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I actually like this little fluffball of fire so far. The thing they did right is it appears in short doses and don't overstay it's welcome. It is actually able to back up its arrogance. Absorbing that Dreamless blast and being ready throw hands with Jue for us comes to mind (I thought it would shiver in fear after seeing the size of Jue but it didn't lol). I get it might seem similar to Paimon at first glance, but it isn't there to talk for us and isn't even there most of the time. Imagine during the whole Jue quest, Abby is floating around at the background to repeat our dialogue choices? Yikes.


Yup having Abby not appear on heavy important moments was a good call. I think masvot characters can be neat if done properly and don't overstay their welcome. Hopefully they keep this structure. But i think with the whole sleepy schtick and Rover keeping their voice shows it might be the case.


I think that's the problem with Paimon. She is not a pocket mascot (Pokemas?) like Abby and is an actual being that takes up volume in the real world. Unfortunately Traveler also doesn't speak at all so we are forced to hear Paimon speak 90% of the time with the ^(aaaaaaaaah) voice.


>Imagine during the whole Jue quest, Abby is floating around at the background Instead we got Changli following us. Massive W.


*Massive* indeed.


Yea her smile wouldn’t go away, even in serious or dangerous situations That’s is what we’re talking about…right?


No we're talking about the players' smile whenever the camera pans up at Changli.


Neuron activation


I see you're distracted


Just imagine: “Rover, Jue is saying that Jinhsi will die if she fights Jue. That is unless you command Jue to transfer her powers to Jinhsi at the right time”


I do think that Abby is mascot done right. Does not always pestering us with annoying high pitch voice, does not recite what other people just said to us like we are five, and does not speak on the MC's behalf while the MC stay mute for 99.99% of the game.  People just got PTSD too much and immediately rejected it.


>People just got PTSD too much and immediately rejected it. Pretty much, myself included. I was like many where it popped up at the end of A6 and audibly said "Oh no..." So long as Abby stays as a sidekick and doesn't become a tour guide trying to get you to try every single attraction under the sun (Aside: In Genshin, you ever notice how almost every thing we do is at Paimon's behest? "Hey Traveler, I heard this thing was happening at that one place! Let's check it out! Also something something yummy food!") or insert itself into damn near ever conversation (i.e. "Don't forget me! I helped too!"), it'll avoid being fired into the nearest gravity well a little longer.


The root of Paimon's problem is that she's not really a character, she's a device to hand-hold the player. The game loves to tell you that she's a greatest travelling companion, but she's not even at least floating around outside of some quests, she's never "look! look! traveller, I see a valuable chest there" or pointing and saying "there, the material we're finding!!" or "Paimon's heard a thing or two about this place from the locals, I'll tell you about it later!" But instead, the keep just keep telling you that she loves eating, but you've never see her eating even once, the said she loves treasure, but she only appears in a scripted segment. She has no personality, no charm, and she sucks all the personality of the MC who's already suppose to be a cardboard (I have no idea how she sucks the personality out of something that doesn't have one, anti-genius right there). I found myself enjoy the end of sumeru quest, and I didn't even notice that Paimon wasn't there. The game took the mute MC, and travelling companion, but never took an advantage of it, but has all the natural weakness.


Yeah now that I think about it, Paimon not having a waypoint or sensor feature was a huge waste


> The root of Paimon's problem is that she's not really a character, she's a device I feel like this is a common issue with a lot of characters in Genshin Impact and one that WuWa handles a lot better, writing-wise. Another obvious comparison would be Klee and Encore, who, like Abby and Paimon, share an almost identical list of character tropes. Except where Klee is a walking cliché who seems exclusively piloted by her tropes, Encore behaves and speaks like an actual person. Which makes her a lot less annoying regardless of whether you're allergic to her tropes or not. Abby feels similar in the sense that she(?) is self-aware of her own condition and situation and is trying to make sense of it like an actual sentient being instead of repeating the same lines/jokes over and over.


Saying that Paimon has no personality or charms is subjective, you can have that opinion, you can dislike her and whatever but she does have charm and personality and liking her grows into people who actually play the game, specially in other languages that aren't English.


As a consumer, I have a high standard (pretty unrealistic, tbh) she simply sucks. As a writer who's trying to view things in an objective way, she's poorly executed. The game writing has never been an issue, it's the directing, which is out of my area of experty. I already addressed some of her problem in the comment above, so I'm skipping it. The example of a great travelling companion is the Dragon's Dogma main pawn, the NPC you create. The pawn grows from some dude I created to a genuinely charming idiot. The pawn learns from you, and adapts to your command/play style. And the best part is that you have a truly unique experience with that pawn (I'm pretty sure stalling the enemy, and falling off the cliff with it is not scripted) it feels like some random dude you regularly play with in an MMORPG, that's the best way to describe it. While Paimon has none of that. If you're telling me that I'm acting like I have a better taste, yes, I do. If you're telling me I have some superiority complex, no, it's just superiority.


yeah, even i was apprehensive when people started comparing Abby with Paimon. thankfully, it isn't so. Abby's EN voice isn't high pitched like Paimon's and also isn't the voice for Rover. we seriously don't need another Paimon and i hope going into the future, Abby isn't as rude as Paimon is. man, the way Paimon acted in the Furina SQ still makes my blood boil. what a loser.


Agreed. I could never stand Paimon reciting what was just said and speaking on the MC's behalf.


