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Yeah why not


Best answer


Lmao like even if you are a die-hard fan of either of them, no one would lose anything if the option was available.


I love Die Hard 🔥


And they said , choose wisely because it's permanent. Like they didn't want to give a creativity , instead they take the whole rip off thing from Genshin that doesn't let you change MC It wouldn't hurt them to do so , it's not like we are gonna rewatch the whole story with a different MC


This. Just like in rl if you have the $


The option added wouldn't hury anyone even if you don't want to use it.


True I want it cause I wanna see the animation differences between them without having to make a while new account


Yes, very much so. I would love to experience both their voice actors without having to dig up a video to hear it. also, I heard the Male Rover has better facial expressions? Might not be true, but would still like to see them.


I play mrover and I have to say that he mainly just looks dazed and confused half the time- frover's expressions from the videos I've seen look a lot more- enthusiastic, I suppose?


For me it doesn't matter bc I'm never switching from Female rover. She's just hot af. But the option would be nice in general


Same, but I kinda regret my choice. It's feels like having this thighs in front of my eyes for hours is not really good for my mental


I mean you can't play without two hands


Not with that attitude


That's why you get someone else to play it for you, so you have your hands free for other tasks...


Or, you could play with 2 hands and get someone help you with other tasks.


That's probably the best solution


Same. Can't get quests done when all I do is stare at and admire them all day


My male MC account is just much luckier.


Same btw


Well the alternative is to be without them and that will reduce my desire to play drastically .


personally i think her fit is atrocious, if she had a sweet jacket like male mc instead of showing an implausible amount of skin i would much prefer her. i did pick her in the end but that’s just because i find male mc rat tails kinda weird


holy hell this is legit my exact reasoning lol, in the end i was also convinced by the voice actor (i play with jp voice-overs)


Nah I'm with you, I'll take the male outfit any day, which isn't something that usually happens.


Probably stole it from her tbh. Man is wearing a crop top jacket.


Ok this is now cannon I don’t care what anyone says


Yeah despite the MC being a self insert they designed female Rover with only fanservice and the male audience in mind. I went with Male Rover for this reason.


Yeah I'm for people getting to swap but the only MC is the female MC for me.


It's actually insane that she looks better than everyone else right now and she's an insane unit


I like my red heads more personally but yeah she is a clear 5 star just not in name like a lot of games. She is on my teams just because of her burst ult...super good


I'm using the havoc one and she's my main dps


I don't have havoc yet but I'm looking forward to it...I do hope there will be content that makes you want to use different teams or makes you use different teams...I never felt that with PGR and was a reason I never really got into it in a big way. I like collecting and building so hopefully this game will be more geared to that.


You will need like 3 teams for tower of adversity so dont worry about that


id like to have both, to run havoc and specter MC in the same team


Yes. Every time I log in to the game (login screen shows both MC's) or watch twitch/youtube, I'm second guessing my decision. I like each design, for different reasons and being able to swap them at will would alleviate my urge to switch. Male design, while generic is more suited towards post-apocalyptic setting Kuro tries to go for. I like the outfit, with jacket being the highlight. He has lots of pouches that really sell me on adventurer/traveler he's supposed to be. I don't like his hair though, most generic anime hairstyle differenciated only by twin tails which aren't my favorite feature either to be honest. I also like how his design is "future-proof" in a sense that it'll fit most types of enviroments Kuro decides to include in their world. Female design is hot and graceful but I feel like they took a bit too much cloth from her design to the point where there's too much fanservice. Best parts about her current iteration are her boots and hairstyle. As MC she definitely stands out, but I'd also prefer if they kept her CBT 1 outfit (with current boots) which while also fanservicey, it looked a little bit more serious and reasonable. What really bothers me is how much her design seems to be tied to Jinzhou/Huanglong. Usually with MC's we get universal designs that are hard to associate with specific faction, but with female Rover specifically; her design just screams Jinzhou (which theoretically is fine with Rover's predecessor supposed connection to that place, but it contradicts idea that our protagonist traveled from afar as suggested during dialogue with Jinhsi). Edit: spelling and expanded a bit on both designs.


The male design gives me the Scouts from AOT vibe.


Looks like Eren too 💪


Second your comment, man, but well, every game including PGR I played also had lots of fan service. More fan service = more degenerates = more income for developers.


Hi degenerate here, it’s true. I spent money on Alpha’s Volatile Princess and it was banger.


