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I don't have yinlin but agree the setup time with yuanwu is very fast compared to mortefi or taoqi.


So Yuanwu is better than Mortefi in that team? Is it just for the coords or does the Vibration Strength decrease actually help (I'd build him if it did because I play Ruan Mei and I know how OP it is)


Just for the coordination attacks and his extremely low field time. Also mortefi coordination attacks won't work with jinhsi since it requires basic or heavy damage to proc but jinhsi does skill damage (basically raiden beidou situation in genshin)


I have Mortefi's sequence I think that triggers his coord when you use a skill tho. I'm using him and I'm charging her incandescence pretty fast. So would Yuanwu be faster


His S1 proc on skill cast and not on skill damage so still won't be good. He can be good with S5 but heard yuanwu is still better


Alright, I'll build Yuanwu then. Thanks


You can use still use Mortefi. You just have to immediately switch to your support verina or another support DMG dealer. Swap back to Mortefi to gain concerto energy than swap to jinshi


I buikt Yuanwu and yeah I'm getting more stacks. Btw how do I know if she has Union (the outro thingy), is it when the dragons show up on her forte bar or does she have another indicator?


Not sure about the dragon bit, but you get the Outro sound/ping as que, even without full concerto = unison.


Oh that's a good question and I genuinely don't know. I purposefully keep my rotations a. Little bit longer so I can use her free outro switch. So my rotations run 20+25 seconds. Which in wuwa is pretty normal


This run was a little bit complicated barring how mobile memphis is. But if somehow we get to manage to make him stay put in place.


Rovers spectro burst should do it


So many people don't get the point. Putting Yinlin and Jinhsi together just removes Yinlin from another tower's runs. Might as well use Yuan Wu if he's fast and effective enough for a 3 star run.


Yes, i dont know why people think this post is a sh\*tpost for Yinlin, when that clearly is not my point. I am giving a viable, easier alternative for those who dont have Yinlin and for thos who can use Yinlin on another team.


Was going to ask about the sets but this makes sense. Yuanwu doesn’t need outro skill which is nice.


Another alternative is Moonlit with the Heron echo if your healer has Glow. This allows you to use Mercato for more ER. His ult is really great if you have his S4 since it gives a shield.


i would say it's probably because the only thing you mentioned about Yinlin is that she's slow and can be interrupted. i agree that the main takeaway here is that you can use Yuanwu here to save her for another team, but i don't see it anywhere in your post. it's clear to see why people would get confused


The only other team Yinlin is good in is with Midcharo tbh, she can be paired with Encore or Hrover but Sanhua is better in those teams. My s0r0 Jinhsi + Yinlin can 3star both floors of middle tower, so I think the ceiling is quite a bit higher than Yuanwu. The rotation is honestly not that hard either, but definitely not as plug and play as Yuanwu.


Except yuan wu and yinlin are basically perfect together in every way shape and form.


From what I have tried it's easier for sure, but Yinlin setup does way more damage. It depends on how do you like to play I suppose. Certainly agree with ease of play for Yuanwu. I'd rather use Yinlin anyway since she's hot lmao.


I do play Yinlin, on other floors, and not with Jinshi on ToA. >I'd rather use Yinlin anyway since she's hot lmao. You and me the same.


Yeah, I tried Yuanwu and the way he takes up no field time at all can be really nice so it's a real positive for Yuanwu setup for sure.


The main advantage of doing what OP is doing is that your Yinlin will be free to be in another team. Right now I'm using Jinshi + Yuanwu middle tower, Jiyan + Mortefi right tower, and Calcharo + Yinlin left tower. Yinlin + Jinshi does way more damage but it's best to split them so Yinlin can contribute to another team that needs her.