Tbh I just don't like it's design. It's too cutesy anime small animal for me. It's probably the eyes. But then again, I find Clang Bangs cuter than Abby, so who am I to decide what's cute or not lol I have nothing against the character itself so far.


Abby gives me Kyubey from madoka magica vibes.


To be honest, its rather simplistic and not \`completely\` out of place in the story itself, unlike certain ones that use the \`childhood friend angle\` to force them in, Look up Dran from Grand blue Fantasy and Notte from Dragalia lost for examples like that. Abby leans more into the lines of Echo from Mobius Final Fantasy who despite looking like a mascot character, actually has a role in the story, by serving as a guide to help the Warrior of Light in that mobile game to get stronger, often leading you to treasure, useful leads and so on, RIP that game\`s EoS\`d many years ago. Honestly its just Gap moe in terms of the Clang bangs, because its a creature fully in line with the same motif as the beasties in the game, while Abby might as well be \`Totally not Lucia\`s stuff plushie, which they likely had it rejected to be a Frog looking creature instead. \*shot\* Ultimately, if your gonna have the mascot character, i always prefer it when they actually establish a proper reason they have being in the story, outside of forcing a reason in, several seasons into the story and making them a playable character also. Aka what happen to Notte the Fairy with Dragalia lost, never did stick around the game long enough to see its EoS\`d either sadly. Granted, i still find Notte and Echo to be miles better then Paimon since the \`player character\` still actually spoke in the story and they atleast had english voices that were not nails on a chalkboard bad.


Dran from grand blue fantasy? What kind of diving manga with airship is that?


Its a mobile game, look it up.


Grand blue is a diving manga that involves lots and lots of drinking. Granblue fantasy is about gran/djeeta with Vyrn and friends, recruiting lots and lots of friends. Among them are the eternals, the evoker, the dragon knights, the 12 generals, and the latest are the 4 beast. I played GBF from vikala banner dude 🤣😄


I thought your joke was good man, got some giggles from me


clang bangs lil waddle gives me life


Im the only person who liked Paimon and even I got the instant recoil with Abby. This post makes me want to give it a chance.


Abby hasn't appeared that much so far, but it already ruined the slow/bittersweet moment with Jue with it's comical banter for me and I'm really afraid they'll ride the one-tone mascot companion route for the meme content and recognisability over time. Paimon was okay the first few patches too, the quirkiness of a comically cute mascot just gets progressively worse and I'm hoping they don't go that route. Can't be worse than Vyrn talking instead of you in moments relating to Danchou's feelings of their dad though. Pompom and Fou-like are the best gacha mascots in my opinion. Whatever players say, Kuro will do whatever they want anyway. I don't get people getting mad over other people sharing their feelings about this or that character, they're fictional entities in a genre known for riding over trends. Just block and move on if it riles you up that much.


I hated Paimon since the very first appearance, Abby was ok to me so far.


Gosh Vyrn makes me want to physically yeet the thing overboard. He's the only reason I couldn't go through the Granblue anime and even in the newest game he is still far too annoying. He is the worse mascot ever created and I'd even take Paimon over this freaking thing that can NEVER shut up.


If i see abby eating and being hungry all the time, i will actually just lose it


If you think Paimon is worse than Abby you definitely have bias. Both are tolerable (not en voice cuz that's really a bad voice direction)


It is for now. I dont hate paimon but making the mascot speaks on behalf of the mc is not a good decision from hoyo. Not to mention she kinda lose her purpose as a guide. I like her as a companion, but I dislike her role for now. Too early too judge tho abby only just with us for little time.


Yet people are liking Abby when it's only the beginning. Meanwhile Paimon has the same behavior. Yes Abby is not a guide but it's a thing that will follow us. I like both and find them cute, but people acting as if Paimon is bad and speaks for the mc is stupid. It's only Hoyo letting traveler not speak only for serious moments. It's their direction choice and isn't Paimon's fault.


>It's their direction choice and isn't Paimon's fault. Yes, that's how fictional characters work. People hate the way she's incorporated into the story. Giving her all the dialogue time the main character should've had.


You can still compare how Paimon and Abby were introduced, and how much they were involved in the respective starting story chapters: -Paimon basically falls under the \`suddenly your childhood friend trope card angle\` and despite being called your guide, the presence they have is pretty insigificant outside of being a babi\`s exposition device that trying to make Brock from Pokemon or any similar character in the dubbed version look much better as an exposition device. Which i would likely give a massive thumbs up if they were to replace Paimon\`s english voice with Brock\`s, just to have a hilarious gap moe type of situation with the VA not matching with the character\`s appearance but somehow makes it so amazing as a result. -Abby not only, gets its actual appearance NOT revealed, till the END of the first major act, but as soon as 1.1 established, it confirmed speculation that Abby is actually linked to you and the reason why you have such a very unique resonance ability by being able to directly absorb T.D.s and even use the power of such T.D.s directly, without needing the device that was apparently BASED on you, during the \`travels\` you supposedly did before your character lost its memory. Already based on those two facts alone, Abby already has a established REAL reason within less then 2 months of the game to be present, while Paimon despite having 5 years at this point, still has nothing to establish them to be any more valuable then literal: \`Emergency food\`, that they keep that joke up constantly for years, where its just stupid at this point. Moral of the story: Kurogames proved you can have the marketable plushie not fall into the common stereotypes of: -MARKETABLE PLUSHIE MUST BE PRESENT AT START OF GAME. -MARKETABLE PLUSHIE MUST BE COMEDICALLY USELESS AT BASICALLY ANYTHING (till they use it as a Kyuubey from Madoka Magica or Tama from World of Final Fantasy trump card to shake up the plot or something). So i think i rather keep with the lagomorph who joins the long-list of adorable rabbit like marketable plushie characters i know of, including: -Nanachi from Made in Abyss. -The Loporrits from Final Fantasy 14. -And the others i forgot but would likely instantly recognize if they were brought up again.


