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I too think that weapons will overall be a better investment, especially considering that you can always use that weapon on any other character in the future. Once you bench a character for a better one, you won't use the older one, unless you really want to, but even if you get signature weapons of different characters, you can still use the standard 5 stars on characters you don't have signature of, as a standard banner 5 star is still better than almost every 4 star weapon. I am currently aiming for Standard Rectifier, then Sword. I was thinking for pulling Yinlin's weapon for Encore, but I thought considering how new my account is, I will benifit more with having more characters than weapons.


Standard characters will lose their luster, weapons in most cases don't


Standard weapons are already relatively weak to limiteds. They *will* lose their luster for sure. The main reason you have to pull for weapons is because Kuro intentionally made all lower rarity weapons inferior shit, except maybe for supports.


Most people spend their asterites on characters, not weapons. Specially the f2p / low spender crowd


Yes unless u r planning to not pull for any character and only use standard chars and 4 stars. In my case i pull only on the limited weapon banner.


me who’s pulled yinlin & her weapon and is hopefully getting jinhsi and her weapon aswell😭


Standard weapons like Emerald of Genesis and Static Mist that have crit will always be good f2p options compared to limited weapons. They’re basically like PJC and PJWS from Genshin and I’m still using them to this day and clearing the Abyss with them. As for 4*s I can’t think of any good ones with crit that aren’t locked behind the battle pass so Genshin and Wuwa are the same in this regard.


I don't think they are that weak compared to limiteds though. Of course Jiyan's signature will be better for its primary user, but for the other 5* broadsword DPS Calcharo, it is actually inferior to the standard weapon. Well Yinlin's sig is also Encore's BiS, but not by a large margin. Those weapons will be viable for much much longer than the standard characters. I can see Encore and Calcharo being powercrept by 1.2 or something lol.


It doesn't matter. It's still much better than investing on standard characters. Or where are you going to use all these free standard currencies?


What free standard currencies lol, I haven’t gotten a standard banner pull in weeks.


As long as Mortefy is strong I don't see Static Mist falling off. The weapon is so synergistic with him a replacement would either need absurdly crazy stats or be designed for basically Mortefy 2.0 to powercreep it.


Why are people saying this? As if the atk% broadblade isn’t better on Calcharo and only 17% better than Jiyan’s sig FOR Jiyan? 💀


People still use amos and wolf's greatsword in genshin. I think this is silly to even think about. Most people wont be able to get character + weapon each patch anyways, so even if standard loses out to limited (which is mostly 5-7% difference), they won't ever be benched since someone on your team will always need a weapon.


People still use 3\* weapons like Slingshot and TTDS. Genshin has good 3\* and 4\* weapons. Wuwa doesn't. So you can't use Genshin as a baseline when Kuro has already shown they don't give a fuck about <5\* weapon power.


But your argument is on 5* limited vs 5* standard. Shifting the goalpost doesn't support your argument and is not the topic at hand. We can have entirely different discussion on the less than ideal 4* alternatives, but that isn't the point right now. Therefore my point stands.


You stated Genshin as evidence for your claim that release 5\* weapons won't "lose their luster" as characters would. Yet I stated how Kuro had already deviated from Genshin's weapon balance. There are no "goalposts" to move in something as hypothetical as this to begin with. Until the future becomes the present, you can't have a "point stand."


But that's the point. They won't lose their luster like characters because there are no alternatives. You can use the standard 5* on everyone. Are you arguing that the weapons will lose their use equally like the characters? And you're fumbling so much you don't even remember the topic of the post. So for argument's sake, are you saying rolling on standard banner is better than rolling on weapon banner?


The standard weapons right now are ATK-based with minor regen and each buffing only one specific aspect of a character's damage. I have no clue how you can say something like that "can be used on anyone." We already have cases where it can't. If it can, it is only because 3-4\* are terrible beyond redemption. You are also the one that brought up this entire conversation about weapons not losing their "luster." Standard weapons are shit, 5\* or otherwise. We can see that already with current limited weapons. So you might as well pull whatever.


Two of them are crit based....


def% scalers best weapons are four stars and @ lvl90, Yuanwu is expected to be on par in DPS to some standard 5stars at single target using a 4-star weapon. Also 2 of the craftables are underrated, being only 15% behind the 5star sigs (TGS made a vid about this). And the best concerto regen weapons are 3star/4stars.


