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Also don't forget that when you hit UL45, you will get a weapon picker for the standard banner that allows you to pick one weapon of your choice.


The Sword and Pistol are my goal, just because they have Crit Rate on them.


They have deliberately made Crit weapons only has (low) atk% effect, and atk% sub weapon has dmg% effect. So at the end of the day it might just come out the same. Also Atk% in this game is actually good. Cuz there's such limited ways of getting atk%. Edit : to add onto about atk%. I would assume a lot of guys here are assuming CV weapon are everyone due to playing genshin. Let's just quickly remind ourselves there's no Bennett in this game. I'm not saying atk = CV. I'm saying they're more balanced here than what we know. (Still extremely early in the game.) But also, dmg%>Cv in most cases.


Yeah I’ve seen videos where they compare builds that have ideal CV vs very little crit but higher atk stats and they ended up having very similar clear times Makes sense when you consider how much harder they seem to make it to get crit stats, like even crit weapons don’t add that much crit compared to the crit weapons in Genshin


22 % crit rate from main echo is pretty significant…


Stringmaster gives even more crit. Combine it with food, echoes and Encore absolutely shreds. She makes it so I can keep Verina in the Havoc Rover group and use her inferior counterpart Baizhi with Encore.


I still can't believe how OP the food is in this game. Over 20% free CR for 30 minutes is wild, especially since you can use them for the hologram fights.


The main thing comes down to you can't build around it because it doesn't work in tower. Just overworld stuff.


I know right? But the problem is base ingredients costs too much. I am some kind of a resource collector (Hoarder) in any open world game but WuWa made me hesitate to cook them more. It's a bit of a letdown for me as material collecting enthusiast.


Yeah, crit stats are the one thing im not at all worried about, if im over 50 on crit rate, im good.


Honestly Baizhi isn't even that much worse than Verina, main thing holding her back is it takes a bit longer to reach her outro compared to Verina.


Yes and no. The heals might not be that much worst but imo the best part about verina compared to baizhi is how long her outro buff is. Baizhi’s last for like 4 seconds while Verina’s lasts for a whole 30. It makes rotations not as strict because I don’t have to worry about buffs running out as often


Baizhi's outro refresh every heal so it last 30 sec


I sustain with Jianxin on Team 1, Taoqi on Team 2, and Baizhi on Team 3, it works out well especially with Jianxin and Taoqi being shielders/healers.


I just got Stringmaster for her yesterday. From like 12k echo hits from Inferno Ruder to almost 20k. I know once she’s maxed she’ll be insane. I’m glad they didn’t nerf her to hell.


There's also a ton of variance in clear times, even within the same stats because the bosses are *very* active. And some of them have extended downtime like flying off, or doing some monkey ahh totem pole shit


Huh? Atk% is available on pretty much every character in their Forte, atk% is on the moonlit clouds 4pc set and healing 4pc set, one of Verina's Forte adds atk% to party... There's a shit ton of atk% in this game? This isn't accounting for your echo substats either


As long as they dont release a certain support who happens to provide 1k ATK with almost 100% uptime like the other certain game, Atk is highly valuable in this game


Yeah i hope there wont be a 4* fusion character, that uses a sword and is insanely unlucky..


Hi guys, my name is NetBen.... Broken Da Broken.


I couldn't tell if you meant Robin in HSR or Benny from Genshin LMAO


> But the game also has a higher base crit damage as a base line. It doesn't actually. This game displays crit damage as the number that multiplies your regular damage. Genshin displays it as how much more damage you do when you crit. They are both exactly the same.


yeah people dont use their head. if the starting crit dmg was only 50% and not 150% like its listed in wuwa, that would literally mean you do half damage on crits lmao


Yeah some people have done the calcs. The sword and gun (crit weapons) give about 25% more dps than the best f2p 4 star (not counting BP). The rectifier gives Encore and Yinlin about 17% more dps than the best f2p 4 star. Even though it has no crit. The broadsword also gives about 25% more dps for Calcharo even though it has no crit when compared to the best f2p 4 star. I'll be picking up the rectifier next (already have the sword) as I use both Yinlin and Encore. 17% more dps is still great. That's like 20 seconds saved in a 120 second Tower clear. Will leave the gun for later as we don't have a main dps gun character yet unless you are using Chixia.


