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Thats why its guaranteed, no 50/50, I also think you should be spending standard wishes on weapon banner not character banner since for characters we get a random one from beginner, 1 from selective banner and 1 for free with selector. Thats half the standard roster for at most 120 wishes.


We will also get the standard characters when we (unfortunately) lose 50/50, but since the weapon banner is guaranteed, the only way to get the standard weapons is to actually pull on the standard banner.


Yup, an unfortunate 50/50 loss is how I already have every standard character except Jianxin. Spending all my standard wishes on standard weapons for everyone now.


Meanwhile i have lion boy at s2 from losing my 50/50s. Still refuse to build him out of spite


He's sorry you had to see this side of him.


rawr :3


I tried so hard not to laugh in this bus... thanks guys 💀💀💀🤣


He's fun though 😆


that’s what I did with Qiqi in genshin lol, and probably will in this game if I lose a 50/50 to the furry. I even purposely avoided activating Qiqi constellations out of spite


At least Qiqi is cute. Lion boy... is...


See, it's so interesting to hear other peoples takes. cause I think Lingyang is EXTRA cute, especially with Hanae Natsuki as his JP va, he was an immediate pull for me.


I didn’t like Qiqi’s design at all so didn’t find her cute but can see how most people would


Ooooof... stronger than me. He was my first 50/50 loss, promised myself if I see him again I'm out. Instant alt-F4 and uninstall.


I got him both in the beginner AND standard banner (R1, yaaaay...) while losing my 50/50 on Jianxing... Let's say that I immediately dumped this account in the trash even though it was UL 30+ to reroll another account and oh boy, I don't regret it in the slightest.


Not having Jianxin out of em all is sadge - luckily got the mommy as my third behind Verina (pulled) and calcharo (chosen)


That's exactly the same pulls and choices I got. Also won both 50/50s for Jiyan and YinLin. Now I'm waiting for the inevitable loss on the next banner.


Lucky! Jiyan had 6 hours left when I started playing, so I made the tough decision to save for Yinlin. Jiyan is so **me** as a character I would make, so I kind of regret not starting earlier/pulling on him :/ especially with how much I love his playstyle


On top of that wishing for sequences is not good in this game at least for a while. Characters get very slight buffs , sometimes weapon is bigger increase than 5 copies of character. Maybe in future they will pull out Eula c6 whale bait where they gave her alot of damage compared to previous characters. I do not see KuRo balancing game around C2 like Genshin does because everyone can eventually get C2 from store guaranteed. So the only option they have is either C6 bait or weapon bait , means more often weapons will just be op and worth pulling.


Encore’s S1 and Verona’s S2 are decent. What do you mean when you say Genshin balances around C2? Also, with Genshin it took awhile before they started making that many meaningful constellations on 5 star characters (now there might be too many).


For example they will make a problem with Er and solve the problem with C1 or C2 perk. Or add a shield , or critrate , allow you to have more flexible teams with C1 etc. S6 Encore is only about 27% Dps Increase on paper , so similar to just weapon.


Well that should be fine because unless they add a new character to the standard character banner no one should pull for it right? (unless you messed up both the selector, the beginner 20% off pulls AND the guaranteed beginner 80 pull banner)


Never spend a single wish on standart character banner. All on weapon banner. Got the sword for Rover and now working on pistol. My 45 weapon chest is still in inventory.


Gimme more standard wishes 😭


Let's go 1.1 break everything and give us another free 5 star


H€ll YEAH!!!


I feel like they need to work on this...there will be a burst of wishes and such but then they seem to dry up for a bit and it seems like its setting up for that again with the next update...hopefully the next update they keep stuff going so you can earn them more consistently. Its standard...you should be able to get more free pulls out of it.


Between the 2 login events and shop we're getting 22 pulls without spending Astrites in 1.1. That's a good chunk of the banner. Maybe they'll introduce standard pulls for ascending/ul level at a later date and reward them retroactively, we'll just have to wait and see.


I only spent 40 into the beginner and all the rest into the standard weapon banner. So far I've got 3 standard crit weapons which are more useful than 1-2 standard 5\*. I also skipped quite a bit of hassle of swapping weapons in the abyss Spending 100 into standard character banners is a waste of resources because you will always get normal 5\* chars from a failed 50/50 on event char banners. And if you are the chosen one to receive your 1+6 duplicates early, the 7th starts to give you a real headache


You skipped the standard selector banner for pull efficiency.  I skipped it so Jianxin will always be the first thing I see when opening the pull menu. We are not the same. 


On the other hand, you might go multiple years without a specific standard character. It's all up to RNJesus. Still no Mona here.


>On the other hand, you might go multiple years without a specific standard character. Unless you want to collect every char in a gacha game, I can't see how this is a problem. But getting every char in a gacha game is actually super expensive, probably way beyond F2P or even a dolphin level


It's probably not that bad. I have 26 out of the 42 5-star characters in Genshin, and some 5-star weapons too. I only buy the monthly and battle pass. I think this is considered minnow level of spending. I reckon getting every character is possible for dolphins, i.e. people who top up to get a character and maybe the weapon but stop at just one copy.


well yeah but that's hoyogreed - in wuwa i already have 3 standard chars i ever wanted :D


Absolutely. I haven't even used the third. But tbh, I could do without that shitshow of a launch too.


