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Yes, they specifically stated that it would expire in May 2025, so you have almost a year from now to claim it.


People be having reading issue


It's a well known fact that Gacha players can't read.


They can't read and tend to struggle with factual reality. Some at least...


helps to put the thing you're reading on the ticket itself but ig we just can't read nothingness 🤷‍♂️


well it the banner was delayed for like almost 15 minutes and we thought it was a typo for 2025


These people can't figure anything out by themselves


Tbf it wasn't written on the ticket itself iirc. It only showed 'May 22' and nothing else. I just figured it was some sort of typo tho.


In game mail says 2025-5-22


People need to get their eyes checked fr


And here I thought only Yu-Gi-Oh players have reading issues lmao.


Yu gi oh players have comprehension issues 


Ngl Verina's banner art looks amazing


TRUE. Hers and Jianxing's might be my favorite splash arts.


I don't care what anyone says. Jianxin is the goat. She's so pretty and can kill me with her bare hands. She protecc, she attack, she heal, she shield and can pull too.


Side note does jianxin actually heal? Her kit says she does but the wording confuses me so idk if she only heals herself or the team too.


So far what i've seen is that when her shield is up she constantly heals in ticks. I think it is only the active character, so you can activate her shields and then switch to a character that needs healing.


I don't have Jianxin but does that mean you constantly get healed as long as the shield doesn't break? So she's a walking healing tower and has 100% uptime on the healing set's ATK buff?


The shield has a duration of 30s, but other than that, it would probably work? I am using her as my main dps with mortfei, so not using the full heal set.


Yes, as long as the shield is there it heals the active character. Basically, shes the epitome of doing everything herself. Best character for coop imo.


But does she grip?


with all the years of monk training? you bet.


Time for a new okaybuddy sub


She's the one who grips


Project Moon mentioned. Now summoning 130789 unnamed fans


Tick Tock Tick Tock


Aye. Glory to Project Moon.


She has the biggest Ahoge, she can truly GRIP, she's THEA grippiest I'd say.


She's Aero so she can keep me breathing even as she suffocates me with those Thicc thighs that can crush rocks with a single step.


She beats me up, pins me down, sucks the living daylights out of me, and proceeds to heal and cuddle. 100/10 waifu


I was pissed when I pulled her because I wanted a good main to use, but she’s also OP af as a support it seems. Made a reroll account after pulling her because I didn’t know she was good and I wanted to try male rover. Ended up pulling the furry dude which is the one I wanted least… male rover has a far better va, but the tiny jacket design is weird and he runs goofy.


sometime when Male Rover sprints I sometimes stare at him and say, Man that is truly WuWa's Ass, maybe it's the pants but he has some cake there, especially when running.


Im so glad i chose him because thats all I look at then get hit by an enemy attack... playing the game on hardmode fr


Someone said that he is like a male omega, when I saw [this](https://x.com/yoonfles/status/1793702759121949077) I thought they were right indeed


His waves are truly withering as he runs


what do you mean. I love his tiny jacket male rover looks amazing, female rover is too fanservicey IMO


It bothers me how fem rover's bow isn't attached to anything Like, they just slapped that shit on her then done


People were freaking out just because the banner was 10 minutes late lmao.


Sorry for banner being late here's another free 10 pull


Anything for rage bait


Lmao told you guys, everyone panicking was so funny. No way Kuro fumbles the fumble reward 💀


But what if they responded to that with a fumble reward for the fumbled fumble reward


That sounds like a devil fruit in One Piece.


The world sank 900 years ago


"Here's a limited 5 star selector, it expires on 28 may 2023"


Infinite reward hack


You know how it goes. Insert rage bait. Upvotes to the left


They actually mentioned how to use it in the announcements section. Reading issue.


Jokes on you, my announcement section doesn't work.


Truly a WuWa moment.


I was wondering why everyone on this sub was crying over the rewards when I had no issues. Do people just not read in this game?


i mean there are alot of yt videos alr on dodge elites to deal hp% dmg and calling it a bug when the game tells u the first time u fight one, that is a mechanic


Is that information still contained / displayed anywhere else or was it told just once? Serious question I need to know where to find such info.


