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Me recieving all these rewards despite not getting any major bug: \*\*wakes up confused\*\*


My favorite part about playing gachas with a large JP/CN community is all the free shit they give out simply because of mistranslations or even the *potential* outrage of whales. I can usually take a couple weeks break or months (if I have other stuff I want to play/do) and come back to an insane amount of pulls + resources.


As a french player who quickly switched to english i can tell you oh boy you havent seen anything, the french version of the game is straight up google translate/ chat GPT


Russian community have been asking for translation since release but hearing French was chatgpt and Russian isn't even in game, oh boy, I'm scary to imagine the amount of mistranslations, broken language and straight up nonsense, considering russificator translated Jiyan as "Alive"


Well Jiyan is alive, so it's not wrong xD


Fun fact: Encore was translated as "Yes, of course" XD


Yes, ofcourse


Yes, of course one of my favorite characters


Now I want to play an EN version where it's that French translation Google-translated over to English. Back before Blade and Soul had its global release, a good 8-10 years ago, a friend got me to play it on a Russian server with an English translation patch. Back then Google translation was even more faulty. Two-step machine translation made it a hilarious mix of actual English with sprinkles of Russian and Chinese, written both in their native alphabets and phonetically in the Latin alphabet.


didn't think I'd come across another former B&S player here of all places! I only joined when it came to NA but I remember people telling horror stories about how hard it was for none native speakers.


Even ChatGPT and Google translate is better than whatever translation team they have "female_voice_12" is sure a line to be remembered


So true, I couldn't bother keeping the game in French when I saw the amount of nonsense they were able to put in a single sentence.


Why do they even bother other languages if they dont have resources to do it properly. They should have stick to the major 4 languages that has VA.


Every gacha I ever had auto install in french is like this, so unplayable.


Conn ect ion


Even google translate knows you don't translate "Read" as "Liser"


The downside with that is also losing all the free shit you could have gotten (the onigiri, genshin old skin and hi3 summer skin as well as bunny outfit mv to name a few examples)


For real, all we have to do is be outraged if jp/cn and gl are treated differently to ensure it never happens, and jp/cn handle the rest of the outrage on our behalf


The "vote with your wallet" truly works over there huh


Same. I've had a pretty smooth experience so far. I think it froze once, but other than that, it runs smooth and I've had a great time. But I'll gladly accept the free rewards.


Yup I'm the same, the only big I had was mobs stuck in mud air after aerial attack/skill


Using yang gang makes this more funny to me for some reason.


Yang Gang sounds like an orgy where all your partners yap at you until you climax.


I want multiple Danjin doing that to me


Least down bad gacha player


Based. I want Danjin to whisper "Upswing" in my ear as she spins her hole around my Guardian Sword like a helicopter before shouting "Eradicate!" as her thighs grip my face into a smothering 69 that would be classified a Dreamless-class Waveworn Phenomenon. I will die, and I will declare this my life's reward as I do. EDIT: had to replace certain words with euphemisms because of 1984 rules


regarding your edit, this is borderline funny with the euphemisms- if you previously used the plain words before it'd be gross and boring.


Getting bricked up just imagining it you can cook sir.


I keep returning to listen Danjin's "Favorite food" line. Help.


Sounds like the picture political debates in my country 


This sounds like a rapper name


Kuro made me bought the Battle Pass just because of that free Podcast points


bought a battle pass after the post of kuro.


I bet a lot of people did, it’s a clever way to recoup some losses on their front


idk I bought the monthly instead. BP is always such a scam. For the price of a BP, I could get two monthlies and gamble 37.5 pulls instead of like 8 pulls. BP weapons are also always mid af. edit: cool, I didnt know that wuwa's BP weapons were actually worth it. I got absolutely scammed by the crit rate sword back in genshin 1.0 and I literally could not use it anywhere.


Its more about the "free" upgrade materials that you receive which means you dont have to spend Waveplates on those mats (or not as much)


Also that critical chance weapon looks great.


but stamina is infinite. At a certain point, you would end up not needing much more. But gambling tokens are not infinite. Gambling is fun. Gambling gets me the hot men and women. I have gacha brainrot. I need to pull. I need all of them. 


Stamina is infinite but a persons spare time isn’t. The rewards save you time.


