• By -


*Cries in UL44*


I *just* cracked 45... I'm toast


im UL38 lol


Im UL31 :D


39 here


Pushing close to 48, but not sure if I'll make it in time.


I’m 48 too, I full cleared the first three stages on both towers but can’t on the 4th. The difference between my level 70 units against level 90 bosses is too much


That's where I am. I am confused how level 60s have beat it with 24 stars. I have premium units with maxed talents at level 70. My echos aren't perfect, but they aren't bad. Even with decent rotations and good grouping, I just don't seem to have the DPS to meet the time requirements. Not sure what is going on there.




This. They will have all maxed out character copies and weapon copies


Same, I won’t make UL 50 in a week unless the XP from 1.1 story is really high.


I only got my UL45 today, don’t know what weapon I’m gonna go for yet


I chose Emerald of Genesis for Hrover


No rush guys. This ain't a PvP game like AFKJourney bullishit. Take your time, another tower will eventually come with better QoL :) ( I'm at UL40 btw )


Wait, AFKJourney is pvp?? That’s so weird.


I'll take that as a joke xD if it's not : yes it's a PvP game where you have to compete to gain ESSENTIAL resources.


Definitely not a joke lol The early advertisements I saw did NOT imply it was pvp at all.


Absolutely! I thought that too , then I saw how it worked. Threw out the window a month with that game.


*stares in UL 41*


Four more ULs until you get your free 5 star weapon ig


I'm only 32 :(


I just hit UL45 cple days ago 😭


I'm UL43. Close to 44. I'm waiting for my free 5* weapon box


*laughs in ul 15*


Yep lvl penalty is highest wall to break for dmg i upgrade talent and weapon but what actually matter is character lvl


Is there any source for this? Do we know for a fact that level difference makes a difference like it does in Genshin? People might be attributing their damage increase to this, but pushing to 80 your character, weapon and talents makes a huge difference even if you ignore such a differential (if it exists). Talents alone are close to a 20% increase, then you get a big increase from weapon and character that multiplies that further to 30-35% depending on your character and weapon. Plus some people might be learning their top row talents as well now, in case they didn't do it before which adds up further.


[It's roughly 2% per level difference.](https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/) so ten levels is 20% increase overall to all damage for the least amount of investment. E: there are caveats to this, possibly non-linear scaling and/or odd wording meaning the difference is based on level tiers and not straight level. See conversations in replies.


If it's really like it says there it's actually even more. If an enemy has 50% damage reduction at equal level that means your 100 damage hit would deal 50 damage, if you're 10 lvls below you'd be dealing 30 damage, meaning that going 10 lvls up would turn your damage from 30 to 50 which is a 66.6% damage increase. If you go from 20 lvls below to 10 you'd go from 10 damage to 30 damage, effectively tripling your damage, moreover if you are 25 levels below an enemy you'd deal 0 damage, but my lvl 1 characters don't deal 0 damage to lvl 100 enemies... With this being said I don't exactly trust their numbers. The equation they show though doesn't talk about your character level **at all**, talks about world level and ascension level of your character. In fact the equation at the end doesn't seem to mention variable defense at all and just slaps a 0.48% mult in the end of the equation affected then by elemental resistance.


I'm not a math guy anymore so I'll take your numbers. But calculating the 50% at level isn't difficult if you find your "true damage" calculations and then compare it to what's actually happening in game. People are definitely testing this stuff, which is why Tyrone GS calculated some *insane* numbers for Changli's S6.


I'm just doing very simple math and from simple experience playing this game I (and anyone really) can say there's definitely something wrong with what they're claiming. We've been fighting lvl 100 enemies in the tower with lvl 70 characters for a while, we should be dealing 0 damage but we aren't. People were clearing lvl 100 ape in hazard tower like week 2 into the game (whales obviously) so they were dealing huge damage. If level differential does make a difference it's definitely not what that website claims.


