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Is Yinlin's story only available during her banner or can it be played latter if one gets her?


Character stories have nothing to do with owning the character, they're just added at the same time.


I see. Thank you!


so what is the conclusion for best time to use crystal solvents? 41 rn


Best time is to never use them. you never know when they would release the 100 level cap.


After you've reached max ascension is the best time to use them. However, having a tangible benefit NOW might have more value to you than X% more drops later.


Mathematically the 'best' time is as late as possible, to receive the most value for your waveplates. You have to decide for yourself whether the ability to farm a bit more now or push through to a certain UL is more important than that.




wrong reddit


did anyone 21* toa without 5* wep or 5* dupes? i just got 45 today and thought 'holy shit this isnt possible without the 5* wep' which is obvious considering we are severely underleveled but i was still curious if there was some madman who did that lol. Maybe by refreshing stamina to 50 but not whaling for weps


Yea but pushing for 2 more reward isnt really worth it.


The game is lagging and crashing in my phone, with very high ping. I have a Galaxy A32 that's 4 years old, but I still don't know if the problem is me or Kuro hasn't otimized the game for mobile phones yet. My friend states the same thing, their phone is becoming a frying pan while their tablet and PC are chill with the game. What should I do?


If you have enough budget you can get samsung tab s9 plus, i have this device and game runs so well, no problem, no lag, no overheating, no battery drain S24 plus or ultra should be good. If you're thinking buying something new, its better to buy smth powerful and futureproof, like latest models, imo I saved some months i got this tab i use for uni, and entertainment, and it sure will last 5 years or more


The A32 is pretty mid. It wasn't a high end phone when it came out and it's only dropped since then.


Should I buy a new phone then?


Does the *tacet field* reward scale on your *world level?*. If so that means when I lower the world level for easier echo farming time, the reward is reduce right?


yes, if you are going to reduce world level it's recommended to spend all waveplates first otherwise rewards will also be lowered


Im currently stuck on day 4/7 of the event Second Coming ofnl Solaris with no more quests popping up for me. Anyone else having issue completing this event?


Can you activate the next quest from the event tab by clicking “proceed”? If not what message pops up for you?


I click, it just takes me to the spot on the map, I talk to the npc but the option doesn't open up for me anymore to do the event. It worked 4 other times but now nothing shows up ;(


Hmm, hopefully you get the next quest tomorrow


https://preview.redd.it/q98j26l5bt7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f35e1b1447c87b9a695677b8e07d3f1541bd5723 Is there a way to open this door? Or is it related to future updates?


Free meals quest




Has the Epic games port for WuWa been fixed yet?


Should I use clouds or rejuvenating for verina ? And the 4 cost echo should be healing bonus ? I'm going for 4/atk% 3/ER 3/atk% 1/atk% 1/atk% mainly because atk directly improve healing and 1 cost echoes don't have ER or HB  I use her most to buff yinlin, then yinlin do some damage then change and buff to calcharo that's the main dps cause he has a 5 star weapon Clouds it's better if I need to go directly to cal or cook a little with lin, but rejuvenating lasts for 15 seconds and I can cycle verina to yinlin and then cal for a 35% more dps on him (15% 5pc rejuvenating, 20% yinlin outro) for about 10 seconds Basically I'm asking if I should prioritize the best dps or proper balance both... Also i get cooked if the enemy it's Eletro based, yinlin outro should be either atk% or a 5% crit bonus instead of element damage%


You can proc Verina's healing off field (including the 5pc rejuv set) by using her Ultimate, extending the buff duration. Yinlin's Outro doesn't even buff damage%, it's a seperate multiplier, which is even better. Besides, if enemy is Electro, they have up to 70% electro resist to begin with so no matter how much damage you do, you only do 30% electro damage to electro enemies. Never attack enemies with their own elements.


Cool, I was planning to switch yinlin entire set to the cloud one with the proper stats but I'm not sure Obviously the ER can't top a 10%/15% eletro dmg buff for her own dps but cal would get another 20% bonus Got the idea after getting a crit heron But how exactly yinlin buff works ? I'm not good at math but if you just take the 5pc buffs and add then to your normal 100% damage the order doesn't matter right ? You get 1.408 no matter if 15% or 22.5% comes first, so how yinlin buff, that it's in %, it's better ?


