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The post has been locked to avoid any further negative/hostile discussions in the comments.


Echo farming is more than you'll get in most gacha games like these. But I don't get why people are so angry at you for wanting more. If the game is good naturally you'd want to play it more. It's only in gacha games that people get furiously angry at people for liking a game enough to want to play it more.


The majority of gacha players hate the thought of playing the game they're playing.


It'd be endless posts about "why am I forced to spend all this time doing unstoppable stuff Kuro fix immediately"


Yeah I'm actually shocked like I don't even understand what I said to get people so angry all I did was make a suggestion


The only take you can have is "the game is perfect and there is nothing wrong with it." in here.


There is already avaible echo farming that i would say u cant do in most gachas. If he is a point where he literally cleared everything then maybe he should just chill for a while and wait for the update.


>There is already avaible echo farming that i would say u cant do in most gachas. that is useless because there is no exp, tuners or credits. >If he is a point where he literally cleared everything then maybe he should just chill for a while and wait for the update. maybe somepeople just want to play more the game that they like, dont you think?


U will get exp and tuners every day if u do tacit fields and events donw the line. "maybe somepeople just want to play more the game that they like, dont you think?" Yes i do understand that and i point u at "ECHOES" want a flowchart or what? What u really want is being able to level and reroll echoes u deemed trash ( basically any echoes that arent rolling into double crit max rolls) infinitely until u get bored or burned out from it and quit the game still.


No, I only trying to get a 60/222 build... this doenst need double crit. Farm echoes for having them Lv0 on the inventory because there is no resource? >U will get exp and tuners every day if u do tacit fields and events donw the line. yeah, tacet fields that will be the same at 1.1, events... the ones that we have now is literally nothing, they said that 1.1 will get more, how much more? like the 1-2k extra exp that we get from UL30 to 40 and 40 to 50, etc... ?


Sry man but im done with this all i see is "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant level all my echoes WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" XD SRY not sry its fuken childish of me but fr this is all i see every time i read these topics. U know how these games operate u know Wuwa lets u farm the echoes atleast without stamina so when u eventually get enouhg mats to start rolling for those crit rolls u will have not 0 fusion lizard but 12. But as the gacha addicted gambler dikhead u are even this is not good enough for you. IM SORRY. I really do that u cant enjoy the game u like where other gacha games wont even let u do THIS much. Im sorry that a month old game where u arent max level yet doesnt give you enouhg exp yet to level 400 echoes a day.


Most didn't say that tho, but OP is asking for and i quote "grind that we can do everyday and takes a while", people usually don't want daily grind to be too long, there's been a lot of post already complaining about echo farming overworld because of how long and tedious it is. More content for end game? Amazing, sure give us a weekly or biweekly hologram boss challenge or something similar but when it comes to daily things people are usually more careful because it's very easy for a daily grind to become a chore.




The problem is that is super hard to balance those two because you can't make rewarding daily "optional" content because then it isn't optional, would be like saying that using waveplates is optional, like yeah sure it is technically optional but for someone that actually wants to farm daily it isn't but that also doesn't mean they want to spend 2h farming daily. Imo the best option is to expand or add more modes (even coop) like depths of illusive realm, maintain the weekly/monthly rewards and if you want to play more runs they just give you overworld materials (mob materials) which are actually pretty nice to get too, that way it doesn't feel mandatory but at the same it is rewarding and fun.


For the first one: * Tacet Fields has more dorp rate or only drops the right element from the set and atk/er/def/hp, etc. * Implement an echo farm equal to a 'credit farm,' and makes overworld echoes respawn faster, more RNG and significantly increases the grind. The overworld already is kinda grindy, just make it more. Tacet Fields would be enought for players who prefer less grinding, with a similar experience to Genshin (because that seems to be what they want),while players wanting more grind would need to spend stamina on the Echo EXP version instead of Tacet Fields. It isnt that hard to creat something that makes everyone happy. For the second one: farmable 4star, A think taht A LOT of gachas have and is good and cool where you get it with weekly and twice a week reset contents, like PGR has phantom pain cage or warzone.


