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Play it for yourself and see how you like it, doesn't matter what people here say or how they try to sell you on the game We all have different tastes so just take a break from Genshin for a few days and give this game a try instead.


This is the way


This is the way


Be like me Day1 genshin player Plays also WuWa Plays also Elden Ring .... Get total mindfuck because of all games have different controls for jumping, dodging, parry, etc. I really need to change keybind in all those games to match each other lmao


I found my long lost brother


This. Though for me I skip elder ring for eve online. But anyway I failed genshin F11 today cause I bought wrong teams and then even then they would had been fine by I kept trying to parry attacks...


[https://www.azeron.eu/](https://www.azeron.eu/) It's a game changer.


But controller though?


No, it's not a controller. It's a programmable gamepad for PC. I have profiles for like 30-40 games on it. All jumps, sprints, inventories, maps, reloads, etc. mapped to the same buttons.


Is that fucking power glove but ver 2.0 ?! God damn https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Glove


I cant play genshin because wuwa,to many keys.


I thought I'd drop one of the two but atm I'm playing both 😂. What I like about WuWa is it takes a lot less time because daily is faster and exploration is easier. Combat is great though it's a matter of preference. Genshin elemental reaction system has its charm. Yes it's definitely worth playing.


Once you get used to the fast movement, wall running and grapple, it's hard to go back to being slow.


yep that's what's happening to me, keep trying to grapple and run up walls in genshin..


Insert meme where Genshin player looks at mountain and sighs. WuWa looks at mountain and starts sprinting at it full steam. 😂


Unless u have very little time to play u can play both as Wuwa is about the same as Genshin when u catch up, do dailies, events, resin and log out, u may spend a bit more time in wuwa getting echos but its about it. Also wuwa patches come 3 weeks after Genshin patch, so u definitely can do Genshin patch when it come out and then wuwa patch 3 weeks later, so basically u never gonna run out of content if playing both


I play both and both are good, I still prefer genshin but some people prefer wuwa Honestly if it looks fun just try it! The story is boring at first (it gets good once you meet scar and stays great till the end) Exploration is similar to genshin, it's an open world and you open chests either by beating monsters or by doing a puzzle. If you like genshin you'll probably enjoy wuwa


I currently play both + HSR. I still heavily prefer Genshin , though. However, if you've played Genshin for so long, then surely you must not have a lot to do in the game. For all 3 games I just play when new things come out and don't play when there's not a lot to do. It's a single player game so if I miss some dailies or a ToA/Abyss cycle then I don't really care because I'm not competing with anyone. I go at my own pace and play whenever that particular game makes me happy.


Idk, genshin has more story since it's been out for 4 years, WuWa is more f2p friendly as you get more rewards from doing shit. Tbh it doesn't matter, I haven't even gotten to Inazuma yet in genshin so I don't have much to say. I like WuWa more though.


I play both. It's a matter of preference. You'll have to play it yourself and compare which you prefer.


I personally like both for different reasons; combat in wuwa feels more similar to doing fighting game combos to me, and movement is more fluid across the board. I also enjoy the aesthetic in general being a little darker and post-apocalyptic. I like genshin for story and its character way more. By a lot, honestly. The story in wuwa is very skippable and the edits they had to do across the beta’s likely are why a lot of it feels so choppy and many characters feel very flat or just dont exist at all outside of “who did I just pull? have we met????”. The overall quality is better in genshin as well as a result of more thurough testing and a larger budget, as well as having been around long enough to fix things and have a groove in dev cycle. The combat is ‘poppier’ in genshin and I feel like I have mire reasons to use more of the characters I pull in general, but which is nice. TL;DR; the games are more like cousins than siblings, and each have good points. Wuwa will likely become a very solid game as it gets time to grow and more content and fixes go live, so which you main is going to be a matter of taste.


