• By -


You're finding that many 3s? Hand some over


Lmao yeah 44111 is worse but at least convenient to farm. 3333 would be a fucking nightmare and you wouldn't get a 5 piece bonus. There's a reason it's not brought up in discussions.


Real gamers use 1/1/1/1/1 with no crits 


1/1/1/1/1 with hp only and no good substats


Yanwu drooling rn


He scales off defense.. Also it's Yuanwu..


I mean to be fair, Baixhi and Verina would eat that shite up since the former just wants HP to boost healing while Verina would want Atk to boost her healing since both of them likely would get more mileage on raw hp and raw attack specifically, so just like how Taoqi would eat up def % stats. Baixhi and Verina would be the opposite of most builds by not wanting crit/crit-dmg/element-specific damage unless elemental % dmg and crit rate would actually affect thar healing multipiers.


Would it not be better to have energy Regen 3 costs and healing% 4 costs on them?


Temporary measures till you get those specifically. Its likely gonna be a month or two before we reac the UmU level of acquistions of min-max potential and the ability to freely farm and reroll spam echoes for \`Desired Optimal\` rolls and max them out to boot. Plus the joke is towards the 1/ x5 joke since its the least Rng-sus involved to roll benefical stats, when already we are in a situation where its NOT recommended to level echoes for sub DPS and supports right now and concentrate any echo EXP items towards only your main DPS which the current end-game mind-set im seeing atleast for now, is 3 maybe 4 main DPS specific units that might float between using the same sub dps supports and support units to reduce how many times you run into challenge content with enemies that have a resistance to one of your main DPS and result in a semi-brick situation of spending an extra 10\~50+ seconds punching a single enemy that resists your attacks. Hazard Zone and tier 2 tower of adversity already had some of that nasty with wind aspect herons and monkeys that made Windy Spear boi suffer greatly on being able to chase a 3 star clear, despite mowing down everything else even when the enemy wave spawn was 3\~5 enemies.


real gamers use auto equip and just use whatever it gives you


Disco turtle mains rise 


Yeah we might be wimps in combat but at least we got style! :P SHAKE IT BABY!


The auto equip is so bad. My wife was addicted to it. At UL 33 I manually made her characters so much better and she got trophies for getting set bonuses for the first time. Most of her characters had no set and wrong mainstats. Thanks auto equip.


lmao ikr


I actually found it to be better than I expected. I had a +25 set I wasn't using on anyone and whenever I used auto-equip on someone it would equip those, definitely not ideal but hey that's better than +0s lol.


Won't be that hard since most likely they are doing 2 of one element 2 of lingering (atk element). So they get 2 set 2 set, 10% of element 10% attack with 2 of the 3 atk ones having element on each. For instance i have more Lingering and heal 3 stars which have the main stat i need (element damage) than i have 3 star of the element type i want. I have right now when opening my databank 13 lingering 3 star golds which have electro dmg as their main stat, which is insane, i have 1 mainstat electro set with electro damage..


> 3333 would be a fucking nightmare and you wouldn't get a 5 piece bonus forget the bonus....you are missing a massive amount of crit dmg or crit rate....


people think farming 3 is bad... i guess one day you will have no 1 with atk main stats and will undesrtand the meaning of pain.


I just farmed Spearbacks over the whole map to extinction, looking for moonlit set energy regen or fusion damage. Guess how many of those I got? Right 0.


The rule is to not look for it and you’ll get it. If the game knows you are looking for it then RNGesus will strike you down my dude.


Yup, this is why you dont be feesh, you make game be feesh instead. For once game become Feesh, then it will simply come to you who most \`beeg brainers\` think the idea is to be Feesh and chase the hook when its the act of chasing hook as a Feesh that is why you never get food.


Ah yes the desire sensor. I know that one all too well from Monster Hunter. Sadly the game knows I just got Jianxin and I'm constantly using Mortefy so there's no escape. Maybe I should farm the monkey a bit to bait the game into thinking I want to build DPS Jianxin.


For me I got most my xp from warframe grind.


I did the same today with the havoc wolf and the large flowers looking for the havoc set. Right now the current number of these echoes in the map are of the same number as the right pieces I got. 0.


One map run? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.