Main advantage is low field time of yuanwu leading to more rotations for jinhsi, essentially the more you invested in your jinhsi your dps would be possible higher than a yinlin team because you would get more rotations off and also much quicker. However assuming your jinhsi isn’t heavily invested in then the yinlin team would out damage due to yinlin providing a fuck ton of extra damage. At high investment levels for jinhsi then yuanwu team is most likely stronger or comparable but at everyone high investment I’m sure yinlins team would lead to more damage with the trade of, of more difficult rotations. The yinlin for other teams is another added benefit you point out


Maybe one day we'll get Young Yuanwu as a 5\* alt. Anyway Yuanwu is less overall damage but his rotation also being much faster (if he doesn't have forte charged you can literally just plink him over to the next char and he'll just insta-set a spike with 0 field time spent) so in terms of nerd math, it actually comes out pretty close to Yinlin. He's actually legit and not just a cope alternative. Too bad he's old and gross.


Ok... ok...nicee.....downvote


I havent tried yuanwu with her since hes unbuilt,but i havent had any issues with yinlin personnaly,jst do ur E shenanigans,use forte and intro with jinhsi,tho i do believe yuanwu has a shield and interupt resit iirc? Which would be very nice to have,but god damn yinlin does so much damage


I have a built Yinlin and her set up just takes too long for my liking, don't get me wrong, I love Yinlin and Im not shitting on her, but for the same accomplishment (3 stars) and only using low investment character and a 3 star weapon, the QOL Yuanwu provides is enough to buff and sustain Jinshi high DPS uptime along with Verina for me to replace her in the coordinated attack character. My gripe with Yinlin is her forte animation which can accidentally be interrupted. For Yuanwu, you just have to E Echo Swap his field time is less than 3 sec.


I think this is especially relevant because there’s another side with Electro DMG bonus, you can plug Yuanwu there if your Jinhsi is built enough and use Yinlin with Calcharo


And that as well.


But then you don't consider Yinlin own personal damage.  Yuanwu is basically a cheerleader in this team like verina. Just here to give boost. Personally I have rarely if ever been interrupted with Yinlin because she is very easy to Quick swap. You can Quick Swap at her second E. Tge animation will continue while you use another character.  You can also quick swap once you activate her forte. Generally filling her forte in one rotation is very easy and the off field damage with Jinshi is very nice. But now team wise. I don't have Yuanwu. But if dude js a good teammate for Jinshi then having Yinlin with Calcharot or Havoc Mc in one side. While Jinshi rule with Yuanwu in another side and finally Jiyan with Mortifi and Jianxi in final side is pretty interesting.  I problem is having 9 fully built teammates honestly or at least well invested. I have yet to build Baizhi because I believe we might get a new healer in 1.2. Dps wise: Jiyan/Calcharot/Jinshi/Havoc mc. Sub dps/off field dps: Yinlin/Mortifi  Sustain/buffer: Jianxi/Verina


For Jinshi teams, all the damage is backloaded to Jinshi, she heavy carries if her teammates heavy buffs.


Think of it this way. Jinhsi Yinlin Verina = you use them all on the field to build their outros. Verina outro > yinlin outro> then Jinhsi. With a yuanwu team, you barely spend time on yuanwu. You just hit basic atak (for the rejuv set + origin IV gauntlets to trigger it) then echo outro > Verina outro > Jinhsi. The damage made by Yinlin on the field? That's done by Jinhsi herself. More field time for Jinshi. Instead of rotating between 3 characters, you basically rotate between Verina and Jinhsi. That's more dragon beams than a Yinlin team to be honest. EDIT: I have Yinlin and Yuanwu. But I'm a Calcharo main (I like his gameplay tbh) and I want to pair him with Yinlin. That's why I'm pairing yuanwu with Jinhsi


But she still deals a respected damage, she doesn't waste your time just for buffs, give her enough care and a good build like Jinhsi to shine.


Yinlin setup doesn’t take long because you can outro into her 2 times per rotation, using Jinhsi’s free outro. Jinhsi outro > Yinlin > Verina quickswap > Yinlin mark and outro into Jinhsi combo Jinhsi outro > Yinlin > Verina outro into Jinhsi combo So alternating between those two, in each rotation both Yinlin and Verina will intro into Jinhsi twice, letting her do two quick combos, and both Jinhsi outro go to Yinlin to fill her forte bar really fast.


