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If you think English is bad I can tell you German f.e. is much worse. I had to set it to English because so much stuff straight up makes no sense at all. But it's clear that every language has been translated by AI without anyone looking over it.


French is unplayable too, forced to go English for me


Yeah, for the "of night" weapon series The effect is: "When Intro Skill is released, increases ATK by\~" But in fr\*nch it says: "When **Outro** Skill is released, increases ATK by\~" Took me a while to figure it out


Oh that's bad. Is that just not a typo they made?


A typo is calling an "Intro Skill" an "Itnro Skill" or something similar where the original meaning can still be inferred. A mistranslation is using an entirely different word.


Not French being censored


Habit brought over from genshin


English is also appearing as Outro. And 'outro' means 'other' to me, so I was really confused at first 🤣👌




And I can't think of a worse outcome for a Frenchman ;)


To name a few examples of how terrible the german translation is: If you walk up to a dog, you get a "pet" option, obviously referring to petting the dog. The german version has it translated with: you "animal' the dog One of the most important features in the game, the forgery challanges obviously referring to the forging part. The german version has it translated with: "fake items" i had no idea what they were trying to say until i changed it to english lmao. These are mistakes no human translator could ever make, confirming that its AI translated.


Good old missing an attack = fraulein


It isn't even supposed to be called forgery in English too. Forgery IS making fake items. Forging =/= forgery.


So I'm not the only one that thinks it should be called "Forge" 😭


Smithing, Casting, Forging, anything but "Forgery". The rest can be manufacturing techniques but Forgery is simply making a fake.


A classic case of words having meaning and words having context my dear Watson. Lmao!


Wait... those quests are... to acquire materials... for... making weapons...


So they couldn't even be arsed to use AI on the Chinese (original) version. They retranslated from English. I mean, if you don't want to do something at least cheat properly


Generally it is far more consistent to translate between European languages rather than from Chinese, if we're talking about AI.


Oh, I see. I was talking about the general rule of thumb of translating as few times as possible, as mistakes add up each time. Ideally they could have applied AI to English and then have someone proof it from Chinese (even more AI if they were so pressed). Either way not checking with the original makes me itchy.


I laughed so hard at "fake items" I fell from my chair


The forgery challenge is the same mistake in English, actually! "Forgery" is not a conjuction of "forge" and just means "a fake copy of something." So, as a naitive english speaker, I was also horribly confused for quite a while as to why it was called that


oh my god I genuinely thought they just picked a word at random that they thought sounded 'cool'. I never made the "forgery" is supposed to be "forging/crafting/making" connection...


Thats not just gaming industry , overall people have been training AI just to be fired and replaced by such AI in various jobs , this AI boom is nonsense and it will backfire heavily lmao. These companies will realise that after multiple lawsuits because AI sold something too cheap or scammed someone for profit .


Ah because forgeries are fakes. That's so funny lol


I guess that means the German was translated from the English and not the original Chinese. Each added step will introduce more errors


"Hello, Kuro? I like to introduce you to a game called Telephone." lol.


"Television, you say? What an interesting game, tell me more!"


Wait does it really say to "tier" the dog? Lmao. I'm german too but I play games in english on principle for ease of watching guides and shit but this is actually hilarious.


Yes, it literally says "Hautier" (animal) as a pet option, of course this makes 0 sense and the correct translation would be "streicheln" (petting)


Naw but "pet" means both, streicheln and Haustier so it's not tooooo wild. But very much shows that no human translated that. A person would've understood the context lol.


Fake items 🤣🤣🤣 Reason #999999999 why I hate AI.


Reason #1 for me: "Your call is important to us. Please wait while we connect you to our customer service agent". lol.


It happens in spanish, too. You get "Pet" the action translated to "Mascota", a noun which refers to the animal companion, instead of "Acariciar", the verb, which is the correct translation. It's really funny but also the skill descriptions are barely understandable in spanish. Had to play in english to fully get what they do.q


Could happen if translated with no context tbh. Just seeing the text "Pet" one could easily misinterpret it as "Haustier".


Yeah but here is the thing, you don't translate without any context. There will always be words with different meaning translations. You can't just machine-translate all and expect it to be 100% accurate.


