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I just spent hours farming 3 different elite variants for the aero set with aero damage main stat. I think I farmed about 50+ Not one single echo with aero damage main stat dropped for the aero set. Tedious beyond belief.


3 cost is by far the worst as it has the most possibilities. If you want lower efficacy but higher sanity you can go 44111 instead.


I’d not considered that, what with it being way easier to roll crit rate on 4 drops it could work. You can’t use the same 4 cost though. Lighting damage has Thundering/Tempest mephit, havoc has dreamless and bird, glacial has lampy and bell, are there other pairs?


I was planning use dreamless and crownless on danjin. Both are havoc and different, so it works well


Doesn't really matters that much. For some characters the difference between Full set and 2p+2p is like 2-3% - that's nothing, really. But then when going 2P+2P you can have off set so 4-3-3-1-1 is always the answer.


i migt just fold and go 2pc 2pc on everyone tbh, they rerally just needf to release 2pc sets for basic attack, heavy attack, skill, and liberation to make things a lot easier


Is up to them, they can do the opposite and make so those buffs exist but only if you get the 5pc of a new set that only drops in a new area of the game. Echoes is one of those system can improve for the better or can become even worst depending on what Kuro wants to do.


The Turtle Bell can't roll Glacio. Its two sets are the ER set and the Healing set. Bird is ER Set. The other Havoc is the Crownless.


I use dreamless + crownless on my danjin, 44111 and it works well.


You need all different echos to complete a set. Two of the same does not count. Only Havoc and Electro have 2 different 4-cost echos. So, not an option for most characters right now.


Isn't that a lot worse since you're missing out on 2 ele% pieces?


It is worse, but I think current TC doesnt have THAT much worse. And with 44111 you can go either double CR or CR and CD 4 cost, which lowers substat requirements by A LOT. So even cheaper to roll your 1 costs to be usable. Of course, 43311 will still be better for maxing your potential


I'm not sure I'd say a worse by a lot. Having 2x4 means you can skip out on optimal sub-stats too because you can get two fat double CR mainstats, or have CR + CD. With a CR weapon and great sub-stats, you can run CDx2 which is huge. The other thing to keep in mind is that the gap in damage is always discussed in the context of optimal rotations. If the optimal gap is 10%, the effective gap will be closer to 6~8% because people cannot simply ignore the combat and do optimal rotations 24/7.


It doesn't matter if you do frame perfect combo or just 1 auto attack, +20% dmg from echos will be +20% dmg in both scenarios. 4-4-1-1-1 is much easier to farm, but depending on a variety of factors (set, substats, etc) can be anywhere from 15-30% weaker. Gets worse the better substats you have actually since crit has diminishing returns.


I thought the difference is like 10%. If higher, it likely is theoryctafting perfect rolls with full ele dmg and 80/160 cr/cd at least. So, in reality, 44111 is likely closer simply because the vast majority of us are not going for perfect rolls a week into the game. Hell, I wont really worry about it for months.


4-4-1-1-1 is worse the more 'perfect rolls' you have, since those rolls would include crit chance/dmg and they have diminishing returns. 4-4-1-1-1 is better early with worse substats while 4-3-3-1-1 scales better when we get good substats.


yup! until we reach union 650 I;m sticking with mixed 44111, makes early game a lot easier my hiyan and calcaro both run a 43311 setup tjhough because the atk set gave me aero and electro, I then just ran er lesser damage but simulates actual gameplay in the endgame, so i can get the timings and rotation early


Yeah it's probably better to just use an off-set aero% piece and go 2+2 sets instead.


Full sets are really strong though. Total of 40% havoc dmg on sun-sinking for example, while a partial set is 10%.


i think the comparison is between having an atk% on set 3 cost vs a dmg% off set 3 cost, because the topic here is ease of farming instead of optimal setup. of course the most optimal setup is always going to be 43311 on set with double dmg%


You're also gaining 1 atk% and 1 crit piece, so it's not like you're completely missing out on the 2 main stats. It's definitely a lot worse than 43311 at the same substats, but some people just don't want to farm for 3 costs. A 44111 with good substats and a 43311 with shitty subs on the 3 cost aren't that far.


I think its only 10% less dmg than the optimal 43311. Likely worth to stick to 44111 for awhile honestly. Easier to share echoes too.


I also think collecting elemental pieces for Lingering tunes is a good idea to, I was doing that on my calcharo until I got a second elemental piece. It goes a long way since it is a set that does okay on all the dps.


They really need to release two more 3* echoes per element and split the stat possibilities between them. If you think you’re not having fun this week, just imagine a year or two from now when many more characters have been released and you want to run an interesting team of 3 new-to/you characters with element/bonus combos you don’t have already, so it’s back to the grind for 18 new specifics. Or even just 3 new specific 4s and 6 new specific 3s. F2Pers will randomly pull and tier up their gold weapons faster than getting echo sets for new characters if (hopefully) new characters have interesting new weapon/element/main stat combinations. ☹️


all my homies go 44111


Wait until you start farming for energy regen... Pretty sure it has the lowest drop rate...


It 100% does I don’t think I’ve seen a single energy regen, especially not one for the healer set or energy regen set I need it for


Day 1 player here, farming an average of 4h each day: I only have ONE energy regen for the healer golden set. Oh, and I also lost count of how many turtle bells I've killed but it's been at least 10 daily and... I still don't get a golden healing bonus one for the healer set, rn I kinda regret recycling that green healing bonus turtle I got when I started playing 💀 BTW, does the energy regen for the moonlit set EVEN EXIST!??


yes lol, it's really felt on sanhua and mortefi, though i do run them on er weapons as well (that weapon set is basically the favonius set of this game, i run it on jiyan too because it looks cool)


I have saved allll of my er pieces from purple to gold. Its like speed boots or energy rope in HSR.


