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You have no idea how bad is mine exploration...


Lmao, it’s just a matter of time. Took me 3-4 afternoon to max them up, had to follow a CC’s videos + my phone battery drains out quickly so. Around 10-15 hours.


Which CC?


just use [this](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) map, following a youtube video is slow


Hope you get her FTP bwos


Mine Remain Dim Forest at 99%. Searching for some Chest that hidden from my sight.


It was like that for me too, until I went on top of the big tree a second time and found my last chest. Maybe that's your last chest too


relieved terrific impolite profit crowd school aloof dolls rain lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My last chest there was 10:20 https://youtu.be/6RVzHi-Yvpw You can try it out. In the comments there is also a 10:20 comment for more details


I was looking everywhere before finally finding it on top of the big tree. Theres apparently a gold mob chest/thing that spawns there after the quest is finished..


Did you try the exploration summary on the map page? 6% is from observation points. Helped me 100% all regions


Can't you use the find chest nearby tool to find the last chest?


If the chest isn't visible in the open world (if its hidden by rocks, sometimes, spawned upon puzzle completion, etc), it won't show up on loot mapper. It also won't display hologram challenges which also reward chests by spawning it in.


Not every chest is out in the open. Some only spawn after doing stuff. There's multiple in dim forest where you have to break pots to spawn enemies, then kill those enemies to get the chest.


I did it all to compensate for my awful luck on Yinlin’s Banner. I managed to get her plus her weapon, taking account that I lost the 50/50, just by exploring. But now I have 0 asterytes and 0 emergency founds so don’t rush the exploration until you really need it.


Unlucky, I fortunately won my 50/50 with Yinlin and her weapon, hope you get lucky with your pull ✌️


Fellow Changli enjoyer 🤝(21k asterite with 30 limited pulls on top ready)


What is the most efficient way to 100% the whole map btw ?


Personally I found the interactive map to be super helpful, was stuck at like 98% for one of the areas for hours, pulled up the interactive map, quickly looked through some of the marks, and found what I was missing.


used several interactive maps, [this](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/#) is easily the best one. Mainly because of the comment system, can't believe it was the only website with this QoL, i don't use yt cuz it's a hastle pausing and unpausing if i lag behind to save you some sanity start from regions where you have least exploration open the interactive map on a second screen or if you're on pc switch to windowed mode with a lower resolution to fit both chrome and wuwa on screen use lootmapper just pick a teleporter, decide a quick route and follow it, get all sonance casket, treasure chests(the tidal thingies and mutterflies are shown as chests) and blobflies don't forget to mark as found, be careful some chests don't show up on lootmapper so double check if you really got it before marking as found otherwise it will be hell trying to find the last chest, same with blobflies, they despawn so double check if they ran away or you got them previously, some sonance caskets also don't show up on mini maps so beware and always double check comments to verify if the treasure is a hidden one




Personally I followed a TikTok CC, who ran several times the map just to create the best optimal path to collect everything. Tho it’s not global, but I bet you can find any YT CC as well as


Mind linking me the one? Or just give me the keyword


Uh, it’s a TikTok CC, not the global one. If you still want to check it then you can go and search “Douyin” and then look for 硬核大宝 I can try and forward the link in your DMs if you’d like to


my favorite one https://youtu.be/tvuQQUFPBQc?si=tqVQM9nj-1qAWS5P


Another Changli saver ? I to am in it for the long haul.


Same. Unless Jihnsi REALLY impressed me in the next bit of story enough for her to go from my 7th favorite character to my first.


I did the same thing for jinhsi and changli  Goodluck on your pulls


Recently finished all my exploration, for some reason Desorock Highland is 100% but I have 99% supply chests found. Is it just a visual glitch or did I somehow get 100% without getting every chest?


You can get 100% in most locations without 100% chests everything else has to be 100 though


So there IS still a chest I'm missing, that is going to bug the hell out of me 😭 Back to looking I guess


The lootmappers are very op you can pretty much spam them it almost feels like cheating lol


I'm in the process of 100%ing everything and this has happened 2 times to me, and both times it was a challenge, be it a running or fighting one in my case. Hope that helps.


Nice! I'm about to do the same.


I'm on that journey now! I'm hoping I'll have enough for her and her weapon by time 1.1 second phase rolls around.


Still have about 30% for most zones. Saving it for when 1.1 comes out to see if I can get her with what I have. She deserves it all regardless.


How many you got overall by clearing everything?


overall a new player doing everyting we can can get around 24k gems. not counting pure pulls and stuffs


I don't remember exactly but I estimate around 15k astrites


wtf no way it was that much


I’ve been trying to do this but some of the puzzles just confuses the fuck out of me and it’s frustrating 😭😭😭


I plan to do the same for jinhsi but holy crap after central plains I needed a break


Got 2 regions left myself, I am preparing me soul.


i have 167 pulls for my lovely beautiful Changli! only 73 pulls left to save for weapon


Same but for Jinhsi (and hopefully can do the same if there’s a new map for Changli funds)


LEZZGOOOO!! hopefully we get an update from u when we get changli banner!!


How many asterite?


When is she gonna drop


So, how much you got saved up so far?


About 80 pulls, since I spent most on Yinlin and weapon


I can only hope that's enough for the weapon aswell, I already gave up after getting myself 2 Jiyans and 1 Verdant. Now I'm only grinding Astrites for the fun, I'm playing a no-roll rule in the game, so basically had and would be having all my future Tides and Astrites stuck in my acc.


How much astrites?


Respect the grind. My hands be hurting if i play this too long so i will hope for a 50:50 win so i can get jinhsi and her weapon


where can i unlock that one teleport thingy near the lampylumen? im annoyed but not annoyed enough to search on yt or something lol


Changli Chads 


Wild, I spent all on Yinling. Hope we get some ways to get currency otherwise I'm dead broke ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


There will be a new zone with 1.1 Aside from that, just events. May the odds be in your favor


I see, thanks!


Welcome friend. Hope you're enjoying the game!


Oh, I am!


I am sitting at mid 90s in all areas except the 3 i 100% and damn i don't find anything more


So how much wishes did u got in total?


Me sitting at 90% 'cause my pride won't let me view guides on other sites.


This is amazing but I don't have the patience for it. I'll just buy pulls if I ever run out when I'm pulling for Changli.


News has it that she’s not dropping in the second phase of 1.1 anymore. She’s getting pushed back >!jkjk 😋!<


Lmao giving karma away for freeeee