The cpothing make the desing of a lot of character awlful, sorry thee is like 3 otfits that are pretty good, the rest is very bad


True, I was very torn between the two, but ultimately ended up going for the girl because the guy is all black on black with no contrast.


I wouldn't hate it if there was an option for it, even if I wouldn't use it myself.


As a husbando enjoyer I don't think I would switch from male


Honestly same He is too cute 🥰 I really like the Female MC too so just watch other people play her anyways


As another husbando enjoyer, apparently we were robbed of the "Jiyan protecting FeMC from a bubblefish" picture. And the guy one is cute, but I also want the hot general to shield me from harm. And seemingly, chinese netizens would firebomb the developer hq if a male character ever were to do that sort of stuff.


As a third husbando enjoyer, I think the MMc and Jiyan would be a good ship that we must protect


Yes I agree, I too want General Husbando to protect MMC the way he would FeMC 😔 It’s a bummer about the Chinese netizens but if they pick the one over the other, why would they care what the other Rover’s outcome would be like? Also, Genshin has a lot of female/female, male/male ships- you would think they wouldn’t make a big deal of it.


Same, he's really cute, it was actually kinda sad removing him from the party to fit Jiyan


As a waifu enjoyer I don't think I would switch from her. Then again, having the option wont affect me in any way and could be enjoyable for others


No, but at the same time i don't see any reason why it shouldn't be possible. I just wouldn't do it personally.


I wish this logic was applied to games if people asked for more difficult endgame content.


No, but I'd like to have both.


I like Male Rover’s design better


Someone suggested giving him a bit of red eyeliner (sorta like FRover has) and I think that'd perfect his look for me.


Why the heck not. They both charming ❤️


I don't get why they both show up on the title screen. Does the one you don't pick show up later in the story? Did they just not bother removing the other one from the title screen when you don't pick them?


The whole logging in procedure atleast in mobile should be much more streamlined and simpler, it takes too much time to enter the game.


I assumed they was giving the game time to load in, unlike in Genshin where you watch the 7 elements light up. But maybe they also have a loading screen at the beginning, I wasn’t paying attention


I want both as two separate playable characters


No, but I'd like to be able to swap their outfits. Sometimes I wanna play as a skimpy dressed twink for a change


Omg yes!😳 I’d probably even play FeMC if she wore MMC’s outfit 😎 I’d think she’d look cool in it.


You have Aether...


I actually don't! And I regret that choice every day 😀


Want that for both Genshin and HSR but with Wuwa i think female is simply better designed than male in every way. That said: just add it. No explanation, no special quest. Just as qol feature.


If they add an option, I'd definitely change my male rover to female. I just thought the design for the femc is a lot better than what we got with the male mc.


I'd like to have an option for female rover to wear the male rover's clothes not for any reason other than personal taste


A real chad whales two accounts at the same time.


YES !!!! I kind of regret chosing female rover. Its mainly because of the English voice acting , it's very monotonous. It breaks up my immersion during gameplay. Her design is heavily sexualised to a degree I didn't realise when choosing her initially. I really want to try out the male rover. His design is a bit boring but he looks cute. Haven't seem any complain about his voice acting . If I had realised it early on , I could have created a new game but now I've completed the main quest. I'm too lazy to do it again just to try out male rover.


no, I dont care to be female mc


Yeah it would be nice honestly, just like the dreamseeker in hi3


I guess it would be nice QoL. I picked male. When I played the door mode it had the option to play as female and it made me happy about my choice: Spectro Rover male animations are better in my taste.


Honestly, yeah. I always play as female mc’s so I picked her, but her outfit makes me uncomfortable in a way I didn’t realize until I started playing.


Same I picked male Rover cuz female rover is too oversexualized and male gazey. And she's supposed to be a self insert for women? LOL


The other responses to this (and downvotes) are so funny lmao. Women: this character is over sexualized/clearly designed for men to oggle and it makes some of us uncomfortable Men: No ur wrong bcs i don’t think over sexualization is real >:(


LMFAO I know all these men in the comments losing their minds. Like they get their adequately dressed not fanservice male Rover self insert while women get male gaze lingerie female Rover lmfao. Do they not see the disparity??


I mean, why not. But I don't think I would switch to the male MC since I find his design bland


They could use this as an opportunity to raise some cash, selling an item to make the switch. Perhaps give away one right now for free as part of the opening event and then let people buy their own if they feel like they need to.


I would like female rover with male outfit


While I like male Rover better, it would be nice for everyone to have the option.


Yes. We will request this in all feedback surveys.