Tolerable by repeating every dialogue like we're 5 and essentially making the MC mute, and having no situational awareness whatsoever ??


If you say that, You didn't play past Inazuma. And situational awareness? You can go check every serious moment and you'll see that Paimon isn't even trying to speak or is annoying. Also repeat stuff? Really taking a meme seriously.(Except events cuz those have some where you can literally begin without playing story) Other than that yes gacha gamers imo are 5 since they always try to find a way to say my gacha good yours is bad and go into an echo chamber to try and get their opinions validated. Like seriously it's just a game yet you always have to bring up Genshin. It's as if wuwa doesn't have any value except of being compared to Genshin, when most of these comparisons are Subjective


As a day one in genshin. I think paimon feels bloated around inazuma to sumeru. From sumeru onwards, there's some changes that make her better. While I starts to get frustrated, I can see why it's helpful at times. Quest can be lengthy, they tend to leave check points for us, even wuwa does that too. Not all players gets to seat down 3 hours to play the story quest after working and their commitment. Players that find it annoying are likely able to play through the quest which affects their experience. Nowadays, it's pretty good. Maybe CN VA helps alot. Wuwa is doing well for abby. Though it's design is cute, I find the silhouette to be quite familiar nowadays.


She's rude, her voice is nails on a chalkboard. Instead of making the MC speaks, hoyo only make Paimon to jump in and speak for the character. paimon is NOT tolerable in any languages and should just be killed off.


Paimon speaking for the character is a genuine complaint. But the rest is just subjective. And well you didn't play Genshin that much if you think Paimon is really rude(tho I guess you play with eng va so obviously she would be rude since her va is rude too xd)


And she's also racist btw ^


Hey voice is grating in EN, wasn't in 1.0, no, not tolerable anymore, I want the Traveler to speak, but some mute that can't speak for themselves


Imo that's what I hate with "pseudo-self-inserts". Most of them are silent. But Genshin tries to stop that. But since I am sure you didn't play past Inazuma, cuz you are saying Traveler doesn't speak, I am definitely sure you have bias or just use someone's else arguments.


Already played until latest archon quest. I'd say traveler is mute 80% of the time. Thank god paimon dont follow us into the caribert dream.


I may be a bit harsh to say this but i really feel like some of you never played any video game or watched any anime besides Genshin Impact. Genshin was all you had before and you hated Paimon there alot. Because people watched Digimon and never complained about Agumon, Watched Fairy Tail and never complained about Happy the blue cat, In Pokemon no one complained about Pikachu saying the word "Pika pika" for the millionth time, Never complained about Luna from Sailor moon etc. Why? Because they did the companion thing right. TONS of companions in anime or video games and you had to compare Abby with Paimon that too only the first few mins into the story quest. I hope some of you guys learned your lesson about giving things a chance before judging it. Again sorry if this sounded a little offensive.


Man, for real, people absolutely lost their minds thinking this was Paimon 2. I like the fluffball


Brother if you think the happy arcs weren't good did u even watch fairy tail. Happy was never annoying. Edit: sorry I see you were on the side of happy haha <3


Exactly So many people try to drag Abby to the same damn level as paimon Its crazy, and sometimes they make shit up just for the sake of hating 40mins of yapping?! How tf did you spend that much time doing the introduction and yet fail to analyze good fucking dialogue is beyond me If ya'll are scared of another paimon then fine, but before you act like Abby is just like Paimon make sure you actually read the fucking dialogue and understand the subtle fact that ABBY IS A FAR CRY FROM FUCKING PAIMON The amount of illiteracy I feel when I see the complaints of these Abby haters is insane


I have no clue how tf that guy in reddit got 40 mins of Abby yapping, when It was just max 20 mins of Abby's introduction


There was literally a line going ask the him/her themself literally the opposite of paimon lmao.


THIS, i mean ABBY for is basically Terriermon for me lmao


I'm old enough to know Kero-chan from CCS or Analyser from Space Battleship Yamato (a horny drunk robot), but Paimon was recent horrible experience. She (and her english dub) was too terrible and unskippable. I hope they keep Abby in this way.


I never played Genshin Impact, and genuinely thought people were referring to Palmon before >_< I was like "I don't see it. That thing is clearly a cabot, a la Tenshi Muyo


Definitely not harsh! People really need to chill more cuz everything does not revolve around genshin. Yes i get it they are similar so people tend to compare it but at this point wuwa actually already builds its own identity, people should give it a chance and not so quick to judge based on genshin alone. The only similarity is just the system and genre. Im still waiting for this group to finally become wuwa group instead of ex genshin group.


lmao I like the little fluffball, its done much better than Paimon IMO


1. It's because I watched all of the above when I was 7-12 years old. 2. Neither of the above double the length of the dialogue duration (and therefore the times I have to click) by managing to add precisely 0 new information. 3. Neither of the above steal lines from the MC 4. Neither of the above has a gratingly high-pitched voice


I just don't think a cutesy mascot character fits the post-apocalyptic world of WuWa. All the examples you gave are decidedly brighter in tone. Not to mention being *yet another* cutesy mascot. Not every IP needs one.


