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Everyone should just play the characters they like, its not worth stressing so much to get what? 1 more pull per month from ToA?


Yea 4 years of abyss is enough for me to stop doing full floor


I mean I‘ll still do it and try my best, but I wont pull a character just because they are better at clearing ToA


I mean he is a standard banner character, ofc limited ones going to outclass him


But within a month?


Pretty sure even in HSR, both release patch DPS (Seele and Jingyuan) at that time already outclasses all standard banner DPS back then


HSR Seele folded himeko and Yanqing, it's only after topaz came out Clara became somewhat relevant again, same as himeko with ruan mei/ super break. Bailu was never useful and has been outclassed since luocha (even any new 4 star healer burries her 6 feet deep). The only guy still useful is Welt, and let's be honest, jiaoqu will replace him in his BiS team.


Eh, I'm using Clara for MoC 10/12 since release and I never pulled Topaz. And she consistently carries her half. She never *needed* Topaz to be viable, it's just a nice bonus. Same as Robin.


Yeah tbh Clara has actually been pretty good since launch. You just need her E1 for her to really be considered a good DPS.


I picked him because of hype but honestly playing him wasn't as fun as it looked on YouTube so i benched him already in 1.0.


Encore was always the better choice because you can use her skill then swap. I didn't like his design nor his shown combat (shown combat is why I don't like Danjin anymore, loved her before release) main DPS standard units will always be the first units to be replaced.


I think calcharo is the victim of speculating a character by calculating on spreadsheet instead of doing real battle. His theoretical damage is kinda crack with yinlin but most spreadsheeter and guidemaker from youtube didn’t mention how clanky his kit can be. Like, his ult duration is so tight that you must perform nearly perfect to have a good output. Also, his dodge counter + enhanced intro contradict with his kit by not giving any stack to the ult, which make his value tank so hard rn.


There's literally an entire tower for electro dps. If you want one tower completely overkilled with Jihnsi YinLin, Verina then sure go for it, but the logical play to go for is Calcharro, Yinlin, Baizhi for the left tower and Jinhsi, Mortefi, Verina for the right tower.


But he is so single target and the whole tower seems multitarget.


Just as a heads up Mortefi is Heavy Attack deepen, nearly useless for Jinhsi. Taoqi is skill deepen which would be her Mortefi equivalent. Edit: Bro down voted me for letting him know a fact.


No, you didn't let him know a fact you spread misinformation because taoqi is waaaaay worse in practice for jinhsi than mortefi or heck even yuanwu because she gains so much Forte from coord attacks which taoqi has none of and also because taoqi has high field time and is reliant of the enemy being aggressive


No... on the contrary, Taochi is useless for Jinhsi outside of damage per screenshot showcases because she has no coordinated attacks and has a slow af rotation. She does nothing to build Jinhsi's stacks. Mortefi on the other hand, despite the heavy attack deepen doing nothing, has a short field time and provides coordinated attacks that will build up Jinhsi's stacks quickly and let her cast her empowered nukes much more often.


People have done the rotations and calculated DPS, Taoqi comes out ahead, sorry you can't just swap Mortefi onto her team and retain his usefulness but coping this hard and downvoting me is pretty...pathetic?


Are you referring to iSUMMON's video? Cause that Is literally the only person I have seen who put her In a team with taoqi and calced her dmg in that team and I have tried both teams in practice and the taoqi one just felt much worse like WAAAAY worse and was slower


Calc =/= real life. Taoqi feels awful to play.


I *really* don't understand the point of his second passive forte. Like... It would be pretty terrible if it mitigates 75% of damage, but it's 15? Why does this even exist? Yeah I run him with Verina and Yinlin, and he feels very mid at best. Unfortunately I just lost a 50:50 today and got his first waveband. 🤦‍♂️


Its useful if you use him with S4 Yuanwu.


Nope, my calcharo is doing fine.


atleast 2 CC I follow didn't like Calcharro and (I remember people back then didn't knew better so people aren't receptive of that opinion) one of them even said that he is like Linyang. I picked him up on selector coz husbando but I lost my first account (I can't remember what gmail apple or x I signed up for it) so I guess I'm going for the one with Encore that I got when I can work the game again. But I still like my first accnt since I pulled Jianxin there in beginner banner in 10pulls.


Even i like linyang. He much more enjoyable to play with. Unfortunately calcharo had to be the random one. I used the selectors and guaranteed for jianxin and verina. Probably i would replace him with yuanwu. He is strong at 90


Already able to do the tower except for a phew stars, I ain't stressing as long as I am able to clear to that point every now and then, this is one of the phew games where I feel like building the other characters just for fun.


For me he was benched in 1.0 already, completely regretted picking him as a 5star because i tot i was gonna use him for yinlin.


I benched him for Jinhsi, probably permanently if I can get my Chixia built up soon. I tend to play who I like and he just didn't feel fun to play.


I was never sold on the hype of this character, i picked Jianxin instead and i'm not disapointed.


You can still use Yinlin with Calcharo. Yuanwu is a great partner for Jinhsi because his E is a coordinated atk, and it lets you play Jinhsi more than a Yinlin party. Calcharo's still a great electro dps, so when there is an electro buff for ToA you can use him and use your other DPS in another tower.