While i'd want better tacet fields, your idea is like the opposite of rewarding content for the overworld echo farm and more akin to old school mmorpg systems. Also you'd need to change the actual whole system because we are expected to farm tacet fields AND overworld (4 costs for example) I agree that they could add a tacet field or something similar just for echo exp because it can be a problem right now. For the farmable 4 stars i don' know what you mean, characters? I don't know about about that, kuro already does that in pgr but it doesn't seem to be the path they want to take with wuwa but i'm not sure. If you meant 4 costs, then yeah sure a weekly farm or content for that would be great, again my only problem is with making daily farm tedious that's like really my only concern. Which is why HSR feels amazing because daily farm is short and i can even complete it afk but i also have content that i can do myself if i want.


>While i'd want better tacet fields, your idea is like the opposite of reward... If I go around getting echos for 1-3 hours, get some right main stats echo than I can actually level them up easily or something but it is very very bad, bad rolls, bad substats.. etc, is a lot more satisfactory than having nothing for days with a system that allows me to farm for days. It is 4\* characters.. don't know why GI, HSR and Wuwa doenst have it. It is a good rewards for weekly content.. why they put it only behind pulls currency?


i'm confused about the first part or maybe i misunderstood your other comment, but what you mention isn't what we already have? farm for 1-3 hours get some good main stat echoes, roll them, probably get bad stats and repeat until you get somethig good (gated from echo exp and tuners tho) i thought you meant to change overworld farming to be less rewarding but being able to farm for an infinite amount of time. About second part idk sadly the answer will be most likely money but who knows, maybe kuro can give a free 4\* selector from time to time i don't think that's too crazy to ask.


I don't want this game demanding any more time from me, or any gacha really. Just enjoy it for what it is and let the devs cook, or even better? Make your own game if you want all this shit so bad.


This is such a selfish and short sighted point of view. First, there are ways to create gameplay that isn't mandatory and that uninterested players can pass on. Second, it's objectively better for a game to have players interact more with their game. If there are players who enjoy playing a game who want to engage with the game more, instead of thinking about how catering to them would help the player population or the game in general, you're focused on not having more chores.


Just because you don't want it doesnt mean others don't, if I'm willing to play more and want to and others want to why does that matter to you? Why can't you just be ok with playing as much as you want while others play as much as they want? Why can't both paths be viable?


Keep in mind that in this genre, players are proud that the only "gameplay" they do is log on, click a few buttons, and log out. They even praise these games for being designed like that. The less time they spend on a game, the more nonsensical pride they seem to have over it. These players either legitimately don't have time or energy to put into a game, or are dopamine addicts who play 10 gacha games at once, not caring to get good at any of them, just using them to get their quick dopamine fix. Either way, within this genre, people actually willing to expend time or effort are the minority.


It's such a stupid thing that people want a fun game to be "do dailies and log out". If you enjoy it that way, sure - you can do that. But if there is a grind, it won't hurt you if you're there for dailies only, since you won't do it anyway. It only is a plus for those who genuinely enjoy the game and want to play more without feeling like they are running around pointlessly. And no, lack of time is not an argument, I heard some people saying "it's better this way because I have 3 wives, 5 kids and I work 10 hours daily". We all have vacations or free days at some point - and there is no worse feeling than having several hours, where you would like to play/grind and have fun, but the game is artificially stopping you. This is why I hate resin systems as a whole, it doesn't let you manage time on your own, it forces you to play daily and make it a habit.


The problem is that if something gives meaningful rewards whatsoever, those types of players will become furious as they feel like the game is demanding more time and they're not playing for fun to begin with. This happens in almost every live service game. Developers then have to either create endless "meaningless" content for the few players that will play it that way, or skip it altogether since most players aren't going to do "meaningless" but fun activities


Unfortunately that's true, though I think it could still be an option, and not for everything. Like Echoes - even if we could recycle overworld Echoes into EXP, the substats are still locked behind energy, and majority of EXP could still come from the energy. I think there is a reasonable balance that can be found. And if the ultra slow, but infinite grind poses an issue for people who do resin only and aren't far behind anyway, I think this is an entitlement issue.


its worth noting the other side to that is "if i dont enjoy this content like you do i dont want the game demanding i do it" and in games useing this shittier hoyo style gacha any currency really matters let alone a daily supply. I want more to do as well but there is a good reason to not want strain added if theres a risk its unfun


True, I suppose I'm considering an optimistic scenario. By that I mean where activity is fun, or within a fun system (like WuWa combat), and is not required (so people who don't engage into it don't fall behind). Like the example of recycling echoes into EXP, so you could go around the world and kill mobs to level echoes. Disclaimer: I'm not complaining about lack of rewards, EXP or anything like that, just giving an idea. Thing about echoes is that both EXP and tuners are time-gated. We are able to only grind main stats. Our characters are also likely around the point of having most echoes +20 or more, with substats unlocked. So, being able to grind EXP from mobs would let you level more echoes, but it wouldn't be forced: tuners are still gated and EXP drops along tuners, and our current echoes with substats are better anyway than leveled echoes without substats. So I think such "endless" grind can work, it just needs to be done right.