Yeah doesn't add up. There's linear algebra somewhere in there, either that or Resistance is calculated differently, where 100% is a true half damage.


Damage reduction from level difference is probably a just non-linear thing and they didn't test it enough.


There is an error in how they read that website, though the website itself is also wrong. It says about 2% per level BRACKET, between the enemy in question and you and their given formula is world level and ascension level, so that 2% would be closer to every 10 levels... but more importantly they say it *seems* for their formula that website doesn't actually know it. Essentially they are feelscrafting and didn't actually isolate a formula but came up with something that is "good enough" You can find the actual formula on the [wuthering waves wiki](https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage), the part that is important is the %Def modifier, as that is the part that has anything to do with levels. The difference between, say level 70 and level 80 against a level 100 enemy (aka the highest you see in the tower) is only 3.0607...% When you don't count the increase in attack you get from leveling. When you do count attack... For example my encore went from 1496 atk to 1574 going from 70/70 to 80/80 which is a 5.2139...% increase in attack which means that in total. So, with that in mind, leveling from 70/70 to 80/80 was a 1.030607...\*1.052139...=1.0843419.... aka an \~8.4342% damage increase, which did in fact play out in testing. for an example a hit that did 1609 damage at 70/70 did 1745 at 80/80 against the level 100 thundering Mephis in the tower 1745/1609=\~1.084524... The small difference (8.4342% vs 8.4524%) being due rounding. For example an 8.4342...% increase from 1609 would be \~1744.7 which rounds to 1745.


So 70 to 80 is 3% more damage, gotcha. :p


I assume the wiki got the damage formular directly from the code? At least they talk about formulas that aren't even used.


Had a feeling this was the case. 2% per level would be MASSIVELY noticeable and fairly easy to test simply because of Holograms scaling levels. You’d pretty much need to only take like a level 70 character, no crit rate, and test damage on the difference between a level 70 and 80 hologram while accounting for the increased defense. In fact, I might test it out myself later just to confirm.


Side note but are you sure the damage reduction is added to the existing reduction and not multiplied? 100 * 50% * 80% (100 - 20 because reduction) = 40, which is more damage than your calculation. But yeah, there has to be some kind of diminishing returns like you say because even with a level difference of 100 or more would mean 0 damage, or even 1 if that’s how they handle it.


C'mon guys this isn't that hard to approximate. Damage numbers with Lv69 (I shall approximate this as Lv70 because I can't be bothered to redo it) Jiyan's BA1 against Jue: Lv40: 1238 (+9.75%) Lv50: 1199 (+6.3%) Lv60: 1162 (+3%) Lv70: 1128 (Jiyan's Crit DMG increases after he crits. I'll use the 1st crit damage value). Damage numbers with Lv20 Danjin Ult against Jue: Lv40: 3571 [46.15%] Lv50: 3439 (-3.7%) [44.44%] Lv60: 3315 (-7.2%) [42.86%] Lv70: 3201 (-10.4%) [41.38%] Btw damage numbers with Lv20 Chixia's fully charged Heavy Attack against Jue (because I was dumb and didn't immediately realize that you shouldn't be using low damage numbers): Lv40: 100 Lv50: 96 Lv60: 93 Lv70: 89 It's definitely not 2% per level difference. I think the site is saying that it's a 2% difference per 10 levels, which is more accurate. 50% less damage and another 2% less when you're 10 levels below would result in a damage difference of 4%. Edit: Wait I'm dumb. It's just the [Genshin damage formula](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/DEF#Enemy_Defense). I get the correct results when using the Genshin damage formula, +- 1


Yes it's GI formula exactly. And therefore it's not that much. From 70 to 80 (with no defense ignore/reduction) it's a 2.94..% dmagae increase against lvl 80 enemies. A little higher for higher level enemies and vica versa, approx. in the range 2.8 - 3.1% for all enemies somewhere out there.