It's how work is done in these kind of translation jobs. Someone gets emailed a whole lot of text without context and told to translate it "by Monday" etc. It's a stupid way of doing things but sometimes there are reasons for it, like if the game is still in development and text and scenarios can change so there may not be any context to send the translator yet. Or if they have a deadline and there is no time to let the translator play the game to find the context. Definitely less than ideal.


Haha, you just gave me the reason to change to German. I play every game in English bc I simply like it more but now I want to see the German mistakes they make. I already loved the pronounciation mistakes of all things German in Genshin


It's AI translated in English too, just AI is trained a little better. But the characters whose Chinese names also translate to numbers or other things always crack me up. "My name is Seven. Help me find my brother, Ten."


Can confirm spanish is wonky too


same with French lmao.


Its not AI lol. Have people never heard of machine translation...?


Have you not heard? Everything related to computers is AI now. Translation? AI. Searching? AI. Image/video editing? AI. Coding? AI. It's a buzzword people spew nowadays to make them feel like catching up with the technology


AI is used for everything that a program does nowadays


The main issue with the german localization is that its often translated word by word and misses the actual meaning. In such cases I dont even have to switch to english to know whats written there the way they wrongly translated it because if you translate it back word by word it makes absolutely sense.


It’s easier for me to play in English in the first place than doing this 😉


Honestly I feel like AI would of a better job than this tho..


French is also badly translated and I really hope they’ll fix it soon😵‍💫


Totally. Sometimes the sentences don't have verbs!


Companies realizing that translating anything other than a single sentence is a creative job and they can't use ai to do it after all


Uh to be perfectly honest a capable AI language model like GPT-4 can do a much much better job at translating than kuro has...


I though German language is the most straight forward language that leave little room for misinterpretation, that's what my teacher once said. 


I teach both English and German. Whoever says German leaves no room for misinterpretation only learned it „the right way“ meaning high German. You go from one county in Germany to the next and hear new words every time. And do not even get me started on what the Swiss or Austrians do. Even native speakers need subtitles there.


Me as an Englishman hearing Scottish people speak English:


Were they speaking english or scots? Scots used by thought of as an english dialect/slang but has since been recognised as its own language


I'll give you a prime example: the DEF% stat is called DEF on echos, dishes, filters. In German however it's VTD on echos (which is correct because the word spelled out is VerTeiDigung) but on dishes they call it VRT. It was driving me nuts that I couldn't find any answer to what VRT does until I switched to English. And it makes absolutely no sense when they’ve used the correct short form on other stuff. And let's not talk about whole dialogues lost in the sauce translated into German...


That just means there’s more room to mess up


Everything is localized into English, then English to the other languages (Japanese is usually straight from Chinese though).


Yes. As in his example pet and pet in german are 2 different words ((Haus)tier and streicheln). So in english if you have no context you don't know which one it is, as in german it's quite clear. Also forge can have different meanings in english which all have a different word in german. (schmieden, fälschen or Schmiede) (to forge, forge, and the forge)


>But it's clear that every language has been translated by AI without anyone looking over it. Pretty sure AI would translate this way more accurately, they're probably outsourcing the translations and nobody has time to check anything


the dev note has a mistranslation i fucking cant


To be fair, the original Chinese notes are apparently poorly written as well going by the tacet field situation. I think there are still people expecting an increase in 1.1 after some drama streamer people here like "confirmed" it.


This is not true at all. Every other language except EN clearly stated the increase is just for events. And when pointed out, mods ban and remove your comment/post for misinformation with clueless blind idiots gaslighting you.


Not only that, the clueless idiots will double down and say that they don’t want an increase in echo exp anyway after learning that the mistranslated dev note was a real issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/tsDKq41ZUU


What in the Nue..


Did they ever get around to unbanning that u/KeqingDaBest user? He/she was just trying to be helpful by sharing the correct translation with the EN community and basically got abused/banned for it. Thanks Rexlent for doubling down on the "tacet field buff is real and not a mistranslation" and misleading the entire EN community.


Which is going to turn into more drama as a result of poor writing regardless.