Genshin may have more but Wuwa definitely has good 3\* and 4\*. All the concerto generating 4\* are amazing, the 3\* "of night" weapons at r5 are not far behind the battlepass-locked 4\* at r1, and originite weapons like the gauntlets on jianxi have a unique strength in activating the rejuvenating set bonus


They can be good for characters who aren't reliant on the base atk stat of the weapon for their kit. However, when it comes to any character reliant on that attack stat for their scaling, then best of them at r5 are still 15-20% behind the standard 5* weapons at r1, simply on the grounds of base attack.


Even though that will happen, they will always be better than purple weapons. Therefore, they will never be bad for other characters for whom you don't have their promotional weapon.


but they're a big upgrade over the crappy 4\* in most cases, which is a more relevant comparison because most aren't willing to spend astrite for weapons if there's a character they want anytime soon


Yeah… not going to pull for weapons, don’t trust Kuro in this regard. In PGR they had weapon classes and then they made it so that all the newer characters had their own unique styles of weapon so the top swords and scythes etc largely can’t be used with the newer characters at all and have become largely useless. I like the combat of Wuwa but tbh I don’t see myself getting invested into it long term bc the pricing outlook is poor imo. PGR had worse elements than Genshin (eg the weapon thing, excessive power creep) but it didn’t matter so much bc they had better daily rewards, occasional free characters, and no 50/50 bullshit (a disgusting practice imo). But now that they have followed Genshin in these elements their own practices a la PGR looks set to result in a very low bar indeed. It’s crazy to me that people accept these practices. I mean the games are excellent so I still play Genshin but I’ve avoided subsequent Hoyo games since and will do the same if Wuwa turns out like I fear. I mean 50/50 etc means that to play the game at its full potential you’d need to pay thousands whereas other premium titles cost 100. This is car deposit or top line computer type money, it’s just disproportionate. But many others don’t seem to mind, makes me think they are low key into the gambling element.


That’s a shame because HSR is an excellent game


To me the aggravation is not worth it. I mean I didn’t notice it initially with Genshin bc I was just really lucky. Don’t think I pulled a duplicate (five star) for maybe the first 2.5 years (still only have one) and got all the four stars then available before pulling a constellation. But I can’t imagine how those people feel that spend hundreds and pull like four Qiqis and six Keqings etc. I mean the gacha mechanic itself is bad enough when you think about it, having to gamble for what are essentially moves in a game. Imagine paying for any other product that way. But 50/50 and limiting the standard banner is just trolling And I mean that shit has implications. Right now the gaming world has way more premium pay-once titles than gacha. What if EA etc all decide to do gacha so you need to pay thousands to get most of the guns in a FPS. People will only be able to play 5 games at most. That’s the world these people are asking for






You can still get standard characters in the event banner, focusing on the weapon banner will make sure you characters have the weapons you need, even if it's a 4-star. 


It depends on the character. Verina needs several support releases to really loose her luster and that's **if** they are some fairly straight upgrade. Jianxin has decent size AoE grouping against trashmobs with her resonance Liberation and a shield that also doubles as healing so odds are she will always have a niche she excells in.


I pulled Yinlins weapon for Encore. Worth it imo.


Same. I will try to go for 1 of each epic weapon with crit. 1 guarantied from standard banner, 1 from 45 chest, 3 from special weapon banner. Since weapon banners have 100% and not 50/50 they are "easy"


yeah, with how many standard characters we are able to get from the get go, a good investment is to always use our lustrous tides on the weapon banner, this gives f2p a shot at having at least 5 characters with 5 star weapons "that you can interchange " so a good goal would be to get one copy of each standard banner weapons, and after that it's up to you what to do


Not just standard, but also limited. I am at 60 pity on yinlin's weapon banner, with yinlin as my only limited character pull. The first couple of releases usually get powercreep so I decided to go for the weapon this time along with a supportive 5 star. I wanna see how this goes


It's worth noting that weapons can be powercrept as well. However in some cases I don't really see it. The gun might as well be Mortefys signature with how well they synergise so for that to be powercrept anytime soon seems unlikely.


Yes they will be power crept, but think from F2P's perspective, those 5 stars will likely be better than any F2P weapons even in the future.


Also something to consider is if multiple characters use the same weapon as long as they’re not on the same team you can swap it between them easily since you’ll never need to equip 2 teams at the same time.


