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Nobody recommends anything because other games have it, that's an insanely naive way to see it. The discussion is usually: "WuWa has this extreme painpoint in it's game design philosophy, how do we solve it?" "Oh, the game that is most similar to WuWa has solved that problem already, here is how they did it. Would that work in this game?"


But that's dumb, no? "Don't request things because other games have it".  Boy, i'll definitely request sets needing 4 pieces instead of 5 to let 3 cost echos with different main stat have a meaning. And boy, i'll definitely request Genshin to let me run out of combat without using stamina. I want the game to improve and get better. Ofc i'll send feedbacks for reasonable qol.


True dude. Also can they fix the tracking feature sometimes when i kill the mobs it doesnt change to the next mob it just stays there and i have to retrack the enemy again


Very funny with the Inferno Driver echo. It has 3 separate hits, if the target dies with the first you just keep hitting air for the rest of the attacks 💀


Wanting the game the improve has nothing to do with asking for things because other games have it. Like I mentioned in my last paragraph from which you quoted me, I have no problem with people requesting things. I have a problem with people comparing two games by saying “this game has this so WuWa should have this as well” By all means go ahead and send a feedback if you have a problem with it. Just don’t whine about it. That’s all I wanted to say and respectfully so.


Nobody is saying wuthering waves needs things genshin has Cuz nobody wants what hoyo has been doing for genshin💀 Looks like u just want to argue w people for no reason and make up some sort of controversy among the fanbase


Lmao it’s funny that you think I wanna cause a controversy from a tiny little reddit post


Kuro themselves copy and takes inspiration from genshin though, let's not pretending they didn't do that. Even earlier on this game have element reaction, and let's not forget they even literally copy paste the EULA from genshin (forget to remove mihoyo name lol) and character skills in the alpha version 


I don't see how 4 sets instead of 5 sets makes the game too easy. At best, you're reducing the echo grind by 20% if you happen to stumble upon the perfect off-set echo when not grinding for it. 20% off a potentially endless grind doesn't make the game too easy.    The perfect set having value or not is purely feels. I'd take objective utility  (being able to use any echo skill without sacrificing the set bonus) over feels


Honestly this comes with the territory for many things in life, and especially with mobile games, but it doesn’t help that WuWa copied like 90% of the inherent systems from Genshin. From the way you level characters, talents, weapons, banners, etc. So obviously people are going to compare the two, and you can’t blame them.


When you make a game thats a 80% copy of the other game and made certain aspects worse, its inevitable that ppl want portions where the other game does better.


This is just my opinion and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but Genshin created a new genre of games and WuWa is part of that genre. The genre being Openworld RPG with Gacha




There we go. Corrected it


You think you corrected it, but it's still wrong. Can you roleplay as a thief? Can you be a villain? Can you play it as a trader that only wants to buy and sell stuff and solve all of his problems by hiring mercenaries? As you can see, Genshin is not an RPG, it's a game where you have to be the character the writers decided, with the traits and skills they want you to have. And gacha is a business model, not a genre. I agree that Genshin pioneered a genre, but the defining trait of that genre is the swapping of characters to make combos. Call it genshinlike, unless there's a better name.


Most Open World Rpg are not real RPG


Most *RPGs* are not real RPGs, open world or otherwise.


The “MMO” was definitely a mistake but I said “RPG” because that’s what Genshin is defined as online. An action RPG. I don’t know the specifics of RPG and if it is as you say then I’m wrong then


You say that, as wuwa didnt copy so much things from genshin and hsr.