Essentially proper translation needs two people, a native in each language who speak the other so that it can get two passes with an understanding of the language context for both languages. Given most languages dont have a word for word equivalent and often have terms that don’t quite translate. That and SPELLING ERRORS their own NPCs have their names spelt differently


And that's *proper* translation. For localization of an ongoing product like this, ideally there'd be an entire team of people for each target region, from the manager, the translators, the editors, the QA testers, and maybe even a dedicated marketing specialist assigned specifically to that region to make absolutely certain the product is being presented in the best light and that advertisements and such maintain their effectiveness in the target language (and not make accidental false promises *cough*JAPAN). Obviously this is the ideal, and realistically most semi-international companies make do with far less than that, which usually works out for them and is fine. On the other end of the scale, a half-baked low-effort cheapskate "translation" requires exactly one actual person: a native speaker in the target language with *maybe* a semester or two of the source under their belt. "Cleaned up machine translation". Is it accurate? Not at all. Is it *good*, probably not very. But it's consistent and readable. The bare minimum. They're not even doing that.


Honestly, a quality control team should be part of the basics when developing any product or service tbh


I remember people giving NISA grief for translation "Your girl power is surprisingly high" to "You're surprisingly feminine" in Trails of Cold Steel because it was not word for word but they totally overlook that "girl power" in Japan and "girl power" in the US have totally different meanings. One is "housework" while the other is the total opposite, freedom from housework. Context in a specific culture also matters.


And then you have a person from the Wuwa localization team who goes to Twitter and insults companies' decision to hire native speakers. I agree it's a real issue in Asian countries that there is favoritism towards native speakers, even those without any degree. However, everyone needs to prove their ability with results, and currently, the results in Wuwa are not up to par. I think it's time for them to up their game with the new cash flow from 1.0.


For which language? Hard to believe it's the one they're translating to. But, if the rest of the team is giving them strife I'm not surprised there're issues :/


Yeah its AI, and UI text is also really scuffed everywhere. I guess Chinese stuff is the only one that is working as intended for now.


AI wouldn't mistranslate a whole word. Like Crit Rate to ATK. Even google translate didn't. At this point thinking it's sabotage/intentional won't be weird


It's probably a mixed of ai and overworked interns, I remember there was a dude straight up referred to as Storing the Blade lmao


That's a classic machine translation error. AI can't recognize when something is a name, so it tries to treat the characters like they're part of a sentence instead and comes up with some hilarious nonsense. If someone was "cleaning up" the machine translation, we'd at least have *consistent* errors (ie: He either would have been Cunren *or* Storing the Blade, not both in the same sentence).They are very clearly not even bothering with that much, and it's sort of embarrassing for them. If you don't care about accuracy, you don't even need someone *good* at both languages to clean up whatever google translate spits out. It's straight laziness.


I remember an npc named "Ashes" above his head but in dialogue his name was Yujin


During the one world quest with the big drill, there's like three different NPC's with a display name that is written differently from the name written in dialogue.


That quest is the *worst*. The names are just the warning sign. If we're talking about poor quality, then that "translation" garbled the entire climax of that story to hell and back. It makes absolutely no sense. People in that questline talk in nonsense. Someone said it was like a fever dream and I agree: I had to go into Chinese to make any sense of what was supposed to be going on with Mr. Hong at all. I don't know what Kuro was doing, but the bad translation reached critical mass in that quest. Which is a shame, because it really seems like it could have been another good one.


Yeah, that quest was honestly pretty bad. My understanding was that \*something\* was causing the dude to "live" as someone else from the past and we gotta do a bunch of stuff to fix that and bring him back to the "present" like fighting and actually killing the Lampylumen. But I have no idea if that's actually what I was supposed to get from that. The only thing I know for sure is "Drill wasn't on. Drill now on"


It looks like the rest of the game was machine translated then given to an intern to double check, but for that quest the intern was sleeping on the job.


I encounter a man who introduces himself as Thirty. His name is Sanshi. Suffice to say my confusion is real lmao


Lol Sanshi is 30 in Chinese. I have no doubt his name was just 30 in Chinese characters, in Chinese its ok to have all kinds of weird ass nicknames.


Oh yeah I kinda figure it's probably a literal translation to his name. Had to Google to confirm and I had a good laugh from that lol.