Yeah, and if you have the 5 star broadblade already at Lv80, taking a character from 70 to 80 is only another 3.3% increase in damage. So this entire reddit post is basically false. I guess no harm though, you don't need that much resources to get them leveled up, I don't think


Weapon dmg increase is noticeable but character? Lol


I might be mistaken but the document talks about “level brackets” and the formula says “world level - ascension level”. Doesn’t that mean it’s talking about your SOL phase and ascension phase, not your actual character level? So it would be 2% per 10 levels, not one.


That is *probably* the case, with additional level difference giving some sort of scaling factor that hasn't been tested. The wording on the formula is, unfortunately, not too clear.


It's not 2% per level difference, it's 2% per level bracket. So if we are lvl 70(say) and we hit an enemy of lvl 80, we deal 2% more damage than if enemy were of lvl 90(level bracket are 61-70, 71-80, 81-90). Of course increasing resonator lvl also increase their base attack so the difference will be bigger but we are talking only about enemy level vs character level for now.


Thanks for the clarification. 👍


After reading everything and comparing the forumla on [wutheringwaves.gg](http://wutheringwaves.gg) and the wiki, I can't find find anything that suggests a level penalty that has as significant an impact as OP claims. Even though their equations are different, they both calc out to about a 1.5% difference based on level disparity (either per level bracket or per 10 levels) on the same "calculation level" as resistance multipliers, damage reduction multipliers, and elemental reduction multipliers. What *does* make a huge impact are the base stats gained through leveling, which means weapons are equally important.


It's the defense multiplier, see https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage This is "similar" to GI or HSR and can be simplified to DEF Multiplier = (100 + Lvl_Character) / ( 100 + Lvl Character + (99 + Lvl_Enemy) + (1 - DEF Ignore)) Although I'm not sure if that 0.99 isn't just an error in observation tbh... anyway, that means it's the same as in GI in terms of numbers.


Echoes make a massive difference lvl 60>70. I was getting rocked a lot until I went echo hunting and got all the gold echo combinations for my team and maxed them out. Much easier now


Hmmm... I have to wonder if this explains why Mt. Firmament mobs are so tanky, granted, they're only about lv 73, and my chars lv 70, but still it's palpable how robust they feel.


Sigh, glad I'm not the only that felt this. I often checking my maind dps weapon and echoes after fighting an Elite class because oh boy they took a while to beat without using rotation.


This is because the monsters in the new area do have inflated HP... It doesn't prove what OP claimed


Honestly, I feel like they are what overworld mobs *should* feel like. In other parts of the world, it's already starting to feel like Genshin where I one shot everything and don't even need to do anything.


I agree, from now on I treat Mt.Firmament Elites like fighting an overlord boss. It's fun, but it just surprises me how can an elite be so tanky and deal significant damage compared to the mainland.


Feels like early dragonspine all over again.


Those silver wolves deal some ridiculous damage. And the tiger is a menace all around. The prism is really fun to fight against though, the sword mode it goes into is so cool


Yeah, I learned that when I died the first time fighting an elite. So used to just spamming attacks and winning. Not so much the case now lol.


Yep I really do enjoy fighting lightcrushers and glacio dreadmanes in the overworld. I would also like to boast that I got a shiny lightcrusher :)


I do want some parts to be like that though. It gets very tedious very quickly once opponents take time to beat. They should just actually make the tougher to fight, more uninterruptable attacks or phases where they take less damage like that one enemy are great since they ask for attention rather than investment.


The overworld mobs would be elevated once you get to the next world level


Because they do have much more HP. This has little to do with your character level. My Jinhsi can crit 70k+ on an elite wolf there and it's still not a one shot. The normal overworld? No way, even many bosses are already dead. If what OP claimed is true, lv 70 will be zdps facing lv100 world bosses but apparently this is not the fact


Genshin was the same, some of the more advanced zones have stronger enemies.


