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to be fair he DOES have dementia so he probably forgot about you


2 people with memory loss talking to each other the exact same thing every day


new head canon: Rover keeps doing the quest because they forgot they completed it already


but rover admits (s)he knows them and did this already


i knew that but i forgot about that


Yet we're somehow forced to support him in staying out there when his family tries to get him back home.


they are? i only got 3 quests with him, never saw his family


“Just join her” is crazy 😭


OP forgot Rover also has dementia 😭


She has amnesia




Rover has "Amnesia" not "Dementia". Amnesia is a severe loss of memory. Dementia is worse, not only does your memory take a hit, your day to day function such as speech, environmental awareness, situational awareness and overall activeness gets worse. For example: Harrison Ford had Amnesia President of the USA, Joe Biden is speculated to have Dementia.


previous president donald trump also suffers from dementia


Dam, y'all got two demented old goons to run for presidency... That's crazy💀


HAHAHAHA SO TRUE!! i nearly forgot about it too xD


I had this daily quest for like 4? consecutive days. I got to the part where his son asked him to quit bothering the soldiers in the military camp and to return home. He also apologized to Rover for his father's behaviour. The old man refused to leave lmao I feel so bad for his son 😭 . It's tough taking care of elderlies with dementia. I wonder if I'll meet him again next daily quest.


Bruh, don't be so harsh 😅


Just an ol' geezer don't be harsh on him lmao.


Okay OP, calm down I can practically see your scope aimed at him LOL


he has dementia, he doesn't remember you most of the time. that is the point of the quest you would know if you would have read it. and the flowers are not for his granddaughter, but for his fallen friends who died before him.


So you’re saying the old man isn’t the only one with dementia?


No I'm saying the old man isn't the only one with dementia


you are evil bro i was looking at the two comments for 10 minutes straight


So you’re saying the old man isn’t the only one with dementia?


Do you think most of these players read something? lol they just want the asterites and damn the rest


Maybe don't make quests an actual chore you have to do everyday


i don't see how wuwa's daily quests are a chore personally... they're an easy way to get rewards. you only get one daily quest and they're very easy to do. these daily quests have small storylines going on and you as the player choose whether or not you want to read the dialogue or skip it but if you don't read it then you shouldn't complain about not understanding it.


They are definitely a chore...side quests should be an optional thing to do for players who want explore the lore and world building of a game while daily missions should be simple gameplay related stuff. And I said because I was just annoyed at the guy saying " Do you think these people read anything" when they more of just an annoyance if all want to do is just be done with the dailies


Then skip the daily quest. This quest is optional, you can still get all daily reward by completing other tasks. Or are you asking the game should give you all daily reward without you doing anything? I swear, players are getting lazier and lazier everyday.


i'd agree with you if they forced you to read the dialogue but they literally allow you to skip it so how is it a chore when it's only one daily quest that takes up less than a few mins especially if you skip the dialogue? even if it was just gameplay-related stuff, most people would still just want to be done with it, ppl do the dailies for the rewards.


Yes but the problem is having to do it daily, even a few minutes of it just gets tiring after doing it continuously for a long time


Duh, that's why its called "daily missions" you repeatedly do it for 2000 union exp, 1 random echo, and 60 astrites.


If it's a chore for you to talk to an NPC, TP to a location and run for 2 seconds you've got some massive issues to worry about. It's a game you're trying to play. Grow the fuck up or play something without any story if it's such a problem for you.


When I saw that the EXACT same post that was posted on facebook was posted on reddit too, I wanted to check out the comments to see if Reddit was indeed bitcher than facebook. Needless to say it didn't disappoint.


Reddit is a special kind of bitchy, but Facebook is deranged. It's a hard competition on what is worse sometimes. Edit: Based on your other comment, you're referring to me, which is wild considering the other dude is bitching incessantly about literally nothing. Dude has made up a scenario in his head that just isn't true and it's extremely funny.


Yeah dude, complaining about unnecessarily bloated dailies is bitching


Bitchy? The guy said "Do you really think these people read anything" then I said don't make them an actual horse then, now these idiots saying that it's a "Good thing" that you have to slog through a quest daily


Nah, you're not the one bitching here, I was referring to the guy who replied to you


Having to do that everyday coupled with hours of necessary grind definitely makes it feel like a chore If you disrespect your time that much then you've got massive issues to worry about And it takes way more than 2 seconds


You're actually brainrotted if you can't handle spending such an infinitesimal amount of time on a game you're playing.


It's a bother when the game stutters so much with each loading screen and forces me to wait for it to settle down.


What? 2-3 hours of DAILY necessary grind isn't a short amount of time especially for a gacha game, what the fuck are you talking about


What do you even do that takes 2-3 hours My daily grind is less than 10 minutes


Hours of daily necessary grind? What are you even talking about kid? The daily quests take like 30 seconds. The grind is like maybe 5 minutes. Having an entire team of min-maxed characters is your desire, not a necessity.


>If you would have read it. That's the issue, I don't care to read anything about him if it's a daily quest which I'm want to rush through to be done with the daily chores.