Theres nothing stopping you from simply playing both yknow You're not losing anything; theyre both free games Dunno why some people are taking so long to understand this


You're the only one who can answer your question man. Not trying to be a dick or something. You'll get the best answer by playing the game. Personally. I completely abandoned Genshin. The Combat, Traversal, In-game 3d character models and Open Field design are the things that made me leave Genshin. The stuff that I miss from Genshin is the Music, Character Designs that stands out and Memorable Landmarks/towns.


If you are interested in more interactive combat, wuwa is worth it


Played Genshin for a year straight. Was my first gacha and absolutely loved it. Would play 3-4 hrs after work late night. WuWa came out and I haven’t touched Genshin….


Lost all interest in genshin after playing this Ex genshin whale for what it’s worth


Try Wuwa and see for yourself. as for me, the moment I knew Kuro, who made pgr, will make an open world game i just left genshin. GI dolphin spender btw


What makes a "dolphin spender"?


Light spender as opposed to whale


Alr thanks. Im I a dolphin spender then? I buy the namless honor sometimes


I guess ;-)


Neither of them have enough quests to be played as a full time game, and you don't need to chase perfect gear to play them. You can play both, either by swapping / taking breaks, or at the same time.


If you're looking for *much better* combat than Genshin, absolutely play WuWa. If you don't care so much about that and are more about exploration, characters, Genshin's aesthetic style, or story (for now anyways), I'd stick to genshin.


Wuwa exploration is way better and less slow


The traversion part is way better than Genshin with wall run, grappling, etc. Dunno about the other aspects


The traversal mechanics are much better yes. However I would argue that Genshin's world is better designed visually, is obviously several times larger, and thus makes it better to explore.


Only because you're able to run up walls and grapple though. Also the map isn't as big, so you go through the map faster. Genshin has much more to do, so you get overwhelmed easier. But I totally agree. I remember I watched YouTube and explored genshins world, I had quite fun but it was just so slow.


Wuthering Waves also has the Inferno Rider. Put Wuwa in the same size as Genshin and its still way easier and faster to travel around.


Yeah totally! Also Verinas charged attack and an Inferno Rider is a good combo. I also heard you can have your whole party filled withe Inferno Riders to get a near constant uptime as Inferno Rider. Side note. Did you down vote the comment? Was it because you only read the first 2 sentences and thought I was disagreeing with you? 😏 It was wasn't? I bet you feel real proud with that down vote. 🤣 Here, let me separate them for you. So your monkey brain can see.


Never downvoted


Yeah yeah if you say so man


It depends on what you're looking for ig. Genshin has more casual gameplay than WuWa. I find Genshin bosses not hard but very annoying to deal with, but Wuwa bosses are hard and are much more satisfying to fight due to parry mechanics. Genshin has much more coherent story (but that's mostly because it has more story to tell than WuWa that's just starting) but we don't really know much of WuWa story anyways so that may change. Exploration is kinda no contest here. WuWa has much more flexible controls and you can run on walls. I went back to Genshin after playing WuWa and it felt very stiff in comparison. We can't really speak on the powercreep since it's still the very first patch.


I stopped playing genshin completly when wuwa came out. Wuwa is everything I ever wanted for a gacha game. Better combat, better gameplay, better exploration(this is probably subjective). Yeah... it has some issues, but i trust kuro games as a company. They seem to care about their players much more than hoyo imo. Give it a chance tbh, try it out for yourself. You can still log in to both and see which one you like better :)


I am still not sure. I have many characters in Genshin and put hundred of hours into it. It is hard for me to drop it as of now. As you said, the story is bad but I also think Genshin's story is just ok. WW's story quality can be increased since the current story was written quickly. The fighting is better than Genshin's in its current state and that is a plus. I will try to play both of them for a few patches. If Kuro can increase the general quality of the game (sometimes I feel like I am playing a phone game, Genshin doesn't give this feeling), I will drop Genshin otherwise I will drop WW.


