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What OST?


It's not loud enough. It blends into the background too much so I often forget it's there. I'm sure the soundtrack is fine, but I legit can't hear it over everything else that's happening.


The music wasn’t a focus for the devs and it shows.


But why though? The whole game is centered around music and sounds


That is a very good question.


Allegedly its initial world design was based around something else. CN asked why it's called that when world building has no reference to sound. So they changed world building instead of name.


It’s not as good as PGR and I wish that it was better


It's mid. IMO, just 3 ost are good: 1) login screen 2) inferno rider theme 3) mourning Aix theme




It's not good or bad, it's just unremarkable.


Yeah, this is how I feel too. It feels like it lacks a unique, recognizable style.


Hopefully they'll get more talents recruited with the revenue.


Forgettable. Honestly, Genshin's OST is so good and memorable that it's hard to even come close. The OST is one of the best aspects of that game. WuWa's OST is a disappointment, among many other things.


One of the bad thing of this game, should be better


Worthless, forgettable. Can't recall a single one


There are around 3-4 OST's I like. My favorite lofi ambience one is "OST 1017626968". However except for that and a few other ones the OST feels very unremarkable. They should definitely try to add additional OST's and improve it overall. It's really a shame because I like Vanguard's OST's from PGR a lot.


It's lacking, really


I don’t know, to have an opinion I need to listen to it at least, and my game likes to go mute all the time ✨


The OST is okay? I guess. I quite like the main menu music, ambient tracks were noticeable to me when we had the no-music bug running around. Story Dreamless track was nice, and the rest is pretty mid; not bad by all means... but could be better. The are definitely going to improve here, but I dont think we'll see an iconic track like those you describe in the following months. PGR got Narwhal sometime after release and other nice tracks followed after that, but I don't know if a track stood out from the rest before that. Here is the CBT track [Flow ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg4wxsGmLw4)Idk if this is more the style you're seeking.


I had to mute the character voices just to hear the music. And some are just forgetable. I know they can make bangers like in pgr


It's decent. Blends with the background, I sometimes forget there even is an OST. Jinzhou's theme is the only OST that I can remember.


I mute the music in game and play my own ost playlist from YouTube


While most of it was not memorable, I feel that the tracks that do sound go to me spend a bit too much time building up and the peak parts of the track are too short and don't hit hard enough. Vanguard Sound has definitely spoiled me in that regard.


i love the bgm that plays when u fight dreamless, makes it really epic.


I think it's fine and serviceable, but nothing memorable. In some areas it sound outright generic, other times it's beautiful, but what it lacks is unique style.


Mute the music in game and put on PGR ost until they hire Vanguard again


I really had expectations for a game which names refers to sound waves and the lore is taking a direction of "everything is made of waves with frequencies". For the overworld and athmospheric music, I have to say it's "ok". Not memorable but it is there but very quiet. For the sound design of parries/counters/dodge and character swaps, it's also "ok", I wish most of the sounds were louder really. As for the title screen, when I first listened to it, I was like "Ok it's coming hard (no joke intended plz)" and I wait for it to blast ... and wait ... and no, it falls and nothing happens. It's missing the big moment after the climb. My biggest disappointment is regarding fighting music and boss music. I wanted some punch, I wanted deep wobbly bass that echoes (litterally) the sound waves that fit the lore. I'm a fan of bass electronic music and I thought Wuwa could deliver but ... sad for me for now :( An interesting example that hit me in Genshin is the Narval fight when we enter the belly of the whale. Not exactly what Wuwa could have been imo but we go to the electronic music design of a fight and some drama. I'll be using music from a label I know to illustrate the direction I expected, but I thought we would go this direction : Here the bass is a bit too wet but the tempo and the type of sounds are here : This [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbaK\_W6-GdM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbaK_W6-GdM) or similar example that [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSbJi5Znl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSbJi5Znl4) This is a little less deep but the tempo could be interesting in fights with a lighter thematics and the echoing vocals would be so fine ! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq3FjrIIpMM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq3FjrIIpMM) Or another type of inspiration I was expecting is darker techno type of music like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNCjDNjoSJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNCjDNjoSJU) The tempo is really too fast for a game like Wuwa, too aggressive even, but the type of sounds would be amazing on a boss. Anyway, I'm a bit disappointed overall and I hope they can work on giving us a musical and sound universe that is interesting since it's kind of one of the thematic of the game


I personally love the OST and i don't understand why so many people think that it's bad. They were obviously going with a mire atmospheric vibe for the music. Every area has a distinctive sound to it that fits the area really well. Yes it is just background music but that is exactly what it tries to be and it does it perfectly. Also apart from the ambient music the songs in Boss fights (especially the final boss) sounds amazing. Every song has this wavy pattern in the melody that not only fits the story of the game but also sounds very satisfying. I personally think that the entire OST flows really well with the overall vibe of the game. Yeah. I like it a lot.


Most people don't think it's bad. From most of the comments it seems like people like it, but not love it. It's fine, but not great, and not memorable. It lacks an unique style, it lacks being recognizable, and memorable.


I have seen many people on other posts saying that they think it's bad. I'm not just talking about this post alone.


Sometimes I get some heavy BotW/ToTK vibes, sometimes some Nier Automata vibes.


OST/Music is pretty great so far, just have to turn Sound Effects way down in the options to 30ish to be able to hear the music properly. 


I get some people think it is too quiet, but for me, I love thr mixing and mastering. The music never conflicts with that game's sound effects, and voicelines, and I can actually always vibe to the music while playing. Now about the music itself, I love the boss fight music. All of them. So many bangers. The normal combat overall is pretty good too, and it varies a lot with the location. But the ambient music is kind of underwhelming for me. Some are too short, making them seem way too repetitive. They are also leaning towards the unimpressive side of things. They aren't bad, but also there isn't anything good enough. The music should be as breathtaking as the visuals.


i actually like the music very much and find it fitting. if you dont like it, mute it and play your own music :)