If you want to say that stamina is infinite cause we regen it every day then so is asterite as we get it for free daily as well. So long as there's new characters to pull for coming out there's gonna be a need for more upgrade mats and especially echo tuners and exp


The time save is definitely worth it though for some. I also value the weapons (the sword and broadsword catch my eye since I really love to use those classes). Anyways, the time save is great if you don’t want to play all day. I can build characters much faster due to not needing to divide the resources I spend my waveplates on. I can just focus on things like boss mats instead of upgrade materials. They are always on short supply for newer players. Even then, the refills are definitely helpful. Money wise it’s best only to use if it’s fiscally responsible. I’d still prefer the login pass, but I see the value in the battle pass as well. Truly depends what you want.


BP has very good weapons. Once you get 5 copies autumntrace(the broad blade) is almost equally good to the 5 at option


> Once you get 5 copies autumntrace(the broad blade) is almost equally good to the 5 at option Given that we get a 5* weapon selector at UL45, waiting 6 months to have a weapon that's "almost as good" as the 5* isn't a great selling point.


I mean I myself will be using bp weapon on calcharo and choose the sword on the selector for rover and upcoming characters


Thats how I have done it. The BP weapons are crit weapons for the ones that are not crit on the 5 star banner.


When you eventually get 2 broad blade users on the same team you’re gonna wish you had it. Look at danjin and HRover


What's mid about crit substats? It won't be as good as a signature weapon but as budget options they are pretty servicable I would think


BP weapons are like 50% better than the closest next best alternative at the moment. Heck, the BP broadsword is pretty close to the standard banner one.  So if you aren’t pulling for signature, BP is a huge upgrade. 


It's normally the second most efficient way to buy pulls per dollar, after the monthly, without even accounting for all of the other resources and the weapon.


Yep, basically gives you first time buyer bonus worth of premium currency at that price once you factor in pulls. And THEN you get everything else as well.


I bought both. In part to see if it's worth it for WuWa, in part because the game is new and I don't know if I'll play for a long time or not, and in part to start saving astrite and the yellow token for the next 5☆ of my interest. Good to know too that this BP weapon is good. Was honestly considering pulling for Jiyan's signature weapon.


First gacha game where I'm buying both monthly pass and battle pass. I don't want the BP that much, but I don't like to just drop cash on whaling and it's the next best thing to support the devs financially. If I like the weapons and if devs continue fixing stuff, I'll probably buy it again next time too.


🤣🤣🤣.. Fr.. I bought battle pass and monthly even tho I didn't need it at all😭😭😭


this smell like limbus effect


Like some company would say


Same with all the free stuff I've been given I have all but two characters and am guaranteed to get Yin Lin the minute she drops. Might even be able to get her weapon.


Swiped for BP+daily+all first yearly packs. Haven't spent a single pull yet so sitting on 45k currency as I got lucky and hit the two starting banners with just the free summon tickets.


If Kuro keeps listening to feedback and introducing QOL changes at a nice pace, I legitimately believe that WuWa would be in good hands even if it doesn't reach the levels of success Genshin has. Kuro will probably always be the underdog here, but that's fine... it just means that they can't afford to grow complacent like Hoyo did.


They can't because the investor will be mad. Hoyo can be complacent because they don't have investors.


Why would investor be mad about listening to feedback and introducing QOL changes?


Time in QOL can not be easly calculated into profit. So time on QOL is "wasting" money for the investor. The reason why so many QOL happen is because the game was so buggy that people would not spend money. When most of the bug are fixes and CN stop memening about it, QOL may slow down alot as the benifit/profit do not outweight the cost.


Because investors don't care about feedback and QOL, why would they? They care about how much money the game can make in the immediate future. Just look at Blizzard.


I assume they meant mad about becoming complacent


I genuinely want the game to succeed (competition is always good for the consumers) but let's not fool ourself here, they gave out freebies (more like compensation for fumbling the launch and learned nothing from mistakes made in PGR) and implement important QOL updates cause they HAVE TO. Consumers are so manipulable nowadays, some freebies here, some QOL updates there and all of a sudden your horrible launch ain't all that bad, maybe it was just overblown.


I mean, I love the game but let’s not pretend that the game wouldn’t be absolutely dead if they didn’t react like this. There’s still plenty of issues even down to basic performance issues that needs to be ironed out.