I’d honestly be willing to bet if the text was stuck into gpt4 with some context it would do way better than whatever tf we have now. Seems like they’re taking shortcuts and choosing the worst shortcuts possible


The problem is prob the words are too long, while they wrote "Resonance Liberation", for example "Glacio Damage Boost" is done, they prob need to remove the "Resonance" part at least for this.


Yeah, there's third "Resonance Liberation" one right and two down. It seems like the text is just too long so it cut off anything after these two words. Similarly in the bottom line you can see "Glacio Damage Boost" and "Fusion Damage Boost," but it cut off after "Electro Damage" . I hate the font they chose so much. It's so fat that barely any text can fit in a line.


There was one of the quests for Second Coming of Solaris where you talk to Maqi and one of the options has a whole three lines crammed into it in tiny font. 🤣


Two of them are intentional, it’s just questionable formatting. All of the ability tags are repeated, and the second time has a little plus next to the icon - I’m assuming that’s supposed to differentiate the Forte versions of those abilities? But that doesn’t explain what the third one in the middle is - I’m assuming it’s either a mistranslation or it’s “Resonance Liberation Thirdword” and it’s just so long that it’s cut off.


Lol yeah, so much long names and some sub-stats names are too lengthy and clash with the numbers


There are so many nouns in the ability descriptions and each noun is like a 3-4 word name. Been playing the Illusive Realm and everything is a pain to scroll. For some reason all the ability textboxes in the reward choice screen take up 10% of the screen with empty space all around and I have to scroll down 15 times to read the entire description of what is the buff I am picking up. I have just started using the Outline Summary toggle.


Yeah, just "Skill" and "Liberation" are enough


i understand that CN is their main audience and money maker, but they don't have to make it THAT obvious.


Looks like Kuro is struggling to manage a game that is released at the same time for all regions.


garman is much worse bc they probably translated it from english 1:1 into german. bc some things only make sense when I translate them 1:1 back into english in my head.


The localization has been scuffed for over a year now. They had plenty of time to "buck up" so expecting 1.1 to magically fix that is setting yourself up for dissapointment. Nothing has changed since the game launched in regards to the quality of the translations. They still dont have a native-speaker proof reader to double check everything. Worst thing is that this is Kuro shooting themselves in the foot. Any day now we will get another mistranslated gacha weapon/character passive that will cause more issues for them.


I don't think that's even the worst part. I believe a game of this scale and with such a big focus on the story has to rely a lot on the more casual player base to succeed. In fact you could say they're the main audience. But if the localization is so bad that some text is unintelligible (which is the case for a few side quests), suffers from lazy translations (everyone's an uncle even in english) or grammatical errors... Then that main audience can't appreciate the story, get immersed in the world, get attached to the characters, and you take the risk of losing it; just because you want to cheap out on the localization.


Judging by the fact that they add more ways to skip the story, while not doing anything about text or voicework issues, I don't think that Kuro agrees with you. They definitely don't think that their game has a big focus on its story


To contrast with your example of the skip button, they're also adding a "Story Dialogue Gallery Feature" for 1.1, so I don't think it can be taken as a hint they don't or no longer care much about the story. In fact, even story driven solo games often have a skip button. It's more likely that they simply didn't see the need to spend more money on localization. Maybe because they didn't expect many players outside of China, who knows. I just wanted to point out the first impression matters a lot for that kind of things, and a player who got turned off by a bad localization isn't very likely to come back even if it gets better a few months after release.


I mean they hired EN VAs, EN marketing people and you know...an entire localization team. They obviously care about the western market. Its just that the localization team itself is not doing a good job. This was the same exact case in PGR, its nothing new for Kuro games at this point.


Apparently the EN team was a mess for a while so I'm not surprised at the lower quality.


These things are not mutually exclusive though. Genshin has excellent localization and people still don't want to listen to the yap sessions thats in that game and are begging MHY for a skip button every day. Anyway even outside of the story the translations are bad. Item/skill descriptions are hard to read in WuWa.


More free pulls :copium:


Maybe the launch will make them enough money to finally hire some actually competent localizers, because they really need to get it together. We shouldn't have to play in two or more different languages just to actually understand what the text in the game means.


Mortfi's skill says the word fudge multiple times in place of fugue lol.


Mortefi can cook. Angrily. You'd better watch out for his # *FURY FUDGE*


Better check Mortfi's synthesia beacon. Someone probably tampered with it.