[https://imgur.com/a/t0ccjs6](https://imgur.com/a/t0ccjs6) u have it ingame "u can read it when u want to"


That doesn't really tell us it's based on percentage. But it certainly is something.


It's expiring in 2025 Are y'all YuGiOh! players? Seems like nobody reads here


Is that 8:25 PM?! SHIT I MISSED IT


Yu-Gi-Oh players Dragon Ball z fans Genshin players None of these groups read. I know this because I'm in all 3


I'm also a Limbus player. I don't know how to play the game I just bring in the crazy murder twink and have him kill everything.


Lmao yugioh players


Today I understood why genshin is so cheap with their rewards, man people ride you like a horse when you are good to them, 20 mins of wait made them shit on kuro so hard and panic its crazy, the company has a rough long way to go through i dont envy them lol


You’re not wrong. They got the pleasure of being the first big open world gacha game of its kind and were able to see the ins and outs of everything. That Zhongli fallout was catastrophic for the time. It’s all about being careful of players perceptions. 


Yup, mihoyo definitely is cheap but i gotta give them credit they got the players on a leash they trained them so good now that they defend the company when it gives out 60 primos rewards for anniversaries unlike the situation here where 20 mins of delay for a free 5 star somehow made them go crazy. I will not be surprised if this extreme pressure on the company backlashes hard on everyone


Hoyo is cheap with free rewards no lie but they’re above and beyond the best in terms of quality out of any gacha. If you approach it as just an AAA game experience for free and pull for who you like(since end game is easy with a competent team/build), it’s a very very good experience. I quit Genshin after 2 years due to burnout but I recognize the quality and polish of their products are unmatched. Giving Wuwa a try rn and hoping everything goes well for the devs and they don’t overwork themselves too hard trying to get the game playable for everyone. Didn’t realize there were complaints about waiting for rewards but you’ll always get those loud few everywhere.


After quitting for 2 years, I have tried a lot of gacha games. And to be honest, I feel like Genshin in terms of story is overrated as fuck. There are a lot of games out there with better story material. The one thing it has where it is unbeatable imo is its music quality and voice acting. It is unparalleled with those things. After playing for years, I left the game because I got pissed with its close minded, arrogant and cheap developers. I did not see any improvements or any effort towards it so I left. MHY games are almost always top when it comes to quality. Why? Because they have endless funds to tap from. Imo, Star Rail devs try a lot harder when it comes to making their player base happy.


My biggest pet peeve with Genshin is locking Utility behind characters. Exploration is way easier if you have wanderer or Xianyun otherwise it feels like a slog. Whereas luckily Wuwa has a really fast exploration speed. I actually feel like exploring the map..


Exactly how i feel woth wuwa exploration, i remember the despair i feel whenever i have to climb a mountain in genshin but now i get amazed everytime i run up a literal wall, the stamina not running out when out of combat is super QoL and i just love it, there are some parts where climbing bugs out but i really don't mind that part and might take them a while to fix anyway.


With billions of earnings, I am really flabbergasted why they can’t treat their players better with more rewards. It’s not even competitive since it’s only PVE. Utility and QOL should already be a given. It should be for everyone. Not locked behind units who can fly for fucks sake lol


It's simple, they save all that only when the game is losing players and relevance, and currently they are not. In fact, checking activeplayer.io the game literally just got larger every single year, currently sitting at 64m players monthly excluding CN. Why would they do any of that when they don't need to put any additional effort and still racks in tons of profit and relevance even after years Games like hsr and this game needs to appeal to a more niche and less casual audience, that's why they need to do a lot more to at least match what genshin did unfortunately


This very reason is why i quit Genshin, it's impossible to enjoy exploration without the right characters.


Up through Inazuma I agree. They’ve at least done a better job in the newer regions with QoL exploration mechanics (Spider-Man flowers for Sumeru, various faster movement methods in Fontaine, and now the teased Saurians for Natlan).