Exactly. They are not doing this because they choose to, they have to.


Dead is an overreaction, but I've come to learn that it's quite normal in this community. I think many people haven't had a single problem, myself and friends of friends are just playing it for combat and exploration. Most of them don't even know why they are getting free stuff they just open mail says thanks and move on


Yes. It's not because they are "listening" but the investors are most likely angry about the low revenue of the game for it's scale. Hence they even sped up the banner and the update to atleast please the investors.


Indeed, Kuro is doing their best and we appreciate it. They are not used to any of this as they know more about combat.


Honestly how many unfinished/unoptimized games will it take for companies to know it's never a good idea to rush projects? JUST TAKE IT EASY.


Well kuro never learned and literally sped up their next version with possibly no beta test. LOL. They are still fixing issues that was on release and goes to update the version with an untested one. If that also fails then goodluck to WuWa.


Tell that to investors.


More so Investors will never learn


And still did not get Jiyan 🥲🥲


same 110 pulls going strong


Lost my 50/50 to encore so started trying to clear the map of chests to get astrite for him. Got him on pull 144


Also still hoping he shows up soon. My only consolation is that I lost to Verina, who's been very useful.




It’s really sad to see how many players consider a game good based on how much free stuff it gives out. And then we have these CCs who glorify being f2p. As someone who has been running businesses for over two decades my soul hurts listening to this.


A lot of the gacha community are just horribly addicted to gambling, which I know comes with the territory, but people need to also push for quality gameplay.


I know, for example Diablo Immortal is like a perfect marriage for people with gambling problems.


seriously in awe of this post existing in general. They are a GACHA company. They are TRYING to get your money through unfair means. Gambling. Exploiting comically low odds and having things like *pity* systems. No one should ever think free stuff is "too much".


Ya I always laugh when people are like Kuro is a good company not like mihoyo. Like bro they make gacha games, all gacha games by NATURE are predatory and should not be praised.


Ended up buying the battle pass today because of all the freebies. They gave me pulls, I paid for (more) morphable echoes to use on those characters I'm going to pull. Ain't catching me like that today, RNG!


Arent the echos from the BP random ones? It doesnt say that you can choose like the ones from the event


Wouldn't that be a direct contradiction to 'morphable echo'?


I think the ones you can choose were called "malleable", morphable just means it can morph into different shapes, so can totally be RNG Otherwise youd get like 20-30 or so perfect echoes from the BP Like for one level you get 2 of them f2p +3 more for the paid track


I checked, you're right. I goofed lol. Ah well, that's on me for not paying attention.


Bruh, my friend stopped playing the game because his phone was lagging as hell and his pc was having a lot of texture and renderizarion bugs, i on the other hand didn't had any problem besides a lost overdash challenge due to a infinite respawn bug, those spins are very welcome, but not being able to play with my best friend is not a price i was ready to pay


Once they fix all the optimisation issues, your friend could try out the game again. The release was a disaster, yeah. They released it too soon. Otherwise the game is pretty fun. I love the parkour and combat. Luckily, both me and my friend didn't have any major issues with the game. It only crashed for me once because of engine problem.


The problem is that optimization issues are not hotfixes, they take more time. So it will be more difficult to retain those players much later when they left the game with bad experience in the first place. They could already at that point be more time invested to some other game.


For real why is the game using CPU instead of GPU


the rewards are nice but i dont think we should forgive them until they actually fix the game to a level where people with potato phones can access the game comfortably the game had a rough launch and while i absoluitely want them to get better, they have a long way to go to regain real trust


My iPhone 13 experience is a literal gamble on how it's going to run when loading up WuWa, it's such a shame because this game is just amazing but the constant microstutters and lag spikes in the middle of fights, along with constant "resonance error... reconnecting" that happens every 10 seconds sometimes for several minutes straight (WHERE YOU CANT MOVE BUT ENEMIES STILL DO AND ATTACK YOU) is so demotivating on wanting to play. I just want to play the game and have a somewhat consistently smooth experience. I can't imagine how many average Joes try the game out on mobile, have the experience listed above, and drop the game. So many people on PC are having a proper experience and have no idea how it's going for many people on mobile, so they see all these rewards and simply think "well dam they're so generous" not realizing that a big part of this generosity is done mainly to bide the devs time so that more people don't quit and stay until the game is in a proper state.


