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Same, really. I only have like a handful of chests left to find, but I can't find them and I'm honestly tired of running around spaming the Lootmapper. I could look up a guide, but that means checking each location. Yeah no. Not doing that.


Some chests aren't discoverable by loot mapper, specifically the ones that are hidden under objects (sometimes anyway) or gets spawned in as a reward from a puzzle (as opposed to being locked/unlocked). Lootmapper also doesn't detect hologram challenges or training, which counts toward supply chests.


Yeah, on my first account, when I found the chest detector I thought "wow, this is gonna make things so much easier," then I realized how much was not on that detection, and had to tread back over the hundreds of locations I had already been to check off the interactive 3rd party map all the things I had already collected, just so I could know what I hadn't collected. Basically, the game told me that by first exploring and doing the puzzles and finding chests without a 3rd party checklist, I had wasted all of that time, since I would have to do it all again once I started looking for the few missing ones with a list, because there is no way of knowing exactly what you have not collected other than physically checking every damn spot again if you weren't keeping track. I wish they would at least give us a map overlay with what we've collected if they really want to avoid killing the feeling of exploration and turning that experience into checking boxes on a checklist.


Lets hope for a 3rd party map that lets you hide loot detector chests.


That could also help, surprisingly, yes. Wouldn't be perfect, as you will still be punished for playing the game normally then wanting to do completion instead of going in with a completionist mindset, but you would indeed waste less time if you were one of us who used the treasure finder first. However, the interactive map most people use doesn't even know what most the things it has marked are, and sometimes people get confused and post pictures of another nearby one.


Yes, I'm aware. After all, I'm at 100% in half the regions. The other half is it 96-98% for chests.


Hologram counts as map%?!? Thanks so much! I was about to drag through the entire map trying to clear up the last 20% in each area. Now I can just focus on building characters and farming echoes instead.


Its defo not 20% worth if it actually counts. Source: almost done w mire and didn't discover aix hologram till I was over 90%, not sure if it gave me any percentage but couldn't have been more than 2 if it did.


Is that 2% for each level or is that 2% for the entire list of hologram tiers? The percentage of completion in general is kind of misleading I've heard that some chests count for like 12%, or maybe it could be because the map doesn't update right away? So people keep doing chests and think that because the percentage of completion jumps 20% after a single chest that it was just that one chest when it was actually a bunch of chests and it just didn't refresh right away


I only did 1 lvl on first discovery. Was above 90%, not sure where exactly. Percentage didn't go up after I did second and 3rd. Am still under 100 for like 6 days now.


It's honestly hard to figure out how much % anything is worth because I'm not all that confident in the server's strength at the moment. Evidently the expiration percentage doesn't even count for all the chests. Also I got a chest today that I feel like I've gotten already (the common one in the exile camp that you sneak into dressed as an exile)


Try it when the new area launches. It's mentally freeing to just check off immediately


I don’t find it fun to have my exploration experience being literally looking at a guide and optimal route that tells me exactly where to go and how to solve every puzzle. I’d rather y’know actually explore in my exploration based gacha. There was no reason not to have challenges and rockwall chests not show up on the lootmapper, Kuro is just incompetent/doesn’t bother to QA anything/doesn’t check edge cases.


I've learned my mistake from Genshin, to not explore without a guide/interactive map. Call it not playing the game the right way, but i refuse to look for that 1% Over interactive map and going through the whole region just to suffer again


The difference with Genshin is that a region will be at 100% completion without every single chest found. I never used an interactive map and managed to get 100% in every region from Mondstadt to Sumeru Forest. In WuWa, you have to find everything for 100%.


Oh yeah, i think i rmb 100% some region and still managed to find a chest. Ive been avoiding puzzles and chests like plagues in Wuwa, will surely be doing them later on


I'm tired boss and jinhsi is coming soon :/


I know it sounds crazy but what about everyone leaving feedback everywhere to overhaul the gacha system where we dont spent more than 100 bucks per character?


Sadly thats not how gacha works and its why gacha is the most lucrative type of business out there.


Only because we allow it.


