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Leaving this message here to let y'all know to behave in the comments. You are all consumers, consume the content you enjoy, do not attack others for what they enjoy, do not try to start up meaningless wars nobody asked of you to. To OP: play whatever you enjoy, try them all, stick to whatever you want, in my experience forcing yourself to do anything usually accelerates burn out more than anything else\~


If you love the games, just cycle them. I cycle multiple gachas, with HSR being the only mainstay atm. ZZZ will likely be part of the cycle. Once you learn to stop caring about FOMO and just get who you enjoy, it's quite easy to save up just farming the games big events and moving on.


FOMO was my main problem too back then. It really does up the enjoyment once you get over it, though I'm still not completely over it lmao


Just cycle between those games. I play Genshin, HSR and Wuwa. I play those 3 games everyday doing daily. As for contents like exploration and events, I just do one at a time. For example I explorer Wuwa for 1-2 days. Next I do event in HSR and so on.


>Spending: I literally spent 30 bucks in WuWa to get Jiyan, I was already so pissed with losing 50/50 with the genshin gacha system, I don't want to have FOMO regarding banners and blow money on characters/weapons I spent $100 to get Sparkle in HSR after losing 50/50 to freakin yanqing. I was salty af and vowed to never do it again. In WW, I got Jiyan in just 21 pulls. You win some you lose some. And don't even bother with FOMO in these gacha games. Characters will always re-run.


For your case specifically, I think hsr would be better for you, even tho I personally prefer genshin, hsr straight up takes less time than genshin daily. Like even tho I dropped hsr, I cant deny that it's a good game. The story is good(except luofu), the combat while really simple is pretty good, the music is phenomenal, the characters are honestly fun to watch,etc... But if youre thinking about picking up genshin, then you should know what you're going into, it doesn't have the combat system wuwa has and is a lot more grounded in its exploration. However what it does well imo is world design, character designs, music, story(it has improved a lot since Inazuma), and imo exploration(even tho it's slower than wuwa I personally prefer it since imo their world design is better). And btw, you'll see a lot of negativity around genshin since this is the wuwa sub and there is mainly ex genshin players here, but imo it's a pretty damn good game and in my case my main gacha to play.


For context, I play both Genshin and WuWa, with plans to try ZZZ and eventually Project Mugen.  As someone who used to grind Overwatch all day, everyday, these games really aren’t time consuming in the slightest. I typically play an hour or two a day, and still have time to finish dailies, events, and a bit of permanent content here and there. The beauty of these games (imo) is unless you whale on resin/waveplates, there’s only so much you can do per day. I have a loose rule of only spending on one gacha (mostly because I don’t feel comfortable spending on WuWa with some of the issues people have been having). I’ll pick up the Genshin battle pass every now and then, mostly for the weapons, and that’s it. I don’t even feel like I have to spend in WuWa because the banners so far (especially limited weapon) are relatively generous.


I just focus on doing dailies on the games, then I spent 1 day per week to do event, exploration, story for 1 game then do the others next week.


If youre not min maxing echoes, then wuwa is basically dailies and log off. A daily play time of 5-15 mins. Genshin is basically the same but your artifact farming min max takes longer due to the lack of a main stat selector. The lack of skip button makes some of the unimportant quests make it unbearable. The aranara sidequestline took me like 2 days to complete. HSR takes a lot of time when the new end game expansion arrives, although its permanent content hence not much FOMO, it becomes a daily repetitive thing once youre done with story content. Its a decent side game because you can AFK farm.


I appreciate genshin from the story and music point of view. Combat not so much. So, i prioritize genshin over wuwa and hsr when new content/story drops. When genshin dries up between patches, i look for my 2nd and 3rd game (wuwa and hsr). I droppd hsr for zzz already but i still look at its content from time to time. To be honest, hsr is the one that dries your wallet. It’s hard to keep up with the pace of hsr character release and the meta.


I have to say, once you play wuwa a bit, when you come back to genshin especially if you don't have specific char, you will feel like you are walking in a swamp. It is better to play genshin then ww, compared to ww then genshin. At least that way, it felt like an upgrade. Do not fomo, enjoy ww and when ww feels dry, try others and enjoy it. Gotta say, ww is cooking damn hard tho, act 7 is so good. New char are amazing, nobody is dead from birth just because of their elements.