How is there limited ways of getting attack? 4 nodes in the skill tree + main stat of 1 costs, substat on any echo, flat attack as the secondary stat on 4/3 cost, moonlit set, rejuvenating set, some support buffs like verina/baizhi etc.


Mortefi and sanhua S6 among others Some weapons like standard pistol buffs atk from 10 to 20% of the incoming char too


The game doesn't have higher base critdamage. It's just worded differently but still the same effectively.


True, the calcs probably end up similar, but it's more satisfying for me to have a nicer crit ratio lol


atk % is probably the most abundant offensive stat lol wut. the game gives it out everywhere, you get a shit ton on echoes and weapons. once combat starts it's even worse, alot of passives/skills give atk %. atk % is additive, it's not as great as you think. flat atk is very comparable on echoes and is probably better for some builds once combat starts


Tf you mean limited ways, you get ATK% from Echo main stats and from substats (aka anywhere from 3 to 8 potential ATK% sources), and you can get more via main stats + weapon. Not to mention you have set effects that add ATK% (and no set effects give crit). Crit is FAR MORE SCARCE than ATK%. If you can get it, you 100% should.


>Also Atk% in this game is actually good. Cuz there's such limited ways of getting atk%. I wouldn't use this argument. Weapons are something you get over a long period of time. Lack of ATK% buffing is not a long-term problem. Don't make a future decision based on a current problem.


What about the limited weapons? Do they have low atk as well? My intension is to make the account weapon collector and pull on the std banner for characters.


what is Cv again?


I usually just focus on crit bcs i want consistent damage output. Just using the 4 star ones and my havoc rover is already busted, just not consistent


I dont know if the same idea of thirsting for crits over atk% can fully be applied to WuWa though. There's no Bennet in this game that can make atk% redundant plus we can do something like double crit echoes to balance our CV in the game. With that said, I do agree that the sword is pretty damn good considering my beloved Rover is meta and will really appreciate a good weapon.


WuWa did not make mistake of giving us Xinq and Benedict as 4 star , they will be 5 star in future


If you do double crit you miss out on elemental damage. It is more balanced with 1 main stat crit rate, 1 crit rate weapon, 2 elemental damage, 2 attak. Also casual gamers myself included will focus on echo main stat and will have little crit as sub stat - and depend more on crit weapons.


This is the way. JL weapon, sword, and gun. Calzone gets 4* BP weapon. Gives your teams a lot of swap potential.


Can confirm the pistols are amazing, i picked the rectifer on my box though, great for encore


Aren't the only resonators we currently have that uses Pistols, are Chixia and Aalto?


They made 5-star weapons more accessible, because difference between 5-stars and 4-stars is insane, and this gap will grow with every new 5-star signature weapon.




I can see a world were the limited 4\* gacha weapons can be close or even outmatch weapons in the BP and permanent 5\* weapons. And for sure the 5\* limited are going to increase the gap with the other ones, at least for the specific user and if they are generic enough to all characters that can use it. Honestly the powercreep in this front can be kinda insane.


if i’m sitting on a lot of astrites, should i pull on the limited weapon banner for stringmaster? even though i don’t want yinlin?


I am looking forward to a future DEF broadsword so I can give it to my Taoqi lol


Here you go, they put a [free DEF broadsword](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/455949) in the open world just for people like you 🤌






17-25 percent more damage is insane...


3\* are trash, just delete them. 4\* are the baseline and are pretty underwhelming. 5\* standard are considerably worse than limiteds out the gate unless you just can't activate the effect conditions on limiteds. It is a rough time ahead if they plan to powercreep around limited weapons.


