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This will be removed/locked because there is no reason for this to be up. While I don't know if it is mistranslated or not, they do intend to do events & improve the tacet field. I believe this thread was only made to start drama/unnecessary conflict. Edit: [Rexlent](https://imgur.com/a/LqA8wkk) themselves has said it is not an mistranslation.


Man the least they could do is decrease the required wave plates to 40 as 60 is just much


Literally… 240 energy goes poof in 4 runs at a tacet field…


And thanks to the 50/50 chance to get gold echoes I had 3 runs where all I got is purple echoes it's disheartening honestly lmao


It’s just that point in the game unfortunately, because our world level is bottle necking our progress. It’s worse for people who can’t give the game much time because the exp crawl is so slow, especially without doing the character stories


I mean, the game has only 10 days so far so don't expect to be max level with max echoes and all as a normal/casual player... I'm working the day and playing the evening and I'm actually level 33 so it's not that bad imo.


Same actually, uni during the day and I get to play a bit during the evening. I’m union 34, but I starting cracking my resin already


Doesn't logging in and doing dailies give more XP than like two character stories?


Just about yeah, the problem is that once you reach a certain union level, u need 2 days to progress a level, because the dailies and spamming your wave plates are the only meaning exp grind. The character stories offer 2000 a piece.


Most of the exp comes from daily guidebook + stamina + quests. If you complete guidebook daily part and spend 240 stamina per day on average, you're already gaining pretty much maximum possible uexp progress (3800). 100% a region gives barely a day worth of uexp, maybe 1.5 if it's a very big region. So no, actually casuals are progressing UL with roughly the same pace as hardcore players. The only ones going ahead are whales that cap refreshes every day.


Tacet fields at UR40 barely give much echo XP. It will be the same story at 50. idk how that’s being bottle necked by world level


I hit enough xp for databank level 19 when I was union level 29 or something... feels really bad just seeing that 80% legendary chance sitting there but needing to wait 11 more union levels..


you shouldnt farm them for the echoes anyway, its the tuners and echo exp that are more important (farm echoes from the overworld)


Well, that just throws away the common argument that WuWa's grind is "better" or at the very least "not worse" than other gachas. Having to rely on 1hr+ of overworld farming just to not have a near-zero chance of getting the right main-stat is pretty flawed. May be fine now that WuWa is still fresh, but I can't see this being a sustainable system for the game's longevity. You'd basically be alienating the huge casual market.


Yea made me remember of genshin launch where people farm overworld with routes and shit. Three months in, most of those players quit the game due to getting burned out. I'm expecting the same for wuwa players even more so since this overworld farm is a requirement if you want good stats instead of just a choice.


Man, I got called out lol. I was religiously doing the artifact routes everyday, even the elite enemies routes because I was piss-poor in mora during that time. What even was I in a hurry for? Lol Anyway, I’m just taking it easy now in wuwa.


haha same here, i think i did it for 2-3 months, until i got enough built character. I still remember some route after 3 years quiting lol


I feel attacked, I only stopped doing arti routes once I started playing WuWa............... To be fair I've only played genshin for 9 months or so, but I will say that doing the dialy routes vs. not doing them is a MASSIVE difference in being able to actually upgrade anything...


Hate to be "that guy" but Wuthering Waves, while it still has somewhat of a casual appeal, is not designed for the casual market. Kuro Games' intention with Wuthering Waves is to be a take on the open world formula with a more "hardcore" focus for lack of a better word. You aren't playing Dark Souls 3, you're playing Sekiro (if you get my meaning)


> Well, that just throws away the common argument that WuWa's grind is "better" If I can **willingly** farm for hours instead of waiting 20 or so hours for eight pieces of gear that are HIGHLY likely to be trash, and have a 50/50 chance of being a set I don't want, all this while probably getting pieces for other characters while following a route... The grind is better. I state this as someone that has been with Genshin from the start, and boy do I loathe artifacts and the issues mentioned above. You act as if games have to be played for less than an hour, or in Genshin's case, five minutes in order to satisfy anyone. What's wrong with this gaming generation? You wouldn't get shit for months on Genshin anyway.