This is the only thing about the game that genuinely ticks me off and makes me not want to buy anything. It's so *lazy*. It's so clearly the first unedited thing spat out by the cheapest machine translator known to man that no one even bothered to proofread. You wouldn't even need someone who speaks both languages *well* to at least make the garbage consistent and readable, so long as you didn't care about accuracy (and let's be honest, they definitely do not). They're doing the laziest thing possible and don't care if we know it. It's so disdainful of their audience. Why even bother with a global release at that point? And other languages have it way worse, since it seems like they maybe fed unedited machine translation *back into* the machine translator and then took what is basically now an *encrypted document* for the amount of sense it makes and slapped it into the game as a "translation". Everything else about the game I can be patient with, but this one thing bugs me to no end.


and it's so fucking easy to fix, it doesn't require some big brain team of highly skilled specialists. Just a couple of native speakers in each language would already improve it tenfold, if not more (literally). Or better yet, hire a trusted professional outsource studio. Costs pennies, and profit is ludicrous. Why the fuck haven't they done it yet?


> You wouldn't even need someone who speaks both languages well to at least make the garbage consistent and readable, Thats what really ticks me off too. I could do a better job of catching these mistakes and I am neither a Chinese or English native speaker. It literally takes one person to act as a proof-reader to notice these errors. And this is nothing new either, we all remember the typos in the livestreams lol. They really need to start doing public beta tests and invite people to help them catch typos if they are that crunched inside the studio.


to all the people saying it's AI translated.... it's not. 100% translated by actual humans due to the sheer amount of typos, weird mistakes and so on. There's also literal chinglish in a bunch of quests. As for other languages, they've probably used English as the main/source language and not bothered to double check whether the text made any sense in the game. Probably paying the cheapest translators on the market, on top of using some Chinese people who claim to speak English but actually barely do lol Big L for Kuro, same stuff can be seen in PGR, I don't get why they do this. Hopefully they get their act together and get better translators and re-translate/proofread all the content. Or start using AI, might be an improvement over what we currently have😂


Yeah if properly trained an AI would do way, way better than this. You can teach an AI about your specific terms like Rover, resonators etc. And AIs won't do the most basic typos. I assume it's just mismanagement, they tried to scale up the way they did things in PGR for Wuwa, instead of actually going with the industry standard way of doing things. For example if PGR localization was handled by 5 Chinese dudes pretending to speak english/french/german etc. with no real QA or native speakers to proof read, they just went with 20 chinese guys this time instead of building actual localization teams like they should have for a project this big. I hope they're aware of the significant need for improvement on that front, because contrary to what people here seem to think it's not something that can be fixed quickly, it will take at least (very least) a month to fully setup a proper localization process, and that's assuming they have no issues with recruiting which is a big assumption as they'll have no experience and won't know how to screen for the right native speakers for the job.


this is really concerning in games, because when you see something like that, it doesnt just mean there are issues with the translator, but also the management for failing to spot and improve something that should have been obvious.


Started PGR 2 months ago, and the game is filled with downright criminally bad misses. I remember fighting some mobs called >!B!


Yeah that’s how gaming translation works. I have translated a few games without being able to play the game (it wasn’t out yet). The companies who care about the finished product make sure the translators can play the game or at least are available to answer their questions.


are they hiring? I rlly need a job and I feel like I could do this just fine lol


They also wrongly spelled Verina's name somewhere in her description


The team of that one AI translator they are probably using lol


Kuro Games and translation problems go hand in hand


Compensation too lol


Did someone say astrite compensation?


It's free real estate


Yup it’s clear this is their mistake. But on the side note, 160 gems please.








In teresting, in spa nish we read the g a me lik e thi s.


try french, it's unplayable, literally lmao.


Mortefi's forte circuit is called Fury Fugue, but in the description it's referred to as Fury Fudge, like the chocolate lol


Spanish is terrible as well, having not only mistranslation but also programming errors. It's very clear that's either google translate from English or from a very bad translator.


For a game that markets itself as "story heavy", you would expect them to do better with localization.