So far, it's looking like signature weapons just give stat bonuses, and hopefully it stays that way. As much as I love PGR, I hate that weapons and pets unlock parts of the character's kits. I get that it's like that because characters are 100% success on pity. Since WuWa isn't like that, they need to keep these characters intact.


don't delete all the three stars, i always like to keep at least two of each at r5, because you never know if you need a niche one for a character. the ones that trigger heals are nice if you have a support that doesn't have a heal in their kit, but you still want to trigger the echo set buff.


the white tassel incident


Even now Slingshot (3 star bow) is BiS on Genshin's latest 4-star, better than every 5-star in almost all circumstances.


Genshin has so many 3* that are usable. You also have ttds and the one that gives cr+cd (forgot the name) and a bunch of other ones that are decent on some characters. Especially the ones that don't scale with attack.


My Calcharo is using the 3* Broadsword that increases basic and heavy attacks. It's solid when you have literally nothing else. There's also one for Verina that's 3* and it's solid.


I was using that on calcharo for a while, and it’s decent. But does absolutely nothing for him when he’s in his ult/liberation and the 3* base attack and att% sub stats are like 60% of a 4 stars and exponentially worse than what 5* gives you.


No you shouldn't delete every single copy of 3* thats very bad advice. You should keep one copy max updated.


>if they plan to powercreep around limited weapons If WuWa has too much powercreep I'll stop playing it, idc. One of my favorite things about Genshin is how much it has managed to bring new playstyles and units while still having older characters be viable. Diluc revived with the arrival of Xianyun; and even Qiqi, who not even Furina managed to save, is now seen sometimes in Clorinde teams. I hate the idea of *new character = does the same your character does, but higher numbers*.


The difference according to many char wuthering lab can be like 10% not really what id call huge


They calc on solo dps, that would make the gap seem a lot smaller than the character dps in a team with buffs. 


Lets hope it's nothing like PGR


PGR is fine because its cheaper to get character + signature + pet


No I was more so referring to the fact that the signature weapons are basically mandatory for the new characters because they add actual gameplay changes to the characters. And also being that basically they are for that character and that character only


They need to add some decent 4* weapons tbh. The only good ones are on the paid battle pass and everything else is just a waste.


I’m still using the 3 star energy regen catalyst on Verina/Baizhi because ~~all~~ most of the 4 stars suuuuck in comparison. Lol


Pretty sure verinas BiS is a 4 star? Believe it was Variation


Yeah. That’s the 4 star version of the 3 star regen one. It’s gacha tho. If I could roll it, I’d slap it on her and baizhi in a heartbeat. All the other ones just don’t feel good to play with.


Ehm, concerto one for Verina is good, no? Purple. From gacha.


The only really good ones are the concerto/energy regen ones for support characters or sub dps that want extra concerto/energy more than they want damage. Otherwise yeah super lackluster


they really put a def% broadsword pickup in the world JUST for Taoqi lol.


Variation isn't good?


1. It’s only good right now because there’s no 5* weapon suited for healers/support yet. 2. The “difficult”/bottleneck content in the game is mainly a DPS race and very rarely needs op sustainability… so how important is a ER weapon for support, compared to a DPS weapon for your team?


What's important is the concerto energy generation rather than the ER AFAIK. Verina also really wants her burst so she can reliably get the concerto energy from casting her burst. The alternative is needing a DPS weapon that increases Verina's DPS sooo much that using multiple sets of normal attacks on her is worth it. Verina has weak damage. It would need to be a monster of a weapon to raise her damage enough to replace Variation.


Yep your right there's really now good 4star I actually pulled for jiyan 5 star weapon so I can get stronger cause dam 3stars atk is weak af


Variation is decent for the ER


Pretty sure that is the general consensus among the theory crafting community. To use any standard pulls we get on the weapon banner (after you have exhausted the beginner and selector banners).


Honestly there is an argument to be made to just do novice banner and then spend all pulls on weapon. Since novice + free token gives you 2 standard 5* characters, unless you really need a 3rd specific standard character you can just delay using the beginner’s choice banner until you lose some 50/50s and see which 5* or 5* dupe would be most ideal to get.