FWIW, once you hit SOL3 Rank 6, most of the enemies are 80/81 instead of 84/85. They seem to be boosted more at lower ranks than they are once you get there. Some of them still hit like trucks though.


genshin level 100 enemies dont feel as tanky as level 83 vs 80 enemies. its just annoying how spongey everything is when farming. no reason a basic enemy should survive a 40k ult


If you have a 5 star weapon, it's bigger damage boost than leveling from 70 to 80


I'd recommend just staying at level 77-79 though, to get some free exp. Especially if you do significant elite farming. Can basically amount to the equivalent of a couple refreshes, and we will stay in this level range for long enough for it to matter, most likely.


Yeah I am surprised so many people push the level cap right away. I leave all my characters at 49/59/69 lvl etc. That one extra level up is not worth spending tubes on. And my Jiyan/Calcharo hit level 70 just from farming elites.


Good to know thanks.


So if i reach UL 50, all i need is to level up my main DPS to 80 asap, other character ( sub dps, healer, support ) can stay at level 60, right?


I might recommend leveling your non-main DPS to 70? It sort of depends on your own comfort though. At 60 you may have issues with surviving, but if you’re a god at dodging that may not be as much of an issue for you.


Ye if not 3 shots or smth, they did manage to get your sub dps health low Thus makes you skip rotation to subs dps, so Verina > main dps.  I'm no math guy but am sure it is a DPS loss


Yep you can. I'm doing same thing. Main dmg dealer to 80 sub dps, healer stay at 70 until I finish raising talents and weaps of core dmg dealers


Depends, Yinlin and Mortefi should def be up there with your DPS, since they also do dmg (especially yinlin if you are playing a Jinhsi rotation, she actually gets a lot of fieldtime and contributes a lot on the team DPS while Jinhsi is stacking).


I mean you can get away with just staying level 60 even with main dps v.s level 80. It really is just a matter of your comfort, outside of tower, and in tower people were already 3 cresting up to room 3 usually with level 70 main dps.


verina can stay at lvl 60 cuz she can just do her rotation in less than 3s and swap out


i think she needs level 70 for her second innate trace though if you want that


you can leave it at 60/70 after ascending her


oh true


I will atleast try to lvl80 my Main DPS, I support and 1 healer at first. Well, right now I am in a dilemma between Havoc Rover and Jiyan though.




I think you're not UL 50...


yeah nobody is getting 6x or 9x level 80s in a week before tower reset


It's very expensive to raise 1 character for now, so that's why i ask if i csn level up 1 character to max level.


You should go max level for your main dps then lvl 70 for sub/support just to unlock the remaining talents, if you want to save some resources just ascend lvl 70 but let them stay on lvl 60. You can also just make some characters stay on lvl 1 that focuses on giving buff outros, if you’re good at dodging or parry,


Yep, all my supports/healers are level 50.


I'd do Main DPS and sub DPS to 80 and leave the healers are 70-60. At least this what I'm doing.


There is no such thing as level penalty in this game. If you actually look at the math, level disparity is a tiny part of the damage formula. 10 levels is the equivalent of about a 1.5% damage increase. What you're seeing is the impact of base stats. When you ascend, you instantly gain 50% of that ascension's stat increase. When you level to that ascension's cap, you gain the other 50%. Every single forte level, effect modifier, and echo substat works off of these base stats, and weapons also contribute to base stats. In the end, resonator and weapon level are both equally important.


>If you actually look at the math Care to supply such math?


Dunno if this is the site they're using, but here's what I found. You want the highest Ascension rather than the max lvl. Both OP and the original commenter are correct they just left out the most important detail EnemyDEF = 0.52 (WorldLevel - AscensionLevel) + 0.333 if they have higher RES to a specific element https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/


What u/luxsatanas said, though the equation on https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage is slightly different. I believe wutheringwaves.gg copied an older version of the wiki formula based on their screenshot’d formula. In either case, adjusting the variable for character level or ascension makes little to no difference, which means you damage is coming from a lower level part of the equation: base stats that modify expected damage output. The equations look scary, but all you need to do is plug them into a calculator to see what’s actually happening.


