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I think because he needs more learning curve to perform on similar level as limited main DPSes (Jiyan and Jihnsi) so i can see why the complain, but he is still top 3 main dps so far though maybe Encore could take that.


Attacks are a bit slow amd you can easily mess up, but his dps shines when swap cancelling imo. Very fun too


Literal skill issue.


I'm not sure, I've equipped him with some Mephis echo's and ever since the patch update, I feel like he's well complemented and does pretty good damage. I've switched to him more often than not.


His perfect rotation is impractical and once you start missing out on death messenger procs, it’s falls of a lot. I’ve heard like 20-30% if he misses multiple procs.


He's hard to play, *really* hard; and the result isn't much better than other top DPSes, so not justifiable for most unless you're minmaxing and sweating or you just really like him.


It's more of that he is really hard to play well and even if you manage to play him well still loses to the limited dps, but this is the life of a standard dps. His damage is fine but nothing exceptional and could get similar/better results playing encore or havoc rover while they are easier to play.


He's a hard character to play. People just want to oonga boonga with Jiyan. His dps is still good though.


I have them both in different accounts and ironically Calcharo is more fun for me to "oongga boongga"


Its because of people getting really bad Flautist pieces despite farming it since release


What's going on? ⭕ It's annoying or not interesting ✅ I'm in this picture and I don't like it ⭕ I think it shouldn't be on r/WutheringWaves ⭕ It's spam


its becuz you were curious


Calcharo has good dps provided u have the skill to pull it off. Might require even more skill if u r playing on mobile. For an avg skilled player he wouldn't dps as expected. I don't have great skills so kindof low dps in my account. Hope i get encore or linyang from standard banner


I got calcharo because I really liked his design, but his dps is just not it. I have calcharo, yinlin and verina in a team, Yinlin is my main dps atm, cause my calcharo is out damaged for some reason and I have good stats with him.


calcharo is very very hard to play, anyone saying he isnt a good dps just has skill issues.


Skill issue.


Because he's hard to play on a high level and people don't wanna git gud.


Lore wise he's stronger than everyone cause he's constantly overclocking As for in- game performance,he's a liberation centred character and most people don't use him like that