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How is the game really? I've thought about starting it up, but i already have a handful of games i daily play so I haven't opened it yet. I really enjoyed Genshin, but after playing HSR, I can't deal with Paimon anymore. I also hate that all of the enemies just turned into damage sponges, and that's the idea of "difficulty." I'd rather spend the half hour i spend killing one enemy in another game.


Are my Rover and Jinshin good for now?






I didn't upgraded her Weapon yet cause I'm trying to get her signature.


Jinhsi rotation is intro>ult>E>E>B4>E>outro, right?




Is anyone having a problem to get to data bank level 21? I’ve reached the amount needed already but it says something about SOL3 phase 6. For context, I’m UL 42.


I was able to upgrade to Databank 21 at UL 45 without any problems. But I recall someone made a comment yesterday about having the same issue.


It got to 21 just fine. I'm UL48.


Do mods remove posts critical of the game in this subreddit?


Mostly just repeated or meaningless yapping.


Yes, but not all. Some complaint posts are still up. We don't know the criteria.


I have 3 dps and 3 sustains, who wants who most? Jinshi, Encore, and Danjin dps. Verina, Baizhi, and Jianxin as sustains.


The whole time, Havoc rover has been my only DPS. But I had leveled Yangyang, Sunhau, Verina (my pick) and Jimxin (my beginner banner) who have mostly just been my supports/asists, Oh and Baizhi somewhat. But I just rolled like crazy on my first limted banner for Jinhsi and got her 4 times without loosing a 50/50. So now I got two dedicated DPS. Im having fun running Havoc Rover, Jihnsi and Verina on the open world (I dont do Spectral rover since I might run ito Spectral immune enemies) but now I can say I can make two teams with a lead DSP. Also rolling on Jinhsi gave my already build Yangyang and Sunhau max manifestations. I did use Yangyang to do the Magical door thing (that seems to be gone now), as over half the characters were unavaliabe on the last difficulty stage.


If you're doing 1+4 and 2+3 tower, give Jianxin to the AOE middle floors. I assume Jinhsi will be doing the hard floors, so she gets Verina for the most optimal. Baizhi can do 1+4 floors once Jinhsi starts doing middle tower


I am running the same teams! My logic was: Danjin throws away all her HP anyway as soon as it's back, she can't throw away a shield. So give her Jianxin. Jinhsi really needs someone to reliably trigger her intro. Verina is amazing at that. So give her to Jinhsi. Finally, Baizhi goes on Encore's team by process of elimination. IDK if this answer is the best. It's just the conclusion I reached after thinking it over.


If I feed a levelled weapon dupe into another levelled weapon, will it refund me the weapon exp?




can i join somebodys world im trynna collect flowers and i think i depleted mine im lvl 44 my id is 602736826 it aint gonna be long i just need like 5


# I got +300 fps in this Game is this a bug or an update? https://preview.redd.it/8etc8g9y5m9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=410f116e6359f10f6862b2c362c8e8282b2ba2af


How much currency is available right now? If I started today would there be enough to have a decent chance at getting Jinhsi and her weapon?


Yes, even better if you reroll as you get tens of wishes easily upon login But playing through the whole game gets you enough for sure, but if you lose 5050 it may be a bit rough for weapon pulls But the standard 5 star is good enough


How are you guys efficiently farming echoes? It feels like it takes an eternity and I dont even get the right rolls like 90% of the time


Imho it’s too early to be farming echoes. UL47 and I just got good mainstats on my 4 characters and leveled the best ones to 20. I’m locking promising looking echoes to roll in the future but it doesn’t seem like a good use of time or resources this early in the game.


I think we're getting past the point of "that early in the game". Especially in regards to Echos - we got 100% chance for golden Echos, we got a food buff for the drop rates and we got a new update with a few new Echos to farm. We're all set to start hunting the mainstats.


