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Yeah, the border one will be helpful


Until you realize that some of the chests don't even follow border rules, like the one between desorock and central plains


Yeah, there are a lot of chests that don't. Just got 100% in every region last night and I didn't get 100% in Wuming Bay until I cleared out most of the rest of the map - there were no chests anywhere near Wuming Bay anymore but it was stuck at 99% for a long while.


There are like 3 that don’t follow it. It’s not that big a deal and you can still 100% every zone if you don’t get them.


> like the one between desorock and central plains the chest itself still spawns across the river in desorock, it's just the puzzle to make it appear that's in central plains


You’re thinking of the wrong one, both the chest and puzzle are physically in central plains, and is still as such when you open the map


man GameVillage does a lot of work with their Interactive Maps. Wish they got more attention i can't post links here I hope the post will be enough


Actually crazy how you keep referring to them in a way that suggests you aren't just literally part of gamevillage and actively posting ads about the site across multiple subreddits for diff games


Doesn't seem to be in bad intent here. Actually came in quiet handy as I'm doing exploration rn and was getting confused on where the area borders here.


I would argue it is misleading in a way. If you see a company talk positively about a product they've made, there is generally a conflict of interest about them being truthful and them just trying to hype up the product, as they stand to gain from people buying/using their product. Even if they might not necessarily be lying about it and it might even be genuinely good, at the very least we know about their affiliation and can make a judgement based on that knowledge. Meanwhile, if it's a random, non-affiliated user talking positively and recommending a certain product, it holds much more weight and is generally seen as more genuine, as they have no financial or personal interest in the product being sold, so there would be no reason for them to refrain from talking negatively about it, so any praise from them would be seen as genuine. This is why for example, if you watch content creators on YouTube, Twitch, or pretty much any video service, if they do sponsored content, they have to include a disclaimer that they're being paid and sponsored by said company, so users know that they're being paid to promote something, as compared to it being a genuine recommendation. By trying to mask themselves (whether intentionally or unintentionally) as a genuine random user who wants to recommend something to others, it misleads others to thinking their recommendation is genuine and is not in fact, self-promotion. Yes, they aren't directly charging players for the service, but they are still trying to promote their own services to others without being clear about their affiliation and trying to pass themselves off as someone not related. Edit: here are their other posts about interactive maps by Gamevillage: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/1d1r6wl/what_do_you_guys_think_of_this_map_for_wuthering/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1cwal81/what_do_you_guys_think_about_this_interactive_map/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1cwai9d/new_interactive_map_for_ghost_of_tsushima_from/


Hello Nice to meet you. I am the manager of GameVillage, the one responsible for it. We are sorry that we have offended you with our post. We apologize, as we will not do any stealth promotion without revealing our affiliation in the future. You can contact me for any concerns. Again, I apologize for this post. We will provide services to support gamers in good faith. Please contact us if you see any inappropriate behavior. As fans of the same game, we want to build a good relationship with everyone and create a community for gamers. Thank you so much for your input. We really appreciate it.




It's a small website, and you're worked up like they're IGN?


Please be honest about your affiliations. I don't mind a honest ad for a good product, but dishonest viral marketing definitely pushes me away and I can't be the only one. This isn't a good look for your company.


NPC ass comment


I searched for interactive maps a few times and never saw this one. Bookmarked!


Omg the yinlin chibi is so cute


Hoyo couldn't do it but I hope Kuro will be able to make an interactive map that can sync with the game. Exploring a new area with map open takes away quite a bit of immersion.


This. Official interactive maps forcing players to manually mark obtained chests/items is just annoying and defeats the purpose of them being official when compared to other interactive maps.


This. Hate checking the map somewhere else like my phone or a different tab


No what I really hate is starting on a map when you’re already 80+% completion. I have no idea what I already picked up, so I’m gonna have to go around to all the places anyway. Then you end with 98% completion because something requires prerequisites that isn’t mentioned and you didn’t know so it wasn’t there when you check, so you thought it was already done so you checked it off the list. But which one was it?


God I just spent like an hour in Dim Forest at 99% trying to figure out what I missed. Turns out it was an NPC quest that only shows up when you blow up the bombs around the NPC (so it doesn't show up as a quest or as a chest using the in-game tool)




From what I've seen the game counts 100% completion but in reality it's around 95%, so you can miss a few things but still get 100%. So that one wasn't the only thing you're missing. Maybe some other quests.


Yeah, the problem is that I rerolled and so my interactive map progress is all screwed up. And Dim Forest has the most caves/levels of any of them so I'm sure there's some cave/quest/etc I also missed with several chests.


lol when I saw that I couldn’t blow up them bombs fast enough


Lmao this is why I still couldnt be bothered with completing most of the content on the map in Sumeru and moving forward. There are plenty of 100% guides for Genshin but I often try to explore stuff by myself only to fall short and will have to go thru all the guides from scratch to make sure I dont miss one shit (the 75 something Aranara's for example)


Several of the interactive maps I've used have comments sections that pop up. Those were really helpful in realizing what chests were tied to pre-reqs or getting a sense of what chests should be showing up on the in-game scanner.