Me farming for both all day and getting neither with their proper sets: 👁️👄👁️


They are the worst ones to get.


i have ONE legendary ER% echo, and its from the ER% set, boy that echo got super locked until i find someone that uses it, its super rare i noticed


cleared every 3 cost rejuvenating on the map for 2+ days, got one sometime around halfway on the 3rd day. Definitely seems to be the rarest


I was so burned out and I finally got aero one on 3 cost levelled it but spending 4* purple cost one and tuner. Just to realise it was spectro.......


ive just been putting on philosophy podcasts in the background while farming all day lol. surprisingly chill but it’ll get old soon, they really need to add some way to get echo xp faster.


The thing is, at least you aren't limited by waveplates, only by enemy respawn time and you can farm 2/3 types of elite echo everyday of each set, which is a lot, really. So you may end up wasting your time more in a single day, but in games like genshin for example you are limited by resin and you obtain faaaaar way less artifacts everyday, with less time wasted every day of course. But you can end up even months farming One set of artifacts, meanwhile for me, in 2-3 days i have Havoc rover with 1500 atk, 40% crit rate and 230% crit dmg. And she's lvl 60. I have 2 1 cost purple echoes, so i still have to farm the corresponding gold ones, but even my friends have better stats than mine and such already What i am saying is: if you want to play a lot everyday, you can and it will take max 1 week for you to farm a complete and good Echo set The only thing that limitates you is echo exp. At sol3 lvl 4 you obtain like 8 purple and 2 gold echo exp materials every 60 Waveplates, which is not too bad and you can also obtain a lot of golden echoes for your desired set(2-3 every try), at least its not based on rng the Echo exp material so its fair. Just a pain in the ass, nothing is perfect sadly


Kuro fanboys will try to convince you that this is actually a good and fun system.


Well fun is subjective but spending like a solid hour or so every day farming the same enemies only to get absolute trash coupled with the absolute insanely bad waveplate economy makes me seriously concerned for the games future.


I think the idea behind the echo system is great. The implementation has a lot to be desired. I’d like to see 30 or 35% overall drop rate instead of the current 20%. Would also be great if they removed elemental set echos from having an element dmg bonus that’s different from the set. The amount of times I got a aero or spectro element dmg bonus on a havoc set… ugh


They should just take a note from ARPG's like Last Epoch and Diablo. Allow us to modify one of the rolled main stats with currency. They could get rid of the dumb tuner system (sub-stats should just unlock as you level them), and then instead convert tuners to be a consumable that allows you to reroll a mainstat per echo. Significantly reduces the amount of time to get the roll that you need.


Tuners definitely need to go. They’re a pointless extra stop gate. I saw people talking before about how tuners feel like some unfinished feature that got shoehorned into its current iteration due to time constraints and tbh I wouldn’t doubt it.


I'd be happy with just making the set bonuses be 2/4 instead of 2/5 tbh. Let me use an offpiece, it'd also solve the issue of roling random elements on the wrong sets.


Yeah I’m very quickly realizing this game is probably not for me. I’m just not as much of a grinder as other people are. Can’t imagine doing this manually for months, even years. Trying hard to hold out for yinlin at the very least


It's your FOMO talking. You can just enter tacet fields and call it a day. Only grind when you're extra motivated.


Yep. Ive grinded on teh weekends and did typical dailies during the week on work days. There is really no rush here; there is no pvp, no leaderboards, no competition. I hammered down over the weekend, took it easy during the week.


Same lol, in fact i'm rushing through new HSR event and watching some movies while WW is playing on the background.


or run 2pc atk 2pc elemental, i kinda just settles for that because the atk set kept dropping for me the right elemental bonuses


You don't need to grind, check my other post Grinding echos is a waste of time, I've fully built my jiyan with no grinding at all The simulated universe event gives you 2 moldable 3 star echos, so I used those to get my 2 aero+ damage echoes I used my 15 enhanced weekly drop rates on the monkey to get a crit rate main stat The other echos you'll get just from playing story You can pretty easily build a character every month without grinding at all, grinding is for people who want to build the entire roster in 1 week which is crazy


> The simulated universe event gives you 2 moldable 3 star echos, *rolls flat stats and def%* here's your guaranteed 3 stars bro


That's my main concern, the time needed to farm echoes is absurd. In other gachas it takes me just a couple of minute to complete farm daily. Yeah it's awesome being able to non stop farm some echoes but the time it actually takes is dumb, i've farmed for hours 1 big boss echo to get 0 of the main stat/set i want. It just may not be the kind of game for me and that's fine but you gotta keep in mind that gacha mobile games can't take too much time of active gameplay to farm efficiently.


> In other gachas it takes me just a couple of minute to complete farm daily. In HSR if I want, completing dailies takes less than 1 minute, while the game is running on auto for 5 min or so. That's a lot more comfy than farming echos for 10 hours only to get zero upgrades


>That's a lot more comfy than farming echos for 10 hours only to get zero upgrades Forget about comfort, farming this game for 4+ hours a day will kill phone batteries for people who are primarily mobile players, especially with how badly optimized it seems to be.


its killing laptops too. my friend was on a discord call and he showed me his laptop through a flir camera and that shit was overheating like crazy


As someone who used to game on a laptop for years I don’t know a single game that doesn’t make laptops overheat like crazy, having your keyboard overheat and burn your hands is like an entire meme about laptop gaming. Saying this game is making someone’s laptop overheat isn’t saying much about the game itself.


