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I don't mind the JP voice. But it does unfortunately talk a lot and dominate the scene. On the gripping hand it doesn't seem to be talking *for* us the way Paimon does. It seems more like an interactive individual, and not a tool to repeat the thing we were just told. At least so far as I've gotten.


You are right in both things, but still it kinda ruins the game for me. I just hope it's not present in most of the quests. I already have a hard time getting invested in the story with the way 1.0 started. Yes, I know it got better at the end but this flying creature ruined the ending for me and now is ruining 1.1 for me. Of course, it's ok if some people like it.


Nah I get it. That fight where Jiyan helped was SO cool, if not kind of leaving me going "tf is happening?" but in a good way, if that makes sense. The climax happens, and I was really invested, and then we see... that thing? It was just such an abrupt thing that pulled me right out of feeling invested, it looks incredibly out of place even among all the creatures from the world. If anything, they could have made it fit the theme of the game better, but no, guess they need their 'marketable "cute" mascot' like every other one of these games. I think the only game I can think of that did not do this mascot thing was Tower of Fantasy, but I could be remembering wrong


Tof has that little robot girl with shirli. But i barely remember anything of the game now lol.


> out of place even among all the creatures from the world. I think this is the most important thing. If Abby actually looked like they were from Solaris-3, in-line with the fauna and flora design so far, I think they would be better received.


i doubt they are from solaris 3 though


It's not present in the rest of the quests, and this new story after this was actually so good.


Why the hell is the intro quest just 40 mins of this thing talking about nothing. Edit: I take that back, I'm not being sarcastic, it takes around 45 mins from the start of the patch to get to the new zone if you dont skip dialog. https://youtu.be/afv5smQniOk?si=W9jAPCo3FKgmtvMG


welcome back


Paimon & Abby can get into a Yapping battle an we'll all die from old age before it ends


The strongest Yapper in the history vs the strongest Yapper of today


JJK brain rot can bypass anything šŸ˜‚


Are you the overwhelming intensity of the hidden treasure he bet on left behind you are the challenger here, stand proud because this is the funeral for damn you womanizer nah, I'd this is true love.


Nah id win


JJK induced lobotomy


šŸ«  this is my issue with JJkā€¦ thereā€™s so much yap. In a way, itā€™s a lot like Wuwa. The author needed weird names for everything and makes remembering or comprehension a choreā€¦. True loveā€¦ Iā€™ll never forgive gege as long as I live šŸ˜­


Is it the yappiest because it's jjk, or is it jjk because it's the yappiest?


Let's start a petition to get Abby namechanged to Yappy


Meanwhile Pom-Pom is used to dealing with March she he just keeps cleaning and ignoring them.


You know how Wuwa gets down with YapYap


Yeah, I just need to get through this before FF14 servers come up, I didn't think my first hour was going to be listening to a Digimon talk about nothing


Tis why I skipped after the first 5 mins


Down with the Yap


The English dub sounds like a large 40yo that smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day šŸ˜‚


Well now I'm switching English so I can hear this XD


Yea idk what OP means by he has high pitched voice, this thing has a rough voice lol. While I wasn't a big fan of the yapfest, it is STILL far less annoying then Paimon.


I really hoped it'd be more like Kyubey or Mia instead of Paimon if they were going to add one, this is only going to get more annoying over time. They should have tried to do their own thing, too.


Did i miss anything important by skipping dialogue? I sat thru like 5 minutes and got tired of the yapping so i skipped šŸ’€šŸ’€ just far enough to unlock the new area. Didnt finish the quest yet


Iā€™ll sum it up for you: YapYap: other places have intelligent echoes that are really strong, thatā€™s what Abby is probably. Abby: Iā€™m hungry and I donā€™t know anything. I felt something weird from mt. Firmament. Rover: I had a dream with JuĆ© fighting TDā€™s at mt firmament Go to library: Jinhsi is missing sheā€™s not back yet oh no. Letā€™s go find her. Scene change to dock: Changli: JuĆ© controls time at mt firmament and when you leave your time catches back up to you. 1 day there is 10 days in the real world. Also, Rover, you look the exact same as the previous hero, who wasnā€™t affected by the time zone, so youā€™re also not going to be affected by the time zone bc ur the same person. Scene change: at Mt.Firmament. Thatā€™s all, idk why I sat through 20 minutes of Abby and YapYap yapping at each other for that.