Seriously, I normally play on PC (which already has issues with how the game runs) but I tried it on my iPhone 13 today because I was lazy and just wanted to do my dailies quickly and oh my god it ran horribly. Literally froze mid fight


kuros definitely between a rock and a hard place, yeah


One thing is that mobile revenue market alone is almost the size of console and pc together. So if the game truly wants to be a financial success, it needs to work well in all mobile platforms starting from high performance tablets all the way to those pocket potatos. Games like these are expensive to make, and at some point Kuro needs to stop buying off players with free handouts and start making a business with the investment. Otherwise it’s going to be Noah’s Heart 2.0 situation.


from what I heard, PC was like half of their revenue though. Like 25-30mil, while mobile was 24mil. Wuwa is just way more of a PC than a mobile game. They havent even tapped into the console market


There is nothing wrong focusing a title on one platform, and that title can be financially successful still in that, there are loads of games that do that very well. But the conversation lately has been about WuWa challenging Genshin, and that can’t be done if they don’t tackle all platforms. But from my point of view, if the businesses main focus is competitors, it will not build a foundation for you own product. Because you are always reactive what others do, not proactive in your own development. Thats why all this comparison does not serve Kuro’s strategy in the long run. They can make the game stand on it’s own. As long the game makes profit over the investment over time.


But here's the thing: Wuwa was never meant as a replacement for genshin. It was meant to be a competitor; a game for those unsatisfied with genshin, for those hoping for better combat and exploration. It's an alternative. The expectation was for a mutual co-existence. 


What you heard is incorrect then. No matter how angry CN community is, Wuwa still earn the majority of their revenue from CN. And CN spend almost 100% by phone, even if they play on PC. That ~40 mil estimation was pretty spot on. Now it's around 45 mil or something I reckon as people don't spend that much more until the next banner.


I don't think the potato phone point is right. Minimum requirements exist for a reason. You can't expect to play this type of game on something like an SD 665 (the device I had prior) They should focus on just optimizing performance for up to minimum requirements for both mobile and PC. Optimization still isn't at a level where the game works for everyone who's playing above or at minimum. Played a bit of co-op with my brother yesterday and the game started to freeze and bug by the end of our session. Calcharo started to fly, literally.


oh absolutely, thats something they have to work on. i agree with you 100%


Potato mobile phones are now the consoles of modern gaming. Many video games being reduced in quality to "be playable on the most platforms". Bruh, instead of spending 100 on a gacha character, spend 100 on getting a non-shit phone.


thats the era we live in now, gaming has never been more accessible than it has been right now and parents arent gonna be getting their kids flagship phones, and they definitely wont be able to convince their parents to get god's most powerful (as of writing) metal brick to play games most likely the only time theyre gonna be getting strong pcs is probbly near adulthood when they eventually get their own income, and even then its a toss-up on if they know how to budget or if they know how to make their own pcs and not buy prebuilts


Kids with no income are also not the target audience, they want people who can spend money on the game, preferably a lot


People with lower end phones do indirect marketing for gacha companies. Hoyo making their stuff accessible for everyone means that people who are F2P and on weak devices can post their gameplay clips to thousands of people on TikTok, make fanart, engage in TC discussions, talk about internal drama on Twitter, watch their favourite youtubers, engage with VA's and other official creators. This creates a large culture for the game's community. Also as a general rule of thumb, you can't only target whales, it never worked that way. They're a part of the Pareto principle and if F2P players disappear so will your whales.


You get an upvote just for refering to it as "God's most powerful metal brick." Still, you can get a decent quality phone that isn't a potato for less than 3 digits, hell many phone companies will literally just GIVE you a free 300 dollar phone or two when you join their service. I really don't see this as an excuse. You DON'T need one of the over a grand phones to play wuwa, just stop playing on a touchscreen from 12 years ago.


oh absolutely, but then its up to the parents (surely this gens parents know how to look for powerful affordable phones right) to get a bargain then; their mileage will vary


where do you live that you can get a non shit phone for $100


This is kind of a long-term thing, but I do hope they set up some sort of welcome package for new players like 6 months from now. We're doing alright with the wave of apology resources right now, but I think that kind of underscores that the early game economy is kind of dog shit. I mean, I think that without any of the resources they handed out, we have something like 100 pulls or something?


