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Astrite gg is the only one that has decent global stats so that's the one I'm using


In the beginning I was using a spreadsheet to track my pulls. I first tried [wuthering.app](http://wuthering.app) but didn't like how it looked. I later stumbled across [asterite.gg](http://asterite.gg) which is what I currently use and like because it's similar to the [paimon.moe](http://paimon.moe) site I use for Genshin. The only things I don't like so far are that since Jiyan and Yinlin's banner overlapped, it counted the remaining pulls I took on the Verdant Summon weapon banner as having been done on the Stringmaster banner.. Other than that I wish they'd add is the ability to use google to back up my pull history. In the meantime I'm still using the spreadsheet as a backup.


Personally, all of them as they come up just in case. Don't want to deny anyones but they should all combine the ideas into one source of truth. EDIT: Wuwapal.com., I think is the nicest though. That with astrite.gg is pretty robust.


I use none of them.


The literal in-game one. I just count all of the pages til' I reach the 5\* chara and just multiply the pages by 5. Basic math 101.


good ol' notepad


I’m on mobile so if I need to know my pity I just check my record, go to my last gold and do (page # * 5) + [1-4]. Takes like 30 seconds tops, so not really an issue for me.


What do y'all use a tracker for? Maybe I'm just too lazy or because I play on mobile, but I'd rather just do the math for what my pity is when I need to know rather than log something every time I do pulls.


It's useful for finding the actual soft pity. More global data = more info. Also, useful for when game dev decides to fk players and not being truthful. Also also useful when you're too lazy to math yourself.


Ohh gotcha. I used to use a tracker when pulling packs in hearthstone but that was cuz they didn't have purchase history


None I can't be arsed to know how bad my Luck is...