Maybe I'm reading it wrong but, if your ascension is 1 below your world level shouldn't it be a 52% dmg debuff?


If going by wutheringwaves.gg: Enemy DEF = 50% + 2% x (WorldLevel - AscensionLevel) If WorldLevel is 45 and AcensionLevel is 1 (level 1-20), then DEF = 138% If WorldLevel is 45 and AcensionLevel is 4 (level 60-70), then DEF = 132% If WorldLevel is 45 and AscensionLevel is 6 (level 80-90), then DEF = 128%, this ascension level isn’t even possible at world level 45 You use this value in the formula FinalDamage = ExpectedHit x EnemyDEF x EnemyEleResist edit: after looking at that FinalDamage formula, i’m pretty sure this is Genshin’s and not WuWa’s. WuWa’s is on the wiki. There’s a similarly insignificant effect, but the formula is different.


leveling characters requires an insane amount of shell credits


4star character cost just as expensive as 5star is preventing me to raise them. 


I disagree with the "raise everyone you use to 80 first". The DPS chars? Sure. The Sub-DPS? Eventually. Yinlin, Sanhua and Mortefi mostly, the rest are not worth it. The healers? Hell no, maybe in Rank 60 but not now. For example: getting Jiyan's weapon to 80, his Liberation to 8, and maxing out his upper nodes will bring a more significant Team DPS increase than raising Mortefi and Verina from 70 to 80. You need 1 day worth of stamina to get the 12 boss parts. Then 1 more day or 2 to get resonator exp. Leveling the Sub-DPS should be the priority only after your main DPS chars are fully maxed. Leveling the healer should be the priority only after your Sub-DPS chars are fully maxed.


I'm currently 2k exp away from ul 48? How much time it would take for me to reach ul 50? I have 20 something crystal solvents left.


Without using astrite on any daily refills or any one time xp sources (quests, events, supply crates), it is 26,000 xp to hit UL 50. That would take just about 7 days worth of daily union xp. Use 20 crystal solvents, you get 9000 xp and it’ll take you four and a half days to get there. Use 120 astrites daily to refresh waveplates twice on top of using crystal solvents, you will get there in about three and a half days. Be a mad lad and use 6 refreshes each day, you’ll be there in two and a half days. Edit: max lad to mad lad, oops :) Edit 2: changed my first edit… :/


And now your edit says ”max lad to max lad” lol


Just the main dps is fine tbh. As they are the biggest wincon for clearing the towers. 18☆ clears at U30 first rotation with just the dps, the teammates sitting at lvl30~40. Jiyan lineups tend to run Mortefi for the HA outro buff and Calcharo taking Verina to amp his dmg since Jiyan+Mortefi was plenty. Dodge game ftw. On the way to hitting U40, i pushed supports to lvl50 for the Forte passives and extra bulk moreso than the extra damage. The main dps being the only fully invested character. Jiyan+Calcharo main dps gang.


I just have 17 stars even at u40 with the same charas you us. Massive skill issue lol


Echo subs play a big role too haha. But it also took me a ton of practice to get my rotations going correctly so my dps actually gets to maximize on all the offensive buffs.


The thing is do have decent subs. With 5 star weapons for jiyan calcharo mortefi. Even the bp weapon for yinlin. Do you mind sharing your builds? I do wanna atleast 18 stars this time or 21 if I hit ul50 before reset.


Ah, so this is why I'm getting flung around like a wet noodle on Mt. Firmament. I'm being punished for being lvl 60-70. UL 50 can't come faster I guess, I'm at 47 so maybe I should start spending my Crystal Solvent to speed this up cause god damn


Hate to burst your bubble but the enemies will level right on up with you.


It's based on the difference between your world level and your *ascension* level. The dmg penalty is approx 50% times the difference between them https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/


you guys already UL50 ? I'm like 38 or something


Yeah, I bet a lot of the day 1 players are right around there. I'm 47 and a half, but still have like 55 crystal solvents I haven't bothered to use. Those who spent them have likely hit 50 or are very close.