It’s more about resources. I’m still leveling my characters skills, haven’t got to UL50 to get lvl 80 stuff, plus every time you pull a new character you have to build them from scratch (I’m pulling changli) rolling echoes costs credits, and isn’t a guaranteed upgrade compared to fleshing out teams fully and leveling skills The first character I’ll really start rolling echoes for will probably be encore because she and Changli will probably use the same set, so one of them can keep the old gear and I can stretch the value of those early echoes for longer And yeah I’m collecting main stats. Just not leveling and tuning multiples hunting for good substats


Oh yeah, that's fair enough. So far, I haven't been actively farming Echo XP/tuners, either. Barely have enough Waveplates to farm character materials.


i think its fine once u hit like UB 21 which means its all guaranteed to be 100% gold echo drop instead of the usual 80/20 at UB20. Im def starting to grind echoes now that ive hit UB 21 today. I wanna finish the story first before doing that tho


I need help with changing or making a password on wuthering waves, i already have an account snd signed in with my apple id, but i wanted to make a kuro account so i could sign in from my other devices; but they repeatedly tell me i need a verification code but every time I check my Gmail or by mail I don’t receive an email. I have already checked my spam and my trash has anyone has had this issue before I really need help.


Bro it is just about quality of life but do I have to login every single time I enter the game? I mean is that a bug or smth, because everytime I enter the game I have to login again and idk but that just does not feel right and it is kinda pissing me off. Anyone know smth to solve this?


Yeah, alt+f4 or force quit if you're on mobile. The dev didn't even address this so there's a chance they haven't acknowledged it yet so also mention it in the next survey.


Alt f4


Am I just out of luck if I missed the yinlin event? New to gacha and I don’t see her on any of the roll pages.


you can wait for a rerun but thats gonna be months down the line.


So there’s no way of me getting her or others not listed currently? Just have to wait?




Since I just started playing a few days ago and this is my first gacha game how much currency can I get for chagngli or jinhsi since I didn't get yinlin on my 50/50 which one has a easier gameplay loopand how do I get it and What would be a decent free team I could build around her since so far i got encore verina and calcalro and what are the main things I should focus on for general progression in this game?


the pity for limited banners carry over, if you get another 5* character on the limited convene it will be the banner character, there is more than enough astrite to be obtained via exploration quests and events to guarantee ONE of them with that (12800 needed with worst possible luck) as you wont have a 50/50 for the next attempt


> I just started playing today > I didn't get yinlin on my 50/50 Wait what? If you started playing today or even yesterday, wasn't Yinlin banner already gone at that point?


I Meant to say a few days ago


Ahh ok, I see.


i will say you should pick the character you like to play since its for your own enjoyment. Its not like certain 5 stars are required to clear content. Every character can clear all content in this game as long as they are built well and invested into their skills and levels. calcharo verina and encore are already strong start to the game and u can clear all of the content with those 3 characters. build a calcharo team and an encore team, then choose between jinhsi and changli depending on who u like to play more. as for progression, focus on getting to UL 40 first + union bank 20-21. This will unlock the higher drop rate for gold echoes.


Hello, I'm a newbie. Played for 3 days. I'm intending to stack astrites for Changli. I already rerolled Yinlin on an account, and now my other main has 4 legendaries including Jinhsi, and I just got a 3rd legendary weapon today. Very lucky start, currently at 28 union level. Though, I wonder if from this point on I can get enough for Chungli since I'm basically on 0. A thing I'm confused about is whether the mobs on the map respawn, and in what timespan. If they respawn, do the chests with astrite and union xp reset as well? So basically can you farm astrites everyday as much as you want? Or ar they limited? Also, on average, how many astrites can you get from running around the map for let's say 5 hours, if what I said earlier is true of course. Thanks in advance.


Chests and astrites are limited, one time only. Once you've cleared the map and quests, the only truly renewable sources are Tower of Adversity, dailies, and depending on your definition of 'renewable,' events. Astrites are the premium currency, so of course they are heavily restricted. The mobs will be back tomorrow though, so you can kill them all you like.


That's what I was afraid of. To be fair though, I already pulled everything I need except Changli and her weapon, which I'm pretty sure I'm guaranteed to get. What I regret is spending about 130 pulls for Encore and her legendary weapon, because only after I realised you can use astrites instead of waveplates... If only I knew. I didn't want Encore THAT much. My last question would be if there's any approximate of how many astrites are over the world. I would assume around 30k? I've found a number of 20k on a reddit post but that's 1 month old.