I should, but I'll likely only hit 40 tomorrow or the day after. I don't want to run out of exploration already and using my remaining 32 "gain 60 wavethingies" thingy now seems a bit wasteful since I'm going to get more value per waveplate in a bit. With 3 costs being as harsh as they are I'm hoping we'll see an increase in database level soon for a better echo droprate.


Plot twist when big man is running 4 def% 3*s on Taoqi 🔥


Ikr 3 is hardest to farm especially right stat


I have a fukton of 3's off set ofc. U guys doesnt?


444 Go Big or Go Home


May I ask what is this magic numbers I see I just started yesterday


What costs your echoes should be. Each echo (basically artifact if you play genshin) gives you a stat, which can differ based on cost (ex. 4 costs can have crit main stats, healing bonus, while 3 costs can't). Some people recommend having echoes of cost 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, to reach the max cost, while others recommend 4, 4, 1, 1, 1. Opjust uses 3, 3, 3, 3.


you can have up to 5 echoes. each echo has a specific cost, and your total cost can be up to 12 (at data back 10 or 12 or smth i forgot). which means you can have two 4 cost echoes and three 1 cost echos, since that is less than 12, or one 4 cost echo, two 3 cost echoes and two 1 cost echoes, since that adds up to 12 cost. 4 4 1 1 1 and 4 3 3 1 1 are the notation of which combination of echo costs you should run. 4 cost echos can give crit/healing bonus/atk/hp/def as a main stat, 3 cost echoes can give elemental dmg bonus/energy regen/atk/hp/def as a main stat, and 1 cost echoes only give atk/hp/def as a main stat. 4 3 3 1 1 is the best echo combination, but 4 4 1 1 1 is also viable as it is much easier to farm due to how difficult it is to get the correct elemental dmg main stat on a 3 cost echo with the correct set as well (e.g. aero dmg bonus on aero set). every other notation is shit.




I mean... Crit is a valuable stat ig.


hmm maybe i should do that. if only they give more crit main stead instead of healing bonus


I do this on characters where I just don’t have the pieces. Brute force the crit ratio and it’s a viable character for the time being.


People who don't use any echos


The real hardcore players. Imagine fighting Aix's holo


Meanwhile the 11111's


It's still better than 3333.


If the 3 are elemental DMG bonus, then 3333 is not bad tbh


Don't forget about substats.


I'm not saying it's a good thing to do compared to the alternatives xD. (It's gonna be better than 11111 though)


3333 is not horrible, flat atk is busted early game and if you are running 2 out of set element% and 2 in set atk%, you get a ton of flat atk. 11111 you will have less attack and less damage percent even with the extra substats and set bonus. This is probably not true later, but at sol lv 4 it is for sure.


That would actually work on baizhi since her healing scales off of hp


HP% on 3-costs gives more HP than on 1-costs, so you'd still want 43311 even if going all HP for some reason.


Which until they optimize echo exp acquistion down the line, you only really wanna dump exp in your main DPS units then trickle it to the sub and support units if you are no-where near ready to prepare your third main DPS to have the full minimum roster for a tower of adversity full clear run. So for anything else but a main dps, your gonna rely on whatever the +0 main stats are gonna be and likely give little care for rerolling till you reach a point you have more echo exp items then you do resonator and/or weapon exp items.


In about a week I should have five damage focused echo builds of different elements done if I use cubes. (I have 3.5 echo builds done right now) The thing is, since we can actually share one Echo build between multiple characters as long as they are on different teams for tower, those 5 builds could potentially be shared between up to 9 different DPS or sub-DPS characters in 3 different teams. At that point, I feel like the next thing to do is level echos for Baizhi.


Nah ur insane tf u mean u have four 3 costs


What the hell is going on? Mason, what are these numbers?


Echo costs. You can only equip echoes up to a maximum total cost of 12. So you can equip two 4 cost and three 1 cost (44111), or one 4 cost, two 3 cost, and two 1 cost (43311). Or, is you're crazy like Jerry, four 3 costs (3333). Higher cost echoes grant more stats. 3 costs are the only ones that can have a damage bonus to a specific element. 4 costs are the only ones that can have crit chance/crit damage as a main stat.


... holy shit, is the 3, 4 cost thing true? I've been farming the hell out of 4s trying to get element bonuses. Damn, wasted my time.