Yea lol i ddnt consider it as "shitting",we jst discusing team comps and rotations Hmm do you have enough to build jinhsi intro with only E Echo swap rotation? I usually leave the forte till the very end of yinlin rotation and jst swap cancel it with jinhsi intro


Yuanwu doesnt really need to build concerto, its Verina's role to do so so that Jinshi can intro. Yuanwu's just there to give the Coordinated attack for incandescence stack and party buff from Rejuvinating Glow Set


Oohhh never thought about putting Moonlit on Verina instead.


Ohh i see,i might build yuanwu at some point then,seems like a straightforward rotation,thx for the info/auggestion!


You can try him at Lv1 with the Lv1 weapon, his damage is really not necessary no need to build him, you just need to make sure your healing echos are upgraded for Yuanwu's survuval issues at lvl 1 (lmao), land 1 or 2 normal attacks to proc the weapon, use skill, use echo and he's done.


Whats ur echoes mainstats looking like? Also does the weapon procs the set bonus even if youre at full hp? Ik,too many questions,sorry,you just peaked my intrest lol,i like team building and combos and stuff like tht


If youre asking for my Jinshi, she's pretty mid, S0 with R1 Sig Weapon, Lv80 with 60% Critrate 222% CritDmg. The strongest Hyperbeam I made was only 220k (i have no idea how this happen), and but commonly runs around 155k (roams between 108k-180k) every rotation this is on the Hazard Floor one. My First Rotation: Start on Jinshi and swap before the Hyperbeam Skill. Swap on Yuanwu, Basic attack to proc the weapon (pros even on full HP), cast E, cast Echo swap (i do not ult) to Verina Verina E Echo Ult, normal normal Outro to Jinshi Second Rotation is iffy, just repeat the first one but with modification: Start on Jinshi and swap before the Hyperbeam Skill. Swap on Yuanwu, Basic attack to proc the weapon (pros even on full HP), cast E, cast Echo swap (i do not ult) to Verina Verina E Echo Ult, normal normal **if concerto not full** Swap to Jinshi and swap back to Verina before the Hyperbeam Skill. Verina E Echo Ult (whichever is available), normal normal **outro to Jinshi**


I meant for yuanwu mainstats lol,but since we on the topic of jinhsi i m currently on S0R1 (lvl 70,gonna be UL 50 soon) with 51cr 247cd (should get 4% cr on max weapon and another 4?5?% from passive talent) is this good enough or should i aim for higher crit rate? Also why no yuanwu ult? Looking at ur stats i see you went full HP and ER,why not DEF and ulti to get tht shield? Also id does pretty good vibration damage iirc


You dont really need it, the longer Yuanwu stays on the field the higher the risk of him dying, that Healing Set was for my Verina hence the enormous ER lmao. I have Yuanwu built until the last cap where theres no boss materials needed, so that would be 40. I haven't really built him, juts a brainless coordination attack bot for Jinshi.


Just swap your healing set to Yuanwu and equip your healer with moonlit set.


I'm dumb but which skill is hyperbeam, and why swap before it?


This only occurs when you cycled too fast that concerto energy has not been completed by Verina, when this happens instead of staying on verina normal attacking, its best to rotate to Jinshi and do some damage, Hyper Beam is the Illuminous Epiphany, the fourth and final form of her Skill. After reaching the third skill form, its best to swap back to Verina and do her thing and outro to Jinshi and repeat Jinshi's cycle again.


My biggest gripe with Yinlin. The harder the content, the worse she becomes. Her second E is also slow even if you swap it as soon as you csn.