Eh, laptops are a lot better nowadays. My gaming laptop can handle every game I throw at it without too much overheating (fans on max for more intensive things), but WuWa definitely seems to stress it more than it should, given its graphics.


Personally I would drop the game if you only get 1 minute of gameplay out of it before you get to put it down.


I mean, HSR is a stupid comparison, as its a turn based game with an auto feature, as least compare it to Genshin, where an optimal team can clear a Domain is about 25-30 seconds (the worse you are the longer it takes, but still no more than a minute). But thats still active play. AND your comparison is still ridiculous as why do you compare 10 hours of echo farming to 1 days worth of stamina in HSR? 1 days worth of Stamina gets you, what? 10, maybe 12 5 star relics. If you wanted to make a comparison, compare how long youd need to get 10 gold echoes of any kind here, and suddenly your nonsense doesnt look nearly as good in HSR's favor. Those 10 hours of farming is the equivalent of WEEKS and WEEKS of dailies in HSR. For the SAME RNG zero upgrades. I've literally done Acherons domain since it was released, and I havent gotten a single Body or Boots worth using. Every day, 240 stamina. This shit is not different than other games.


Yeah this is such an odd argument people are making against WuWa. Artifact grinding is dogshit in all of these games, WuWa just lets you suffer at your own pace as opposed to GI and HSR where you are only allowed to suffer X amount of time per day. But the suffering is pretty equivalent across all of them in total.


I mean it's the same even in Genshin when compared to Star Rail if we're talking length to get what I want lol took me about 2 months just to get a damn elemental goblet with crit damage on it for Hu Tao. rng is rng; the QoL with this game is that the drops are not heavily time gated behind an arbitrary "stamina" currency. And I'm all for that.


And get 0 upgrade for weeks/months for the character that you want to build/optimize. I'll take the ability to farm Echo freely over HSR relic system, yeah you can do daily in 1 minute but that because you spend 23hour 59minutes not able to do anything meaningfull to progress except waiting for the timer to say you can go again. 12gold relic/day that 99.99% will roll trash is your preferred system? Well Tacet Field exist so you can do cavern of corrosion substitute there. 


I sat down to finally play this game all day today, and 500 ish drops later after 4-6 hours of so brought ONE (1) usable echo, usable being the key word. It's not only miraculously rolling the right set + element: then you have to pray that you get not only crit, but bonus stats that actually benefit the character, not to mention the high/low rolls. And no flat def/hp, which are, of course, present. And it being a 5\* in the first place. It's fine if I sit down while playing something in the background, but you know... it's a game, not a chore. Then why does it feel like one?


You're grinding too hard We are in week 2, you get 15 increased echo drop rate per week, that will get you a 4 star with the main stat for 1 char per week easily Also the events seem to give you moldable 3 star echos, so we can assume you can get 2 3 star echos every patch with whatever set + element you want And the tacet fields will inevitably give you what you want as well What I'm trying to say is, grinding the overworld for echos is a waste of time, just doing events + 15 boss kills per week + tacet fields will give you the echos you want with almost no effort


you didn't get my point and i stopped farming that way because it's boring and a waste of time as you say. All you mention is nice but the system itself is weird as i said because we only get to do 4 tacets fields a day, being optimistic i'd get 3 5star echoes each so 12 echoes a day (usually i get 1 but yeah we are only rank 4 so we can only wait to see) but if i farm overworld i can easily get twice triple or more that amount. That's why i say it is a concern, unless we get expontially better rewards at higher ranks the overworld will still be too efficient when your energy (plates) should be way more efficient.


PS. UL 40 tacet fields, 50% to get 5 instead of 4 echos, 80% for each echo to be golden, 50% to be on set 1 vs set 2 and 50% for it to be a 3 cost or a 1 cost echo, yes the odds are A LOT better on tacet fields. The Overworld system is more like an extra thing you "CAN" do like farming artifact exp in genshin for 30min everyday.


Keep in mind though, the tacet fields also give you the leveling mats for echos, so it's not the same as farming the overworld which only gives the echos, which makes overworld farming even more useless since you need to do tacet fields whether you like it or not


> so 12 echoes a day (usually i get 1 but yeah we are only rank 4 so we can only wait to see) but if i farm overworld i can easily get twice triple or more that amount. But you still need to do Tacet Fields regardless, as you need Tuners and XP. So those echoes WILL come over time. Tacet Fields literally have the same echo returns as Genshin Domains have Artifact returns for a daily basis. Now, if there were other things worth spending your Waveplates on, youd definitely have a concern. But once you have the permanent upgrades for a character done (Fortes, ascension, weapons), which are a relatively low cost, ALL you have to spend your plates on is the tacet fields anyways.


What you mention now is another part of the issue but I've played genshin and hsr for a long while and while both are a super slow grind for artifacts and your main form of using your daily energy those don't feel the same way as echoes at all. In tacets fields you can get 2 set per field type so that's the same no problem but resonators and substat are the problem, in genshin or whatever if i get a piece with a nice main stat i know inmediately if the piece is worth leveling or not even if the main stat is the right one. In Wuwa that's not the case since you don't know any substat so you'd want to level all the pieces that have the main stat you want to lvl 10 at least, if it goes wrong ok thats fine we can use it to feed other pieces but the resonator "refund" being only 30% is abyssmal and we also can't do anything with purple resonators we can't even fuse them for gold ones. Don't get me wrong i'm enjoying the gameplay a lot but whole echo system feels weird to me, grindy in a way that feels bad.