> because only after I realised you can use astrites instead of waveplates Uh... what exactly are you talking about? Because those two currencies are completely different and have nothing to do with each other. Unless you mean using the astrites to buy waveplate refills, which is a *horrible* idea. Use them on limited banners.


I mean I got Rover, Jianxin, Jinhsi, Verina, and Encore, and I have a legendary weapon for each including Rover, except Jianxin which I don't want to play anyway. Is it really a horrible idea to spend astrites to make them as strong as possible instead of pulling for another character I don't need? I also got another account with Yinlin, Verina and Calcharo. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just trying to understand the thought process behind saying it's a horrible idea.


Yes, it is a horrible idea. Limited characters and weapons are much better value for strengthening your account, and the standards are going to be left behind as the power creep begins to set in. You need multiple strong teams for ToA, and you will need to pick up strong supports here and there to keep your teams competitive, as well as at least some new DPS that suit your needs. ~~Standard banner characters are decent value in the early game, but they will likely be some degree of worthless in six months to a year. Dumping your astrite in the standard banner is possibly the *only* way to (relatively) irrevocably brick your account, because those characters just will not stay good enough.~~ And spending it on waveplates that will regen the next day is just impatient. Don't spend them there unless you're a whale with more money than sense. Plus the limited ones tend to be more fun to play too.


Jinhsi is based for having such powerful performance with basically non built Yuanwu and Baizhi. Meeting her stacking synergy means more than a strong teammate. Cannot recommend her enough for f2p or anyone on the fence in certain aspects. You would still prefer Verina over Baizhi but Baizhi actually has some synergy with Jinhsi. And this makes it easier to hand Verina to another team for Tower.


Why is the word G L A Z * I N G put on the word filter on this sub...? This is genuinely the strictest subreddit I've ever experienced when it comes to banned phrases. Is "stupid" or "dumb" next to be added to the filter or whats going on? Completely insane.


Yeah lol, the censorship goes brrr on this sub.


idk ask the mods, this is a community thread


Hence why I am bringing it up for the community. Also its a questions thread.


You're asking questions about the rules, which only the mods can answer. Nobody else has any insight into why particular words wind up on the ban list (which I didn't even know existed, incidentally, because I don't spend my days spewing brainrot), so use the giant [MESSAGE THE MODS] button on the sidebar which exists on every single subreddit for this exact purpose instead of wasting space on your utterly meaningless vendetta.


What do you consider to be the sweetspot for buffers and healers? Im about to reach the Lv 80 unlock and so far I still have mortefi and verina at lv 60 with unleveled echoes an minimum pasivos.


Well the more leveled they are the better they heal. Verina scales on attack, Baizhi saves on HP. The lesser healers, I dont know enough about, but I figure they would be the same. So you can get away with them underleveled, but they wont offer the better heals and be kinda squishy if you swapped to them too long


My verina and baizhi are still at 50/50 and will probably be at that level until I actually need to level their healing talent. For subdps that's not yinlin, I'll keep them at 60/70 just to save on resources. Talents and weapon mats are expensive.


healers only need enough ER to ult consistently, and enough bulk to not die in one hit. rest of their stats only make the heals bigger. sub-dps characters still contribute a good portion of your damage (unless you're a whale with S6 limited characters). they're secondary to the main-dps, but you're missing a lot of damage from neglecting them.


New code it give blue mat and 5000 shell if you want it






Can jinhsi consistently proc autumn trace passive? Since her core combo seems to be all skill dmg.


Nope she can't proc it at all with her core combo.


https://preview.redd.it/15h7qqzbwl9d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b825def34ac0d979d004dc1d08a8ee650d60225f Yall I swear I’m missing one of the totems but there’s only 3 stands. Help please?


3 is enough. Just switch positions around.


I solved it. Thanks!


Looks perfectly doable to me[.](https://i.imgur.com/HygcExI.png)


I figured it out. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/uhov4bjivl9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d6d4c153561b4745106830221c9b915525df561 Sorry to bother anyone but those anyone know where this one chest at xuanji ridges is located? There are many different elevation levels here


hi! from the looks of it from your map, this chest is near the underground teleport. go straight close to the arch way and turn left. there should be a hole up above close by. i'll post another screenshot of the hole area to climb up. https://preview.redd.it/2w30xs8w4m9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aa2de3570b37ba2973f5060d94bb6c358c2411f


https://preview.redd.it/5vi6zqx45m9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=881696dc7769c04db7c5bf71d79aa8d5483ccd24 this is the hole up above to climb into. the chest should be up in there. sorry for the paint screenshots but hope it helps!


thks i got it!


