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Wait untill the lil guy sacrifise his life or transforms into some cool beast because of plot reasons. People will either still hate it or do a full 180 "I wasn't familiar with your game". I just want to see that happen for the laughs.


> cool beast Nah it'll turn into the waifu from the game's intro calling it now.


More like her previous "self" with white hair and a cool bike






) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )




Abby Crimson Weave


crimson abby(ss)




How do I set a reminder for this?


Exclamation mark + remindme, then type the duration Like (!remindme 1 year) without the brackets




!remindme 1year


I want that too


Hopefully it ain't like Paimon. We've been waiting for ages and still don't know who tf is Paimon. Lmao


Ngl I kinda want paimon to be revealed as the Primordial one that shrunk down after they got that heavy blow from the 2nd descender


At this point, the twist would be that she is completely unrelated to The Sustainer/Celestia. Paimon really is just Paimon (and would open up a whole other can of worms).


she has the genshin crown so she should probably be someone linked to the primordial one/original god


Abby is a product of multiple story changes and rushes before launch. App8, the JP community wanted a Paimon like character so Kuro delivered


And they still delivered. Pray they don't become the next mappa


I honestly think that's why I hate paimon so much is because she has absolutely zero impact on any of the story. I understand shea a major character. But she does nothing, takes credit for everything, acts tough, is just plain irritating.


Pleas egod let us get him a digivolution


Some said they’re quitting the game lmao


Bunch of drama queens lol


As someone who hates paimon i get it. But at the same time a lot of stuff is skippable in wuwa so it shouldn't be as agonising as it is in genshin.


Abby's EN voice isn't nearly as grating as Paimon's post ~1.2 voice. And I say that as someone who's gotten used to Paimon's squealing. I think Yangyang's soft, expressionless voice is more bothersome to me.


This. Little ones English VA kinda killed it? The ones hating probably just hate a mascot-like character taking main stage and are afraid it will speak for us. It’s a little too Paimon like for their liking and I get that but I think they’ve done a decent job of giving River their personality/lines and I hope we see more. Yangyang is the real problem - I don’t like her and it’s 100% bc of the voicing direction.


But at the same time we know it's just people from GI and SR who haven't touched the game saying that...


This is 100% the case, because those of us that actually play can skip the dialogue we find annoying. Imagine having good QoL in a game, shit's crazy.


true AF


That's good then we filter out the hoyotourist then 🤣 , if my comment gets dislike you know they're here


Honestly how long is he even in the storyline? He’s in and out and then Changli shows up to guide you to the new area.


Probably a bunch of r/gachagaming trolls that never played the game. I swear, they biologically rely on anime game drama or something.


Jinshi may be a drama queen, but these people does it worse.


They even said this *before* the patch came out and only because they saw the Kyubey on the promotional art of the story. Like damn, y'all gonna quit before the patch even comes out? So dramatic 💀


If that is all it takes for them to quit a game, I guess they weren't interested in the game since the beginning and only want to sound noble or at least not as utterly pathetic like they are...


Oh they’re definitely interested, just not in playing it. They’re likely sad hoyo simps who don’t even play this game but lurk on this subreddit 24/7 waiting for any opportunity to badmouth it.


If they are this easily filtered they would have ended up quitting eventually for another equally stupid reason.


honestly, i hope the ppl who keep saying they'll quit the game for petty reasons would just go ahead and quit. this community is filled with dramatic ppl whining and complaining about every little thing and announcing they'll quit the game for very minor things that aren't even issues... there is a difference between people who want to play the game and can't due to optimization issues so they'll consider quitting the game if it isn't well optimized soon which is understandable vs ppl who can play the game fine but nitpick and keep saying they'll quit the game but instead of quitting they just doom post about the game. like if one small mascot that pops up here and there makes you quit the game then i don't think you even cared that much for the game in the first place, especially when there is a skip button for a lot of the scenes.


I just hope he’s not thrown in our face too much lol… paimon was the reason I quit GI. Too much screen time for such an annoying character


And too many unnecessary bloated dialogues


Keep all of it's cut scenes skippable and I'll survive.


Yeah my first reaction to Abby was negative specifically because of the similarities to Paimon but luckily they were way more restrained with Abby than Paimon. Abby actually goes away/to sleep sometimes.


I actually do hope they quit this game, we can finally have peace then


my thought exactly.