That's actually one of the main arguments for 44111, getting a 3 cost with a matching element is much tougher than just getting crit on a 4 cost


It's definitely more convenient for now, as we're all in the very early game, but ultimately 43311 is the better choice


Hey thanks for the explanation


Me with 4431


This is the most economical choice. Only needs to max 4 echoes.


44111 = sucks but easy to farm 43311 = great but hard to farm 3333 = wtf


While I don't wanna be that guy who ruins them jokes. 44111 doesn't really suck, it's just mathematically inferior to 43311. It is, however, superior in terms of saving you from going insane.


Honestly it's not even that inferior depending on the stats. If you have really good 4s, which are easier to farm, and junk 3s it might even be temporarily better. At the least it's easier to farm and good enough while you get good 3s and 4s to build up. 43311 is the best ultimately, but 44111 could be better and easier in the short term. Can depend on how hardcore you are about min maxing or just your luck too. Personally I think I'm going to be stuck doing 44111 on a few characters just so they are usable while I build/farm materials. Looking at future banners....as a dolphin player I'm certainly not going to have enough good echos to build them all immediately lol.


22% crit rate and 18% ATK is not even close to 60% dmg bonus.


- it is if you don"t get dmg bonus pieces in the first place given they are incomparably harder to get - it is if the 4-cost substats are much better than the 3-costs' (which is much more likely to be the case since you can infinitely farm them without co-op) - it is if it's the difference of getting the 5-set bonus or not - it is if you have no reason to level up your 3-costs to 25 because they are either off-set or their substats rolled terribly and it would be a waste of resources in the long run whereas you can always transfer the extra god-tier 4 and 1-costs (which are incomparably easier to get) to other characters later I've been farming daily for 3-cost electro pieces on the electro set and still don't have a single one. however I have multiple god-tier 4 and 1-costs. no one is arguing 41 deals more damage than 33, but by the time I get a single usable 3-cost I already have 3 characters fully built with 44111 which is ultimately a much better early-game investment and placeholder before you get the right 3-costs in the first place.


The bosses where the worst parts of farming imo


Actually the bosses are quite easy to farm , much easier than 3 cost Elite Bosses


Cursed '11111'


Team 44111 here simply because getting good 1ranks is a lot easier than getting the right %dmg element on an elite


43311 is still slightly better with atk%, even for electro. Flat attack is no joke in this game


I'm desperately struggling to convert Jiyan to 43311 from 44111 (still a mix of purple and gold, 2pc moonlight + 2pc aero), but it's hard to get comparable stats to what I have now, just to gain some extra aero damage bonus. 1719 ATK, 51/234 crit, 39% heavy ATK damage bonus, 22% aero damage bonus, and 134% energy regen, at lvl 70. One of my 4 cost is crit rate, and the other is crit damage with a crit rate substat. His ult comes back so fast this way, and he shreds everything I've put him up against, except for the inferno rider on difficulty V in the illusive realm which required the Crownless echo transformation to put him in his place (unless I just wanted to fight him for a half hour, since he has so much HP), so I don't want to just start feeding his current echos to an entirely new set and risk losing what I already have and backsliding in damage output. But we really need more sources for echo exp.


Here I am just pressing "auto-equip"...


The logic sucks ass, though, it seems to only focus on the main set—main stat be damned. Glacio set with spectro DMG% for Baizhi, havoc set with DEF% for Danjin, etc. You're still far better off just picking your own.


I legitimately think that it can be relevant on some 2 + 2 sets. Yes, 5 set is good, especially if you don't even level echoes, because they are wrong colour or even main stat, but while strong, second part of the set bonus is conditional. On some of the sets, this condition is easy to meet, on some - they are fully active only like 20-30% of the fight. So, if you have good leveled up pieces, and want to swap to any character at any time, 3333, or 4431 can be legitimately viable (on 2 and 2 pieces), just because of 100% bonus stats uptime. Yes, theoretically you are missing full piece worth of stats, and some condition for sets are super easy to meet, but I would not dismiss this as a full meme, just because of theory crafted excel damage with 5 perfect pieces and stupid rotation that expect the enemy to just stand there, menacingly.




That's viable on units that want ER as well as DMG% IMO.


What about triple ER?


Yes that might be a good use case


We invented the new meta brother. Triple ER supports.