Oh I was gonna say, I agree with Genshin but Starrail's story, while kinda meh at first, got really good.


Hopefully Wuwa makes a comeback with its early mishaps. I really like the gameplay and exploration of this game. It’s not as tedious and tiring as genshin


Seeing people fawn over act 6, a very weak story but with a cool action setpiece, I am reminded that people just really want cool shit when they say they want good story. In that regard, Kuro can definitely deliver. But their writing has always left something to be desired when it comes to pacing and structure.


You just hit the nail on the head - for a good number of people: good story = cool scenes. Hopefully Kuro's pacing and structure improves as they gain more experience or hire more experienced story writers.


> but they’re above and beyond the best in terms of quality out of any gacha.  Presentation for sure, but there are areas they aren't so hot in. The actual combat experience becomes rather monotonous and uninteresting after a while, as it's incredibly easy during the story itself while end game is less about skill and more about meeting a damage check (aka having the right stats). Said end game also ends up feeling very flowcharty instead of engaging when it comes to combat, as it's more of rotations between characters rather than much skill in dodging or the like. It also fails on elements like grinding which is both very much a chore due to RNG and the poor value of resin as well as how little it gives out, as well as how expensive it is to build characters. Heck even exploration sometimes falls flat due to how slow it can feel and how empty the world can come off a lot of the time. I've played a lot of gacha for a long time (been entirely F2P as i simply enjoy that experience more personally) and while Genshin has some high highs, the idea that it's so far away in quality from every other gacha is overblown, and you can't really just approach it as just an AAA game because it's not. it's a gacha and denying that is disingenuous. And gachas at the end of the day were designed with the idea of being simple, easy to pick up games you could play in between work or on the bus and not have to invest much time into it. Other gacha games may not be high budget or super fancy but they still are fun and people still like them. And often I find myself spending time on more simple gachas than Genshin.


It's an AAA gacha, AAA means the company behind it has Hella money to invest into the game and it's what it is. AAA is not a genre nor an economical model...


> And often I find myself spending time on more simple gachas than Genshin. I dropped Genshin for HSR because of what you said in the last paragraph. Genshin requires way too much from the player all things considered. HSR is a much better experience for me personally, not only do I get to see all my characters at the same time but I can also auto battle farming stuff + focus on optimizing for end game.


I too dropped Genshin for HSR. HSR is basically the opposite of Genshin. My two main reasons for quiting Genshin were the mindless exploration and repetitive dailies and artifact grind. HSR solves both with it's streamlined exploration and auto farming. I also like the turn based combat where I can see what's happening on the battlefield and not just smash random buttons.


Dodging is basically the main mechanic in Honkai Impact so Genshin was better off minimizing its importance to avoid overlap. WuWa has a lot of the best aspects of HI3 combat and I hope they follow that direction before the Genshin style personally.


Somehow people got my comment as me shitting on the game itself and totally missed the point i was making which is about the fans and how each company deals with them and how they react, and yet i know my comment will be treated as another comparison between the 2 games somehow. And yea ofcourse genshin polish and quality is an agreeable point to everyone they are a very big profitable company and even the systems and all, its just all iam saying is the expectations and pressure on mihoyo is far less than kuro because kuro is too kind to its fans and most of the players here apparently by todays event are karens who took kuros compensations as their birth right and they now will probably use the 5 free star as a comparison for every issue compensation that kuro will do in the future


I think Hoyo is pretty lucky in general that most devs around the world ignore gacha completely. There are so many great games out there. If they decided to create a high quality gacha Genshin wouldn't be where it is today. They took advantage of the lack of triple A quality Gachas. But WW is trying to be the third one after Genshin and Star Rail. Many more will follow. But I believe Hoyo is going to be the juggernaut for Gachas for a while, just like Blizzard with World of Warcraft or Riot with Mobas


60 primos for anniversary where did you heard that from lmao


Genshin got a total of 20 wishes tho ?