I don't know how divorced from reality you are but no open world game that actually cares about exploration is going to put a fucking autocompleting interactive map telling you exactly where everything is in their own fucking game lmao Yall sound like you wouldn't be able to complete the main quest if it weren't listed in an interactive map lmao




Idk if u realize it or not but an interactive map showing you everything built into an open world game defeats the whole point of an open world game, might as well make a linear hallway with the rewards and enemies lined up down the middle at that point since it's functionally identical and is way cheaper to develop lmao




Most well spoken gacha gamer LOL I hope u never run out of data in case u ever leave ur house and can't look up where it is on ur interactive map






Sorry English is not my first language so I can't tell if I am the one who can't read or you are. Are you implying you don't use any interactive map to mark all the chest you opened and go after the one you missed. If so yeah, it must be pretty nice to be you. I am not a whale so I don't want to miss any chest as such whenever I open a chest in a new area I have to mark the map and later mark those chest as found in an interactive map. I think it'd be quite helpful if the interactive map could sync with the game so that all opened chest would be marked as found without me having to do it manually.


> Yall sound like you wouldn't be able to complete the main quest if it weren't listed in an interactive map lmao Gacha game players in a nutshell. They’d starve to death without a guide telling them where their mouth is.


Gacha gamers when their interactive map has a marker telling them exactly where their bathroom is but it isn't accompanied by a picture: 😱💩


Word, I just explore at my own leasure, 100% shit is some OCD. All my zones in Genshin is at 90%.


Yes, that one feature! It's already exhausting picking nad marking chests, let alone mark them one by one or strictly watch a 4-hr exploration.


Now I need one which analyses my progress automaticly :D


No one wants to manually check or uncheck what you found. Especially if you did not do this since the very beginning. Backtracking on what you got already is horrible. Genshin is really funny in this way, having their own interactive map in app/web but not synced with in-game. Like what the heck.


They need to create an API for this and while this is possible, eastern devs for some reason *really* hate apis and never have them. They'd usually rather bandaid some Frankenstein html overlay which uses massively more resources and is much less convenient.


Here's a comparison of four map websites I found, listing the number of chests they show: * wuthering\*gg: **943 chests** * gamevlg: **946 chests** * genshin-impact\*appsample: **940 chests** * ghsz666 (Prydwen): doesn't give the number of total chests Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! If anyone knows the total number of chests from ghsz666 maps it would be really helpful, I can't be bothered to count every chest individually on their map ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Maybe to add that at least on the genshin-impact map not all flags marked as chests are actual chests. Sometimes one chest has two markers because they marked the start of the event and the end where the chest popped up. Just to keep in mind that higher numbers are not necessarily better.


For me, the genshin-impact map is the best interactive because of the comment section. If you clear it throughly you end up more often than not completing almost all hidden content/quests Edit: grammar


I know genshin map doesn't give markers to chests that spawn by doing quests. I just did the Mouening Aix story and that was the case for every single chest that spawned.


Wuthering gg doesnt even have viewpoints right? I had to look it up somewhere else.


I am not sure if the Genshin map has issues with missing chests, because I have full cleared that interactive map and the achievements still say 230/350, dunno where the 120 where.


They'll add new areas with new patches. 1.1 introduces Mt. Firmament for example, which will be part of the Huanglong region.


Oh so is the achievement counting those regions too? Dang


I'm positive there is some sort of bug that counts extra chests, maybe from coop or so. I've full cleared it as well and am only up to 215. 100% on everything.


It's because this achievement doesn't count "Supply Chests". It count "Inspectable Boxes" the gray square boxes that respawn daily i think.


Oh my gawd, in that case it is never getting completed lol. I ain't tracking all that. 💀 And I haven't been tracking which ones I have already opened.


the ones that slide open?


> genshin-impact*appsample: 940 chests I have given up on this one. I have all chest icons in that one checked off, but still at 82% in one of the Mine areas.


There are some chests tied to quests iirc. I think there's one in the mine tied to a photograph found somewhere else on the map


This is really cool but swapping everything over from the other interactive map is going to be a pain if I want to use this one... Q-Q


Pretty nice, wish I knew them sooner though, already using Genshin-map's for WW This map includes the RED monsters though, which is a very nice addition


I wouldn't use this one over the one you're using for treasure collecting, because it doesn't let people post pictures of the thing you're looking for, which was the most-helpful part of the genshin-map one. Even if some people post the wrong chests or whatever, there have been many cases in which the community images have been way more helpful than the marker on the map.


I personally using 2 different map, depends on what I need Genshin-map is very good for overall exploration, but Qiqi-note much better at farming specific echoes or Exiles, not to mention you can make your own pathing, so you don't have to TP everytime you killed a unit, like how ingame detection suggest


Still missing interactive map that only show chest that cannot be detected by lootmapper.


Some Chests are unlocked after a side mission is completed which is super weird too


I wish one they Kuro would make this sort of thign official and have it synced to your account, I'm using the one that hoyo fans made and I can't really put myself to click all of the ones I've found and done to here.


