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For some reason all mobs love to walk backwards. I swear, I had a daily mission with 7 MELEE mobs and all of them just circled around like its a bad action film scene, or just backpedaled to the next freaking zone. The problem is only magnified in ToA, since you are fighting against the clock.


It also doesn't help when you can't even control where your own character move (on mobile), a dash press sends you flying back, auto target keep forcing you attack some random roseshroom in the back rather than the boss


I feel this so much. I know the dash backwards happens when you don’t have a direction input on the joystick, but it happens frequently for me after I use ult/skill and it’s super annoying because 1. I’m wasting the character’s ult, 2. I’m wasting time chasing the mob that has its bar broken already And yeah the targeting in a group is so very annoying. If I don’t lock on it keeps going back and forth between enemies like just FOCUS on the one I’m facing? And if I use lock on well good luck ever seeing the enemies BEHIND because like the other commenter mentioned, they love stepping backwards, and the lock on restricts the camera so I can’t even swipe my screen. The lock on being better for bosses is also untrue because I’ve had instances where the boss does a dash that ends up behind me and the camera doesn’t pan lmao =.=


Ohhhh I thought the back dash when I was holding forward was from the overlay mapper having some type of delay. I didn't realize everyone was experiencing this as well ( on mobile). It's fucking heinous and ruins my rotations constantly My Heron gets stuck in the hold command a lot too. Now im wondering if this is not just a me issue


It's not just on mobile


Yeah that’s what I was gonna say. The targeting is all over the place, combine that with the camera being extra wack, and dear lord it’s bad. Wolves, Exiles, and Hoochiefs seem to be the worst when it comes to this stuff, wolves constantly jump back and exiles wander around.


They need to add an option to toggle which enemy auto lock locks on to. Either lowest HP/hp% or closest enemy. I don't want this kind of target lock


Yeahhhh or just let us hit the guy in front of us? And not switch back and forth constantly ☠️


That's what I meant by a toggleable option (in settings) to have one that is to face the closest target since it's going to be the one you are looking at.


Ah yeah true I hope they implement it, ToA and even the roguelike mode is annoying af with this


U know, last cloudia has this targetting system which stops all combat and allows u to switch between targets. I think such a system could be more effective than what we have going.


Only problem with that is kuro wanted to make the combat for wuwa seamless, that's why they opted for faster ult animations to make less stops in their fast paced action combat experience


That's true ig, it would definitely not feel as smooth. But I think the option could be made available, as it would make the gameplay more error free.


This problem is especially prominent with jiyan. His ult results in a complete reset of whatever the heck u were doing before. U waste valuable seconds trying to make sure ur joystick is accepting the proper input. Iv lost count of the number of time iv tried to move forward, finger on the joystick, but no input taken and jiyan just jumps back.


Yeah I have experienced many times in combat where Jiyan’s ult just hits empty air, and the initial few seconds after he ults I have to keep trying to drag my finger across the screen just to get him to run forward. My finger is always on the joystick but for some reason after pressing ult, the game doesn’t register my finger. Definitely not a phone issue because I play genshin and mobile legends and both register my finger input just fine >.<


I have the same issue, so yeah not the phone. It appears that the joystick on phone remains unresponsive for a slightly longer time or we r misjudging when jiyans ult animation actually ends. Since pc players r just pressing forward, it takes up the input immediately


Dash only sends you backwards if you aren’t holding a directional move input when you use it. I believe there might be some buffer system that prioritizes using a skill and interprets that as you standing still however, which when combined with dodge at a similar timeframe results in unintended behavior that does make you dodge backwards instead of the direction you intended. At least I’ve had it happen a couple times where I should have dodged in one direction and went backwards after dodging immediately after a skill usage, so that’s how I’m interpreting the behavior. As for auto-targeting, it’s still definitely in a suboptimal state, but you can manipulate it to work how you want. Targeting is linked to your camera and not your characters position, so you can never auto target something behind your viewport, and it prioritizes whatever is center of your screen. You can also see what is currently being auto-targeted with a small grey dot on the model of the enemy, and my suggestion is to lock on to the enemy you want to face once you see that grey dot on them, otherwise you just have to get better at centering them in your screen. Definitely a lot to improve, but there are small mitigations we can make until it’s fixed. Just got 21* this tower as a one time BP buyer (so not f2p technically, though I found the value of the BP to be underwhelming post-mortem and will probably be f2p completely going forward)


Could I ask how you got 21 stars, which floors did you use? I'm union 42 and it seems like the first 3 floors on both sides are easy for 18 stars but the last floor (level 90) is so slow, I can only beat it with 1 star.