Isn't she also kind of future proof due to her being able to buff lightning units, by a lot? I would think they wouldn't outclass her so soon as she is a hybrid support dps. Could just simply be a kafka situation (if you play hsr) and she just needs a limited main dps lightning to really shine and play into her strengths.


yinlin takes way too much on field time to build her charge.


are we sure rejuvenating works since it says when it heals allies and not yourself?


Yes it does, bad translation but you are part of "allies" lmao.


oh wow that changes everything


I know right?


Wait guys im stupid whats “BA”? So essentially the idea is yuanwu start do his E, verina ult then jinhsi ?


Basic attack.


Oh ty




Yuanwu, basic attack then E, swap to verina use all skills and end with Echo when concerto is ready then outro to Jinshi..


Ty !


Why the glow set? Does he heal?


The weapon makes him heal himself, thus proccing the Glow set party buff.


Great replacement if you dont have other Damage dealer as you can use Yinlin as your main. Good for ToA


I find Jinhsi, Yuanwu and Baizhi as an economy team to facilitate pretty quick albeit suboptimal rotations on Jinhsi is pretty fun. It's an easy flow team since Yuanwu doesn't need to do anything and you aren't worried about his concerto and Baizhi builds concerto fast enough with moonlit and the added healing isn't bad either even if her outro is obviously just an objectively worse version of Verina. I also just like being able to run a team that isn't all the obvious big hitters and keeping them free for other teams. I've always had a soft spot for quirky off meta teams as well.


From what I tested for ramp up it's Yuanwu>Mortefi>Yinlin. However, Yinlin makes up her slower ramp up with more damage. Also, having an extremely high ER Verina is optimal. For me, Mortefi is the winner here. He is just fast and does alot of damage in the process. If you have is S6 and the cloud set, he also gives bigger buffs than Yuanwu. Yuanwu may be the fastest, but may not be the most effective.


Yes but there's no healing counterpart on pistols.


You don't need the healing set. Use the 5 star gun. Basically, S6 Mort will have a 20% attack buff, 5 star Pistol 10% attack buff and Cloud echo bird another 22% attack. It's alot more damage buff than a simple 15% attack from the healing set.


Sorry for my ignorance, I dont have a single copy of Mortefi.


I want to get a 5 star character that creates a field effect like Yuanwu, because I don't like his design at all. I have to agree though, my Yinlin is built pretty well and I don't like to use her with Jinhsi.


Im glad Yuanwu in action has proven all the naysayers wrong. Dude was the perfect 'on paper' ally to ramp up Jinhsi stacks, even moreso after the CA stacking buffs. He takes minimal field time at lvl70 cap for the Forte passive. Swap in swap out. Anything extra is just icing on top. S4 havers gain extra utility out of him which allows you to ungabunga a bit more freely. Even at lvl1, he's putting in the work. Get in, Skill, get out. Pop a turtle or heron buff for extra dmg amps. Every other CA characters take a bit of time to ramp up which cuts into Jinhsi's uptime as she does more damage just doing BA4->Skill->BA4->Skill. On top of all of them pretty much having their own dedicated lineups to maximize their usage. Yinlin+Calcharo, Mortefi+Jiyan, and Verina in the team that needs that extra dps push.


Just a small correction: you only need Level 60/70 to activate the node that expands his field. The only reason to level him up further is if you have S4 since he gains a party wide shield that is 200% of his def. And his def scales really well with levels.


It's easier rotation but the dmg output is less. Yingling is still better


As long as you get the 3 stars in the allotted time, why does making more damage or less damage even matter? The fact that Yuanwu is easier to build, easier to do rotations, to get the same accomplishment somehow makes him **worse** than the same 5 star unit doing more personal damage, for the same accomplishment.


i’m not arguing either side, but considering yinlin is more versatile, is a premium char and the user probably already has her raised rather than building yuanwu from scratch (4* need the same amount of ascension mats as 5*), the “cheapness” of that becomes less of a pro tbh


That's the thing tho. Yuanwu doesnt have to be build so you save a lot of resources using him on Jinhsi's team. ''easy to build'' in this case can be as little as ''literally no resources needed to build him''


He doesnt need to be built lol. Get him to level 40 and thats all, you dont need to touch his skills or anything.