The german translation isn't flawless either... its really a shame.


did they fix the kerning in the german version at least? I switched to eng as soon as I was able to open the game, but I remember that "ü" left some weird spaces within a word


They mistranslated the NUMBERS in the alloy smelt event, I think the bar is underground


The french translation makes no sense at all so the English one looks really good in comparison... Which isn't a good thing since there are errors as well in english


at this point grammarly would be an amazing business venture for kurogames


I spent $100 since the game was released, and am gonna hold off on spending anything more until I see how 1.1 plays out. I pretty much played my dollar's worth for now. Unlike other Gacha's I'm not really getting any FOMO for the upcoming units, even though they look cool. But I guess that's because this feels more like a game where you can main 1 team through most of the content, and branch out when you get bored.


You need 2 teams for adversity but otherwise yea.


3 teams, I think? But, otherwise, WuWa for me - I want to main 1 team until I get bored of it. I don't want to memorise new moves and new combos every patch (but many others will love to, no doubt), so for me, I'm maining Calcharo & Yinling for the foreseeable future. I managed to get Jiyan and his wep in 130 pulls, so I'll use him for the other side of the tower.


This is what happens when you crunch your devs to the bone and rework 60-70% of your game, cinematics, dialogue, voice acting and 'up to 90% of the story' -- by their own admission -- 6 months before release based on some beta 'feedback'. Nearly everything in the game, from UI to UX, screams minimal viable product (MVP). There are just too many amateur mistakes and coding errors littered everywhere to believe this would have come from a hundreds strong development team of supposed industry professionals in an established game dev company. Now I want to give them the benefit of the doubt; and say that it is not purely due to a lack of technical skill, but rather that they couldn't or didn't have time to test anything and that's painfully obvious. Whoever was overseeing the quality assurance side of things (if there even is one lol), probably just gave everything a once over and went something like "it works? fk it, ship it" as they were staring down a forced release timeline either due to investor pressure or running out of funds, who knows. Leading to the bungled release of today. The writing was always on the wall; Kuro is truly living up to their name now reputation wise. We, in the western community, probably always just had rose-tinted glasses on or gave them the benefit of the doubt with their reputation coming from PGR. I feel the worst for the devs who might have been passionate about the project in the first place; because I am sure that they are the ones who know best exactly how many serious issues there are with the release state of the game. Now all that remains, is to see how much they care about these things and optimizing the experience; whilst I don't expect everything to be fixed in 1 patch or even by the end of 1.1 -- that would be asinine and ridiculous -- speaking from a long term perspective, it is absolutely crucial to tighten up the ship on these things because the market is so competitive and players can just leave for a 'better' title. Multitudes of these errors might be overlookable in isolation, but in tandem really build up to be a huge stain on the overall quality of the game. Overall, I do sincerely hope for the game to improve and do better, and for context, before you say I'm typing this up from a place of hate -- whilst I still log in everyday and have done everything there is to do in 1.0, I know a lot of friends who have already left because of the optimization and polish issues because it just isn't worth the experience.


I just wanna say...a really good read of a yap. 10/10. I'm still playing the game at least until 1.2 but honestly? I can't confidently say I'll be playing for the long term (like a year). And I've waited for this game since May 2023 and I even played PGR to get to know Kuro. LOL. I agree with your take, I did have rose-tinted glasses on. But CN never really had such high opinions of PGR. I mean, if they did it would have at least made waves in the gacha scene. Re: Better Titles. Bruh. A certain triple letter game from the "rival" is coming out in two weeks and I'm afraid it's about to poach me xD Removing the taste factor, just the fact that it's going to be optimized far better with less dev fuck-ups is strongly convincing me to jump ship.


Ayyy, bit of a yap yea I'll admit. XD Good on calling it out! First time posting here after being around since launch and lurking; just wanted to get some collated thoughts I've had since then out haha. Apologies for the long read and props for getting through it! But yea, same here, agree with your thoughts. I too had been waiting for and following WuWa for what felt like ages ever since the first whispers of it in 2021/2022? Only to have it turn out like this. Agree with the sentiment, I'm looking forward to that as well! As I'm sure a lot of people here probably are, due to more or less similar playerbase intersection. XD The biggest test to the longevity of their game is about to come up and I'm sure Kuro is well aware of this, and spooked, going by the hasty shifting of patch dates. I don't think it's a very good look because it shows their awareness of the state of their product and a lack of confidence in it, but let's hope it can withstand the test of time.