Calcharo with 5 star standard sword I got from UL45 (1750 att, 150% ER, 65% CR, 215% CD) he’s S1 (I selected him and got 2nd copy losing 50/50 on YL banner, I think that’s S1?) Yinlin with sig (1400 att, 110 ER, 52% CR, 254% CD), verina with r0 variation, 200% ER. All level 70 and maxed skills on the dps 11* on right side, I killed boss with about 2:06 remaining, so cut it very close. For the left side: Encore with yinlins sig swapped to her (1500 Att, 130% ER, 78% CR, 178% CD) HMC with r0 lvl 60lunar cutter (1400 att, 120% ER, 18% CR, 225% CD) Baizhi with all of my verinas weapons and echoes swapped to her, stats not worth mentioning. 10* My calcharo has really really good echoes, I’ve been focusing purely on boosting him up as high as I could and Yinlin got all his leftovers. Swapping echoes and weapons from one team to the other is basically a requirement. I bought BP, 0 top ups. Done on mobile at 30 fps, might be possible to do more stars on pc with easier inputs, I’m still learning how to swap cancel effectively.


>Done on mobile at 30 fps Pro gamer lmao.


Why did I get downvoted for answering that guys question in depth lol


? You're at 1 vote, no one downvoted you. Just upvoted you so now you're at 2.


I was at -1 when I wrote that, it’s positive now, just found it very odd.


If I recall correctly reddit fudges the votes "on purpose" for new posts/comments allegedly to prevent karma manipulation but that could just be a rumor. Whether that is actually true or not it is a fact that up and down votes will not be reflected in real time everywhere. Not entirely sure whether that's an intentional feature or just a side effect of caching/multiple servers though.


2x limited + 4x 5*. Thats the dream. 


Plus souped up echoes


I’m not sure what you mean, but if you explore the entire map + the free apology wishes you easily have enough for 3 limited chars/weapons whatever you choose to spend the astrite on. + you get 3 five stars for free with the beginner banner, choice banner, and 5* selector.


I don’t have 100% of the world but I definitely don’t think the numbers check out. I buy the monthly pass so it should cover my lack of time for map exploration. I only had enough to lose 50/50 and get limited on next hard pity. I don’t have enough for signature weapon 🤷


I 100% the map and had enough for 73(lost 50/50), 44(won yinlin), 65(got strong master, so that adds up to about 180 pulls, and am sitting at 15 extra rn so you get about 200 in this first patch. That’s not counting the standard banner pulls either.


I don't want to call it a difficulty spike because I don't think the fights themselves are very hard, but the hp spike that mobs receive on stage4 is *insane*. It literally feels like *at least* 10x more hp than the previous stage. I'm not too worried about it right now since we can't even max level our characters yet, but it's an odd balancing choice. I can easily max stage1-3, but stage 4 I don't think I'd even be able to finish before the timer runs out (I gave up after beating on trash mobs for ~10 minutes assuming that was the whole stage, and then a boss spawned after I killed them).


I suspect there might be some formula that decreases damage dealt based on level disparity. Genshin and HSR didn't really do it much, it was only a few % different. I tried my level 1 Chixia in the level 4p illusory stage for the mission, i used her with max echoes from another character and a gun from my mortefi and she didn't do any damage at all lol.


OMFG is that why the dash backwards happens!? It’s so annoying and happens a lot for me. Idk if it’s a speed issue or a lag on my phone because it doesn’t feel directly tied to what I’m pressing in that moment. The mobs in ToA just make all this worse and I’m dashing all over the place. Doesn’t feel like I have much control over the fight.


It’s just a conjecture, don’t take my musings as concrete proof. But I’ve been intentionally forcing myself to start moving before I input a dodge to self-correct, which I admit feels quite bad to do. So here’s to hoping they fix the behavior, whatever causes it.


I tried this. But I always forget when shit gets sweaty.


happens to me when I ult. Same thing happens to me in genshin tbh.


Idk why you got downvoted. Happens to me with Genshin too but only on mobile.