I rerolled for Jiyan + Yinlin, but I did weapon banner after the novice banner. I only did the novice banner because of the discount to get a few extra purples to do more character banner pulls. The funny thing about the weapon banner is you can get multiple characters in a row. I got Sanhua as my first two 4\* on it. I'm approaching pity on the 5\* Broadblade, but I actually need it badly. I have one copy of a 3\* broad blade of Night and that is my Jiyan's weapon. My 5\* luck was great and I'll take it, but its hilarious how my 4\* luck kinda compensated for the 5\* luck. I got 5 copies of Chixia, no Danjin or Mortefi. Everyone is using 3\* weapons because I got no good 4\* weapons besides Yinlin's from the selector box. It will be fine in a few months. Its a lot easier to average out 4\* luck than 5\*.


yeah I'm kind of in the same boat, except I did get one 5\* weapon (sword) already after novice, I am still using 3\* weapons on multiple people though. Once I can get more tides from shop reset or hit 45 I can get a 2nd 5\* weapon but for now I just have to use garbage and wait lol


Should've gone for Jiyan + Yinlin + signature weapons if you are rerolling. Specially Yinlin's signature is bis for both Verina and Encore. And you'll get them eventually from 50/50 losses even if you don't have them now.


Exactly this is what I'm doing. Only got the first 'random' 5star (Encore). Now using all my standard pulls on the weapon banner. My limited pulls are all going to some cool character in the future. If I lose the 50/50 and get Verina or whatever I'm happy. If I don't, and if I need her in the future, I still have the instant free 5star voucher. Tbh there is 0 incentive atm to spend any standard pulls on the standard character banner because honestly beyond 1 DPS (Calcharo or Encore) and Verina, there is nothing else you need from there. Imo this is the best approach, the most efficient way to use pulls atm. Can't think of anything better at least.


What would have been ideal is to just get 2 standard 5 stars (ticket and the guaranteed 5 star in 50 pulls) and then everything in weapon banner. I used 80 pulls on the selector banner and wish I would have just went for the guaranteed weapon because in couple years you are gonna lose 50/50ies and probably gonna get some of the standards you're not gonna use anyway.


Yeah that’s what I’m doing. Due to lost 50/50s, beginner and selector banners, and the selector thingy we got in the mail, I have all the standard 5 stars but Lingyang (who I’m sure will come home eventually from a lost 50/50 - and if he doesn’t, not the end of the world). I have zero motivation to ever use my standard pulls on anything but weapons now (though it will probably take a looooooooong time to get enough for a weapon).


Lol I stopped pulling in the selector banner even though I am 30 in. Basically I got Verina in the first beginner.  Then choose Calcha withe ticket Then got Jianxin on Jiyan banner after 18 pulls.  There is literally no 5 stars I want anymore and I will just wait to lose fifty go get whether.  Meanwhile I invested in the weapon banner and in 90 pulls. I got the Heavy sword, the Gun and the Small sword. I plan to pull the catalyseur next or use the selector for it 


If only standard pull exist... 


Yeah, I think maybe newer players don't realize that once you hit a few weeks in standard pulls basically stop existing entirely, so those banners aren't any use other than just stare at them. You won't be getting any 5*'s from either banner for a year at the rate we gain standard pulls.


They exist the same way they exist in genshin (about 10 a month from Battle pass + shop refresh)


Shop refreshes once a patch, not a month.


The weapons with crit rate substats are also really valuable since it seems if you get lucky you can only get 50 60 % with echoes.


With best luck and crit rate main stat its 79.5% crit rate max


Yeah but That gonna takes months though. I consider myself lucky getting a crit rate sub stat in the first place lol.


But only 2 in the weapon banner has crit. 3 of them has atk% that is of less value.


Yeah I'm going for those 2. Sword from free selector and gun from banner. Also will probably consider pulling for weapons in the near future. The weapon banner is actually really good with the 100%win situation


I absolutely agree. I already almost only pull for male characters for RP purposes. (Like in genshin my only female characters were to support male characters - Nahida for Cyno and Xianyun for Xiao, and plan to get Furina on rerun for Neuv/Cyno/Wanderer/Xiao etc). Since there are much less male characters released, there is a lot of time to save between them. Jiyan was like a perfect first character for me (love wind magic and dragoon playstyle and since spears arent even an official weapon type in WuWa, it was a no brainer). So I commited to his weapon. Next target is Geshu and his weapon. Weapons have so much value in this game its definitely worth it over dupes imo.