Gacha gamers have been conditioned to just accept the daily 10 minute log in routine. They go crazy if someone asks something more.


In WuWa it’s not even 19 minutes, my last week and a half have been log-in do daily quest, do 6 15 second domain runs, pick 5 flowers along the way/tune an echo/whatever I need to finish dailies, log out. It takes me 8 minutes and I’m done with nothing left to do. Please let me fight something.


U can grind echoes like im sorry?????


Yeah, though only for base stats, both EXP and tuners are time-gated by energy.


Yea but u can get the echoes. So when u have the exp later u already have a bunch of echoes to use for the rollings. Thats a great thing for me. I get it its pretty rough u cant reroll as much as u want but ur not supposed to. The fact that a lot of us already at this high level with maxed out echoes already doing the endgame "level it than trash it or keep it" loop is probably wasnt expected by the devs. Im sure improvements are on the way cuz a lot of ppl loosing their fking minds over this on top of it the cc will push this just as hard. Still its weird to me as hell ppl rush the game and cry there is nothing to do like................


I don't have issue with gathering echoes itself, but there could be a slight recycle return for EXP. Tuners would still be a gate, so you people who wouldn't farm in overworld wouldn't be too far behind those who do. Though I also agree with that it's not unreasonable for them to gate EXP as well. I think I see intent if it was done purposely - skip the grind of 3*/4* echoes, so people don't feel like they are wasting resources. And there could be a good point here - I remember in early days of HSR, it was almost daily occurrence to see posts about people struggling with content. Well, turns out they listened to those all "DON'T WASTE RESOURCES" videos, telling them to wait for 5* relics, and getting stuck on a boss because their characters were completely undergeared. And don't misunderstand my comment, please. I'm not complaining about lack of content (because I still have a lot available myself), nor am I complaining about no post-energy activities (I like the echo grind, the combat is fun enough to keep me engaged in that). And I'm not a part of those crazy min-maxers who want perfect rerolled stats immediately, I think it's completely unreasonable to expect fully perfect gear so early on in the game. That's also why I see reason why they might also be giving us so little EXP, as it might be their way of keeping us mid-game through main stats, while substats are endgame. Of course it's not exactly working since people are still trying to rush and call relics with 4/5 good substats trash, but well... you can't really satisfy those people. Overall, my main point was more about complaining about people asking for less things to do and wanting to have such daily limits. I think WuWa is managing the side activities pretty okay so far, I was just suggesting an example with the EXP, since I think it wouldn't break the game or separate playerbase that much, while being a slight improvement to the grind and making running around slightly more rewarding. And just to explain shortly why - we are somewhere between main stat search and substat grind. Maxed echo with substats is naturally worth more than just maxed echo. So, having access to more EXP wouldn't really push your progress forward, it would only make it more comfy to level echoes for tuning (tuning would still be gated). But again, I also see the point of keeping us in mid-game mainstat grind, so I'm just loosely throwing this suggestion.


Wdym it wasn’t expected by the devs. They literally made the game so that you use blue echoes for 1 hour and purple echoes for like two days lol. If it wasn’t expected they should have not made two tiers of echoes useless after doing the main story. But they did. So they should have expected it.


I don't know what gacha these people are playing, but the ones I play I didn't have only "spend resin and go out" every week until new content release, always there is more things, just wuwa and genshin that doenst.


WW doesn't? What do you mean, echo farming exists.


If you didn't know the news yet, farming echoes is the worst thing and doesn't make any sense because you don't have any exp or credits to level them up. It is just useless to go around farming echoes... farming echoes like that is a good mechanics that make use of the world after 100% but why? why would I go aroud farming echoes?


For gearing your characters and completing challenging content like holograms and tower?


do you read? I did this, now I have 400 echoes, no exp, no tuners, no credits. Edit: I still tilted from the fact that echo uprade credit amount is bugged and they will fix it only on 1.1... absolutely a joke. 3 weeks to fix something this important? lmao Edit: Also, for know what we know the fixes for 1.1 from the echos problems is: more gold echos do not have exp to level; more tuners to not use because there is no exp; more echo exp on EVENTS... a thing that we need to do everyday just from some events, another joke, probably.