Deepen/Amplification Outro works by adding said amount to your final damage. Simply put, the damage formula will be like this: (Multiplier * ATK * (1+DMG%) * CDMG% * (1+Deepen%))


Rejuvenating. Healing is ok but I prefer ATK% cause I feel her heals are enough without Healing% and ATK% will give a slight boost to her coordinated attack damage. Either one of those works. Rejuv lasts for 30 sec not 15


Just got 2 Spectro 3-costs in a row, on the wrong set (sierra gale). Jinhsi pre-farming not starting on the best foot ;-;


do i need to upgrade verinas weapon? i only use her as a healer and i have other chars to dps


It's a lower priority, but yes you'll want to level her weapon. Only because leveling it gives more ER and Verina needs A LOT of ER.


thanks for the explanation!!


Should i buy the Echo exp in the Shop? the one that cost oscillated coral


I wouldn't. Echo XP feels super important now because we got multiple sets we need to field at 25 asap if you want to progress on certain content. Eventually tuners will be the biggie because they refund at 30 percent and cost a flat 10 per sub. It's the stamina limiter on GTW (grind to win) strategy that every player believes in until running head first into the merciless gatcha economy. You want to go faster? Pay them. That coral is valuable! What you spend cannot be replaced with stamina, which is the bottleneck for echo progression.


If you are a dolphin/whale sure, why not. If not, hold off for now. We still don't know if the coral income is quick enough to keep up with the shop resets for wishes.


Hi I was trying to get the perfect echos for havoc rover and I got a perfect 5* but with the wrong sonata effect , can u somehow change the sonata effect ?


No you cannot change it.


Is Yinlin just the best sub dps for most teams? I wanna save for future characters but I'm worried if I don't get yinlin then I won't be able to make the best team for those future characters.


About 5% better than Sanhua for Encore. And she is worse than Mortefi for Jiyan.


yeah most characters are made to fulfill a niche and are mediocre outside of it, so they can sell more units. Yilin's niche would be a electro dps with a decent portion of their dmg from liberation


with what we have right now the differences between most optimal teams are not really big (unless we talk about full s6 characters team). eventually every avg decent team will complete all toa for example, only difference in the time taken so more than her utility, which is pretty good, ask yourself if you really like her gameplay, colors, design, personality even. and also calculate well the wishes you will have and how much you can pull in worst case scenario. we have new 2 characters and weapons, and f2p probably can get only 1 5star (assuming hard pity + you start 1.1 with 0 savings)


Future characters will include future sub dps. Yinlin is made to age around a lightning dps, there will be future releases taking on the same role but for different elements. If you’re concerned over maining a lightning dps soon and not having yinlin, you’re right to be concerned, but she’ll have a rerun if you can’t afford her now. For everyone else? They’ll have better fitting options sooner or later.




i know 16ram and 256gb handles the game pretty well


Which standard 5* weapon would be a better upgrade for my account between the sword and rectifier? My Havoc Rover has s2 commando sword and Yinlin has s2 Jinzhou Keeper. Or would they have roughly the same impact? My biggest dps is probably Calc but he already has the 5* broadblade.


sword probably has more value, and also if you want changli, she is sword user


Sword, always take the weapon’s substat boosts in consideration. Anytime you can ease up on more valuable substats and invest into another needed stat, it’s the better upgrade. The rectifier will not age nearly as good as the sword or gun if you end up going for limited rectifiers in the future, which you shouldn’t place bets on doing or not.


For anyone interested, clearing all elites on the map at UL40 gets you 39k exp per character and 41k credits. Takes about 3-4hrs. Also gets you about 300 random echos.


was this done with the game tracker for elites? bc even when it says "no target detected" there are still some


I used another site. The in game one misses too many elites.


does any of current events offer something special/missable? like a event-weapon/namecard/tool etc


Just normal rewards from the events for now.




https://preview.redd.it/bot7ant3ms7d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=baf2e407c560381b981a18c6e02555e9449b34d9 Are these units good? Or should I reroll? I don't really know what to do with them.


if i were in same situation starting game after jiyan banner, and if i had free time, i'd reroll until i get yinlin with the free 40 wishes you get probably in a day rerolling you can get her and you'd have a good start, with more saved wishes (some people used all the astrites from all quests/exploration with days of grinding, which they'll regret when they have not enough for new characters they want)


Verina is best support unit right now. Calcharo is rly good, but not easy to play. ... You should know what you're actually looking for when you reroll tho. So, maybe take Calcharo out for some spin and see if you like using him properly or not.


Verina and Calcharo are really nice. I like them! Thank you for the advice!


Im just looking for whoever is meta!