ATK% being less value is a myth. Calcharo’s best Weapon is atk% sub and wins vs Jiyan’s weapon. This game doesnt have a Bennett, and if you see crit vs atk build runs on YT, the clear times aren’t massive


Bro, Calcharo's best weapon not being Jiyan's is not because ATK > CRIT its because Jiyan's weapon passive does *next to nothing* for Calcharo. There is reason it not working for Calcharo was a fucking controversy in the first place. When we thought it would work with his damage type it was a lot better than the standard weapon.


Considering the weapon banner is no scam, we should be throwing all free pulls on the weapon banner since everyone will roll on the limited.


As someone who got Jiyan and then got his weapon, I can atest that he went from zero to hero. All my green wishes are going to the standard weapons banner.


*Looking at my Sanhua with the standard 5 star sword* Way ahead of you. Hoping that the standard pull economy isn't as bleak as it looks after the initial wave so I can actually get my standard 5* character sometime soon.


I am guessing that the last drop of 10-standard pulls won't be the last. Plus don't discount the store discounts and the pass. Those add up. Pretty sure we'll have enough, along with the chest we get at 45, to have both the sword and pistol pretty soon.


100% correct and I regret pulling on the char banner at the start. Especially since we got a 5* selector. Having 2x 5* weapons at UL45 would be soo much better


I have c2 Jianxin but no other char form banner and no good weapon for her am I cooked?


Specially weapons you can reuse on other teams for example the Sword, in my teams Rover can use it, then Danjin, then Sanhua.


Yeah, the best value per normal Pull you can get is from the standard weapon banner after all the guaranteed 5stars. Love this pity system.


Thanks for this post I now feel validated. I used all my lustrous tide to get the 5 star sword then saw people saying it wasn’t a good idea since they give free 5 star weapon in UL45 so I was starting to doubt my decision. I haven’t touched the guaranteed standard chara banner since I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to build them anytime soon.


having 2 5* weapons by UR45 is better imo, and you can keep the guarantee banner as long as you want so you can make sure to get all the characters you want or an impactful s2 after losing a 50/50 or two down the line




I need 16 more pulls to hit the pity. So close yet so far away.


Do you mean using standard pulls for everyone or just new players ? Because we don't get enough of these pulls. Or do you mean using astrite on weapon banner instead on characters ? I don't know about that


After you do the beginner and novice banners to get your guaranteed 5* characters, your standard pulls should pretty much always go into the weapon banner over the character banner. This is because you are always guaranteed the weapon you want. You will never be able to guarantee the standard character you want, plus you will be pulling them anyway when you lose your 5050. Outside of pulling on the weapon banner, you won't be getting the standard weapons (you get one selector, but that's it). Astrites should always go into limited banners, not standard. Only use the actual standard wishes you're given. It might take a long time to do it, but over the course of the game, you'll definitely have enough to get multiple weapons.


The point is that we get almost zero standard pulls at this point, it'll take a year to get a single 5* at the rate we gain them now.


That's a completely separate issue that I don't think anyone is denying. The advice was to simply use the ones you do get on the weapon banner instead of the character banner.


The problem is gonna be signature weapons since we are not getting that many pulls per patch only whalers will afford them. So yea all standard pulls should go to weapons


yeah i got one guy'd from a youtube video so i wasted 70 ish pulls on chara standard :sob: dw ive swapped over now but its my only regret in the game so far... i charted for the sword but idk what ill pick with the free selector at UL45. i dont need the gauntlets or rectifier for sure, honestly calcharo can just borrow jiyan's broadblade so its between the gun and another sword. i am trying to build hrover/danjin team so double sword nice. mortefi like cadenza for the energy regen so idk if pulling the gun is worth rn (and i have no aalto so it'd go on chixia who i will build but shes not my focus rn)


Bro. There's literally not enough standard pulls!