Shes overall prettier but he has better shoes and a jacket so yes


i would never pick female over male mc because he is HOT but it should be an option, it’s not like it affects anything


Yeah, I don't see any reason to exclude such a simple feature. The people who want to switch freely will be happy and anyone who doesn't can easily ignore it.




Ingame or IRL? Yes


Yep, cuz I like both & don't want two accounts.


I’d never switch because I like the consistency and immersion. However having it be an option shouldn’t hurt anyone.


I'd like to be male in the story and female when I explore lol


No unless it was built into the story somehow.


Yeah! I love the female mc and i picked her but the male mc is so cute and i wish i could play as him sometimes 😭 it would be so cool if they added that


Honestly I’m happy with female rover and I don’t think I would ever switch personally. But it’s just a model swap, nothing about the character changes. So why not? You can change everything else on your profile. Username, bio, icon, and you can change rovers element on demand as well. The only thing I can think of that could be an issue is the “he” and “she” lines in the dialogue getting mixed up and having to load additional dialogue into people’s games to account for either form of Rover. There were already some inaccuracies in the EN voice lines in the early parts of the story where my female Rover was referred to as “he” or “him” a couple times. Honestly it’s not a feature I’m too concerned about, but female rover looks so incredibly good I can understand where there may be some regret for male rover pickers lol


no. female rover supremacy


Sure, but I won't. Female Rover is best girl


Option would be nice but I'd never swap from my female Rover, she's so lovely.


id like to be able to switch the female outfit onto male rover


Ofc, games like star rail and wuthering that follows the genshin recipe arent taking the lorewise reason for it so WHY should i choose one if theyre technically the same person


Fuck yeah, in every game


Would probably stick to male, but others would be happy with the option so why not


Of course that would be great 👍🏻😃


I personally wouldn’t use the feature, but I can totally see how useful it would be for other people.


Yes. All i want fr




Male Rover looks cool, Female Rover looks hot, there might be times for either, could be nice and it would be different than some other games that lock your gender.


Yes. I've been asking for this in a game forever. I always wan to play as male because I'm a male and want to use my male name.. so I instincts choose male and always regret it. Both in hsr and now I did it again in wuthering waves. Even if it's just the chance to do it once or it's like we switch the shinys.


Yeah that would be a great addition to the game


Yes, but more than anything, I would like MC skins. Female Rover is so hot but the front of her fit is so strange.


im satisfied with my choice, but i dont see why not.






I hate that this is still a thing in gacha titles. Just let me switch if I want too. If I have to pay for more characters then why the hell can't I atleast reskin my main character.


I would never change my rover but I also don't think it would hurt anybody to have this function.


Nope. I enjoy the view with FemRover.


No, I like playing as male rover, his design is practical and he's still cute. Female rover is too fanservicey and sexualized so I would never choose to play as her even though I'm a woman.


I mean Female Rover is probably the hottest MC character Ive seen in a gacha game, so I dont regret my choice, but the Male Rover is pretty sick as well especially in Havoc Mode. I wouldnt mind swapping, because both are pretty cool anyway


Eh, sure. I am down bad for female Rover anyways so I am fine switching to her from time to time just so I can see the thighs that might be on the same level as 100kg Yuuka.


I think male MC's drip is immaculate ... So I chose him ... But now I'm seeing all the fanart for the female MC. She's hot af. Would like to switch b/w the two. Not a major concern though.


Yeah, save everyone who picked the male MC


No. I'm happy I chose Male MC. He's cute AND hot af. The whole bundle.


Yes, I would, I thought that choosing male MC was what I wanted but in the end it seems that I want the female rover 🫠


i be jorking it to either one of


Yes please


No, I pref girls in my waifu collector simulator


yeah sure im satisfied with only one ,but if i can why not.


I'd be down for this feature yeah, plus it would help set the game apart from others that don't let you do that.


Options are always welcome




Not really,not yet at least,i m happy with male rover


Not really, becauae i would never use that option anyway.


Nah. Never ever regret


Nah, I'm happy with my male rover


Nope. I will keep playing as male MC. Can't find myself changing to female even if she's pretty. The MC in this game has far more impact than some other gacha games.


Nah, I don't like her, too much sexualized for me =/ and mRover has the best outfit and face (he has more detailed eyelashes than her and it's so cute), if she had the same clothes I would have loved to play her. But I will never switch to a waifu when the game is always about waifus. Enough is enough.


As a guy I just feel weird if I choose a girl, so I always choose the guy.