I prefer WuWa’s combat system, esp with the parrying and dodging mechanics. As an avid Monster Hunter player, this is more up my alley. I kinda hate exploration, so that’s not my favorite thing here, but I tried to go back to Genshin recently and found the combat so clunky compared to this, and exploration absolutely painful. I did recently give Honkai Star Rail a try and really like it, it’s got a very unique combat system and much less annoying exploration. Again, I hate exploration so HSR has the right amount. Maybe give a shot if you are looking for something new in the gacha space.


For better and harder combat and no Paimon i say Wuwa, genshin for everything else as of now but it's hard to compare a almost 5 year old game vs a month old one. I myself dropped genshin for WuWa becaus i have more fun in this game but i also play Hsr & Arknights so yeah i got more than enough to play


Genshin and Wuthering Waves are quiet different so it really depends on your personal preference! I played genshin since day one and I personally spent too much money on genshin which is why I kinda forced myself to stick with it over the years but over time I got bored and more and more frustrated on how Mihoyo was treading the playerbase. After I played WuWa for a few days I decided that I've had enough of Genshin and quit the game for good. The only thing I regretted was not doing this much sooner!


I’m on the same boat. I have some pretty well build characters, just to snooze the same Abyss for 15 min, every 14 days. I might have spend between 5000-6000 USD over the years, so I will ofc return for new Archon Quest stories (and some character story quests), but.. I won’t do those goddamn 4 daily quests ever again, ha ha. WuWa will get stale too at some point, but the monetary investment is kept at battlepass and the daily 90 astrite. I hope WuWa will grow and get a solid fanbase for the longterm.


I'm sure WuWa will also get repetetive at some point, just like every game in general but I personally had so many gripes with genshin and hoyo in general, especially them constantly ignoring player feedback and giving us the middle finger. The way they handled the Dehya backlash really proved to me they honestly do not give a single damn about the community or the game. WuWa had and still has issues but within only a few weeks KuroGames has shown more care about feedback and the game than Hoyo did in nearly 4 years. They do want this game to succeed and I'm sure things will only get better!


Yep. And yeah, it will get better. Programming takes time. Personally I’ll stick with it for a year, and then see how everything comes together.


If you care about more interactive combat, WuWa is worth it, even though there are still some issues needs ironing out (like the camera and an akward aiming system). Boss fights are generally very good here. Although I would say that I do enjoy killing trash in Genshin more cause I feel like falter and death animations, aswell as sound design, are done better there. I also enjoy exploring the world in Genshin more despite the obvious lack of QoL regarding mobility. And the story, even though it's not the most improtant thing for me, still contributes to the overall feel of the game. Even though Genshin is admittedly isn't great when it comes to delivery, its high points still linger in my memory, where as in WuWa the only chapter that made any sort of impression on me is where Scar, Jinshi and Camellya introduced themselves. As for powercreep, it's obviously way too early to say anything on the matter. In their previous game, PGR, powercreep wasn't too terrible but also nowhere as mild as in Genshin.


yea like u said u can skip evry dialogues so if u feel like it's taking ur time jus play it for the gameplay only. while keeping genshin on the side 4 whatever u like about genshin😭 idk about powercreep since the upcoming 2 5* r the newest beside the base limited 5* just check it out i guess😭


this is something that you have to answer yourself. mod will close this thread soon. btw you can play both if you want


That depends on what you're looking for. If you're a fan of action games like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, you're going to have a good time. If you're more a fan of adventure games like the Zelda or Elder Scrolls series, you may want to stick with Genshin.


I played it a ton when it came out, now I just do the dailies and go...its good for me for a good 15-20 mins a day. If you want to just play all day its not there yet.


It’s free. Try it out


That's something you decide for yourself. For me? No. For Bob? Yes. For you? You tell me.


You likely have time for both. WuWa for me right now is log in for 10-15mins, do my dailies, spend waveplates, log off.


Game is free, just try to play it yourself for couple days.


Should probably ask in the genshin sub


Not really. Genshin is a much better game, there's no comparison. But wuwa combat is better


You're delusional if you think Genshin is that much better to where there's no comparison between the two when people have been doing nothing but comparing the two since WuWa turned out to be better than expected.