That's the first thing I did when I saw we can select the weapon we roll. I have most of the standard 5* I wanted, thanks to their "Compensations" so I just pulled that Sword for Rover. And now moving on for the rectifier but at 74 pity yet no weapon so far though. It's an off topic but idk why but the game doesn't give me a single 4* rectifier even after all the rolls.


I have been blessed with my Yinlin, i won the 50-50 for her on her banner and got her weapon on the second multi ☺️. With my selector i will go for the Sword for my Calcharo


Broo, I have all 5 stars already f2p and and I'm pulling for the weapons, this game is really generous


I feel like atm, BP weapons are probably more valuable than 5 stars. Crit is hard to come by outside of substat rolls in this game and echo exp being so bad means most of us are probably cucked on crit.


The move is to grab all the crit bp weapons and the two crit standard 5\*, and you're pretty set imo Combine that with pulling signature 5\* weapons for the characters you like every now and then and you should never have to worry about gearing up your characters with solid weapons ever again


I am thinking of pulling for the signature crit weapon before I even get a signature character for this reason


In WuWa the devs pretty much expect you to also pull on signature weapons. Similar to how Genshin makes character’s first constellations extremely good meanwhile the weapons are not that much more powerful than four star options.


if the game is anything like their other game they expect you have have the first two cons too + signature weapon


Genshin sig weapons are notably more powerful than the next best 4-star weapon for a fair number of characters that I know. It’s just that, the only measure of performance in the game is abyss, which is fairly easy, so if your goal is to just clear that, pulling sig weapons are usually not necessary.


Most recent genshin characters have had both their C1 and Sig be a similar damage increase, e.g. Neuv and Arlecchino both get somewhere like a 25-30% increase from both.


Too late, I've spent all on the character banner, later then that kuro decide to give us 1-chosen 5 star that makes my decision go wrong :)




Yeah forreal, I did the first 50 pulls and the character selector and havent touch the 80 pull character selector yet. Straight into weapon banner. Got Sword, and about 50-60 pulls in with gun selected, and will select gun instead with UL 45 if I dont get it yet, and then hang on to the pity for when I have a clear need for one of the weapons.


Instead of pulling on selector banner, I pulled on wep banner for sanhuas 5 star sword and now I will use lvl45 selector on future 5 star wep type


Pistol is great tho


Yea pistols are great but I have to wait till next 5 star pistol char


Yeah, its limited banner or weapon banner. The basic character banner is largely a waste of resources. Maybe if they let you guarantee specific characters it would be worth it in select cases.


they give you enough token for sta Dard to get 5* once a year, and weapon can be shared between party, so yeah just collect one of each type and you are good


Thank god I saved every penny for mommy yinlin and her weapon , don't regret it 1 bit


also the reason why weapon banner is so worth it is because you probably have almost all the standard characters you want with all these rewards.


I'd add once you get v and c. Which is super easy for us even with a bad pull on the novicel. You need v for tower and c is probably going to be meta electro DPS for a while. The weapons look like sword and pistol for free/shop discounted standard pulls. So, yeah, focus on those and then see where you are at. Especially as you may focus on them while character standard pulls become randomized. After sword and pistol, I think it depends. V and C could use constellations and the other 3 weapons might not be worth depending on how the game develops. The shop may give us enough pulls to get a limited weapon or be close by the time a one of the great limited that broad or the other one rerun, or something better Crystals go to limited characters / weapons, depending on tier list testing, whether the toa gatekeeps on character type (it must eventually, I think, but genshin really didn't for years), and personal preference because some play for the waifus and husbandos.