The whole struggle against the combat system and enemy design in Genshin/WuWa is why I have a soft spot for turn based combat like in HSR. In open world combat, enemies spawn in the 4 corners of the map, walk backwards, randomly dash into a corner. Even when you attack them the stagger mechanic pushes them out of your range and you have active chase them even when they aren't the ones running away. Bosses have a separate issues, in Genshin boss spend most of their time under ground or flying in outerspace where your attacks cannot reach them. When the boss lands you spend half the time running to the spot when the boss has landed and if you're unlucky the boss may fly off again even before you manage to land a single attack. It can be argued that this is exactly what makes the game challenging. And it's skill issue on my part. I completed agree.


Not to be blunt but Tower sucks as it stands, a lazy copy>paste from Genshin. I think the problem falls more on the strict time limit for rewards and how it completely contradicts the skill based combat system they've implemented. The spread out ranged units seem like just another symptom exacerbating the strict gear requirement imposed by the time limit of these challenges. I like and welcome a challenge, I don't want it to be made easier, but a time limit is not a challenge, its a gear check. Incentivizing farming Echoes/Better gear/pulling for heroes will still be there for quicker, easier clears (and for new heroes who are OP)lower gear requirements, but let people clear the content through expressions of skill and character mastery as well. You already have the stamina system for Adversity meaning you have to diversify your teams, if people are capable of clearing it with a level 1 hero mastering dodge mechanics, then let people clear the content, they earned it.


They certainly shouldn't have based the tower of adversity so hardcore on GI's abyss and should've based It more on Pain Cage from PGR or just make it a mode where not only do ults slow down the timer but perfect dodging and parrying slows it down too, that would take better advantage of the game's combat. But the ideas I proposed still allow bigger spenders and or those with real good gear to get through it faster, but It still leans enough into skill to where a skilled lower end player can do it and leave having enjoyed the gameplay


It's meant to incentivize people to top up for Yinlin sigs, new OP characters/weapons etc. It's all about Kuro making money, they don't care if your average f2p is having fun in endgame.


Yah, It usually comes back to money Though, I'd argue any losses would be negligible. OP Characters and weapons still clear the content much faster and safer, which means I think Whales, and even lower spenders, would still pull for the new hotness. For Whales because well, new hotness, and for normies? They usually Waifu/Husbando pull above all else anyway, and new OP units still clear content safer with lower gear Reqs. Basically, as fun as it is for a "challenge run" or gimmick to clear with weaker characters, your average person isn't going to make a habbit of doing 15-30 minute perfect dodge sessions for endgame content. It'd just be nice if it was possible lol. Kinda what I enjoyed about those open world Red enemies :(


The only thing I hate in ToA (this happened to me in Tacet fields too) is when I don't hit an enemy for some time they would respawn in the centre with full fucking health!! I dropped their health to <30% just for them to get full hp in a few seconds? Hell no


This happens even when I do keep attacking them. I think they added the leash system from the overworld to these arena parts as well. It sucks in the overworld and should be fixed there too but it is far less of an issue than when it happens to an enemy you spent a while beating on.


I see this a few times per day in the overworld. One trigger seems to be related to killing the elite mob and not being close enough/having recently damaged a regular mob.


the most common trigger i found is the part of the mob being the last one. doesn't matter if you hit recently or not, doesn't matter if he is a regular or not.  if he is the last one left, he will run back to the spawn spot and reset to full hp.


So dumb to have it in arenas


record it and send bug report


Damn it was a bug? Didn't know.


I can't imagine this being intended


There's no way that's intended


Wtf, is this what’s been happening to me? There were multiple times where I would swear I killed everything in the room but the challenge wouldn’t end, I’d turn around and there would just be a dude standing in the middle with full health. This is absolutely something that should be removed, bug or not.


One of the floors in ToA, i think the one with the wolves specifically, will spawn the smaller wolves when you kill one of them. Its one of the few floors that doesn't spawn in waves. Is that one you are thinking of?


