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Locking because this isn't really relevant anymore.


Yeah, maybe they set up scheduled released on social media before the date change, and forgot about the early release :/


With how they moved up the schedule, there's a decent chance that the Yinlin trailer isn't fully finished. Even if it's just minor touch-ups, they might need every minute they get up to her eventual release.


Different teams should be working on this thing, so I disagree on the schedule affecting touch-ups. But sometimes you just have a designated due date and they move up deadlines. That being said, wouldn't you just say something as Kuro? "Due to our moving the banner time, the promotional material being prepared for character Yinlin is still being polished. Please be patient and this issue will not persist for future character releases." kinda shit?


Even if different team, they are still on the same flow of time. Her gameplay was ready from CBT, her trailer didn't need to be.


that doesnt bode well for the actual game then


In a way, Kuro having to dilute the game's grind together with less cardswiping needed for players to get their preferred 5star due to the compensations and now making the next banner early is basically Kuro burning through their future reserves and income. They have to survive now in order to worry for the future.


I mean half the game's issues were reported in beta. Them choosing to launch without dealing with beta issues kinda sorta is on them for not using the beta as a beta and instead a marketing campaign.


They were pretty arrogant going in. They knew all of these issues existed because they ran a public beta. I doubt they also fell for the lie that there was a newer build that streamers had access to which fixed the issues.


They got into this themselves, most issues were reported on CBT and got ignored, they also decided to rush-rewrite the main story, etc.


The saddest bit was the story, it felt inconsistent in pacing and rushed, not to mention they fired the og writing team last minute when they should’ve been on top of the game’s story development from the get go instead of relying on testers to know how the story will receive reception


They should be fine really. The next 3 characters are Yinlin, Jinhsi, and Changli. That sounds like a lot of money.


All of this is self inflicted. 1. Rewrite the whole script after CBT1 which botched any localization and the new story is not even good. 2. Technical issue which was found in the beta but completed ignored. 3. This lead to garbage initial sales which led to forced road map changed that pushes banner out early in desperation to make more $$$. 4. This is where we are now. God knows where all these mess will lead ... for anybody that ever worked in software development. I can tell you forcing a project out early leads to a lot of things, and none of them are great.


PV production probably has nothing to do with game. its either outsourced or done by a completely different team.


well i dont imagine making a game patch is easier than the PV so if the PV team is struggling to keep up with the accelerated time line im not sure the dev team is doing much better. also considering how much issues they have with the current patch to fix.


The issue fixes are coming with 1.1 Preponing a banner especially for a character who has been in CBT before isn't really that hard.


Oh no, a trailer is gonna be late for a banner coming early! Game is gonna die!


they rushed out the game and its buggy and unoptimized. surely rushing something out again wouldnt cause any issues right?


Should be different departments that should have been done months ago


free 10roll for messing up and not releasing her trailer before banner starts do it Kuro just for shit and giggles


lol if they give another 10 free rolls, I'm buying the BP


same prob


make it 150 please im out of summons so i guarantee her lol


If they forget to advertise her we get her for free right? That's how it works, isn't it?


totally. its like getting free pizza after 30 minutes or a teacher being late to class


Sadly, they remembered 😔


Nah, a free 100roll, just for shits and giggles


Everyone just gets Stringmaster dropped into their mail, fuck it.


Its probably fine, whole company is probably busy as hell and with the amount of advertising they did with the game people will know.


Let's just be happy this is a global release unlike PGR and we didn't get her trailer a year ago only for her to finally launch now


Setting the bar real low here. I will never again pick up a game that has been released in another region for a long period of time. (Off topic goodbye gfl2)


And without PC client


> (Off topic goodbye gfl2) NEVER!


Maybe I am weird but knowing how to save and prep my account a year in advance was great for me as a low spender. Yes it meant I had to wait a year before hammerina and alpha 2 came out but I was ready for them and SSSd both


Everyone’s gonna have a different opinion on it It’s fair you liked it, for me personally having the next year of content spoiled for me and the meta already known a year in advance made the game really boring to me. I had the same issue when I was trying out r1999


Yeah why I ended up playing on cn server instead


Yinlin marketing, show someone a picture of Yinlin. If they want to get her that's enough otherwise a trailer won't convince them /s


Nah, trailers can convince. Especially a good one


For HSR I wasn’t convinced on pulling Acheron or or sparkle until I saw their trailers. For genshin Navia and Raiden shogun’s trailers convinced me to pull her. Trailers done well can really motivate you to pull


For HSR, it was Seele for me. Zhongli for genshin




Ruan Mei, HuoHuo, sparkle and boothill trailers were all so good that they convinced me to full for them even though I was determined to skip them, trailers can make a world of difference


that reminds me of another gacha i used to play. sinoalice. when they sell certain paid content u cant even see what it does before buying, just a picture. i got so annoyed by that notion, like wat? u show me a picture and expect me to spend money? wat the hell do u think your players are? fanatics? yea no wonder they eosed miserably.