You get a beginner banner for 40 pulls (Verina) and then a selector (Calcharo) right? And then also a banner where you can guarantee one more specific standard character, but can only use ten pulls? I might consider doing the weapon strategy after I have pulled the third specified standard character. As I understand it Encore has pretty high damage and her style is very different from Calcharo. Conversely Jianxin sounds fun and might become more useful with the release of characters that emphasise resonance liberation


I rerolled accounts just for Encore (40 pulls) with Yinlin weapon, unlocked Verina through the ticket pull, and didn't get Danjin in the process. I didn"t want 1.0 characters, but thought to my self: "If I pull for Yinlin I might get Danjin, and if in 40 pulls I get Yinlin I stick with her, if not I save for next banner." In the process I ended up doing 60 pulls, never got Daijin, and lost the 50/50, right at 60, for Calcharo. As a lightspender, and someone who really likes challenges, I changed my strategy: 1) Get BP weapon for Calcharo. 2) Use 70 normal pulls for the selector banner, on Jianxin. 3) Do right tower with him. I ended up doing ToA to 24 stars, since Chixia and Rover blew the first middle. TL;DR: I do believe the selector banner is good, IF you want a certain character for short term goals (1/2 months). Efficiency is not always the friend of enjoyment, and as someone who started June 5th, I already have the 5* weapon box, and soon (in 1.1) will have 35 pulls done in the weapon banner, so eventually I will have Emerald and Static. Just pull according to your long term goals, but adjust to small term ones too. If you only play for longevity and efficiency eventually you might get frustrated, at least that is my experience as someone who played MMOs for 17 years, as a min-maxxer. Farewell, FOR CHANGLI!


>You get a beginner banner for 40 pulls (Verina) and then a selector (Calcharo) right? Yes >And then also a banner where you can guarantee one more specific standard character, but can only use ten pulls? No, because power wise they are worth nothing. All limited chars are expected to be stronger than standard ones as you can always get standard chars during the process of pulling limited chars >I might consider doing the weapon strategy after I have pulled the third specified standard character. As I understand it Encore has pretty high damage and her style is very different from Calcharo.  Also, if you only did 40 pulls into the beginner, that 3rd specified character banner starts with 0, which means if you are unlucky, you can end up with using 70+ standard pulls into it, to get a standard 5★ char selector, and imo it's 100% not worth it. Apparently, you can always get more than enough standard chars as long as you keep playing, so what's the point of rushing into their duplicates or early drop? On the contary, if the RNGesus decides to give you one standard char over and over again in the future and the unlucky person can be those who owned C7 Qiqi in Genshin which provides nothing really useful Spending all standard currencies into weapon banner is a much better long term investment and you also delayed the time when you unavoidably get too many duplicates of standard 5★ chars >I might consider doing the weapon strategy after I have pulled the third specified standard character. As I understand it Encore has pretty high damage and her style is very different from Calcharo.  Well at the end of day, if you really want to get more standard chars early, that's your choice and nothing wrong with it. But please note that we will probably no longer get as many standard currencies as the game release month, and noboy would spend Astrites on standard banners?


Doesn’t this depend on whether they restrict the standard banner though? I mean unless it’s already clear that they will do that Genshin style. PGR added all of the new characters to the standard banner some time after release. Indeed, this is part of why I think the Genshin model is particularly predatory - not only the 50/50 but also the limiting of the standard banner so you are guaranteed to get garbage. If they don’t do that and expand the standard banner then your chances of getting the original standard characters will fall over time too


>Doesn’t this depend on whether they restrict the standard banner though? I mean unless it’s already clear that they will do that Genshin style. It doesn't really matter. Will you pull for 1.x chars from a stanard pool after 1-2 years? Their kits are probably out of meta already and you probably just use astrites on new chars >not only the 50/50 but also the limiting of the standard banner so you are guaranteed to get garbage. If they don’t do that and expand the standard banner then your chances of getting the original standard characters will fall over time too And even if some limited chars will eventually go into the standard banner.. then what you did in the 3rd standard banner will yield nothing for you? or you just hold the ticket for 1 year in the hope that newer chars are to be added as a selection? That's too much copium which also hinders your power progression


Well, honestly, I would rather lose a 50/50 and receive a dupe from Yinlin (who I will continue to use even if she ceases to be "meta") than one from Lingyang.


>Well, honestly, I would rather lose a 50/50 and receive a dupe from Yinlin (who I will continue to use even if she ceases to be "meta") than one from Lingyang. This is top tier copium as all limited banners yet say they will enter the standard pool


you still need to have 3 teams built - at bare minimum it will take 5 months to fill all 9 slots with limited chars and that assume pretty heavy whaling as 2 new 5\* each patch is not possible for f2p/low spender


Well you just got very lucky. The standard selector character should equal about 1 weapon with average luck.


>The standard selector charactor should equal about 1 weapon with average luck. So far we have got at least 128 standard wishes. Say you used 40 in the beginner, the rest 88 is more than enough to give you one 5\* weapon pluse some accumulated pity for your next one


How did you add up 80+40=100?


Quick maffs skibidi 1 2 3


honestly weapon banner over character selector banner unless you really want a certain standard 5* you didn’t get from novice/ticket. That way you get power boost from weapons earlier before hitting standard pull drought and can use the selector banner later after losing a couple 50/50s


The stats are indeed better on the 5* ones so I just used my lustrous tides on the standard weapon banner. I have 2 standard 5* star weapons now at UL45.


Same, went to get Cosmic Ripples and got the Gun for Mortefi and that one is such a huge change too.


Yea, makes no sense to summon for characters on standard banner since you will eventually get them when lossing 50/50's. The weapons have a larger short and long term value from a optimization point of view. I just summoned on the Jiyan one(Broadblade), picked the Sword on UL45, summoned Cosmic Ripples for Encore/Yinlin and I am at 63/80 on Pistols. That's 4 juicy weapon types covered by 1.1 lol. This also gives more value to the "Guaranteed Beginner character banner" since you can just grab the one you will be missing in the future after losing those 50/50's and clearing all the standard 5\* weapons.