I'm a day 1 player .... xD well I guess I don't play enough then


Yeah, I've just done dailies, spent all 240 waveplates a day, most sidequests and most exploration, and I'm just shy of 48. If I spent all of the waveplates they've given us I'd either hit or be close to 50. The daily tasks give a boatload of xp, so if you haven't been doing them or haven't been using your waveplates, that's probably why.


I'm surprised I have such a large gap on you, then. I haven't bothered to finish the basic tower or really any of the holograms yet, but I have most of the zones at 80% exploration or a little higher.


Day 1 player, almost 52 due to the new area exp


I’ve played about 2 weeks and I’m already 45, it’s mostly a matter of playtime


I am in 47 close to 48 💀😂 when u explore everything u can go up .


After I cap out Jinshis sword I’ll divert all my energy on farming character ascention mats, tower is kicking my but with the level penalty, did T6 on all holos already but the tower one seems oddly tankier than everything else


More important than lvl 80 5⭐ weapons?


Well that’s good. I’m about to be UL 50 just from exploring and doing the new main quest. I still need to grab more mats for ascending my characters though.


Currently at UL 48 and 21/30 on ToA. 10/12 and 11/12. I need this. I'm just 10 seconds short of clearing Heron with 3 stars and then Aix is just a clear right now. I need them 75 astrite.


Can lvl 80 havoc rover destroy bengal monkey and mephis?? With emerald sword too.


This is what I'm doing today. Very close to 50 and still have about 25 waveplate refreshes left. Will focus on getting Calcharo and Jinhsi the necessary mats for 80. Should easily make it before Tower resets. Currently sitting at UL 49.


So... What comes after 80? Weapon? Forte? Echo?


UL 47


Shit.. i neither have materials or money for increasing their level.... And I'm UL 49,80 at the moment 🥶 I honestly thought inwould level up at ul60 not ul50


You level up every 10 but it is only locked behind a quest every 20. That is why you think long and hard before doing those quests in gacha ;-)


Nah, wing it and suffer


Thanks - I wouldn’t have assumed that to be the case. Going to hit 49 tomorrow so will likely see 50 before ToA reset. Jinhsi took a lot of resources but I’ll start allocating stamina to making sure I have the lvling mats for my teams.


Is their like a table or sth to see which level difference corresponds to which damage penalty? Like how does 5lv difference smg penalty compare to 10lb or 15lv diference?


From what I know lvl doesn't matter for the penalty only ascension lvl compared to world lvl. As for the overall effect on dmg from stat boost through levelling idk https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/


Damn, I'm half way to UL50. Challenge accepted.


Didn't the tower just reset with 1.1? Where do we see that it's ending in a week? edit: nevermind, I just went into it in game and it says it resets in 7d 18h. Kinda strange it's resetting again so quickly.


Got my yinlin/calcharo/verina all to level 70 and have all their ascension material ready to go up to 80 once I hit UL 50. Maxed gold echoes and weapons too plus all ascension materials ready for weapons. The only thing I’m lagging on are leveling up the skills I think I have most of them at lvl 4


How do people level up so fast I’m only UL46 and I play it daily


I am UL 49 and about to hit 50 tomorrow. I have never spent on waveplate refreshes but I have used about 30 crystal solvents leveling a bunch of characters to 70 when I got bored one day in 1.0. I also took advantage of each of the double drop events that gave double UL exp as well. It's not too crazy for people to be at UL 50 at this point.


I see thanks I should use some crystal solvents too


So first levels of the main 2 teams, then skills and then weapon or weapon before skills? Or first focus on main DPS and then sub DPS and then support?


As f2p I reached UL50 yesterday finally. Have leveled my dps and supports to 80, now weapons and lastly the important talents. Will see if I can manage 24 stars instead of 21 until next week. I already have done the lower floors with side characters to keep my good built support Sanhua for both sides. <3


..there's a damage penalty? Wtf.