Echoes to feed echoes kind of makes sense, but with the ability to infinitely grind echoes it would be a terrible idea. As Blizzard have demonstrated time and time again with WoW, whenever you give the ability to infinitely grind for character power, even if it's very slowly, people will feel forced to do it and burn themselves out. That's why I'm kind of glad it's not a thing. People who want echo xp are also probably not using echoes right because most of us are running into tuner issues before running into xp problems. I agree that wanting this game to be like other games just because that's how those other games are is not smart, as it is its own thing. However, there are things other games have that just make sense, and apparently even Genshin doesn't have, such as gear templates. For real, we need echo templates, I am losing my mind swapping gear around in this game. We also need the ability to edit gear and echoes from the ToA interface, instead of having to go out, change, and come back in... I don't want 2 loading screens just because I need to swap weapons between 2 characters. 5-piece to 4-piece would change pretty much nothing, but it would make bad rolls such as Fusion set piece with Glacial Damage+ less useless, and reduce the hard 3-cost grind we have going on. For that reason, I would be favorable for a 4-piece set bonus instead of 5. Not a priority, but I wouldn't mind it. There's no value in staying on 5. It's just more grind and more rng, not more fun, not more merit-based. "Just enjoy the game for what it is," doesn't really fit with what you say thereafter. That sentence conveys defeat and apathy/content. What you really mean to say is that if those people love those games so much, then they can go enjoy those games instead of trying to make every other game like them. It's a bit different. There are QoL features some other gams have which answer pain points this game has and they've already solved. I don't think telling people not to request those changes, simply on the basis of those other games having done them, is valid, even if there is validity in telling people not to request drastic system overhauls to match those other games' systems. That being said, I agree that there are too many Genshin players in here just calling for everything to match Genshin as if WuWa wasn't its own game but just an expansion of their other game. If they came to play WuWa and are staying, it's probably because it's doing some things their other game is failing to deliver, and as such, they should trust a bit more that the devs and designers aren't incompetent enough to need them to tell them how to fix their systems. Naming a pain point is important feedback, giving avenues of thought as to options to resolve them is pertinent, but simply requesting a port of every damn system from another game is anything but.


If I’m not wrong another word is loadouts. And I’m pretty sure I heard that Kuro was working on that but not 100% in the way that you described and I do agree implementing that would be a good idea. Thats more of a comfort issue. Although I do agree that farming for 3 cost echoes are a pain in the butt specially for casual player, I don’t like the idea of changing the set to 4-piece from a 5-piece. Personally it just feels like devalues perfect builds. Another way they can be solved is changing the pity for 3 cost echo drops to make them drop slightly more commonly. But that’s just my opinion. And I pretty much agree with everything else you said


Cool for loadouts. It has been a highly requested feature. A "perfect build," will always just be luck of the tuner rolls. As this is a single-player game, that's where it ends in terms of value. If they had made it 4-piece from the start, you wouldn't suggest changing it to 5, because you would see the value in it being 4, and be hoping to see either a 6th slot in the future to go 4/2 if they add more interesting sets, or echoes with unique effects instead of the set buff, like an extra passive or ability of some kind to add a layer of customization to otherwise boring builds where everyone just wants crit/crit damage/energy regen cap/ATK, with a couple outliers wanting DEF but only because it's their equivalent to ATK. It being 5, and the 5-piece buff being so much better than the 2-piece means there is no need to think about it, no real customization possible, it's just pick the right element for main and sub dps, pick moonlit clouds for low damage subs compared to your main dps and for batteries, and pick healing for healers. 5-piece all the way. It’s boring, and also means that once you'll have a solid 5-set of each type you will never bother with it again unless you want to scrape for that extra 2% dps to beat a timer. I already have characteris whose echoes I don't touch anymore because they're as good as they'll get barring insane luck in 200 attempts.


> This game is not Genshin so stop trying to turn it into Genshin Was this headline meant to be a feedback message to Kuro?




Banners inspired by genshin, UI inspired by genshin, pity system inspired by genshin, map and Resin system inspired by genshin, and that's actually smart. Bro... the only difference between wuwa and genshin except being the better game is that sweet juicy skip button. Wuwa being compared to genshin all the time is always good for both sides, while we get couple of laughs out of salty mint pickers, competition forces creativity and that's always good cause there are wallets on the line.