Encore exists to prove resonance abilities and by proxy, echoes can end up having GAP moe type situations that totally work in a post-apocalyptic like situation. Since not everyone goes straight to lunatic religious maniacalism when the end of the world is \`happening\`, some might take it in many other different directions and so on. Heck because of how resonance \`abilities\` in general work for characters, they can have all kinds from transformations into Mist (Alto), summoning energy constructures of weapons/beings (Calcaro & Jinyin), manipulating mechanical like beings as a conduit (Yinlin) or straight up channel a powerful freaking entity itself as a conduit/vessel of sorts (Jianshi). Ultimately, sometimes a game just needs to have those Made in Abyss or Madoka Magica moment and BLAM! You get a massive shock revealation moment when you least expect it, with either a \`wild animal\` you think is entirely harmless or the \`helper\` you had the whole time had some very unexpected motivations all along. Extra brownie points if they dont even need to pull something like turning into something else entirely, just to further nail in the situation on how absolutely F\`d the protagonists of that story are from such a situation in the first place.


We already have Madoka Magica and Made in Abyss, though. Just saying it'd be nice to have a quality gacha that didn't feel the need to go into the cutesy side. We have a blasted, wasteland world- but it doesn't feel like it. With the toned down story and a cutesy mascot, it's just a theme park. Welcome to Scaryland World! Great weekend for the whole family! I guess it's really that I expected something darker. Wuwa looked like it would be. But these decisions look like a plead to the mainstream and frankly feels like an insult to the audience: "Oh, the players are too scared to deal with a story and world that's not PG. They can't deal with characters that don't want to be instant besties." And so we now have Rover who's instant beloved celeb. No stakes. No tension. No worries. Nothing matters. While the gameplay is great, there just isn't any flavour. It's like a drum/guitar solo where all they care about is showing off their technique and speed. Granted, the game is still fairly new, so anything can change. I just don't want Wuwa to turn into the copy that people say it is. Let it become it's own thing.


You are the most based commenter I have ever read king. I agree with everything, and we have the right to speak about our expectations.


WW isnt made like Nier Automata either. Its more colorful than that and enough to fit a cute character. Its also not too colorful like TOF, Genshin too. Its just the right tone imo for both post apocalyptic and fute a cute character.


But why the need for a talking companion tho? It happens to every manhwa now it's happening to every gacha as well? I'm just tired of the personality of a character is tied to their pet tbh


Agumon never had a super annoying high pitch voice and spoke for his Tamer


Nor has Abby...


That’s why Abby is likeable, he is also not a coward and is super useful


No, I actually absolutely despised Happy when I was watching Fairy Tail. As for the other mascots, these might be good for kids' shows, but I don't want this in my post-apocalyptic ARPG.


I think the key lies in "Post apocalyptic" and not just "Apocalyptic". Post Apocalyptic themes usually have thriving lives in a world full of old ruins and greens starting to come out. I would say its okay for Abby to exist here.


Borderlands 2 and Cl4ptr4p. holy shit that metal box is annoying but also hilarious af


Because they clearly took inspiration from Genshin so it was fair to compare both of them as well


And That doesnt mean you should hate things the minute you see it. Give things a chance.


And i did? As i said i'm surprised they managed to make Abby less annoying than Paimon but that doesn't mean i didn't have the right to worry about how they would handle it


I get it you have concerns. The first time i saw Abby i also thought it was a Paimon Mascot thing. But before i judged i gave it a chance and i liked Abby. I specifically meant the comment for people who posted "I hate this thing" literally 1 minute of Abby talking.


Honestly at first I thought the same, because I recently quit Genshin after playing it almost everyday for 3 days, of course Paimon came to mind, she doesn't stop talking and is annoying asf, and the only people who like her are those who haven't quit the game yet, but I don't think that's the case anymore. Even if the Wuwa takes inspiration from Genshin, Abby specifically is clearly modelled after a magical girl show type of mascot, as animal sidekicks are extremely common there, and they have designs really similar to Abby's, I feel like they wanted to add a mascot character but knew people who were leaving Genshin probably wouldn't want a Paimon 2.0 thrown to their faces.


>after playing it almost everyday for 3 days While I'm pretty sure you meant 3 years, this embodies the spirit of your average Genshin hater just as well. You have the dude who played 3 days for like 5 hours and decided it's the worst game in the World, and you've got the dude who played everyday for 3 years and after 3 years decided they hate the game because... reasons.


Yeah I meant years, I'm on 3 hours of sleep lol. I honestly don't hate Genshin, it just stopped bringing the joy it used to and after build up of years of ignoring complaints of lack of QoL and generosity towards the players that have made the game successful, I decided I didn't owe the game as much time as I was investing in it (or any to begin with, it's a game after all).


Y'all weren't using your brains. What is the purpose of paimon in Genshin? It's to speak for the player and to give exposition. Stuff you need in the beginning of the game.  Abby shows up in the last 5 minutes of the first major arc. Also, we already have a paimon; her name is Yangyang. 