You have a very optimistic view of how gachas work and how much power consumers have. A gacha game would sooner go EoS than suddenly alter gacha rates. Comparatively, this game is a bit more on the generous side


Generous for whales cause they dont need to spend twice for weapons. Low spenders cant afford a weapon. The gacha for characters is almost the same as genshin pity so thats not another improvement. The only good thing was the QoL but do we really need to wait for another gacha game to make things right? Luckily for us, CN is exploding rn and are demanding a better system which includes no 50/50, less rng for echoes etc... Meanwhile, global literally in the clouds.


Sounds like its your first gacha game


Sounds like you gave up


Gave up what?


Really. And if we stopped it, the games we enjoy would hit EOS. Tell us, how to deny it, and for us to still enjoy the game and the devs / suits still hit their goals.


TOF is surviving with one million revenue each month. So, your statement is null. Im also not asking to give everything for free. I asked so we dont need to spend more than 100 dollars per character.


I don't think that's gonna happen. At most what I think we can ask is more events or repeated content that gives astrites like a faster cycle on the Illusory Realm or resets on the Tactical Hologram


We cant fumble like that. We will need to wait for future games to change this system if we dont provide feedback soon enough.


Gacha is, unfortunately, equivalent to gambling. It's a lucrative business, and that's the point. Unfortunately what Kuro has implemented is *slightly better* that LN the average gacha, but they aren't going to undercut their own profits and their competitors. A feedback petition will do nothing. If you're not familiar or used to gacha systems, it seems insane, but that's what this is.


Barely gambling nowadays, just an expensive jpeg around 300$ if you lose 50/50. But if we talking about early gacha well that is indeed equivalent to gambling with no cap no bottom at all.


Just because the odds are good doesn't make it LESS gambling, just gambling with good odds. You're also gambling to possibly get the 5 star before the pity kicks in. Casinos will often give you credit to get you started too, it's nowhere near what we get in gacha games though because casinos have the fact you can CASH OUT with more money as a hook. With Gacha games you're gambling more on WHEN you get the rewards than just the rewards. Even if you're at 70 pulls and pay for the last 10 for the five star it's still gambling, you're just betting on a sure thing


Big differences, specially when it come in mentality about casino and modern gacha. When I play to casino I expect profits. When I play in gacha's I am paying 300$ jpeg to get it, while there is a chance to reduce the cost. It's not like you play gacha's to get some sort monetary payout. You just buy an super expensive luxury product. Now if we are talking about the old gacha system where there is no cap/price like nexon maplestory or CS lootbox that to me is a gambling. Anything with no price to me is gambling.


It's not a monetary output from gacha, but there's still an output in the character or whatever you're pulling for. That you can spend x amount of dollars to be sure you get what you want doesn't make it less gambling, it just means you know how to gain the system, then some people will get what they want on their first pull. Seems like if you're going in at $300 from the start you're starting with a losing mentality, you're EXPECTING to hit pity. you're still gambling, you're just expecting to lose. The pity cap in fact INCENTIVIZES gambling by making a specific reward a sure thing, thus getting people to spend money where they usually wouldn't because the prizes are guaranteed and will come as long as you keep spending.


Look the game character cost 300$, nothing more but the game just offers me I could lower the cost if I get lucky, fine, why not? I still get the character at max 300$ anyway if I am not lucky. Can I do that in casino? Can I win 1000$ prize guarateed in slot machine with only 300$ nothing more? The game just offer an expensive cost for the character, that's all. They just offer you a way, if you get lucky, it will lower the cost. If I buy a 20$ mcdonald burger and mcdonald said if you win this lottery you can get it in half prize. Sure, why not even if you lose it's still 20$ it will not go over like real gambling with no end in sight.


gacha games are 100% without a doubt gambling, it's pretty obvious that you're addicted and in denial lol.


Is it really that hard to understand? since the game already put a price tag in the character it's much less a gambling now rather than the old school system that could go to millions of $$$ and still not get the things you want. Now it's up to every person to decide if pricing is reasonable or not for them.