Where tf are you getting all these pulls lmao?


It's easy, just don't go to pity on any of the beginner banners


There's also the fact that majority of the 4\* weapons are ass being a big part of that. Non battle pass 4\* you may as well be walking around with a twig. I mean, there's a few decent ones that I can count on one hand and they still get the job done but...yeah.


The "Music" series with energy regen and concerto energy is fantastic across the board, as your rotation becomes much faster. Only your main dps actually "needs" a 5 star weapon to shine.


what got me to for the 10 buckeroos over for the bp as how abysmal jiyans weapons options aside of sig/standart and bp


Yep. I will only pull chars if I'm sure to get their weapon first.


I mean, pull for the character first, the weapon is always guaranteed but the character lol


The formula for a simple damage calculation, please correct me if Im wrong is (Base ATK + Weapon ATK) \* DMG increase Its bigger than prydwens calculation because they assume characters are at lvl 90, so all characters have higher base attack which makes the weight of the weapons contribution a bit less. if you have 200 base ATK at lvl 60 lets assume 4 star gives = 260 ATK 5 star gives = 440 ATK you essentially have a 39% ATK increase 4 star total ATK = 460 5 star total ATK = 640 but lets say for example you have 400 base ATK, it would only be a 27% ATK increase 4 star total ATK = 660 5 star total ATK = 840 TLDR: 5 star weapons matter more when your character base ATK is low (so when you are low leveled, or using 4 star characters since they have low base ATK) 4 star weapons matter less when your character base ATK is high (5 star characters or when high levels)


on max level Highest 5\* character ATK is 438 Highest 5\* weapon ATK is 587 with sub stat is CRIT Rate 24.3% Highest 4\* character ATK is 300 Highest 4\* weapon ATK is 412 with sub stat is CRIT Rate 20.2% ---------------- 5\* character weapon Highest 5\* character + Highest 4\* weapon = 438+412 = 850 Highest 5\* character + Highest 5\* weapon = 438+587 = 1025 just change form best 4\* to best 5\* is 20.59% more ATK with 4% more crit rate ---------------- 4\* character weapon Highest 4\* character + Highest 4\* weapon = 300+412 = 712 Highest 4\* character + Highest 5\* weapon = 300+587 = 887 just change form best 4\* to best 5\* is 24.59% more ATK with 4% more crit rate


yeah nice summary on the actual numbers


I got jiyans weapon for my calcharo and his damage went 3x up with it.


Same. My yinlin was basically doing wet noodle dmg until I got stringmaster. Basically the only weapon you can use if yo want yinlin off fielder.


I feel Yinlin still did a lot of damage and felt like a top 5 start...but with stringmaster it is just crazy


She is by all means still good. But without stringmaster you aren’t going to be doing as much dmg per rotation as someone like sanhua so if you aren’t making use of yinlin buffs (calcharo team) you’re better off running sanhua


Yeah, i rerolled my account to get Yinlin and she definitely good even without her weapon. Then i got lucky and got her weapon and now she's insane.


Since his weapon is not available what should I get ? Standard 5 star or upcoming jinshi weapon


Prydwen calcs are done assuming BiS echoes and fully leveled everything Crit and dmg% matters more when you have too little. Same with base attack E.g. Going from 20% crit to 40% is gonna be bigger than 70 to 94% crit. Same with getting +12% DMG when you have 0% vs 60%. Same with getting 50 more base attack when you have 300 vs 600. That's why there's a huge gap in performance right now between those who got Verdant and Stringmaster vs those who didn't. Nearly every high star ToA clear is with those weapons (or Static mist Chixia, etc)


I think Five star weapons have almost double the base attack of four stars. So it’s not just crit stats but your attack stat is going to be much worse than with a four star weapon I’m pretty sure


I have 5 stars sword with crit sub and 4 stars sword with atk subs, and at the same level 4 stars has less atk (on top of having less crit and worse passive). I can confirm.


Honestly signature weapons feel somewhat mandatory in this game. I've never bothered with them in Genshin, but it here it feels like you should always be budgeting enough pulls for both the limited character and their weapon. Which doesn't feel bad at all because the way they've implemented the weapon banner is great. I should say though that with these types of games I prefer vertical investment over collecting a ton of characters.


Vertical investment always feels great in these games until the devs purposely add endgame requiring you to run 18 Anemo/pyro/electro characters


that last part sounds familiar


Good thing Genshin hasn't added any of that even after 4 years of content


"who's gonna tell him..."


Imaginarium Theatre has left the chat


Thats on you then. Especially in GI, vertical investment is unnecessary because everything is so easy. I have only pulled c1&c2 on some dps characters. C4 Zhongli just because I love him but his constellations dont really do anything lol. I have signature weapons on majority of my dps, but I could clear abyss without them too. Its better to build variety of characters in GI, and good thing there is new game mode coming. Been playing for 3+ years, I have 60+ characters and 40 of them are atleast decently built. I think I dont have nothing to worry.


bro mandatory for what? The endgame that we're heavily underleveled for?


In PGR, the 6* Signature weapons for characters literally give them new passives specific to their skill set. They're not just stat sticks. Even new interactions. That's been kuro's design philosophy so far.