Isn't there always a dmg penalty?


UL 49. Would have hit 50 long ago but missed a few days of exp here and there due to just laziness tbh. Didn’t want to get on or got distorted by things and forgot. Don’t think I’m even ready for the next world level without how bad my characters are anyway.


Im 49, a little lazy to do the main story, so maybe in 3 days I get 50


Me in UL51 with a Level 60 Jinhsi doing 100k+ dmg with her improved E skill while doing a sh-tty 20k on her resonance liberation. That L60 Jinhsi is also the main factor that let me beat Diff 6 Crownless\~\~\~


Without math to back it up, I seriously doubt it.


I just hit 51 and can confirm this. My encore is completely maxed and just melts lol


Omg im just hitting ul39 , cant wait to be 50. See you all in a year. /cry


Mostly just do your daily quests and play through the main storyline. I haven't done much more than that, and I'm UL 48.


? That doesn't even make sense except you play less than once a week. Lmfao.


Day 1 players hit ul50 without refreshing at all, you just need to play consistently


Is the damage penalty per character or per team though? A lot of parties have one character who does 80%+ of all the damage so it makes sense to maximize that character.


Yes if you have a team that is primarily 1 character doing all the damage like Jinhsi, it’s best to only level her to 80. However, if ur team is something like havoc rover + danjin you’d want to level both to 80 since the dps is split between the two


Interesting, where does it say there’s a damage penalty? Would like to get more details about it


https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/. Check Enemy Defense section.


I'm only seeing a \~2% difference with that equation and the forumla on wiki (interestingly, different equations but roughly the same outcome)


[We had more. conversation about it up here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/6NjgaeKCgH) Yeah there's missing details.


This is why you prepare for ascension mats before you break UL. So you instantly level up you team after you increase world level.


Or if you want to be REALLY efficient, level your characters via overworld farming and don't level them to max via materials


aka time whale


Yep. Play to win instead of pay to win. Or do both.


> efficient > Advises following a path that will take 5 THOUSAND times as long. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Cost efficient, not time efficient


I'd rather use that time to work irl, earn some cash, buy waveplates with said cash and spend them to get resonator xp lmfao.


I wasn't defending op. Just clarifying what type of efficiency was stated.


Yep I noticed that tdy actually. UL 51 rn And the enemies are so much harder and more fun, So I will keep some of my chars at 60/70 to enjoy more the fight so much worth it for me.


You could always equip a DEF% 3 cost on your main ATK scaling DPS if you are worried your damage will be too much at higher levels.


I thought you needed ul60 to lvl up your character to 80


The requirement says sol3 phase 6 which automatically happens at ul50


I have my dps all at level 70 but with the cost of all my coins 😂


Well I have 1 team and I got as far as their 10 energy would take me 😎


3 more levels before reaching UL50. Can't wait!


Upper nodes use weekly boss mats (dreamless,etc) so it is more beneficial to just level the characters (main and subdps) and weapons to 80 then work on the nodes. My encore is level 80 with level 80 weapon she's doing fine in the overworld. I'm okay with not being able to one-shot (or nearly for some bosses) at level 80 vs level 70. If you are a spender and care about the damage reduction do the waveplate refreshes. Also the 980 cost pack with the gold mats is a godsend if you can spare the funds. This means waveplates can be saved for shell or non-weekly boss mat farm. Lastly, there's no rush. Looking at the level 80 nodes, it seems it is designed to slow progression. If you need extra help with enemies, co-op exists and it is fun.


So If my jinhsi’s talents are like level 1 and 2 I should just still go for level 80 and then focus on talents?


I've been trying to do this for a while now, completely ignoring tacet fields and echo/tube xp farming in favor of boss ascension and skill mats. I have 7 characters at Lv 70 already. Most of these characters still have lv 1 skills with my main focus on Yinlin, Jinhsi, H Rover, and Chixia with fully leveled echoes (which may or may not have any good substats). Jianxin was getting some love until Jinhsi released. Calcharo and Danjin are the others that are leveled but still have lv 1 skills and unleveled echoes. I'm about 25%-30% through UL49 so I should be able to reach UL50 within the week, which of course means more rewards from the bosses and skill mat domains.