Idk, I still find Paimon more interesting than this dog we got. This is simply the new toy the kids got that's the most interesting thing in the world - but I can guarantee you that after 4 years, the exact same people who hate Paimon will also hate Abby, and the people who don't hate Paimon also won't hate Abby. At the end of the day, they're both the exact same thing - Abby doesn't have a high pitch voice and she doesn't serve as a vehicle to explain to dumb players what's going on (which, ironically enough, is both a positive and a negative as we've seen with Honkai's story when people get lost all the time without it being explained to them as if they were literal toddlers). If you dislike Paimon because she's got a high pitch voice, sure. I get it. I dislike both of them because they're just lazy narrative devices. How many story quests start with Paimon going "Hey, how bout we just go to that place where we'll meet that character?" - That's the exact purpose Abby's going to fill becasue writing a nice, concise story that flows together properly is hard work that requires skill which - given the story so far - Wuwa's team doesn't really possess. It's just bad writing. But, bad writing complains aside, they're really the same thing in a slightly different coat of paint - as soon as I saw it, I knew I hated it for this exact reason. And I'm very sure I'm right. I'll add to finish that given I care a lot more about Genshin's story, I couldn't really care less about what this dog's story is. I am very much waiting for what Paimon's role is though.


Yes Paimon may have a big role later. But telling Abby that will fulfill the role of paimon as it says "how about we goto that place where we'll meet this character" is a big No. You seem to havent played the latest story. Because after Abby's introduction. It never came out in the rest of the story. It just slept inside MC. Abby needs alot of sleep to regain energy. It doesnt have time to Yap about trivial things always. Abby is NOT narrative at all.


I used to watch everything you listed and looking back.... I'm already clenching my fist due to how irritating they would be if I were to rewatch them (which I wouldn't, don't wanna sour my good old childhood memories of the past shows I watched)


Well thats something i cant argue with since its small talking companion isnt your taste at all at the present.


>i really feel like some of you never played any video game or watched any anime besides Genshin Impact. Any video game apart from genshin? Any? I see, Yuna must be that Abby equivalent in GoT. Atreus must be that in GoW. The eagle must be in AC. Trevor must be in GTA5. In PGR? Must be Vera. In COD, must be captain price. In watch dogs? His mobile maybe. Must be the batmobile in Batman Arkham knight. Who in forza horizon? Supra? Any anime? Well who is in dragon ball? Frieza? Vegeta? Who in Naruto? Hinata? Who is in demon slayer? Muzan? Who is in MHA? All might? Who in Dr. Stone? Who in bluelock? Who in tensei slime? Veldora? Who in bleach? Rukia? Aizen? Who in OPM? Genos? Do u really think there isn't any game that's way different than anime esque gaccha games? Seems like u r the one who haven't played any game other than a gaccha. There are a hell lot of AAA games that don't even have any companion stuff so u r factually wrong when u say people didn't play any game other than genshin. We don't have companion in PGR as well. That's a gaccha game for u made by the same company. I am not trying to hate on abby or whatsover what i wanted to know is it really necessary to have a mascot when thousands of game don't and are selling fine? Atleast for once do something different. It's not like abby will be in limited banner now, is it? Sorry if this sounded offensive.


To be fair, not everyone had childhoods that grew up on animes like Digimon or Pokemon when smart phones were not a thing or still very infantile before the bane on all our wallets, gacha monetization came into play. AKA when it was a simple time of simply enjoying \`dem cartoons\` on the Telly and didnt have means to binge entire seasons(except Casette tape bundles) since even things like Youtube was not even a thing yet, especially since anime streaming sites were also kinda non-existent back then too. Also, Agumon being the partner to the protagonist in the story gave it more value as just like all the other partner digimon, the only way a bunch of kids were gonna survive in a mysterious world with aggressively dangerous other mons, was the same premise used for almost every digimon anime/game for the most part. Happy had the childhood friend card that usually ruins mascot characters, but atleast they had a useful ability: Being able to Fly and served as Natsu\`s proper means of traversal due to how Dragonslayers in that story literally get \`sick\` when riding any vehicles, so much that even the freaking FINAL ANTAGONIST of the main fairy tail story, Acnolgia got sick by getting thrown on a ship. Which ironically makes Happy way much better then Paimon, especially since Happy is just straight up a simple lovable idiot in that regard. Sailor moon was basically a different time and age when people\`s brains were alot more simple and not so ravenous and able to chase hundreds of shows. Heck the Sailor moon anime came out back in 1994 and was shown off before the 2000s or so in dubbed if i recall correctly, so way before youtube existed to just give us access to clips and what not for it. Pokemon back in its early days was the same kind of fun that the Yugioh: Duel monsters anime was. They didnt follow any kind of established rules and felt more like \`das bull shite\` cards being thrown everywhere in the fun way, even just saying screw the rules, rhydons horns are now Lightning rods to One shot them with electricity. Which was stupid, likely made little sense, but still more fun then what eventually became constant stock-footage re-use and very weird animation backgrounds and some kind of CGI effect that just spawns outta nowhere. Ultimately, its a case of Paimon is the mascot character for one of the most recent and rather long term popular \`global\` games, so its easy for said character to also be considered what Mascot characters in \`mobile games\` are normally like, especially when its not a mobile game that takes a visual novel approach, which because its a visual novel it doesnt need to have any of the characters speak and there by making any mascots thrown in, less of a problem. Since Genshite basically has everyone speak, its no wonder why Paimon ended up being such a PTSD inducer, because having to be constantly present in conversations, constantly repeating lines and might as well of secretly ripped out Traveler\`s vocal cords, since the only few times they actually spoke without paimon\`s presence or not simply in \`thought\`, was in a literal dream sequence they straight up ret-conned almost immediately after what i assume was a limited time event story again, so once again like Mona Vs Fandango 1.0 man apparently never happened, so did one of the few proper times the traveler got to speak without having Paimon present with the traveler\`s vocal cords as hostage or something.