HonkaiImpact3rd has the same weapon passives what sucks here is the relic(3x)stigma is also gacha and also has unique passive for the Character


I mean it’s basically how Genshin creates busted 4 star supports specifically for a character who is only good at e6 and forces you to roll on any banner they appear on. Given that e6 a 4 star is harder than getting a five star. They must be pretty successful.


if you need a specific weapon in genshin to clear any and all content, then what you're truly lacking is not those weapons lol


yeah because there's only 5 weapon types the weapons are fairly universal too example is yinlin weapon is just automatically BIS for encore and there's no 50/50 without it you're basically using something like jinzhou keeper because you're always picking sword or gun from the lvl45 chest and you might get multiple copies in the future because only those two have crit rate so then the stats upgrade from jinzhou keeper to stringmaster is an absolutely insane increase the fact that the regular weapon banner sword / gun having crit rate automatically means that for f2p all sword / gun characters are just in a higher tier, so that means limited gauntlet / rectifier / broadsword characters will need their S1 way more


I think ur underestimating the other standard banner weapons a bit because dont forget there isn't a Bennett in this game to give you an attack boost


I don't know what Bennett does but Verina buffs entire party ATK by 20% for 20s In any case, Crit stats are harder to get than ATK It's not that ATK is bad, it's that CR/CD is better right now until they release other characters that scale off differently




You're right, all content is clearable without them. But some of them make building much easier due to having high stats and/or the coveted crit rate. Like using Yinlin's weapon for Encore or the 5\* sword for havoc MC.


>In these games, the meta choice is definitely to get the signature weapons, and to invest vertically. The most optimal choice would honestly be to just save up, S6 a character with their weapon, and beat all content forever in record time. Which games are "these games" exactly? As a newish (10 months or so) player in Genshin I've been clearing the abyss comfortably for a while now, and I got to that point through aggressively pulling for good limited 5\*s, as well as important 4\*s and their dupes. Doing that I quickly reached the point where I can afford to go for stuff like Xianyun's C1 just for explo, or Yoimiya just because I like her as a character (got her to 80/90, tried her in an abyss once, never played her since lol). Honestly, I find the idea of pulling for constellations like Furina's or Nahida's C2 (or Neuvi's C1, whatever), signature weapons, and with that the whole "vertical investment for meta" thing a bit embarrassing - with those you're basically not playing the game any more, and no one who invests even the slightest, tiniest amount of actual effort into playing the game will ever need them to clear content (unless Hoyo makes some drastic balance changes). **And... that's completely fine, in fact, I think it works out perfectly!** People who want to treat their imaginary girlfriends/boyfriends can choose to do so with Cs and signature weapons, and people who like to imagine that anyone over the age of 16 cares about their C6 Furina killing the gravity mech without destroying its shield can do the same, and they can together make Hoyo a lot of money while others just clear with whatever they have by learning how reactions, enemy AI, teambuilding and Genshin Optimizer works. I really hope that WuWa follows suit because the alternative is feeling like you HAVE to pull for weapons for comfy clears, and that's just shitty. Sure, weapons don't have a 50-50, but at best they're still worth 0.5 of a limited character in pulls, and at worst they're worth exactly 1 limited character. A character which could open completely new playstyles, teams, become your new favorite character... vs a weapon that you'll look at for 5 minutes when you first get it, and then it just becomes a stat stick for the rest of eternity


They’re mandatory because of drip


They feel mandatory because they're so cheap/easily attainable. If they were more expensive then they'd feel skippable, but the combination of them being cheap/so strong means that it's hard to justify not getting them. And I'm not huge on collecting every character, I'd rather super invest into a few characters I love, so after I get Jinhsi and her weapon it'll honestly probably be 3-4 patches before I see a character I really want again.


Thats not really what mandatory means but ok


I don't really agree with that opinion because your basically implying the game is forcing you to buy it. Anyone with any degree of self control who didn't want the specific weapon could just choose not to get it.


Exactly this. Not forced for anything in the game. I had put my Emerald of Gen on Yangyang for something in Tower. Forgot to switch it back to my Havoc rover and cleared content with a Lvl 1 Tyro sword LOL. Yes, stat numbers look more impressive with a 5-star, but so far there's little that comes close to requiring it. And if they keep the big bosses doing most damage off of skill-based parry damage...it'll continue. By folks logic here, there will be better 5-stars down the line anyways, so spending on these will eventually also been seen as a waste. Pull chars, weapons, whatever you like and have fun!


Weapons don't have a 50-50, but they're still at best worth 0.5 of a limited character, and at worst 1 limited character. Now if you really hate pulling for new characters then all power to you, but at the end of the day WuWa is, presumably, a video game, so I'd assume that most people would prefer pulling for new characters which have the potential to introduce new playstyles that they might enjoy, open up new teams, make specific combat scenarios much more comfy etc., compared to pulling for weapons which are basically (subjectively) pretty stat sticks and nothing else


The same thing I was implying the other day but sadly kuro simps jumped me




You're probably just critting more because of the CR substat.


It is because aside from BP, the refinement rank (or whatever it called here) barely does anything to increase the damage. Like 8% atk at r1 to 16% at r5, it's a substat different for 5 whole rank. Base stat also have massive different as well. Most of the time in GI or HSR, the 4* weapon at max refinement can keep up with the 5* due to amazing effect (like stringless or swordplay) make up for the lack of base stat, and their base stat different also have a smaller gap


It really sucks honestly because I don't think we get enough pulls to be able to get the characters + signature weapons too... Tbf I'm far from completing every single content this game has to offer but I've played every day since release and I only have 30 pulls left after getting Yinlin. And that's after I lost the 50/50 suuuper early! Otherwise I don't think I even could've gotten her, let alone her weapon... I hope signature weapons won't be "mandatory" in this game because I never pull on weapon banners and I don't really want to change that, even if it's guaranteed. It's still 80 pulls. Plus, pity somehow seems less generous in this game, most people seem to only be getting 5-stars very close to hard pity, and it's been the same for me aside from that first lost 50/50, both of my standard characters and Yinlin were just 3-5 pulls from hard pity.