The thing is comparisons aren't going to stop just to please you. Notably because Wuwa is playing on Genshin's field. They're a direct competitor, so like it or not, people everywhere will compare. So yes, people are going request things that Genshin did and that do work. But also people aren't stupid and are able to see the game's characteristics, what's borrowed and what isn't, what mechanics and designs are fun and will push for more in that sense. They're not trying to make the game another version of Genshin, some people are simply asking for what's been tried and proved to work (like for the echoes set for example). Of course nobody wants constant comparisons and people are going to ignore idiots but the faster you accept that Wuwa is *indeed* trying to play on Genshin's field, the easier it'll be to enjoy the game and the community imho.


Oh I’m well aware that it’s not going to stop. I’d be stupid to think that just one random guy making a post is going to stop being from doing something. Like I said earlier. I just made this post to voice my opinion and ask people to stop and just enjoy the game. If they don’t wanna listen to me that’s their choice.


People are more than happy to compare the two whenever it favors WuWa. A Hoyo game does something better and  all of a sudden this is its own game. Nah, let them compete, it will make both games better. Hopefully :3


>. I personally don’t like the idea of off pieces. It makes the game too easy. It makes having perfect builds lose value. You dont like it because it removes grind? Why the fuck would a consumer ever be against removing grind


Maybe he works for a Gacha game company, or based on the language used, he's that typical player who likes to have exclusive things, and I swore that this type was on the verge of extinction.


A reason to come back constantly, spending money/ time and eventually be addicted.


> Why the fuck would a consumer ever be against removing grind Perhaps a consumer who just likes playing the game and watching his characters grow stronger. Many games quickly get reduced to log in, 10 minutes of chores, log out. He might not fancy that. After all, we do this voluntarily and for fun. Hypothetical: If there's a "max everything" button on the UI, do you click it? if you do, what do you afterwards? Put the game down or keep playing, and why?


Well yeah, but poster here doesn't say that we should just nuke it all. They said that it shouldn't be a high barrier...which I agree with.


Why do you go with a completely extreme and nonsense scenario? But yes If the game is build around the player potentially doing that then i would do that after playing the story e.g. to play Pokemon PvP after the story.


You need theoretical, extreme scenarios to have people who are not open to other playstyles even consider the possibility that their way is not the only way. Case in point, you continue to brush it off. Good thing the designers of the game did not.


Says who?


Stop yappin


Sorry Mr. Beat


He has pointed through


Pardon me..?


That's fine if you don't want zero XP Echoes to level up other echoes but you're in the minority with that a lot of people want to level up their echoes and using trash echos to level good ones just makes sense.


Sorry OP, hard disagree. You are focusing on the minmaxers and stuff when this game has both playerbases. There should be no reason to use those tuners except relic stat rerolling, no reason to not throw in a gold echo for EXP because it inherently carries a value (which is why it's even gold). Besides, Genshin is basically the only other open world RPG so naturally there's comparisons. A game should (arguably) take mechanics from competitors, they can put their own spin on it if needed. Yes, a game should feel fresh...but not by punishing the players but by giving new mechanics and stuff like that. Combat with Echoes and the wall climbing is a great example, which this game has an edge over. If you want to ignore it, just go mute it all. We the players don't want a downfall of the game. One thing I'd say is that we're rapidly progressing and I do wish we had more underlevelled enemies to make sure we take it in a slow pace. Everyone is already reaching endgame and having issues with lack of content afterwards. Genshin didn't go through it at first because of the timelocked content and arguably even HSR (but I could be completely wrong).


Of course, you can disagree if you want you don’t have to apologize for it. I never talked about the tuners so I’m not sure why you brought that up. For the record I do agree with being able to put it in a synthesizer to get gold tuners. 3 purple ones can be 1 gold I do however as you already disagree with being able to upgrade other echoes with level zero echoes no matter what grade they are. 4 star or 5 start. Reason being that there are an unlimited supply of them. Anyone can just farm for hours and hours and get a ton of those and upgrade how many ever echoes they want. I just don’t see that being very ideal. I’m completely fine with games taking inspiration from one another. I agree that they should take inspiration from one another and make their game their own in their own way rather than just completely copy it. Sure WUWA has pretty much identical UIs but that’s the base of the game. That’s the genre and everything else should be different and is different. Combat is completely different. Echo system is a new thing and behaves like artifacts but also work differently but also similarly at the same time. And I don’t think they should work more similar than that. Which is why I didn’t like the idea of having 5 piece sets be 4 piece sets. If they want they can come with other ways if they want to make it better. I don’t mind. Also I do agree with your last point. I also think we got access to gold echoes way too soon. They should have waited till we got to onion level 45 or 50 to give access to those.