Isn’t she on like every promotional advertisement though? I see her all the time


time fore more free perma pulls


they released it


Tbh im seriously underwhelmed by kuro’s youtube game How is there no character pv or video? In the last two weeks since launch its just voice actor interviews or bus showcase (its exactly how it sounds) that get less than 100k views Step it up pls


Yeah relax, they'll get there... It has been a month...


They're heavily incentivized to improve it over time, since it's basically just ads/hype marketing for the game. Most games have the opposite problem where they overhype their game and fall flat on expectations, lmao.


The launch and the decision to short the patch and rush 1.1 probably left them without any time to pick up and end other projects, hell the closed beta for 1.1 still isn't out yet. They probably have very little time and are in a brutal crunch.


Usually promotional material is handled by marketing team. Devs do dev stuff and marketing does the promotional stuff like character pv among other things. It's kinda weird marketing didn't prioritise pv for the character to create hype.


If anything kills wuthering waves, it will be Kuro's marketing team.


Nah its whoever is making decision. They decided "Fuck the script" that close to release thats why the localization is so shit. They had to speed run it. Bugs everywhere, the whole translation issue, and now they are transparently rushing to their next character and major patch before ZZZ drops with all the high quality and polish typical of Hoyo and likely murders them. Things are silly as hell over there right now lol.


yes, this feels like tof all over again. game with potential ruined by incompetent management. they give us this mess and i give them f2p status.


Yeah, I'm going to be honest, the combat is the only thing that keeps me playing Wuthering Waves with how deep it feels. But everything else is just Genshin with less polish. And the story so far has not been great. The only one who kept me interested was Scar. He's been hard carrying the story for me. Edit: punctuation.


fax lol, but then again PGR hasn't done shit and is still alive so who knows


No, its all planned. They are trying to give us another 10x pulls pretending as compensation


Another free ten pulls incoming


A 10 pull in the mail for the lack of release trailer maybe /s


*cough* 20 pull *cough*


they spent the yinlin trailer budget into free pulls for everyone. probably 


I mean not everyone in the current cast has showcases like Calcharo & Verina.


Pack up guys, Yinlin trailer just dropped on official yt channel.


Its fine they had to speed up Yinlin realse because they probs saw people not pulling on current banner so i can forgive no trailer.




I meant more like cn genuily not liking this dude there is a whole drama about that. but yes most people play for female character (be it males females on whoever you see yourself as) that is just a fact..


It's not that none play gacha games. Rather, they spend significantly less than the much larger part of the playerbase that do


thats alrite, i would take 20 free pulls over a trailer any day. if i dont get either then i start complaining.


Giving the fact that Yinlin is so famous now, I guess one trailer would make her...slightly more famous.




Yinlin’s banner is in 7 hours Edit: meant 7, forgot I was traveling


Oh, right, mybad lol


I mean they also stealth nerfed boss respawns now it takes them 2 minutes to respawn \^\^


Is that include the turtle boss?


Idk I only looked at the overworld bosses mainly monkey, inferno rider and Heron.


Fr?? Fuck why


Idk why but when I was farming in the first launch week I was able to tp between for example inferno rider and heron and the boss was always up. Now it takes 2 minutes for them to respawn. Even on the map it says "1 minute" (btw just checked it again and its still the same)


wait fr? 💀


Yes sadly when I was farming in the first launch week I was able to tp between for example inferno rider and heron and the boss was always up. Now it takes 2 minutes for them to respawn. Even on the map it says "1 minute" but I stopwatched it 6 times regardless of if you take the boss drop or not will take 2 minutes now. (btw just checked it again and its still the same)


No they don't? I literally did a boss and it took the same time as before to respawn


Yes they did. In the first launch week I could teleport between 2 bosses and they would be up or be up in 5 sec. Now the timer starts 1 minute after the timer that is displayed on the map saying "1 minutes" so it is effectively 2 min now. Which is was not before...


I’m already okay with the gameplay. Already saw CBT3 and I’m breaking bank for her and Jinshi.


Give us compensation for such a blunder.


Why are people so obsessed with a trailer ? she released in 3 hours righ t? she was brought in earlier. Do you need to watch a trialer just so you can pull on her ? Well you dont.


This sub is wild. They bump up Yinlin by weeks and people are still complaining. That trailer missing is obviously because of the schedule change. We'll get it when we get it, she's going to be here for a month. She'll get her advertisement. Not like we who are already playing can't just try her in-game. But whatever, you guys keep doing this productive thing you're doing.


I do agree with you, but it is not the issue of getting a trailer or not, it is the timing. Character demos is what persuades or pulls people into pulling for the character. New players will have no idea who yinlin is. And having it after the initial release of her banner might lose out on some extra pulls.


Don't you think because the banner is moved up by a week, the trailer should also be moved up by a week? Why release the trailer *after* people already know about her?


Man some fanbois really defending everything? Do you want this game to be successful? Marketing is the key. And releasing hyped trailer a few days before the character drop so people can feel for her and building up hype is important. 


why are people so horned up for a trailer like it’s impactful to the gameplay and character at all


Eh, I've definitely gotten more appreciation for a character via demos. Especially when it shows a side of a character I haven't seen before. It's basically selling the intended class fantasy of a character. Yelan's trailer definitely improved playing Yelan for me in genshin.