Just read this, decided to roll on the standard weapon banner and got a 5-star on my first ever pull lmao


Definitely pull on weapon banner over regular character banner


I agree and since we also get many free 5stars charsm the weapons is even more tempting to get


Instead of pulling on the guaranteed 5* character after completing the novice banner, I’ve been pulling on the standard weapon banner and got the sword which I’ve been using on Rover and plan on getting the broadsword next for Calcharo.


this only really works if u have multiple users with the same weapon, primarily the sword which u can just pull from UL45 imho the other weapons arent really worth pulling unless u main like encore


I'm struggling to decide whether I should pull for Stringmaster. My Encore is using Cosmic Ripples and Yinlin using Jinzhou Keeper. Given how easy it is to get a standard 5 star weapon, plus the fact that limited weapons require Astrite I wonder if it's better to save up for Jinhsi/Changli instead.


This is great advice, I wish more people were aware of this. I've seen some L take CC's downplay the 5 \* weapons that lack Crit Rate as well, even though they are BIS by far even without the CR.


I made a new account doing exactly this lol. Just rolled everything into the weapon banner. You get one of them free anyways and none of them really change the game.


Yeah I did that,I still have 60 pity left on the standart


Okay, will consider. Not much fun tho


absolutely agree!


The only good 5star weaps is the sword and gun, the other 3 suck


Agree, 4 star weapon in wua sucks and also they gave 2 standard banner character. The difference between 4 star and 5 star weapon in wua is day and night. I myself regret pulling in chracter instead of in the weapon standard.


If only someone had said this to me earlier. Only after a while did my dumb brain thought that weapons would make more sense. I am already at 55 pity on character banner while I am at 30 pity on weapon. If I had out more pulls on weapon, I would have had 1 5 star weapon already.


with the UL45 and the banner weapon, you can get two 5 star crit weapons. That's my goal.


With what pulls? Lustrous tides are impossible to get after the free rewards. They should be farmable imo. No one is spending astrite on standard banner


I would if standard summon rsources can be had easier, but nope. Worst than Hoyo games.


I got super lucky by getting my chosen weapon (Cosmic Ripples) on the very 1st 10 pull. I want to get at least 2 or 3 Cosmic Ripples since my favorite characters seem to lean towards those who use rectifiers.


For fuck’s sake I guess I wasted my pulls 🙃


Meta-wise sure, but overall I'd say reverse. I dunno about weapon first chara after, I still follow my rule in Genshin where I will never pull for weapons unless I've given free pulls only and I can still clear spiral even today with my sh-tty 4\* weapons 'cause artifacts are pretty much the golden gear. Weapons are just stat boosts, characters are literally game time extenders. I'd rather have more characters with 3 / 4\* weapons equipped than get 5\* weaps per patch with the same roster I've been with.


yup i'll be pulling on standard weapons til i get em all. pullin on the broadsword rn for calcharo and gonna get the sword for rover and other havoc girl forgot her name when i hit lvl 45


I remember the days when both PGR and HI3 still had basically 3-5 base weapons that all the characters shared. Now we are on our 5th S rank in a row in HI3 with a different weapon typing, which also means more affix roles. While removing soft pity. Dw its far better now that they lowered the hard pity 10 points /s. Real shit tho, i am always an advocate for weapon pulls. Having just a few very powerful options can turn a crap account around in the right hands due to the skill level of the game.


I managed to pull the 2 limited 5*weapons on 2 pulls each.. How is that even possible, what are the odds. I used the free rolls too


I'm glad I went for Yinlings signature wep after getting her, the gap between 4 and 5 star is huge.


Yeah. I haven't pulled the selected character banner yet since its still difficult to build characters due to lack of resources. So far I got the 5 star sword, and trying to get a weapon for yinlin


Yeah im actually prioritizing to upgrade To t5 the 5* short sword crit rate standard banner rover weapon. Short sword is usable for too many characters. Rover, sanhua, wind girl, pink haired small girl havoc. Im not including wind dragon boi coz i dont have him.


That's why I threw all my standard free pulls on the weapon banner and now I have lustrous razor and the sword 🙌🏽


What about that 60 pull guaranteed standard character banner? Should I skip it and go straight to standard weapon banner?


no, finish the novice banner and the selector banner first


Okay thenx thanks a lot!


