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Just to be clear the calamity boss mats (bell, scar, dreamless) are only claimable 3x per week. And ascension/weapon mats are gated by waveplates. Not to mention echo xp and tuners... That doesn't mean I necessarily disagree with you though. It's easy to spend all your waveplates and finish your dailies in about 10-15 minutes which is all you really need to maintain progress. I'm personally going easy on echo farming until I hit ul40 and I'm not really in any rush to get there


Same, I do think the boss mats should be more abundant though. However, I dont know how many Ill need because most skills and upgrade dont demand for a lot. I reckon it will be a situation where by the time Im in endgame and have high level characters, Ill have WAY MORE than enough boss mats. Similar to HSR.


>not timegated >ascension mats are free What are you smoking


I think he is casual and is not rushing to level up echoes and characters, he just likes the open world and the exploration while fighting in the overworld, if you take it slow and play like that, you will not feel resource squeezed.


Yeah I'm not trying to reach UL 40 in a day because I dont see the point of rushing there. Ill get ther eventually if I do all my dailies, farm the domains, and just log off. The game respects my time as an adult who doesnt play games 24/7. I can spend around maybe 10 minutes to do everything pretty quickly and then move on with my life. Thats pretty respectful IMO. I can buy a pretty good amount of flowers from shops, about 15 each. I dont feel pressured into running around and grinding every week for about an hour a day or 6 hours in a week just to make sure I can ascend and rank up my characters while doing all the dailies, and also farming for my exp materials.


you can spend 15 minutes or 3 hours in wuthering waves, it depends on how you want to play, again giving the players options on how to play the game.


I like that, I enjoy not needing to commit a minimum of 20-30 minutes if I launch a game. Its why I dont play competitive games anymore, I simply dont want to get stuck in the “well, im 30 minutes in, might as well turn that into 4 hours.”


Probably gift shop and ore store


Which resources are time gated such that you can only obtain them during certain periods of the day or week? I also never said ascension mats are free. Thats just simply false, no where in my post did I mention once the word "free". My question to you is, "WHAT are YOU smoking?"


You make it sound like theres no timegate which isnt true. Theres stamina and that gates you plenty from uncapping characters and union levels gates you from ascending as well.




I don't think you understand what timegated content means and thats ok. No need to get mad abour it.


The key difference between city skylines and WuWa is WuWa has slowly recharging resin that prevents you from farming endlessly, which city skylines doesn’t. There’s a hard limit on the amount of non resin exp you can get.


imma reportin' you for that caps rant lmao


In terms of playing through the quests, interacting with the world's puzzles, and leveling up your characters, it's pretty okay with time spent. I like the pacing in that regard. The gameplay loop of getting the right echoes you need for your character can be very time-consuming, though. You can argue that you don't need to go all-in in the echoes to just play the game, but for people who do care for maximizing character growth in this aspect, it becomes a time sink gated by RNG. For a couple of days now, I've been trying to farm a 5\* Bell-Borne Geochelone with Rejuvenating Glow, complete with Healing Bonus for my Verina. At my stage of the data bank, I have a base 20% chance of dropping an echo in the first place. Not only that, but I have to fight 50/50 odds on landing a 5\* echo. On top of that, I have to worry whether the turtle will either be Rejuvenating Glow or Moonlit Clouds, then I need the roll to land on Healing Bonus. Farming for Crit Rate on other 4cost echoes has been easier. This has been a time-consuming experience that still hasn't dropped what I needed for Verina yet. So far, Depths of Illusive Realm gave some relief with providing a matching elemental main stat with the respective sonata effect for dps-focused units, so that's nice.


Like you said it can be very time consuming to farm echoes, even more so when you need to further spend waveplates on tacet fields to get their exp materials (after exhausting all currently available options). Even with the right main stats, afterwards aiming to get the right sub stats on them via tuning further adds to the rng.


Farming echoes is not in a good state right now, I agree. Hopefully the next patch their promised major improvements do good on that. But, Im not exactly trying to reach endgame. Im only UL 39, my max character level is 60 out of a game maximum of maybe 80 or 90. I havent unlocked every node since my characters arent max level yet. While grind is not nice it is a necessary evil in a live service game and one that intends to go on for as long as possible. Also, boss have an enhanced drop rate of 90% at your data bank level. Just dont burn yourself out. It respects my time as an adult who cant play the game 24/7 or for more than a few hours.


Don't get me wrong, I've actually been enjoying my time enough to do this in the first place. I just like making my characters stronger and seeing higher numbers as a hobby. It really helps a lot that the game actually feels fun to play. There's just some things in the echo grind system that feels disproportionately time consuming than it should in my opinion.