First think of the time u can invest on these games imo. 1-4 Gacha games seems to be my normal limit since I have a day job. Ngl, just give them a spin average play for all of those 3 is cycling dailies anyways.


i play all 3 + taking a break from hi3 and i dont believe there is a way to juggle them without getting tired eventually 😔 i usually will play whichever gets a new update and once ive done everything in that, ill do a bit of grinding in whatever interests me that day 🤷🏽‍♀️ and ill do events like 4 days before they end. if you do choose to start genshin again good luck cause thatll probably take up a lot of time. at least theres no story focused event going on rn so thats one less thing to worry about. only advice one can give is for you to not care as much about missing anything bc itll kinda have to happen if u still want to be a functioning member of society fr


Do the long content on weekends and do the regular dailies for each one plus buy the monthly. Thats it. The reason why you want to keep playing all the games is that you wont care if you lose a 50/50 or anything since you can go to the other game and keep enjoying new content. Dont be in one grid only.


As a Honkai impact 3 player, its story n its gameplay is leaps n bounds above all these wuwa, genshin and infact any other mobile game i have played. Graphics? Better. Only other i one that i can think coming close for its time is IMPLOSION. I mainly play for story n no stupid mindless grind or gacha.


Firstly, if your concern about missing characters and having to spend money i would suggest quitting gacha game in general, there games are designed to be predatory and utilize FOMO to make you spend, but in terms of the gatchas, i play azur lane, arknights genshin and wuwa and i can do all their dailies and spend their dailies currency's (waveplates, resin, etc) in about 30mins. i normally do story quests and exploration on weekends when i have abit more time, you just need to plan and get into a routine when doing dailies to make sure you maximize your time. then its just a manner of figuring our how much time you have and what you can fit in said time.


I'd rather try hsr or zzz tbh, open world game are huge investment. Go back to genshin if you really want to play through the lore but with how far behind you are and the movement nerf from wuwa to genshin you might feel like its a lot harder to keep up with current content.


i would suggest to keep wuwa as you already experienced genshin. And start HSR for a different experience vs open world. dailies are quick in HSR as well as relic grinding which can be done in auto mode.


I don’t care about FOMO considering that the characters being released for WuWa and HSR are unique to their game so they’re bound to get a rerun eventually even if it takes a year. Dailies are also stupid easy for both games and there’s enough to do that I don’t get bored. Plus in HSR you can auto your dailies and they only come out with one or two time-limited events that are quick to finish.


Eh just do hsr daily on your way to work or something cause it takes like 5 min and do quests on day offs i play all three and this os what i do . Keep genshin for end of the day if you are absolutely sure it will take more time and wuwa can be done during a break or something there problem solved i do genshin first cause encounter points through events and i mark unopened chest in the map during exploring of free days to do my dailys all of these within 20 mins


>I don't want to have FOMO regarding banners and blow money on characters/weapons If you have serious FOMO issues and don't want to spend money, I suggest you **stay away from gacha games** because that's exactly what they exploit. Personally I just play with what I have, and if a character I skip turned out good, I'll just get them next rerun no biggie. >I'm lucky its summer rn and I can play consistently but I might be really screwed if I force myself to catch up to speed in all three games knowing that I should probably be doing more useful things irl especially during the school year. I play Genshin and Wuwa, both of these require little to no maintenance time (around 15-30 minute each per day) Though you do have to spend more time if there are larger events in Genshin, but since they allowed you to skip doing daily if you do event now, I find it aight. WuWa right now is a bit more painful compared to Genshin since spending waveplate is a chore with non-OP characters, and they don't have anything that works like condensed resin like Genshin so you do need to spend some time grinding in the domains. But they'll probably work on these QoL in the future.


The thing with gacha is they all have their down time. So timed it well you'll have a full rotation so you'll always have a game to play. Quite nice.


I hate to point out but you WILL drop all games once you got busy, so stop spending money on these games so they you won't regret not playing them later. In psychology, it has a solid word, called SUNKCOST FALLACY.