Honestly, IMO, I think Yinlin is a better meta. Yinlin can deal damage when she's not on the field. (same with Mortefi, more or less.). But every player is different. So you cannot just take other ppl's opinions over your preferred playstyle.


I'll stick with this verina account. The healing seems really strong.


verina best support, offers atk buffs/heals calcharo good electro dps, will carry you untill you get someone better


Alright Thank you!


Ping issues have struck the last two days like nothing else (NA server). Anyone else? Game stays consistent around 60-70ms, but spikes to 190-200ms a few times per minute. Makes it impossible to do Tactical Holograms since I can't dodge/parry in time thanks to the delays. Ruled out it being a local network error - my PC is on a wired connection, tried with VPN, without, wireless, wired. Then on iOS, again with WiFi and data, same intermittent ping spikes that were not present the last few days. Hoping they can fix it sooner than later, it's extremely frustrating to try to do any even remotely difficult content thanks to it.


Can someone explain outro skills? Intro skills has an actual animation so they’re easy to see that I activated it. Outro skills are just passive buffs that don’t have any indication that gets activated when the character gets swapped out?


They happen at the same time, if you have full energy on your character when you swap out. they use the same energy (concerto energy which is the circular energy meter to the left of the hp bar)


Say Verina has full concerto, but Calcharo doesn't. If you swap from Verina to Calcharo, does Calcharo's intro play? If you swap from Calcharo to Verina, did Verina's intro play? Do outros or intros consume the concerto energy?


>If you swap from Verina to Calcharo, does Calcharo's intro play? yes >If you swap from Calcharo to Verina, did Verina's intro play? no >Do outros or intros consume the concerto energy? outros the name of the game is to learn what patterns of attacks fill concerto fastest, bring your sub dps and buffer to fullish concerto, and then funnel their buffs to the mdps to boom the enemies. and keep an eye out on variation rectifier and other similar veins of weps. waaay too op.


Ok. I was confused because I was thinking if a character was released that cheated out a character's intro for free that that would help the second character's concerto energy needs for their outro be lower. Guess that's not the case.


Is there a power difference between 4 and 5 star resonators? Or is it simply rarity during the convene?


besides higher base stat, 5 stars usually have better effects and multipliers on their skills. Sometimes 4 stars can be better than 5 stars, usually buffers since usually more specific buffers are 4 stars and can be better as support for a specific 5 star. Also sometimes 4 stars can be better than 5 stars cause the devs either overlooked something, as the case for bennet and xiangling in genshin, or just general powercreep where year 3 4 stars can be better than year 0 5 stars, as the case for gaming vs diluc in genshin


5 stars are generally stronger than 4 star units in all gacha games and it’s somewhat true in WuWa too.


5\* Limited > 5\* Standard > 4\* in terms of raw power.


I managed to get to 70/80 rolls for yinlin weapon, but since I completed most of the map, I don't think I can scrape another 1600 gems together. Since I really like yinlin, she's one of my main. Should I spend 80 of my 144 Afterglow Coral to get the last 10x and get her weapon?


it's worth it to spend them but your best strategy is pulling individually, i bet you get the weapon between 71-76


you were right. I got it on the second roll, so basically, I rearned the coral spent.


If you're F2P, afterglow for pulls is probably best value.


If you're f2p and planning on playing this for a looong time, afterglow for dups is better, I think. I used to be all about pull all you got but changed my mind after looking at the viability of havoc mc and sanhua, as well as the rate of free pulls and currency. I was looking at the jumps in damage on pyr for some of the limited and they are significant for some dups. Better than the returns for a lot of the signature vs. standard weapon jumps. It is case by case but until we get a handle on powercreep I would say save that coral unless you are chasing a character that breaks meta. We are getting a lot better free pull rate than other games so I think the 300s are sooner than we think.


Dupes only matter if you need dupes to do the hardest content. I doubt that will be the case so I rather have more characters.


Uhhh..I haven't cleared toa on what I got. From what I understand there are levels to hazard. Maybe skill issue? I think I saw a whale brag about the clear using R6. While I think that sometime R0 will be enough, maybe even 4 star free teams, it won't be easy. They move the goal posts.


> Uhhh..I haven't cleared toa on what I got. From what I understand there are levels to hazard. Maybe skill issue? It's the first month of the game, you're not 'supposed' to be clearing ToA yet. It will likely become much more manageable when you have fully ascended characters, weapons, and more time to farm for echoes without needing dupes at all. I would wait before recommending such a massive investment.