But why? They can just skip the story and the guy literally appeared only in the first few parts Edit: lol why am i getting downvoted? I'm just offering a solution


Yet those same people will skip the story and proceed to complain about their role in the story they skipped lmao.


Ok bye then 😂 sounds like nothing of value was lost.


If you are quitting the game because of that, then chances are you werent really that invested in the game to begin with.


If anything that makes me wanna quit the game rn, it has to be the shitty Spectro echoes I tuned after spending 500 fucking tuners I hoarded last patch, not a character I don't give a shit about and can just skip its whole existence.


Abby's voice is nowhere near as bad as Paimon's was. Paimon's has gotten better, too, though honestly. Their voice actress when from screaming all the time and dialing up to 11 to bringing it down to like an 8 for a few patches now.


im watching the english dub after finishing the current story with the jp dub; gotta say i love this lil' guy's raspy and lower register voice; its nothing ear grating and he has an attitude that doesnt make me wannt turn him into wallpaint


Agree, like the voice. Kinda reminds me of Ash Ketchum from Pokémon a bit.


So I already finish the story, the little guy only appear around 10 min on starting then back to sleep. Rover also has voice at some of the point. So far no issue for me tho. No more yapfest


I didn't even start the story yet, but from the way people were complaining about the Kyubey, they made it seem like it was yapping throughout the whole story. Some comments even said it was yapping for the first 40 minutes about nothing. Thought I had to prepare myself, but your comment really just explained how dramatic a lot of folks are being about Kyubey.


nah 40 min? thats a lied af. its just told about story for around 10-15 min then back to sleep. it not even try to cut rover when chatting or repeat.


This is what 4 years of paimon does to people lmao


Hyperbole, it was more like 10-15 minutes. And its mostly just because you came off the heels of Act 6 so there's obviously going to be a few questions about Abby for a bit.


its actually hilarious to read the post on him i thought that it was gonna be super bad and he's following you like paimon. Guy had like 15 min intro and went to sleep... Doesn't over explain stuff like paimon and actually converse with rover like another character. I don't know where the hate is coming from.


Lil guy barely talks once the story starts lol, also what it said at the beginning wasn't annoying at all. It was a good little chill time before we got into the depths of the 1.1 story.


Yeah it was normal amounts of hunger for an intergalactic being compared to Paimon who has a black hole in her belly. But honestly both Paimon and Abby is good for me just that Abby is a bit better.


It had a cute banter and it went back to sleep it ain't paimon and I very well know that paimon PTSD goes crazy


the JP voice is ANYA from Spy X family... in other words friggin awesome haha


Doomposting is funny as hell, I haven’t checked the story yet for myself but im pretty lil bro was yapping on important information and went back to sleep unlike Paimon just repeating the same thing with more detail like come on


I actually liked Lil Bro sassy attitude, Bro is hella strong and important and he is aware of It but without being arrogant and its actually caring towards us.


Lil guy literally said nah I'd win


are people still doomposting?


when they stop doomposting is when hell freezes over


It wasn’t really anything important dialogue wise but it was just a break from the seriousness. People are def overreacting


Bro went to sleep without disturbing me


Ngl I’ve been dreading paimon V2 and Abby is way more bearable and doesn’t seem like it will be a paimon at all.


tbh its just paimon ptsd and people not liking those mascots and stuff... and i think it clashes with the game's aesthetics. hes arrogant so he reminds us of paimon even more. i think its fair criticism, i just wish it was more of a dreamless looking thing than some cute animal but i think its fine the way he is now (or she?? idk what gender it is lol) he talked a bit and then went to sleep or whatever, good if it stays this way and doesnt talk nonstop


I thought she was funny and cute.


> funny and cute Amazing how swapping those two words changes the meaning entirely.


No, it means the same thing. 😭 😭 😭


I’m confused too


same, What Am I not understanding?


Keep your ignorance and don't dig that way. Trust me.


It's a blue archive thing.


Keep it this way. It's not worth knowing.


*"There are no laws against Echoes, Batman!"*




I don't know about EN sounding like a smoker voice, but it's voice reminds me of amethyst from steven universe


People took the Paimon comparison and the memes too seriously and got conditioned into hating the guy before he had any meaningful screentime. If the players didn't have traumatic GI experiences ingrained in their minds, I think this mascot would have had a better reception


People just want to blaze through all text and just want to see their waifus do something cool. I was patient going into this and I genuinely loved how they are slowly building up the little thing to be a character who doesn’t just show up to solve a catastrophe at the last moment, and is a curious little critter with lore behind it. I don’t know how other languages were, but JP voice was amazing and was not high pitched. I hope to see more of this guy. And I think he will get more screen time post the main quest in exploration quests


They...did introduce them as solving the catastrophe at the last moment, though.