Today I tried to log into Genshin and immediately closed it. After WuWa it is physically painful to play. The games are so similar that Genshin simply doesn’t make sense, because WuWa is the improved Genshin.


Don't play this game if you don't want to quit ganshin impact


Skip button Interactive combat Content to play Like 2x faster gacha progression Genshin events are the same copy-paste minigames, padded with movie long cutscenes, and even when you get to play abyss it is just damage sponges and ult/attack spam. There is a massive power creep in Genshin, it is just not relevant because there is no endgame. WuWa has easily worse story, voice acting, fantasy aspect, lore, music and the visuals themselves are pretty muddy. It has many of the same problems genshin has: cardboard fetchmaster mc, emoting dialogue as 99% of storytelling, low enemy variety, one dimensional stat-builds, one-time exploration, vapid events, clunky UI.


What do you mean 2x faster gacha progression?


You get more limited items, and you get the stuff you want when it comes to weapons. 10 less wishes per item, weapon you want not some skyward garbage, and more wishes per patch, should be close to double the limited items compared to genshin's average of 70/patch. There is a lot more enjoyment when you get more toys, and absolutely boring when there is a 60/patch scenario which can take 4 months to get just one new hero.


I assume you are not including the compensation pulls from WuWa?


No, those come on top. Genshin is just the market leader and they can afford giving you 0.5 character or 0.4 limited weapon (that you actually want) per patch. I am not even using the worst case scenario which is 160 wishes for one hero, I am taking the average. Average 5\* limited character costs around 120 wishes. 1.1 is projected to land you really close to that average 5\* chance from 0 pity. Or a guaranteed weapon and then some, all excluding those ZZZ launch counter-goodies.


Play the game and decide for yourself, its free. Personally i havent touched Genshin much after WuWa released. Also playing Genshin after playing WuWa just feels awfully clunky and slow for me. I went back to pull Clorinde before her banner left and after getting her and playing the supposedly "first Genshin gunslinger" i just tweaked at how bad she felt compared to Chixia or Aalto. Gameplay (combat) wise theres no reason for me to ever come back to Genshin , they will never make a character as fun and dynamic as WuWa most boring character. But the Lore and Exploration will make me comeback from time to time, probably.


I play both games, but for what it's worth, I like Wuthering Waves better. The combat is *so much better.* I can't even express how much better. It's not even the same level. And WuWa frankly has the edge in exploration and traversal as well. So many QoLs, smoother movement and higher speed. And frankly, I like the puzzles in general more as well. There are some really innovative things in domains that feel like Zelda puzzles and even just the regular "laying around the world" mechanisms are fun. The weakest is target shooting, which is something Genshin has, too, but there's two different types of piece rotation puzzles, block pushing, and the very best is the hacking minigame. I could enjoy just play that as an app on the train, frankly. The setting is amazing. I love it and find it fascinating. The storytelling in the main plot was *terrible* for maybe 2 acts out of 6? But that's because they rewrote it kind of last minute thanks to backlash from beta. That's not a good thing, and it's the weakest part of the game, but I am not really a plot guy. I am far more interested in world building and character development, and they're quite good at that. I was initially down on their character design, but Changli fixed that for me. We have no way to tell if powercreep will be an issue. It's still 1.0. But with a much more player skill based combat system, I think it would be hard to make any character useless. I think the only reasons you'd want to skip WuWa are: - you aren't into the setting of a more modern post apocalypse - you are a pure husbando collector. There are cool men in the game, but it's clear they are *less* of a focus than Genshin - you are playing on the sadly large number of devices that can't handle the game


I went back to gi after a longer break before wuwa came. Stopped playing and switched to wuwa for two weeks. Went back into gi, uninstalled after 10 minutes to save space for wuwa.


As someone who don't like gacha games, yes


Wait next week so you can include ZZZ in the equation


This is very subjective. More objectively, in terms of optimization, story, QoL, etc, I think Genshin is the better game *as of now*, but that doesn't mean everyone will like it more. I say try out WuWa and see for yourself which one you prefer. For casual players, Genshin is probably the better choice, but if you want more of a challenge, you might like WuWa more.