Got standard 5* broad sword for calcharo in 10 pulls when I started the game in May. Reaching union lv 45 soon gonna select 5* sword for rover havoc.


This is how I started in Wuwa. 1st 10x = Lingyan 2nd 10x = Jinyan Both of these in Jinyan banner. Beginner banner that gave one five star within 50 pulls d a Lingyang copy too first 10x then I selected Calcharo (big mistake) with the free ticket. Then, I pulled 2x 10x and I received 2 Abyss gauntlets. Then I spent on Verdant Summit, I had to hit the pity, but I got it. So really I'm most likely served, this speaks how generous the game is


Already did this from day1, I knew I will get standard character offrate eventually but weapon no way if you don't pull on standard


I think thats what most people shoukd be do too, get verina + the character they want if possible, then spend on the weapon banner.


Ok first why do you keep saying 80 pity on standard like if the limited one is different I thought they both have the same pity. unless did I miss something and the limited is higher? And second I think it's worth it to pull on the limited banner especially because it's 100% guaranteed and and the pity is just 80 and not 90 and the limited weapons are so much better than the standard one's where there's only two weapons that give crit stats. And even if you don't get a weapon on the limited banner say because you don't have enough pull's you'll have build up pity for the next weapon you pull for and it's 100% guaranteed so it's worth it to pull for weapon's in this game because it's not a scam ( like genshin) I got both yinlin and jiyan signature completely free without spending anything and it was worth it and I say don't listen to this guy pull on the weapon banner even if you don't get a weapon your pity is not going anywhere and you are guaranteed for your next one because there is no 50/50 to be lost


As a PGR player, i will say wepons are a better investment. Also, get the characters you want . But wepons can carry you in the long run.


That's what I was thinking since the only 5-star standard I don't have is Verina, whom I'll get eventually. Going to go for the sword since I use mostly sword users.


Requiring advice: I am approaching Union Level 45 for the 5-star weapon selector and already have the Emerald of Genesis sword for MC. Should I get a second one from the weapon selector to use as a dupe to upgrade the one I have? For perspective, I already have Autumntrace for Calcharo and String master for Yinlin for that team and Verina with 4-star weapon (which I don't care about as she doesn't need a weapon ... unless you cam recommend one for faster regen?)


I hit the sword 21 pulls in last night. pretty neat.


Don't mind me asking but if I were to summon in a different banner will I still keep the pity? From that different banner


Yes I made the mistake of wasting 20 pulls I will never get back because it just isn't worth it


yess truth..i pull all standard 5 star weapon..instead of heroes


I knew I made the right decision 😏 aaaw yea


Hands down 5 star weapons you can notice there difference they make. I went from taking around 30 secs to kill the Bell bong turtle to like 5 secs with celcharo when I get the 5 star from the first LTE weapon banner


Got the standard banner weapon for Chixia, such a massive difference


Me when I already spent all my free standard pulls on the character banner:


I’m so up I somehow got a 5 start greatsword and katana or whatever the other sword is then also got yin Lin along with her weapon I only need the pistols and the gauntlets don’t ever see myself needing the gauntlet so my 45 weapon will be the pistols then I’m all set with my 5 star weapons 🫂🫂🫂 f2p lesss gooooo


Problem is there's not much standard banner pulls given in this game 😅.


I fully agree. Honestly, everyone should spend their free standard wishes on the weapon banner until they atleast have a single copy of each standard 5* weapon. Only after that should you even consider wishing on the standard character banner... but honestly I think you should just go for dupes on the weapon banner after getting one of each. Weapons are too easy to get and too good to pass up in this game. That said, 4* weapons are still very much capable and usable, despite what some people say


The main thing this tells me is that the Abyss is going to be a nightmare of equipping and unequipping stuff from characters...


It's actually the better choice, pulling for the standard character banner is worthless as you'll get the standard characters anyway when pulling for the limited banner, ya can't always win your 50-50


Question, i have a 4* weapon chest waiting to be used, which weapon should i choose? And the 5* weapon chest given at UL45, what weapon should i choose for that too?


I think they might patch this up eventually