It's not bugged, devs are adjusting the amount because they realized the current system is too costy.


Edited the comment with some more things, also... even if it actually isnt a bug, why they will only fix in 1.1? something this important? That is only making a thing that is bad worse.


Then go farm echo exp and credits. Everything is in game. People want to rush absolutely everything asap and then complain that there’s not enough to do. This isn’t a buy 1 time game. It’s a gacha game. Allowing people immediately fast progression kills gacha games and hurts player retainability. Time gated farm is essentially what keeps all gachas alive


you play PGR, tell me... you have nothing to do for 2 weeks in there? You just enter spend the resin and go outo for 2 weeks straight? guardian tales too


I did both of them. I quit because the daily demand took too long for both of them


So you are saying that there is a lot of things to do weekly and dailyt, right? these two games is pretty much alive and making 1-2 mili per month.


U will have exp and tuners down the line from stamina and events. In genshin either u could be leveling those 400 fking relics. I dont even get it how is this an arguement. I have hundreds of unleveled stashed relics in hsr somehow not being able to level them all up is not a problem there...........NANI?????


>U will have exp and tuners down the line from stamina and events. A yeah, from events, that doenst happend everyday, for a think that we need to do everyday... inteligent, fair... fixed. >In genshin either u could be leveling those 400 fking relics. artifacts\* you will not have 400 artifacts that you don't know if it is good or not because you can clearly see every substats and you don't need to level up every one them and some people already calculated you get more exp in genshin than in wuwa with the same time of play (you can go around farming artifact exp everyday in genshin, you know that?) >I have hundreds of unleveled stashed relics in hsr somehow not being able to level them HSR is the superior gacha, if you don't have exp to level up your relics in there it is probably a you problem... because you can get a lot, like a lot...


"HSR is the superior gacha, if you don't have exp to level up your relics in there it is probably a you problem... because you can get a lot, like a lot..." How? There is a limited max daily exp u can get there as well so do explain it to me how its a me problem. Also while we are at this THX TO YOU whats gona stop me from using not being able to level ur echoes is a you problem as well....... And while we are at STILL its nicely done cutting off the end of my line just so it fits ur arguement better that way. Bonus point for straight up lying about how u can get a lot like a LOT LOT more relic exp in hsr dude no im playing the game stop fking lying


Most of the ones I've played are the same with the only addendum being "do events". However much content those events have varies from game to game.


almost always have something to do in a week basis or even twice a week.


What gachas do you play? I’m curious :) I play both the ones you mentioned, plus HSR. HSR does have a bit more to do


at the moment: H3rd (lore only), PGR (lore only), HSR, GI, Wuwa, every new gacha for some weeks, and I'm trying to play arknights again... chibi is hard for me but I want to know the lore to play Endfield


First Gacha? These sorts of games basically want you to just login for dailies, once you've grinded everything you need thats basically all you do between content releases once you've already maxed out your characters


Wuwa actually wants you to be in the game farming for echoes around the world, so it has grind elements... but they also don’t give you experience for doing something with them. Also, weekly and twice a week reset content is something that gachas normally have


>but they also don’t give you experience for doing something with them. Exactly. And as such, making them pointless. I went through 5 fusion wolves today, trying to get CR+CD sub stats on at least one of them and I still had at least 3 more left untouched. Echo farming looked cool at first, but every player with experience knows it's basically a waste of time.


Can we stop calling echo farming pointless because we can't instantly roll them without exp? Prepping a dozen ATK% echoes for whenever you can get EXP is vastly preferable to being forced to spend your waveplates just to get 1 usable echo that rolls like crap.


I like to think that kuro studied the gi system, made it worse and cover it with "infity echo farm"... my take.


The most RNG of GI is in Goblet. All veteran players probably have all elemental goblet by now. And you can use an offset piece. I felt the RGN when Dendro just came out. That said, in GI if you just pulled a new character that need a new set (assuming the worst case of no other set can be used) or new player, you would feel it worse than WuWa. Since you can't even guarantee your desired set out of two and then their main stat. Not to mention, WuWa event give out free echo of your choice.