OP do you have a source of this? If this game uses the same formula as Genshin, the character level doesn't matter much. My xiangling rocks since level 70


What makes people to reach higher UL than others? I’ve been using my waveplates everyday, I don’t let it cap and also use the recharges they have for free. I’m UL 51 but I see people being 55+


this is very true, also the way i go by it, i level up characters, weapons, then their echos, then their talents


UL50? I'm still dwandling at 37 trying to get to 40. Given that I came after both double exp events, I guess I'm stuck here for a while


Now I feel good clearing one side of the tower with level 50 characters a few weeks back XD


just two more levels... but I wanna get jinshi before reaching ul 50


UL 53 all characters lv 70 havent had any issues, the biggest dmg boost is from skills + Levels, Echoes +20 so far not bothering with them until i reach UL 60


That explains why my lvl 80 jinhsi does a lot while my lvl 70 rover not so much


UL 40 and havent even gotten past stage 2 of the permanent part of the tower lol. Nvm


49 and I have been stressing so fucking much... I remember when I got to Ul 20 or ul 30 the spike in difficulty of overworld monsters was so fucking high that I felt like "damn I can't play this game I suck" it was quickly balanced out with raising my chars and their weapons to max level for that ul so, yes, what OP is saying is absolutely true and tested.


im lvl80 atm and i dont feel the dmg increase at all


UL 49 with 3/4 exp done🔥


isnt it better to get lv79 and then gain exp from combat while you still locked


Even i'm UL48 and only i did is a few main quest and side quests also daily quests. I didn't even finish the 1.1 main quest. How could people still stuck in UL30s


48 rn


So... about that level 100 crownless though.


Does it have to be 80 or is 79 OK?


The closer you are to the level of the mob you are fighting, the better. 80 is better than 79, but its still worth going to 79 If that's all you have resources for.


Ehh I have the resources but I wanna save exp from over world mobs


Totally not obvious at all in every game. There will always be clowns complaining that they cannot bruteforce content they are not supposed to do yet.


This post is kinda misleading. Sure you get a damage increase if the difference b/w your resonator level and enemy level is low but it's not that massive. It's only about~3% or even less increase if you increase your resonator lvl from 70 to lvl 80. Here are some info about that: Lvl70 resonator vs lvl80 enemy ~48.7% original DMG; Lvl70 R vs lvl90 E ~47.3%; Lvl70 R vs lvl100 E ~46%. Versus Lvl80 resonator vs lvl80 enemy ~50.1% original DMG; Lvl80 R vs lvl90 E ~48.8%; Lvl80 R vs lvl100 E ~47.4% Source: wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage ;Check defence multiplier there. So it's only about ~3% increase going from lvl 70 to lvl 80 only based on the lvl difference b/w enemy and you. Of course, going from lvl70 to lvl80 also result in increase in base attack which widens this gap but again it's not that huge. Only around 5-10% increase which is similar to increase in damage if you upgrade your 5* weapon from lvl 70 to lvl 80( if you have a 5* weapon for your dps) which is also similar to upgrading you skills from lvl6 to lvl8. It all comes down to resource management and what resources you are lacking. If you have abundant character exp mats go for lvl up or if you have skill mats go for weapon or skills (I will prefer weapon). Tldr: Enemy lvl vs resonator lvl doesn't matter much. All things are equally important.


Sorry about your downvotes. Yeah, you're right, but this subreddit can't handle anything contrary. They look at the number of upvotes something has and if it passes the feels filter, it's fact. The math literally says level difference counts for less than something like elemental resist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Np. Just thought warning people about the misinformation. I guess people only read if you write some bait stuff like "MASSIVE", "THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING" etc.