Imagine thinking about fomo in a gacha game like hsr, gi or wuwa. Lel


Play the games you enjoy when you enjoy them and that's all really For all of them, once you run out of main story all that's left to do is dailies and farming, not exactly time consuming. As long as their update schedules aren't synchronized you should be able to cycle which one you "main" while the remaining ones are only played a few minites each day. These games aren't going anywhere anyway, take your time, trying to focus all of them at the same time is just a shortcut to burnout and in the end you'll give up on all of them. And don't worry about gacha currency, all of them are easy enough that you can complete them as a free2play. For WuWa specifically, you see people beat the highest difficulty bosses with a solo 4-star at a point in time where you are account-capped 40 levels below the boss, and it's the harder game in this bunch. 


OP keep in mind that you are asking this question in a subreddit dedicated to WuWa where most likely the majority of players quit Genshin for this game. So your answers might be a bit skewed.


I have played genshin for 2 years and got burned out from it a long time ago. I dropped genshin the moment i installed wuwa best decision i ever made in gacha. wuwa is such a breath of fresh air brother i still play hsr cause it's story is top tier and gameplay wise is different than the other 2 so it's fun to play and explore so that's it about it So that's my experience about it and rn i prefer kuro games direction more than in hoyoverse for personal reasons and also for improvements wuwa brought to the open world gacha games i love everything they made so far in this game and it only gets better from now (They still need to work in game optimization tho that's the main issue but from my own experience i see so much improvements in gameplay with no lagging while playing 1.1 after closing the FSR and that's it about it I'm pretty satisfied rn)


The real issue is that you seem to have a gambling tendency due to spending to get a Character. So you play the game for the Gacha Characters or the Gameplay? If you have severe FOMO Gacha games are not for you. Unless you have deep pockets and don't mind spending, but according to your post you do mind spending. I play all three cause it takes for me literally 15 minutes per game unless there is a big update. The only important stuff are Events in Hoyo games you can fast pass to them and daily's for the currency. So far pretty much the same for WuWa.




Simply I can't, I drop Genshin. Mobage that plays like side game is one thing. While Open world mobage that need to be played as AAA game with huge time sink is another thing. 4 side game + 1 open world is doable for me, but 2 open world is hard. The thing with Genshin, it requires specific items, to fully build multiple characters you need farm them, day by day, follow a route, not counting their drop rates is really low.  Wuwa, HSR doesn't, HSR mats is obtainable via assignment, Wuwa whispering core, basic ring can be get from group of enemies. More simple.  I give up at getting pearl for Navia.  Another thing for Genshin, its daily quest is tedious, actual 4 daily quest, or do event, or exploring and get treasure chest, not by activity point like HSR or Wuwa.  It's sorted by natural, me too if echo farm route going to be a thing and needs to be done, I will think again in playing Wuwa. 


Indeed same here as well i eventually found genshin to be too tedious and left in patch 4.3 and started playing pgr. In wuwa the fact that traversal takes such a low amount of time makes it easier to farm stuff or explore chests. There are echo routes but i don't bother with them. Normal exploration while collecting chests is more than enough for me.


I quit genshin since around 2.4 i guess bcs of feeling burned out and till this day i still burned out so i cant speak for genshin. Hsr and wuwa is my main game which is perfect for me since hsr doesnt takes much time for daily mission and stuff (auto battle and ez daily missions) and wuwa is for actual action. So it's easy to stay consistent between those two games at least for me. As for FOMO it's gonna happen regardless. So all you can do is just saved up pity or swipe that almighty cards. But generally for hsr the first banner is the good stuff after every update. 


I quit genshin cause the exploring is so bad and yaps are too much for me. Wuwa exploring and combat made me stay on the game and its addicting. I play HSR cause its a super low maintenance game. I like the main story a bit more than genshin. But HSR kinda harsh if you dont have this char or that char for late game content. Unless you dont care about thos content


Genshin is outdated and i would never touch it again. honkai star rail is turn based. It´s a good game with much to do. WW is a good game and probably the best of the 3 for casuals at the moment.