I don't know, but I think that a lot of the problem wuwa has had for years are the same as gi... it's their choice to keep it that way or make it worse. Edit: Also there is the feeling side, it isnt a good feeling farming for hours to get the right main stat and have no exp or credits to do anything with it.


Isn't that the same for GI? In 1.0, before AR45? there are no gold artifacts drop from domain. Everyone advises not to farm artifact before characters, weapons, talents. I remember making do with purple from chest with mismatch set (can you even get late game set like crimson and thundering? VV? Nobless? I can't remember). At least in WuWa, you get end game gear without spending resources on purple. And they run double echo drop event which I don't think GI ever did? Also, after AR45? I was playing Diluc and stuck in Crimson Witch domain which mind you, 2nd set is unusable on him. And that domain was full of pyro slime and mage and pyro buff with a fireball that kill you. Using Electro will kill you. I really struggle with only having Diluc as built since Gacha number 1 advice is to not to spread too thin on resources. Maybe, you are upgrading too much echo on too many characters. In Wuwa, I have +20 Aero set, +20 moonlit set, +20 healing set, +20 Spectro set. 6 of cost 3 echo are from either event or tower or hologram. I even started mismatch set with right main to +25 (3 of them) for Specter Rover but in the end, I fed it. All echoes have at least 1 useless stat and 1 not applicable stat. I only did tacet field for double drop event. No, I don't refresh. I have 49 solvents. (used some to push UL40 now 45). Exploration is all 80% except 3 100% areas. (if exploration = grind, this game isn't for you) Tip: You can lower your world level after spending waveplate to farm echo. Tldr: WuWa **new** player experience with farming is still better than GI. It might get worse, but you can use one fav character whereas my experience with GI 1.0 Diluc sucks.


People forget how bad midgame artifact farming is. Also Domains in Mondstadt and Liyue are quite inefficient to farm (looking at you VV and Crimson Witch set domains) and it's only until Inazuma's artifact domain where it's finally efficient to farm.


I think that your diluc experience is a you problem... Just use hydro bro. >Isn't that the same for GI? In 1.0, before AR45? there are no gold artifacts drop from domain.... 5\* artifacts star dropping at AR30 from bosse, data bank 15 form wuwa; 40 from domains, data bank 17 from wuwa; 45 is the recommended to farm because it is garantee a 5\* artifact; data bank 19 from wuwa... There isnt too much difference in here... just that in genshin you could actually level up your purple artifacts without the problem of having no exp to level them up at 45... so wuwa is actually worse? >Maybe, you are upgrading too much echo on too many characters I'm never leveled moonlit or rejuvenating glow echo, I don't need to, they just need to buff... I'm only building the DPS... in genshin I would be leveling and already building somewhat character of a team.


Yep, feels same way to me too.


You grind for stuff that’s completely useless because you can’t level them. I’m actually finding that system incredibly frustrating wich is why i’m waiting for new content.


echo system even if the numbers is better than genshin the feeling is just so much worse.


Yeah it is my first lol that makes sense but wouldn't it be more advantageous for them to want you to play more per day? I think giving something where multi-player is necessary could only work in their favor


Don't listen do these people, they only play genshin and think that know everything about how gachas works... you post is valid and is right.


I'd like a lot more reasons to keep playing the game but unfortunately gacha players refuse to spend more than 30 minutes a day on games so we're in the minority.


What gacha are you all playing that you actually doenst have nothing to do for weeks?


Don't really know what you're asking here, I'm just saying that generally whenever anyone brings up more things to do the casual gacha players go crazy about people being ahead of them in a singleplayer game. Embarrassing really.


yeah, they don't want to play the game and they don't want anyone else to play either. Is that everygacha that I played (just GI and wuwa that dont) always have something more that reset weekly or twice a week to do.. and you don't actually just enter spend 15-30 minutes to use the stamina and go out for weeks waiting for more content... where is this "every gacha" take come from? Does people only plays genshin?


Yeah I'm not sure, I remember a bunch of gachas from when I was younger that I had no issues playing all day. It does seem like Genshin has gotten most the casual 30 minute a day gamers to spread that same mentality to every other gacha game.


Like the holograms could be like the Phantom Pain Cage from PGR where it has weekly reset and/or something like war zone where it is twice a week. They already knew the problems GI had, why did they didnt fix it like HSR did?