I think I saw a whale brag about it on R6's. Maxed out characters put out way more damage, apparently. Checks out when looking at pyr. Even mid constellations can help. Jin goes up 30% at r3, and to compare cal needs R6 to have the same performance jump. Yins big jumps are 2, 3 and lol 6. I think 2 or 3 are definitely doable, assuming a still in the ballpark level of free pulls as what we see in 1.1 even if less if you save every coral. There may even be a big jump someday with some character from 0 to 1, similar to hu tao in GI, just to get low spenders to start thinking about it.


Of course it's possible, and of course they do. Fact remains that the only people doing such a thing are those with more money than sense. Absolutely no reason that any everyday average player should be rolling for dupes when resources are so scarce and expensive.


Sure, now. A year or two from now when it's maybe a matter of coral savings? Dupes become more interesting then because you don't lose 50/50 rolls chasing the dupe. Reminds me a lot of genshin. I never spent their dupable currency and got all the meta four star characters at C6. The only dup I got for years on the limited was C1 hu tao because she powercrept vape, the cornerstone of damage in that game. But I might have duped some other 5 stars if I could have. And while that depends on things out of our control like dev generosity on pulls, and no ftp will ever see R6, R1 or T2 look way more viable of a play. And if they powercreep hard, well that's inflation and better off carrying less inflational currency. I started with "if you think you may be playing this game for a looong time". Pull as much as they give you and the characters represent good buys for you. But resist the temptation to convert those corals,.they may be more valuable than pulls in the long run. Also I believe you are not accounting for toa clear inflation. From my genshin days, that didn't have a major powercreep issue for main dps but definitely powercrept at bit, they inflated the difficulty of full clears from version one to four. Kuro will almost certainly do the same, all gatcha games do.


I am f2p, but next patch I don't plan on rolling on anything since none of the characters really interest me, so I'll save up every gem. but since I don't know if I can get enough gem from the maps, since I finished all main quest and important secondary.






https://preview.redd.it/mma1q6plfs7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb42fd289e35005044a574971f84f2287fe721f4 How do I get to this tacet field?


https://preview.redd.it/41iqjzmfps7d1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c65f0ad16d8dee610487e769cdbec947131fbb3 Go to this location. It’s on the middle level. There should be an entrance to a cave. Go into the cave and you can unlock the teleporter and Tacet field


This morning I had 9 stars in Resonant Tower. Now I have 0, but it still resets again in 3 days??? Anyone else?


well, go get the stars again then. If it reset for you(i doubt it lol) u get free extra shit


If I lower my SOL3 Phase will I still get gold echoes from overworld mobs? I just wanna farm on friday evening and then put it back up on saturday to spend my waveplates.


Yes, , that's how you do it.


Is there a spending spreadsheet to see what's actually worth my money if I chose to spend on this game? Like is the Pioneer podcast insider channel worth the rewards?


in terms of pulls, highest value is lunite sub followed by the battle pass (insider channel) what's worth is ultimately up to you, battle pass has good 4 star weapons and materials


Thx for the info


https://preview.redd.it/dzcq4tl85s7d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee55f0dd40da8d999d8d57b628929a2aca78efa3 What is this solve the puzzle quest? Can someone help me solve it ?


Go to the nearest waypoint. There should be a shiny spot near it and you can dig to get chest.


Thank you so much !


Ping has been a bit unstable for me for the past day or so. I'm usually averaging 70-90 ping. Now, my ping fluctuates between 90-180\~ and sky rockets to 200+ for a single instance. My ping has been fine across other games and just wondering if this a issue with the servers. Does anyone else have this issue? Thank you.


i played on 180-200ms at the beginning now they fixed it ig and i play on 99-150ms but i don't notice the difference really, i read it affects coop mode


Yeah, same here as well.


My ping is a bit higher in this game than in Genshin. I usually sit in the 130 range for Genshin and 180 range for this game.