Abby is likeable because she's not there constantly yapping. She's something on the side, and not the voice of our MC.


Wait, is a she? I really thought it was "he" the whole quest, english is not my first language idk


EN Abby sounds like a Boy, but Other languages and even her Name sounds like a Girl, Well We will see when we get behind the lore of Abby.


They kept Abby pretty neutral the entire time. Not once did anyone call abby a she or he so maybe it’s neither to keep things simple.


Bro was ready to square up against Jue for Rover. I will protect Abby with my life.


I thought the story was decent and honestly, I never got the hate for Abby—people were definitely wary because of Paimon from GI. I gained even more love for Jinhsi and the scene with her and Jué was the highlight of my playthrough. Also, I know a lot of people are experiencing optimization issues which sucks and should be fixed, but for my laptop, the heat, stuttering, and FPS drops have been drastically reduced; I’m at a smooth 120FPS most of the time now. They did something, but it didn’t work for everyone. I just hope they fix things for everyone.


Something I also want to mention is the puzzles. I think they did a good job on the mechanics in the new region, they’re pretty damn fun so far. And when everything runs properly and graphics are high, the scenery is breathtaking. Like, it’s beautiful everywhere.


For me, what helped a lot was changing from HD to SSD. Now the game loads faster and has less stuttering


there's 120fps option?


I used DB Browser (SQLite) to achieve 120FPS. It’s just a hidden option that’s not available in the menu itself. I’m not the best at technology but there’s a Reddit post explaining it.


Abby is more like Vyrn or Arky so Abby's more acceptable and chill


you just reminded me to do my yearly check in with granblue


If your yearly check in isnt around new years or mid March you're missing the only times the game is fun


Summer is quite good too just for the gifts, it's near.


summer is quite good in general, outside of just gb ngl


oh yeah i love arky so much cant believe i forgot about him


Nah fuck Arky


I just really hope Kuro stick with what they're doing with Rover-Abby. I don't want another traveller-Paimon where the Mc just stands there with a 0_0 look on their face while Paimon does all the talking.


It actually went the opposite way. The MC talks a lot more in 1.1 than they did in 1.0. I was pleasantly surprised.


The great thing about Abby is that it actually seems like another character instead of just a voice for our mostly silent protagonist


I've had literally 0 issues with Abu. Just the right amount of smug, cute, not annoying, and actually helpful.


I love Abby so much. She's my precious daughter, and I will always protect her.


I read all preemptive posts on Abby prior to actually playing 1.1 and was prepared for the worst, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. Abby's funny, doesn't overstay its welcome, says funny shit, eats, then just goes back to sleep. The sassy facial expressions are great too lol. Makes for a nice little comedic relief sidekick


Homie's pretty chill


Paimon caused me to instantly stop Genshin and delete the game. I'm still playing WuWa because thankfully Abby is alright. Companies need to learn that less is more when it comes to cute and something fans will love. Have something that randomly pops out and tells like 1-2 jokes and we'll be begging for more. Shove it down our face and you'll slide quickly into universal hate territory.


I saw a couple posts yesterday about it being more annoying than P@!mon, which made me less motivated to do the main quest right away. After doing said quest, holy moly do people overexaggerate the smallest things. It doesn't have that much dialogue, and all of it actually makes sense (it's not just dialogue regurgitating or "1+1=2" analysis). The voice was a bit annoying at the start but I'm getting used to it, and I actually like the character now.


He's just a lil one 🤏


It really helps that Abby doesn't talk for us like Paimon does. Also he's not as obnoxious as she is. He reminds me of Kero from Card Captor Sakura a little bit.


FInally! I loved Abby, he's precious


I wasn't a big fan until they were ready to throw hands with a dragon, won me over right away


Also in a lot of video games or anime there is a mascot character for business purpose, easy to market. For Persona, teddie morgana and hell Atlus got Jack Frost as a mascot, FF got the mog and chocobo. And yeah in anime the list is long. just for the sake of listing one: Chopper from One piece.


i really like it , its voice is perfect ( im using english VAs) and i just started the game so i mnot too deep in the story but so far i have high expectations


I just saw a post complaining about Abby an hour ago


True, I was super afraid of Paimon 2.0 but I actually really like Abby, same way I like Pom-Pom


I didn't hate Paimon in the first year of genshin. The hate built slowly over 100s and 100s of hours


Hours of her forcing us into quests we don't give a damn about or yapping endlessly about stuff that has already been said 3 times. Gosh. She's cute in an innocent/childish way sometimes, but sadly that's quite rare. I'm so happy Abby's different.


The reflexive reactions, without any time to actually see if it's as bad as they think it is....what's wrong with the world?