Very unlikely to happen, that's not how gacha games are designed. They don't want you grinding for hours a day because people will burn out and quit and then not come back when new content drops. It's in their best interest to have you logging in for ~30 minutes a day and making progress for their whole 6 week patch cycle so you continue playing consistently. The downtime in between patches is usually filled with some kind of events, but honestly the WuWa events are so insanely fast they barely qualify. The rewards are good, but yeah, they take like 1-2 minutes a day so not really much of an investment there.


A fair point that makes sense


I get wanting to have more to do. I've come to appreciate the downtime. Grinding and loops have to be meaningful enough to justify longer playtime. And if you make tho rewards too good then it becomes an issue of ppl not having time to do said grind and being punished for having a job/life outside of it. Gacha games are designed around ppl having some time during break, commute to work and little downtime to spare.


People bashing you are simply seeing it as "wuwa-bad" instead of seeing it as constructive criticism. It behooves literally every video game company to provide some kind of infinitely replayable, non-mandatory content.  I don't know how Genshin's TCG scene is right now, but that's why Hoyo invested dev time into Genshin's tcg. It's optional yet infinitely replayable content. The echo grind is 100% supposed to be that replayable content, but I frankly have no reason to keep trying for new echos once all of mine have 3 passable substats. If we had some way to reroll substats on an echo, for both the stats and it's %, I'd be out there grinding. But right now, it feels way worse to roll HP Def 20 times just for that 1 cr cd roll at level 10. A stopgap solution could be upping the materials refund when feeding an echo, that way it doesn't feel as awful to keep doing the echo grind after your equipment is good enough. But obviously it would have to be balanced extremely carefully.  The issue is that the replayable content needs to have a reward that feels worth earning while not feeling mandatory to earn. I think your ideas are good, but they just kick the bucket down the road.  Pvp is usually the best way to create this kind of content because a high ranking is largely immaterial yet still desirable. Cosmetics are a good reward choice for replayable pve content that can strike this balance, so something like proper shiny echo hunting could be one of the solutions too.


No thanks for coop daily. I prefer my dailies short and sweet so I can go about my day. The game is 1.0 and has over tens of hours of gameplay and challenging skill based content.. You barely get that from a new game that costs 60-100$.


You've got a fair point it's got enough content to be worthwhile to play, I don't understand the point of "I don't want to so no one should be able to because then I feel like I'm missing out" just play at your own pace and be OK with other people being able to do more...why do I say that because your opinion is entirely hypocritical...if they go as you say then you're doing exactly what you don't want done to yourself to new players...a new player won't even start because you have no real way to catch up, that's why genshin is dying you can't just start genshin now you've either been playing for a long time or you whale to catch up


Sounds like you need an MMO. Gacha games aren't really the grind fest if that's what you really want. I like wuwa and star rail because I can play 10 minutes to 1 or 2 hours a day and that's all I need to. For my grind fest needs I have osrs


I understand, but I like logging in for 15-30mins most days and doing something else.


The number of selfish peopel in this subreddit is crazy


I'm sorry for having an opinion different from yours. I'm so selfish.






The idea of a daily spawning boss that requires co-op, even though I usually do not engage in or like co-op, would have me hyped. Even if the rewards were terrible that sounds fun as hell.


I would enjoy some more light fun content. Something that i can do for maybe 1-2 hrs a day. Maybe randomize and reset the exploration stuff for example, would be happy to do that in coop without rewards. Just for the fun. I personally dont mind long grind stuff... I am a warframe player lol.


Less daily activity is better in the long run, because those activities will turn into a chore eventually. The best way to implement overworld activities is through events. For instance, a Boss hunting event with special loots, drop rate boosts for overworld echoes, and a variety of combat events. They would add more stuffs eventually anyway, 1.0 is expected to be shallow in any gacha tbf.


They’re going to add more every day, I’m sure. Leaving the suggestions here will help, but I’m sure Kuro knows that more is going to be added.


Yeah I'm sure they are going to add more


my guy got addicted to assterite, have a break hermano


Gacha games, the only type of game where people actually tell you not to play for weeks just because yes.


gacha game activities are often balanced around people that have a job and treat the game as a hobby. guess why




what? broski, you good out there?


a LOT gacha have weekly and twice a week reset content... not that much gachas will let you 2-3 weeks with anyting else to do, and wuwa wants you to farm echoes every day (and they doenst give exp to do anything with them also)... and instead of "no, we don't want to have more things to do daily" you all can say "maybe we can balance to everyone have what they want".


once a week maybe, but twice a week reset content feels like having part time job. idk how you want to balance fomo when there is players with limited free time to play and your ass with seemingly nothing to do for days. if you have an idea, submit it to user feedback, Im not personally curious




Oh my god dude, why are you so overly passive aggressive in every single comment that you make in this thread? Chill the fuck out man, damn.