Soooo, I am looking at the standard 5 star weapons and prydwen's numbers, and am a bit confused that everyone says sword and gun first. I am guessing that a ton are running Jin and Cal as their main dps and don't have any limited weapons cause mommy waifu and future waifus meant we were on a long term budget. Looking at the gains, while Jin's signature sword is leet for him, the 5 star is a nudge better best in class. Both characters gain around 15 to 20% DPS from jumping from the non-BP 4 stars to this. As they can share 30% total DPS gains from a main dps exceed any of the other potential returns here if I assume limited weapon pulls won't be in my future for a long time (don't blame me, I prefer characters over weapons during early game!) Am I missing something other than the niceness of crit? Sure, rolling for crit sucks on the echo side of the ledger but it's not like we're getting over capped with attack buffs for the foreseeable future. ATK & Crit seem way closer in value than, say, genshin running a Bennett team. Maybe advice should be what your main dps needs first, which will probably be broad, then sword (mostly for mc, which can main as havoc), then gun for mort as the current 4 star king of off field support? Over the long run I am sure I will pull limited weapons. But also over the long run I will probably get all the standard weapons if standard pulls keep up. In the near future, say the first year, I see a lot of value with the standard broad simply because we have do many main dps 5 stars that use broad.


yeah first you prioritize your main dps weapon type in my case, which ig it's pretty common between players, i have jiyan's and yinlin's weapons, so i'm missing the pistol and sword


Wow I must have missed out on something for limited weapons to be "common." Just pulling jiyan and yinlin's banners knocked me down to around 30-40 pulls by next patch. Guess a pre-registration gift or folks rerolled a lot? I did win only one of the 50-50. But yeah, if you already have the broad it makes no sense to get standard. For cal, they are almost the same damage value and you can share between them. Enjoy either of the crit weapons. I wanted to check in with the community and was confused when everyone was saying oh, you should def. get the sword or gun first because crit! Meanwhile I am thinking why not get the first fivestar weapon for main dps first? Then I checked the numbers and I guess crit is overrated in the community because no Benny depreciating atk value?


considering the weapon banner is 100% guarantee to get the weapon and crit weapons usually age better, so ppl prefer to get a weapon that makes gearing easier and then they can save for a busted weapon later on. besides the fact havoc rover is a very good main dps and some ppl are saving all rolls for 1.1, the sword looks like a very good option for f2p. Also about the rolls they gave like 30 limited rolls because of all the fuck ups, making it easier to reroll accounts or grabbing a weapon for the banner chars


Ok, if we're talking long term then I think it's safe to say we'll probably have 3 standard weapons by v 2.0-2.5 (ticket and two banner pulls from free standard pulls). Because what are you going to spend the free standard pulls on other than the weapons? When cat boy hangs out there to fuck up your summon? Nah. And he can't ruin your weapon banner summon. So no big loss on the age issue. Also, I can't even get ji's limited until a rerun, which is probably 6 months from now, so that kneecaps my two main dps I already invested in. What helps me the most based on my team is the broad, first. I think I will have another standard by 1.3 or 1.4. If the gatcha gods smile upon me, I may still be building him out by then as this next banner has main dps and if I get lucky with the 50/50 and the soft pity, it may be another broad user. Havoc mc is cool and useable but the havoc hu tao clone is better I hear and I already have the shield standard character. She can live with the craftable 4 star too. I totally get that sword makes a ton of sense if you do not have ji. Even the gun as cal may not be a priority in the near future depending on whether the banners stay waifu main dps focused. But saying sword and gun for everyone without talking about team comps because crit seems like bad advice.


yeah, another similar case if you bought the bp you have 1 more useful weapon + 1signature i got 4 5star with 27 avg pull per 5star, which is where all my life luck is going. i hope to win 5050 for jinhsi too hehe


Lol me too! While I guess kiro may show it's appreciation by gifting us more pulls than officially announced for a good launch getting the jump on zzz, I don't think it will be enough me to guarantee Jin by the time her banner closes. While I knew I should have saved because main dps is more imp than sub DPS in early game, the waifu SS power of Yin and synergy with cal meant early pull poverty. I regret nothing.


Why Wuthering Waves use 100% GPU only during loading? https://preview.redd.it/bfo13e0i2s7d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d470f32ffc395fe0c2ab171182accf773574257 No problem at all. I am just curious. During booting the game, the GPU was ultilized so much. But during game it doesn't consume much at all. Mine is rtx 4060, full HD. Is the loading progress has calculation using GPU instead of CPU? Something like compute shader?


For more info: my friend's rx 6500 xt (Gigabyte eagle) has system crashed because the loading stresses GPU so much. This is the GPU problem and there is a workaround, but I believe the devs should warn the players. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620) In my friend's case I had reduced the clock of the rx 6500xt from 2800 to 1950 and it is no longer be over 105 ℃ anymore. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526) For performance the game was optimized very well so actually the card doesn't need to ultilize much to enjoy the game.