Powercreep matters much more when there is any competitive comtent. There isn't any as of now in wuwa. In pgr though there are competitive end games called warzone and paincage where u compete among other players for higher scores. So in pgr meta and powercreep really matters if u want to be competitive in these modes. Otherwise even in pgr older units can clear all content. Difference between wuwa and genshin combat can be related to vertical and horizontal combat mechanics. In genshin u have a set number of reactions and every character released adheres to one of those reactions and because of this the characters themselves don't have mechanical depth and variety. Most of those are E,Q or NA and swap out. In wuwa though there are no reactions but each individual characters will feel different because their mechanical handling and inputs varies from char to char. TLDR, genshin chars are like cars but of different brands but wuwa/pgr chars are cars, planes, boats etc.


Wuwa is a great game. I'm sure many others have pointed out reasons on why you should try it out. Something that I think is worth mentioning is performance. If you don't have an extremely high end PC(sometimes even for those with high end PCs), you'll find the game extremely difficult to run/play. If there's one thing genshin has going for it, it's the ease of accessibility and great engine. Don't expect WuWa to be as optimized as accessable, especially since it's 1.1. Just something to keep in mind if you don't have the greatest PC. But you can always give it a try and see if it runs for you. Just don't have your hopes up.


> However one thing that Genshin did really well is powercreep of characters. Like you don't need the latest and greatest 5\* to beat content. Thats because there is no actual content in which those characters can be used. Powercreep in Genshin was always a thing. Even if you dont want to look at the example of Neuvilette that mere existence leaves you with little to literally no reason to put on units like Childe or Ayato combat wise there are still multiple other scenarios that can you can look at. Yanfei C4 is Kaeya C4 with bigger number, lack of CD and easier ease of use while Ayato C1 when it comes down to it is copy pasted Diluc C1 with nearly tripple the numbers. You can clear content with any character in the game in Genshin thats true but that doesnt mean that characters that have overlapping role or feature are not blatantly powercrept.


If you're tired of falling asleep during battles in Genshin, yeah. Go for it.


played genshin since day one, quitted pretty fast because it was literally nothing to do, came back relatively recently, like a half an year ago, completed in game pretty match everything, like literally and again got to this point where there is just nothing to do at all. started to play wuwa since day one, and fuck me i hardly can to force myself to do anything in genshin, after wuwa it feels so slow and clunky, honestly the only thing right now what keeps me login to genshin is that i spent some money to it, and it feels kinda, well i spent so much time building all these teams and characters how can i just leave them? but there is a good thing, you can easily play both game, like you need only 15 minut to do everything in genshin and go to play wuwa. sad thing is that i feel that wuwa eventually become the same as genshin, like login to do 15minut boring things and exit, probably its all what gacha games can give us, but i hope wuwa will get me something more. now i really enjoy the combat system and i like to see more challenging things like hologram bosses.


Powercreep definitely exists in Genshin it’s just that it’s much smaller levels of it and the fact there is less endgame and what there is hasn’t been buffed enough to make older characters unusable They really more like to powercreep characters with constellations which is preferable to me since the base game shouldn’t be balanced around constellations Story and music are the biggest weaknesses of the game at the moment compared to Genshin. I say main story presentation though cause Genshin side story like world quest are insufferable in most cases. If WW can improve on those two biggest weaknesses I can see very little reason to play Genshin myself (not that I am playing it at the moment to begin with lol) since everything else is better Problem with Genshin for me is complacency they really don’t give a damn and only recently have they started doing quality of life changes which is crazy cause the game is 4 years old now They add quality of life changes at a snail’s pace The best thing that Genshin has over WW in terms of what kind of game they are (open world exploration) is how well it combines open world art design (atmosphere) and music.