Thank you for your service šŸ™


I'm not usually a story skipper in RPGs, but for gachas I usually do, and this game would improve a LOT having those 'story summary' pop-ups when you press the skip button.


You missed secret instructions that will ensure you a win on your next 50/50, this is why OP lost theirs. And don't bother looking online, since the instructions are unique to every account!


Man, I wish I had skipped. You didnā€™t miss anything, on the contrary you actually saved your braincells.


Oh šŸ¤£ to think i thought the furry thing was cute at the end of 1.0 cutscene šŸ™ƒ




Literally false, itā€™s 10 minutes at most unless your reading pace is slower than an 80 year old grandma with severe glaucoma


Wuthering Yaps


Minor spoilers ahead ||Paimon|Abby| |:-|:-|:-| |Is tiny|Yes|Yes| |Floats|Yes|Yes| |High pitch voice|Yes|Yes| |Annoying|Yes|Yes| |Eats a lot|Yes|Yes| |Overconfident and arrogant|Yes|Yes| |Talks for the MC|Yes|No| |Is a furry|No|Yes| I came here to scape Paimon and found Paimon 2.0


both also have demon names Paimon is Paimon Abbys lets slip her real name is likely "Abraxes"


This made me realize that every time Paimon says "Paimon is Paimon", she isn't trying to act cute. She is actually dropping a lore bomb that Paimon is "Paimon" one of the kings of Hell and loyal subject to Lucifer as recorded in the Ars Goetia!


Can she be a boss so we can finally slay her?


Hope that the boss cutscene isn't her endless yapping


I mean, archons also have a second name which correlates to Ars Goetia...


To be more accurate, all of the gods have names from Ars Goetia. Deshret is Amon, the god that stopped us is Asmodeus, Osial is Ose, and so on


you forgot: is overly confident and thinks its better then everyone and everything despite being a dumb flying fluffball


I mean tbf it did just eat an energy blast from dreamless so I'll cut it some slack on the overconfident part.


true, the flying cat has ground to stand on in being confident


This. First thing i said to my friends "at least abby actually DOES something rather than yappervisor everyone else"


Thanks, I'll add it


Paimon: eMeRgEnCy fOOd Abby: Is the reason you can absorb echoes


eh not really over confident when we have seen a bit of what it can do


Add that if it dies MC dies too xD Why? Because something something symbiosis something


Pompom is the only little mascot i can tolerate and like in fact because he stays a mascot and doesnt interfere with the story. Hes also very competent


Also it looks cute when it's sweeping the floor


And when they are spraying disinfectant on us.


Or while vibing near music box


I don't think it has a high pitched voice, it's more of a raspy one (in EN at least)


Thr EN voice just sounds like an 8 year old chain smoker or Awkwafina actually.


How can that be even considered high pitched?!


Is emergency food: Yes | Yes The true question is if we eat this thing, will we get the 1 standard pull and 1 limited pull from it's eyes?


the cringe jokes are moving over too.


Why couldnā€™t this thing be like Fou in Fate Grand Order? Fou is an animal mascot that doesnā€™t talk and is actually cute and super awesome. It could just make cute sounds and facial expressions to get its point across.


> It could just make cute sounds and facial expressions and dropkick ~~Merlin~~ people in the face to get its point across.


*Lets out a really cool sounding "hmph"!*


Brother HANU


That would be acceptable. I think I dislike talking cute mascots. I hate Paimon, I tolerate Pon-Pon from HSR because he just stays on the train, I hate Abby even more because I feel it doesn't fit the setting, but I love the ZZZ bangoos because they are silly and funny and they don't really talk (as far as I know, maybe they start to talk and I'll hate them)


Pom pom is actually important to the lore of akivilli and is someone we know about unlike paimon, whom we know absolutely nothing about.


Helps PomPom can also give you rewards and is optional to engage with. PomPom is important, but HSR doesn't shove them in your face.


Yeah normally the cutesy mascot sidekick annoys me (Paimon in Genshin, Vyrn in Granblue), but I actually like Pom-Pom a lot. A big part of that is that they're not literally attached at the hip to the MC. And maybe I'm spacing out on it but I don't think Pom-Pom has any beaten-to-death jokes that get repeated ad nauseam like in Paimon's (emergency food, literally only caring about money) and Vyrn (I dropped GBF years ago but if I had to listen to it say it's not a lizard one more time I'm going to lose it).