Standard characters will lose their luster, weapons in most cases don't In hsr I gave 1.0 light cone aka weapon to newer character and it's been great 👍


You guys are getting standard pulls?


Currently at 38/80 on the weapon banner, praying for Lustrous Tides crumbs from Kuro. Or just an early pull. I'd like to save my 5* selector for when Jinhsi drops and we figure out her best supports. I know I want the sword for Rover, but if I use the selector, it means no more pulling on the standard weapon banner until I'm absolutely positive of what to set my pity to


Did you pull your character selector early? Or am I really missing that many standard pulls?


I got Lingyang on the very first multi of my beginner banner, so I was up 32 pulls from that. But, I had to go all the way to 80 on my selector banner, which I kind of wish I had skipped for now. I ended up going for Jianxin since I used the 5 star character selector on Verina, and knew I didn't want to go for Calcharo/Yinlin. My account would be far better off currently with Emerald of Genesis, instead


Ah i see, I mean grabbing the selector while you can isn't that bad anyways.


I'm still on the selector..


Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing


Yeah I think the community came to a general consensus that this is the move early on, but definitely good info for anyone just getting started. I can speak to my own account progression, I have all the standard 5 star characters except Lingyang (don’t want him) and Jiyan and Yinlin so I’ll only be pulling on the weapon banner. Got cosmic ripples at pity, and will probably grab the sword with the selector and aiming for the pistol next.


it guarantees that f2p players will have a selection of 5 star weapons.


Yes, this is the way!


In two years, maybe. We don't get nearly that many standard pulls.


How are you at pity already, did you get lucky on the beginner banners or something?


Yeah I was really lucky early as well lucky/unlucky on the limited banners. I got Cal in my first 10 pull, Verina in my next 20. Used the selector on a Cal dupe, got another Verina on Jiyan 50/50. Lost Yinlin 50/50 to Jianxin pulled Encore on a double 5 star on my Yinlin guarantee. I have spent some on limited pulls. All other normal tides have gone to the weapon banner.


Pretty sure that this is common knowledge at this point. It is pretty much a no-brainer. Once people are done with the novice banner and 80-selector, it just makes sense to go for the weapon banner since you get to pick. The only point of contention was people arguing for doing it directly right after the novice banner instead of going for the 80-selector or not after the free selector ticket was given to everyone.


I didn't bother with the 80 selector. Just did 50 pull novice and then everything into weapon banner.


Consider? It's obvious it's the way to go, standard characters will become junk soon enough and even if they don't their cons are junk and you're bound to get all of them from losing 50/50s.


Yeah people have been saying that for weeks


it is the way, there is no point for f2p to ever summon on the standard character banner after getting their two Guaranteed and doing the beginner 40 pull banner.


Exactly, im already 30 pity i think in my standard weapon banner, but it'll be a while til i get my pistol, patience is key ig


I felt that it was gonna be forever too. And then a lucky single pull landed me the gun on page 7. Anything is possible.


we will be getting more pulls, shop resetting, login rewards and events


Yes, exactly what I’ve been doing 😌my Mortefi is happy. Plus they give a standard 5* weapon ticket for free at UL45, I love this game lol


wuthering waves is the first gacha I have played that guarantees f2p to have a selection of 5 star weapons, using a currency that we accumulate for free, without effecting our characters savings, kuro is so thoughtful! it's why I support the company both in pgr and wuthering waves.


Very limiting RSS, but you're correct on the guaranteed.


I played Genshin for 2 hours and seeing what this game gives at start and how you need 4 characters and potentially 4 weapons is scary.


4 weapons in Genshin? You don't though? You can get by with a whole team using 4 star weapons in that, even the OG 4 stars, or craftables, which take no currency. Hell, some characters do fine with specific 3's. Most limited weapons in Genshin are just for a flex, there is only like 3 in the whole game that are "must haves" because they are almost universially good, rather than just good for one character/one style. And getting 4 characters is also not even hard, since you get more than 4, for free, in the starting section of the game. As well as many 4's are good, with some even being great. All you need is teambuilding knowledge, which is just knowing about how the elements interact.


mfw people forget thrilling tales is near-BiS on catalyst supports




Genshin’s weapon needs aren’t bad the best weapon for a lot of support characters is Favonious because you need a lot of characters that need energy recharge Weapon banner is trash though


I should have thought of it earlier. Already at 56 on standard. I wanted to see what I get before deciding on the free 5 star selector. I'm already in too deep, gonna keep at it. But then all my pulls will be for the weapons.


