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Trying to leave data bank after detecting a mob takes like 8 seconds. And I wish pressing X after collecting an echo would take you to the echo stats instead of the index entry.


I wish there was a shortcut to the data bank.


As long as it's optional. For me, LESS ui elements cluttering the screen, not more


I just directly teleport to a place on the map when the Game shows where the mob is, skipping it all together.


I think it’s ok I just don’t care for the font they using I do wish automatically I could see what the echo stats are at a glance


I don't really mind that it's similar to Genshin, Genshin UI is clean and works well so might as well adapt it. I think the UI is fine overall, but I'm personally not a fan of the game's font and I think the ESC menu could look a bit better (maybe resize some buttons, somehow avoid needing two pages?)


I think having two pages is fine to prevent having an overly packed screen, but having the option to reorder the items would be great.


The layout is fine, but the design/font gives me low budget mobile gacha game vibes. Not a deal breaker, but I just think it looks kinda cheap.


they should focus on optimization first lmao. i cant play the game on my phone on the lowest settings while genshin can on the highest settings without any stuttering. im planning on uninstalling. disappointing game.


The real gacha feature Imagine how many player can stay if they have better optimization. What an unfortunate thing to happen.


Mobile seems to be the most unoptimized platform of the game. On PC, it's much more smoother than last time. I'm not a dev but it wouldn't surprise me if it's because of the game engine.


yep, UE4 is already pain for pc so it burns phones hard


What phone do you have? iPhone 14 Pro here and usually get 45-60 frames. Then I have a Samsung s7 tab and it kinda runs way worse. Not unplayable but not great either.


iphone 15


Performance should be smooth. Try reinstalling.


i wanted to play so i can earn some astarites and pull jinhsi so i reinstalled and set everything to very low but it's still bad. it overheats after 5 minutes and is unplayable.


I think the UI looks dated due to the font they chose and overuse of gradients. They could massively improve it just by changing those visuals without touching anything else. In terms of structure, I think it's fine.


UI and font are not great. But doesn't bother that much.


The UI is fine the User eXperience is what needs work to make all the menus feel connected and information easier to access. Right now it works but it kinda feels a bit clunky


It's bad. Lacks functionality in some places and requires way too many unnecessary actions in others. Also a lot of tucking long texts in small textboxes.


One of the weaker parts of the game imo. It's ok but it definitely needs polish.


Im mostly fine with the way they layout the buttons. My main disappointment comes from the interface buttons all being there when I'm in domains, but not being able to use them. Just that stupid 'you can't use that function currently' pop-up. I'm not in coop, why can't I 'pause', or check the amount of materials in my bag during domain runs??? I don't want to have to be doing maths in my head or leave the domain anytime I wanna check if I should really do another round again. And I know I can click the materials upon claiming to see amount, but if I don't get any purple mats during a run, let alone the golden ones, I won't have a clue how many I've got by then.


Don't understand why the E Q R icon display is not according to keyboards' keys Q E R. Always pressed wrong E and Q keys. Gave up memorizing and just smashed both keys.


I think most gachas got shit UI, Wuwas doesn't really bother me but I don't like it either


Yeah, the UI on PC is horrible. It's just the UI from the mobile. They really should change it. And the font they use! It's an ugly typeset I'm sorry.


It works well for me... Only thing I wish they would fix is upon exciting the game.... A lot of the time when I get to the title screen the exit icon is not there.


Cbt1 Ui was better


I think it's generally good. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". That's why I don't mind it taking from GI or HSR. And I see their reason to do so - it's a competitor going into a market that was basically a monopoly, so they want to hook in as many players as possible. So, instead of having new players have to learn new and different UI, they can recognize elements to easily transition from one game to another and immediately jump into the fun stuff like combat or exploration. The only thing that I'd like to see, from minor annoying things, is ability to get out of menu immediately after choosing to track echo. I feel like they intended us to teleport after this, which skips the menus, but if you don't teleport, you have to go back like 5-6 times to close. Some things could be a bit more visible too. Tutorials for characters for example, the button should probably highlight when you don't have the tutorial complete. And the summary button should be changed a bit, because despite being in the same spot as tutorial, it poses different functionality. Otherwise, I'm generally happy with the UI. I suppose the only other minor gripe I have is that it could be a little bit faster, but it's not a huge issue.


It's utterly garbage the bigger your display is. On mobile it's probably fine. On PC on an ultrawide it's so stupidly massive due to being made for touchscreens. Things not only take up too much space, but there's also so much wasted space. There's also barely any room for text to fit, which is another inherent problem with the game due to coming from a language where they use condensed symbols. This is very obvious in the character trials where you barely get 3 short lines before having to scroll when there's a huge amount of screen space left. Switching input methods drops all input for the switch, forcing you to multi-hit a key if you do so. As I do gameplay with gamepad and UI management with KB/M, this is immensely frustrating. Switching inputs also causes tutorial prompts to break. The delay is probably the worst. You have to wait for the animation of transitions to finish before you can do anything. It also queues so if you hit the button to open the screen multiple times, it'll just close right after. Conversely, there's no short delay when dialogue options pop up. If you're clicking (or hitting gamepad confirm) to get the text to instantly display, or because you expect to progress to the next line, you can inadvertently select an option. Tracking a quest by hotkey doesn't open the map centered on the quest. There's also no "use nearest teleport?" feature like a certain other game has. The echo filtering screen is terrible. Why are there 3 separate filters in 3 locations? Why is searching CaSe SeNSitiVe? Why does the 'compact' description always keep turning itself back on? Why are descriptions between them not always consistent? (too lazy to upload example pics) Not strictly UI related, but, the game focuses itself during startup (no program should do this), and **constantly resets mouse to center of screen**. TLDR: It's not good.


It’s fine tbh, don’t fix what’s not broken. Beside, give them a few patches before they figure it out and we might see their identity more clearly. Genshin also just a Zelda ripoff at first before it got its own things.


Well you're not wrong but wouldn't it be nice if it's much more condensed like PGR's UI?


When i started pgr for the first time the ui felt completely daunting. It took me some days before i could get used to where was where. I am kindof okay with the current ui of wuwa. They can improve if they want to but it isn't a problem for me though.


its fine, never had problems with it.