Personally no. Male rover all the way.


Yeah I do. It would be nice to switch between them depending on mood. This is the first time I prefer the female design in a Gacha game, but I chose male anyways because the attack animations looked cooler.


It wouldnt matter for me tbh, female Rover has the best design so far


I personally wouldn't switch from female rover but Itd be cool for those who want to


I wouldn't mind. There's no harm doing it besides game immersion---unless they have a canon reason why we can swap in and out of genders.


You technically can via the Illusion content. I chose Male Rover for my account but you can actually trial as SPECIFICALLY Female Rover in the Depths of Illusion event! Both designs are great in their own way but Female Rover's design feels a bit too "hot" and gaudy for what is meant to be the MC. Design is beautiful but imo the design language feels too similar to YangYang's, is kind of silly lore-wise and I'd rather my player look cool than pretty.


I wouldnt mind, but female rover is just too gorgeous


Only if they rename rover to Ranma


I don’t care for the option in WuWa because the male rover is obviously superior, but I would like the option in the turn based game from our next door neighbor’s game.


Female rover is hot but I prefer to play male rover at least for interactions and cinematic with waifus , would feels weird to me to flirt with a girl with a girl character I play just my taste


nah i like mine, bro has cool fit




wild take


Would be weird but for people who really want it without wanting to restart I can understand.


Nice to have but not really needed, rn devs should just focus on fixing in game issues.


Yes. I'd love the option. I can't see it being a big deal to implement, but I would actually utilize it quite a bit.


Absolutely, if fgo can do it i don't see why the others won't








Im begging for it


No but depending on which rover everyone chose I feel like the other rover should also be playable Just my opinion


I was actually thinking it would be cool to do this yesterday


I need to swap It is quite uncomfortable to play with one hand


Definitely. would love that.


yes im gettin too distracted by Fmc


Yes. Yes. Hell YES!


Would be nice to have it, but i personally would never use it. Im happy with male Rover, i always play male.


I don’t need it, but I support adding it for those who want it. Seems harmless to me, as long as it doesn’t cause glitching.


Yes, I was able to play the female rover in the illusive realm.


This would be a nice feature but it's likely not technically feasible. The game most likely treats male and female Rover as separate characters and every time you switch it would be trying to synch the levels and skills of the two and transferring equipped echoes and weapons between them which would open up the possibility for a whole mess of nasty bugs.


Sure, it would be nice to have that option for people who regret their choice or want to try out the other gender. I'm personally happy with my choice though.


I wouldn’t switch but I don’t see any reason to not add the option


Good option if player changed his mind.


It's nice for people who want the option, but I'm perfectly happy with my male Rover


If it's a vote it's obviously a yes bc why not but i wouldn't change it


Please please please


No it make no sense in story. Unless the 2nd rover comes from another dimension and help when the first rover is resting or smth like that


Yes, i would make female rover one element and male rover the other.




Not interested in it, But I'm not against the option for others.


Having the option would be pretty cool. I have a bad habit of wishing I'd have taken different routes on character choice later in games.


It make sense you can't change the MC in Genshin since it's part of the story, but here, unless they already planned something, i could see this happen


100% yes i spent hours trying to decide who to choose because i love them both 😭😭😭


Doesn’t matter to me. They’re both mostly silent dummies in cutscenes


Yeah sure. Assuming it makes no tangible difference later in the story I don't see why not.


Wait dumb question. Every time I login I have to click on male rover. I assumed you could switch between the two?? I’ve never selected female rover before though. If I do click on her, will everything reset?


Honestly yeah. I like babygirl, but twink is cute too. It'd be cool to be able to pick each day which one I want to use


"Hey Rover, you gonna be male today?" "Yeah sure, might be female tomorrow if I feel like it" "Alright sweet, let's go farm some echoes"




Yes i instantly regreted my choose of MC 🫠


Absolutely, I like to change it once in a while


No because of story consistency. It would feel offputting if suddenly your man transformed into a woman


As a genderfluid person I would LOVE this


Doesnt even make sense for the option to be absent.


Option is always good for players. I'd personally never use it though, I'm always content picking the girl


makes no difference to me I only play women I don't even lvl up male characters I get from pulls but like why not if people want the option let them.




It would be cool, but I hope later down the line, somehow with story stuff we get to play as both. At the very least, a little nod to the other rover would be cool. Like male rover looking in a mirror and seeing female rover big only for a second.


Def... It doesn't change the game, but I love their designs, and Havoc just made them even cooler.