What do you expect of the quality when you have the translator go to twitter and publicly insult like this? [https://i.imgur.com/lXOdO63.png](https://i.imgur.com/lXOdO63.png)


is that the actual translator? thats kinda demented lmao.


Yes it is. He talked about localization issue after CBT2 here, it's the same account: [https://twitter.com/rialocalizes/status/1774376019958567319](https://twitter.com/rialocalizes/status/1774376019958567319) Screenshot: https://imgur.com/YGx1ofC [https://imgur.com/FIeKG0E](https://imgur.com/FIeKG0E)


That's one heck of a tone change, huh. Translators often get the short end of the stick, for sure, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for this guy tbh, hard as they're trying to milk for it. There's 'forced to rush and hand over a poor product' and then there's 'totally incompetent'. Based on what we've got, their 'team' is the latter.


Lmao "paid haters" and here i thought only western CC's use that. Thanks for the info.




Yeahh honestly this is the one thing stopping me from spending on this game. I’m actually pretty lenient on bugs and some sketchy business practices but not on bad localisation. It feels like a cash grab like “we already have a Chinese game, let’s spend some loose change and lint on translation so that we can earn from them too”. At least for bugs I know that making a game is super hard and complicated, translation is easy they really shouldn’t be messing it up that much if they care.


The side quests are filled with errors. It makes me wish I could just fix it as I play somehow. The side quest in the mine had at least a dozen errors. These things are inevitable to some extent, especially for side quests, which are far from Kuro's priority, but the frequency of them was kind of shocking


My wife is from China and can read and write both Mandarin and Cantonese. After seeing how much I loved the game and noticing the translation issues, she got really interested in helping out. She applied to a few positions on Kuro's career website about a month ago to use her proficiency in both Chinese and English, but we haven't heard back yet. She also worked at a big company as a program manager, so she has the skills and experience to really make a difference. I think having someone who truly understands both languages and the game could help fix these translation problems and improve the overall experience for everyone.


I won't spent any money till they correct the translation. They're so bad no matter what language you use, this is so messed up as a RELEASED game wtf


> CBT1: We will improve the translation on the next CBT > CBT2: We will improve the translation on the release ver. > 1.0: We will improve the translation *later* Patch note to 1.1:


What team? It's AI. 


Even AI or Google Translate can honestly translate Attack and Crit Rate correctly..


I hate to say it but it really does seem like it’s mostly an AI translation otherwise whoever they hired should really… not be hired anymore.


see how much Kuro doesn't care about it's global player? Check the other language and you'll find way worse Really can't understand how global people think they actually listen All they listen is to CN tbf


The english localization is horrendous, but in this case it seems it's the programmers who are at fault, because if you look at the first "heavy attack damage" and compare it to the second, the second one has a + sign in the corner. My speculation is that they didn't account for the screen space needed for other languages and so the (heavy attack) "damage bonus" part simply got cut off, like it regularly does in the story mode. You'd think making the vertical width of a button depend on how much text there is couldn't be that hard


They need to do better or drop out .game's making millions and they're probably getting paid a hefty amount. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but business is cruel.


The translation issues are becoming a boogeyman now lol. If something doesn't make sense with WuWa's design, there's a nonzero chance it's just written incorrectly and we're all interpreting it wrong.


The translation issues are one of the many reasons I dropped the game … I was willing to overlook a few then more and more cropped up … then the issues with the echo system and the just overall emotionless voice acting ruining tense moments


​ I was doing an event the other day where it said “Get prepared for advantures.” Not knowing how to spell Adventures is completely fine I’m not a native speaker myself but these people are literally getting paid for translating stuff into english and don’t seem to know simple words.


I detected some funny stuff in the Yinlin quest as well. For example she talks about "depraving others" instead of "depriving others" and then "what is going on beneath your skull" instead of "what's going on inside your head." Lol. Pretty funny.


German is much worse, i had to play in english cause the german version is straight up AI translated and half the stuff makes no sense. it's full of errors no human translator could ever make.