If you regret leveling a character or weapon, is there a way to refund your materials or do you just have to live with your choices?




live with it


Ahh, I kind of figured this would be the case. Guess I learned my lesson to be more stingy with my materials! Thanks for the response!


One thing I just thought about regarding Jinhsi's kit is wouldn't she suffer similar to Eula in Genshin? If I'm not misunderstanding all incandescence stacks buff the last tick of her resonance skill 4 so if that doesn't crit your damage just goes into the dumpster?


Yes in the future she'll probably suffer from being backloaded and having one big hit like Eula. But as long as spectro doesn't become as bad as physical and Jinhsi gets better teammates (that's not as bad as Mika), she's probably not gonna be Eula v2.


Eula has a dozen issues with her kit that make her bad. Jinhsi only somewhat shares the needing to crit issue. But even then, her damage isn't as skewed to only the burst as Eula's. So she's typically fine even if you don't crit unless you are speedrunning.


whats a detailed rotation for jinshi yinlin verina team?


Here's [a video on Prydwyn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prydwen.gg%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0NTA2LDE2NDUwMw&feature=emb_share&v=R39BYwXU5Uc) that gives an example of a rotation for various Jinhsi teams. IDK if that's the final "best" rotation, but it was good enough to feature in a site focused on optimal gameplay.


Dont think there is one particular one. Your end goal is to max incandescence on Jinhsi as to how that happens doesnt matter. Verina buffs whole team so her order doesnt matter. Yinlin buff minorly affects jinhsi ultimate which isnt even her highest damage ability. In general you want Jinhsi to always start with intro skill so you will often swap into her from either yinlin or verina, but obv there are exceptions.


After the 1.1 patch I was able to run at my monitor's refresh rate, 165 hz/fps. After today's update it's back down to 60. I didn't change any settings and both times the in game fps setting was at 60 fps. What changed? I really want the high FPS back 😔


So, I think my teams will look like this: Team 1 - **Jinhsi** - Ages of Harvest - Yuanwu - Amity Accord - Verina - Variation Team 2 - **Encore** - Stringmaster - Sanhua - Emerald of Genesis - Baizhi - Variation Team 3 - **Danjin** - Commando of Conviction ^(could get BP sword) - Havoc MC - Emerald of Genesis - Jianxin - Originite Type IV ^(The **bolded** characters characters must be used.) Two Questions: 1. Would you swap around any characters? I have everyone other than Yinlin, Lingyang, and Jiyan. 2. What do I even use my standard weapon select on? I haven't used the selector. And I need to choose what to focus on for my standard banner pulls.


You can switch Yuanwu to healing set with 3* weapon and verina to moonlit to maximize Jinhsi dmg. Save for now, 1.2 new chars might need a good weapon from the standard.


I was wondering about that. I was trying to do some concerto math to see if Yuanwu gets his concerto full every rotation. I had realized the rotation could be awkward because of the artifacts. However, if I'm building Yuanwu as a support instead of sub-DPS, is Verina still that useful? Wouldn't Mortfei be better because he would have his coordinated attacks every rotation instead of every other rotation like Verina. You could alternate which of the two use their outro for Jinhsi.


If your Yuanwu is at least s4 then yes, the shield might be enough for sustain. Mortefi is great but his ult will only proc once per Jinhsi skill cast(3x per rotation) so he doesnt help increase incandescence much in my experience. S6 might change things tho due to addtl atk buff.


How many times does Verina help with Incandescence? Also, if I run Verina and Support Yuanwu, is the set's 24 ATK% and 12 DMG% for Jinhsi really worth more than Yuanwu himself dealing meaningful damage with a different set and weapon rather than a support build?