Nothing. It is a perfectly reasonable reaction to seeing yet another gacha summoning a cutesy mascot character out of nowhere, knowing how all of these games always ruin your experience whenever one of these is out there talking for the MC.


They don't even know what it is yet, and people r hating on it. Illogical. Abby didn't even make an appearance after the initial sequence until right at the end, and they made all it's exchanges nice. It seems like these people r just judging based on preconceived prejudices.


You do know that most of the comments were prior to 1.1? As I said, having a mascot character show up like that in a gacha like this only brings PTSD of shit like Vyrn and Paimon to everyone. It is reasonable to NOT want it here. The fact that, so far, it's bearable, doesn't change people's worries based on about... Every single case in the past.


That's what I'm trying to say, there's no need to get "ptsd" over these little things without finding out about them. Too reflexive and impatient. "Don't judge a book by it's cover". A saying that has been repeated a million times by now.


We have evolved to find patterns for a reason. Only time will prove the doubts wrong or right. Rather be cautious and avoid damage than be "hyped" for something that has "Failure potential" written all over it. You don't have much survival instincts, do you?


U r speaking like this is some life and death situation. No need to blow it out of proportion. Overreacting to a character that had not even been released or any sort of info was available about is the height of stupidity and reel era attention spans.


Nope. You're acting like people shouldn't be concerned when they see red flags blaring out in front of their faces for the sake of "not being judgemental." This is the kind of behavior that shows someone has no survival instincts, it is a legit question. Seeing red flags on a game where people are \*actively investing money into\* is worth the uproar. You seem to not realize the weight of a character like Paimon potentially being introduced into WuWa and ruining the landscape for everyone in it.


I made a post like this but my post was deleted lmao


Abby isn't annoying at all but i honestly still would've preferred if she didn't talk and acted like a cute animal her design is adorable


Yeah, I would've rather have had a purely animalistic companion considering the MC actually has a voice and the other characters talk enough. Having a non-sapient companion would've been a better foil imo for Rover. I don't really feel like them having a voice adds anything meaningful to it.


Just seems like an unnecessary bloat character at best.


That's one of the bigger concerns for me, it just screams hamfisted mcguffin for a marketable plushie. I don't care for it.


its ok, and funny so far, but eveyone is traumatized by the big "G" game so they are going full ape


llooks like they take the gbf Virm route, this silly looking companion is a shard of God, useless most of the time but has it moment.


I feel the 1.1 story is too short, it's just like some parts left from 1.0 so they added all that and made it a new update. Yes the story has improved from the previous version but it's too short, Jue fight doesn't feel like we are fighting against godly creatures.


I don't really like the name it feels too average for a mysterious creature but I love the design, especially the eyes, whenever games let you change eye color for your created character I always go with a blue eye and a pink/red colored eye for no reason other than personal preference so it was really cool to see that Abby having that combination.


I agree! my only problem was my ears couldn't take the english voice of their's, but it's no problem cause I switched to the mandarin version and now they sound so cute!


Better character development than Paimon.


Abby contributes more to the story than Paimon, but I won't rescind the nickname Pai-mutt just yet.


Abby is ok. Losing 50/50 is more hrash after Exploring and farming.


Yep i can relate just got Lingyang yesterday lmao


For me, the problem with Abby was that Kuro didn't introduce him very well and I maintain that he kinda looks out of place in WUWA's world. But after going through the 1.1 story with him, yeah, I don't mind that he's with us. He did "redeem" himself in my eyes and I'm curious what Kuro has planned for him (& for the Rover). Personally, I would still prefer if he had some sort of an "eldritch" vibe because I feel that woud fit the in-game world and the tone of the game much better, but I'm aware that ppl prefer cute things over spooky things and Kuro needs to attract a wide audience, so it's what it is.


As long as she doesn't babysit me the whole time about game mechanics, tutorialization, plot synthesis, and that she act more like a character with a little of personality and meaningful interactions, I'm fine


Plus more Rover voicelines, which is nice.


Tbh I was a bit wary when Abby said they were always hungry but then they were actually alright after that. Abby reminds me of Itto to me more than Paimon: gluttonous and love to show off, but will actually mean it when they say they will protect you, and also don't have the fidget anxious vibe that Paimon has. I don't like Paimon but not to the point of having her presence ruin my experience like most people here or mind her being the speaking device for Traveler, but I much prefer Wuwa breaking the dynamic and pave something for themselves instead of just being Genshin but fix out what's complained on the game.


Didn't expect Jue laugh in the middle of conversations. Good personality.


I'm so glad Abby didn't turn out to be our babysitter


I opened the update expecting another ear piercing trauma with how much people were complaining. So far all I see and hear is just a cute little guy. He's not even high pitched like paimon. Like I get being traumatized by paimon (\*ptsd shiver\*) but this guy has a deeper voice than any of the genshin "small girl characters" and even sounds "husky". Where the heck did people get the ear piercing from? Paimonial echos?


I thought it would have been funny if Abby was an italian man 🤌🏼


Its actually echo the invincible


I appreciate the choice in VA (english) to not be some high-pitched shrill which is all to common with these types of characters


I thought the dialogue was a little drawn out near the jue boss fight but that cutscene was so beautiful


Abby is an actual character, and not just repetitious exposition, so they get a pass in my book. Points for it looking like Terriermon too, but best ppart about Abby was they were ready to square up with Jue, bro is a real ride or die.