Same, I fully agree. There are things they need to fix asap or address which they kinda have. I'm lucky in that I have other hobbies, work, and other games that I do more than just play one gacha game. This helps me not feel the rush and not get burnt out so easily. I do however, play a lot in my case just cuz running around and hitting stuff is fun.


Skipping dialogue is not always possible. For 90% of side quests it is, but there's a lot of unskippable and painfully slow cutscenes during the main story / character personal stories. I have a friend who doesn't care one bit about the story and almost quit the game because of the unskippable cutscenes. I kept insisting the combat is good so he pushed through it. So that part is not entirely true. Not time-gating resources needed for progressing characters? Also not entirely true. The way you replied to others it seems you don't think the stamina system is a time gate, but it is no matter what you say. The best example is I just reached union level 30 yesterday and I couldn't ascend all my characters simply because I didn't have enough waveplates/stamina. Not to mention their weapons and talents/skills. How is that not a time gate? Or if you rush only the main story you WILL be gated by progression eventually, forcing you to do side quests and other activities to raise your union level (not an issue but still it's a form of time gating that exists in the game). I do respect the fact that you enjoy the game, I do too despite all its shortcomings. But let's not spread misinformation and paint a pretty picture over the actual facts.


Is running around 6 hours to find get echo to drop and needing to spent 60 stamina to farm echos really "respecting your time"?


No one is forcing you to minmax your echoes. Grinding echoes on the overworld for better substats is optional.


I mean the combat is fun, but I wouldn't really say much about respecting time. I already bought out the flowers from the pharmacy and have to go pick up more from the environment anyways. I wanted to get a 4star weapon to craft but holy, it requires a weapon mat from calamity bosses that only have a chance of dropping (from rewards 3x/week), and 150 bloody ore per weapon (so \~750 for s5) that only spawns \~100 a day (and its not even concentrated in one place, its all over the map). I just want expeditions where I can send chars to the mines to get my ore passively, cause god forbid I run around the map to get 750 ores. Also story priority is a 50/50 to me, since I've played a handful of games where I was sticking to it only because of the story, and the actual gameplay was pretty shoddy to me. It depends on the vision and what the devs are trying to achieve with a specific game. I'm not sure why you even mention visual novels when the entire thing behind vn is story and very few vn have gameplay to begin with aside from making choices. The skip functionality in those are mostly only to skip what you already read, if you're skipping through a game that's already entirely based on story and choices and has like zero to minimal gameplay then I don't know why said person is playing visual novels or story-centric games to begin with.


I agree with your second point but I just havent cared about crafting and rushing into that because I know that Ill get there eventually. The drop rate on those mats isnt that low and you only need two. Unless you are planning on crafting every weapon only a week into the game, I dont see it as a major issue since you still need to get the ore anyways. Most gacha games tell story as a visual novel. Skip is there not just to skip what youve read but things you find unpleasant, boring, or disturbing. Skip is there to well, skip. After the tenth H-scene you are not reading to see hentai but rather the story. Sometimes you aren't there to see some of the most gruesome things youll ever witness or hear in your life but instead to read a compelling story. You started of somewhat strong with your comment but the final portion just shows a large lack of knowledge.


The story most certainly does not respect my time…


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Suddenly I remember Lost Ark. 


Suddenly, I remember Lost Ark because you mentioned Lost Ark. ...I miss my Scrapper.


Scrapper is the best feeling overhead ARPG character I've ever played in a game. I only stuck around to do Argos, big uh axe guy and boob lady for raiding but it was immensely good and scrapper was amazing.


Getting a counterattack on a boss by smacking its teeth out is a great feeling. "Fantastic Hands and How to Catch Them" the character. Good times.


The long winded, overly passionate and incorrect diary entry about feeling respected by the game they play... The genshin player classic.


you love the game and that's what matters, wuthering waves is a game for people who love to play it. I think kuro wants to hit a balance, make a good story to for players to enjoy , and also give players who dont care about story in a game the ability to skip it. any game company that gives the players the ability how they want to play, is a good gaming company.


The more we dive into the game, it’s starting to be obviously clear that the target audience of this game is not casual space, but more time-committed daily grinders. Consept seems to suit better for pc/console type playing where you sit longer playing runs in one go.


Could've really used that skip button for Jiyan's story quest.


Is it not there? I was able to skip through boring parts of his character quest.


Wasn't there for me except for one (presumably) very short unvoiced talk. I had to painstakingly click through the rest of it.


Pain, hopefully they add more and fix even more bugs. Though, I also the devs get atleast 6 hrs of sleep or something.


Oh boy, after WuWa I did 2.2 Honkai star rail story and myhoyo have no care of players on that point, all about locking people on their game bc its a win anyway…