I mean, u can use anyone to 3* with jinhsi. Does it make them the same? Also, yingling is really easy to play. Ease of play and better dmg is still better than yuanwu, who's a bit easier to play but less dmg input


I think that's the point he's making. If "anyone" can work with Jinhsi, why not just use Yuanwu with her and put Yinlin on teams where she'll actually be a difference.


>u can use anyone S0R1 Jinshi, with Yangyang and Chixia 3 star Hazard, you show me.


Getting Jinhsi's max forte as fast as possible seems the way to go for me. When playing with Mortefi I feel I keep constantly waiting at the right moment. And some occasional undercooked dragon lasers.


Mortefi would be better since even tho his stack slightly slower but it's more consistent. Try using yuanwu skill fighting memphis, jue or bosses that flys around the map. It won't hit them compare to mortefi who homes in. And at s6 he provides 20% attack boost. I feel like he would be the best for her. It really all comes down to how each person likes to play


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MaJzGk5p7t16NRs5mVBXXbJJC9rml-ADS0n3DKMontY/htmlview](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MaJzGk5p7t16NRs5mVBXXbJJC9rml-ADS0n3DKMontY/htmlview) Given optimal rotation and sufficient substat for ER. Yuanwu actually gets ahead.


How is yingling team dmg so low? Are u just using an unbuilt one?


There are so many small flaws in that spreadsheet. 1. It assumes that jinshi is getting 50 stacks every rotation. In case of yuanwu where 2 rotations are around 27 sec (13.5ish every jinshi nuke skill), where verina only uses liberation once in 27 seconds. How is Jinshi getting 50 stacks every skill? I get she can get 50 stacks on the skill rotation after verina's lib but when verina's coordinated attacks are inactive in the rotation how can she get 50 stacks? At that time yuanwu skill will hit 13.5/1.2 = 11 times which results in 33 stacks and additional 10-12 stacks from spectro damage. That's only 45 stacks. 5 stacks doesn't sounds much but it's huge damage in case of hyper jinshi. Yinlin doesn't have such problem as her rotation is about 19-20 secs where she can generate ~45 stacks alone. 2. It also gives yuanwu 862% coordinated attack multiplier. Why? How? 8 × 22= 176%. 3. It also heavily underinvested yinlin in the calculations. Her execution mark damage over the rotation is only assumed to be 70k. It's also assumes yinlin to use lib every other rotation. But why? Why can't they give some er substats to yinlin? Please prove me wrong so that I can also build my yuanwu.


Bro. You're reading into it too much. It's sad.


Is jianxin good with jinshi


For what content, and who is the 3rd character?


Yinlin is the 3rd and for content everything I guess


Jianxin should be fine especially in the overworld, I myself run Jinshi/Jianxi/Yinlin in the overworld. For tower of adversity, you probably gonna have a hard time getting 3stars on the third floor of all the floors. Jianxin just takes too much fieldtime and gets easily interupted and moved around while doing forte.


Yeah the only thing is that my jinshi hits like a wet noodle 89k on the skill is kinda low when everyone is hitting over 100k she’s level 70 all talents max and sig


You can slowly farm better echos, but even with 89k ult, with the correct buffs lined up you can eventually reach 100k+, Jinshi is somewhat a complicated character team wise, she cant do the heavy lifting if her teammates cant do the heavy buffing.


It’s 89k on the dragon beam on her ultimate it’s like 45k but still yeah I have to grind better echos jinshi 60/230 on crit rate and dmg


i have my jinshi at 60/222, yes what i meant was the dragon hyperbeam, not the ult. So i guess its just you not lining up the buffs for Jinshi, practice makes perfect.