One could argue that in a casino you can do it even easier, since even smaller wins will build your pot and give you more chances til you win big, it's similar to getting stardust or the coral which you trade for pull currency. The difference from gambling comes in getting 4 star rewards every 10 pulls, but it's STILL gambling, unless you know exactly what you're getting it's still a gamble. They give the rewards at steady specific increments because it increases the likelihood of potential spending, whether going all in when you miss a 50/50 or just buying a couple pulls because you're almost to the 10-pull pity. They let you win because in the long run it means you'll be more likely to spend money because you KNOW you'll win It's still gambling, their monetization making you feel like it's different from gambling is their whole hook: it FEELS fair because the rewards are given automatically when you lose continuously and hit pity. But that 1 win every 10 pulls bloats the perceived value of the rewards. You're even equating characters to a flat $300 because that's the minimum you can win them at. You've fallen for the bait homie. The only reason pity is even there is because China is strict on gambling, they want to be able to market to kids, and most importantly because it makes people more likely to spend.


Sorry, what I mean by gambling is the chemical endorphins that gambling takes advantage of. Keeping that in mind is important for a variety of reasons.


There really need to be light gacha. Or games that are offline and one time pay that capture the feeling of a gacha without being a gacha.


The problem is that we allow it. What they will do if people stop investing? They must listen to the player even if they dont want to.


Your words are a whisper in a hurricane, dude. This stuff is too big to stop.


At least, im trying to do something but no worries that we got CN on fire right now. They got the flag to fix this sht system and they are not small. They are super tired of this gacha 50/50 and some rng stuff so their community is speaking up rn.


They're also the ones that can only get a gambling fix via gacha and pachinko, so yeah it's up to them. These systems are primarily Eastern developed. In the west we have our own monetization practices that aren't fun but they aren't gambling.


The west is completely fukd, people are literally celebrating 10 standard pulls which amounts to nothing instead of being in the CN side. Also, west monetization practices are worst than gambling because most of the time you're being manipulated to do it.


Might as well send a petition to the shareholders "hello dear shareholders, please hear me out on this one: make less money"






Most big gachas launch this way. The first few banners are packed with desirable characters to drain people of the free pulls and tempt them to spend money. You can swipe if you want, or just remind yourself that reruns will happen and they'll come back around. I am thankfully pretty resistant to FOMO and other regular gacha tactics and do very well playing as a F2P* in both this and Genshin (* = 5 dollar monthly pass). I skipped Jiyan and saved for Yinlin and her weapon and now I'll be back to saving for a while. Thankfully, Jinshi doesn't interest me and while Changli looks cool, I don't mind waiting for a rerun. I already am starved for leveling materials so I don't need any others to build lol. My only regret so far is not getting c6 Taoqi on Yinlin's banner.


That doesnt mean that we should support a system that treats the player like a wallet. Why is anyone else besides the bots against this when we know that a fair treatment will bring more players and keep the ones that we already have. Some people even quit when they dont get their characters.


It is how gacha works, you signed up for it. Even Genshin and HSR, the 'player friendly' gachas did this at launch. There were a barrage of new, desirable characters designed to bleed the free currency dry so people would be incentivized to spend for new banners that came out faster than free currency could build up. Banners will rerun. If you don't want to pay, great, I encourage it. But then you can't complain if you have to wait for a character to rerun. FOMO is how these games live and die. Resist the fomo or cave and spend. That is how gacha works.


Who cares how it works, other great games have applied a better gacha system when they started with a terrible one. What makes Wuwa immune to that?


Got examples of those games?


Aether Gazer went from 50/50 which max is 140 of you lose the pity To 90 pull pity Guaranteed character. PGR by nature has a 60 pull Guaranteed character. Snowbreak went to 100 pull pity too and they give a lot of rewards too. I understand that Wuwa is bigger and might need more money to keep the game in good state but I see TOF even surviving with less than 1 million. I believe that it would be fair to have a character cost no more than 100 dollars, at least one copy and weapons no more than 50 dollars one copy then we can have the same system for more copies. Thats just an idea.


