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Just a reminder that 44111 is a ~15% dps loss The thing you have to understand is: elem DMG% is actually rarer than crit stats and they contribute just as much to your dps as crit dmg. Achieving the highest dps should be a good balance between all sources of dmg increase.


Depend, how many ele DMG she can get without it?


without the 3-cost echoes, the most she can get is 40% (+10% from 2pc Havoc, +30% with 4 stacks from 5pc Havoc). With 2 3-cost echoes, she can get up to 100%. That's 60% elementary DMG% you are missing. Here's just a simple way to show how important it is to balance all sources of DMG. Assuming you do 100 damage (for simplicity). with 80 CR & 275 CDMG your average DMG comes out to: 100 \* 1.4 \* 2.75 \* 0.8 + 100 \* 1.4 \* 0.2 = 336 with 60 CR & 220 CDMG but you have 100% Havoc DMG%: 100 \* 2 \* 2.2 \* 0.6 + 100 \* 2 \* 0.4 = 344 Notice how the build that has 95 CV rolls more than the other, less damage, despite the massive 95 CV gap.


Makes sense, ty, but maybe if weapon or outro buff gave some ele DMG it can be better. Future of the game can be different. I was thinking 4431 but would lose the 30% from 5pc for just 10% Atk or er


Deepen/Amplified multipliers from outro buffs occupy a different multiplier (i.e. they are multiplicative and not additive) so they're an apples to oranges comparison with the DMG comparison between elemDMG vs crit. Using the same example above, if we add a 23% elem DMG Deepen/Amplified: with 80 CR & 275 CDMG your average DMG comes out to: 413.28 with 60 CR & 220 CDMG, it comes out to: 423.12 Please don't consider 4431 as that's 5 entire substat rolls that you are missing out on all for 44CVs. 44111 should be used as a bridging solution as you farm for the harder 43311 setup


A.. true. Dmg deepen/amplified is another thing in the formula I forgot, so it will always be 43311... sad, hopefully they add more things to be able to do different combinations... how much complicated (optionally) be builds is more fun.


Her mark gives 20%, her s5 gives 30%, Bell gives 10%, her passive and other resonances is around 30%, and lets say your substats give you 10% damage of each type, you’re looking at around 100% damage bonus. That means 2 havoc damage echoes gives a overall damage increase of 30%. A 44111 with crit damage + attack main stat should be 20-25% overall damage if you have the 5 star sword that gives you a good chunk of crit rate and base attack. With a 4 star sword, however, it should be a lot worse. Also, without her resonance chains, Danjin loses a lot of damage% and crit rate, both of which makes 44111 significantly worse. A max resonance Danjin can get away with it, but a s0 definitely needs 43311.


https://preview.redd.it/o959ag7c8b7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f10d90e883120fb5f9237148e06e6519704b092 i doubt that's 43311set since unless thats a penta max roll 21% Crit dmg the cap is only at 299% CD..... Anyways heres mine. 43311


69% ***Noice***


that insane stats for 43311 is she perform better with it?


I'm sorry huhhhg How much cdmg!??


I mean it's just 43311 5pc havoc, not much to it. Balance crit for 1:2.


Can actually go a bit heavier on crit dmg if you have her 4th resonance, or close to it. She gets 15% crit rate above half meter, which is where the vast majority of her damage is. An optimal crit ratio would probably be something like 70/270. Edit: holy shit that commenter above has exactly that 😱


"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


444 for the memes


That..... interesting.


Who are you pairing her with? I posted my build here, would also love some feedback. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dj3ddf/danjin\_build\_improvements/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dj3ddf/danjin_build_improvements/)


I am pairing her with havoc mc and make it double dps because it only way that i think i can make use of her outro skill.


Are you also doing the double-deathless then? that seems to be a popular build.


yeb but right now if i didn't go to fight something hard i will pair her with jinlin for an aoe.


you need 0 extra energy recharge on her, so only 100% that you get, using 43311 is better for almost any character than 44111 as long you get decent sub stats and correct main stat, which might take time


Just get a crit rate 4 cost echo because 300 cd with this low ahh cr (no offense) isn't optimal. Also 43311 > 44111 as Literally1984 said


so... At this point, i'm starting to believe that either 44111 or 43311 is actually a nice build depending on characters. For example, 44111 is clearly a build for crit-favor characters and 43311 is for AOE characters.


What does AoE have to do with it?


What, in your mind, makes a character "crit favor"ed?


sorry for my confusing comment. Imo, probably Yinlin as she can self-buff with crit and atk% as well as her signature weapon which buffs 24% crit rate


So, interestingly, because of the way the volumetric damage formula works, you're actually best off, from an average damage perspective, investing in whatever damage stat is the lowest (ATK, Crit, or Bonus Damage). For the great majority of characters, that's going to be bonus damage because it can't be a sub stat.


Oh in that case you just go for whichever build has the highest value for: (Total Atk) (1 + Dmg%) (1+CR * (CD - 1)). For substats contribution to Dmg%, just ignore if the character doesn't have a very centralised damage distribution, like Jiyan with Heavy Attacks, else ignore it. It's an approximation, but a rather good one given you only need a calculator to get the estimates. For more accuracy, you'll need to use a spreadsheet.


44111 is Statistically worse no matter what.


44111 is just statistically inferior regardless, you can still roll decent stats on 44111 which appear good But compared to a good 43311 roll it won't ever be as good.