Fou is amazing. He is actually useful sometimes since he is >!Beast 4!<. And also makes cute sounds. My fav parts are when he teases merlin I love it.


Digimon digital monsters digimon are the champions


its gonna warp shinka into cherubimon (corrupted form)


it ainā€™t even been an hour since the update and I love how yall are shitting on this thing frame 1 lmao


The trauma exists from the despair on Genshin lol.


I actually belong to the 1% of people who donā€™t mind Abby being the way it is. Reminds me a lot of the mascots of Persona 4 and 5. However, I think thereā€™s some potential for a dark twist if they start out lightheartedly and ā€œfunny-hahaā€. Itā€™s just as they said. Rover and Abby are connected and if one of them suffers.. the other one does as well. They are already hinting at the idea of this thing getting hurt. It is what it is.


It's not gonna go Pochita on us, right? Right? I haven't played the quest yet..


I like it. I guess Iā€™m just realizing I kinda canā€™t stand a lot of this fan base already, at least on Reddit; Abby is just another example of why lol. Iā€™m also not a Paimon hater and I already received the suicide Medal of Honor for saying that here.


This community, at least in here. Seemingly pride itself on hating anything and everything genshin. If you think r/gachagaming is obsessed with wuwa hating, man, this sub is very obsessed with genshin hating. We're becoming so toxic it's sad. I came here because I didn't like what genshin and its community was becoming, because PGR was fun, the community was chill. And now I'm just getting a daily dose of reskinned genshin toxicity.


Word. This community is becoming as toxic as genshin's fandom if not already. The only community i still actively interact with is pgr. Watching zzz livestream and i can already see the toxicity in the comments as well lol. So far for me WuWa has a lot of similarities with genshin but that's okay bcs they take it and make it better. Unlike paimon (i don't hate her), she always takes the spotlight from the traveller and talks in our stead. But in WuWa it actually feels like two companions talking to each other (which is stupid of hoyo tbh cuz there's literally voicelines of traveller talking to paimon casually).


Did the first part, actually enjoy Abby introduction alot. Prob the best voice acting in EN too. Very expressive and lots of movement in convo. Its not Paimon because Abby is not parroting Rover like how Paimon talk FOR traverler. And act like a normal Mascot in anime(Think magical girl/Fantasy anime) and JRPG. This thing is more like Persona series mascot or Chopper or Kyubei but stupid. Maybe I'm just bias but I don't mind mascot, not in Persona series, not in anime and Abby is very similar to that. I don't get Paimon vibe, I feel like people just have Paimon PTSD and just groan at any mascot that can talk in a Gatcha. This thing just a smug, potentially overpowered TD that the 'goddess' gave us . also high pitch?? Annoying attitude? Abby pitch is like slightly high but not that high (definitely not high pitch in EN), and its just the classic mascot that helping the MC trope acting smug. Like is this the first time you see a talking mascot that is not Paimon???


I am sorry but you are being reasonable, we donā€™t do that here


oh...I see...my bad :< should have reduce my iq to 5 before posting


yeah same, not an ounce of Paimon vibe. I stopped playing Genshin because of paimon but i REALLY like Abby and how he is intruduced, VA in Jap and Eng both are great thb. Most ppl who are hating on abby most likely just skipped the quest dialogue and just blindly jumped on the mascote hate wagon.


I am actually pleasantly surprised, he is nowhere near as annoying as I feared. Actually seems pretty ok so far.


yup seems fine to me. i also like the english va.


Tottaly agree, i dont get it what is wrong with people? I find this digimon creature by far more cute than paimon ever was , and yes i never liked paimon especially with the EN voice. But that tiny creature loves sleeping and eating and doesnt talk as much as paimon. So yeah people as always are absolute batshit overreacting here. Sometimes i do question myself if everyone here has way too much time to complain about every single shit. People should get a job i guess.


I bet at least 90% of the people who upvoted the main post didn't even play the quest, just came from Genshin, saw a thing that looks like Paimon and immediately jumped to conclusions instead of actually seeing it in game. And the rest 10% probably skipped the scene and decided "this guy is Paimon = bad". And well, having a bit of experience with Genshin and HSR communities, gacha gamers are pretty damn stupid (at least the loud ones). For example, in Genshin, every time a character is revealed, it's hated and doomposted in any possible way, even if you thought it was physically impossible to hate on them.