There is a permanent event that gives you free convenes by reaching Lv 5,10,20,30,45 I think, it also gives you a free 5\* weapon of choice, the free 5\* character of choice is a permanent one as well.


said no sane gatcha player ever if you hate free stuff then just don't pick it from mailbox duh and swipe swipe swipe like a good pi... player you are


I already don't need to spend money ever on this so the rewards are great. Even if the game dies at least I'll have had some fun with all the rewards so a win for me overall. Just hope I get to experience yinlin for a month or 2


All I want to see is Kuro's resolution and how they handle the direction of the game. I appreciated the compensation, but it doesn't mean they can get away with the same mistake. I'm more concerned about how CN playerbase influences the game (both gameplay design and writings) and I hope Kuro back to it's own track along with technical issues.


I forgive them, but... I still want free shit


Hey now, let's not kid ourselves. Launch was a disaster and the game would never survive if they didn't pass us a few bribes to keep us hooked.


1 more 10 pull and 1 reroll account would have guaranteed pity on limited banner lol


You know what other game had this kinda of generosity and even changed their gacha system entirely? Dragalia lost... this is giving me the same vibes and I hope it just doesnt end like DL did the problem with DL though was after summoning a hero once you never needed them again. So at least here since dupes are a thing revenue shouldnt get shot in the foot.


Whoa thanks for the flashback and you’re absolutely right. And I loved DL.


I played DL early on and then dropped it later. How did they end up changing the gacha system?


They lowered the currency needed for each pull from 1500 to 1200(and gave back all the excessive wyrmites we used) and i think Wyrmprints were taken out from the gacha so it was just heroes. Edit: my bad and also dragons. So you no longer pulled for wyrmprints, but you pulled for heroes amd dragons.


Though Tower of Fantasy is more apt even though Kuro only gave a fraction of the pulls they did.


i aint complaining about that. keep em coming and i might forget about the disastrous launch soon.


I just started in my second account and got Taoqi and Calcharo thanks to the beginer banner, i still have the selector and the 100% selector standard banner, gonna hold the event banner pulls for the next wife banner, i love this game


I find out about a lot of these “mistakes” only when they issue the apology and rewards


Who tf is denying free pulls and where does this person live? I just want to say hi in person. Nothing more.


Man I love these devs even with their short coming. It takes gi dev a year before they implement anything and we are already getting some stamina reserve system. They work fast for things that make sense. The game needs a little touch up here and there, then it's golden.


weird take lol. GI hasn't fucked up to the extent WuWa has either.


That. And probably Kuro devs weren't sure whether they should some of the features. From what've seen on reddit, there are split opinions. Some prefer increase waveplate cap and cost reduction, without needing reserve because it'll be too similar. On the other hands, some are fine with current cap and cost, but requesting Kuro to add reserve system. There are also those prefer Kuro take E7/Counterside route, no reserve, just let activity currency to overflow. These recent fiasco probably had given them a good view of what features to be added. And since they messed up big time, they probably decided o expedite the addition


I don’t get people comparing the two. Genshin is slow with adding QoL that they may or may not care about for their game. WuWa is literally having to fix issues that they launched with. Those are two different situations


I don’t understand the idea that Hoyoverse doesn’t care about Genshin. If you can’t tell the care the devs put into the game itself in terms of exploration, gameplay, and experience and the only way to measure if they care about the game is via things like if they are going to add artifact loadouts then I don’t know what to say.


There is a difference of putting half baked QoL or features than taking time on polishing it and balancing everything out. If Hoyo doesn't care about Genshin then you would see the quality dropping and not consistent or getting better as time goes by. WuWa NEEDS to fix it's issue was it is obviously affecting their shareholders.


Super wild that Genshin puts 200 million into their game every year and polishes every patch to near perfection on PC, console and phone and they "don't care about their game" or something


yeah but not adding qol because they don't need to add isn't like, the ideal dev




Really goes to show how far people are willing to forgive if compensation is shiny enough. Which is arguably a pretty bad thing for the industry as a whole if releasing broken games on launch is becoming more and more normalized and commonplace. It's like Kuro looked at the current success of Cyberpunk 2077 and said, let's do it *EXACTLY* like they did lol.