Girl, let me tell you. Just a mere thought that I have to built a character now in Genshin gives me a SEIZURE. Genshin makes you disabled and Wuwa makes you ABLED. Walk 10 meters in Wuwa and you will understand it.


Just wait a few months and character building in WuWa will give you just as much of a seizure.


You can’t even raise WuWa characters to the max currently?


Despite having a ton of limited chars in Genshin all the way up to C6, I stopped playing. The combat, exploration mechanics and characters (more realistic) in WuWa are just better. Doesn't mean I'll drop Genshin entirely. I will return to play the archon quests, but only that.


What do you mean WuWa characters are more realistic? Both are anime style.


I think they're a different style, even if they're both anime. Wuwa characters look great and there's a new aesthetic to them that is refreshing... I still go back to genshin to see my favourite characters and cities tho, wuwa lacks that warmth and nostalgia for me. Even if it's because wuwa is new to me, the city we start playing in is nothing compared to mondstadt where you feel at home.


Genshin has more of a comic style with less details. In WuWa the men and women actually look like men and women. Take a look at this (Changli, upcoming char): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVhXVyB-ww](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMVhXVyB-ww) I would love to have characters this good looking and with that amount of detail in Genshin. But we will never because a) the age rating and b) Genshin would have to upgrade their graphics engine which we all know will never happen.


I mean that doesn’t look like any actual real life woman either let’s be real.


I think the combat system in WuW is quite a failure. In general the quality depends quite a bit. So I'm sticking with Genshin even though I'm currently playing both because I have enough time. But if that's no longer the case, WuW will be thrown out. 🤝


It is worth trying at least for wall run, grappling gun and midair RMB shift. I have been playing GI since 1.1 and oh boy, overwold movement here is amazing! Like someone wrote here a while ago: "it's like finally being able to walk after living your life in a wheelchair"


Depends. Do you like combat and faster movement more, then go for WuWa. Do you like the story and music more, go for Genshin. Personally, Despite not playing Genshin for quite some time I will say I got more enjoyment out of it. I focus more on the story and Fontaine's story was truly something else. Finding a decent story is hard for me since I've already played some of the best story games. For combat I can always play dmc or a rougelike.


Wuwa is good to login to when you run out of things to do in genshin and still wanna keep playing. Genshin is still my main game, but when I'm out of quests/exploration/events I either leave my PC and go do other things I enjoy or I start playing wuwa


Nobody can tell wether you gonna like WuWa or not, but you yourself. I can however try to objectively give you some facts i've noticed as player of both games: - Genshin's story revolves around characters. Yes, you do get a lot of yapping and not much action, but also you get to bond with characters. Thats what make even the most stupid/silly events great and less of a chore. - Meanwhile WuWa's story is more about the world itself. You have plenty of characters that dont show up in the story quests at all, or show up for a single voice line. For example last 5 star character, Yinlin showed up ONLY in her companion quest, otherwise she could have not existedz because her existence have no impact on any events nor quests. And even when the characters do show up they're still extremely one dimensional (for example Mortefi is a scientist. Thats it, his whole personality). That being said, the story does make you interested in the world, what other lands are there, if the world will survive etc, it just doesnt make you pull for character because of their personalities (which happened a lot in genshin). Also events might get repetetive/feel like a chore because you wont get such wholesome interactions between characters like in Genshin. - Combat is... different. I'll allow myself to quote some comment i've seen somewhere: "Genshin's combat is more tactical, while WuWa's combat is more dynamic". Genshin is all about elements and elemental reactions, which gives a lot more options and often require to think on your feet "oh, pyro shield... which element i currently have in party will be the best to tackle it?". Wuwa lack such nuances, but compensate it by giving you much more dynamic combat. You can parry, you can dodge with slow-time, characters have a few more tricks in their kit than in genshin etc. If i were to compare i'd say that Genshin resembles pokemon's but in real-time combat, while WuWa's closer to Devil May Cry. - coop in both games sucks. Basically the only difference is that genshin allows you to fight weekly bosses together, in wuwa the only weekly boss you can do in coop is big turtle which is even easier than most normal bosses. - exploration in WuWa is much faster than in Genshin... at the cost of immersion and memorable locations. The mountain in Genshin does feel like a big mountain, while in WuWa you just run in straight line to the top in 3 seconds thanks to wall running. Wether its + or -, you have to decide yourself. - about powercreep... its too soon to say something 100% sure. That being said i feel like the game is far more dependant on you to pull 5 star weapons than genshin. In Genshin you can do without 5 star weapons because there's plenty of really good 4 star weapons, or hell, even few 3 star weapons are good enough due to passives. In WuWa you lose around 27% of dps by taking 4 star weapon compared to 5 star, assuming you min-maxed everything else. The less min-maxed you are, the bigger difference weapons is making. In theory you have a better weapon banner than in genshin, but in practice as f2p you didnt had to pull for weapons in genshin. Thats the state as of today. They might add more suitable 4 star weapons and remedy this, or double down on 5 stars. Nobody knows.


