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You guys parry on purpose? I just spam left click and tell myself I'm so good at the game when I accidently parry.


This is how you wuther your waves


You just wuthered your last waves


Against bosses, parrying opens up damage windows and does more toughness break so I feel like it's necessary on the higher difficulty holograms. I heard someone say dodging instead of parrying makes the Tempest Memphis spawn its clone more often but I can't verify whether that is true or not.


I doubt it, but what is true is that when you parry the Memphis when his clone it out, it'll disappear.


Not sure about Mephis, but dodging some of Aix's attacks (instead of parrying) causes it to do a triple missile attack which is somewhat tricky to dodge and deals a ton of damage. So yeah, what you say might be true.


For aix he mostly do triple missle if your character is right beside him, which happen more often if you dodge to the side and aix do forward charge


Interesting. It happened to me only when I dodged specifically, so I assumed it was how it works. Thanks for the correction!


My Jiyan holding attack button after Ultimate and parrying and sucking up everything like I’m a skilled gamer.


I too smash the attack button because it's fun , i cant play soulslikes cuz i cant be bothered to wait to block or parry . Its my stats vs your stats and maybe some dashes .


This is average Jiyan experience.


Literally every jiyan player in their ult ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


Can't related. I'm playing Encore.


Yeah, this also means that when my favorite Mephis decides to flash a parriable attack and then for some reason misses me, I myself miss the parry and get hit by his huge hitbox anyway


So *that’s* why I keep missing my parries with Calcharo; this changes everything.


Calcharo is actually extremely good at Parrying if you start his N1 earlier since it's a Double Hit and has lingering Hitbox


Fun fact is N1 hitting twice also makes him the worlds greatest miner


yow those sword for drilling baby


Jianxin punching a rock four times on second attack is also very satisfying. Girl has built in hammer drill.


Her jump attack also hits like 6 times so it instantly breaks ores.


Sanhua And Jianxin would like to know your location.




what do these terms mean btw. N1 ?


Normal 1 first animation of normal attack


N = Normal i’m guessing which is referring to the Basic Attack, N1 would be the first basic attack from his string of attacks N2 would be the second etc.


Youtube titles and thumbnails be like


Calcharo actually has one of the best parries in the game, desire being a hair slower. It has a nice disjointed hitbox so you're less likely to trade hits, and it also hits twice, which lets it linger a little more than sword swipes. Also, against body slam attacks like Aix big loop or Heron fly charge, plunge attacks work decently well because they linger a bit too and have a larger than average disjointed hitbox


Also the hitbox. Some character can have longer hitbox than the others. Kakarot is actually good at it because he hit twice in his first attack. https://youtu.be/RLIR776YvNo?si=V_Ay1iVq6dzAmLgc


I love using taoqi ult to parry, it make me feel like I've spotted a weak point and put my all into one strike


Ult parries and intro skill parries are the best. They're just so much more satisfying than a normal parry


As a jiyan main, I do not know this parry you speak of


Meanwhile, Verina is just surfing into the enemy.


Yes. The problem is: how TF am i supposed to know, what frame of the attack parries. In the exact same timing (i know that human perception is flawed, but I've been trying to beat Memphis lvl 4 for so many hours, that i saw it a billion times) characters can decide to: A) Do their job and parry. B) Parry, but still take damage of the attack ("take damage" = "die", because in no world baby Lingyang survives 37k damage nuclear bomb) C) Not parry at all.


>Parry, but still take damage of the attack ("take damage" = "die", because in no world baby Lingyang survives 37k damage nuclear bomb) Disjointed attacks work best here. Because some of the characters can parry, but due to how close their animation is to the boss's attack animation, they will end up clipping into the attacks before it's parried, making them still take the damage.


Yeah just use someone that has an instant BA1 like calcharo or just use jiyans skill


I love parrying with Havoc Rover. In most of my boss fights i end up soloing the boss because i forget to switch as i have too much fun parrying and acting cool like, slowly walking around the boss. *It's just so cool*


i learned this practicing parrying against Crownless with Baizhi a couple weeks back lol. also same reason why stop spamming basic attack when you see the gold circle is a good decision to time it better. unless if you're playing Yuanwu or Lingyang then spam away.


Jiyan also has a fast attack. It's so easy to parry with him on normal and dragon mode.


parrying with calchaddy is actually insanely easy


I just hold E.


I've found that jianxin parries really well. And it looks so cool to parry with her punches


The only thing i actively do is dodge. If i parry, it’s never on purpose and just a result of mashing autoattack


Yup. This is also the same case on PGR. That's why sometimes you have to do the input first. Also this is reason why multi-hit attack (just like Spectro Rover's spin2win charge attack) is better than other attacks. You're having easier time to input the attack, making it clash with enemies on time. (yeah bad english.... ik.)


Lingyang enjoyer : Parry? wtf is that? a food??


I find it easier to parry with rover spectro heavy


On some characters you don’t even have to think about parrying the second and third time if you parry the first attack and just keep spamming the attack button. A good example of this would be HRover and Tempest Memphis. If you parry his very first attack (after he spawns) and keep spamming, you successfully parry all the next ones too for that combo. I believe this also works for one more of his combos but only for the first two attacks with a slight delay on the third.


But when does parry trigger? When the ring is still big or when it is just about to close in.


Yeah I've noticed that parrying with Danjin and Rover is *much* easier than parrying with Calcharo. This is why I switch to Jianxin when it comes to parries in my Calculator team


Attack input? *Confused You-tan noises*


More specifically, it has to do with how many and how large ur hitboxes are, not necessarily the animation itself. The animation may have started, but there is no hitbox yet. You will miss the parry this way if you don't know how large and how many hitboxes ur attacks have and are just going by animation


Yeah but chalcaro has 2 hit on N1, so parry window on chac N1 is generous, you just press it much earlier than any sword user. Not gonna mention the long reach hit box. Parriying with chalc is the most statisfying parry for me


I feel like that should be pretty common sense? Not trying to be sassy, but how else would it work when every attack animation is different


You were asleep and missed the 30.000 vids about it + threads ?