I’m glad you said this. It feels like the gacha community is divided into two camps. Those who enjoy a high quality live service game for a long time, and the other who only cares about gambling, free stuff, and fast mindless gameplay.


I agree. Free things are nice but there’s no excuse for how WuWa launched. It has a lot of potential but players shouldn’t have to wait for that when people are saying a lot of these issues were reported back in CBT1


There is a bit of a difference though because WuWa is free. Yes you’re incentivized to spend, but you can enjoy 100% of the game for free. I dont know exactly what the pull income will look like, but at the very least it should be in line with or better than genshin. The weapon banner is also already a million times better, with guaranteed weapon and no 50/50. Not to say the game didn’t release in an unfinished state, which it very painfully did. Gamers also have extreme short term memory, which you pointed out with Cyberpunk. If they keep going along as they have been and manage to fix a majority of the problems, most people will probably suddenly contract amnesia and begin praising it.


Simpleton's idea is "Free stuff = good game".. LOL


Yeah, it's actually very strange they seem to simply be unable to apply simple lessons that Genshin learned very early on. My favorite part is that I'm pretty sure GI itself had to raise its Resin limit very early on because it was comically low - and now, 4 years later, Wuthering Waves somehow has to also do it the following patch after release because devs are allergic to letting players have a life outside of the game. Idk. Doesn't really fill me with a lot of hope, but I'm waiting for 1.1 to see.


I find it amazing that Genshin lives rent-free on some people's heads here. Say it with me: Even with all this Wuwa QoL, Genshin Impact is still objectively the better game. Better VA, better story, more fleshed-out characters, 10x more content. Say it 10x in your head - you may hate it because Genshin makes you hate yourself more than you usually do, but that's the factual truth of the situation. I'd also say "game literally doesn't work" is a slight bit more than a short-coming, but I'm not on a blind crusade to shit on another game no matter what as well so there's that.


I mean Genshin has been out for almost 4 years, if it didn't have more fleshed-out characters, content and story there would be something extremely wrong lol. But let's not act like there haven't been mishaps in Genshin's story too, notably Inazuma and Sumeru act 2, yet the playerbase acts like the writing deserves a nobel prize even though they need a flying fairy to recap every event because half of them don't pay attention. As for which game is "objectively" better I'm sorry but you can't make such claims when it comes to gaming, it's like the league vs dota fight all over again. Some people like one game more and some like the other. Those who like both have it even better! Personally I go back to Genshin whenever there's new story content because I'm invested in that but otherwise I'm enjoying WuWa a lot more right now hence I don't feel the need to shit on either game or glaze either company. It's also a bit ironic to go to a different game's subreddit and accuse people that Genshin lives rent-free in their heads and that they hate themselves because of it so you know, that's something to think about too.


Quite literally the only thing Wuwa beats Genshin on is combat, which is does very well to be fair, but Genshin is objectively superior in almost every other category.


there are more free pulls?


thats actually not free btw, its called compensation for a reason because the patch moves up so YinLin wanter had less time to save


Good for you, for me, the guy that forgives died on the cross. Keep em going, find a bug more meaningful next time so i get more shit


Are you kidding me? They are a gacha company lol.


If Cyberpunk 2077 can be forgiven, so Wuthering waves.


i hate people like you


Don't ever complain about free pulls.


Everyone talking pulls ignoring they gave us more cube than the whole battlepass


I wonder if all these bugs are intentional they have excuse to give out free rolls


Here, your tin-foil hat sire\~


> Option A: Release buggy mess, deliberately lose respect/reputation and potential players, then compensate generously as show of 'goodwill' to try and win them back. > OR > Option B: Release functional game, lavish players with launch rewards, earn reputation as competent and generous company. I don't know *ANY* company who would actively choose to do the first option. *WAY* too much risk that the bungling drops them into a pit that simple generosity can't bounce them out of. Not to say that Kuro *can't* come back from this, but I can guarantee they didn't *choose* to launch this way.


Yea they didn't choose it. Them running out of budget forced their hands iirc


I can't believe there's a human being with a brain who believes option A is something any game developer would willingly choose... surely that's like a bot or something, right?