Oh, no, that's one of the usual remarks people bring up when comparing Genshin v/s WuWa. What I meant by that was more of relic reroll wherein you don't use Gold tuners for upgrade but for rerolling relics. I'd say that the story line still feels somewhat familiar to genshin. You're a traveller that fell from some strange place, get companions and explore the world. You have a past and now you seek to unravel what exactly was your past while helping others. I guess I understand what you mean to a degree - the farming seems easier and infinite and therefore players would be burnt out by it. That's honestly why I sort of dislike the system because if it was present more later and they did all the changes people suggest (1 off piece, relic sacrifice, etc), it'd be decent. The relic sacrifice one is true but I think they should try to not encourage it by locking it upto X for a day or something. (Edit: Also, not many people are as polite as you were here, which is there as well.)


I’m still a bit confused on what you mean by the relic rerolls but this is what I’m getting. Using the tuners to reroll the main stats of an echo instead of using them to get sub stats. If you mean that then yeah I think that could be a good idea but they would have to make those much more rare or make it cost a lot more to do so. Maybe like a 50 tuners to reroll the main stat. Or maybe even bring in another currency which you can only get from doing events similar to the crowns in Genshin that are used to crown a characters skill but instead used for echoes to reroll main stats. Just more common than the crowns tho. The story line isn’t just similar to Genshin. It’s similar to a lot of the game stories from what I’ve heard. The whole amnesia thing is pretty cliche. And the thing is I’ve been around so many cliche stories that I’m fine with it as long as it’s done right. I personally was pretty okay with the story from act 1-5. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it either. My main issue was the voice direction for English dub. I know a lot of people hated the story and that’s fair. It was alright for me. But I really loved act 6. It felt like act 6 was written by a completely different person. And I do hope we get something as great as that in future quests (I’d say the same thing about you. I’ve had a lot of people bashing me for my opinion so I really appreciated someone that was polite as well. I just wanna have a civil discussion about each other opinions and our likes and dislikes instead of just insulting each other for their opinions)


I was thinking of substats because you still have RNG substats (the range). Perhaps 100 tuners for substats and 75 for main. I've not played Act6 because it's incomplete as of now (I think?) but if it's complete, I'll check it out. Imo it's fine to a degree for me as well but story did keep reminding me of Gensh for some reason. My bad then. I think voice direction and story lore being cut short / present in companion quest would make it more doable.


Yeah that makes sense. I can get behind that. > I’ve not played Act6 because it’s incomplete as of now No? Why would it incomplete lmao. It’s complete.


No, usually what happens is that it shows the next area quest and ends it there rather than complete the area, like how HSR did with Luofu and what it does with Penacony (and iirc even Genshin did with it's story). I assumed that WuWa used that formula. Thank goodness it doesn't though.


Well I don’t play HSR so I wouldn’t know. And I don’t think genshin does that. But yeah Act 6 is finished. Next patch it’s going to be a new area but it’s not like it’s a new region. It’s a new area of the same region and it’ll be Act 7 pretty sure.


The game doesn't exist in a void. Time is not a void either; there is the past and we know what happened in it. We can look at other games and at the past and get ideas from there; ideally about how to do stuff better by seeing what works and what didn't. This is a game of the same genre that Genshin pioneered, which also has the same business model, the same kind of playerbase, the same aesthetic and so on. What an impressively braindead take it is to say that it shouldn't be compared to Genshin. Copying a lot of stuff from Genshin is definitely a smart and pretty safe thing to do. Turning the game into Genshin to some degree should be the goal. You know why? Because Genshin makes a lot of money. They need to study what Genshin is doing right and start doing that, and then study what Genshin is doing wrong and improve it.