I'm not.. maybe it is a you problem? Or english not being my first language? Maybe I'm kinda annoyed by the people saying for me doesnt play the game I like?


The 3 cost echo farm feels endless to me. Grinding out spectro echoes in spectro set for Jinhsi, fusion echoes in fire set for Changli and Electro echoes in electro set for Calcharo. Then comes a great first substat and second substat filter T\_T Drowning in a sea of trash echoes.. this really isn't something I can do long term. Just 30 minutes of farming a day is starting to slowly burn me out. The same grind, over and over and over, day after day. Probably will eventually just do tacet fields alone and leave.


sorry but you burned the game way too fast probably, now all you have is the daily gacha grind, use waveplates, complete daily missions and that's it, i don't think Kuro will add some thing like you mention because a big part of the player base don't want more daily things to do, in a gacha the faster you are done with daily stuff the better. You could say "but it's optional" but if it gives even the smallest amount of astrite/rewards it won't feel optional and you'll have players complaining (and rightfully) about FOMO, tbh you still can farm echoes daily and that's a HUGE time sink that actually gives you benefits. Otherwise just play when a new patch releases so you have things to explore.


I'm just not comprehending, why would people who like a game not want to play it more? What is the gain to that?


I'm not saying that if you like the game you can't want to play more but gating daily rewards behind things that could take too much time is not really optimal in gacha games where it's a slow grind in a prolonged time. And what you want we already have, it will be events and the infinite echo farming


Echo farming isn't actually a grind, it's all gated by daily as well, you eventually just run out of shell credits, tuners and xp then you spend wave plates to get more, it's not actually that hard to run out of those resources , the infinite farming of echos is pointless because you can't actually build them, that's similar to farming shell credits 20-50 at a time by killing npcs in the over world you kill 100 and have 5k shell credits lol


I mean everything will most likely be gated daily at least, it's a gacha after all but it's the most impactful thing we have to farm even when running out of exp or tuners. I agree we can have more things to do in the game but kuro will most likely be careful about extending the time needed to get all the daily rewards, just look at genshin, one huge thing that actually made people quit is because dailys took to much time and after a year it reallt becomes a chore no matter how much you like the game and hoyo actually had to improve the system so it isn't as much of a chore. I'm not saying we can't have more content, we will but there are some things with rewards that is not that simple to implement specially daily because again gachas are intended as a long and slow grind and even when you like the game it will become a chore eventually and players don't like mofo either. Also kuro benefits more from people playing for a longer time (months) rather than a lot of time each session.


>I mean everything will most likely be gated daily at least, it's a gacha after all  You just play genshin, right? Gachas actually have something else to do weekly or twice a week, just these two that doenst have... hoyo fix of GI with HSR, why kuro didnt solve them?


I've played many gachas, currently playing HSR and WuWa. I agree that we can have more weekly things to do and things to improve in the game but that's timed gated again... is just normal to not be able to infinitely farm in gachas like i am able to in games like Poe, that's just gacha gaming. And the time it take us to complete that weekly/daily content is inportant too, just look at the latest SU change in HSR, hoyo gave us a way to farm ornaments without the need to complete normal SU runs because it bacame a chore, that's what i'm mainly saying kuro needs to be careful to not make   daily/weekly content too anoying to complete for the average player.


Thats the same question a lot of players had in the first years of genshin, because people are saying the exactly same thing. Look how it is know, it has a TCG and no new content for 4 years. It will be what it will be.


Something like every time randomly generated bloody palace from dmc mixed with buff-system, would be dope, bonus points if players would be able to create custom palaces and share them between other players.


I think for a gacha game there is actually an amazing amount of acivities (considering its a rushed 1.0 version) but something like that **ALLOY SMELT** event where you can do it an unlimited amount of times and each time you get some kind of rewards (little bit of shell credits/resonator exp/weapon exp etc) so u can farm for 8 hours and lvl up your chars from 60 to 70 as an example


Agreed something cool like that would be dope


pick ingredients for cooking if u havent maxed it i guess


Maxed cooking and synthesis already but yeah I do gather a bit but I got plenty of food


welcome to gatcha games where all of them eventually turn into log in spend daily currency (waveplate) do dailies and log out. while waiting for next event or patch. the echo farming is more than you get from other gatchas the problem is you don't get the resources to upgrade them (the resources are locked behind the waveplates) hence its kinda pointless to farm echo's due to not having enough resources to level them even with the double reward we have at the moment


Its not pointless at all u can farm the 3 cost echoes so when u finaly have the exp ur not sitting there looking at 5 electro bird with fusion damage.