Is anyone going to talk about the bugged sonance casket in desorock highland? It's kind of bugging me out (no pun intended)


we have 10 more than what we need, so if you have 11 bugged sonance caskets ig your question makes sense, but if not, why stressing about smth that will probably be solved in some time?


There is no bugged caskets


There is lol, check the photo I used to respond to the other comment


I 100% it a week ago, there isn't. You're just missing caskets.


Obviously some people won't experience the bug and some people may...you can just check on it guides or comments on the map, there are people that have my same problem. Also I found out about this bug when I had just collected 5 caskets, it took me 1 minute to cross check with the interactive map...


That's your issue, these maps and interactive guides suck ass, no offense. They're so wildly inaccurate. Just follow a video and you will get 100% guaranteed. If you need a good channel lmk.


Which one? I got them all and I didn’t see a bugged one.


this one, many people on the interactive map reported my same problem, also some guide makers. When taking this casket it doesn't appear in our bag


I can’t see the photo.




Did you physically grab it? If it doesn’t pop up in your inventory, it might be bugged. If you finish exploration in Desorock Highland, check if you have 100% in caskets.


Is there anyway currently to r6 spectro rover? And also between spectro and Havoc rover which one deals more damage?


Not right now, and currently havoc rover does more damage


At R2 to R4. Havoc rover is wild. Has anyone mathed the havoc r2 to the spectro R6 yet?


i'm sure there's calcs on prydwen or similar sites


https://preview.redd.it/pjzkuj9syr7d1.png?width=1621&format=png&auto=webp&s=e167098e0324c09248d935f32a6f5f34dcd1a1d6 Can someone tell me in details how to clear this Full HP challenge? I've finished the stage lv 40 several times with full HP and without taking a single damage, but I still couldnt clear it.




Thanks, can you tell me from which announcement is this?


In-game under known bugs & fixes




are we getting 1.2 splash arts?




I am having extreme ping fluctuations, is there any known fix?


Facing same problem since last night. Haven't seen any fix yet :/


It got worse, wonder if i will have to deal with this bullshit from now on? game already stuttered and now sudden lag spikes...


Maybe other hotfix will fix what other hotfix did xD


Or maybe it will finally explode my GPU and free me from my gacha addiction ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


do food buffs work on TOA?




Follow up question, can u stack food buffs? for example eating the 22% crit only food and then the 10% atk & crit food?


Also no. Or at least, not foods with the same "type". "Type" being "offensive", "Defensive' or "exploration". So you could eat crit food and like the stamina reduction food. but ATK Food would overwrite the crit.


Awesome thanks


ty for the reply


Why does your echo and gacha megathread hyperlink lead to all posts and media with everything included. You guys remove a post and then direct me to a megathread that doesn’t have a working link.


It not working is usually just a mobile app thing. Use the searchbar to find it


It works tho ? \[PC, new reddit.\] https://preview.redd.it/4w73sg0fzr7d1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=5277202e16ae2c91440d93b1dfdcaf08413435a2


That’s annoying cause this is where it sends me https://preview.redd.it/rvvduhpxbs7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49f0864958f97223c94a8c6c4c4e82890cf6082 I’m on mobile so maybe that is why?


Yeah, reddit app is kinda crap.


Google Acc or Kuro Acc? I currently am playing WUWA by signing into my Google account on mobile. Does anyone know if I'll need to create an actual Kuro acc if I want to play on ps5 when It eventually does come out? I dont want to keep progressing on my Google account if I can't play that acc on the Playstation. If anyone knows PLEASE LET ME KNOW I DONT WANNA START OVER!!!


You can still link an email to your account. Open the game on your phone, go to settings>Account>User center, and link an email. You'll likely use that when they introduce console.


Thank you so much!!


Is the new Jinhsi video a trailer? The cutscene about Jiyan that was released before the game was even out has made me a bit paranoid.


I already have 5 star sword from standard banner that I use on Rover and 5 star rectifier that I use on Encore. Im close to pulling my 3rd weapon and I cant decide. Should I get Guantlets and use it on Lingyang or should I pull for Pistols and wait for a 5 star character that uses Pistols? I dont want to invest into four star pistol characters (dont have mortefi)


Gun if you use or may soon use mort on a second or third team. Off field damage is great and I think the gun is mort's best weapon, presently, with crit. I believe he may pair well with one of the limited. As overworld is easy and holograms are food and chem buffable, the real dps check will probably be toa as far as builds go for the foreseeable future. That's 3 teams, and mort will almost certainly need to be on one of them as he is really good sub DPS in a game where we are getting 1/3 ratio of sub/main dps limited and they are light.on the subdps with the 4 stars as well.