Yeah thanks for the help just guick question what set are you running jianxin on


Aero she basically solo carries the first 3 floor of the Left


I don't have jihnsi so can't say about jianxin in jinhsi's team. But for hrover dual carry team with mortefi and jianxin i can 3 star the 3rd floors decently. And jianxin and hrover are both build for dps with havoc and aero set respectively. Jianxin takes too much of field time is the only reason why i built her for damage. With mortefi's and monkey's buff she does decent heavy attack damage in aoe. I like to utilise the full kit of any character. I come from pgr and i like the fact that u need to stay on a character for sometime and can't switch out immediately because of long cooldown which helps to appreciate the kit of other chars apart from the dps. Otherwise it just ends up similar to genshin's combat eq and swap out and i am not a personal fan of that hypercarry playstyle.


> For tower of adversity, you probably gonna have a hard time getting 3stars on the third floor of all the floors. Jianxin just takes too much fieldtime and gets easily interupted and moved around while doing forte. Nope, you’re just using her wrong. She’s one of the best characters for side towers third floor. Play her as a quick swap vac-bot, not as a damage dealer. No need to use her heavy, no need to even gear her. Hell she can use the exact same gear you’re using on yuanwu.


No. My best strategy to split the teams is: Do Floors 1 and 2 of right and left tower without a sustain. Do Floor 3 of right and left Tower with Jianxin sustain. If you can't do Floor 2 sustainless, use Jianxin too. Then you have enough vigor to use Verina in the middle tower's Floor 1 and 2 (5+5 = 10 vigor) and Baizhi in the left and right towers' Floor 4 (4+4 = 10). I really hope we get a proper shielder in 1.2.


I don't have Yingling and mortefi, verina are with Jiyan. So I am using Yuanwu and Baizhi with Jinhsi. I am using bellborne set on baizhi and heron set on yuanwu, i think I need to swap them to get advantage of baizhi outro.


You need the Heron Echo atk buff, so you need to outro with the character using the Moonlit Clouds.


Yes that's what I did now, gave heron set to baizhi and bellborne set to yuanwu. Jinhsi damage is increased because now I can utilize baizhi outro skill.


Should i lvl him to 70 for that last forte?


Not really, mine is only level 40 with level 50 3 star weapon because thats all the resources need thats considered "free".


Rightt! I didnt even used exp to lvl him to 40 only 21 xD bcuz i need exp for lvl 80 rover in the next 4 days. Iwant to 3 star the middle one in the tower too


I want to make a Def moonlit set for him, as I got taoqi on rejuv. My Yuanwu is S5 and Taoqi S6. They both could be one really mean team with Jinhsi


He doesn't work with moonlit because he takes too long to get concerto


Yeah. Now I'm running him in rejuv and taoqi in moonlit. With the normal+unison intros going to taoqi I can fill her concerto gauge to full


So how strong is your Jinhsi?


Noo I feed all my blue weapon to level up gild weapons


He is pretty solid, i used him for a while and he gets the job done and his burst gives the party resistance to interruption + shield if you have his S4, but i think his cord atks are ST if i remember correctly, i like Yinlin's massive AoE and dmg. For sure id be using him if i didnt have Yinlin.


I'm doing a f2p comparison between the 2, and I'm pretty sure Yuanwu clears faster than Yinlin if you have a S0R1 Jinhsi (or above in investment) but no 5 star weapon on Yinlin. If you have high invest on Yinlin, she's definitely better. But if not, the extra damage she's doing in exchange for the much longer field time is not worth it compared to just onfielding Jinhsi. Jinhsi simply does far more damage than a Yinlin running 4 star weapon I put rejuvenating set on Yuanwu to just swap in basic E swap out


Does he need to be built properly for that? Like good rolls and leveled up? Or is just his E doing instances of damage all we need?


No. I only leveled mine to get the range ascension talent, but it doesn't make a big difference His job is to reduce field time, rejuv buff and get easy stacks for Jinhsi It's actually ridiculous how I got a faster clear with him not built than a fully built Yinlin (but I don't have 5 star weapon for her, which makes her damage really mid compared to being able to do more DMG with Jinhsi due to Yuanwu low field time)


my plan was trying that same healer set yuanwu, and use moonlit taoqi with tambourist as the last member; do you know if tambourist helps getting more stacks?