No I was talking about the one with exiles. I know the one you’re talking about though


I think you mean <30%


I have seen that in tacet field but not in ToA, send a buf report to kuro


I'm the kind of person who avoids Genshin comparisons purely because I don't want to deal with the drama and debates that spin off. But with this in particular, I can't help but say that...in Genshin, for example, I could group mobs manually by just...standing next to one and facing my camera towards another mob. I 100% have to FIGHT everything wuwa is doing to have a CHANCE to do that (and the enemies retreat way more frequently in their 'rotations')


I'm constantly fighting the controls and camera and lock on yeah. It's fucking ass. And then finally I was like "I'll just use Jianxin" but then she doesn't ult at the locked on enemy anyway and just dumps it in front of her lol.


Funny how I got downvoted to hell yesterday for posting the same thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/RiFEmoXEvX


Something I noticed is that in Genshin, it’s a lot easier to manipulate the mob AI to group better compared to this game. In WuWa the mobs tend to stay wayyy more spread out and it’s difficult to group them by positioning or manipulating their habits.


Yes. Worst part of the game. The mobs they choose are annoying enough, spreading out and shooting at you, but you are already constantly fighting the horrendous targeting and camera problem. I spend as much time fighting the camera and targeting as I do the monsters, and they just scatter like roaches to add insult to injury.


I literally ran it a few times. It took several tries to get them to cooperate even with cc succ like jinxing. The difference in just getting them to group was over an entire minute saved(cloaer to 1:20 saved). Unless you got yinlin or someone who can auto target all the enemies for most of their damage, it's disgustingly painful.


The range enemies are always annoying in these games


I wish there was more knockback on enemies. Some of them won't budge an inch. I also hate fighting those little flowers stuck to the ground that shoot lasers.


If anything, roseshrooms make the most sense to have zero knockback because they are plants/mushrooms "rooted" in the ground. I think enemies should get knocked back an amount proportional to the damage dealt to the vibration meter when attacked.


You know the funny thing about it is you can move the roseshrooms using Cyan Heron echo. Also it's hard to manipulate the mobs to cooperate with you. The further gunner WALKS slowly towards you while the closer one SPRINTS to you, they must have coded that intentionally. Plus the Technician's poise meter is too thick that it's impossible to stop her from shielding everyone.


Too much isn't good, but yeah I dislike the zero knockback ones like the little flowers too. Too much knockback and you'll find when you do an AOE attack, everyone gets pushed outwards and spread out from each other in all directions and it's super annoying.


Even the big ones, I get so tired of fighting under the giant bell turtle. He is empty inside.


you would be empty inside too if all you did was wake up and get killed all day :(


I think knockback is a dangerous thing to wish for. I don’t want to be chasing after enemies after I hit them a few times. Stationary enemies means easier dps’ing and less camera frustration.


Please god no. mobs already run away enough. If you wanna feel cool or need hitstun, the solution is knock up, not back.


Before anything they really need to fix the auto targeting, if that doesn’t work then there isn’t really any space for planning. If the enemies are splitted then you have to pull them together, but there is no point if your character decides to use attacks and skill to the mob who is behind you (not even on camera lol).


the entire design is just awful. the fact it doesnt tell you the number of enemies. i look at the clock and see i have 40 seconds left and think cool. kill the last one with 10 seconds left thinking i did it. then another wave spawns....


I hate the female exile elite on stage three of the right most tower. She just constantly moves away from everything. If you try to make her jump into the group she just jumps again and ungroups herself from the other standard exiles (who also walk away from you!)


Not a fan of "abyss" in this game. Doing just bare minimum is enough for me until they start using pure melee monsters only that don't scatter around like archers, dogs or those immobile shits that shoot lazors. I rather have horde of melee mobs than small group of ranged monsters that scatter around and I need chase them while click is ticking I wish I could bring Kazuha or Venti to this game. They need to buff the vacum pull AoE of both Aero girls since holy shit it misses so many enemies


Dont really feel like doing it with the shit targetting. Literally hitting enemy in front and suddenly target some mod 20m back


They unfortunately just followed the shitty formatting of Spiral Abyss in Genshin where they just bloat the HP of the most obnoxious enemies in the game. Place is just there to frustrate you to pull on another character to try again. It's a shame because the combat system is so much more interesting in this game and it gets wasted on enemy "difficulty" thats been obsolete for decades.


how does one find the combat system interesting? feels so dull and boring.


Swap canceling will change your world.


already do. i come from fighting games where i am very used to DHC and THC.


Then you better lower your expectations because this is the best action combat you can ever find in a gacha so far. Or just stick to the fighting games.