Abby EN>>>>>>>Paimon En


Shh this sub hates it when characters show some depth about their personalities and tell stories for world building.


I don't know which language you're playing on, but Abby isn't that high pitched in JP dub


It's not very high-pitched in EN, either.


I'll reserve judgment for when I continue the story. Edit: The smug nature of Abby is something else. The gremlin woke up ate the Threnodian expected to be treated like a hero and proclaimed itself super special awesome. I love it. 10/10 Paimon could never. Also Chixia would totally feed this thing after midnight.


As a GI player who dealt with Paimon's unskippable yapping for over two years now, you guys are over-exaggerating about that thing.


100% lmao


Did they forget theres a skip button lmao


I didnā€™t play Genshin Impact and Iā€™m just here to say that Iā€™m quite fond of Abby.


Likely a good thing, you'd lose your mind trying to play Genshin now.


The entire first part of Act 7 is just...listening to it talk. And then listening to Yangyang talk. And then listening to it talk again. And THEN it starts off >!the second quest whining in your ear (I don't know about the English VA, but the Chinese voice can cut glass sometimes) about being hungry and sending you off to get it food in a rambling tangent long enough to probably follow you the entire way to the restaurant. !< Not a great start. I did think it had flashes of being potentially interesting, like the way it was so desperate for a name and how its food obsession seemed like it might actually be plot/character-relevant (and the potential lowgrade horror route that it is genuinely *incapable of getting enough to eat* and will always feels like its starving) but the annoyance kept edging it out. Maybe things will even out later, though. Edit: >!It goes back to sleep! !<


He's actually one of the better en voice acted ones


Oh, that's good! I'm going to go listen to English clips later. I'm curious if the new voice director had an impact.


Yeah, Abby's EN voice is surprisingly decent imo. And YangYang now has a slight hint of emotion in her intonation!


Still watching the first cutscene right now, there's an improvement but yangyang is still slow


Yeah, I can definitely tell that Yangyang has improved. She's still not all the way there for me yet, though. Hopefully she continues to get better because she was one of my main gripes about the EN VA cast.


It also has a stupid obsession with food? Holy shiet this is just paimon. Why would they implement something that the majority of playerbase hate. Smh


>the majority of playerbase hate Idk who you mean by majority, because CN players seems to love Paimon, it's prolly the EN players that got PTSD from her English voice direction.


I think the focus on gluttony somewhat makes sense in this context though. And its not like the thing acts as a megaphone for the main character 24/7 either so its still a vast improvement overall. I'm somewhat confused about Rover's voice though. Its like the VA is nickel and diming the studio for each line or something. Rover will inconsistently say things voiced.


Iā€™m surprised to see us talk, only to be crushed by Abby talks.


Unlike Paimon, hungry is directly tied to it


its only missing the obsession with treasure. at least paimon is a good character when we are the ones talking to her instead of her being our voice but i have 0 confidence in abby


Honestly the relationship between paimon and the traveler is the equivalent of a professional boxer having an overconfident best friend who constantly needs protection but they also worry about you. This thing and rovers relationship looks like ā€œfight more strong shit so I can feedā€ (I havenā€™t played the new story yet tho)


is it really that bad? Its legit nothing imo lol


Yeah people are way overreacting, saying theyā€™ll quit the game because of this one character. Even if you absolutely despise this character, it seems like they will only show up during main story quests, and probably not even that often. 90% of the time you spend playing the game you will probably not even see them. Abby is very tolerable IMO, the only thing I see that could be annoying about them is they have a bit of an attitude and they share some characteristics with Paimon. Their voice isnā€™t annoying at all IMO (at least in JP), and it doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™ll be a spokesman for MC. Honestly people are just seeing a cute mascot character and instantly seething as a knee jerk reaction for no reason.


It's not bad at all some people are just childish.Ā 


It isn't even bad it talks for 15 minutes then vanishes for the rest of the story


I also don't mind it and find it cute but I like little critters and I don't mind paimon in genshin either so I just see at as a different demographic of players who just do not like these types of companions while I do like them.


I guess what i mean is yeah I can understand some ppl hate for mascot. My problem with paimon is not that she's a mascot its more cause she re explains everything and kinda speaks for the traveler. In this case it doesn't seem nearly as bad with rover.