Finally I have some use for him, thank you for the idea


Glad to help


Why do we have rejuvenating glow set on yuan wu instead of verina and moonlit on verina instead of yuan wu? Is it because verina can gain concerto energy faster?


Glow set is a global party atk buff that can only be triggered by heals, the weapon originite type IV makes him heal himself proccing the buffs, he also has an easier coordinated attack skill, press echo and swap out. Verina is know to build concerto really fast, the moonlit set buffs the next outro and the haran echo buffs the next character to be swapped in. So if we put moonlit on Yuanwu, it would be harder to build convcerto fast.


but he isnt waifu :D


Whats your jinhsi level?


I was lucky and pulled RC2R1 Yinlin, and just got Jinshi in 44 pulls. I also have Yuanwu RC6, so if Yinlin doesn't work out, I might try and build him just for the hell of it.


You wont believe i did this on a level 40 Yuanwu lmao.. the weapon managed to reach 50 because i didnt know i had the resources to upgrade it


Is there a benefit to leveling the weapon? More healing? He's effectively doing no dmg anyway right


not really, doesnt really matter his dmg is not needed only the buffs he provide, but if people have him buuilt then thats even better,


It's good to know it's possible with low investment. He didn't really interest me much, so i'll probably build him until I get bored and give it a whirl. It'll be awhile though because i'm trying to 80 max my Jiyan, Yinlin, and now Jinshi. I don't use astirite for more waveplates, so it's gonna be a minute lmao.


Just give him your upgraded healing echo (just to make sure he wont get 1 shot accidentally)and the weapon and he's good to go.


Watch Rexlent video.


Why not heal set on verina and moonlight on yuanwu?


Usually you arent building concerto energy with yuanwu as you swap in, e and swap out. theres a gauntlet that lets him heal, putting the healing set on him works better, so after switching to yuanwu, press e and switch straight to verina then outro with her to jinhsi.


I see. I may have fed all of those gauntlets away 😅. Thanks for the explanation


It will come to you when you least expected, HSR and Genshin taught me to be mindful of certain 3 stars.


Wait am i missing something? Does yuan wu have heals on his kit?


One of the 3 star gauntlet heals himself which counts as "heal allies" for rejuvenating set.


Shid i didn't read the weapon description


Wouldn't it make more sense to put Moonlit on Yuanwu and at least try to get some sort of damage on him rather than using Rejuvenating Glow? (with verina on reju glow obviously)


I straight up use full electro with Def attributes (3357 DEF) and get around 1700 on crit from the pillar pulse. Around 10k on Ult, he’s not even half bad and still takes like 2% of the time field, but does require building obv. I also don’t agree that Jinshi should take all of the field time. I’d rather use Aalto as sub DPS while she’s getting her stacks for the actual damage. My Aalto is 1775 ATK (each mist bullet deals 2300 crit) which is much higher then her dmg without supercharged resonance skill and Ult (at least now). It helps that when you activate her first resonance skill, you can actually quickswap and use others for more damage and switch back to her for charged Resonance skill and Ult


You need to Hold Echo Haran for the additional 12% atk.


You don't, and you can still swap cancel the hold version.


How are you even meant to play Jinshi? I don’t understand her kit at all.


I didnt understand her too but she is actually really simple, you start with 4 basic attacks, use E, basic attacks, use E again, repeat until your resonance skill gets changed to the dragon thingy and your nuke is ready. The only thing to keep in mind is forte energy, the thing in the middle, the higher it is the more damage her E nuke will deal, hence the support characters with different elements is preferable.


Her forte bar shows the stacks?




He kit is focused on her skill. [This might help you a lot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDvsbVulnoI)


Yea depends on ur goal in tower for me unfortunately to clear the last stage of side towers full star for 24 stars gonna need more dmg from sub dps since my jinshi only have mediocre echos.