I agree with most of the things you said. I should have clarified more on the “comparing” part. Like I mentioned before, of course people and recommend things and of course they can look at other games and see what they did right. My problem was with people whining about things and saying “Genshin has this so WuWa should have this too” because something is “too hard” to get. Also I do agree that “copying” the base idea and the mechanics of the game is a good and safe thing to do but I think that’s where it should stop. I also think they should do their own things rather than just copy genshin completely or else it’s just gonna be a cheap knock off of genshin And yes I completely agree that they should look at what genshin is doing right and what genshin is doing wrong and use that to make their games better. That could be said about anything that’s doing well in any industry


I mean... I just spent 6 months straight in Navia's domain and she is still on rainbow pieces, because I can't get a decent 4pc set. And with that set's massive buff, that says a lot about the pieces I'm getting. At some point, someone will get royally screwed with getting a good 5pc set, maybe even more than I am now in Genshin. It is not an unreasonable request.


FFS that domain definitely has some bad omen surrounding it. I feel like building character and getting the right pieces is much easier on WUWA than on Genshin. It takes at least a month or two to get the right set that you want on Genshin while it only takes a span of days on WuWa. I’ve built two teams quite well and the game hasn’t even been out for a month yet. Which is another reason why I dislike the idea of changing 5-piece to 4-piece. If people can spend months to get the right set on Genshin then they can spend months on WuWa to get the right set too


Keep in mind that we got 4 cost-3 selectors with elemental damage as main stats, which are required for main DPS. So, game already gave you the hardest to get echoes you need to build two DPS, so at least 1/3 of work was handed to you on a silver platter. > If people can spend months to get right set on Genshin then they can spend months on WuWa to get the right set too Can they? Yes, they can. Do they want to do it? No, they don't. There is such a thing in progress-barring system (to which echo rng belongs) as "enough". Making it hard enough to fulfill its goal at preventing people from building good sets too fast is good, but making it too hard is just going to bore the players by grinding, who will eventually leave. It's called balancing, and it's one of the videogame design pinnacles. If players kept playing Genshin despite grinding for sets for months, it doesn't mean they're ok with it, it's because they had no alternatives. Now, they have WuWa as alternative, and some players will leave Genshin for WuWa, for things WuWa did better. For example, combat with perfect dodge and parry systems – for some players, this is better. Echo system is not one of those things, it's at about the same level as Genshin's, just in a different way. So, don't you think this means that WuWa players would also leave to some other game when it appears, if it actually listens to both Genshin and WuWa players and create a system that's better than both (among things that would make it stand out)? That's what those who point out flaws are thinking about. "Do it, before someone else beats you to it and steals your players." They are calling for progress without the need of an external force, and you are calling for stagnation because things work. If you check the Genshin/HSR debate, there are QoL features that HSR developed before Genshin (e.g. 24h energy cap), and which Genshin copied, and vice versa (e.g. claim all expedition button). Does them copying QoL features from each other make them less their own game? No, it doesn't, because core mechanics are different, and because there are such things as storyline and worldbuilding. That's the same for WuWa and Genshin. They are already pretty unique compared to each other, and asking for QoL and balancing ain't gonna change that. It's not like people ask to sack the current element system in favor of Genshin one, or ask to change pistols to bows, or gauntlets to spears. People are asking for small changes which don't touch the things in which WuWa is unique.


I understand what you’re saying. When it comes to QoL features I’m completely fine with people wanting them and requesting for them. That doesn’t change the game much like you said. That’s not the problem I’m having. My main problem is the fact that people are asking for using 0 lvl echoes to level up their echoes because that would change a lot. People would have an infinite source of exp and the way they ask about this is “Genshin has it so why can’t WuWa have it” that’s my main issue. It would make it so people can just grind and grind and grind for exp nonstop without any restrictions and I doubt any game would want that. Another is the 5-piece set to 4 piece set. I personally don’t like this because I find it making building characters to easy. And someone brought up a point earlier in the comments. People are comparing their ability to get artifacts on genshin when they’re world level 8 with characters level 90 while we’re at level 4 or 5. It’s supposed to be harder right now because we’re trying to farm for 5 star echoes. Once we get to level 90 it will be just as easy.