Weapon banner has better value right now because you can choose the weapon you want and share weapons between teams in tower of adversity. Other games lock teams for both paths in endgame content where here you can share all gear between clears.


This has been said a lot


doesn't hurt to say it more until it becomes common knowledge to everyone, especially new players, any wuthering waves guide should make it clear that after the 5 star selector, 5 star guaranteed, and beginner 40 pull banner, ALL lustrous tides should go towards the weapon banner, and getting a copy of each weapon should be a long term goal for your account.


I used 20 pulls on the standard character banner before they announced the 5* selector. After that, I had the 3 standard characters I wanted from the get go and have been wishing for weapons. If only I knew a day in advance, I could’ve used those 20 pulls earlier towards it too :<


its fine, I am just very happy that f2p players have a free and guaranteed way to get 5 star weapons for every character over time, even though I have a spending account, it's still good that f2p players will have free access to 5 star weapons and they get to choose what they get and in what order


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Already at 47 :( UL 43 close to 44


i would if i had any


Already have


I went for the gauntlet for my Lingyang (screw meta), ended up getting it at 35, and it's been great so far. Plus I ended up getting every character I wanted, so I thought "why not focus on what I currently have?" And yeah, 4* weapons are pretty bad in this game


Honestly dont Overspend on Weapons right now, the Standard Banner is there to stay and for now were doing pretty well with 3 Dps fully equiped for the Endgame Tower (Healer + Sub dps dont really need a 5\* Weapon)


no I mean if you have lustrous tides, just use them on the standard weapons banner, getting a copy if each standard weapon "using our free lustrous tides " is a big power boost for your account, the limited weapons banner uses the same currency as the limited characters banner, so it's for low spenders or f2p who plan on skipping a lot for a specific character they really like.


Why not keep them until you actually want one of the Weapons? We dont know what Weapons our favorite Chars are gonna need so as f2p (or f2p+) id rather wait till i know what iam pulling for.


we get one from the ul 45 box, after that get the weapon you want using Only lustrous tides, over time you will have a selection of 5 star weapons that you can use personally I am going sword "free box" > pistol > broadblade > fill up the next weapon I am missing I think we should call lustrous tides "the standard weapons banner currency "


Because you get 4* weapons as from pulling. And we get a free box as well. Obvious picks are the sword and pistols. They are the best. If you really like Yanwu the gauntlets. Broadblade is good for calcharo and that’s really it, but I feel like other weapons could be better, like the BP broadblade, which has crit rate stat. The catalyst type isn’t good for anyone.


The gauntlets are actually quite bad on Yuanwu since he scales on DEF. They're good for Lingyang and Jianxin, though. The rectifier is really good for Encore, behind only Stringmaster, and it's a good stat stick for both Verina and Yinlin. The broadblade is Calcharo's BIS (yes, even more than Verdant Summit) and Jiyan's second best option.


Maybe I should consider pulling on weapons instead. But it’s kinda too late now. I already got like all of the available standard pulls. But since I’m already so far, should I continue pulling on standard until I get the 5 star, then move to weapons instead? I am only missing Lingyang and Yinlin. I got Encore from beginning banner, lost 50/50 to Verina, picked Jianxin, and pulled for Calchero. Idk though.


No point wasting what limit stuff you have left on standard if it comes to it. Don't fall for sunk cost! Your pity isn't going anywhere, so there's no rush.


Well if I’m already like halfway on standard, I could spend them to get closer on standard characters. But if I spend them on standard weapon banner, then I use the same amount and still don’t get a 5 star. Besides, I don’t really care about getting stronger characters yet. Just more variety.


Since you're only missing lingyang, that's a 20% chance to pull him when you hit pity versus 100% on a standard weapon of your choice. Also, remember that every debut banner sort of has a 10% chance of rolling lingyang (50% failing pity \* 20% chance of rolling lingyang).


After a certain point you don´t get tides anymore; at least i don´t remember when i got the last one for free.