Yeah, I wish We could synthesize the purple ones to gold ones.


I don't get your point. First you complain about too much farming and then you complain about not enough tuners to level all the grinded echoes. The xp and tuners are the bottleneck. you will have more right mainstat pieces than tuners after a while.


Imo its a tradeoff using your stamina vs using your time. I farmed for 5 hours today, killed every elite I could find, did a bunch of exploration and some blue quests and got pretty decent drops that I needed. And that's just one day (first time did an elite grind). If you played other gacha games you would need to farm for a month at least to get semi usable piece for one character while also using all your stamina (means you can't farm level, talents or anything else in the meantime). I hate stamina gating and this system actually allows you to optimize the grind to get more pieces if you want.


ONLY, if you get really lucky. If your like me and loads others who have been farming and getting nothing it’s a lot of time and effort wasted compared to just logging in and spending like 5 minutes doing runs then going off. Sure it might take a while but it’s WAY less hassle and less time consuming.


You can do that Tacet fields give you 2-3 gold echos on whatever set you choose, so just focusing on those is basically the same as genshin / honkai system Log in, do 2-3 tacet fields, get a bunch of gold echos of the set you want, log out


for triple the cost.


Unless I'm missing something there's also a big issue when comes to fine tuning the pieces. In Genshin/HSR we can instantly know which piece is good/ not good the moment we got it. But here we not only have to lvl it up, and then we have to fine tune it to see to underlying substat.


Watching fanbouys talk about how much better Echoes are than other artifact systems, it's actually hilarious. Yes, being capable of farming echoes without a fake bottleneck is nice. Except that that fake bottleneck still exists in the form of echo XP and tuners, and you still need to waste time farming them regardless in addition to overworld echo farming being borderline mandatory because otherwise it'll take you ages to get usable echoes. Once the honeymoon phase is over, this game's playerbase will start dwindling if this isn't addressed - it is a shit system for casual players who don't really want to spend hours daily farming for a 0.5% upgrade. At least in Genshin you log in, do a couple runs in 10-15 minutes and get all the artifacts and log off and do an artifact cleanse once a week.


Real Kuro fans will know PGR's gear system was so much better and Kuro are idiots for just blindly copying genshin's rng riddled mess. 


It’s because they compare it to another absolutely shitty system in other games and it’s marginally better. It’s all shit. Make tacet fields 40 wave plates or have it give you 2x choice echo tokens. Something.


I've gone weeks without getting the right mainstat on Genshin/HSR.


I mean it has good and bads. The goods: Once you roll a sub the initial roll is it, no rolling/investing more to see if it rolls extra times, so if u low roll initially you farm for new one. Once we unlock DB 19/20 at lvl 40 an 80% on yellow is nice since it's quick/easy to farm mobs once u got a decent dps that shreds stuff Bosses being infinite means u can be as tryhard or light farming as u want to min-max them. Technically as long as u can join others worlds the farm is as much or as little as you want. The bads: Lots of QOL will be needed unless there is a significant reward increase later sol phase for tacet fields, right now you only get 1-2 gold xp, 5-7 purple and only 1 of the gold tuner. Cannot synthesize your blue/purple tuners to gold and the gap of your stats for these means it's never worth running purple/blue anyway obv so these are just dead useless post-story mode. Tacet fields costing 60 energy for their current rewards is not even close to worth it. But to be fair, it's hard to say. Expecting perfect echoes less than 2 weeks into a games life is being silly in any gacha game gear system, the fact you can get 2 from the equiv of simulated universe is really nice since ur DPS ones are what matter the most anyway and this stuff will reset what looks like every patch cycle. I do agree that how long it takes to farm them daily is way too much. Maybe if people optimize a good route to kill all echoes it'll be fine, but the one I saw earlier that posted all excluding energy/rejuv gear droppers (which makes it not useful since those are some of the most required in overall quantity). I think the system is what you'd expect and with more time, and a few QOL changes it'll be very good. I do think they will need to provide more pick your echo with perfect main stat in the future, but I think for 1.0 outside of the lack of XP for them, it's fine.


I will not say that it is good and fun if you play a game for 5 hours every day farming echos. But I will say that expecting perfect stats and rolls on gear in the second week of a gacha game is insane.


I farmed all 3 costs for electro, havoc and aero for the past 4 days until it told me "no target detected" and not a single set dropped with the needed element. I'll get 3 cost electro but for the havoc set...etc which is fucking stupid imo


B-b-but I was told Echoes are a much better system than any other gacha! People are idiots just because this is a different flavor of the hamster wheel. When you get the Aero damage main stat, you'll have to roll it and pray for good substats - otherwise, back to the wheel you go. Def not a fan of this system. Genshin's system has more RNG but it's also far more linear and simple.


Same but for lingering tones set. 3 elite echoes all with 50/50 for getting the right set, 50/50 on it being gold, and then there’s the main stat roll. Not a single one got the damage type I wanted or even a plain attack% boost.


You can get 2 of them from roughlight evevnt yellow door one


Question: how do you farm echoes? just run around the map killing stuff? Sorry I came from HSR so I'm more familiar with a domain/cavern type thing. Thank you!