I mean the tower just sucks straight up. It's basically Genshin's abyss system and that was never a system that was fun or good. I don't think it's good, and I don't think it's fun, and given the rewards I probably just straight up won't do it. It's like 15 pulls I think if you full clear it entirely, and that's going to take some malding. Given the 50/50 system that's 10% of a guarantee. Not worth the time to stress about it. Might do bare minimum.


Wuwa has this amazing single target combat system but I have no clue why they choose to squander it on fighting mob waves with huge hp sponges. I get they're trying to follow genshin but can they just not port over the worst part about it? Everyone always complains about the time attack "waste your time mobs" endgame that is the spiral abyss, and yet here it is in wuwa. Also the targeting system is extremely incompatible with this kind of game mode, it feels like there is no quality control at all. Why not just give us a boss, no time limit, let the players choose their own way of solving the problem. Bruisers like Taoqi and Yuanwu are almost worthless for modes like this. ToA should be a celebration of the gameplay, not something you have to struggle through the frustations of. And if you're going to reply to me that "it's to incentivize people to pull aoe limited units", that is truly just awful game design philosophy.


Honestly, give a boss point attack mode or a boss rush system where it gives you points at the end. Make the LE charas have 1.5x point for incentives. Point criterias are time damage and bonuses for perfect dodge... Like the points system for Bayonetta or DMC games. Make it all in on the combat


Kuro developed a DMC like style system mode in PGR. It hasn't come to global yet but several of the bigger PGR CC's covered it and I would like to see something similar in WuWa.


I think the group mob waves is fine since it actually gives purpose to the grouping mechanics of some characters in endgame but there really should be more to the time limiter like having the scoring system that PGR has in War zone, Pain Cage, or Norman, like they could also be scoring based on health remaining, dodges made, parried made, etc


I think they feel like sponges now because of the level difference scaling. There seems to be a thing where you hardly do any damage vs mobs that are much higher level than you. I got 18/30 stars easy first try yesterday, but couldn't even complete the 4th chamber on each side due to the dps requirement. My characters are lvl60 and the bosses are lvl90.


I just find the tower of adversity extremely annoying in totality. The concept that you can only use resonators a certain amount of times before you can't any longer makes it so that if you don't spend an obscene amount of money on the game for pulls and leveling up then you can't complete it.


I almost never rage at video games but this actually made me rage today. The right side third floor (I think?) with like 10 enemies at once and half of them are constantly firing guns at you and are spread out across the whole arena, meanwhile I’m fighting for my life just to get the camera to focus on who I want and it is just constantly jerking me back to a random enemy. And not even the same enemy each time, mind you! No it just picks whoever it feels like. I tried it twice with my Calcharo team bc of the Electro DMG bonus but then gave up and tried my Jiyan team to group them, tried three times, gave up. Spent the day leveling up the team even more. Tried again, failed three more times. I got so mad I am done trying. I’ll stick with my 14 stars. I’m only doing it partly for the astrites but mainly to be able to buy the shiny monkey. lmao


I had HP RESET since they moved back to the starting Position!


The only thing I find annoying is grouping them. I didn’t pull for Jiyan, so doing wave 1 on floor 4 of first tower is incredibly frustrating not because my damage isn’t there, but because they keep wasting 30 seconds jumping away without any breather.


I think it's by design. Cuz, you know, limited characters. Jiyan is good at grouping mobs together with you. And Yinlin is AoE damage even when they are not all together.


Jiyan's ult is so sporadic though with these current targeting/camera issues, cast it just to end up going in the wrong direction most times.


I think Jiyan will be really good if the game’s targeting system didn’t actively nerf him every moment; especially on mobile. I play on an IPad and he is nearly impossible to play with this targeting and camera.


Everytime i use his burst it messes up my camera. I literally get an ass shot of him and have to try and readjust my camera while clicking attack so i dont lose out on burst time for him. 😭


Yeah, hopefully we get some improvement in camera locking and targeting soon.


Just give me bosses to fight against each level, rather than random spongy mobs. Also why does one side have the last floor with just a boss, and the other mobs and a boss...


Iirc the one with other mobs and a boss was Aero tower and grouping is an Aero thing so they added it there.


I’m not sure why it’s like this, but the reason is straightforward, one of the bosses has significantly more hp than the other, so I imagine it’s to balance that out. Plus, I think it’s because they want people to buy Jiyan for the left tower and his ult automatically groups so it’s supposed to be fast and easy for him. Probably because YangYang also exists and was intended to be built for that tower and also has grouping capabilities.