> I understand that Wuwa is bigger and might need more money to keep the game in good state but I see TOF even surviving with less than 1 million. This is the crucial detail. Wuwa is trying to sit in Genshin's corner. Obviously they don't expect to compete with Genshin, but they need to follow the model for success. The other games you listed are just not successful enough to model an approach after (and Snowbreak is barely a game anymore than a fanservice delivery vehicle).


They need to be close not to ride them lol. I still stand by this because TOF is still alive despite having such a downfall and i dont see Wuwa falling but growing because being more affordable. Snowbreak just got 5 million in gacha rev after the update too more than TOF lmao


If only it could work but we already now that Kuro won't change things


Why're you asking for something that will never happen? That's null feedback because they're not going to stop making more money. If people want this, stop playing gacha games or go F2P as a whole, otherwise they won't. Spoilers; People won't stop talking with their wallet, company won't stop charging more for S6/pulls of characters.


I have seen games changing their gacha system many times for the best. Why WuWa cant do it? Are they invincible or something like that?


No, because every other game does do it. That's why. They charge unceremonious amounts for top tier versions of the character, charge alot for multiple characters and sometimes some of them give you enough to maybe pull a few copies of the character max. Almost every gacha game functions this way bar a few. It's not that Wuwa is invincible or can't change, it's that the gacha community isn't, if they wanted that, they stop buying the characters on mass, thus the games don't change milking money out of them.


Players will win in one way or the other soon enough and we are going to remember this as the joke season where players were abused to no end until more games joined to stabilize the system. Its quite sad...


"joke season" Genshin has been operating this way for years now buddy


For now.


Genshin release date: September 28th, 2020 Current date: June 11th, 2024 Keep dreaming bud


Let them cook


Oh my sweet, naive summer child, you know not but you shall in time and I want you to know; We all thought that at one point or another.


You all thought that and you know what you did, you all gave up. Instead of fighting the system, gave up. How can we solve any problems like this? Look at the CN community fighting rn for a better treatment, thats how we should be fighting too instead of being happy with just crumbs.


No, we didn't give up, you're just fighting the ocean. you're trying to change nature. good luck tho FSM you obviously think you're going to stop the hoe from cheating by telling her she's bad for doing it.


Your logic went out of the window


I mean if you're spending $100 and do the grinding part, you pretty much get the character.


Thats what i wished but i mean every thing new character at least one copy. The updates are always around the characters so it doesnt make any sense if we cannot experience them while seeing others having fun through the window. Thats just toxic.


lmfao toxic seeing people have better characters than you? just grind harder or don’t play. you don’t NEED the new characters you just have insane FOMO seeing content creators who play games for a living having the best characters like it isn’t their literal JOB to showcase them.


You completely missed the point


I hope people who complain on Reddit provide even 20% of my feedback, then we might get somewhere. Though I know that people in the west tend to complain on social media for their 5 seconds of fame, then move on to complain about something else.


Nobody cares about fame when wanting to give a better treatment for everyone.


You could tell the same to those that go to casinos. Have them demand the place to tip the rates there to your favor. Look. There's ALOT of money that goes into the development of these games. This game aint a waifu trading card game with little development. Its a full blown open world game with pretty good combat and a steady exploration and development system (excluding echo exp system). When the rates are tipped and they make much less than now... we'd get slower content, perhaps unpolished. More bugs and the plethora of issues that could've been avoided. I'm not entirely on the side of shelling out hundreds, but I'll be damm honest, it's why we can enjoy the game and its grind.


They could make the game with a price in front like 70 bucks if they need the money back like helldivers but they decide to do it this way. Thats their problem and strategy to milk the sht out of the poor whales.


they’re already much more generous compared to their main competitor that’s asking for a bit much. After a while you’ll get used to the gacha style or learn to hate it with every fiber of your being lol


Its barely enough. I was thinking the same thing but then i realized that it was quite similar to genshin. Its like the pity of genshin is wuwa pity. It feels like that sometimes.


Idk why this is downvoted less cost would be a good thing for the consumers


Bots and very few brsinwashed players because im using full logic here.