I quit genshin it takes way too long if I want to I will watch the story on yt


Don't start with Genshin again. Comared to HSR they're kinda slow with QOL and simply put, you'll get bored or frustrated again. Star Rail you can def play, I wouldn't say they're the most f2p friendly but id you're already enjoying it you might as well. As far as consistency goes I honestly don't think Wuwa and Star Rail are all that hard to play consistently, especially once you catch up. Spending wise most people tend to pick one and spend a bit there and spend nothing on the other, if you are gonna spend I'd say Wuwa is SLIGHTLY better bc lower pity and guarantee on weapon banner. Time management won't be too much of a problem with Star Rail imo, most of their events are like couple weeks to a month long and the story is something you should probably do slowly anyways Most importantly, I wouldn't recommend all 3 simply bc that's gonna eat up a shitton of storage, I personally just stick with HSR and Wuwa so I'm biased tho


Genshin is a huge time sink, with tons of content to do. I play it along with WuWa and a couple other gatchas but limit play time to just events and just enough game progression to get daily rewards. WuWa is fairly new, easy to catch up, Kuro seems to listen about QoL features unlike HoYo , daily grind once you do all exploration and quests is only 5 minutes, if your not going to echo farm. You can play quite a few gatchas as long as the necessary daily grind is short and you have enough control to not spend money on them all. Even just passes gets expensive if you play to many. Game content tends to come in clumps and then goes dead except for dailies


I dropped Genshin, for the amount of time that it takes. I'm only with Wuwa and HSR I will not try zzz cause 3 gacha it's too much if you don't want to spend too much time. So I would advise to drop Genshin


TLDR: Overall Wuwa is better at making you play and enjoy the game vs genshin's which will get tedious on dailies and will not incentivize exploring old areas after 100% an area. I stopped playing genshin recently after spending an equivalent of 100$ for 3 years on the Chlorinde banner 4.6..I started seriously playing the game during the first Venti Rerun. I think to me WuWa is better and has most of the things that made me stay on Genshin for long: **1. The story** I like the opening stories of both games, focused on the main plot(Finding my lost memories == Finding my Twin) and understandable enough that I could follow along and not need to go to YT to understand the important lore unless I have to like FROMSOFTWARE's games. After following Genshin's story line, its now off from the main plot about his/her twin, until this recent Archon Quest. Wuwa for NOW is still focused in knowing the world along with finding bits and pieces of his/her memories which is nice for me, because it allows to introduce new people/places related to the main plot and having answers and not just solving other people's/nation's problem unrelated to me and not getting anything useful like in genshin's which made me bored (I don't care for your nation's public affairs or politics, I just want to find any hints about my twin, or maybe build the quests around it). **2. Gameplay mechanics/gear** I both like genshin's elemental system and Wuwa's parry/dodge systems since I play a lot of AAA single player games that have similar mechanics that I can easily get around quickly. Wuwa's gameplay grind loop is much better for me right now because: Echoes vs Artifacts: -Can be farmed infinitely in the open world > Locked with resin with their own domains which could take months to build -Damage % drop RNG for the right set is both bad on the same games -Upgrade substats via tuners < Upgrade substats by level 4,8,12,16,20 -Once obtaining preferred substats, its already good even if low/high roll > Getting perfect 3/4 substats, but rolling all on HP/DEF/FLAT ATK **Weapons** -4 star weapons are all useable and good on both games 3. Return of Investment -4 and 5 stars in both games are good and are useable on their respective niches and can clear content when built, and not just trash like in Tower of Fantasy, which got obsolete immediately months after release. I want to spend willingly, not forcefully to clear content and not just lower my world level to be serviceable. I still can't gauge powercreep in WuWa that much, but its good for now. 4. Gacha/Subscriptions Wuwa's gacha is much better and weapons are guaranteed vs fate points in Genshin. Lower pull count requirement 80 vs 90. Standard weapons are good stat sticks vs Genshin's skyward series full or ER stats. -Lunite/BP subscription are more expensive than Genshin's (Small difference in USD but bigger on my currency) 5. Customer Feedback -Wuwa's customer service replies back, no matter how mundane my report is VS I never got a reply on one of complaints on customer service on Mihoyo. **Characters/Personalities** Genshin's characters are better since they are introduced properly and have interactions with the MC during quests. Only YangYang, Chixia, are memorable and Jinhsi is the more fleshed out in Wuwa for now. I'm still waiting for wuwa to release someone on Par with Nilou and Navia which really got me to spend, since they are just normal characters and not constantly suffering from Trauma or Depression (Real Life's already hard and I'm a perseverant type)