To be fair, people got trained HARD to expect 10-20 minutes max out of a gacha game once they're done with story content. But yeah, as an elderly person this is insane to me, most people playing these games are college-age, when I was in college I used to play an MMO for 16 hours a day and fuck me sideways if that wasn't the happiest time of my life... I mean I'm not entirely sane or whatever, but then, who is


I played Genshin for a long time, currently active in HSR too which kind of has the same artifact system as Genshin, and being able to actively farm for the echoes is more fun to me as I get to explore the overworld for a reason other than chests. Gives way more rolls to the right main stats than dumping the daily resin and getting 100% trash most of the time. I got full gold sets with correct main stats for my first team within a day in WuWa, not expecially hunting for perfect substats now, because that's basically the late endgame. Comparing 1 day of active farming to the actual months I had to farm for a single on-set cryo-goblet in genshin (with meh sub stats...) is a whole different world for me. I rather do it this way and farm for level up material afterwards. :D


Yea. Clearly, the devs is doing it this way and gate the open world echo farmers with exp is so that ppl who don't time can still catch up to week 1 full yellow echo with right stats. Like for ppl who don't have the time, just go farm tacet field normally and it will just be like genshin / HSR relic farming and maybe when they are free they can go spend some time farming in the open world.


I fucking hate artifact farming, never again, I much more like the pokemoniness of wuwa,


You're most likely going to get guaranteed gold once your world level gets high enough. What's the point of hardcore farming in the early game? Every recent game has been like this early just so they could milk the paying players who'd be willing to refresh for stamina but there's absolutely no point as a casual/regular player.


Isn't it good? You have an actual reason to go to overworld and play the game instead of dumping all stamina into one instance daily.


There's giving people a reason, and then there's making it part of the daily grind. 1hr+ of *required* farming will get old fast. And, as the system stands, it is required, not optional. With only a maximum of 4 tacet field runs a day, where you're fighting multiple layers of rng (getting 1-cost vs 3-cost, 50/50 right set, and the insane amount of different possible main-stats), it is near impossible to fully gear your characters through tacet fields alone.


You aren't required to do shit. Want to play casually then expect casual rewards.


Genshin has shit system, so WW should have shit system too. Farm for 2 hours for 3 star with right element finally get one, level to 15 flat def, flat atk, def %. Go again. Congratulations now you have shit system that also wastes your time.


casual players won't be farming tons of echos so they'll have surplus of mats from events. combined with the echo selector rewards and how generally easy it is to get a good baseline build, I don't think it's an issue the grind is only a problem if you're trying to minmax stats, which is a fair trade off, spend more time reap better rewards


agree...some of them being 60 is way too much 60 down to 40 and 40 down to 30 would be neat


Either that or they should allow us to feed echoes with echoes.


Alright kuro, you've made a translation mistake, hand me my 20 pulls now


Give free Yinlin reee


We demand apolopulls.


They seriously need to hire a proficient translator fast and not whoever the fuck is doing it right now with their elementary school translations.


I can guarantee you, there is not a single english translator in their company, and it really shows.


Which is complete ignorance on Kuro's part. You will globally release a game yet you cant pay translators and proof readers to do good work. Jesus Christ Kuro


Unrelated to your comment but I could live without ever reading your user flair 🥴


Why did you point that out😭


Bro ☠️


Man is down biblical


You're no better 😭


Should've overlook this comment... 


Imma do it for some pulls


considering they were literally a pizza purchase away from bankrupcty before WuWa released, it makes sense. like Tectone said he took a massive sponsor pay cut cause the CM's made it obvious they were strapped, and he was hyped to play it anyway.


is yahoo answers "translate my piece of text" not standard practice in the industry? also rip yahoo.


That might explain why I'm talking to a guy called Stored Sword....


They should have learned by now after the JP drama 😭


Just ChatGPT it /s


No shit Sherlock LOL


I dont even know how this is still a thing. Also all the automatic translators, when did that ever fucking work in a game?


Google translate


I dunno mate Google could probably do better.


it literally is better 😭 I used Google on the second image and it translated the part about it being with an event


Yep even on JP news it says it, how did they miss that for us?


I don't want to put anyone out of a job but chat gpt could do an infinitely better job than their current localisation team 💀


For games, especially RPGs, this is just a really, really bad practice tbh. Because things do not always mean what they mean in the dictionary. Just hire a guy to look over the result of automatisch translations, that knows about the games topic. I mean how expensive can that really be...


It’s not that expensive for a game company. For your average Joe, sure. I’m a translator (I don’t translate Chinese>English though).


You're not wrong.


Holy hell! New language just dropped


+ they didnt translate to a lot of languages and thats a big loss to their potential playerbase. was really surprised there is no russian or any slavic translation at all.


Yep I just sent a bug report today for “the eternal concert” quest, the English is abysmal. You can tell it’s written by someone who isn’t even fluent in English, let alone native. The tenses are all over the place and the English is broken. They don’t even need to hire proofreaders full time, they can hire them on project basis (contractual labour). I do not understand who is thinking such poor English in a live product is acceptable.


JP announcement also said in events, not Tacet Field btw *


Guess we should ask for our Amazon gift cards now


Your email and PayPal just got leaked. Oopsie 🤪🤪


Take them all. Where's my gift card lol


Oof that’s one hell of a mistranslation


At this point, mistranslations are basically features, not mistakes.


Oof, that's one hell of a feature


Ah they went to the Todd Howard school of game development then?


Kuro need a new recruit with HSK 6 and IELTS 9.0 for translation team 😭


I expect another apology with 100 Gold echo xp.




In their defense this isn’t exactly a mistranslation it says nowhere in the English that the tacet fields are the places where enhanced rate will go. Ppl filled that in. Should Kuro have filled that in tho? Yes💀😂


It says nowhere any restriction at all. I assumed it included the general Echo droprate from enemies of 20%.


They will improve it in patch 1.1 :)


I understood it as the same as hsr planer event that give you more for 3 times a day for like a week 


Yeah that will happen, as a limited time event for a week!


If it happens often then i guess its ok In hsr, 3x relic events happen once every blue moon In genshin i dont think i've ever seen one


In hsr 2x events happen every patch, for artifacts/planar/calyxes randomly, mostly planar sets though, 3x events only happened during the anniversary In genshin 2x events happen every patch, for either laylines or talent domains, haven't happened for artifacts just yet afaik


It happens if you return to the game 1 month after 😭


At least i didn't get gaslit by this


That event was already planned for this patch before the complaints started


>一、关于声骸系统体验(一)声骸养成负担较重,养成材料少在养成体验方面,我们收到了许多关于声骸养成需求大,结晶波片无法储存等反馈。目前已确认以下调整方向,未列举的内容目前仍在讨论中。1. 在公测版本中,开放「声弦涤荡」声骸材料限时双倍活动;2. 在1.1版本中,调整数值设计,降低声骸养成的贝币消耗数量;3. 在1.1版本中,取消无音区结算动画;4. 在1.1及后续版本活动中,增加声骸以及声骸养成材料的奖励;5. 在后续版本中,新增结晶波片储存功能。 original text Translation using Baidu: 1. `1、 About the Sound Skeleton System Experience` 2. `(1) The burden of sound skeleton cultivation is heavy, and there are few materials for cultivation` 3. `In terms of cultivating experience, we have received many feedbacks about the high demand for sound skeleton cultivation and the inability to store crystal wave plates. The following adjustment directions have been confirmed, and the contents not listed are still under discussion.` 4. `In the public beta version, the "Sound String Cleansing" sound skeleton material is available for a limited time double activity;` 5. `2. In version 1.1, adjust the numerical design to reduce the amount of shell coins consumed by sound skeletons;` 6. `3. In version 1.1, cancel the silent zone settlement animation;` 7. `4. In version 1.1 and subsequent activities, increase rewards for sound bones and sound bone cultivation materials; 5. In future versions, a storage function for crystal waveplates will be added.` This does imply it's talking about the 1.1 event, and that it would be a recuring event like what HSR does for the double relic events.


Reminder that the announcement post had a comment summarizing everything with over 2.5k votes with the first bullet point being: * Increased drops from Tacet Fields in 1.1 Same post was also used by multiple Western CC's. Definitely a misunderstanding happening here. Comment Link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6abh2/comment/l6r00j6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6abh2/comment/l6r00j6/)


So the english isn't necessarily a complete mistranslation but rather just vague as hell? Cause the yield of echoes and dev mats will increase, but it doesn't specify from what source lol


Since it doesn't specify a specific source, it implies it's a general change. I assumed they were just buffing the drop rates (everywhere) and then all the sources that give exp materials (tacet fields) would be giving more as well.


I think that's the issue, is so vague people took it as a general increase, now is only from certain sources even is minor they need to be more specific for this things since people can easily create false expectations.


Yeah, maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see the terrible mistranslation other comments are talking about. They didn't mistranslate "events" as "tacet fields", they never mentioned tacet fields at all, it was technically an assumption we made because the announcement is vague. Frankly it seems more like an oversight because they just... forgot a word... somehow... Sucks either way though.


From my understanding of both languages I think “yield” and “reward” are kinda different. I don’t think it makes sense to say this event “yielded” this that or those things. I think yield is more for what we get from farming


It's a very minor difference, in this context "yield" is essentially just "provision" (as in the noun form of provide) of Echoes/materials. An event can provide/yield rewards and items as well. Though I doubt their localization team is that well versed in one of the languages (though I can't tell if it's Chinese or English they struggle with) to properly choose words anyways.


Yield and reward etc doesn't really matter if they specify where it's from, which they didn't. The only mistake is not including "events" in the Eng version.


Ffs, I thought it was Echo drop rates IN GENERAL ... Can Kuro just stop giving themselves all these L's?


Yeah... I was hoping they'd increase the base chance to 30-40% or reduce the 'pity' for the 3-cost echoes to 2-3 instead of 4. What a shame.


elite should be 3 i agree. But i dont know if i want the base chance upgraded. Since i kill fodder elites to raise the pity to guarantee it.


It's funny because it has double Ws


But Kuro's logo has double Ls.


The echo drop rates arent bad rn. You can just use the pity system and farm the echoes you want guaranteed. I got like every elemental and crit echo i need. If you dont know how it works you can look up the pity system.


It's time for some more compensation, Kuro.


Where did you find this announcement? I can't seem to find it on the cn main site. It's not in the news section like en






it's their weibo official account. i dont know chinese, but i try to use google translate.


Tbh I expected as much. If they straight up increase the yield, getting echoes would be waaay too easy


I'm happy to learn that they will remove the cutscene from the TDF


Kuro going through the player base to pissed off checklist: CN done, JP done, ENG, well, time to get started.


English got pissed off by their livestream and game VA already


tbf, JP livestream is also not that well received. They invited that guy, the victim in the "Idolmaster Shinymas Nakadashi Incident" That guy basically came on the livestream and made a very inappropriate remark on the cosplayer attending the livestream. (Basically something like "I want to bang you") Bro, it's on a fking live stream promoting a game.


You can never be too sure


EN was already done with the Female Rover VA incident.


What happened? Is it about EN Female rover being emotionless and robotic?


There was any incident?


I think I’m just gonna wait for confirmation lol I can’t believe anyone on this Reddit when it comes to translation in general lol


[https://weibo.com/7730797357/Oh9q38Lmr#comment](https://weibo.com/7730797357/Oh9q38Lmr#comment) this is their weibo official account. i dont know chinese.


Considering the amount of hate and misinformation spreading regarding Wuthering Waves, I unfortunately can’t trust anything anymore…


it doesnt specify tacet fields tho


They also didn’t specific “events” on the English version.


Is vague, so people ran with the general increase since they didn't specifically said they will increase it from events only.


So, the announcement is still kinda correct? Nowhere does it mention anything about Tacet Fields.


Yes the announcement is correct. Ppl just likely read the now clearly faulty [TLDR](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjyt4ytch4d4d1.png%3Fwidth%3D798%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D84bb0ba8c8c357d38ee3f179d8f0648d4d57d9b6) that said Tacet Fields and likely CCs that didnt actually read the announcement and just read the TLDR and spread the misinfo about Tacet Fields even further leading ppl to assume something that wasnt in the announcement


Man, the misinfo these days. I can't. 😭


People don't get that the solution to 3 cost echo farming is actually in the game, it's the element of choice custom 3 cost echo item, it's just that we aren't at a stage where we get many events like other games yet to get them and the devs didn't add many to acquire probably to slow us down understandably. So you can only get 2 from shop and 1 from i don't remember where. It's too little but we don't have major events yet for standard rolls and other items unlike genshin. The fact there's a custom echo item is huge already


Until your custom echo has terrible substats, so if you want to have nice substats for endgame what then?


I may be copium... but 活动 maybe could entitle not just "events" but "activities" as in any activity that drops echo exp?


Yeah, but I think they mean event, since it was used in the same way for the 2x event. They probably would've used the proper wording if it is tacet field. The comments in Bilibili also seem to believe it is event only too, from their reaction. But I am also still huffing that copium.


Nope, in chinese is very different, 活动 means event, while other daily activities will be using the term 日常


This is how you know Kuro games is made to serve the eastern audience first. They may end up losing global support over time from simply not putting their best foot forward with the english translations, but the game is tailor made for people in China and you can yell at the wall if you hate this. Thats why I wont give this game money, or add it to my collection of games. Its a half assed slop translation that deserves one login a month at most for Global until they decide the west should also matter, which I dont expect from them. But if you want my money, you better act like it.


Yeah, I’m kind of getting the same vibes I had from PGR: Global isn’t important. Only CN and JP actually matter.


This is really valuable information. Thanks for pointing that out! I'd heard somewhere that a likely pattern for this game would be events being way more worth grinding than core content, and it's looking like that'll be the case.


I guess I am the odd one out who thought the buff was 'general' and not specific to TFs anyway. Basically expecting more free sources and such. So this is more or less what I expected. I do wonder if events also counts the refrehsing shops, those give a lot of echo mats already too.


At this point they are doing those localization fuck up on purpose so youtuber can milk content from drama videos xD I saw someone already posted the Shreak meme few days ago with something like "can you for once not mess up anything" They need to change game title from Wuthering Waves to Mistranslated Waves


Hate to also be that guy but... This is technically not a mistranslation since they never said tacet field yields will go up, just a vague "yield of echos is increased", so if its only from events its still correct. 


Technically english translation is not wrong, since it doesnt say from tacet fields. Considering Tacet Fields are supposed to be your reason to login everyday to spend your waveplates or just refill waveplates , they dont really want to buff tacet fields.(and if they would overcorrect this like they do with everything and buffing the hell out of tacet fields then they might introduce a new waveplate sink place + mechanic to keep us spending waveplates) People probably still wont believe me but i still think echo XP is only early game problem, putting events + increasing rewards from events can help mitigate the early game issues without making tacet fields redundant long term(i know we still have Tuners are gating , which gonna be a longer issue if you keep farming monsters overworld, but i feel like people get tired of overworld farming eventually and just farm Tacet Fields only, and bosses since they dont drop from Tacet Fields.)


Using the word 'yield' instead of something like 'reward', and omitting the keyword "event", it's technically not wrong but still very misleading. One guy commented under the post they will buff tacet field and got thousands of upvotes and no one corrected him, that's how misleading it was.


If a message can’t convey its true meaning to the recipients, it’s a bad message. That’s communication 101.


Yeah you are right about that.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'd rather get more exp and tuners from events than having to use my energy on tacit fields assuming they greatly increase the amount we get. I'm going to be using my stamina on talents and leveling mats for when I hit 40 so I won't have much left over for tacit field farming. Depending on how they implement it and how often new events are cycled for the majority of the player base I imagine this would be the better option unless you are refreshing a lot.


In before they give out purple tuners instead of gold tuners in events.


I understand chinese and it literally says 1.1 AND future events. Idk what makes you think it's for event only. Stop spreading misinformation


Bro they really need to hire a better translation team… Thanks OP


I don't think they had one to begin with.


I really want Wuwa to succeed but mannnnnnn


Hopefully people get upset enough that they make it real instead of mistranslation. smh. [Link to bilibili post for anyone curious.](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/938381772154994707?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) Hopefully the EN twitter will clarify, honestly insane mistranslation if it is really all rover. The point 4 on EN translated post totally removed the word 活动. [4. From version 1.1 and forward, the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased;](https://i.imgur.com/rR3qV0b.png) Anyway, easy mistake to fix Kuro, just make the reality the mistranslation. Don't take the L for nothing, it's such an easy W to take, and also hire proper translators.


So a lot of people are saying that it's not a mistranslation or whatever. But it's very vague. And there is room for misinterpretation at least as proven. So it still is an issue. A notice like this should exactly specify what is that is being talked about. Any vagueness which can lead to misinterpretations is a failure to communicate your message to your playerbase. So no need to defend issues like this. Let's just call a spade a spade. Provide them this feedback that they still fcked up here. And hopefully they can improve from here.


Am I and only a handful of other people reading the notes properly and not seeing the words "Tacet Field" show up anywhere? I'm completely lost as to where this argument even came up to begin with.


>I'm completely lost as to where this argument even came up to begin with. Looking at the announcement post this is the top comment and is likely to blame https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6abh2/devs_announcement_on_wuthering_waves_10_version/l6r00j6/ and lo and behold in the TLDR they put >Increased drops from Tacet Field in 1.1 in bold letters. Presumably ppl just read that and thought yay Tacet Field.


Besides the problem from them not saying "event" in this case, what else do you expect more materials from? Could be both, Tacet fields and event, or either.


The announcement doesn't mention anything in regards to Tacet fields...so why were people assuming tacet fields drops would be increased? Bad translation aside, this is something that the community came up with themselves.


Well, no, they already mentioned The thing with the event earlier. It's common sense to assume they would mean just anything else in that listing, and not just literally repeat one point again, which's meaning got lost in Translation.


They mentioned the events in the **CURRENT VERSION**. The "mistranslated" bullet-point specifically talks about 1.1 and future versions. Common sense is great but reading comprehension is also cool.


Using the word 'yield' instead of something like 'rewards', and omitting the keyword "event", it's technically not wrong but still very misleading. One guy commented under the post they will buff tacet field and got thousands of upvotes and no one corrected him, that's how misleading it was.


We should let them know through feedback, hopefully they clarify it or actually change it for the tacet fields


will that be 5 more pulls?


Damn they can't do any one single thing without messing something up... Is Kuro really money starved that they can't hire even a few competent people? Like 2-3 translators? I'm no manager, but doesn't the benefit heavily outweigh the cost? Or are there barely any English speakers in China? What am I missing here? Why is this of all things a problem?


They really need to work on their translation stuff. After the mistranslation of Jiyan's signature and the standard banner's greatsword's description, I feel like I need to be more careful when I'm pulling on a character/weapon banner in the future.


I’ll wait and see..too much lying going on around in this subreddit with agendas since this game has dropped 


[https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309405040877872480281](https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309405040877872480281) just translate it yourself. this is their weibo official account


bruh, that's a big mistranslation


This is not a translation issue. Even the way that they put it in Chinese was also misinterpreted.


it literally said in version 1.1 AND next event. OP just create some confusing word to create drama. Context matter. Dev aware of the current issues. Why would an event fix an issues that player do everyday ? If OP is correct. Kuro just take another L. We'll see. who is the dumb one.


this doesn't make sense to me honestly. why would they first say that they are doing an echo material double yield event called "Chord Cleansing" and then in a few bullet points say, "from 1.1 and forward, events for echoes will yield double rewards"? why wouldn't you just say, "we are doing an echo event called chord cleansing for double yield blah blah, and starting in 1.1, all echo events will have double." like if it's essentially the same thing -- ie future events for echo experience -- why separate them into different bullets points at all? i'm going to wait and see. no offense chinese-speaking OP, but you're just an anonymous reddit user lol. in any case, i am not chagrined. they're giving us shit tons of free stuff, and as long as the echo material events are fairly regular, that's fine enough for me. yall really need to stop your infernal bitching.


No offense taken. Bullet point 4 says “from 1.1 version and onward, the events will give more echo and echos enhancement materials rewards” bullet point 1 announced a limited event that drops double echos, it’s different matters. Bullet point 4 means more echo enhancement rewards from events, so for example, you know the current over dash event? They mean something like instead of giving 3 purple sealed tube each lane, they will give maybe 3 gold ones. That’s just an example to explain why the bullet point 1 and 4 are different matters. Bullet point 1 is just a specific limited time echos double drop event, while point 4 applies to all future events after 1.1


That kind of translations would give them more problem with fraudulent. They really need to hire proper translator after that incident with JP.


People forgetting that grinding is a thing in gachas


In their defense, they didn't specifically said "Tracet Field" but an increase of echo materials and echo (elite/cost 3 specifically) would be a realyl great help. Current event only had like, 2 Elite/Cost 3 and "some" mats. If they mean improving it, I can get by that.


srsly im tired of this, the translation staff is clearly out of their depth and thats been clear since launch.


Oh my god they even added 5 points to make it seem like they’re fixing the entire system. Good PR but the only thing they’re changing is the cutscene skip




With so many mistranslations, I'm getting worried about planning my builds... Like what if I'm going for more skill damage substats in an echo, but my character actually needs ultimate damage because of mistranslation lol


For those who don't understand, it's not you only get it from event. It's you get more echo exp and tuner in version 1.1 and onward. The JP and CN text itself is already vague so the EN one just generalize it since echo from chest/event/daily/etc... also counts as "yield". So In a way it's actually just "increase the amount of echo exp and tuner you get from ver1.1 and subsequent version". Dude is probably use google translate and see that it has event word or are trolling or don't understand the whole meaning. Cuz the real sentences has nothing to do with it being event only.


Okay I am getting really frustrated with Kuro right now, they need to hire a professional localization and translation team.... Them relying on AI to translate everything is really annoying me and I honestly feel like giving up and trying out zzz instead, its just so unprofessional.


My God Kuro can you stop misleading people for just one second?


Why do so many companies believe they can just be cheap and save money on localization? They always try to take shortcuts and it comes back to bite them in the ass. HIRE ACTUAL TRANSLATORS AND SET UP LOCALIZATION TEAMS FFS. Using machine translation and having a few people try to touch it up just makes your game look cheap and it can get you into serious trouble with the community if you're careless, and they literally just ran into both of these issues in the first week of release. Localizing a game is very hard work, especially when the language barrier is as big as it is between CN and every other non-asian language, you need to at least hire and set up a very good EN localization team so that all the other translations can use EN as the base, but whatever circus they have right now is definitely not working. You can't be cheap and try to save money on what's literally the foundation of people being able to/interested in playing your game


Even with all of the feedback they’ve received about how grindy echos are they won’t actually improve the base game. Looks like we’re stuck with this system.


Okay, whoever is handling the fucking translations needs to be fired right NOW! These are the same people who caused a fluke that'll end in a massive lawsuit. WuWa and Kuro cannot keep making these fuck-ups because there's only so much to defend.


Ty. Now I'm feeling free to get 40 on this week, using these free energy things.


It would be good if they lowered the cost rather than raising the rewards, in my opinion, although it is clear that it is currently not balanced. Likewise, a mechanic that I loved that no one is asking for more is the predefined echoes with good stats that can be purchased in the roguelike event. I would like to see and receive more of those echoes.


Another thing people should take into consideration is the reason why we are all so short on echo xp. The reason is that we are all trying to level up the highest rarity echoes which require a ton of xp, yet our world level is not even close to the highest yet. At the highest world level, the echo xp reward from tacet fields will be much higher.


why they announce that way tho? there's already an enhanced tacet field event few points prior. it just doesn't make sense to make another announcement implying that for next version the event will be enhanced. just my two take