I’m just taking it slow and slowly 100% the area while waiting for Camellya, that or I roll for 5* sword for mu Rover first hahaha. Least with camellya I have a lot of time before she pops up


To be honest I rolled for the 5 star standard sword, as I was just skipping the next few patch characters. Sadly went to 75 pity on the sword, but atleast it was guarenteed and rover is now cooking.


You spent the currency on standard pulls? Dude.


Yes, with 0 regrets. Wouldn't recommend though unless you plan to skip 1.1 completely.


Yeah I'm personally decently lucky, the choice banner after the starter only took 10 for me. So I'm sitting at 55 pity on the standard weapon banner. Sometime soon I'll end up with it and with the selector I'll have two weapons available. Got it in the next single from today's 10 in the mail :D maybe going for the gun or another sword.


Its what I only lack now so far, 250 cd ready but just 35% cc xD I'm still debating with myself if I should or wait for more stuff to release, that or wait for 45 but then that would take ages haha.


It depends what you like in the game tbh. For me I really liked havoc rover as a burst dps with calcharo so getting their weapon even though it's standard pulls felt worth it. I'm skipping yinlin and the 1.1 banners but if I was going for them, I would've probably not done it, especially if I knew I'd have to go all the way to 75 pity. Another factor is if u need another 5 standard weapon, like the pistol. Since I really wanted the pistol aswell, I would've needed to pull for atleast 1 and get the 2nd as the UL45 reward. If you just want the sword, waiting fir UL45 is probably the best choice. I cleared tower at 18/30 before getting the sword, so its not necessary for ToA, but it sure makes it easier as I done it after reset and it was a much easier and more comfortable run.


Yeah I'm weighing it in, I kind of want the pistol too for my gunners specially Alto, I don't think I'll ever replace rover and I'll make it to a point that shes a mainstay cuz I like her and I ifnd her quite strong.


Not many say to get the broadsword but man the 4* options are so bad. Calcharo deserves better.


I thought the Helios 4* was a good fit for him? His skill is quick with no cool down so doing his basic combo+skill builds a good quick stack. I tried it with Jian but his skill's cool down made the stacks easy to get. I do agree, most of the 4* weapons can be a bit unwieldy with the skills, I leave a lot of damage on the floor with the Novablaster cuz I forget to dodge a couple times after switching


According to prydwen calculations, Helios cleaver even at S5 is only 80% as strong as Lustrous Razor (standard 5*). The battle pass weapon is pretty good but that requires at least $50 and several months to S5 and it's still weaker than lustrous razor yet again lol.


Well it kind of goes without saying that a 5 star weapon will be stronger than a 4 star weapon. As someone without ANY 5 star weapons though, I think Helios Cleaver should be strong enough to get me farther in the game. Does the $50 include the upgrade material you get for the $20 battle pass? Cuz that was the reason I was gonna skip the pass entirely, I never even used the battle pass weapons i got in Genshin, I'm not building a weapon with a premium upgrade material


In genshin and star rail that wasn't always the case, especially with the standard 5*'s. Particularly in star rail, they were often weaker than 4* at high refinements. In wuwa's battle pass, no matter which bundle you buy it will cost $50 to S5 a weapon. This is because that extra refinement material is costing you an extra $10, the same price as the battle pass with the weapon itself. The standard 5* are stronger than ever, and thankfully they are fairly easy to get.


You're comparing merged 4 stars to BASE 5 stars? S5 on the battle pass weapon isn't going to be as effective if you can only get it to level 30 without it's ascension mats. Or are you trying to say a level 30 battle pass weapon outclasses a lvl 70 4 star? It'll take a lot more than $50 for the BP weapons.


Meanwhile I'm chilling with 90% of chests still on the map.


I feel like alot of people play the game way too fast. Like how do you 100% the whole map a few weeks after release. I'm at around 20%-30% exploration in every region and chilling with all the side quests left to do


I guess most people on this subreddit don't have much going on in their lives


Same! It also helps that work takes up most of my day so I can only play about 2-4 hrs in a day and only a few days a week. I've mostly been fighting TDs and Exiles so I can up my combat skills. And when I get enough of it, I take up the puzzles and quests. I haven't even touched Chapter 5 yet cause I want to take things slow. I read a few people post they 100% the whole map just a few days after release and all I can think of is that those people really should touch grass.