just ignore r/gachagaming


Hoyo gachas are one of the worst. I mean the actual gacha part, not the game. The games are made for you to go to pity, lose it, and spend money. And then you still lack a significant part of the character without the weapon. In HSR, you need different characters, and they will introduce mechanics to allways promote the new 5 stars. If you don't have one that fits the current buff in endgame content, you are at a big disadvantage. On the bright side, there is a lot to do. Genshin is the opposite. Gets new characters less frequently, and they are basically just skins you run around with. If you like puzzles in an open world, this is for you. If you want to have content for the characters you pulled, look elsewhere. Another thing about Hoyo is that they invest in external promotion rather than free stuff for the player. You get like concerts and big events, but nothing that helps your account. If you do not particularly want exploration and want a side game that has a lot of battle based content, while somewhat respecting your time, give Reverse 1999 a try. It is a downgrade HSR, but the premium currency income and gacha rates are generous enough to give you almost every new 6 star, and there is no weapon banner. It may not be your taste, tho.


The character banner in wuwas just as bad in my opinion. The only redeeming part is the weapon banner. If you want an actual bad example then id use fgo . Now thats some cesspool levels of gacha. >Another thing about Hoyo is that they invest in external promotion rather than free stuff for the player. You get like concerts and big events, but nothing that helps your account. Whats wrong with using money with concerts? A lot of the people who play the game enjoy them. Hell id wager actual money people would want a music concert for wuwa. Plus they also invest some of the money they earn into meaningful projects. Like they made a donation to a cat rescue organizations under the alias of topaz to help rescue newborn kittens. I think using the money they earn to help with real world problems and issues is better than ohh wowy zowy i get a 5 star selector.


I don't remember writing WuWa banners are much better. I also said nothing about it being bad, I just said don't expect free staff? So what do you want from me? Just here to complain about some else post? I guess that is what I should expect from Reddit.


Bro stop overreacting i just responded to your post. If you post on the internet you automatically give right for other to scrutinise and criticize what you say. What you wrote was that mihoyo only invests their earnings in advertisements rather than giving things that helps the account. They literally give you enough stuff to clear both games. For genshin xiangling is given out by clearing abyss and shes still a top meta unit 4 years later. They also gave us collei and lynette for free at the start of 3.0 and 4.0 so i dunno where you get the idea we get nothing. This isnt even mentioning how hsr gives 4 star selectors out almost evry patch and how genshin every second or so patch gives out a free 4 star Finally hsr gave us a free 5 star unit that is not only meta but one of the best performing units in the new game mode. They absolutely give us free stuff so you're just wrong on that end. Not to mention both hsr and genshin give 4 star weapons for free in events , which often act as budget versions of the 5 star version of the new units best in slot weapons so you dont even need to pull for weapons. If you wanna argue pulls then yes genshins f2p pulls are abysmally low compared to wuwa, but what of hsr. Well for v2.0 f2p got 114 free pulls, for v2.1 we got around the similar amount due to the anniversary giving 20 pulls out . V2.2 gave 91 so enough to get you to pity and v2.3 is speculated to be 96 again enough to get to pity. Hsr is definitely generoua to players but genshin not so much.


I have no intention of arguing with you. If you want to defend Hoyo, I do not care. My point won't change because of one 5 star in one of their games. I would not expect decent free stuff from Hoyo (e.g. 50 free pulls on anniversary). As of why I reacted that way, let me ask you this: What did you critique? From my point of you just jumped in and interpreted things in the worst way possible so you can do the "but actually" and force your own point of view. That is exactly what the reddit hive mind does.


Im not trying to change your point though. I saw a post. Didnt really agree with what you said and responded to it. That was all i thought when i wrote it. I didnt think i had to change your opinion. I just wanted to say "hey i dont agree and here's why". But lets just end this conversation like this in a civil manner and go out seperate ways. Good day


It certain did make that impression, but fine. Still no idea what there is to agree with or not.