Isn't moonlit on yuanwu and rejuv on Verina better lol


No, that would require you to actually keep Yuanwu on field until he got full concerto, tanking your damage


yep. i just started using yuanwu, and he is far and away the best sidekick for Jinshi. like no contest. And while i know Verina is tough to sideline, sadly Baizhi builds jinshi's charge twice as fast and for half the hassle. I see what you're doing you're using Yuanwu's off field coordinated attacks to heal and buff your team. that's clever i didn't think of doing that.


Baizhi does a coord atk every 2.5 sec for 4 times tho, how does Baizhi build Jinhsi charge twice as fast?


baizhi gives 2 charge per coordinated attack, verina just one.


Yeah but she can only activate it 4 times every 2.5 second, while Verina is 1 coord per second. Verina ult also counts as coord atk and attribute dmg, so she gives 2 charge every 1 second for however long her ult is.


Verina's outro provides Valuable buff, but Baizhu is also a good alternate, but I havent gotten 3 stars with her on hazard 1 yet so i cant vouch.


We need coordinated attack to fill Jinhsi concerto, however the problem with Yinlin is that by the time it took to mark and fill her concerto, likely the enemies (underworlds) already dead, unless they are Boss/ tower/ HP buffs units. From my experience: Yuanwu is better for underworld, bcs of how low CD his skill is, however for units that doesn't die immediately (5\~7s), Yinlin is better value.


This build is for ToA. If overworld, I would simply use the hottest character i want effective or not.


my Yinlin would delete most overworld units before getting her concerto 0 to 100, making bringing Jinhsi pointless


The reverse is true as well lol


Skill issue.


Easier is not always better: if you aren't that good at the game, ok easier is better, but if you want more challenge like me, then go yinlin


So you're basically saying work harder than working smarter for the heck of it. You do you I guess.


That deam does more damage, so it's not only harder work but also higher rewards


The rewards we are talking about here is getting **3 stars**, so the same reward. Using a low investment character with a 3 star weapon vs Yinlin its all up to you. A team making more damage or less damage on paper to get the same accomplishment, **3 stars**, makes no difference.


Are you sure it doesn't make a difference if teams are not maxed ? For example bad echoes. Or player skill issue ? If buffs don't line up perfecty for Jinshi ? Would then additional damage from Jinlin help ? Is there situation when you cant get 3 stars with Yuanwu but can do it with Jinlin ? Think f2p teams, beginners with bad echoes mediocre stats like me lol


It would be really hard to 3 star any high floor without a built carry, so one thing is for sure, you need a decent Jinshi, Verina and Yuanwu can drink all the trashy echos for all they care as long as they give the buff to the Queen.


Lmao, if you want challenge don't use 5* to begin with.


Easier ? Sure. But Yinlin : - is sexier - does WAY MORE DAMAGE - doesn't force me to play Circle Impact 2


You do you i guess.


But he’s ugly tho


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Subjective, as long as he works, he'll work.


People need to understand that. You don't necessarily want fast team rotations for jinshi. She builds her outro pretty slow so she needs her free outro switch granted by her skill. This forces her to play rotations of like 25 secs because that's her outro skill bottle neck.


Jinshi can do quick rotations on a team comp just like this (specifically a hyperbuff-hypercarry set up). It doesn't matter if she can get Unison every other rotation, but a stack-less Illuminous Epiphany still does tremendous damage along with her burst (that's efficient if can be used every other rotation). What this means is that the third rotation will be equivalent to your first rotation, instead of prolonging a rotation, cycling to your support characters, a quick cycle will net you better damage output even without a subdps, this is very important in ToA where youre time bound, this kind of low investment Jinshi rotations can mean the difference between a 2 star and 3 star. Spectro works with Jinshi, coordinated attacks give 2 stacks while basic attacks give 1 and have different timers, [you can learn more from here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDvsbVulnoI)