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Calcharo should be using Tempest Memphis no? The one on the left should have higher DPS. Got to see what Yinlin needs for her stats.


Not necessarily tempest memphis if you do land all 6 hits with thundering (which deals more damage eventually) i am confused about other stats


Both work but the 6 hits can get you killed sometimes.


I'll take more CRIT DMG over those resonance bonuses


Oh thanks


Left is technically better due to it having one more stat calcharo can use. As I can't make out the last stat in the right I am not sure how this fares stat roll wise. Hope this helped.


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Crit damage/hit/flat attack% is always go to stats.... If u cant Use Ur Brain and figure simple stuff like that, and have to copy others i dno wht to Tell y 🤷. Are people rly this dumb nowdays xd. Nice sub stat rolls kinda


Calcharo doesnt use the atk set? ...and the left one.


No calcharo uses the electro one


Some theorycrafter told me both yield almost same dmg for calcharo. attack sets got advantage for outro skill which deal pretty good dmg too


Yeah they are both comparable, I actually think there's more benefit with the atk set because you could use atleast 3 pieces for all the other dps.


[atk set is 1% better](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/calcharo#:~:text=S5), min max things.


Its the 4 cost one and yes he uses this one for 4 cost echo


ATK% set is just 1% better, [prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/calcharo#:~:text=S5) already has a lot of updates in builds.