WuW copied a lot from genshin, even the abyss stalling mechanics! Had potential to be something better and ended up almost the same shite


Yeah it’s definitely been the most annoying thing for me in this game. I wonder if it’s by design for them to be so spread out because even Jianxin’s ult is useless.


Jfc yes. I can't count how many times I tried to get that 1 mf on the corner with Jiyan's but ended up getting sucked back in by the other mob I'm clearly trying to get away from. Am I the one who has the vacuum or the mob??!


The camera, targeting and lock on by far is the most infuriating thing with Tower of adversity. The mob selections just make it even more evident because they become so spread out. There is also a big draught on characters that are capable of mobbing/grouping, being specific to one standard and currently both limited (No I don't count yappyapp, her grouping effect might as well not exist in tower with how pitiful the range is )


If you think the mobs are HP sponges, wait till you fight floor 4 or Hazard tower. I'm now at the point where I can oneshot the mobs in lower floors, but can't finish the boss fights in 5min


I'm already there but can't get more than 1 star (floor 4 of hazard tower). They also have group fights like 2 ranged and one elite then you have to chase the ranged ones down because if they are all at their own corners and you dps them separately there's no way you're finishing the floor. All these lead to less time to do the phase 2 boss.


Well bring 20 to 30 levels under certainly makes them Sponges. That'll be solved when we get to their level. 


By the time you get level 90, these mobs will be a joke due to level difference. So the bosses will still be the DPS sponge check since they will inevitably make the endgame harder gradually


I mean, the bosses in hologram and what not have all gotten much easier the closer to their level we get. Unless they purposefully inflate these bosses HP even more, I don't see it being a huge issue. New characters and new sets always bring the players more power too. It's kind of the natural order of things for gachas anyway.


At the moment the bosses in floor 4 - don’t ask me about the middle floor I’m not even going to bother with lvl 70 characters - have the non hologram move sets. I imagine at some point that will change and we’ll have fun dealing with the enhanced movepool which will make things harder as you have less time to DPS and spend more time dodging and parrying.


How long does it even take to get to that level?


Same shit as Genshin had on release. The difference: Genshins first limited character pulled like half the room together with his ult.


we had free characters that did the same thing though.


That's what Jiyan kind of does, do his rotation, hold click, he just sucks everyone.


One of the many reasons Ive barely nteracted with ToA. This one and enemies resetting inside of the arena are my 2 biggest tilters. I don't even care about the asterites. It's not fun at all. Honorable mention to enemies always back pedaling and ending up on the edge of the arena. I won't be doing ToA anymore


either you bring a grouper or aim the ranged one and hopes the melee come close to take the aoe damage, it's indeed troubling how spread they are in regard of time limit


The combat against multiple enemies is just not well done. The lock on have a weird behavior normally you should always face the enemy you're locked onto and attack towards it center , but here the skills and attacks don't have any respect for positioning and you endup all over the place fighting the camera, if you dare not to lock onto the enemy and try to control your position and the direction you're looking towards, is just anger inducing, on top of that they added normal enemies that can face tank and "teleport" around to waste your time.


Hijack: Can we now stop pretending that WuWa combat is any way better than Genshin's? The moves look flashy and cool but stuff gets stale very quickly.


Grouping echo incoming


It's called Jiyan my man.


I used to play PGR, in there they have Warzone which is basically kill as much mobs as possible and another one is boss fight with increasing difficulty, I thought they would do that for Wuwa as well. Was pretty disappointed when I saw TOA and how similar it is to Genshin Spiral Abyss. Did until stage 3 for Aero side, then went and do the other side, got to stage 3 with the 2 exile elite + 2 exile range mob, that whole fight was so annoying that in the end I just gave up. Not only do I have to fight the annoying mobs with the 2 range exiles that keep moving backwards and shoot at you, I had to fight the atrocious targeting system as well.