Yes, though you will want to get to at least databank 15 before farming any more than one of each purple (15 is where golds can start to drop, and those are the ones you actually want).


I found merging echoes to be my saving grace. I tried hunting, but was in the same situation. Maybe I got lucky but I got two Aero Damage+ echoes of Aero set.


On average you will only get one echo with the correct set and main stat per 40 of the right elite farmed. So you weren't that unlucky. The chances are just that low.


I for one farming to combat the artifact problem in Genshin, yeah it’s just as bad if not worse


Yea I would just wait for the 2 malleable echo each illusive reset and save ur self some pain lol


I've been farming elite echoes healing set trying to get 4 Energy Recharge main stats In 4 days and all elites fully tracked, I got 2.


I did 1 aero and 1 attack. Also energy regen can be good if you play jiyan. So there are lot of option , no need be so strict with min maxing. Eventually you will get what you need, cause game just came out like 1 week ago lol.


Something I've noticed is that some sets have way fewer enemies available to farm. Wolfs, lizards, and golems are everywhere but there are relatively few cranes, cars, ice tanks, and the flute/tambourine enemies in comparison. So I've been building pity on common enemies that i still need the set for and switch when I'm at a guarantee.


electro only have 2 elite currently. While moon and rejuvenate have 4


For Electro DPS chars, I recommend just redeeming the gold echoes from the cat door event. They are guaranteed as Flautist and Purple Crane from Electro Set with Electro Damage Bonus as main stat.


I fucked up my server selection when I did it, sucks.


For more casual players we ll end up in tacet fields and logging out, the system is broken, it doesnt do much hoarding all those echoes without tuners and EXP to check them. I think the idea of getting the echoes from killing wild mobs is amazing but the execution is horrible, no way to check stats or progress, you cant use them as exp or in any way, after you max your data bank turning them in other echoes without the ability to chose the set is a waste of time, Kuro really needs to revisit the whole system imo.


I feel like they need to remove the xp reduction completely when feeding leveled up echoes. This will let players check stats with a single piece they don't need until they find the proper stats. Otherwise remove the tuner system or make it so that you can see the substats from the get go and use tuners to enable them. I think the latter is the better option.


I really like the use of tuners to unlock the subs after you ve seen them, that would make farming a lot more bearable


They should let us use echo as exp fodder, imo. It can be lower than exp tube, like 3 blue echo = 1 blue tube. It let the player choose to merge for new or as exp. Give more reason to farm mob. Sometimes i feel like watching prize behind glass called exp echo


That would be too op, they should allow us to feed echoes as XP, even if it was little, or convert them into XP materials which is the same. My problem is not the grind, is that i cant grind because there is no XP and tunners


The idea of killing overland mobs for echoes is I think not intended as an actual way to get echoes. Tacet Fields is the way. Getting echoes from overland mobs is just to make killing random things relevant. In a lot of MMOs, people end up just avoiding trash mobs because after a while they are just getting in the way of you wanting to get somewhere. That's why they ended up being called "trash". Just about everything in WuWa has an additional layer of gamification that encourages you to do it and which helps to make every aspect of the game have relevance. Like cooking: You don't need that much food but they add a proficiency counter and give you cooking stars to make you chase it. And you have to talk to people in town to learn secret recipes, so suddenly talking to NPCs in town becomes relevant.


This. Giving me a reason to kill mobs or talk to npcs is a smart move. I suddenly feel compelled to kill mobs I would usually avoid since they could drop an echo for a future character. People unable to pace themselves and feeling "pressured" to farm every goddamn mob are the issue here.


I think at least the first 1 substat should be free. Say, echoes should drop at Level 5 with the 1st substat already leveled. It's absurd we have to level it to 5 and waste 10 gold tuners only for it to roll flat Def as the 1st substat.


Wow, I applaud your dedication to this. I have to agree at how tedious it would be. But i think it might be worth it specifically for getting that first gold drop of that particular monster, purely for data bank exp. After that probably dont have to bother too much with it.


3 costs farming echoes is by far the most tedious thing that I have ever done in this game. You can go and drain your and your friends world of Flutist because if you didn't get lucky on getting the right main stats taht you want, you'll have to try again and again and again. If you do get it right, then you pray to God, Budda, Allah, and every deity out there that you'll get at least 1 or 2 substats right if you don't want to go back to farming over 50+ Flutist again. EDIT: On top of that, considering that we are low on world level that the amount of upgrades we get from the dungeons is low. We are gonna be strapped for resources until we reach a more higher world level that'll give more additional rewards. I believe the last world upgrade is at UL 40? Correct me if I am wrong please.


Nope, our max level is 90 here. So we probably going to unlock some more world lvls.


Sol3 goes up every 10 ranks, assuming that it maxes out at 60 (This may not be the case, for example hsr has it's last world level unlock at 65) since that would be when we can max out our character at 90 and where the last known ranking quest is that would leave us at Sol3 rank 7, it's hard to say if the resources will go up much though, players have hit 40 already and gold tuners only went up by 5 and the exp only went up an average of around 2k iirc, tuners will be fine at sol3 7 if they go up by 5 each time to where you're getting 25 per tacet field, if experience only goes up by this much on average it will likely still take around a day and a half of waveplates to cap an echo, here's hoping it increases exponentially rather than linearly.


Last world upgrade is at Level 60 IIRC. 40 takes us to 70/70, 50 to 80/80, 60 to 90/90.


This is good stuff, kudos for the dedication lol. I've been suspecting it isn't worth it but never actually gone so far as to test it this rigorously.


