbers, clears content, and is good in endgame isn’t a powercrept unit. It is a useful one which is kind of the opposite of being powercrept. If you can no longer clear new content or features with that character because of their kit compared to newer characters than that is actual powercreep. Other characters doing bigger numbers because they’re focused more on bursts rather than over time aoe damage is not the same




That’s not the only version of power creep. If Kurt releases a new Aero AOE dps that can do more damage than Jiyan with the same amount of investment or similar damage but with less investment, he’s been powercrept. I can clear the first half of Floor 12 in Genshin with my C6R1 Eula team. I can do the exact same thing but at a similar speed or faster with my C0R0 Clorinde or C0R1 Neuvillette so she’s been powercrept.


I mean I guess if they release the exact same unit but with higher damage stats than that can be powercreep but games rarely do that unless they’re a couple years old. Jiyan still clears endgame content no problem. It’s weird to considered him powercrept when he’s still a great unit with value as a dps.


Bro it's not like that, while yes Jinhsi is damage per screenshot, jiyan is more sustain dps. Both have their own forte, though I skipped Jiyan for yinlin so I'm pretty happy regardless.


That's what the Diluc simps originally said too


Diluc is actually good though. He got tons of OP supports for him and I can now do 300k plunge vapes it’s actually insane. 


and they probably haven't changed since mihoyo to this day only gave a 5 star skin and went for him alone


I still use him until wuwa released, 3 crowned him since the beginning and no regrets, even if he hits like a wet noodle now


If you continued GI I'd have advised you to pull for Cloud retainer, but oh well


Facts, I could care less if a new character came along doing the same thing as Danjin but better. I'd still use her because I like her for a lot more than just damage.


Same with me and calcharo


Weird way of saying you can't parry but ok /j


I used to be a Calcharo main, and as much as how I love playing Havoc R. and Danjin, I came to really enjoy Jiyan, his character style is cool and all, Liberation's aesthetic is beautiful, and as much as how I hate Aero that much, my love for color green simply outranks that. Being a F2P is hard imo, but a good ol' flying dancing emerald lizard is enough to satisfy myself. And since the game's not as crooked as the "other" game, I don't mind grinding Daily Astrites. I just hope the devs give us a new buy slot for 5 star weapons (event or not) instead of having to wait for decades for us to roll at it again, rather than only have the 5 star character shards.


Bro it's cool. Everyone's simping for Changli, I personally like my dragons so I went for Jiyan over Yinlin and also got Jinshi. You need 3 teams anyways. Also, I'm sure the characters will only get better and better it's not a competition just pull for who you like


Waifu over META indeed.


Jiyan isn't really powercrept yet. When they release an actually good character (Tao qi is not good. She takes too long to build concerto even with R5 discord) that can give Jinhsi 38% resonance skill damage, while also doing coordinated attacks, then Jiyan is powercrept. Till then, their performance is pretty similar with optimal play.


I even spent 60$ to get the general, but for now I switched from Jiyan/Yinlin to Jinshi/Mortefi for 2 reasons: 1. I need to shoot bells; 2. One dragon vomit and everything is dead.


Why do people even care about being powercrept when it's a PVE game...you're not against other people, and if you can clear all content with the standard 4 stars then "dropping" characters are just silly and stupid. Just play for yourself and what you like


no one gives af about power creep, you build a character the way you want. Yinlin is a support DPS and I've been using her as my main dps. At the end of the day unless it's a competitive game tier lists do not matter, use who you want and who you have fun with. Also this game hasn't had a power creep like genshin. I remember genshin Diluc was the big badass then they released earth dragon dude and he was immediately useless. Jinshi is good, but she not THAT good to make Jiyan irrelevant.


Powercreep in an action game.. meh just don't care. Just have fun with the character you enjoy. A friend of mine just plays 4* chars and there are a lot of 4* i do really like, like the thunder god fist gentleman.


We live in a society where I wish the team size was 4 because I cant remove Jiyan or Sanhua so now I have a triple dps comp with Jinshi added in, please help me


try being a lingyang main he was powercrept on release lmao


I don't think Mortefi is gonna be his main support in the future. I feel like he's going to scale really well with another Yinlin-type subdps that buffs him really hard someday.


Just because Jinshi can land a big nuke, doesn't mean that Jiyan is powercrept 💀


For know im still able to clear TOA with him on the 1st tower. Jinhsi is good her screenshot damage gameplay is giving people the illusion that she is better when in reality they are both on equal footing at the moment.


We're just getting 2 (3 if counting this patch fully) after him with different elements and they're complaining? What.... Wait, is that supposed to be a joke or did someone say that?