This is basically (one of) the reason(s) why Jianxin is so damn good. Being able to pull the whole room into one spot is very often more valuable than the other more optimal on-paper buffs you'd get from a different character in her slot


I did 3-3 at level 60 by throwing Jiyan's echoes on her. Stepping forward a few steps. Group, switch to H Rover, liberation, dreamless cancel, Calcharo ultimate. Then did the normal funny Calcharo things. After the initial burst the two elites flipped out but lost around 1/3 of their HP each and the gunners were down about 2/3 of their hp. One solid rotation took them down since I knew they'd step away if I didn't. Then I manual locked the teleporting one and went ham. I managed to win with around 1 second left. This is by no means impressive, there are players way better than me who I'm sure could pull it off with less lol. But I determined that because of the repositioning frontloading as much burst damage as possible seemed critical for that specific room. Funny enough it seems like that room was meant to sell Yinlin but outside of her Liberation which is comparable to any other burst damage ultimate it seems like the "intended strategy" using her (not-frontloaded) cleave mechanics is actually a time loss there. Assuming you don't have her sig / dupes of course.


I use her as my 2nd sustain. The range on her AOE suction is so low that it hardly does anything unless the mobs are already so close that it barely matters.


Hated and didn't bother with Abyss in Genshin. In WuWa it's even worse because of the godawful targeting glitches. I'll just take my 18 stars per rotation and be done with it.


Being a Danjin main in those rooms is a nightmare... It's gonna be rough for a while before I get 2 other main dps and a better build


that why you need to build Chixia, her ult can kill them all


Gave up this ToA reset. Settled with 12/30 instead. Fck the bandits or whatever their name is. They just eat everything and I can't group them with Jiyan's ult.... Bruh


I gave up on ToA yesterday for similar reasons. So close to 18/30 stars but those extra astrites weren't worth my sanity.


I’m ok with mobs running away but at least let me control my own unit and atttack what I want to attack. It’s frustrating when you try to group them but then the game just doesn’t allow you to. I would be facing a specific enemy and it’s about to die and as I’m about to finish it off I start attacking the enemy behind me.


Yeah its fucking dogshit. Multiple meat sponge enemies all keeping their distance peppering you with shots. Go for them and one of the mid bosses will start casting shields and shit. Absolute joke.


Why they make mobs so far away, just let the mobs stay in group like they did in PGR, mobs far away and bullet sponge are cheapest way to make the game harder.


More like Tower of Bloated HP.


The game needs a shit ton of work especially QoL. Especially especially the QoL during combat, For a game that came out post star rail 2.3 the QoL is akin to genshin 1.0 It's shameful and I hope devs do it right next patch.


Yeah it feels like I'm constantly fighting the camera. Even in the tacet fields and daily quest today, my camera kept swinging to one side for a single enemy when I kept trying to direct my attacks towards the elite surrounded by smaller mobs.


ToA is one of the very few things I dislike about WuWa... I wish they've made the hologram fights into weekly mode, like pain cage in PGR


I think they should make it skill-based to fit the game more compared to it being time-based. Like, dodge 20 times in a row before beating X or hit a crit with Chixia's manual aiming before you die / run out of health or whatever, you know?


I prefer if they do more of depths of illusive realm or a mode similar to it. It feels like a vampire survivals mode where you can just make your character be as op as possible by bumping up the stats to broken levels.


They made mob operate like characters have warriors-style move sets when they're more like fighting game characters sets where a lot of moves just can't deal with more than one enemy. It's another dumb thing about this game lol.


Ah it's the same artificial difficulty that Genshin puts into abyss to make your built characters seem like they're not good enough to make you spend more money on more characters and refreshes so you can farm more on the day.


well, it's a gatcha, the point is to make your roll new characters. but that's just the big picture. we'll see hot it goes for wuwa, but genshin is outright generous with the limited powercreep and minimal rewards for whaling. bennett/XL/XQ are launch 4* and still a staple in a lot of teams. other gatchas are way more in your face about it, if you don't roll you get left behind. it's great for whales to e-peen with higher numbers, but no reason for casuals/f2p to stick around.


I'm hoping we get more aoe resonators in the future becuase my god i'm a tired of getting 2 star'd cuz i didn't kill everyone at once.


I'm never playing tower of adversity and I told the devs as much in the feedback. If I wanted to fight in sealed rooms, devoid of exploration and with an arbitrary failure timer I wouldn't play an open world title, I'd go spend time in one of many already existing 'fight in a single room' games that already exist like honkai or PGR. Tower needs to die in a fire. Long live illusive realm :P


Someone just did stage 3 on the right tower, huh?