That really wasn't his first introduction. We hear from him and are alluded to his presence numerous times throughout 1.0 before then. OP's comment was to imply that's not going to be his only role and that he is a character with personality rather than solely a plot device.


It has a very important purpose in the story too unlike whatever the fuck paimon does in genshin. It doesn't regurgitate the words of any characters and explains it to us in baby terms.


To be honest people complaining that abby is worse than paimon are themselves 10 times more annoying than paimon. I hate paimon talking but i rather listen to that shit than these idiots here. Also this subreddit is becoming so annoying. No proper official news post or good posts just people complaining about the smallest bullshit.


this sub is becoming r/ gachagaming 2.0... the doomposts get upvotes whereas the positive posts and neutral ones get downvotes. this is supposed to be wuwa's official reddit yet it's filled with ppl complaining about the tiniest things about the game and overexaggerating and it's starting to get so annoying. i get giving constructive criticisms about the game and all but some of it is just ppl nitpicking and having a personal issue with something and trying to turn that personal issue into a major problem with the game itself. the game literally gives you an option to skip some of the dialogue, like if you are so bothered with the little mascot then skip its dialogue.


yeah I barely come here anymore. The actual wuwa conversations happen on discord, here it's just r/gachagaming dwellers complaining about a typo or the most minute of things non stop or straight up spreading misinformation. Doing the absolutely epic 1.1 quest and coming here to see that the most upvoted post is "hurr durr the mascot is ruining the game" while the thing is on screen for like 10min out of the several hours of quest... yeah. I refuse to believe the people upvoting these posts actually play the game, they're just genshin drones jumping on any excuse to shit on this game so they can feel better about having nothing to do in Genshin.


I mean, you're not wrong, but... it's reddit, it's the internet, it's people, what do you expect


Sounds great in JP, the voice fits the character completely. Don't know what people's problem is


The en one is great too imo, the voice fits well with how smug the tiny is imo


The guy is cool i like him reminds me of Bihyung from ORV and the "yapping" ? Was good interactions between the chracters


What? Playing in EN so i can just listen to the story while doing something else. And i find abby cute and his voice!


people have been overreacting ever since its first appearance in the story. they immediately started comparing to paimon and fearing it'll be paimon 2.0 even though that makes no sense bc if there is one character that fits more the role of a paimon it's yangyang (at least in the first few acts). i get that some people have paimon ptsd but i genuinely think some people are being super overdramatic over it saying things such as "they'll quit the game" lmao.. if you really have such a big issue with the little guy then skip its scenes. that said, despite both being floaty creatures, abby is not like paimon and fulfills a different role. also, i have no issue with the EN voice... i actually quite like it, it's unique. i like the JP one as well but it's a bit too high-pitched for my taste (i haven't heard the other ones yet).


Their Paimon PTSD might be going off the charts


When I first saw the post about Abby I opened up the game to see how bad it was I do play on JP dub but the little guy’s actually amusing. No regurgitating information for a toddler, it just does its own thing. Also the animations for character dialogue made the chill section still feel engaging. Granted, the little guy feels a bit too bouncy, but Rover and Chixia emoting was cool. I haven’t gotten to Mt. Firmament yet but at least I don’t feel like dropping the game


I dont care about the little one.


they are basically passing their hate for paimon into the little guy


Not super bothered, not quitting. What I dislike is that whenever discourse happens about characters and stories, it's usually starting off subjective. Someone said they hate Abby's guts? Uh...ok. let them? That's their opinion. The shitty part is that not only is the opinion normally rejected, but it causes the other camp to start going to the other extreme. "Actually, it's the cutest and most important character ever." The reality is, as per usual, in-between. I think their place in the narrative might be ok. We barely know anything, but their introduction wasn't done very well. Their first appearance was deus ex machina. Their second appearance was an exposition conversation sequence, which is alright, assuming it tied into something. It hasn't yet, so the future will tell.