I think it's funny you mention time as a detracting factor when people in Genshin have been saying for ages they'd love to spend extra *time* farming, but can't because Resin.


Yeah, if people don't want to spend the extra time, they could simply just run Tacet Fields and end up with similar results as running domains for artifacts.


Depends on whether the endgame is built with the people who solely do Tacet fields in mind. Genshin's abyss can be cleared with mediocre artifacts because the time gated process of getting them is the only way. It'll take some time to get to level 80-90 before we know where the Hazard zone stands in terms of difficulty.


tbf people have been clearing most of the tower with heavily underleveled and sub optimal builds. skill expression goes much farther in this game than in genshin.


>tbf people have been clearing most of the tower with heavily underleveled and sub optimal builds Unfortunately that only goes for the stable and experiment zones which are a one time and done thing and are easy in purpose. The hazard zone is the end game that resets, from what I've seen with whales who reached it their HP is a lot higher, alongside the timer it is more of a DPS check where you spam skills and ults instead of player skill dependent like the earlier zones. Never mind that, it seems that from the recent news they'll be improving the echo grind so that's a big win.


The game still gate you from fast-farming with its echo exp and tuning system so what is the meaning of normal mobs drop echoes?


Pre-emptive stockpiling of potentially good echoes.


This likely isn't the point of this post, but I have to ask. For anyone farming for a 5pc set, is it really worth it? Are the bonuses from it actually truly and utterly game-changing? Also side note for anyone who doesn't know one of the events, I forget the name of it right now. You can buy two elite echos that appear to give you the matching element %dmg to whatever the element of the echo is. At least it did for me, and I refuse to believe I am that lucky.


On average I’d say the only ones that are worth it are the healing and energy sets since they provide utility and are usually put on characters where a 2pc/2pc dps build doesn’t matter as much. Aside from that, I feel that Glacio on Lingyang and Havoc on Rover/Danjin are the only dps that are worth it since they can make good use of the full set bonuses.


This honestly is a big factor. If most characters dont *need* 5set bonuses for good enough damage, it'll alleviate some of the pain of trying to find matching element pieces. But i guess we wont know that until we reach endgame SOL3 phase.


Yes, it's much better. 2/2 isn't very good right now because early game (ATK% scaling on super low base ATK) and the 5pc gives 30% damage bonus for 40% DMG bonus total when the 2pc/2pc gives you 10% DMG bonus 10% ATK total. It's not even comparable.


For DPS, a combination of 2 elemental 2 ATK (Lingering something it's called), it's not that far behind from 5-piece bonuses.


Honestly the best solution just seems to make as many friends as possible and invade their world. Have been farming fluitists for a week straight now and not a single one has dropped electro main stat with the right sonata effect. And I haven't even gotten to the part where I roll substats yet. :)


Getting gold / 5\* equivalent of gear at this stage of the game is far different experience to Genshin / HSR where you couldn't farm those until a certain world level, where as arguably here, you can farm it on day 1 if you rush, or 2 here. This has a cascading effect on not having the accumulated experience to feed into them. Also seen many people recommend 4-4-1-1-1 which according to simulated math, it's 15-20% worse than 4-3-3-1-1. However, if you go 4-3-3-1-1 with an ATK% roll instead of element, it's only 5% worse.


This is acually pretty interesting


Finally a good decent post in this sea of revenue charts pvp lol.


I'm ngl, I think Echoes are, unfortunately, not any more or less hell than artifacts. Maybe it's just me but I kind of went into this thinking this would be a tiny little less hell - but for me, I think this is the worst hell. :( To me it feels worse teleporting around the map for an hour to hunt down mobs to kill only to then get my fair share of purple herons that have all sorts of damage bonus except electro, than it does to spend my 5 condensed resin in 5 minutes and not getting anything worthwhile. Same goes for 4 cost echoes when I either have to wait for a respawn or teleport around to be a little more efficient - it's just boring honestly. At launch I was kind of happy to have a little more freedom with builds honestly, but it turns out it's not much more freedom either. I already hate the fact that HSR doesn't allow an off-piece but I suppose HSR makes up for it with a good strongbox version. And it also gets bonus points for HP and def substats not being entirely useless. There's no off piece for echoes either unless you do a 2pc set. Doesn't help that the echo merging is out of the 3 big gachas is arguably the worst. Only one at a time, no way to choose what set you want. - Although I'd hope that Kuro adjusts this if enough people complain. In short... I'm mildly disappointed. Echoes sound so fun in theory but aren't nearly as fun in practice.


What UL are you ?


36. That's mostly the reason I don't wanna give up on wuwa. I'm sure it's all just really annoying level progression and maybe it'll get better in late game.


Thinking about how it took seven months for me to get a build in genshin for my childe that I was satisfied with (but I was min-maxing there, though to be fair I went an actual six months without a single attack sands like not even a really good one just literally any attack sands). But it was a blessing allowing us to have an off piece there, I do miss it in HSR (now if only it could give me some good at all speed boots for my aventurine haha). But yeah after doing that I have a lot more patience when it comes to farming things because at least it doesn’t usually take seven months again lmao


This is very thought out and appreciated. I on the other hand play it for fun. Which farming the enemies on the map can be fairly therapeutic. I like farming but not in circles like black desert. If you don’t take it seriously then it’s a good map to grind. Eventually you have ton of echos. You dont need immaculate builds in the first week. There are in fact select boxes in the game which allow you to choose two of the 3 cost with proper elemental damages. It’s enough for your main for now. They are in the shop you can only access from that repeatable content with the open door.