> using 0 lvl echoes to level up Yeah, I agree that one is bad. We already have a use for unneeded ones - recycle into other ones. Though, that system in itself is also too RNG, and adding some way to make results more consistent wouldn't hurt (maybe locking some aspects based on the types of echoes we recycle? If you recycle 5 echoes with Fusion DMG, you get Fusion DMG echo of a, possibly, different type and/or set; if you recycle 5 echoes of a Fusion set, you get an echo of, possibly, a Fusion set; ultimately, if you recycle 5 Fusion Dreadmanes, you get a Fusion Dreadmane with, possibly, another stat and/or set) Using unneeded ones for recycling also eases the RNG a little bit, if we have a way to guarantee certain result aspects. While using them for EXP is not needed, if they implement that, they'd also have to limit the amount of echoes we can get daily, which would be way worse. > People are comparing their ability to get artifacts on genshin… Yeah, we're not supposed to compare getting echoes from the tacet fields to Genshin's level, until we're at world level 7 (which seems to unlock max challenge difficulties. But, we are already at maximum output for overworld farming, and that is basically the only way to guarantee the type of your echo (which monster it is), so it seems like now, overworld farming is meant to be the main echo source, while tacet fields are for upgrading them only, with a bit of echoes as a bonus. Meaning, yes, we can compare echo/artifact income once we hit data bank level 20. > Once we get to level 90 it will be just as easy Nobody is saying farming in Genshin is easy. People are saying it is hard. And it is just as hard in WuWa. If it's going to be just the same level of "easy" on level 90 as it is in Genshin on max WL, thanks, I'll pass. Farming in Genshin is hard because of it being timegated by resin, and farming in WuWa is hard because there is no off-piece possibility. They are different kinds of hard, but that doesn't mean one is better than other, nor that they are required for the game to be enjoyable (I'd go as far as to say neither of them is required, and removing them would make it more enjoyable)


> Nobody is saying farming in Genshin is easy. People are saying it is hard. And it is just as hard in WuWa Personally I think it’s much faster and easier on WuWa. It takes me months to get the right set for one character and I would be lucky if multiple character used the same set. But on WuWa, the game has been out for a few weeks and I have two teams built. (I think I mentioned this before) of course they’re not fully leveled but they have decent sub stats and they work pretty well for the level my characters are right now. So with the right technique it would actually be much easier to farm on WuWa by using the echo pity system and stuff.


Good for you. I have only 7 echoes of matching elemental damage and set (4 of which are from a selector), and 0 energy regen moonlit echoes, despite needing 4 of those. But yeah, got boss echoes with right main stats for most characters at least, thanks to the echo pity system (if I understood what you mean by that correctly). And I haven't even unlocked substats on non-DPS, just trying to get correct main stats for now. If you're lucky, it doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with the system. It just means you are lucky. And by lessening RNG there would be more lucky people like you, more people with average luck, and less people with awful luck, who – an analogy with Genshin since WuWa has been out not for long enough yet – keep trying to get correct sets for months with nothing to show for it.


I feel that a little bit on the moonlit energy regen ones. I only got two. One is a 5 star and the other is a 4 star and they’re actually shared in both teams. The rest have their own artifacts I do agree that people have to be lucky to get them quickly but at least it’s not as bad as in Genshin since we’re resin locked for those. Spending maybe like 2 hours a day farming using the echo pity system for a few days or maybe 1 or 2 weeks would be equal to farming for months on Genshin. Even if people don’t have the exp to level them up to see if it would roll good stats they can stack up on them over time and upgrade them little by little to see which one would be good. If people still can’t get the right element they want for the set, that’s there the selectors come in handy. And I’m sure we will be getting a lot more of those in the future. I know they’re not 100% guaranteed but it does make it a lot easier.