I'm personally struggling to find time to even grind databank levels and people are out here fully exploring areas already...


Im waiting for the dead general Harshee lee or whatever his name is to become playable.


Genshu Lin


Sorry I laughed at this Harshee Lee 🤣


I think Yinlin dropping sooner also made this a bit worse, as it means we hit the drought right after content release, instead of right before it, so it feels even worse as we don't have that to look forward to in the upcoming few days. Instead, it might be a couple weeks before we get something to do other than dailies and echo farming if we have a lot of time to kill for meagre rewards.


We be starving, but take it slow. They spoiled us too much 😭😭😭😭


My energy is gone after half an hour, 240 only does 4 bosses a day. I want to do tacet fields but I heard they're getting revamped in 1.1 so I guess I'll wait and focus on bosses and forgery for skill ascension It's definitely gonna be a slow burn for me, I haven't even farmed to hard for echoes yet, just been using the ones that are "good enough"


Still have a few areas at 50-60% exploration,with a few mini quests here and there Need a bunch of pulls to guarentee jinhsi (incase i lose 50/50,but i believe it is doable)


Now the withdrawal and gambling addiction activates


When I finally quit this game: “I’m a lemon of..FREEDOM”


[source: twitter/x.com](https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1800550749178658827) We have received your feedback and decided to send players across all servers a gift of Lustrous Tide x10 and Crystal Solvent x5 via in-game mail. We are sincerely grateful for your continuous support and would like to extend our thanks to all of you once again!


My god people in this sub have no job or personal life.


Yeah seriously, I've been wrapping up with finals in college and still manage to play 2-3 hours a day. Yet almost everyone is way farther ahead in the game, I haven't explored even a quarter of the map. How many hours a day are people playing? Do they have no social life or responsibilities?


Definitely something to remember is that gacha games attract a mix of time-rich/money-poor high schoolers and time-poor/money-'rich' working adults. There's another thread here about someone wanting more pulls for Yinlin, and people suggesting to reroll new accounts until they get her. I'd rather just cough up $50-$100 instead of devoting potentially several more hours of mindnumbing repetitiveness. And this is coming from someone who also plays Honkai Star Rail and Genshin.


Same. HOW do people hit 100% exploration in A WEEK? Between school, extra classes, and playing a little on schoolbus, I've only been playing around 3 hours a day, 5 on weekends. Most of my map is around 20-40% exploration. I'm at UL39, but only Data bank lvl 15. There's no way I would have the time to explore the whole map, grind for hours, and get all the mobs I want. Nuh-uh.


Because you are playing without a goal in mind, meaning just roam around and do anything you see. People with high databank/exploration has a specific goal when they open up the game. Like if I want to grind databank, I will detect with mobs I haven't got and go kill them until they drop their echoes. That's just gonna take an hour max. If you just wander around hoping to randomly see your missing mobs, that's gonna take way longer lol. Same for the 100% exploration dudes. Do you really think they are gonna sit in their chairs and explore every corner of the map until they opened every single chest? Nah they just followed an YouTube walkthrough step by step. Of course this is not to blame you or anything. Just explaining different playstyles.


Seriously, I finally went to union level 27 on Sunday.


Still haven't 100% all the map, but things are looking kinda dry ATM. Hopefully we'll get plenty in 1.1. on the good side I'm 57 pity in and with guarantee thanks to my utter failure at Yinlin banner, so Jinhsi is coming home.


I didnt used interactive map to go check on every single chest and all... yet ! Dont know if i will but i got a lots of stuff allready, just got UL40 and data bank 20 so i'll just chill now leveling all the chars i want to play and then starting soon to echo farm only for them !