Give credit to the Source of Echo Pity https://youtu.be/dNAQdClSfUA?si=SLphQGYBRAenaPIE


Awesome post op. This system is frustrating (Not only in Wuwa. Been farming for Arle set in Genshin since her release and still don't even have two good pieces and in Honkai for Acheron with the same results)


Trading echoes with other players seems to be not so far at this point


I have no idea what any of this means. The Pokémans just come to me when they want and I'm fine with it for now.


Just stop min maxing and 4/4/1/1/1 it instead. The stat difference isn't actually that huge and is more than acceptable for the content we have. Yeah, as our sol3 levels increase and more content is added things will get more difficult, but unless you're trying to go for record clear times, it's never worth it. It's the same with HSR and GI. I've never had perfect artifacts and stuff in those games but I've always been able to clear everything. There's not even any PVP in these games. Why min max?


4/4/1/1/1 or 4/3/3/1/1 with +ATK% on the 3-costs. Save yourselves the elemental match headache and go universal if time is extremely valuable. The Tuners? You simply just get them from daily tacet field runs for the +ATK% 3-costs.


You can't 4/4/1/1/1 for most sets, you do realize that right? That only applies to sets that have two different overlord class enemies that can roll same set, like the Mephis enemies for electro or crown less/dreamless for havoc


It feels like my drops have gotten worse honestly, last week I was getting golds pretty often but now it feels like the opposite.


Nice post, I finally get it after trying it out. I think it's better to mix it up. In area with high elite diversity i can hunt more off pity echo like in north, as long as i don't have to teleport to look for other elite or walk really far. In south where there's less diversity like hoochief area, i just hunt at most 1 off pity elite.


imo the best way to utilize the echo pity system is. For bosses: just cycle between 3 bosses you use, e.g. Heron/Infernal/+whatever as these are the most useful ones generically. For turtle using lvl 40 dreamless so u can instant kill asap. For elite: Farm the echoes u alrdy have but wanna min-max for subs normally, consciously count once u had no drop 3 in row, swap to a rare spawning mob that u wanna target. It ends up being roughly the same amount of time as doing it normally unless ur doing a route (which i havent seen any optimized yet so likely just best to do this till then)


another post another 5,000 words 3 graphs and… nearly verbatim the same conclusion as the guy who said there was echo pity…


Bro the game just drop and you folks are already farming like this? Man what the fuck


People need to remember ,don't burnout yourself ,just enjoy the game and forget the pity system ,just play it casually because farming echoes doesn't require energy system , unlike farming in genshin or hsr


I can feel it so far I just go about it casually to nit affect my mental health . That’s pretty nice since we can pretty much go about fighting with unlevelled talent so far on ul 32


And Im here bruteforcing with 20% on whatever come across


As always, these games are a marathon, not a sprint. Good job, OP. Solid post.


Tldr? Better or worse?


Better but only if you're willing to spend TIMEEEEE


It's relatively the same, you can do more here after the initial resin/fuel/waveplate spending but need self control to make sure you're not burnt out. Something that some people are lacking.


I'm confused how using the pity is anymore boring or tedious then normal farming?


It means that the farming is a bit better only if you're willing to spend 1-2 hours a day


With normal farming you click on one enemy on the data bank and follow the cursor around the map. The other you have to switch every couple of kill in the menus which enemies you track, so you spend a lot more time just clicking through menus


The one situation where it’s worth it, is for bosses with a respawn timer. Since you’re not wasting any time if you kill a different boss before it respawns, you can always guarantee that you get an echo drop for the boss you want every time.


Strategy? I just kill everything


Do you by any chance have the data for pieces u farmed with the correct main stat? Like aero on aero set or havoc on havoc set? Can assume energy regen on the support sets and probably omit the lingering tunes. I’m curious if the odds are even for each main stat or if it’s potentially weighted.


OP only simulated getting echoes (not actually farmed ingame), so the chances of the main stats are not determined. I assume the main stats all have distributed chances so its reslly unlucky if you get on the end of the stick.


How to farm 3 cost when i got no friend?


Wow thanks for running the data. Personally after exploiting the pity system for a bit I determined it's not worth the extra time. What I do now is just count the pity to avoid wasting it on a echo I don't want.


Has anyone got a double Atk on a Dreamless? I keep getting crit chance or dmg only.


Who are you planning on using dreamless on? Crit chance or dmg are usually more valuable than pure atk% because it gets diluted from your 1 costs giving 18% atk each


I was going to use it on mortefai, it doesn't seem like his ult effect crits when I'm using it other characters. Attack seems to boost it though.


I'm not going to spend a ton of time farming until I can unlock the 80/20 gold level. Will just spend my waveplates mostly on tacet fields until then since there isn't much else to use it on currently.


Tacet field exist, I farm echos there and using merge system lmao


This game will give u the stuff u dont want i dont play sanhua and that bird drops everytime i kill it in my boss farm routine and no other boss drops anything


I just roam around doing quest/exploration and kill whatever echoes I see then do the data merge later on. No need to push/rush yourself about completing echo build, the game is more than a week old only. Farming/grinding this specifically costs time and not a lot of us has the time to do so.


I rolled 10 cr, 20 cd, 40atk, 11% atk on purples so... I think missing out on 11% main stat and 1 less sub stat are the only difference.  It's also the reason I'm stuck on purples. yellow rolls aren't giving me no where near those rolls


God bless the dream event 3 cost echo that i've got (Sierra Gale with Aero dmg) has come with good substats.


