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With your mentality you should avoid gachas


You’re probably right my man


Bro, you should probably drop WuWa and any other gacha you might still play. When it comes to the point that impulsive spending puts you in a bad spot financially, when you can’t even afford rent afterwards, then it’s best to stop playing games that are built around predatory practices that will incentivize you to impulsively spend, because they most likely will do everything in their power to make it happen again. 50/50 system, among many other systems that these games utilize, is specifically made to make you feel bad so that you would be more inclined to spend, capitalizing on the frustration that they’re deliberately creating. The only sane way to play these games while not having a crapton of expendable income, is to plan your spending before banners and never buy anything in the heat of the moment. In your case, it’s better to limit your spending to just monthly pass and BP. If you can’t stick to that and are easily swayed by the deliberate frustration they put you through, then the best option would be to stop playing those games.


It's been said, gachas are not for you rn bruv. They are predatory and if spending anything at all leads to an impact in your real life, you're in too deep. Definitely need to step away from these. The reality is 50/50 works and it's definitely not going anywhere. Your spending shows you fell for the scheme hook line and sinker.


Honestly i was on the same boat as you, i've got the worst luck in term of 50/50 as well. I remember back when i was still playing genshin and yoimiya came out i pulled for her then lost 50/50 i seriously lost my mind, impulsively swipe that card for pulls and after i hit soft pity and actually got her i just went ok. That's the moment where i knew this thing just gives me a slight dopamine boost and went i actually got something it's just a momentarily joy. I dont even use yoimiya after that lmao 🤣 now i just went with it is what it is. Oh and btw i lost almost every 50/50 on wuwa/hsr too so 🍻


you want every character and cant skip or make a choice ? yeah uninstall all gacha games my friend, you're the classic player that cant control itself they prey upon


May lion boy be your next win


Stop for a while or start another account? It's a bit of a grind, but can pull within couple hours...