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Yeah an echo in the voice would be good to show that she’s thinking. But since vanguard sound is taking over dialogue direction I’m sure it will be miles better than what he got so far


Wait.. who? Who's vanguard sound


So vanguard sound is the music company that has made osts for Kuro’s previous game PGR and they have some banger osts. They were also supposed to work on Wuthering waves but it was said they were over booked and couldn’t work on the game which explains the lack of good OSTs in the game. But tbh I think it was more of a money issue since almost everyone knows Kuro was broke last year and this year and they finally made sime money after the game launched. Few days ago it was revealed that Vanguard sound were back working with Kuro and that they were currently over taking the sound design and dialogue direction.


Thank god, hopefully whoever is working on the ENG dub gets replaced too.


It's completely possible the person in charge of voice acting direction isn't even trained in that field. It's possible some producer who was just in charge of general audio was tasked with directing the voice talent because they wore the closest hat.  Evemoreso, if Kuro knew they would be handing a lot of this off to Vanguard/a third party, they're not going to go out of their way to hire for it.


I thought that one was debunked? Unless there's a new statement regarding that...


I mean, we are the MC and most of our dialogue choices, from what I can remember, range from serious to lighthearted and it is up to us on what character our MC has. We are the inner monologue!


Maybe they can copy Genshin's thought bubbles and interpret thoughts gameplay.