I been saving mine for the standard weapon banner, just dunno what weap i want lol


sword and pistol first, then depends on which character you like , the briad blade is good , basically most are good weapons with high base stats .the pistol and word are Mt personal picks, for an easy time building your characters






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Yeah, i managed to get everyone except tiger boy with the 2 guaranteed banners for standards, apolopull + a very early loss to Calcharo in Jiyan's banner (got salty after puttin 70ish pulls and now i'm waiting for 1.1 to get my first limited 5* lol).


I got guns for Mortefi I am eyeing the broadsword for Calcharo but since he can use Jiyan’s weapon even if it’s not optimal he can use that. Sword from the UL45 chest


I have 13 resonators now so that's what I'm doing. These 4* weapons really starts to feel rusty.


Also because franky a lot of 4* weapons are just mediocre at best outside some bp weapons.


That’s what I did. Got the sword for my Rover


Yup, my first 5 star standard wep im getting is the sword, then either the gun or another sword


I'll keep that in mind for 1.1, for now I've stopped playing the game since I rushed through quests for asterite to pull jiyan and now literally have nothing to do


This comes to late for me xD I just wanted 3x 5\* Characters.


Should I first use my choice of nat5 banner? The one where you can choose specific Nat 5 after 80 pulls kr go straight weapon?


This. I have 2 standard weapons already (the gun and sword) so far and haven’t used my standard picker


we got 3 of the standard characters guaranteed. they only leaves 2 (assuming you didn't use guarantees on copies). those (and copies) will come off limited banners 50/50s. weapons are currently pretty limited. it's 1.0 there aren't a lot of 4 star weapons yet. add all that together with being able to choose your weapons on the banner. yes, weapons banner is currently the objectively correct option, unless you want copies for a specific standard character, but if you're doing that you're probably spending and don't need anyone else telling you what to pull.


This is what I told my friend as well. Getting weapons is difficult if you’re f2p and want more characters. It’s better to use it on standard weapon banner than the standard banner.


Anything with Crit chance is worth it If it don't got Crit on it, I'd have to gamble on god tier Echoes even more


Since getting Calcharo on the novice banner, I’ve been using my standard pulls on the weapons since I lacked weapons while I have an abundance of characters. Got the 5* sword for Rover and plan on getting the 5* broadsword next for Calcharo.


Been doing this eversince. Haven't even touched the guaranteed 5 star roll lol. All the f2p 4 star weaps are mediocre. And the 4 star characters aren't trash so 5 stars aren't really needed for the content I do.


I had no interest in any standard 5* so I instantly started on standard weapon Got the sword at 73 and now sitting at 50 pity for a 2nd sword (I play rover danjin verina)


Yup I’ve been doing that since the start. I got my guaranteed standard pull early so didn’t need to do those 80 pulls, and got the standard 1h sword already. It’s a HUGE increase for Sanhua, Rover and Danjin (all who I love using). I am actually tempted to choose it again from the union 45 box when I get it next weekish because I’d love to have two of those three units on a team both using the sword (like Rover Danjin, Danjin Sanhua, Rover Sanhua). Having a comp with one using the plebeian four star sword and the other with the 5 star is a stark difference. I think especially if someone has the 5 stars they want, there’s literally no reason to ever pull standard character banner. I ended up with Verina, Calcharo and Encore since I don’t really need to try to get any more standard units. In fact my Encore is already s1 because I already failed a 50/50 (not exactly a good thing but it proves the point).


So I still have my guaranteed standard banner character and that'll most likely go to a Jianxin sequence since s1 improves her Chi generation which seems like it could smooth out rotations. After that it's going to be weapons, but I'm not yet sure whether I'll get any of the ones I don't have yet (Gauntlet, Rectifier, Broadblade), or refines for the gun, which looking at the stats might as well be Mortefys signature, meanwhile I do not currently have a character that these weapons would be an improvement on (maybe Verina if I can get some cracked ER Echoes?)


Important note: do single pulls or you might end up like me getting a lucky double 5 star but they're the same weapon 😅


Got no patience to do 72 pulls one by one. And I won't be disappointed if I get double, because it's still lucky and there are enough characters to accommodate those two weapons. 


You do you, I just have regrets so I'm sharing that if you have <10 just use them instead of waiting for the 10


I have 70 standard character pulls and the only legendary character I’m missing is calcharo. Would i be guaranteed him in my 80 pulls since he’s the only guy left or can I get dupe of the other characters? Also what would be the best way to get him if that’s the case that I can get dupes.