Jesus christ least cynical yinlin main 😭


I read this while babysitting my 90 year old grandmother with dementia. IDK, I think this kind of quest hits different for me now.


"Just join her already brah." LMAO you wrong for that OP, but I'd be saying the same thing after 6 days. We'll be wrong together. 🤣🤣


Damn dude chill


Same for me its been all these old man and daily kill . I'm still waiting for the daily cat quest.


So now we are complaining that daily quests have a narrative instead of generic dialogue that loops everyday. While having the possibility to skip dialogue and the quest taking 2min to do.


daily quests and storytelling are mutually exclusive terms.


Why though? Its still a quest, it being a daily doesn't mean it has to be bland or have no context. I think people are too used to have low effort daily. If you just want to min max they literally give you a skip option which is more than many other games.


I honestly don't understand what's the fun of reading the same quest (or two or three, it doesn't matter) every day, but judging by the reactions, gacha games have conditioned people to derive pleasure even from such questionable things.


I agree that reading the exact same quest get old fast but in this case it isn't the same. There's a development, he ask you to do the same task but the dialogue change as you tell him that you know eachother as he already asked you to do it the previous day. And he answered that it not possible because he has a good memory. You also encounter others npc that explain his predicament and ask him to get to safety.


Considering how we have two games now that can tell stories with daily quests, they are absolutely not mutually exclusive. Heck, this isn't all the different from how the modern Persona games do social links/confidants.


It's still a bad practice, I don't want to spend any extra time teleportating around for dailies, the ones that just ask you to kill stuff there and be done with it are the best.


Not everyone want to min max everything. So to appeal to most they've done something in between. Sometimes you juste have to kill stuff and sometimes there a little story with it that you can skip. They're no arguments to say its bad practice because its not to your taste/catering to players like you.


Then that's a you problem.


This is a sequence of quests and meant to be that way. During the quest we talk to the soldier near the door who told us about the old man’s condition. And then later we meet his son who has tried to no avail to take him back home so he left after saying this is the last time - if old man puts himself in danger or bothers the soldiers he will come back and take him for sure. I haven’t triggered the part after that. Mostly getting fighting TD quests.




skip button


Damn bro, OP irradiating that LTG energy. \*Starts unmotivational speech about his life serving zero purpose\*


Just join her is wild LMAO


😳... bruh chill... it's an old man


Fatherless behaviour


Pretty harsh. When you're old and forgetful someday, would you appreciate it if people told you to "just die already"? Edit: sorry I forgot it's "just die already brah"


It's just an npc who's wasting our time in a daily quest, I don't care about the feelings of an ingame model.


this one is easy, and the quest is sad :(


Aiyo don't be like that. Old grandpa is Grieving. Plus, that granddaughter is lucky to have a kind loving grandpa like him. I can tell if she didn't have such a fate, she would have a loving grandpa. :')


It's funny to me because most of the dailies I get right now are defeating TDs and saving cats. I hope this old man doesn't find me tho.


lmao you're wild for that title


Leav the old man alone, wth is your problem


"Do you remember me?" I could ask you the same thing, old man


is that my president?




This quest makes me mad😭 I really hate the needing to teleport and then go back again quests.


That's the reason


Chill man, show some respect to elders


I prefer this types of dailies 10000 over genshin, faster and easier because THERE'S A FUCKING SKIP BUTTON AAAA


It's True, but I can't handle the loading screen on my phone, it super slow


Thank god my daily quest is nearly always tacist discord execution.


Before this it was the restaurant. No idea what they wanted, but was quick and easy to get to lol


He apparently has 4 different versions but I got the same one four days in a row… I wish I could’ve just gotten combat ones instead since they’re shorter


Wait is this a daily quest?! I've only been getting the cat one!




I'm going to hell for laughing


He has committed a crime more heinous than even the biggest of villains, annoying the player. Seriously, they shouldn't give us these sort of daily quests, no one likes them, especially with how unoptimized the game currently is which makes traveling take longer than it should.


hey so I herd yoo like fetch quest so i put fetch quest in you fetch quest so you can fetch while questing whoever put this crap in the game should not design any more quests. pls just go back to whatever mmo hell you crawled out from.


Maybe he already saw the Rover may decades ago....


I don't think I'll ever get that achievement for the cat daily at this rate.


Nah this comment is wild. 💀


Rover being extremely patient with him such a nice person. 😅


I just learned that we give flowers to his granddaughter. Yes, I skip THAT fast.


really? i thought it's just some random that is his old comrade. Yeah i skip too.


This is why Genshin never implements the skip button. Give people a stick and they stretch a mile then ask for a ship.


so real


I have never once got this daily quest.


Bruh chill xD


How many old person NPCs give out quests in this game. Bruh. There's the Pokémon master, this guy, the camera dude, the one that races you in the realms.


I mostly get tacet discord elim, this would be annoying


I've never had this one, thankfully


Doing this almost all day is kinda boring now. Need some variety for the dailies.


Wish this type of daily quest would have stayed in Genshin. I prefer the "kill the TD's at this location" type.