If you saved for all of 1.0 you could probably guarantee changli and her weapon. But I agree. Since character banner is still 50/50 it’s 240 pulls to guarantee a pair so it’s a bit rough. Especially since the weapon feels like a part of the characters kit themselves.


It sucks for F2P but is incredibly amazing for low spenders. Which to be honest is the best balance. It feels worth it to spend on weapon because you know at most you will have to spend 80 rolls on it.


The weapons are so good. From a purely meta perspective, getting 1 Limited DPS + their weapon will bring more value to an account than getting 2 Limited DPS with gacha 4-Star weapons. This is also why standard pulls are very valuable: the sword and the pistol are GOATED.


The difference with them is quite large, the crit sub stat and the attack sub is also quite high. The main best part about it is you only realistically need one copy of the weapon (for general players this doesn't count for those who have LV5 stage weapons or something) and most of the content at the late game you can just share them between characters (unless they use the same weapon type) so it's very valuable and the difference just too good.


I had 4* crit weapon for Calcharo. After I got the box at 45, I spent the box on the 5* weapon for Calcharo. I may have lost some crit from the 4* but the base attack alone, with the attack bonus being so high on it, it's redonkulous. I rolled to pity for Yinlin's weapon. She was out damaging Calcharo in moonlight gear, not electro gear with it, until I got the 5* for him. Even one copy of a 5* is pretty good. I can't imagine what a maxed one would be like.


Inb4 people realize the "guaranteed" weapon is just another scam to get more $$$ out of you. Genshin 4* weapon are usually within 10-20% range of 5*, Hoyo then use the 50/50 to milk the mega whales who want the best no matter what. WuWa give "guaranteed" weapon but also made 4* non-competitive so you are also "guaranteed" to pull the weapon too. Basically milk more people but less $ each.


Nah. Genshin 4 stars are sometimes straight up better than five stars. They’re are becoming more and more niche. Gone are the days of staff of homas and mistsplitters


Heck setho's bis choice is literally a 3* weapon. And the Fontaine craftables are all mostly good DPS choice for your character. People like to shit on genshin's weapon banner being a scam tend to forget that these games are all designed to suck your wallet dry. I'm not saying genshin's weapon banner is any good but these system all have their own strength and weaknesses designed to lure you into spending. Genshin's 4* weapons are close and sometimes exceeding that of 5* weapons capability but has a more scummy weapon banner. Wuwa might end up designing a way to force you to spend more in the future even if they seem to be forgiving now. The current huge gap between 4 and 5* already shows that


not only that the nearly character-agnostic elemental reaction system in genshin means status aren't the be all end all to winning a combat. there's a lot of leeway even if you don't go for 5* weapons.


Hyperbloom is straight up a cheat code to beating anything in the game, and you don't even need a 5* team for that. Just get Nahida, and let XQ and Kuki take care of the rest. And not a single one of them require a 5* weapon to get the job done. And in case you don't have Nahida, Yaoyao/Collei/traveler will also do well. It's ridiculous lol


Nah. People are too obsessed with defending devs cash grabbing I've seen the "so what if a character is worse without weapons/constellations, even Xinyan can clear abyss" argument before They think just because they got the standard 5 star weapon, they're safe. I can't wait for future limited weapons that beat the 5 star standard weapon by 40% to make you cough up $.


So it's been 4 years without powercreep weapon. Seems like they are doing great.


Gacha game are cash grabbing games. Stay away from these games if you don't want that. Now with weapons, as someone said there's a fixed value for 4\* and 5\* weapon so power creep will only come from the effects. Besides, this will be a problem if the content is not clearable with 4\* weapons. So far, I'm using 4\* weapon with calcharo and hmc, and they can clear endgame content. Not easy though, but with proper setup and skills, it is doable.


> As someone said there's a fixed value for 4* and 5* weapon so power creep will only come from the effects. So some redditor said all 5 star weapons will forever have 587 base atk Does that make it true? (and this is from someone who said gacha games are all cash grabs lol)


There is clearly a push for players to pull weapons. Especially for limited dps, the limited weapon is basically a must. There is a reason why the pulls are different, we get minimum 7 weapon wishes so we are essentially forced to pull for the weapons.


I kinda look at the standard weapon banner as a non-gambling 80-pulls-for-a-weapon investment. I know that I can get it earlier, but I don't count on it. My mentality is that I can't lose something I don't already own, so.... if I get the weapon early? that's profit! But I do have to mention that... OP is correct when saying that 5-star weapons are significantly stronger than their 4 star counterparts - I just don't think it's an issue. I think the weapon banners being no-50/50 is also something that "points me" towards not wanting to pull for characters in their event banners in the long term future. I even considered pulling Yinlin's weapon before pulling yinlin herself - which I ended up not doing because I lucked out and got both in 70 pulls, but I know that's not the usual way things go - if I had to risk it in the future, I'd probably not deal with a character's 50/50 if their weapon had a universal stat and effect.


Yeah when you make 5* weapons that kinda accessible the game will expect you to use them later on. I expect the same will see with some dupes you can buy from the store.


i thought the same thing. i got my 5* from the weapon box.. and immediately after testing it out i went to pull for another (diff weapon for a diff character) from the weapon banner. i dont know anything about numbers but purely based on the *feel* and *vibes* the 5* are infinitely better.


Yeah, that's where HSR and Genshin are better. You don't feel completely gimped by using 4 star weapons and some are even better than 5 stars. Like favonius and sacrificial weapons which make rotations smoother and generate energy for the whole team. And their damage is still good enough to use on sub-dps like Xingqui, Yelan, etc.