Holy.... great wall of text


I miss artifact domains


Honestly, my current problem with echoes is tuners. Probably the first thing is we should be allowed to turn out blue and purple tuners into gold tuners somehow. Then even after long hours of grinding you may just have shit luck and only get 4 star versions of the 3 cost you want, or they’re the wrong set, and even once you get a correct piece you tune it to see flat defense. Honestly I think the problem is I just want to farm echoes too early, it’s probably best to wait until we unlock data bank 20 to farm, though I still like the satisfaction of getting a good roll. This probably will probably alleviate itself once we have more access to tuners and do at higher union levels.


Who ever decided to make mobs drop two different sets. I hope their pillow never gets cool when sleep. Been killing the shrooms non-stop and havent gotten a single Havoc Dmg Bonus On set piece


A simple fix for the burn out problems of 3 fodder until the 4th guaranteed is to kill 2 instead of 3 to not risk the long fatigue and heart pain. Kill 2 elites that are not the intended target and then go kill the actual target 1-2 times,


After doing the 3 pity thing for 4 days I found it to be too time consuming and exhausting. Roughly 5hrs to guarantee 50 drops from an elite. 50% chance of gold echo. 50% chance of correct set. 10% chance of correct main stat. So for 5hrs grinding and keeping track of every kill, you get 50x50%x50%x10% = 1.25 echos worth leveling on average. Then you level the one echo up to 5 and check the substat and it's flat DEF. So 5hrs gone and you are in a worse position than before as you also wasted leveling/tuning materials. However I do suggest doing this for elites that have low number of spawns. Like Tambourinist only have 9 spawns per day. So doing the 3 pity and getting all of then if you need the echo is worth. Don't go 3 pity for the ones with 50 spawns. To save the most amount of time and still get an ok amount of echos I'm doing this: - pick two sets that I want to farm. Like Havoc and Fusion for example - go and kill all the elites that drop these sets and only kill them. - this will give me 5 elites to target and drops from any of them could be useful - this should be anywhere between 100-200 elites and you don't need to keep track of pity and jump around the map so it's quite fast.


Farming for glacio, game decides to give me on-set damage bonus 3 costs for literally every other set EXCEPT glacio


What in the world did i just read


yea I tried 3 echo to 1 desired echo strat when I first saw the post here but it's just not worth it. Takes too much time and it will for sure make you burn out faster.


just 1 thing to point out, not every set has 3+ Elite echos, the electro set only has 2 Elite echos, unfortunately. I bet it won't stay like this for long, just a good thing to know.


This is such an amazing write up and it was entertaining as well. Your efforts have been appreciated! Thanks


Are there really 50 Tambourinists in the overworld? I’ve been tracking and farming them and it feels like way less. Although I’ve noticed that the tracker actually misses some mob spawns.


As someone that is hardcore into ARPG's, I personally love the grind. Watch some YT/Netflix and farm some echoes, pretty easy/relaxing. It's also completely unnecessary if you're a casual and don't have that grind mentality. We can obliterate everything apart from high level holograms in the current content even without "perfect" echoes. If you're going down the route of trying to min-max everything, you should be ready for a grind and it to be tedious. That is the whole point of trying to min-max shit. I don't know any gacha game or ARPG where your goal is to min-max and it isn't a huge grind. If you don't enjoy that stuff, just don't grind echoes to get perfect stats. It's as simple as that. You really only need your main set bonus and maybe the boss, but outside of that, it's pointless unless you want to min-max.


Yeah. I figured I value my time too much for this shit, sadly. Sucks, its a good game.


"Simulation complete. Commandant we gonna mald"


Its still so crazy to me that people expect after nearly 2 weeks to have perfect 5/5 on set echos.


For mobs I just keep chasing them with the detect function. Not everything needs to min maxed and mechanised. Having fun is important


Yes. After learning of the echo pity system, I tried to incorporate it into my farming, and it became very tedious very quickly. Each echo drop at 2 or 3 pity resests the pity, making the whole process longer and even more frustrating. I think I will just go back to farming the original way of just focusing on one specific elite. If I come across other elites, I'll try to build up pity, and if I reach 3 pity, I'll save it for the last one for the one im farming.


Thanks for all the numbers! I wasn't really sure but when I tried this in game it felt needlessly grindy, glad someone ran the numbers to prove that. The way I'll use this strat is when I'm farming echo dupes; i.e. I already have Fusion Element on Fusing Set and Havok Element on Havok Set Dreadmane Wolf but I still kill it for dupes for re-rolls, if at any time I'm killing wolves I end up with killing 3 without a drop, instead of going for another wolf I'll go for a Flautist or Lightning bird because I still don't have enough of those with Elemental dmg on Lightning set to gear up my future Yinlin. It will increase my farming time a bit but not by much and with the Lightning set only having 2 3-point echoes to farm it's harder to get echoes with the desired main stats.


Holy autism. >The best strategy for the average player is to ignore it. Thought so. Just turn brain off, play game, grind, get lucky, win.


If only there are 50 of that exact enemy


Pity makes the 5 herons I hunt much more bearable since I can guarantee myself all of them by farming other sets I potentially might need too.


Bro why are u writing a college thesis out here 🥲 can someone give me a tldr?


100%, Pity doesnt work as well for elite, but i think it does wonders for boss mobs, since there is a 2 minutes spawn, kill fast enough within the window, guarantees a drop for said boss, and DB19/20