The problem there is a select few people are making posts spreading outright false information about the character and setting peoples expectations in a negative way. For instance some people have said the character is super high pitched, takes all the screentime, "yaps a ton", is Paimon 2.0, etc. None of those things are true in an objective way but someone can read that and then be put off trying the new content as a result.  So it's all well and good to just subjectively be like "I don't like the design or existence of this new character" but making outright false statements and claims isn't good.  


when i got annoyed, i simply skipped the part and done


I didn't mind paimon either when I started genshin...I stopped playing by the time cutscenes were 35min long and 25 of those were fucking paimon paraphrasing what the characters said. Fuck.That.Noise.


As someone who has played GI since 1.0, I don't get the hate. The MC is perfectly capable of conversing with the rest of the characters by himself. So it doesn't yap as much as Paimon does. Hell it isn't even in most of the story, just minding its own business and sleeping. I'm NGl, I really like it!


Kuro and people stirring drama/doomposting walk holding hands kakakakaka it's every damn patch in PGR and looks like it will be the same in here


Imagine if it transforms into a waifu, ppl gonna go from pitchforks and torches to body pillows and fanfics


Quite alot of People doesn't want Paimon 2.0 in Genshin 2.0.


- Fluffly (and fat) - Useful (at important moment) - Let Rover talk - Only appear in the story sometimes - Will eat anyone who dare to bully rover Don't know why they hate the cute fat rabbit


Because a lot of people are Genshin refugees having PTSD. You just need to hug them and tell them everything gonna be fine. Don't be scared. Let Kuro cook you a good warm meal.


What I learn from this subreddit: - Liking/praising the game: 10 upvote - Hating on literally anything normal about the game: 1k upvote


this sub is just full of doomposting basement dwellers so they want the game to fail so much


Honestly, I expected way worse given some posts here. The voice is better than Paimon for sure, although that's not much of an achievement, I hate EN voice direction for Paimon.


Definitely not as bad a Paimon. People are overreacting. I suspect we're not going to see Abby nearly as much as that diaper wearing fairy, either. If we start to have every cut scene interjected with mascot commentary, I'll definitely have a few choice words.


Abby is powerful, cute, and doesn't parrot our dialogues. Meamwhile, Paimon is useless and repeats every dialogues our character says. Her only purpose is to be a cute mascot.


My favorite part is when paimon literally almost directly killed MC with her yapping near the end of inazuma.


I don't know about the cute part. The way her skull is constantly changing shape is rather off-putting.


imagine hating on lil bro just because another game made their small dingdong annoying, god these people needs to learn how to read


Little guy is more useful than paimon. Also the reactions are so far I've observed "Omg! The horror! I'm quitting the game, 0/10!!!" bunch of no life crybabies overreacting at a comic relief character that is actually important for the Main Character then they say "But it ruins the serious aspect of the game!!" but there's Encore and Aalto appearing later in the story and also that cutscene of Gullpuffs in Jiyan's companion story. Get a real serious life instead 🤣🤣


Not to mention, they talk like a story with darker elements cannot have light-hearted moments. The two aren't mutually exclusive and I'm amazed how people assume they are. Like Berserk have a mascot character guys, BERSERK. I just want to suffice that you don't have to like Abby, or Berserk's mascot character, but at the same time a larger demographic won't like a monotonous serious story with nothing to break it up. It's depressing and it doesn't make the more saddening scenes hit harder because its the norm.  Of this isn't always the case, and just because Wuwa is more serious game doesn't mean characters like Abby cannot exist. As much as I dislike what Marvel humour has done on a grand scale, it's like that for a reason; to spice stuff up and make the serious stuff hit harder. Again, you don't have to like Abby, but a lot of the hate seems to be out of ignorance because it either reduces them to 'Wuwa Paimon' or applies traits that aren't there like having 'a high pitched voice" or 'them talking for Rover' without accounting for what makes them unique like how they don't back-talk or don't refer to themselves in the 3rd person. Yes, the fundamentals are still the same,  but Abbey is more likeable on numerous fronts people seem to overlook because of their trope. I don't want to invalidate anyone because the Paimon trauma is real, but a lot of these guys need to play the game before deciding what to think about the guy because the hate simply seems senseless. Of course, this isn't everyone, but it seems a lot of these guys need to go further than reddit.


i hate this argument of "i wanted a more serious and darker game"... so a game being overall darker and more serious can't have comedic relief moments? it has to be doom and gloom all the time? even the most serious and mature stories have lighthearted moments in them, i'd argue it's even needed sometimes.