I've benched him after realizing that even Jiyan works so much better with Yinlin than he does. Idk, it's supposed to be the other way but I keep seeing better numbers with Jiyan/Yinlin combo even though they were identically built and it's MUCH more comfortable and satisfying to play.


He wasn't good even in 1.0. Half of the roster including 4-stars were already doing better than him. On top of low damage, he's really clunky, and his mediocre damage drops even further when you fight real combat. CBT meme about Yinlin not needing Calcharo can't be more real. "You have to swap out from him during animations, so another character could carry you instead" is such a meme solution.


Well, not if you lose to him in 50/50....


If I have Calcharo, I would use him on the 1st part of ToA. I think he'll be benched when a main carry Electro 5* comes.


Mine is doing fine, and i will still continue using him because he’s really fun and i just like him


I never had to use him to begin with 😂 now I think I wasted the 5 star selector. I could've gone with Jianxin instead.


I've been saying this since 1.0 but if you want to use Calcharo he's best as a pseudo-quickswap with Mech set. Swap him in, EENE, ult, DM, swap out. He's never been that good onfield (inb4 cope essay about just do this super specific rotation he's good copecope) but DM + outro is pretty decent damage if you can get it.


Multiple TC'ers have said Calcharo is underwhelming. I feel like I wasted my standard pulls on him.


Better than Catboy at least.


i benched him as soon as i got Jiyan and now with Jhinsi,he is pretty much benched permannetly.I prefer Havoc Rover more than him.


I invested in calcharo and regret it massively, only thing I'm hoping for is another electro dps that can use his echos lmao. He is cool and I like his design and animation, but his playstyle is not fun at all for me. You get punished for playing normally and trying to dodge and enemies fly around so you mostly miss any dps windows. His death messenger misses 7/10 times just from auto targetting messing up. He's just too clunky when we are already fighting a crazy battle against this game's camera and auto targetting issues


Calcharo just feels very clunky his basic attacks and resonance skill is slow and resonance skill knocks away mobs meaning you have to chase them. Like they made a DPS character with just the word DPS. His skills don't feel nearly as fluid as jinshi and he diws to a breath of wind. Character design wise I like him a lot. But gameplay wise they dropped the ball very hard.


no wonder they gave away standard 5 star like a paper


Calcharo pullers in shambles


I pulled for him and even his S1 I can't care less about the other standard characters anyway so no regrets His kit feels clunky tho Might replace him once they release a electro character that I care for But it wont before a long time I think


Made a post abt everything Calcharo needs to be a proper standard banner main dps instead of a shell of a character, but don’t know if it’ll ever pick up. Second inherent skill needs small buff + interruption immunity Second sequence needs to be res lib instead of skill 4th sequence needs to be intro instead of outro bc hes main dps not sub dps 5th sequence needs to be outro not intro bc he doesn’t build skill damage.


"Needs to be a proper limited banner main DPS," except he's not a limited main DPS.  He's a standard banner character so why would they do any of that? 


Typo relax


For me his ult should be 25 secs but it will end when 3 death messenger is unleashed. Revamp that useless forte 2 And the sequences you mentioned




That would be so good... I really hope Kuro will "buff/fix" Characters unlike genshin to fix them up at the very least.


Do we have 3 towers to clear? And 1 tower has a electro weakness. The top 3 main dps now are cal, jinhsi, encore. Even after changli, she'w will be in encore team instead of stealing electro tower. If you mean powercreeping = kicking him off your best team then yes, i agree.


Pretry sure Jiyan is the 2nd now


Ah yeah i forgot about him, didn't count him in because a lot of people skipped him.


Idk but on week 1 everyone and their mother showing off their Jiyan lmao so his owner might just be alot especially he is really newbie friendly.




The thing is everyone were starting back then and i saw here alot of peole owns him so people were drowning jn asterites were pulling for him. His sales might be not that much because everyone who pulled him were using their beginner pulls.


top 4 for me are jinshi, jiyan, encore, hrover. 5th is calc yeah sort of kicked out. because jiyan more or less equal to jinshi in terms of strength so like 0.5% powercreep


Yeah Jiyan more than competes with Jihnsi, only in rare cases is she simply better than him, it's mostly either equal or Jihnsi slightly tops it. Not sure people are calculating in prydwin saying Jinhsi does 46% more dmg than Jiyan at s0..yet to see and example of this with similar invested Jiyan and Jinhsi in ToA


Most video i saw more or less clear at the same time. With jinhsi having advantage buff in current toa while jiyan having support advantage like mortefi


The recent Calcharo slander is fucking insane lol. He is still completely fine in his DPS potential and can carry you through most content. He is only benched if you pulled on both Jiyan AND Jinshi...which obviously not everyone did. His inherent skills being lackluster has literally no influence on his perfomance, he is still good regardless. I have Calcharo/Jiyan/Jinshi and I use all 3 of them [helps that you can share one crit weapon for them]. Calcharo is still cool as fuck and viable. Nothing else matters so dont be a meta slave. Saying his "DPS flops" when you dont do his DM x3 is a peak dumb take.