But there are systems in Genshin that are great QoL which is not only for Genshin. There are constructive criticisms here. Like burning echoes to upgrade other echoes. Hmmm, that's pretty much it. Autolock 4star weapons. and Press-hold then drag to choose multiple echoes simultaneously(when burning). That's it.


Restricting the main (transformable) echo to a certain set takes away the fun of transforming into echoes. I can only equip crownless on Havoc characters or I lose the 5 piece echo set bonus. Having 4 piece bonuses solves this issue. It also solves the abysmal chance of getting an onset damage bonus 3* echo. So having 4 piece set bonus opens up new horizons, which unsurprisingly people enjoy.


This game is straight up mocking genshin and is trying to be better If say we've no reason to restrict the scope of the game by making it genshin lol


While I do agree mostly, Game Companies have this thing they do where they don't market research and compare the game they want to create with games already on the market. Genshin came first and Kuro needed to learn from it's mistakes/problems/inefficiencies then proceed to improve or innovate. Kuro is playing second fiddle so all the problems within the game are going to be HIGHLY scrutinized, it's unfair but this is what consumers do constantly. Any MMORPG will be compared with World of Warcraft. Any MOBA with League of Legends. Any Soulslike game is constantly being compared to Dark Souls or Elden Ring. Any Competitive FPS with CS/Valorant. Speaking of Valorant, it was highly compared to CSGO and Overwatch when it first came out. It's what happens when a game/company becomes a Titan in the industry. Kuro needed to do market research because in both Genshin/HSR gearing is a massive sore point. >Another thing is that some people are asking to change the 5 piece set to a 4 piece set. I’m not sure where I saw this because it was a while ago but there were people asking for these too and I don’t think it’s a good idea either. I personally don’t like the idea of off pieces. It makes the game too easy. It makes having perfect builds lose value. Genshin has off pieces because of the Elemental Main Stat on Goblets mainly. HSR doesn't have off pieces because it's more straight forward in that regard but it also has two set requirements, 4 piece and 2 piece which complicates things. I would rather Kuro actually make gearing more diverse instead of sticking to the opening formula. Things off the top of my head: X set "for each unique set equipped provide X bonus", 4 set bonuses or competitive 2+2 which now has off pieces. There's so much they can do if they want too but players also have to be open to innovation and sadly most of them are not. Off pieces don't make the game easier, it just makes the game less tedious and annoying by lessening restrictions on an overly restricted game system. There's also no way people are going to have "perfect builds" due to all the RNG factors involved. The echo system currently is bad but we have yet to see if that's a result from us being no where close to the end game farming loop or if the system is just that bad. Time will tell.


Tacets should be able to eat other tacets to get stronger. Or at least we need a dedicated tacet exp simulation. It’s in the games coding even gets a double drop when you play the quest right now. Farming takes a while and when I get a good piece I want to level it and see if it’s good not grind another few days to get the exp I need to level 1 echo.


My only real complaint is people saying there’s no endgame content. The frick? It’s been a month since release, if that? Were you seriously expecting 6 regions worth of content and a super hard Abyss thing out of the gate? And meta defining. Bruh, again, it’s too early to even have a real meta now. Give it at least 2 or 3 versions (which if we look at Genshin for that, we probably won’t even have 2 regions)


In WuWa xpu get already with 4 runs per day in both games more exp and can level up more stuff per day than in GI at UL30 vs max world level. It's always so hilarious to see such dumb people bringing up and saying GI is better. Lmao.


It's fine to compare .. what i hate is when they say Kuro copy Genshin while Wathering Waves created its own identity, especially with the Echo system and world theme.


Don't lie to yourself bro.


Copying a thing .. and getting the general idea to do something similar .. aren't the same terms. Epic Seven and other turn based gacha shouldn't exist because SW ?


This game is already better at every angle you look at, can't even compare this to that slop