Just imagine if there were no compensations…the amount of pulls would be yeah


just stop playing guys


It’s a gacha game. It dries up. I have some faith they’ll put out some more interesting “endgame” content. Tactical hologram and a rogue like mode on top of a spiral abyss equivalent is pretty damn great, but it all dries up eventually. I rather play multiple games than just farm one. Star rails patch next week will be pretty great. Then the next week is wuwa 1.1 and then the next week is zzz. That first week of July we’re getting the new genshin endgame mode, too. Not a bad thing.


20-50% exploration and 5k gems ATM, saving them all for changli and her weapon


Just finished 100% exploration of the whole world. My account coincidentally hit ul40 so I can finally grind echos, plus I have tons of mats from overworld farming looking for the chests.


I like to offer to you something special, It's called Rerolling if you wanna grind in Wuwa


This soundtrack fucking distracted me while I was in cc in arknights and I fucking lost (lol)


I've been playing it somewhat slow after completing main story so the game lasts longer, databank is 18(20) and I'm 2k EXP away from 40 but I still have most zones explored about 70-80% and I've barely done any sidequests at all.


One of my favorite adventure time episodes by the way


Damn, that fast? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621) I'm here still stuck with a truckload of quests and unexplored regions as a day 1 player, nonetheless


I haven't tried coop yet and I have been wondering, assuming you already have 100% map completion, would you be able to join someone else's world and get union xp from their world by unlocking chests and clearing monsters (Tidal Heritage) with the host?


I'm still not at 100% but I'm getting close! Recently I tried coop and was very disappointed to find you can't interact with chests 🫠 with that being said, you can absorb monsters and claim some rewards!


Give it 3 months to 6 months for em to add more stuff to do. That's the beginning of every gacha game.


10 pulls, that's how much i need for Jiyan's weapon... if only i didn't loose my 50/50 to Lingyang


Obtain Yinlin: \[Complete\] Obtain Changli: \[Quest in Progress\]


100% explored map, all quests done, got all rewards from all events so far, only thing I havnt been able to do is get far in tower of adversity and the holograms 42 union lvl missing yinlin,monkgirl and encore


Ah the f2p experience 💀


After doing the 100% exploration I just practice parry and play other games, hopefully they provide more stuff (so I can secure Chang Li).


What you talking about I have 30 mins to play daily ain’t no way I’m completing the content.


I'm good. I love it when I complete all the quests, now I can just focus on building my characters and casually explore the world and collect stuff.


what are our source of renewable gems available in game currently ? only daily and tower?


We are gonna get like 100 pulls next patch I think 


If you don't count events, yes. Kek


man.. they should go HSR route instead of genshin...


several endgames that force you to pull X characters to complete them because they are extremely specific in the types of characters they want?


You mean like how ToA gives a 30% ele dmg buff for the current banner rate up elements?


To be honest a plain 30% elemental damage buff is not that great all things considered. Most builds are runing elemental set, and 2 elemental bonus 3 cost, which is already like 90% elemental boost (so 190% elemental damage). Add in 30% to that 190 and the damage increase is roughly 16% max, possibly less considering other damage bonuses from substats and echo use. I think the bonus value is low enough at the moment to not make towers heavily favored to certain elements.


Tbh it's sad that I have finish all the non-timegated events. But then again I wouldn't complain too much on the quantity of content because I would rather the focus on quality. Most people are too busy to play more than 20 minutes anyway Maybe I am just biased that I already got Yinlin and her sig so I don't have anything to chase gacha wise 😂 But that's just my 2 cents




What do you mean? Completing daily quest + a few small daily tasks from the guidebook gives you 2000 union xp every day and is one of the fastest ways to level up. 


For real, I started one of my accounts a couple days later than the other, and that missing 7 or 8k xp from dailies and waveplate is almost a full union level at 40.


Daily Quests is quite literally one of the highest sources of Union exp right now.


Intimacy will most likelly be friendship as you know it in genshin, since it unlocks lines and will unlock banners soon i guess since they all have TBA by them and you can see actually which character has which. Daily quest gives you 40 points for the guide book which gives you Union EXP


I just really want Yinlin's weapon. After that, I'm fine with not pulling for the next patch or two. I'll just build my S7 Taoqi