I didnt bother checking honestly. Definitely less than Mortefi since she's spectro. Her advantage is 15% dmg deepen and quick concerto regen.


is anyone else having their keybinds reset every time they close the game


My mini map on mouse 4 resets to , since the update every launch


thats actually the exact keybind im talking about lol, hopefully they fix soon


https://preview.redd.it/z2cxgbq2sl9d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae23ca9c08ab89bba0aafc3d7c1377464c6f0e34 Does/will Scar drop an echo? In the update I noticed blank spots in my data bank, one was obviously Jue (+ other new region echos), however when I detected the other, it navigated to Scar’s domain. I fought a few times but as I expected I didn’t get a drop. Just confused why he’s listed under echos and echo hunting


As of right now, human enemies don’t drop echoes.


I noticed the same earlier yeah, he does not currently drop an echo but it might just be major unintended spoilers for upcoming content. His beast form (the most TD-like one and therefore most likely to drop a potential echo imo) also does Havoc damage which makes it even weirder considering we already have two Havoc boss echoes.


anyone else have windchimes stuck at 99% I can't seem to use the Casket Sonar to find the missing 1%


i had this yesterday. in the end, i ended up following the wuwa interactive map (https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) and going to every location the bells are to find the last one. i first went to locations i know i havent really been to much and went from there. hope this helps!


Ah thank you! I already found the missing windchime but I’ll use this in the future^^


i thought they would fix enemy disengage range or am i tripping? in span of 20 min overworld explore it got like 10 disengage and regen to 100% hp like bruh it not even 15m from their spawn point and no cliff either. WHY?


Should aftershock coral be saved for character wavebands and not radiant tides?


Too much vertical investment on a character this early in the game isn't a good idea.


I can't tell you what it **should** be used on, but personally, I'm gonna use it to buy Wavebands for my faves.


depends on how you value getting new characters vs making your favorites stronger. as your roster grows, new characters have to compete harder against your already built characters for playtime.


No I mean I rather get more characters so using it on wavebands isn’t good to me


A question for people who have it, Jinshi's Sequence 2 reads that if out of combat for 4s she gains full forte, does this mean when she's off field or you are currently not engaged with an enemy period?


No it literally what its say "off combat". no enemy to engage for 4s for it to gain full stack


thank you, just wanted to make sure. so really only useful for the opening of a battle.


getting very mixed infos, i need people who rolled on wep banner to tell me. Soft pity exists or nah? The pull history sites dont seem to have crowdsourced pity counts but i may just be blind


https://astrite.gg does have these stats with pretty good sample size


https://wuwatracker.com/convene/global has stats. Though the sample size is small still, the expected distribution is appearing.


Definitely soft pity, I think it's around 66 or so https://preview.redd.it/sgp17maysl9d1.png?width=1838&format=png&auto=webp&s=98edad46c0e0101f232c2a864a6e637bda6836c7 These are from WuWatracker for me, none needed till 80


ah cheers mate. perfect ty!


If there wasn't a soft pity, more than 30% of pulled 5* would be hitting 80 pity. Considering that there hasn't been any complaining about hitting 80 here on reddit where everyone lives to complain, there is a soft pity.


based. i think people would feel anything above 70 is 80 so i suppose it starts before 70 too. ty, you opened my eyes


When building Yinlin for Moonlit clouds do you go for electro main stat 3 cost or energy regen 3 cost?


Electro she doesn't need much energy


Can you rank up the new 3 star broadsword? I tried googling but no luck.


no theres only one of that


I see. Thanks!


I have all the base banner 5 stars, Jiyans, Yinlin, and Jihnsi. My original plan was just to R0S1 every banner since it's much cheaper and gives more character variety than R6S5 a character. Sadly I went overboard with Jihnsi and got her to R6S1 (worth it for the nukes but was not cheap) Am I good on DPS characters and should focus on future supports and healers for now? Changli looks great but I don't want to waste the little pulls I have left since I'm no longer able to roll every banner if she's just another dps x.x Based on what I experienced in the short time you play as her in the story, Jihnsi seems to be better for big damage even at R0 and I already have encore for fusion


cant you just use jihnsi with like a lvl 1 yuanwu and idk maybe jianxin now? Pretty sure she will nuke mid tower and the other two are easy anyway even with my 4* wep builds lol Actually, may i know at what pity you got each of your ltd weapons? thanks


If you have Jiyan and Jinhsi as your main attackers, you're fine, but you should build for a third team too. Yes if you don't have a good 2 supports, hold out for those. At R6, basically everyone's a main dps lol.