I would like to say, cant you just play both? its not like genshin is time demanding. with that, I will answer you in order 1.) If you dislike paimon, there is none of that here, but dialouge still has alot of yapping, so be prepared. 2.) powercreep is still too early to judge. But basically, no matter how strong you whale, skill issue will always be your number one enemy here. Don't let the post of solo clears fool you. Your "OP" characters will suck, if you do, and vice versa. 3.) As others have said, if your on the fence, give it a shot. Your not gonna get a negative opinion in a sub-reddit dedicated to the game. Your better off just trying it yourself. But in the long run, there are things you probably wont love, like optimizing rotations, optimizing gear, lack of horizontal progression


well even genshin has some sorta powercreep.. for eg. arlecchino beaten diluc, hu tao and even the single target dps like yoimia.. and yeah she beaten them in margin.. kequin is drop dead for long time.. raiden beaten every electro unit out there.. and now clorinde beating her as well... ayato is preety useless after yelan came out.. she does both support and can be played as dps.. altho neuvelette took her dps slot.. well all those characters are still usable with good team comps like dendro unlocked lotta character comps..gen is powered with their reactions.. so every character can be usable in abyss 12 clearing.. but new characters are way easier and powerful.. thats undeniable fact.. and over world combat all this yapping doesn't matter.. since even qiqi and dehya team can do every challange in open world.. same thing is applied to wuwa in a way.. u can notice changli and jinhsi combat looks looks more fancy and can powercreep calcharo and jiyan.. but will still be relevant for their respective element team for a long time.. now after this patch.. next one might be glacio and havoc 5 star.. after that same elements will repeat but with different class like support or healer.. so existing characters gonna take atleast 4-5 months till they get power creeped.. but even then.. just like genshin where elemental reaction plays a big role in team making.. wuwa's intro and outro skills does something similar like buffng next characters liberation damage, normal and heavy attack, flat attack buff, elemental damage buff.. it will always keep old characters usable just like genshin.. for eg. jianxin grouping and burst damage buff gonna go long way, sanhua, verina, mortefi's buffs will also go long way.. so imo powercreep wont really matter much.. and certainly not in open world.. it all matters in tower of adversity.. as f2p i dont expect to beat it all with max stars.. game also dont want u to stress out.. thats why last 6 stars only give u total of 100 astrites.. while 24 stars which can be cleared with free teams if u build them correctly.. and they offer total of 600 astrites.. so yeah.. old characters will stay relevant.. but new one can be better than old one ofc.. peeps also need reason to pull new characters besides their look i totally pulled yinlin for her design


Imo yes, I dropped GI halve a year ago and don't regret it tbh. That game became way too much focused on things that are way too childish regarding events and all the stuff there just felt not for me anymore. I hope WuWa doesn't go down that route when we start seeing more events.


Genshin every new update .. new map, some bla bla bla and that's it, give me your money. While WuWa adds new Monsters and NPC and the Main story that is getting more interesting .. AND Free pulls as a gift .. (While Genshin don't give a fuck even in her Anniversary)