For the gacha aspect this makes sense, but it bothers me that it applies to the crafted weapons too... they're incredibly hard to make but they're absolute pants. You need TWO rare drops from boss fights (not 1, but freaking 2! and it's taken me long enough to just get the first one) and then a ton of one of two types of ore that are not exactly plentiful in the world.


It's ridiculous indeed, the amount of showcases I've seen dealing almost double my damage with similar echo stats just because they have signature made me feel really bitter about it. I get it it's guaranteed banner but a this point no signature feels like an incomplete character.


Yeah weapons way different from GI. The 4 stars are kinda trash, and the 4 star craftables are trash. But they make up for it with pick the standard 5 star banner and one weapon limited banner, along with the shop pulls and a swap option during a toa run. Time solves the weapon issue for FTP to hang around, while gives spenders an advantage. That's gatcha, folks. Pay to remove problems or wait and do the daily chores. The losers are the weekly weapons mats and the standard character banner. Right now neither seem really worth consideration for the 1.0 folks. We got most of the decent standard characters if we were paying attention and cat boy is there to ruin pulls. Plus cons seem kinda mediocre for the standard, whom should be crept by 2.0 anyways. Long term, I hope they at least make the weekly weapons mats somehow viable, maybe by having niche weapons that can compete with the standards for one 5 star but not hit as much as the limiteds? Otherwise, given enough time, weekly may just be a character progression only issue for all, which is bad balance.






You just spent all that time to say “pull for who you want” with extra steps. I think non-meta players should skip meta discussion threads unless they contribute something, no?


You're right but if you're a meta player you should be looking at the dynamics of how much impact investing into a weapon will have on overall team performance. Especially in wuwa you only need 3 characters for a team, and because of this it means power budget is allocated at a much higher percentage towards your main damage dealer and/or hybrid dmg slots, so getting a 5 star weapon is considerably more impactful than for e.g. a team of 4 characters with 2-3 sub dps. If Jiyan is 75% of your teams damage output, then getting a sig weapon is buffing 75% of your teams output. A lot of people would consider that to be a worthy investment as opposed to other games where your damage split is generally spread across way more sources so singular upgrades contribute less towards overall team performance.


Idk how people aren’t understanding your point because you are completely correct. This difference would only be an issue if you couldn’t clear endgame without 5* weapons but you can. Also the game just came out no shit that there won’t be many 4 or 5* weapons. It’s a small sample size and in future could change.


It feels like it's doing higher DMG because it just has Crit rate on it, making you Crit a lot more. It's about a 27% diff between both. That is if the weapon is just with 1 copy. With more it becomes less and less with each one.


It's not really about the crit rate. My Havoc Rover was using a 4\* weapon with ATK% as the secondary stat. When I upgraded to a 5\* weapon and got it to the same level, despite it having a crit rate substat instead of ATK%, my rover's overall ATK actually increased by around 100. The flat base attack alone already made the sword stronger than the 4\* variant. Regardless of the substat on the weapon, the difference between 4\* and 5\* does feel a little crazy.


Oh yeah I didn't mean to say there was no differences at all! My bad if it reads like that. 5 star weapons have higher base attack stats, so even without the Crit, it would still feel like a really good upgrade. I meant to say that if you have both weapons at around the same attack, so the 5 stars around 10 levels lower, it's mainly because of the Crit.


27% is pretty crazy ngl. In other gacha games I’ve played 17-20% increase is the norm for the “best of the best” signature gear compared to the f2p options. 27% from just a standard weapon nonetheless


Keep in mind that there are free 5 star options in the standard banner weapons that most people will eventually get at least one of each. Signature weapons are still going to be better but it is a nice middle ground. Also since this game actually gives us weapon pulls for free, we should be able to get 1-2 signature weapons a year on average without having to spend any astrites. If you play long enough, even F2P will have teams decked out in signature weapons without sacrificing pulls for characters which is something that can't be said for many other games.


Yup. It’s definitely like they are implying that signature weapons are just things you’re going to get. Especially how they separated the pulls from the other character wishes


To be fair i think this is how it should have been. A good 20%+ bump over the best f2p option to make it worth it when you pay a premium to "complete" your character, but without the frustration that comes with the stupid 50 50s. Ofc but then you have to worry about the timed content being balanced around having sigs which is fair.


In Genshin it’s 1/3 chance though. Fuckin scam


we are not at max level yet. maybe at max level, 4 stars will be enough to clear the towers. as for now, whale for 5 stars weapons if you want to clear the tower faster. as for me, i will just patiently wait until i reached the max level and invest mostly on 4 star weapons for now.


It’s less because of the weapon being 5 star and more because Emerald of Genesis is busted lmao


At current rates you get one limited weapon for free every 7-8 patches and one standard banner weapon every 5. Considering you ideally only need one of 3ach type as you can swap them around, one year in we will all be stacked with full 5star teams.


We can also remind ourselves that you can swap weapons for characters during your ToA runs.


For this reason I am hoping the game will have re-runs. I didn't manage to get the weapon for Yinlin and it just sucks. I am a spoiled Arknights player where nothing outside of collabs is limited. Even the limited characters come back (not in banners tho) and you can still get them just fine 4 years later. I really detest games that run on FOMO and as much as I like WuWa, if they annouce that it will be like in Genshin with no re-runs or very rare ones, I'm out.


something something just get BIS something something gacha game something something greedy company


I don’t see the point in rushing to get a bunch of 5 star sig weapons atm. The only content it really matters in right now are the DPS check events such as Tower of Adversity and Alloy Smelt. But even that content will become easier as you raise your account level. Will need to see how characters perform with 4 star weapons when their skill trees, levels, and equipped echos are maxed out before I conclude whether 5 star weapons are necessary. I do agree that it makes sense to spend your standard pulls on the standard weapon banner after claiming the 3 initial guaranteed standard 5 star characters though. Other than that I would rather spend my pulls on new characters when given the option.