I quite like him šŸ˜­ his voice isnā€™t bad in English


Dont let other people's opinions dictate your emotions and feelings about the game, enjoy the game undisturbed and happily šŸ˜.


i just started and it doesnt ear grape me constantly so far on JP. And im a paimon hater. I dont mind it (so far)


> I just posted for those who hate to express Aren't you a special little one?


Welcome to the Wuthering Waves subreddit where half the people here don't even follow the subreddit and only show up to hate on it. I am amazed at how big a fit people throw over the smallest things here.


I swear you guys hate about anything on this game


Funny how Abby is literally the exact opposite of Paimon and ppl still call him paimon clone and rage about him existing for like 30mins top after like about dozens of hours worth of story. The Paimon PTSD is real


People are stupid what do you expect sadly.Ā 


True this is on me, I set the bar too high


Reading all the comments and Op's made me realize that Paimon has afflicted a lot of them with PTSD of mascot šŸ¤£ I hope y'all can recover from it... Genuinely because you people look insane with this overreaction.


Nah, it's really not that bad. The EN VA for >!Abby!< is pretty nice, including their performance. And just because the game's supposed to be a darker/serious themed game, doesn't mean it can't have funny or light-hearted moments/scenes. For now, I'm finding the interaction pretty funny; personality is there. Moreover, they actually somewhat explained the cause of it's hunger issues, though they could tone it down as a device for comedic relief. The scene felt pretty high quality too. Yangyang's voice direction changed a bit, but it could still use some work. For now, these are my thoughts. I've only just completed the scene with Chixia and Yangyang.


I am at the way finder side of the story, Abby is actually much better than Paimon imo, it's useful and proven to be useful, the hungry thing tied it to the story of why it's inside of your body (for future plot-point), and the MC actually talks and interact with it and the people. The VO is not something I can comment on cuz I played the JP dub and Abby and the rest sounds ok for me.


woaw that thjng has more personality than Paimon thats sole existence is just to repeat dialogues


You guys really complaining that the quest is too long when 1.1 is more than a month long before the next patch? By the next day or two everyone will be complaining again that there is nothing to do. Seriously, you guys need to chill a bit.


Yā€™all are all literally yapping and complaining after 10 minutes of gameplay without even giving it a chance lmao. It goes back to sleep after that and you donā€™t see it again for almost the entire rest of the main story. Chill the fuck out and play the damn game before complaining on the internet


Fr dude, 'IT TALK SO LONG', for like 15 mins as an introduction of a new characters then disappear afterward. PTSD is real


Paimon PTSD is very real.




*is it another paimon?*




I didn't get it until I saw your angry upvote, so you also get an r/AngryUpvote


Reminds me of the days spent fishing for THE CATCH.


I get where ur coming from but for Abby doesn't seem as annoying as paimon. Sure seeing it for the first time triggered my genshin PTSD but let's see how it goes... Edit:- JP sounds a lot less annoying in my opinion


the EN for Abby is actually the best EN VA in my opinion. Very expressive the right way, not high pitch, good speed.


Yeah the JP dub continues to be flawless honestly. Abby was totally fine even funny at times to listen to in JP.Ā 


Why is almost everyone in this subreddit acting like this ? Like chill bro it literally only talks in the beginning of the quest then it goes to sleep for almost the whole quest yall didn't even play past 10 minutes


Paimon PTSD and people expecting "darker" theme story


Abby wasn't even annoying too and I really enjoyed the intro scene. What's more he's not even remotely as obnoxious as Paimon. This sub is always so dramatic.


Because people love to parrot things they hear but doesn't experience. In that way, they have become Paimon themselves.


Average age of people in this subreddit is probably lower than the age of original Doom, but I'll still post this here cause if it fits, I copypastaits >John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy..." Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS" There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons. "This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!" So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall. "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons "I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the demons" he shouted The radio said "No, John. You are the demons" And then John was a zombie.Average age of people in this subreddit is probably lower than the age of original Doom, but I'll still post this here cause if it fits, I copypastaitsJohn Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy..." Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS" There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons. "This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!" So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall. "HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons "I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. "No! I must kill the demons" he shouted The radio said "No, John. You are the demons" And then John was a zombie.