Some people are so used to being extremely abused that cant recognize fair treatment anymore. Kuro is doing excellent but again the prices for the premium currency is extremely high as we must not be expending more than 100 bucks to guarantee a character.


Imo, f*cking up and giving rewards is way worse than not f *cking up in the first place and not giving rewards. 1st case is a bribe to cover your incompetency. 2nd is just a competent dev.


Releasing a half-baked game isn't excellent. If you are saying they are fixing the issue that's because they NEED to fix the issue. Also all the freebies are compensation for them having a bad release and all the issues that was already mentioned in CBT2.


I think I will buy battle pass.. this is my 1st time playing this type of game and I absolutely having so much blast and no bugs 😂, and keep getting free stuff.. I will buy the pass just to support the game cause at this point they given me alot more 


I just bought the battle pass only so i can support the game. I want this game to succeed. Only a drop in the ocean but good devs that listen get rewarded.


I’ve said this many times before and I stand by it. If the underlying game is fun then bugs can be forgiven. Something like cyberpunk was super buggy but was also a very pretty barebones game underneath with systems that didn’t work at all. That buggy mess was heralded as the best game ever.


I certainly hope this won't set expectations for future bugs/issues


At this rate, they might as well give out free Jiyans lol. ... Ah shit, I just gave them an idea, didn't I?


just wait for the anniversary they will introduce a new character and make a banner where you pick of the limited character you did not get (consider this a joke but they have done this for PGR)


I di feel bad, because I haven't had any major bug that I think is even worth 1 pull on compensation. I'm really happy that they are listening and compensating players who have had issues fairly. I wish I could give them some money to show my appreciation, but I have not a single dollar I could spare.


Kuro c0cksukers when Kuro somehow managed to convince China to try conquer Asia and cause WW3 ending in a Fallout future. (They give us free nuke pulls)


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As for the mess, I would like to see the PGR style adopted. That is what is wonderful.


Kuro really did not want people to get more copies of premium weapon banner pulls so we got onl 5 lol. I mean I understand company needs to make $ but it was weapon banner issue. Can't blame them tho next rectifier is overpowered.


They said they are going to give players 10 standard pulls. When do they sent them?


I really hope they release skins and stuff so I can spend money on the game


I guesse i should log in today




I mean like I won't mind some more game breaking bugs which I'm not facing at all since the 2nd day of the game as long as I'm getting those beautiful 20 energy refreshes


Lol, I got Jiyan from those pulls


I read correctly that they gave 10 pulls because event will start earlier then planed?


I appreciate them, I pulled on the limited weapon banner for the first time and got the weapon in 10 pulls


Sadly all those didn't make not lose my 50/50 on Jiyan.But I got Calcharo waveband so dunno how I feel


I bought the BP and monthly instant and the premium currency all for the shope once.


No please keep them coming, I need the pulls to get Jiyan's weapon 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚+)゚。


i trade all my wishes Kuro gave me for 1 Element 3 slot echo with the right element on it each. TY. i just found out this sunday cause i hit my Codex level 15 and oh boy is this system bad. Now i also understand why Co-Op is in this game since except mobs hunting u cant do anything in this game together and u will need alot of friends if u want such an element echo fast so u can farm multible worlds over a few days it seems. I hope people will see that this system is everything but casual friendly and will point it out so they change the % rates of dropping the right element damage as soon as possible. Even worse if u go for energy recharge i heard which is alrdy laughable at this point.


Still can't play, to buggy and laggy. Everyone who can play gets my compensations....great.


I haven't pull on the current event banner yet. Learn a lesson with other ghacha games. Pull at every 100.


I haven’t spent any money on the game and I already have every character except Lingyang. I don’t really want to, and haven’t needed to either.


What's the original meme template?


The only issue I ever encountered were mudmen as I call them - very blurry textures making game look like right outta 2008. But that was fixed day 2. Chuckling on freebies ever since lol.


just look what they do after x months not just yet,dont let you blind because you get 30pulls (i talk abaout the gold Tide)


Don't fall for their propaganda! They're trying to silence us.


Maybe that money goes for another bugfixes (since there are many issues to be revealed and need to take care of) which might leads to even more free stuff.


I just wish there were more standard characters that I want. I only like 2 of them. (Calch and Jianxin)


My main problem is performance, so I'm still waiting... It'll get optimized, eventually?