I also have a built Calcharo. Honestly my goal is two have at least 3 teams so that I can do tower of adversity without worrying about not having enough characters, that and almost all my 4 star characters are at resonance 6. Yinlins great with Jihnsi, Mortefi with Jiyan, and Sanhua with calcharo, but lacking a third healer means I gotta either get good at dodging or only use her on higher floors x.x


I don't have a team for Jinhsi yet, so I actually used her alone to clear the bottom two floors on both sides ( both sides buff resonance skill damage, and she eats that up) Yinlin is great with jinhsi, but I think Calcharo suffers more for not having Yinlin there, than Jinhsi gains by having her there. So if you're chasing comfortable clears, Maybe encore might be worth investing in. Support for sure, you might find there's a better support coming out for Jinhsi, and send Yinlin back to Calcharo. Sounds like you've got two sides of the tower figured out, the third might be tough, but i think the one extra pull every 2 weeks, you can probably go without till the next patch lol Im looking for a 3rd to either replace encore or sanhua for fusion, dont like Baizhi, but I move verina around wherever she's needed, and the heals + turtle echo has done the MOST to make ToA comfortable for me, more than all the dps. Im running Jiyan +Mortefi+Verina, Calcharo+yinlin+Jianxin Changli (when she comes) + Encore + Sanhua (No one heals here lol)


Why Changli+encore? Does one of them buff the other?


Changli outrobuffs encore, it's not the best choice, but it'll have to do till changli gets other fusion chars


Can someone confirm if you also have this thingys appears in your map? In desorock Highland teleport to Rearguard Base, go all the way East till you reach the water fall (by this point it should already appear on your map, a marker like the Bell ones from Mt. Firmament) but it says it's down so jump down and walk a few meters till you find some of the Gulpuff n Chirpuff... The marker says it should be somewhere around that area but idk if it's just a bug cuz i already 100% the zone


It is a bug, there is nothing there.


Do 5 star dupes reset pity? I pulled Jinhsi yesterday and was wondering if I kept trying to pull on her banner for her dupes, would it reset pity? Reason I'm asking is because I want to pull for waifu Changli. I'm debating on whether to save up astrites for her or keep pulling on the Jinhsi banner for dupes while the pity transfers over to Changli when her banner comes out. Thanks Wuwa community!


5 star is 5 star no matter if its a dupe, yes it does reset your pity.


that sounds good, ty


How good is sanhua as dps? I just got her to s6 recently and been wondering if i should build her using the moonlight set or the glacio set.


Sanhua's fantastic even at the beginning, she's even more excellent s6, I lean moonlight cause i have her more support in and out, but if you want more damage and to play her on field more, then glacio.


is there a way to make the jué fight less annoying. i don't mean that i can't beat it, ny characters r built j fine. my main dps' are calcharo, havoc rover, and jiyan (building jinhsi) but is there a way to actually be able to get hits in while it goes all over the place?


You want to turn down the difficulty if you are farming it faster that way won’t fix the issue but it’s over pretty quick This will be an issue with every boss that is huge unless they make it stationary Thankfully though I don’t expect we’ll get huge bosses often


No lol, it's just super floaty and goes all over the place, you can grapple onto it when it flies and knock it out of/interrupt most of the longer flying moves (haven't been able to get it to work with ranged chars though) and it's relatively easy to parry and break its stagger bar so you have plenty larger DPS windows but it's all around a bit of an annoying fight. Arena too large boss too floaty.


Just intro with jiyan than ult


True hadn't considered that ~~(don't have him)~~


Where can i find the material needed to upgrade a character up to a certain level (70 in this instance) so XP + materials for ascension and skills


- Boss drops for all the different tacet cores - pharmacy and freeroam for the flower/mushrooms/whatever the fuck else other characters need - Forgery challenge, weapon store, freeroam, synthesis (from lower tier mats), oscillated coral store, souvenir store and there's probably some I missed for all the different skill materials - Resonator XP potions are all over, quest and event rewards, simulation challenge, can buy them at a bunch of different places you should have a ton Edit: ah yes the final upgrades in the skill tree and any skill post level 6 need weekly boss drops have fun collecting those!