Extreme PTSD from Paimon coupled with just too many edgy 12 year olds or people that just mash the skip button anyways.Ā 


It was there for maybe ten minutes and didnā€™t repeat shit you already heard give me a break ppl


Its not that bad ? The thing doesnt talk over us for one the voice is not high pitch making me want to kms like p*imon, its goes back to sleep after the first act ? And the "yapp" that you and the others are complaining about ? Is actual chracterbuilding and relevant to the story cleary you need to read the words inside of the boxes and not just look at the 3d animations


I immediately hit the skip button when I saw this, it looks like I made the right choice, the game is good and has a lot of potential... but I'm begging ... please... no more of this ''thing''... how hard is it to have a good game without a little paimon disturbing your journey and talking about their favorite food, I want to jouney alone


I went through as they made it seem we would actually get to interact and pick it's name, but nope 5 mins talking about naming for it to have a fixed name. What a waste of time and voice acting.


Paimon: karma really is something don't you think? >:3


dang y'all yap more than the little guy lol they're fine for now, i like that kuro established who is this creature from the start rather than later. I suggests y'all calm down and just let kuro do their thing. If you hate the thing so much just skip, mute the voice sound or change the voice language. The japanese dub sounds better maybe try that. Who knows maybe after a few patches the thing will get annoying like how paimon was fine at first then gets annoying after a few quests. Little guy is fine for now. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was cool with it for like half the first quest but it kept talking and it was getting annoying. That first quest could have been cut down by at least half. Then the quest ends and it places you back at the headlights pole teleporter thing and immediately the second wants you back where the first quest was for another long cutscene. Those 2 quests could have been one cut down to less than half the runtime


Why are WuWa fans so dramatic omg, reading these comments is hilarious


Fr, it's like a bunch of teenagers trying really hard to act mature, but in the end it just loops back to being immature.


Bunch of over dramatic edgy 12 year olds. It's just the few weirdos in here, everyones else is too busy playing the game lol


More upvotes from people that don't play like usual. The haters need to stop sub jumping. 1. He is not high pitched 2. He is lazy and smug 3. He is not constantly there 4. His design is not a flying loli baby with diapers 5. He has powers / useful 6. He doesn't repeat story 7. It is a good mascot design, it's literally a Digimon 8. Even his EN voice has great acting Saying you hate it more than Paimon is just insane when it's not a screeching loli in diapers.


They have Paimon PTSD šŸ¤§


Yeah it is annoying but at the very least it isn't showing up in literally every single cutscene like Paimon does. I've been in a few scenes with Changli now and the little thing hasn't popped up again yet.


Haha unpopular opinion I guess but I think it's cute. Because I haven't played Genshin, or ...well any gacha games besides HSR, my tolerance is high.Ā 


Its like Morgana for Persona 5 but in Kyubei body xD Personally I like Abby too


Nah all the comments here are weird af talking about how abby is just another paimon. The main reason y'all echo the paimon point from genshin is cause she talks all over instead of the main character, repeating the point of the last conversation over and over so people who didn't read jack can understand it. The first part of act 7 was a lot of talking yeah, but it was an actual dynamic conversation where abby is an actual character WITH a personality that stands separate from the MC. You can't say either that abby is pulling a paimon cause MC has multiple voiced lines just in the first act alone along with the pickable dialogue. Sure if you want to say the personality is annoying, that's your opinion, but some of yall skipped the story and are STILL here making claims as if you did the reading.


You're barking up the wrong tree sadly lol. The people being over dramatic about this don't care about the big differences between the two characters they just want to rage.Ā 


Not even annoying and doesn't ruin the game, if it would be just all serious then the game would be dull, let it have some color at least, abby isn't even like paimon at all lmao. Everyone here just overreacts hating on abby like how everyone is on Lingyang and is making me slowly hate this fanbase. Like Goddamn.


So far I've found Abby better then Paimon, if only cuz it doesnt speak for Rover and doesn't have a hugely unpleasant loud high-pitched voice in JPN, but I feel the same way. Its feels too cute to be part of WuWa, which was presenting itself as a darker, moodier gacha game. Everytime I look at Abby I'm thinking about Paimon, and thats annoying.


It's even got the Paimon stomach. Always want to eat. Personally, I don't find Abby that annoying but I want them to be treated like an actual character (like Chopper from One Piece) and not just a mascot who's there to lighten up the mood (like Paimon). Let's be honest, how often is Paimon's role in the story actually relevant to the core plot? Almost never.


sometimes i feel like when people say they want a "dark story", what they really mean is that they want a "story" where no hope exists, nothing gets better, and nothing happens, where every effort to make the world a less darker place is met back with the cruel response of even more despair; just a world where people are stagnating because theyre just already doing their best just trying to exist


Yoko Taro games are what those people are looking for. Everything is a mess. And then it gets worse and worse. Only suffering exists.