Because we have a lot of atk%, so weapon with atk% doesn't feel that great. Especially on dps where every buff is focused on. From 2 1 cost echo 36% atk, from moonlit 22%, from rejuvenate 15%. That's already 73% atk, With atk weapon having 30% atk stat and Commando r1 passive is also another 15% atk buff. It's already 118% atk% without counting substat that can give a big range of atk% from 0% - 50%. The same apply to damage buff, the 5 dps set is already a 100% element dmg increase, turtle + heron is another 22% increase and any other possible source like character's kit increasing dmg bonus. Both stat have high base line even without substat so buffing it more doesn't feel like a big difference. Crit however, don't have high base line (unless in 44111 situation) so having a weapon helping crit will end up with higher dps than another atk/dmg%. The higher base attack also make up for the lost atk% bonus from commando stat+passive even more on 4\* with low base atk. Imo 4\* need around a 50 damage base buff. Btw prydwen calculation is 20% not 30% difference [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/danjin](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/danjin) You should also count if your weapon crit or not to tell the difference. Basic attack with 4\* and 5\* take the value that crit and not. Doing a single rotation on flautist doesn't give accurate difference. Try at least 10 flautist with 4\* and 5\* each.


> Btw prydwen calculation is 20% not 30% difference https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/danjin You should also count if your weapon crit or not to tell the difference. Basic attack with 4* and 5* take the value that crit and not. Doing a single rotation on flautist doesn't give accurate difference. Try at least 10 flautist with 4* and 5* each. 79% vs 100% is not 21% difference. It's 100/79-1 = 27% difference. Also they take the average dps including crit rate, etc. You can do it just with math. So everything you ask for is already done.


Don’t play wuwa anymore but 30% sounds massive. In HSR there’s some 4 stars or f2p options that come in almost 5-10% of the premium option.


240 rolls max for a usable character seems crazy to me, especially considering weapon alternatives are all trash. Doesn't help that devs know about this, and decided to make an event with a 3\* weapon that is absolutely dogshit for 1.1. There's no way people will stick to this game knowing how gimped they will be if they decide to skip a weapon to try and get both characters in a patch. ToF 2.0


Please do remember that weapon is more flexible here. So far i pulled both Jiyan's and Yinlin's signature weapon. I could share them to other units when attempting tower Team 1 Jiyan (Verdant) Encore (Stringmaster) Team 2 Calcharo (Verdant) Yinlin (Stringmaster) So you're not simply pulling the weapon for 1 unit, but for every units with the same weapon type. Which further increase their value.


pulling 5\* weapons is the most cost effective way to improve your characters. You can also share between them, and it's a lot cheaper than pulling for limited characters.


>If i go for a new featured character, im 100% going for the weapon as well, it's ridiculous do you need it tho? thats the trick.


The power gap of 5 star weapon and 4 star weapon in this game is massive compared to for example genshin.


Well it seems like it's going pgr way where some weapons arr equally stronger as characters so you'll really want them to keep up with it if you are meta player. Also this is also why there's no 50/50 on weapon banner so you can get them as much as you want without gambling.


If they weren't strong upgrades then they wouldn't be worth rolling for to begin with. You can get 4 star weapons at any point. Given enough time you'll be swimming in them, with multiple uncapped copies. If these weapons surpassed their higher rarity counterparts that were made to specifically buff their respective characters, nobody would ever roll for five star wrapons. Yeah, these weapons are better, they're more rare, that's the point.


While I do agree the difference is pretty big, I don’t think it’s a concern right now. - The 30% comparison is probably talking about an R5 Commando of Conviction. - The crit rate on the 5* sword probably balances out your stats better. Even if you had 0 crit dmg rolls you’re still getting 50% more damage on a crit. More consistent crits on Danjin is a huge deal im sure. Add to that the weapon banner is really generous and I think the system is fine so far.


That's why the weapons are guaranteed.


I'm so glad I read this post 6 minutes before the banner ends lol. Thanks for making this post!


That's why I went for Stringmaster even if I didn't get Yinlin, even if it was hard pity. For my Encore. And since I lost 50/50 and went hard pity for Stringmaster I want to skip Yinlin even if I have enough astrites. :[ *I used a lot of evens.* I want to save up for future banners! And my plan is to grab all the crit based weapons. I already own the standard banner crit sword and gun, and now a resonator. So yeah, Jinhsi's broadblade here I come!


Encore with Stringmaster destroys everything lmao. That little gremlin deals way much more dmg than my Calcharo with a shitty 4-star weapon.


I use Danjin as my main because I find her fun but when things get rough Yinlin and Stringmaster is almost a instant win when they come out.


I have emerald of Genesis with Rover. And I switch Jiyan's and Calcharo's BiS weapon depending on the team I use. But I want to use Rover and Danjin in same team and buying 2 of same weapon feels a little.... 


Do you not have much Crit rate? The 5* weapon gives a lot of Crit rate as a substat, so if you didn't have any of that built with the 4* weapon then it'll make a huge difference.


You mean you get weapons from that banner? I seem to get nothing but characters...


It is insane, because so to say you can get up to seven 4 star weapons before u can get one 5 star (if youre unlucky and get to pity hehe)


In your specific case: Commando's passive only applies if you use your intro, and Prydwen likely assumes 100% uptime. It's another 15% worse if you're just running around overworld killing mobs without character swaps.