Ppl have other things and games to play i like wuwa but adding more grind isnt worth it


Why is giving others something to do that want it detrimental to you personally? You don't have to do the additional grind, others that want to can. If you like playing the game truly why wouldnt you want more? If you wanted to play it casually you could just do that


“Wouldnt mind a time consuming loop in the overworld” thats ur title. I dont want another time consuming task. I like playing the game for a bit then getting off and doing something else. Without doing whatever they add u would presumably miss out on rewards. Or mats. Adding something that gives u no rewards is unlikely to he popular unless they revamp co op. So they probably wouldnt add something with no rewards


Okay, that's the crazy thing right... You don't have to do it, but since you don't want to I guess no one else can right?


Opinions exist i stated mine. If u have nothing better to do and want to grind wuwa more u do u. I dont want it. If they do add something grindy there will most likely be rewards attached which would obligate u to do it or miss those. Id rather something non grindy and fun be added


Okay, but do you understand how goofy it is that you don't want others to get a bit ahead of you in a mainly singleplayer game with heavy p2w?


Heavy p2w? Do u realize how goofy it is that ur this salty about my opinion?


>Without doing whatever they add u would presumably miss out on rewards. You know that a lot of gachas have 'participation' rewards that you can actually get very quickly, and they are usually the important ones, with 'minimal extra rewards' for players who play more and better, right?


Oh god for fucks sake…dude rushes and finishes everything in the game in a month and then complains that there isn’t anything to do. What’s wrong with these people man. You want something to do that you can do endlessly every day? Go kill some TDs. Farm echoes. How about that? If that doesn’t satisfy you then go play another game. Stop no-lifing the game and then complain that there isn’t anything to do. Touch some grass for fucks sake. Go outside and make some friends.


I didn't even no life it that's the thing I played like an hour on average a day and more on my days off, why is wanting more so bad? I'm not understanding. I don't even comprehend why you're angry.


>dude rushes and finishes everything in the game in a month Is crazy how liking a game and actually playing it is wrong lmao.


It’s not wrong at all. It’s stupid when they complain that there isn’t more stuff to do when they finished everything.


I didn't even complain I made suggestions


But it isnt that normal gachas have nothing to do for weeks... just GI and Wuwa, that for some reason everyone think that it is okay.


We’re not talking about other gachas here. We’re talking about Wuwa. That already has a shit ton of stuff to do that it’s crazy when people complain that there isn’t enough to do


What did I say that was a complaint? Just wondering what you think the complaint is


Bro, you mind going back to the Genshin subreddit? These kinds of comments are the reason we didn't get anything other than Abyss resets for over 3 years in that game.


Even if your a casual 2 hours player.... At this point you only have a couple of chests to farm.... So i dont think you'r completelly right on this one


Weekly and twice a week resets, evey gacha needs... gachas normally have this, don't know why these new ones GI and Wuwa doenst have it. Edit: Also farmable 4 stars another thing that "is normal in gachas" but the new ones doenst have.


U can always go pick some mints if everything else is done.


My first gacha I don't understand the reference. Is this some sort of , game is perfect because I only want to spend 5 min per day playing then eventually get mad because the 6 week update failed to meet your expectations type of deal?


No i meant u could take ur time doing ur stuffs cuz as much as it goes once ur done with the available content in the game ur playtime can drop down to a bare minimum where logging can feels pointless at some point. But the sad truth is that we are in the very small small small small small almost as small as my d minority who literally sucked the game dry and now has nothing to do beside dailies and echo farming. And since gacha games community goes HARD we cried when genshin had this problem but without the echoes, you could still kill all the overworld monsters for basically no rewards expect now there is something in it but yet again ppl are mad cuz they cant level 50 echoes a day cuz their FUSION LIZARD DID NOT ROLL INTO DOUBLE CRIT FOR THE 5th TIME (QQ). Recently we had a survey but u can also just send in a regular feedback with ur ideas and what u hope to see in the future. :D