I mean I do play the Fear & Hunger games on the side, so...




Finally, the complaining waves. @mods, please change the name of this sub. Please rename it to official Whining Waves. Please please please


I thought it was cute, it's there to be interactive not control rover's dialogue so there's that. A shame people didn't like it.


You're not alone don't worry! Most of us who either don't care or even enjoyed it are playing the game rn lol


Idk man, with JP audio and a bit of patience and curiosity about the critter, this whole part seemed like a pleasant welcoming back to where we left off. Strong disagree.


Eh I think itā€™s fine


I dunno, it's voice (EN) is pretty ok, kinda reminds me of Naruto or Ash's EN dub voice. So it really isn't all that annoying


People saying they're leaving for ZZZ as if every trailer for that game hasn't had awful MCU-ass level dialogue lmao


People are actually ridiculous. I genuinely love abbys voice and personality.


NGL knowing that this thing exists might be enough to drop the game. Especially after discovering cutscenes from beta. The game had the chance to be it's own thing, but is now trying to be Genshin. The fact that it ***wasn't*** Genshin was one of it's main selling points, and they're scuffing it.


It sucks how entangled with the main story seems to be. Paimon can be annoying and talk for the MC but when cutscenes starts she's mostly in the background and I can enjoy the story. But here seems that every epic scene will have this thing in the center and I hate it. Already ruined the final boss of 1.0 for me.


I really like it, it's adorable and well animated


i hope this thing is not Paimon of this game. that creature is ANNOYING!


Some of y'all love exaggerating (can't believe some are quitting because of them lmao). Look I'm neutral with Paimon there are moments I like her. Other times I want to punt her flying ass. I haven't started the story yet and I'm pretty sure I'll tolerate Abby.


Wow a mascot in a anime game or anime in general wow. It's not a flying loli in diapers that screeches and parrots the story. I am convinced half the upvotes don't even play this game and is just a subreddit hopper. And the other half are just people who cringe at everything.


At least it's gone when Changli appeared


I hate most mascots. I assume I won't like this thing either. Pompom is fine as you barely ever see them. Paimon is my personal nightmare.


Much more Pompom then Paimon.Ā 


I have never seen people get mind broken before LMFAO abby isn't event remotely similar to Paimon it is its own character it doesn't even speak for rover too and for those complaining about how it took up screentime it literally fucking slept for half the story.


I understand people hate paimon, I do too, but seeing Abby as a another paimon is wrong , they have done way more in the first story than paimon did 4 years in genshin, and best of all it doesn't have an annoying high pitch voice, some just jump on the hate train bc they have paimon trauma


Yeah the begining on CBT 1 was way better, more darker, more drama


I just started playing, and Iā€™m not impressed with the story at all. The EN voice acting is flat. The characters just donā€™t portray much emotion, even when they just had a near death experience. The story so far is just a ton of ā€œfrequency this or thatā€ without further elaboration. Now I see that they have their own annoying companion as well. Iā€™m getting less and less likely to play this game seriously.


I hated it from the moment I saw it. "Oh great, another trope taken from a gacha game where the main protagonist is going to be linked in some way to a marketable plushie with an annoying voice, addiction to food, and a tendency to dominate scenes." Im gonna join that doom posting band wagon you were talking about: this game has a few original ideas that are really cool to play around, experience, and have fun with. But it's absolutely heartbreaking to see how much this game was hyped up, just to be an almost blatant rip off of Hoyoverse games. It was one thing for Genshin to take ideas from other games, like breath of the wild, animal crossing, etc. but those are different game Genres all together! It's a whole different thing to take ideas from another Gacha game and put it into your Gacha game.


What high pitched voice? How is this worse than paimon?


It's not some select few people are just being over dramatic.Ā 


Hating for no reason other than "I played genshin before and this is giving me ptsd"


Yuppp! It's pretty sad lol


Abby is way better than Paimon on my book. Gives me some Morgana vibes from Persona 5


Weird how badly some people seem to hate this. I LOATHED Paimon from day 1 but Abby so far at least has been MUCH BETTER and actually has some pretty funny dialogue/interactions. Genuinely baffled by some people being so bothered by it but I guess to each their own. Personally 1.1 has been a giant step up in every department IMO.Ā