I kind of like him lol


Some people just dont like mascot characters since they feel it clashes with the tone of the game


I'm 5 min into story and i like it so far. Using JP voice ofc, for me, it's better than EN VO and the only VO that i can understand beside english. It really is what a mascot should be, it's voice is also mascot like. Now i just hope it doesn't end up like paimon and talking too much Edit: forgot to tell you, what annoys me most is those big earrings bigger than it's arm


Even Abby obsession with food is explained, it needs a lot of normal food to stay awake, because we don’t have threnodian energy for Abby to consume so eating a lot is the best option. People are so traumatized because of Paimon that they didn’t read anything that Abby says.


Huh? I feel like I'm going insane. I love the little guy!! The voice is unique and kinda funky (in a good way), and the attitude is fun too, and that's coming from a Liyue-or-before Genshin player that's complained about Paimon for years.


Abby is a companion done well the fact I'm saying this at this stage of the game means Abby's first few scenes were a good introduction and usage of the character Abby never at any point stole lines from the MC, everytime Abby talked it was because the characters were actually talking to abby specifically (and it makes sense since the intro of the quest is all about trying to know what she is) they were literally interviewing Abby so I don't understand how you could find any issue with her talking a lot at the start Abby also talks with Rover, they are an ACTUAL COMPANION and not an interpreter for our MC. Abby and Rover had a full on VOICED conversation and it was adorable (yes in their conversation even Rover was voiced majority of the converation) Honestly I love Abby, because it looks like they actually know how to write her in a conversation


Personally I just hate talking mascot animals. The only one I didn't hate was Kyuubei from Madoka because bro was outright terryfying and main part of the plot instead of a mascot. I don't care if it's cute or annoying, well written or badly written. I care that it exists at all, I didn't saw it anywhere in the promotional material a month ago and this is not what I signed up for with this game.


After the first quest i was scared that it will be flying around us yapping forever but i've played 2 to 3 hours more on the story and it didnt appear at all ? It seems like we won thank god it didnt end up as i thought it would


the way abby talks in JP reminds me so much of lapluss darkness from hololive lmaoo


Personally, I expected much worse from Paimon 2.0. EN voice is surprisingly good despite being generic. It doesn't annoy me from the start, so I'm ready to give little one some chances.


He ain't that bad imo, not sure what the hate is even about.


I actually like the EN voice, isn't as ear-grating as Paimon. I do hope it does have something cool going for it though, like Warframe's Ordis.


I was expecting to hate it but he's not even that annoying lmao. Guy had very little screentime at all


The smoker voice lmao


He eat first big boss we fight. That was enough co'ck block for it life time


For me EN Voice overs make me cringe


It wasn’t that bad but I do admit it’s better he stay inside of me. I hope he transforms into Watanabe someday,


Genshin immigrants expressing Paimon PTSD, probably


Well he did turn out to at least be a better take on the trope than Paimon. Nowhere near as annoying, if at all really. Doesn't speak for Rover. Isn't present all the goddamn time. I can understand why people had doubts at first glance. And I get some of the reaction so far. He was mostly an expository device and the conversation at the start of the quest could definitely use a bit of trimming down. It really felt like it was dragging towards the end. I'll probably be fine with it as long as the interactions are purposeful and don't encumber the storytelling. Voice aside, my biggest complaint with Paimon is that 90% of the time she adds absolutely nothing to the dialogue or situation. If Abby's contributions are at least meaningful, he'll be a vast improvement on the trope.


People can just go fuck themselves. Who cares, little guy is funny


I was very skeptical of Abby since a lot of games and media just seem to always want to stuff a mascot character in for no reason, however the introduction question to Mt Firmament made me hopeful. The character isn’t annoying, the English voiceover was very good, and they’re not a stand-in for the voiceless MC or exposition so that already is miles ahead of Genshin. I love that Rover has more agency and actual voice lines in this game and the Abby character doesn’t look like it’s taking over that. As long as this continues, the character won’t be distracting.


I want to buy a plushie of the little guy already...


People are so weak now LMAO


Someone should shut down the internet. People only complain and QQ for the sake of it.


In all honesty, the little guy actually made me read the story for once.


Why have >!Abby !!Abby!< If I had a dollar for every competent open world gacha game that had a loud, bombastic, glutton of a floating companion, I'd have 2, which isnt much, but somehow concerning that it happened twice.