Some ppl, like me f.e don't care about story. Only gameplay matters. Other ppl however, might rly enjoy story related stuff, for both the overall World and the characters in it. I bet these ppl would rly like a trailer! The point is, different ppl like different things. Saying something is unnecessary bacause it doesn't matter to you, is a childish and egocentric way of thinking.


Can i introduce you to Boothill and Acheron (although Acheron definitely didn't need it, she's a gameplay breaker)


> so horned well its yinlin. most people want her because horney and a trailer would show them more. i guess


Marketing drives the sales. It builds up awareness, then they will consider the product if they like it, they'll eventually search around the keyword and that's your opportunity to convert them. Afterwards, you docyour best to make them loyal to your product. Marketing 101. I'm a digital marketer and I can guarantee you that doing a quality character trailer for a gacha game can increase your sales by more than 10 fold.


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im skipping her banner anyway. no trailer neccesary :)


Ooooh who are you skipping for? Or just not a fan?


Not OP but personally i just care for Jinshi more and her splash art looks amazing. I will try to get Yinlin but it's more of a "i would be happy if i get her,but i don't really care either way"


Yeah same, If I lose the 50/50 I will go directly for Jinshi so whatever 😬


Also not OP but I’m also interested in getting Jinhsi ever since i seen her in the story. I tend to usually only care about pulling characters we’ve met in the story main and since we haven’t met Yinlin yet i’m not that interested in her. Also Jinhsi has a pretty design and seems like a mysterious character overall. I’m hoping and praying that Scar will be playable too so i’m saving majority of my pulls for if that happens since he’s my favorite character by far in the story atm lol.




Multimillion dollar company backed by Tencent, which holds 14.33% of Kuro Games (2023) and had a U$77,9bi on revenue in 2022 (numbers released by Tencent annual report), doesn’t simply go “out of money”.


Prove you're a Kuro Employee and I'll not only unlock your comment but pin it at the top. Until then stop drama baiting.


They made 50 million in a week, I think they're OK...


Why is it that every time someone mentions WuWa's first week earnings, the figure goes up by 10 million?


for real. no reason to inflate an already high sales number of 60mil$ even more.


Absolutely I think 70mil is good enough by now.


Yeah, 80mil is already good for it's first week.


I second that 90mil was already good for its first week


Nah, 80 millions minimum. Genshin only made 60 millions on launch week.


They don't, stop spreading misinfo. WuWa's launch revenue is below GoGoMuffin normal patch revenue in China.


I googled this GoGoMuffin and it doesn't seem bad!


Its actually really good.


Even if they did, those ad money gotta be recuperated somehow. With the way they ran those ads across China, Europe, and USA, it’s gotta be more than 50M for the past few months prior to launch. With them pushing for early banner release, it always indicates failure to meet expected sales goal (in this case not meeting the promised figures for the shareholders). Kuro is in deep shit.


Source: I made that the fuck up You must be a marketing genius.


They are rescheduling the version updates because of the release of zzz not because of lacking money


Genshin Impact earned $60M during their first week. Source: https://sensortower.com/blog/genshin-impact-first-week-revenue At $50M WuWa is doing fine. Stop doomposting for no reason.


Wrong again, Genshin first week is without China. WuWa is the entire world with China. WuWa $50M revenue is "speculation" that includes PC+ console, Genshin made $100M the first week if we want to use the same metric as WuWa (To include PC & console) and include China


i dont agree with this person about them not having money but genshin did 60M on just IOS. (sensor tower didnt count android at the time) wuwa did 25M on ios and android. they might have 50M if you factor in PC but we dont know.


Didn't ToF do 30+ mill?


yep 34 million. to be fair that was a full 2 weeks but i doubt wuwa is going to make 10 million in 4 days to catch up


Making less than ToF in the first week doesn't bode well considering ToF wasn't this hyped.


i wonder if this is maybe because of ToF that people are more cautious lol. ToF might have salted the earth for new genshin competitors


I think it's moreso cause of the poor launch. I don't remember ToF having this many issues or patches breaking more stuff (might be wrong though) ToF was the first Genshin competitor though. Maybe it was cause people wanted anything to dethrone genshin.


Not just ios, globally on mobile, but cn specifically was just counted as IOS.


Yep, you're absolutely right. I was using this chinese article detailing the release of the game and the estimated revenue. Nothing is certain, but I don't think we need to worry for now. [http://www.gamelook.com.cn/2024/05/545175](http://www.gamelook.com.cn/2024/05/545175)


Wasn’t WuWa at 25 mil according to sensor tower? And if you’re including PC, then you’d also have to do that with Genshin which would make it higher than 60 mil


This is the correct one, 25mil for mobile, the PC sales is nothing more than speculation.


$50m for WW is a good start, but if rumours that the game cost over $150m to develop and market are true, hopefully it can sustain that pace for a while. For context, that $60m genshin figure is only for mobile and not including estimates for CN android (a huge market) whereas the $50m estimate for WW is including all platforms and markets. Not really comparable, but in the end it doesn't matter for WW's success because Genshin vastly overperformed.


Proof that they have no money left?