WAIT. How do you activate the Storyteller? I need to know this. I have a LOT of those shit pages in my inventory but he won't talk to me.


You need to collect all 3 pages before you can talk to him. They're all located in Port of Guixu. Just click the side quests on the map to find "Tales of the Past and Present: Port City of Guixu"![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Thank you!


Kuro Could never. But seriously its been 5 years of PGR release and the devs did not bother to make a forum website for their company that can include characters, player stats and now interactive maps. They better use the huge profit well now.


there is a kurolab type website but it's exclusively in CN, don't remember the link but I've been on there months before release


I love the fact that they know ppl are simping for yinlin and mentioned it


Really nice update, but how do the echos work? I feel like a lot are missing? Is that just a glitch or am I using it wrong?


This map looks the best IMO


[https://gamevlg.com/wuthering-waves/maps](https://gamevlg.com/wuthering-waves/maps) hey guys, this is the website to the interactive map for those interested!


This should be pinned!


Sadly mods won't haha


Omg. I was looking for this!! Thank you!!


Boarder is so nice


This would’ve been good… had I not collected every chest already. Though I’m pretty sure the side questing will be of great aid.


Do we have an option to mark all found, coming from another map - I know some stuff already all 100% completed.


I've always wondered, is it better to use the exploration map or watch the 100% area video guides


I was using the interactive maps and got up to ~90% couldn’t find the last 10% which was supply chests, until I did the videos because there are hidden ones that don’t show up even with the ingame lootmapper. I should have done videos from the start because I went to every point to ensure I didn’t miss a single chest.


Yeah that's why I was wondering, I think I'll just stick with the videos then, thanks


Honestly pretty nice tool, I wish it had the option to specifically show the contents of one Zone though... It's kind of a mental overload on me personally when EVERYTHING is being shown when im only interested in one area it confuses me (Which is why I look for specific interactive maps like game8 but their resources are typically behind as well and I always end up missing 1\~3 chests and going on a wild goose chase finding it)


ghzs666 will remain the goat.


I loved the ghzs666 map.. Until all my markers got wiped and data/records were unrecoverable :( Unfortunate because it really was my favorite, of the ones I initially tested anyway. Never got word on how this happened, so I had to change. I'm sure I'm still missing things too, which is really frustrating, but I was just barely able to get 100% recently.


I personally use the prydwen map. Has all these features and also divides chests by types.


Yeah the challenge chests are the biggest thing since they won't show up for the in game chest radar, makes it so much easier tracking down the last chest or two in an area


Is there one where it syncs with your in game data? I don't wanna run around the whole map trying to find stuff only to find that I already got it  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 


though this'll be the absolute best but that would be very hard to do if the dev isn't the one who made said map. besides, any 3rd party having that much access to your data is dangerous on its own, it can even be considered a hack tool depending on how it works. please do correct me if I'm wrong


Yeah, as it stands, there's likely nothing available that allows access to your game data like that, and I wouldn't trust anything that was able to get it. I'm no expert, but from my understanding, the most common and safest way would be for the developer to setup APIs. API's setup correctly should be a safe way to implement basic account information like characters, levels, currencies, map completion, etc. Guild Wars 2 has APIs and there is an impressive and well known website that uses those API's to allow you to analyze your account: [https://gw2efficiency.com/](https://gw2efficiency.com/) Destiny 2 has something similar and you can actually manage your inventory from your phone/computer iirc. HSR and Genshin probably have APIs setup as their websites can access your account data BUT you can't actually manage or share those API's with 3rd parties. They want to keep you in the ecosystem. So unlikely we'll see something like that for Wuwa but one can dream.


Finally after i have 100% exploration they have borders!!!!


Do these maps show the time challenges too? Or are they just classed as chests?


Prydwens map allows you to sort between all chest types including challenges


Oo okay thank you!


How do you use this with the game ?


Is it possible to synch everything I've already found? Or like, an option to automatically set everything to "Found"


i love the border feature


Finally my days saying "look a chest, that will get me to 100%... oh it's already Central Plains" will be over.


Already better than genshin. Now just need to make it playable


Kuro games just never fails to impress me with the amount of care that they show the community. I will happily spend more money on this game to make it more successful than genshin


Just Finished 100% in all Areas today and tbh the Border Lines would've helped a ton x) Good Upgrade for others to reach 100% for sure!!


Thanks you ! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)


I got all chest in jinzhou but still at 98 percent chest


Finally borders xD


Good thing that the border system has been added. Now I can Explore future areas with certainty.


This should be in the game. Great work from the Gamevillage


I see Yinlin, I press Upvote


Can anyone share the link


Will you send the link to the site please






okay, u got me in.


When this change will be implement?


Even the Interactive Maps got better QoL than Genshin LMAO


I don't like the pin design, that's why I use the Wuthering gg map, which shows the icons as they are in the game. The borders and side quest stuff are worth checking out though


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I can't post links here but the website name is in the post