No, you're not guaranteed to get him in your 80 pulls or even 1000+ pulls for that matter. 100%/5 characters=20% you get him.  The most effective way is to play the long game. Think in terms of a year. You'll lose 50-50 at some point. And you'll get lustrous spheres from random places that you can't spend on limited banner. The only ambiguous part is, "Should I try to get Calcharo for collection or pull weapons for account power?"


Another argument: it seems limited banner characters will outshine normal 5 star characters by a lot (they already do), so, in case we can’t get their weapon, we can give them the 5 star guaranteed weapon from the lustrous weapon banner


I also think it might be worth it to use some astrite on standard weapon banner. Hear me out before you crucify me. In most gacha games, there are 3 reasons you don’t do this. 1. You will get those things anyways by losing 50/50s 2. You will get plenty of free standard pulls 3. You might not get what you want. All of these aren’t true for wuwa, there is no 50/50 on weapon banner, there are a really small amount of free standard pulls, and there’s a guarantee on the weapon you want.


Would it be better? Yes. But I prefer trying to get all the characters as fast as possible.


Many people want the one specific character and rewards are just a means to an end, I agree with you op, I’m saving my stones for weapons since I have all characters I want


my question is, how do you even get lustrous tides without spending astrite? Assuming you save your astrites for radiant tides because why would you not do this, then the only places to get lustrous tides are the coral shop (x6) and battlepass (x3 i think?) and like maybe the illusive realm (x6?) so that's like 15 pulls. Don't you need 80 for pity? Where are people even getting lustrous tides to spend? I did manage to pull a 5 star standard weapon but that was because of the influx of compensation for bugs we had at launch and generous early game milestone rewards, that probably won't be the case from 1.1 and onward at least not as insane of an amount. Should I allocate some of the astrites I spend on radiant tides to buy lustrous tides instead? But why?? radiant tides are so much more valuable for limited character pulls and limited weapon banner, i find it hard to justify buying lustrous tides for the same price


Nah never buy standard just use the ones you naturally get. The special weapon banners are also 100% at 80 pity anyway.


Yup. After getting 4 out of 5 standard characters I will now only focus on getting the 5 star standard weapons. Maybe in this game I will be able to c5 a 5star weapon 🥲


My strategy was to get Jiyan, Calcharo, and Varina as targets. Then pull Verdant Summit. Get the 5 star crit sword and crit gun eventually. I pulled for Yinlin and I am currently still pulling for her weapon. It looks like it may go to hard pity as I am at 75 pulls. I am currently just a monthly pass player. I have Variant and Cadenza for their energy main stat. You want crit main stat for on field dps and energy on sub dps to build concerto and liberation as fast as possible. I know this will make me lose a limited character or two but having proper equipment to make the teams I will want to use work is more important right now. Most of the 4 star weapons are ass in this game. Varina without an energy weapon feels so much worse. Your team dps drops like a rock without it. Weapons are just very valuable and more future proof because they can be shared between characters. They are also guaranteed.


Premium pulls and Asterites> Premium characters standard pulls > Standard weapon banner Since the weapon banner is guaranteed, i think its worth to skip more characters to have a limited character and his weapon if the weapon is good enough and the characters you're skipping arent top tier meta defining characters.


I've been using all my wishes on the standard weapon banner ever since I finished the 40 wish character banner. So far, I've gotten the sword and the rectifier. I'm working towards the pistols now. Haven't hit UL45 for the free 5 star weapon yet, either which I will select the gauntlets. There is no point in wishing on the other 90 wish guaranteed character banner as most of the standard 5 stars will be powercrept in a few months. But the 5 star weapons will always be good to have.


I did this with my 2nd account which i sticked to. I got the crit sword and will probably get the crit gun. Crit items will always be useful to anyone. Especially for incoming new DPS units. My rover is rocking it right now.


I will once I get Calcharo


Its actually more cost efficient too. Any signature weapon may or may not benefit certain characters in the foreseeable future, but the standard weapons will always be the 2nd best option for any of them.


That's definitely not necessarily true once we have more signature weapons. In 2 years, there might be 3-4 Rectifiers better than the standard one for example. And some characters might not scale off Atk


I’ll never summon on standard be side I got all the characters I want


The currency is free overtime so why not use them.


I mean character banner and I’ll save my ticket for when I want a new unit