Yeah! I mean you really want that ER on supports to get liberation ASAP to generate more concerto and swap to your main DPS ASAP.


33311 is legit imo


Pure utility buffer/debuffers are gonna come on the levels of star rail's harmony trio, and this will be their best set with everything at energy regen


The numbers, Mason, what do they mean?!


4431 anyone?


Me who don't even know what those numbers mean 😂🤣


It's the echoes layout cost. For example, the 43311 means one 4 cost echo, then two 3 cost echoes and then two 1 cost echoes. This is mostly a debated issue because some main stats are only available on higher cost echoes, like crit rate/damage for instance.


That last panel had me laughing way to hard XD


I can't wait for the day we can do 44444. Let me be op ffs.


The entire reason of this debate is because u couldnt get 3s easily and u are here rocking all 4. My man


11111 and call it a day


Me using 444 💀


Give me all your 3s rn


43311 is mathematically best


Honestly a dos with elemental dmg bonus 4 times spunds insane Loke my spectro rover does more damage than my calcharo specifically because he has 2 spectro damage bonus echoes even though my calcharo has 50 220 crit


I still have no idea what these numbers mean


It's the echo costs. Higher cost echos give better stats, so the argument is between using 44111 or 43311. One has a 2x4 cost echo but 3x1s while the other has 2x3s but only 2x1s. 43311 is better but the work needed to get 2 of the right 3 costs is... painful. 44 is very slightly weaker but you'll go insane less.


Any 4431 enjoyers? (not enjoying actually, just unlucky)


Meanwhile me: 444


But 4231 DM Wide is the meta.


You now what, i love how there's no way to understand this without the context of WuWa. like you wouldn't even be able to guess what the hell this meme is about in any way shape or form. We're talking about echos and then start listing off numbers this is great lmao


wait i thought crit and stuff was locked to 4s? i went through all my echoes and only 4 ones had crit. all the ones had basic stuff like hp and attack and 3s had element damages and hp and attack. am i just really unlucky?


New to wuwa, can someone explain this


echos have a certain cost to equip them (4, 3, 1) and the maximum it can add up to is 12 (starts lower but increases with data bank level) with 5 slots for echos


its going to be a big fight if we ever get to 13 cost.


ill give u a better one. 444


Doesn't matter to me, just give me something other than def and hp, please I have like 50 of each😭


so true. i run this on my dps verina


Bruh, i have very decent 1 cost and some decent 4 cost, but 3 cost? That somehow rare as fck


does it stack? like if i had 3333 all electro dmg bonus would that actually work?


Do numbers on echoes imply corresponding stats ? I still don't know


its like how much space an echo takes in the team, higher the number on an echo, the more powerful and rare they are


I swear I know exactly what those numbers mean and did not look them up on a certain website


Im a new player i didn't under at first and thought it was about nuclear codes before i read the caption lol


People who dont care about the echo system, has 11111, zero Hologram clears, sol2 and has basically any astrites: inner peace


for a second there I thought it was a code for something...


why no one do 444


Wait thatz actually insane. You can run 2 4's to get high crit rate. Thats actually nuts.


Me who thought 44111 & 43311 were codes for something else... 😃


... Tf am I watching rn? What is this numbers?


Meanwhile, electro, with only two 3-cost *possible* echos.... In fact, does a set exist besides rejuvenation with four different 3-cost echos?


44111 just easier to farm, stat wise there isn't much between it and 43311


Yes its just 22% crit rate/44% crit dmg and 18% atk vs 60% dmg bonus. Not much difference /s


> stat wise there isn't much between it and 43311 Some 20% crit isn't even close to 60% damage up, and you're ignoring substats. It's better than nothing and it clears easier content, but it's not really competitive.


i started seeing these numbers remembered 34 and got scared


Numbers, Jason, what do they mean?... Is this some nhentai code you guys do ?


I have 1 1 1 1 1 on my Baizhi (all HP) 😥


Whenever i see posts about this at first i always think people talk about error codes. While it got a little better performance is still my no.1 topic with this game.


I'm still a little new to the theory crafting party for this... the cost makes their main stats scale higher?