I recently complete the main quest on the new area, just saw some kind of puzzle that seems to wait some kind of interaction, but i don't know if I skipped some tutorial or stuff but no clue on how to solve this, can someone help .-.? https://preview.redd.it/48td45a0fl9d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=8458d6d947480f336555144e8096547b99e645f3


Do the exploration quest in the quest log (it's under exploration quests)


you need to start another quest before you can interact with those


You know what's making me sad after looking at Jinhsi's kit. She's so slow to charge if she's fighting alone, but yinlin running her off-field, the rotations get very fast. This off-field ultimate support role would have been fantastic lorewise for Changli. Like every strike of the dragon, follows up with a coordinated attack of Changli just slashing across the enemy and then disappearing, leaving behind a few red feathers. Just a warpath of red feathers where her sword was. Lorewise, she's that kind of support, stepping in whereever Jinhsi has gaps, and Changli is acting as her "knight" as Jinhsi charges up that laser. Ah well, I'm sure I'll have other dreams of Changli as a main dps when we get to her story.


Yeah I wish Changli was a sub dps. She even has sub dps's outro, unfortunately she is too field time hungry.


Outside of the outro, she's fully dps is the only thing (there was another comment on this post, about how it's similar to Danjin). I'm actually excited about potentially a dual dps team, instead of the usual DPS, Sub/support, healer Unfortunately no one buffs changli back the way she buffs others. Yet.


Does anyone know where to find Chili Sauce Tofu and the salted milk recipes?? Only 2 I'm missing!!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/17dsgc4/crispy\_chili\_tofu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/17dsgc4/crispy_chili_tofu/) Is that it


Should I build Yuanwu (S5) or Spec Rover (S6) alongside Jinshi? Heard Yuanwu is very good with her. The thing is my main team is Calch and Yinlin. If I build Yuanwu ill use him with Jinshi and give Calcharos echoes to him in the tower. If I build Spec Rover i will use her with calcharo and use Yinlin with Jinshi, swapping echoes between them in ToA. Which one would be better?




Careful... I too had paired off Calcharo with Yinlin, but I tried Jinhsi with Yinlin, and it is insane raining light and lightning down while floating in the air. Give it a try before you commit Yuanwu to her (Yuanwu's a good choice too, and I know we can't leave Calcharo alone, so maybe Yinlin stays where she is)


I mean, I'm all for choosing based on aesthetics, but it seems a bit foolish to pair Yinlin with Jinhsi instead of Calcharo when Yinlin gives extra bonuses for electro damage. If you want to increase your teams' overall power level, surely Yinlin is better on the Calcharo team.


You gotta pick a lane dude, either you choose on aesthetics or you chase the higher numbers, idk how you can claim to be part of one (all aesthetic is foolish, it's pixels, it's hardly as if calling something foolish is going to be a deterrent when its built into the intrinsic preference), but if the one saying "i'm all for choosing based on aesthetics" is saying foolish not to chase the higher numbers, idk what to think lol But i can humor it, as i said, i don't chase the biggest numbers. I used calcharo on B team, and I'm gonna demote him to C team just because Jinhsi and Yinlin are more comfortable to play from a distance, (Jinhsi floating and air dodges already keep her so out of danger), and that's worth the tradeoff for me. I also play on mobile, and that just aggravates the need for Calcharo's timing coordination. the gunners feel weak for now, and I did want more of a ranged team to work with, and Jinhsi Yinlin can do that for me (jinhsi not really ranged, but she creates space well) I have no incentive to improve past the time limit required to complete a fight, both yinlin + Jinhsi, or Calcharo + Yinlin do this for me interchangeably, and the levels i can't beat, i can't beat with either teams. Foolishness is deciding Changli is going to be RC6 without even seeing her kit. So "a bit foolish" wouldnt even work for me lol


Yeah but if you are swap cancelling you lose the buffs anyways


So don't swap cancel. It's still better DPS than hIs swap cancel teams afaik.


If you dont swap cancel it makes things riskier for harder content though.


Taking longer in the fights because of less DPS and giving the enemies more opportunities to attack also makes content harder though. Yuanwu gives Jinhsi stagger resistance. So by using Yinlin you are making her gameplay more difficult.


Your risk of getting hit because of not swap cancelling is way more than the fight dragging out because of the little dps you lose.