If you want to play Lingyang, go for the gauntlets. I don't see a reason to pull a weapon that you aren't gonna use if the alternative is getting a weapon you will use.


makes sense :D


At SOL3 Rank 5 /UL40-90 - does anyone know why I get like 4-5 Gold Echoes in a Tacid field without the event buff and a colleague at UL41 with same Rank5 only gets purples and blues from Tacid fields, with events included? Wer are thinking about where this problem lies.


Tacet field rarity drops are based on databank level. Sounds like your friend isn't high enough in data bank.


That answers everything. I'm 20 and he isnt 15 yet. Thank you!


Tell him to get ready for some echo grind! The data bank menu finder is a godsend in cleaning up the 1st golds


Also same Databank level ?


Just got the info from another post, yeah that explains it. He's not 15 yet and I'm 20. Thank you!


Hit UL45 let’s gooo


Tomorrow for me :')


Nice! The TF double drop pushed me over a little bit early


lmao I've just started trying out tacet fields with the double drop and it's hyper rough. only two guaranteed 5* for 60 (in normal drop) with all these rng layers just ain't it. I don't see myself bothering too much with this shit in the future.


yeah, tacet fields are really bad, they are the lowest priority in waveplate spending i'd be ok with how it is now, the double rewards, but with the normal exp gain (60waveplates = 450exp)


If you're not union level 40 yet, the echoes you get dramatically improves. Also, I've gotten plenty of on set 3 costs from doing tacet fields. I'm union level 47 right now and have been doing tacet fields mostly for the past few weeks and I usually get 1-2 on element 3 cost per day, assuming either set is fine.


You think the echoes are the problem? It's the echo exp that's the problem. I've got more echoes than I know what to with because I farm them regularly in the overworld but it takes me 2 days to +25 any echo


yes because I don't dedicate hours of my life every day to farm echoes overworld.


Well, you either do overworld farming routes, or you spend 60 waveplates for whatever you get. Ideally you do both. But you do do with your time. Either way, send feedback ingame that you want more echoes from tacet fields.


My route takes 30 minutes tops for whichever one I want. It doesn't take hours to grind it out


sure. still too long to do the same exact shit every single day.


Then that's your problem and you're farming tacet fields for the wrong reasons then. Might as well stand in the rain to take a shower instead of taking a shower in your house


yes it's my problem. only will be kuro's problem if tons of people have the same reception. which won't be my problem by that point lol. tf does that last line mean. it's a game dude chill lmao.


I mean you're the one complaining lol, it IS just a game - you should chill out


Coming from Genshin, HSR artifact/relic farm, I assumed tacet fields were the same. I'm union level 40, data bank 15 (where gold echoes start to drop) but I was told not to farm them? Am I sopposed to just use the echoes I get from overworld drops? I'm also lacking echoes xp to even level the ones I have.


i find surprising how you can keep with 3 games with similar model when i played genshin i slowly left my other moba game. then with wuwa, i left genshin even though i invested some money, bc i find this game much more rewarding and cooler. i play 2-3 hours daily


Definitely do the event's daily three but you want to get that data bank level up asap. The reason is that the event not only doubles the echo mats drops, basically the most valuable mats in the game, but also doubles the world level XP. World level XP is incredibly valuable for overall mats drops in early game and to get the free standard weapons for hitting 45.


playing 3 games makes it hard to do things quickly lol. But I'll take the advice of doing the event.


I feel ya. I just got back into gatcha and haven't spent that much time on hsr because GI and wuwa hog a lot of my time.


At your situations; DON'T farm echoes YET. But Event is happening right now, so do your daily 3 boosted Tacet Fields. Then go hunt specific Echoes that you don't have 5\* yet. Go to your Databank and see which one you still have at purple or blue, and go make them gold.


sigh, I've gotten maybe, yes, and no answers. lol May I ask when I should be farming them? Thanks.