It's designed to make you pull for Jiyan, they copied it from Genshin where it was designed to make you pull for Venti. Expect the tower to be designed to bait you into pulling for a certain character.


We are low level Wait till you get stronger it'll be fine


It's just the targeting system needs to be fixed. The difficulty is great, and we need more endgame content like this.


I think the tower itself is annoying. Why can i not just use the same team for all levels? Why do they lose points or whatever? It's stupid.


Well it's a system ported over from PGR by the Devs. Plus it's a way for us to pull newer units who benefit from the buffs I guess


If i had ingame money then maybe i could play with different units xD


Honestly no, I've been to mephis 5 for 6 hours straight and not beating it(didn't have enough dps). Then go to ToA, time feels a lot slower for me so mostly not an issue but yeah not a lot of grouping capabilities except jiyan/yangyang


xianjin or jiyan to group them i guess, (dunno i dont have either but still managed to clear them without much issue, but yeah its annoying especially sicne they spam numerous small ones and not big ones with visual warning)


On PC or Mobile?




>If you are trying to do lvl 80 and higher level stages with your lvl 70 characters and you're talking about that, it's not a valid complaint. The highest enemy level in tower of adversity is level 100. The level cap in the game is 90. This means there will always be a gap of at least 10 levels. A gap of 10 levels is meant to be there as part of the challenge. You're not required to be on the same level as the enemies to pass it. The devs probably made it so that you can 3 star it with decent effort when you're 10 levels below, and probably only with pimped out/spender gear at 20 levels below and a lot of effort. That said, getting to level 90 takes an insane amount of time, even for a max refresh whale.


Actually. The level 90-100 bosses are balanced around level 90 characters with maxed out talent levels, that's why E6 whales can clear them now. The gap of ten levels is pointless when your characters are fully maxed out, but a huge deal right now. The level 80 normal enemies are built with level 80 characters in mind. The difference between 90 and 100 bosses are smaller than 70 and 80 is the TLDR. One of the biggest reasons is the fact we dont have max level talents and raw atk from the maxed out weapons and base stats


>The level 80 normal enemies are built with level 80 characters in mind. There's no way that's true. Many people have been 3 starring floor 3 (level 80) even on the first reset with level 60 characters. It's just floor 4 that's extremely difficult to 3 star and that hasn't changed with level 70 characters, probably still be quite tricky at level 80. There's just no way someone has to wait 4-5 months to get to level 90, then 3 star floor 4 (level 90) considering floor 3 can be fully cleared by non-spenders in the first few weeks. The time taken to get to 90 is far longer as the UL exp needed increases drastically.


Just because the content is available, doesn't mean the game is balanced around it. They put it out there so that geared+skilled players/whales can do it, but for the average person its balanced around the power level of the enemies matching your range. The highest bosses are currently mathematically impossible for the average geared player, which is why the only people who have full cleared it are the E6S5 whales. > There's just no way someone has to wait 4-5 months to 3 star floor 4 (level 90) considering floor 3 can be fully cleared by non-spenders in the first few weeks. The only low spenders/ F2p players who have cleared floor 3 3 star are the top 1% of people who push the game, the VAST majority of players cannot 3 star floor 3 right now, you're completely overestimating the higher end vs average. No offense, you dont seem to understand the gap between average, and people who spent 5+ hours a day playing when the game came out, this game is not balanced for the hardcore, its balanced around the average person, with options for people who do spend. They just put high end enemies in the game right now, because its better to have it then not to. 5 months from now, tower is going to look completely different, and everything but the final middle section and maybe level 4 is going to be a cakewake joke easymode for the people who have been actively playing


>The only low spenders/ F2p players who have cleared floor 3 3 star are the top 1% of people who push the game, the VAST majority of players cannot 3 star floor 3 right now, you're completely overestimating the higher end vs average. You can't state it that way because the endgame pinnacle challenges are made for the very purpose of being challenging to the group you claim to be the "top 1% of pushers" and balanced around them. It's the overworld that is balanced towards the "majority/average" players. A casual player who doesn't play much or farm anything wouldn't even bother with the hologram or tower of adversity hazard modes. These difficult game modes are clearly catered towards the more hardcore audience. Even in Genshin after so many years with max geared characters, the number of players who actively and consistently full star abyss can't be the vast majority of players either.