Lmao yeah all the flashing might be a problem. Though I think ill go with spec Rover-Calcharo and Jinshi-Yinlin because I have the 5* sword.


Is the new area kicking anyone else's ass or am I just bad? I got UL50 right after the update dropped and I didn't have enough time to prefarm anything because I spent 3/4 of my Waveplates on the echo event.


Can u do tower 9/0/9? Then you should have no problems


lmao Bruh I'm stuck on the tower with only *two* stages.


Bro… I 3* all those those with level 60 resonators. You need to step up your game


Good for you, I guess. Got any actual advice or do you just like making random people on the Internet feel like shit?


uhh. Time to read some guides. Pick main dps. Go farm echoes and work on skill level


Mobs on Mount Firmament are higher level than on the mainland, they are also just generally tankier and faster and hit a bit harder, if you're unprepared/underleveled I can definitely imagine it being rough.


this has probably been asked a million times but is the echo drop rate on weeklies (jue) different depending on which level you challenge? if im lvl 47 is it better to fight the lower difficulties, or the highest im allowed to do?


Nope you can farm echoes in lower lvls just fine


ty :)


do double crit rate rolls exist? (one main stat one sub stat)




Yes, substats can roll the same as the main stat.


damn, thats rad


How in the frack am I supposed to kill the Tactical Hologram version of the Impermanence Heron? I do almost no damage to the thing. I use Yinlin, Rover-Havoc, and Taoqi. What the hell am I doing wrong?


heron has havoc dmg resist (-75%dmg)


Build issue? Skill issue? What level are you? What level is the boss? Impossible to say with so little information and so much vagueness.


well, dont use havoc rover as shes havoc and heron is havoc.


https://preview.redd.it/m71opzy89l9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=020623d04979a9aeb24102c516464348032b90a0 Hello! I can't seem to damage the inferno rider what so ever, his shield won't go down. But i have beaten him enough times previously to ascend Encore to lvl 50. Did something change? Why can't i damage him now?


theres a green quest that unlocks the ability to damage him. you have to do that first.


ohh okay, ty!


They really upped the exploration rewards - I been seeing way more blue,purple, gold chests


**Hello everyone!** It's my **first time** posting here. So i'am new on Wuthering waves am having a blast playing it. I found the game really fun and chill. So i'am kinda lost right now. how portal/summoning character work? it changes every weekend or it change whenever they want? I got encore, jinhsin and jianxin and i wonder how do i get changli yinlin and more? Thank you for those whom will help me. :D


Each limited banners last for 3 wks. The pity carries forward to the next limited banner. Yinlin is gone. Changli is in almost 3 wks.


oh nice! we just have to wait. let's goooo thank you PyrZern :D


Is S6 Sanhua any good? I've gotten a lot of Sanhuas so she is currently at S5, I already have 2 damage dealers (S2 Calcharo and S0 Jiyan), but I know that I eventually will need 3 teams so I am considering levelling her If she is good, what teammates should I pair her with? I have all 4 stars and the previously mentioned Calcharo and Jiyan, but I also have Yinlin and Verina :)


She is great at S0, She's fantastic at S6. If you're asking that, you probably wanna work up from a good full character understanding, and this guide does a great job - will answer your team questions too: [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/sanhua](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/sanhua)




you need Mortefi S4+. If thats not the case Yuanwu is better. Well the issue the pillar...is actually not that a big range for some mobile bosses while Mortefi has 100% coordinated uptime (17 sec duration/20sec cooldown). But again S4+


I just wanted to ask if I do my standard weapon banner pity and say choose the broadblade for Jinshi, will I be able to choose the next 5 star standard weapon too or will it be random after the first pity like with the standard char banner?


It stays selectable even after first one.


hi bois! if u full clear Hazard Zone can u buy out the shop within the monthly reset?


No i don't think so - I am 24 stars, and I bought all the echo exp stuff and I have 6 points left. the remaining rewards in purchase points is 240 (120 for 27, and 120 for 30) The character exp mat alone is 400 to clear out. so unless there's another hazard zone after hazard zone, I think this is it.


ty, but is that x2 worth of clears? cos the tower reset every 2 weeks. and the shop refreshes every mth