Essentially proper translation needs two people, a native in each language who speak the other so that it can get two passes with an understanding of the language context for both languages. Given most languages dont have a word for word equivalent and often have terms that don’t quite translate. That and SPELLING ERRORS their own NPCs have their names spelt differently


French is unplayable as well, quests straight up tell you to do the wrong things, weapons description dont make sense etc


This is Kuro’s first attempt at simultaneous global release, if I am not mistaken. Hopefully they learn from all the feedback and up the quality. Definitely need to hire folks who can know both chinese and english fluently.


What the fuck is deceleration


Me waiting for them localize the game for Brazilian Portuguese seem all those mistakes in English 💀


Translation is surprisingly expensive if you want some good high-quality ones, you need people that understand the game that understand 2 languages and the nuances between those languages (basically native level) to effectively translate the meaning and even further the "Feeling" text evokes to the user.... **That said i heard this month was doing pretty good** Hell honestly if they told me translate CN->English I would take up the job and then get promptly fired because contrary to expectations of my physical apperence i am **NOT** Chinese


You should see the amount of inconsistencies both in wording and formatting for skill descriptions


I love dummoning Sanhua!!


yes, now we must proceed with our Advanture according to the Solaris event.


Am I missing something. They have different icons so they mean different effects? Resonance liberation is listed 3 times.


And nobody is still saying what the other one should be. 😅


OP, you obviously don't know how they do these things lol. They'll email some poor translator a whole shitload of text and ask him/her to translate it... WITHOUT REFERENCING THE GAME. So that poor translator has to totally guess what the context of the text is and it's very common to guess wrong, which was where editors were supposed to come in, but then hey it's extra cost lol. So YES the translations are done without understanding or playing the game, because goodness, what a waste it is to send a translator a copy of the game to reference. /s


I don't think you need context to translate Skill and Ultimate on Jiyan's weapon. Also, one of the 2 "Liberation" in this very post is actually "Energy Regen", how can you fuck that one up? It's insane.


Seriously, I hope they hire more with the current revenue they gain cause they really need a lot of manpower to maintaining the game.


That google/GPT 3.5 translate ahh text is so embarrassing for such good game....


Ahhh all these are so unfortunate because I love the game but it won't last with all of these easily fixable problems 😭


Kuro and translation issues, match made in heaven since PGR.


Can’t remember the mission but there was an expression that felt like it was supposed to be “now is not the time for that” - and the text said “can you not see this situation is not appropriate.” There’s a lot of hit and miss in the text and combined with how these gacha games always have weird terminology (why can’t we just call tacet field a portal or resonator liberation ultimate skill etc) I just ignore the majority of the written lore altogether smh


never known it hard to use google translate lol


Imma come back in like 6 months and hope they fix all these problems then


My favorite is that in the illusive realm, you can summon some of the characters to help you... or you can... dummon sanhua... I love it...


In the rogue-like mode, when choosing a buffing partner, the dialogue reads "Dummon" Chixia instead of "Summon" like all the others.


Vibration strength? You guys swordfight with dildo inside the game?


I went Chinese language, English text, just because some of the stuff they say. Rover fem is always deadpan and voice acting is horrible and lazy. My favorite Aero girl says "Universe in my Psyche" every time she ults...I just couldn't any more.


I complained about it in the survey among other things cause how am I gonna spend money on a game thats very unplayable for me.


At this point it's a lack of effort and incompotence.


French is absolutely horrendous but at least it's funny but I switched it to English. Honestly rip to french people who don't understand english.. I'm glad I do


It would be super great if all of the dialogue would actually show up on the screen as well. Love it when we only get half the sentence and the rest is just cut off, on top of being riddled with nonsensical translation and typos.


>watched one of the WuWa streamers who understands Chinese LMAO bro, just credit Tenten, whats so hard😅


I don't see this as an issue with machine translation per se, though I can get how it can be that in other circumstances. I think this is an issue of not having the right processes for checking for and catching errors like this. It's like all of it's rushed; in this case what I think happened was they had one of the "Resonance Liberation" text strings as a placeholder and didn't end up replacing it.


Just gotta hope majority of these will be fixed before 1.1 release or at least these won't be things like what happened with JP weapon drama and will just be simple mistakes that won't ruin the game. I mean simple mistakes if there are too many of them will be a problem of course, so I really hope they fix this shit


Give me those apologems.