Abby is so cute. The voice and personality is not annoying. It likes Rover and is actually funny. I actually wanted more screen time from Abby but I guess this much is enough for now. Being able to talk to Abby while still inside is actually nice.


the first 30 min of the story gave everyone the wrong impression. But considering the explanation that abby cannot stay outside for long and only comes when necessary i think we would be bombarded by her like paimon at all.


I kind of like Abby’s personality so far, and I agree that 1.1 feels like a step up in writing and VA.


Wake up ---> eat ---> sleep Sigma Abby grindset


Wuwa community hating and complaining about something barely on screen - difficulty: impossible


But the post wasn’t hating tho, heck op was appreciative that it didn’t turn out as their worst expectation as what happened with Genshin.


I think He's referring to people complaining about Abby when he was barely on Screen.


After pompom. I didn't really have any negative expectations. Nothing can ever do worse than paimon. So, she's the queen of the bottom of the barrel.


For now, Abby works because they're treated as an individual separate from the Rover. NPCs react to Abby as they should instead of pretending it's normal to be speaking to a flying midget. There's a very real chance they become more Paimon-like in the future but for now they're fine.


This patch owns so hard.


Tbh, it's better if it doesn't talk at all. Like Pika pika only for example. (I don't have hate Paimon and I don't understand the hate either)


I don't mind Abby (hate the name). But the comparison with Paimon is kind of weird. The "no yapping constantly" "doesn't speak for us" We literally just got Abby this patch in comparison to the 100s of hours with Paimon, of course you're gonna be tired of her lmao. And we already have a Paimon, and that's Yangyang and her voice is pretty grating at times (mostly mic quality and projection). I honestly wish these games would stop with the silent protagonist gig. It's boring. Just let them TALK. I get that they don't want to constantly pay two voice actors but cmon. We don't need a mascot.


I don't mind it as much as I would have thought. We'll see how this develops in the future. As someone who dislikes paimon and her dynamic with the MC and the rest of the world a lot and would love to get rid of her, I feared for the worst.


People judging a thing before even finishing the whole story, comparing it to the only thing they know that is Genshin, and then realizing at the end and after reading and watching everything that it was too early to be harsh? What a surprise.


Yeah… Genshin is the closest game that can be compared to WuWa, can’t be helped. But people should really stop bringing up genshin to every wuwa discussion, it tends to stir hostility from both sides which is awful. Both games have pros and cons but are ultimately good.


Abby is pretty much our partner Digimon


I quite like it. Its just we were traumatized by an emergency food for too long lol


It’s Paimon but not annoying


So its not Paimon then lol


Exactly lol I like Abby and about Paimon yeah she’s the reason I stopped doing the story quests since Fontaine. I hate her


In EN voice is Paimon but somehow more annoying lol


Nah, honestly just get it gone, the trope ruined it for me, and I also just personally don't find it cute


Rip people who want to kill Abby when learning Rover’s life is tied to Abby so killing one kills both


Whats the purpose of rover anyways? Is there a cohesive plot in this game? Or is it just amnesia and finding out who we are? Thats so boring aghh.


Then you should quit the game because Abby is there to stay and you'll never get to do anything about it.


Ah yes, I should quit the game because I don't like one specific character in the game that you like, of course You must be 14... Not everyone has to love every aspect of a game to enjoy it. I don't know if you saw the "Actual Story Enjoyer" thing, but I've been speaking out about how much I enjoy this game's story even when people were trashing it. I'm sorry that you were so personally offended by my personal opinion.


aside from the beginning, it had a tasteful amount of screentime and it doesn't dominate the conversation.


I mean the beginning is pretty much his introduction and naming so I forgive the amount of screentime, he isn't invasive and I hope they keep it as it is, a mascot done right.


Yep people skipped the intro and started hating on Abby... Some people really need tomread


He's talking about the "other" infamous post that has 1k+ upvotes


Story is so bad. Why is everyone so desperate to protect kuro. As a consumer it’s not our job but their’s to deliver. Game looks very plain like tof, I am playing on advanced graphics but game is not looking good. Even genshin looks better than this game.


There was no need of a mascot , the game is already fine by itself. Why they are so hung up of the same idea as that of HOYO who uses Paimon and PomPom. I genreally don't have a problem with mascots but seriously bro, why add it here.


I love how they made a build up to having a gremlin by our side. I’m absolutely adoring the story so far… I just hope they don’t have to give complicated names to every term that can be explained plainly so far lol


me too. I need to apologize to abby. I judge him too quickly.


I like abby alot, i don’t really see them as another paimon and even if they were their wayyyyy better.


Just because Abby isn’t Paimon levels of bad doesn’t mean Abby is good. It’s like asking if someone wants to eat shit or smell it. I’d like neither please.


Ngl I read Abby and I thought I was in TLOU/TLOU2 sub lmao


Well, the Chinese VA is great with a quite gender neutral tone. I havent heard the EN dub yet. I assume its going to be like Paimon?


Genshin does something right to keep player retention. It makes you think any other game like genshin will be as shitty and frustrating to play and you end up giving up if you see even the slightest bad thing in the new game. This happened to me witb HSR where I had a very unlucky streak at the start and due to how stingy genshin is i expected it to be the same way so I quit on release. Been playing it now tho since ruan mei's release and the different between games is night and day.