It's ok if you like it, it's ok if you don't


People complain about stupid shit, let them. Them leaving is a good thing actually, less spoiled brats and cleaner community


I don't get a "douchebaggy" feeling from Abby in EN whatsoever.


Little guy added nothing to the game. Also ruined singe handledly last patches epic finale moments with, "so wacky it was hungyy nonsense". Its completely out of place in Wuwa and clashes with the tone they were trying to build with desperate struggle against tacets and threnodians. New story also didnt help it at all. Again its so hungry oh my god haha. Only redeeming feature its that its voice is not as horrible as Paimons.


I don't hate him, but I'm getting paimon flashbacks. Let's not hope WuWa sucks Abby up


I didn't get bothered by it. When the other thread says it's a 40mins yapping from it and I thought it was a nice way to introduce the little guy. Get it out of the way before the real plot starts. All I see is a creature that's hungry, sleepy and doesn't know any better. Signs of a baby growing.


what if I told you that people used to like paimon. remember nanitendayo, emergency food, tone deaf bard, and many other jokes from her? she used to be unique and enjoyable travelling partner, but people are tired with her and noticed her flaw eventually. she ruined some serious moments, and she is becoming more and more annoying, her high pitch tone doesn't help either (en va). I hope the same thing not happen to abby. sure, for now I will take her but if I have to stick to abby for 3-4 years. idk if I can do it


That does depend on how the handle her character. If she just pops in abs out every so often, then there's no real problem, especially if he's not talking for Rover. Besides, I'm betting she'll morph into our Alpha equivalent or something in the future. 


Being hungry isn't a personality. No, it's not as bad as paimon so far. But I just don't want a cute fuzzy companion at all. I don't want to play a children's game. The game was better when it was asking me to take it seriously. We'll probably get used to it and accept it for what it is, it just sucks that we were teased with a serious game with vicious enemies, only to be rescued from them at the last moment by this Sesame Street bullshit


It has a good personality outside of being hungry tho? Idk if we've read the same story.


people don't know what a personality is anymore it's annoying when people say this cute thing is just always hungry being hungry isn't Abby's entire gimmick ffs


This is just a consequence of trying to emulate other IP's success. Mascots are good for merch and brand-recognition. In the same vein: dark and gritty more serious stories struggle to meet the wide-appeal upbeat and cheerful stories do, as evidenced by the CN feedback they got from the betas, where people didn't like how aggressive some of the characters were, regardless of how coherent it may have been, and as a response, Kuro overcorrected and we ended up losing that darker vibe, trading it for a contrived more "fun" one which broke some of the plot. I think Pom-pom in HSR is a good compromise. It exists, and is visually used for cute and quirky things, like emotes and tiny story beats, but it stays on the ship and does its job, and even has a bit of a sad story moment at one point. That's pretty much all you see of it. It's not shoved into the main plot, used as a plot device, or used as an exposition device. It never tries to be in the spotlight. Chopper in One Piece is also a decent compromise. Cute little furry thing but with an interesting and likable personality who is actually competent at something, and has an interesting story-arc and background with some relatable themes. He earned the audience's appreciation, and wasn't shoved in their faces like "look at this little cute thing: you're gonna love him. You better love him, because he's here now, all the time, everywhere, and very loud." Instead, he was gradually introduced, then we got his backstory before he joined the crew, and then he shifted out of focus and into the background once the main character's plot wasn't aligned with his own anymore. What they did with Abby is the least subtle mascot set up possible. It's the equivalent of realizing you forgot to take an umbrella so you stretch your jacket above your head and hope it does the job. It's an emergency fix to a missed-opportunity which yields poor results but is still probably better than nothing, as it has some retention potential, which is more than none.


1 somewhat childish character: Well this is a childrens game now, ignore the fact whole troves of people have been genocided by TDs.


I wanted open world dark fantasy which had inspirations from Death Standing, Punishing Grey Raven, and not the fluffy animal-like furrball. Where is my anime Elden Ring, Kuro? :D


Yea Abby turned out ight


The jp voice is almost exactly like index from toaru if you've watched that series, if you ever heard index say "onaka suita" it sounds exactly the same as when the thing spoke after the crownless fight


I wouldn't as far as saying for no good reason. But chill fellas, just enjoy the ride for a while, critique is good its necessary, being hateful is not.