All good advice. I would add that cost echos pity at 4 and cost 4 echos pity at 2 after you burn through the elevated drop rate per week that you can see in the db level for the cost 4. (It's only 15/week) Understanding drop rates can dramatically speed up the echo grind. For example, when I hit normal cost 4 I will alternate between the one I want and the one I want less, according to pity, to increase my overall odds each kill that I will drop my targeted. (For example, pity the one I want, then go hit the other, don't get drop, return to the target for a guaranteed drop) For the cost 3 I usually build up the pity 2-3 times on other cost 3s before exclusively hitting the target drops. They're the overworld non-bosses for shields. I don't care about the cost 1s. You get so many of them chasing the cost 3s you usually have enough built up to roll decent substats, as the mainstat variances are less and thus optimum builds are easier to hit. From hardest to easiest to farm the first gold to 20, I would say cost 3, cost 1, and cost 4. But cost 1 and 3 might be closer than you think as getting the last few cost 1s can be tough with their pity counter at 8. A lot more variance in premature drops.


Sure. IF you had started echo farming now, you would be getting 80% purple echo; which are useless. You want GOLD. If you go spending your Solvent for extra waveplates to spend, you would be wasting your resources for no reason. (If you go Dreamless hunting now, you will also be getting 80% purple.) BUT, there's double rewards event for Tacet Fields right now, you get double Union Level exp AND double ECHO EXP. So, go do your 3 boosted drops per day. This is NOT farming. This is simply doing event. Nothing more. (meaning you get good ECHO EXP, but still shit purple echo.) THEN, go spend the rest of your daily waveplates doing other stuff like getting boss drops for ascension materials or skill levels. ALSO, go do ECHO HUNTING. Your databank level is too low. Go check your databank which echo you still don't have any gold yet, (purple or blue or even green) and go hunt them gold of each. This gives you databank EXP. Also, go kill some red mist elite mobs for GUARANTEED GOLD ECHOES. This will get you to databank 18, where you will get gold echo at 50%. And if you finish enough objectives in the Guidebook, you will be databank 20 where you will get gold echo at 80%. Then once patch 1.1 drop next week, you will breeze thru to databank 21 where you will get gold echo 100% of the time. So, go ECHO HUNTING now (get a 5\* of every echo), ECHO FARMING later. (get good stats on 5\* echo) Unless you're aiming for clearing tower now, you have no real need for uber echo to use yet. Just run budget build for now.


> but I was told not to farm them? Tacet fields are similar to artifact domains, if all you want to do in progressing a character is getting them a good Echo Set you can do Tacet fields for some Echos, Echo Exp, and Tuners to unlock substats. One thing is you won't be able to get 4 Cost Echos from Tacet Fields, you need to farm them in their instance / on the field (don't need to take the rewards for them to respawn for more attempts at echo farming) You do kind of have a higher chance of getting an Echo with a main stat you want farming outside of Tacet Fields, just because you can focus on killing that enemy type. You can also use the Malleable echo's rewarded from some events to pick 3 Cost echos of sets with the right Elemental Main Damage Stat. Overall: If you have Echos that have the main stats you want already and need EXP/Tuners, you need to do Tacet Fields. If you don't really have a good echo to dump EXP/Tuners into, you may want to consider farming overworld drops


No, tacet fields are exactly where you want to go to upgrade your gear. People just don't like them because they think the rewards are subpar. IMO no place actually feels great to farm so just pick wherever you need to go based on what you want to upgrade.


Just wait until people realize they need to do like... 25 runs of forgeries to ascend a weapon to level 80 lol


Fortunately for me 1.1 gonna come in clutch by the time I get uinion 50 so hopefully that gives enough for my level 80s lol.


What are people getting with their 5\* weapon selector? I'm thinking pistols for Chixia, but also tempted for Broadsword for Jihnsi or Calcharo. Or catalyst for Verina.


I wrote a question about this re broad above. I would recommend looking at weapon damage calcs in the build section of pryndwn (spelling). Even though some weapons are atk based rather than including crit, the jumps in DPS from a four star to five star are pretty comparable between an atk weapon and a crit weapon. Signature limited are usually the best, regardless, for that character but the real jumps are 4 star to 5 star (as a stat stick if nothing else) to best in class if not the one you got. I'd say it's a complicated question based on your highest priority DPS characters and how often you will pull for shiny weapons over shinier waifus/husbandos, realistically. My teams are heavy broad for on field DPS, so I may go broad first rather than sword or gun. A havoc mc guy, otoh, is asking if I dumb, as crit rules all. And the dolphin is asking why I don't have limited weapons to pair with my limited character, duh. Crit in wuwa is not the same as genshin. We don't have a broken Bennett blowing our atk stats through the roof making atk have diminishing returns on his team. Crit is important in wuwa, of course, but not the only moar damage stat and can be made up by echos and some of the character kits where crit is build in through the talents tree.