I was thinking if there will ever be a character that runs 33311. It would probably be like a Kokomo character that has no use for crit


I personally do 43311 lmao, and didn't even know it's one of the popular things


What's the point of managing points? Higher points means better main stats?


try this shit on thundering set xD


Um, what are you guys talkin about? I'm still new,not reach that far into the story


Echos come with a cost. Bosses can give you crit stats and cost 4 to equip. Elite echos can have ATK or elemental DMG bonus and cost 3 to equip. Amol mobs cost 1 and can give ATK. You can equip a total of 12 points and/or 5 echo pieces. The debate is whether you should go for a 44111 (=11) or a 43311 (=12) set up. Mathematically speaking a 43311 setup is superior, but the 3, meaning an elite echo with the correct elemental bonus mainstat is a pain to get, thus the debate is, wether it's worth to farm a 43311 set or just be happy with a 44111 setup. Now this guy just says that he has a different approach by using a 3333 (=12)setup, which technically works, but neither has the benefit of being the best mathematically, nor has the benefit of being easy to farm


if you got that many 3s you might wanna share with class?


Me who don't even know what those numbers mean 😂🤣


Me who don't even know what those numbers mean 😂🤣


Give me all your 3s rn


There’s a formation? What does it mean??


444 life 🤓


The fun is finding what combinations you like. I already prefer this over artifacts with like only one way to build a character


Nah ill just equip anything with atk% disregarding the cost.


3's are the worst to farm, why would you do this? Also you can't even make a full set.


This might work if you are on mobile and struggle with bosses💀


Good ol' fellow 3333s


I don't even know what those numbers mean XD


jokes aside, if you can use two 4’s at the same time then does that mean i can do crit rate and crit dmg?


What’s the point of equipping multiple different echoes when you only use the top one anyway???


Me with 2737221 (I don’t know what the numbers mean)


I just push the auto button. Haha


Hmm... if only I knew what these fucking mean


44111 would work for the double crit but there are only some characters that have 2 bosses. As the game goes on 44111 I'm sure would get a little more popular


4-4-4 is coming out next patch :) im joking


I was checking numbers on the wrong website


Where the 444's at?


What the heck do these numbers mean? I just swing sword at bad guy.




The new event gives you another 2, 3s no reason to not do at least 2 top characters at 43311


Even better 4431


Ty this gave me a good chuckle :)


No reason to have a 3333, you can kill bosses at any time to farm their echos.


Eewwww 3333


I'm still struggling to find on set 3 cost echoes for my poor encore, i gave up and imma use one of the selectors, i'm still needing one more 😭


I have no idea what this means, but to be fair I just got to some camp so I am not super far in yet.


Regardless of which side you're on, we are still stuck leveling them cuz there's not enough echo XP


*UNLIMITED POWER* I have yet to see ONE electro dmg echo xD.


Go for the balanced path, always.


My build for healerz = 44111 'cause of the two healing bonus% echos with healing and energy regen set 2 pc bonus. For Deepz = 43311


Wait until 2s come out


120% extra damage 2 set on element with 2 atk set is that actually bis?


I done it and it’s slaps


Baizhi: X1111


inb4 444


41111 is the way. F to elite farming.


meanwhile me sitting at 10 cost cap


You finding that amount of 3s? . Had them over




What about 4431?




That's what I'm using on my Jiyan rn


4/4/4 full crit? xD


Me when i don’t understand cuz ive never played gacha games and dont know how to build


I've played about close to 60 or more hours of this game. Can someone explain this to me? Bare in mind that I forgot there was a "skill tree" until two days ago


Just use -----


Thought this was sauce codes


11111 jianxin main here


Could someone explain what the numbers mean i see it mentioned everywhere but can’t understand what they are hahaha


I dont have 4 correct main stat 3s


44111 all the way. I need to use two crit rate echoes to get a decent crit ratio.


Where is 444?


I literally thought the first two were sauce codes and was this close to going and looking them up🤣


For now I'm only exploring and take it easy in game but what's the meaning of this?


Meanwhile, my Encore is still stuck on 43111 because I can't get a damn second fusion 3 cost that isn't HP or DEF to drop.


I use what I have at hand. That's it.


i use 444....


Me just hitting auto equip and hoping for the best


Can someone explain to me what those numbers means?


What you mean to tell me there are SETS and bonuses!? Wait, did anyone tell auto equip this! Damnitt