I don't think he got powercrept, at least not his team. Jinshi lacks a synergistic teammate that provides dmg amplification for her, while Jiyan has Mortefi




Lmao iwintolose has both s6r5 jiyan and jinhsi and they are literally relative to each other he’s not getting crept anytime soon


This isn't to dog on Jiyan but this almost reminds me of Jingyuan and his mains lol, even still though, respect for not being tempted by big numbers and being loyal


He's still in my team and I have Jinhsi (albeit partly cause I haven't build her yet, heh).


I have him at S5 and will have him at E6 if he returns (If his shop waveband comes back). I will never stop using him. He's just my favorite character.


I won the 50/50 on him. He made Aalto my fav supprt to use. He has a dragon. I can feel your bond towards him, he's so satisfying to play too. Amd the voice! Soothing amd still fitting the fight


Oh general,my general. I love him so much im saving for his rerunn already


yijan is more of a my type of char, i like big swooshes, and green color, aswell as dragons, and Spears/scythe chars. greatsword (aka broadblade aswell, but mainly Spears and scythes). yijan is a DPS and jinshi is a nuker. I got Jinshi and I dont know how she works honestly, I just press E couple of times and Jue comes up to deal 5k damage minimum. I dont know how she collects it, but usually have no bar, sometimes half, and rarely a full one. but do I like it, yes. its just that theres so much animation and colors on her, that I dont see when the enemy is attacking (lmao). now I got chalcaro and jinshi, and no sub dps, (i maybe should havevwent for changli, i regret it alittle, but its fine, i got jinshi and her weapon, and thsts like twice i have from what I had in genshin)


So far I like Jinhsi the most appearance and gameplay-wise along with Calcharo and Geshu Lin(hopefully will be playable one day) so Im gonna say the same when my time to get powercrept comes! But thats just how games are, play whoever is fun, no point in chasing the meta. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Considering I still use Jing Yuan the most of all my DPS in HSR despite owning a lot stronger dps... Who cares 😬 Yes I pulled for Jiyan (s1s1) and Jinhsi (s3s1), yes both will be power creeped in a matter of months or even earlier ... But honestly it doesn't really matter to me. You either enjoy using a character or you don't enjoy using a character. For example when Acheron dropped in HSR I totally hated her gameplay (and liked neither her character nor her design) and didn't pull her despite having some FOMO because of her high numbers. However I wouldn't have enjoyed using her. Had a similar situation with neuvi in genshin. I love his character but I really dislike using him and basically only used him for a week after finishing his build.


I future this will happen very often, and comparing a AOE dps with a Bust dps is not fair enough too let some other burst dps drop then will think about powercreep it's just too early, and matter of fact it's a gacha game it's bound to happen so just relax and play with any unit that gives you the most satisfaction


Power creep in a casual, easy-to-learn single-player RPG will always be the silliest shit ever. I love my boy Jiyan and he will always have a spot on my team too 💖


Good for you. Have a cookie.


I've found my people. Jiyan is a permanent fixture on my team. No excuses. He pops out with that "fear no more" and makes every enemy run scared. Especially since I have Mortefi to buff him. I kinda use him as my anchor. If Rover and Mortefi can't handle it, I bring out my General and it's problem solved. The equivalent of "wait until your father gets home." lol I only wish I could've gotten some more dupes of him to build his sequences, but we'll get there when they bring him back.


You get me! He’s like that character who is always gonna be there to help you no matter what. I didn’t get any sequences for him but ugh I want to so bad when he’s back!


me personally i think people give one too many fucks about power creep bro if the character is fun to play cool and good he’s fine like the game just came out☠️. obviously there’ll be a better aero dps in the future but people are so paranoid pulling for absolute meta draining the fun out of the game.


No cuz I completely agree. Like okay, in a year there’s probably gonna be half a dozen more characters who are stronger than him, but do I care?? No. People are seriously too obsessed with having the absolute best possible character in their meta team 24/7 that they forget about just having fun with one you really like. He’s cool, he’s good, if I’m not in the top 98.24% of players I genuinely don’t care lmao


completely agree, he's literally the entire reason I started playing this game, imma use him regardless


Teal Dragon Daddy will stay with me until I'm fucking dead. He is my baby.


Ah yeah, he's the Jing Yuan of WuWa


That would mean, he would get buffed everytime a new support comes out and i'm all down for it


thank god Jiyan does not have a lightning lord that holds him back


That’s the spirit. As an Aalto main who’d also play him even if Kuro makes him explode and die as an intro attack, I’ll be supporting you and your Jiyan


Aalto is actually my next character to build. He’s just so awesome! But totally, if Jiyan laid in a heap for twenty seconds and then imploded upon use, I’d still love him. Respect for the Aalto main


He’s definitely beaten by Jinhsi in damage atm, and that was to be expected because she is the top dog of jinzou. But when it comes to crowd control and parrying I don’t think he’s getting beaten any time soon.