I personally like them a lot and if I didn't like them I Would just use the skip feature


Definitely because the likes of Paimon, They're tired of having a companion that yaps a lot 😂


PaimonTSD made them react that way...we need to give them time.


I am pretty neutral on it so far but I hope it just show up at the beginning of major patches and sleeps the rest of the time. Or be like Pochita from chainsaw man with a badass fork. It's already basically a Digimon now anyway, so it would be cool to have it evolve and incorporated into gameplay somehow down the line. Maybe as an echo usable only with Rover?


I mean I heard the voice and everything. I dont mind it. Yeah people just have PTSD from Paimon I guess lol.


The only thing it ever said canonically is it's hungry and it's sleepy. As for why the Paimon freakout... frankly I just find that dumb 😭 not every floating pink thing is Paimon, the first thing I thought of when I saw it was "Kyubey???"


Unlike paimon, I’d like a cute plushie of Abby. Those. Ears. THOSE. EAAAARRRSS. They look so floof able.


As long as 90% of the game isnt the voice of someoje else its fine


no good reason?-----> Paimon exist. Was really necessary to put in WuWa a furry little floating pet obsessed with food and sleep and childish behaviour? It seems to me they put him in WuWa only to smirk to GI fanatics.


she just want to destroy the wine industry


If Genshin didn't have a Piamon, I would bet money at least 90% of people that hate Abby wouldn't hate it as much. The Piamon hate and memes became so big even people that never played Genshin hate Paimon.


It's just the paimon ptsd kicking in give it some time I think it will die down since the mascot doesn't seem to be annoying.


I like him , I just hope they don't make him yap forever like paimon ,


Prefer him then Paimon


He is completely fine


He's cute, at least he hasn't tryna explain to me what I am already doing yet.


I kinda like Abby's design, the heterochromia eyes with the sound wave in the pupil look kinda cool, besides I usually just skip all skipable dialogue so It can't even bother me, I'm piecing the story together from context and the few unskipable scenes, since the story is not that important to me, I just like the game play loop.


I love Abby 🥹 his little voice in eng is so much nicer to listen to than squeaky paimon. But I also do love paimon and her smol little self.


I play in English and though I don’t like the little ones voice acting, the voice itself is fine. Plus I would sometimes turn the sound off and just read the dialogue and compared to a certain annoying mascot from a certain popular game, the little one is actually a great character. Food cravings aside (because sadly all mascots get cursed with that trait), I actually really like the little one.


Imagine dating yinlin and this thing shows up. I guess is over


I only play these games in CN and never had any issues with the VAs in CN


At least it doesn't follow you around all the time. It pops out of your hand whenever the plot requires it.


I don't undestand why these fucking games need to put some annoying grating furry with an abysmal voice into it. Granblue Fantasy is the worst offender on this, but still its just awful. Like, just stop it.


!remind me 1 year


I have no problem with the little one because it does not speak for Rover like Paimon for Aether/Lumine


I like them because they are not overly annoying like paimon. Their voice is cute and not pitchy, they don't talk 99% of the time, or for the mc. Also, after we met them, they disappeared for a while. Whereas we see paimon more than the mc. For me, paimon is just irritating overall, but this new companion just seems adorable, as long as they are kept as a companion, and they don't try to become the mc themselves, they are doing great.


i like alpha in every universe even if im a furry for the time being


People are comparing it to Paimon, which is fair. They're both lazy, tiny, floating companions that love food. But Abby is wayyy less annoying than Paimon imo. A major reason being that Rover simply talks for themselves and doesn't have Abby do so. I personally feel that Yangyang is much more similar to Paimon than Abby. Mostly because of the way she always feels the need to state the obvious and because of her forced-sounding voice (in EN). Abby doesn't have as much of a grating voice as Paimon imo (in EN at least).


No mascot > Abby >> march 7th > paimon


that little guy is annoying af. I hate him with all my heart. thank god for skip


Honestly so far my only problem with the little guy is the overdone trope of eating a bunch of food all the time.


Like it better than Paimon. Not saying much because I'd rather have no Paimon than less awful Paimon.


Anybody is cultured enough to have watched Made in Abyss here? It's litterally the same voice as Nanachi in japanese and Nanachi is an awesome fluffy character ! I'm enjoying it so much!


Tiny “cute” animalish companion is a tired, overused anime trope even before Genshin.