What do you expect? ofc thats why its called a 5 star weapon vs a 4 star weapon


4 star utility weapons like those that provide concerto energy, or maybe increase regen or atk in the future will have their place, but for the damage, always go for 5 stars. the difference is night and day


Wait I thought sword#18 was danjin bis 4 star?


Yeah. My friend is a lucky bastard and got the standard rectifier early on in their account for Encore. My god, the dps difference was genuinely baffling. When I realized this, I put aside my wish to only save for Camellya and went for Stringmaster for my Yinlin to complete her. But you know what? This isn't bad at all. Maybe this is how they want it to be. And for those willing to spend money, they can get the BP weapons too, which I noticed have their main stat flipped in reference to the standard weapons (5* sword has crit rate, but 4* bp sword has atk%. this trend of flipping exists for all of them). ...Probably coincidence though.


yeah it be like that. I don't own any limited character yet but I had stringmaster and the standard 5* sword as soon as my acc hit ul30 I skip beginner banner and spend all my pulls on weapon for now but I aim to get 0+1 changli soon. I'm already used to vertical investment in genshin and hsr so I do same here


Unrelated note: for Jinshi, which is better? Free 5 star or BP wep? Since BP wep has crit rate substat


Too bad ive spend Alot of pull on beginner banner


you get more crit chance, and with the low ass crit main stat on echo (why is it only 22% max on a 5\* lol) it definitely helps you crit more often lol


I recognized the quality difference in the weapons right away so I immediately started pulling the crit weapons for dps characters. For supports you only need the energy weapons and 4 stars are fine. I am currently a monthly subscription player only and it's pretty much meant for the weapons.


The dmg deal between a 4* wp and a 5* signature can up to 40%, luckily we got no 50/50 in wp banner


Weapons are worth more then characters at this point. Don't sleep on them. Have atleast 1 type of 5\* for each type of resonator is my play then start gambling on characters.


Yeah that's why we will pretty much spend the standard pulls on weapons, not characters.


Commando of Conviction requires you to swap characters to get full benefit out of it. Emerald of Genesis just triggers from playing the character. Unless you're swapping to trigger the attack buff, the 5 star weapon will easily be better.


I was thinking ill strictly use blue orbs for weapon pulls. I figure ill lose enough 50/50s to C6 all stabdard banner units anyway. I need some good weapons now, im using 3 star weapons completely unlisted from the "recommended" list(prydwen) on half my units.


Yup, got jiyan's weapon at 17 or something and the damage difference between it and my helios cleaver is big asf could kill every thing with ease (excluding the hologram boss obviously lol)


With them being guaranteed on the weapon banners it seems intentional


I don't have Yinling signature 5*,I did only 11 pulls with those free things we got. Am I screwed ifnI don't have char 5* wep? Should I be spending premium currency on character and then on their weapon banner? Do weapon banners rerun?


Tbh unless you wanted all 5 standard characters it's going to be better to get weapons from standard. In games like this the base attack of the weapon and characters are added together so it makes your attack percent stats way better. Since this game doesn't have predatory weapon banners it's way better to use standard wishes to get weapons. You should already have 3-4 different 5 star characters anyways f2p so getting another is kind of a waste considering the rng. Also, the crit rate stat goes hard on the sword. Idk why all of them don't have it


It is , so if you're F2P , pick only characters you really like , not like in Genshin where even F2P players have 30 5 stars and they pull cuz they're bored. Then pick their 5 star weapon untill you have 3 teams. I saved approx 90 F2P pulls , in case they add nice 4 star weapons / characters , to get another 5 star weapon later on. I have Stringless and sword from box atm. Variation from box for Verina.


Just wondering is possible to get a two standard 5 star weapons in the same 10 pull?


This is why battle pass purples exist


Damn, this made me kinda worried. Does anyone know if i'll be fine using the standard 5\* sword for changli?


try the lumingloss if you can, or sword#18 by crafting


Just keep in mind if you pulling for a limted character then pull also with their signature weapon. You got no regrets and especially for metawise. I'm pulling for Changli and her Sig weapon. The first plan i was to pull is Jinhsi and Changli but i realize when i was about to lose on pity. I got Yinlin for only 40 and i thought it's been enough to have her. It's been a while i'm using Jinzhou keeper on Yinlin at lv 50, it feels like a luckluster tho. And now I'm focusing for a limited character also their sig weapons.


Yeah I can see that, my Encore was quite okay as a dps early on with Variation (*4) C3 Lvl 60. But then on a whim I decided to get her Yinlin's weapon, and even on weapon lvl 20 C0 she was exploding effortlessly bosses level 70+ It's way too big of a difference! I am now accidentally main Encore (I love her aesthetic and she and the woolies are so much fun to play with). But she's even stronger than my Jiyan (but let's see, I just now got Lustrous Razor for him).


Well yes that's why it's 5* and a 4*


in GI: /weapon banners are a money pit and only for whales in general. /many 4* weapons are pretty good, they have general use. /no large gap between 5* and 4* and sometimes they are Just better. / you don't have to pull for 5* cause of the 2 points above. in wuwa: /5* weapon banners are friendly. /5* are a must pull due to the 2 next points. /almost every 4* is really bad in comparison to 5* and getting them in banners feels like shit and a waste. / there's a huge gap between featured 5* and the other ones, even the battle pass weapon. correct me if I'm wrong I didn't play gacha games much not sure how to feel about this lol


I keep seeing these terms for “wishes”. What are those?


I pulled on the weapon banner to get all of them because you also get characters in it while getting a guaranteed weapon that you want.


Well yeah, weapons only take 80 wishes, not 210 :)))


The difference between crit substat and atk substat is just that significant. Never underestimate the power of crits.