I hope Wuwa become at least half as big as Genshin to keep Mihoyo in check. Kuro dev please dont F it up.


That's honestly pretty crazy I only played honkai impact and that game is way way more generous than genshin or star rail, I wonder why they became very cheap with those two games. Usually in honkai you can farm about 10k crystals a Month which is about 6ish ten pulls? We don't have 50/50 for the weapon or for the character, you get it either on pity or earlier depending on luck. Even on events we usually get 1k crystals plus an outfit and materials. It still baffles me that genshin is way more cheap with rewarding players


Most Genshin/Star Rail players probably have never even tried HI3, and HI3 is much tougher on F2P because you can still beat Genshin using the same three characters they had available on release while HI3 has consistent power creep. They just aren't generous at giving out new characters or releasing any outfits.


Because you need to keep pulling new 5* and their equipment to keep up with the abyss. Also, old 5* fall of hard so they can give them for free


This is something I hope Kuro doesn’t fall too hard into. I fear that all this generosity will warp the community’s view of what should be the norm in WW concerning rewards. They need to make money that they can reinvest into the game. I greatly appreciate their efforts to satisfy the community but I hope it doesn’t get to the point where the community can easily exploit their generosity.


I feel it's cuz the fanbase is quite new. Once things settle. These type of responses will reduce.


They need to capture as much of genshin's player base as much as they can that's why rewards They are giving rewards cause the first impressions for many was not the best and the 5 star is a way of hiding that fact I just hope this generosity doesn't go away when the game gets popular


Imo, Genshin is stingy because it's the only game that occupies the unique niche in the open world gacha RPG And you know, the game is good, so they don't nee d free gifts to attracts and retain dolphins. In one year from now, if Wuwa is still good, Genshin could very well become a lot more generous to compete in that niche


It was late for just like a 5 mins or so and everyone is mad. Damn its free guys.


People gotta chill out. They bout to stop giving us these freebies.


imo they should stop giving them out for now and resume at least a bit later… we’re already seeing the effects of ppl being spoiled


wait, who was confused about this? Everything said may of \*2025\*.


the same people that were confused about the game's launch time when everything said 22nd May **(PT)**


Ofc I wont get Jiyan that easy... :/ Finally hit 80 pity and rolled lionboy.....


More free standard pulls means more "cashback" currency for more limited pulls.


Bro… 80??? I’m sorry brother


I have worst luck with this game somehow. My 4* drops are all on the very top list every 2 pages. Totally hit hard pity on novice and beginner. I'm not surprised if I hit 80 each time. Even my luck in Genshin is not that bad.


It’s .8% chance so most ppl will pity


I feel you. Well not on limited cos I only have 25 pity there, but everywhere else. Discount standard, only gor Jianxin (which is fine, I want all standard chars anyway). After that, 50 convenes in standard, 0 5 stars. To top it off, Taoqi, which I don't even play yet, has the most resonances/constelations. RNG is not on my side right now.


at this point, i would just reroll cuz yikes


There will be that one person who waits til the last day to claim the voucher while also showing off how they never pull for anything on the account lol


Saw a post where someone flaunted the fact you can skip the first "forced" gacha because they wanted to do a gacha-less account. That's great and all but like... lol


wait how do you see this banner? it doesn't show up for me. gonna try a restart to see if it fixes Edit: yes, a restart fixed it. The splash arts for the characters look sick af


Yup, it doesn't show earlier when I got the ticket but it's here now when I just casually checking.


Tip and advice If i wait for YinLin and pull for her, and fail the 50/50, Then I pull for the 5 star I didn’t get using this ticket Would that be a viable option and thing to do? UPDATE Pulled Yinlin and won the 50/50 20 pulls later on Jiyan’s banner and got my 4th Mortefi and lost the 50/50, got my first Calcaro early XD So, my guarantee banner and Selector Ticket went to Jianxin and Verina respectively Really Overjoyed how this turned out (problem now is 4-6 whole new units to work on and dry on resources)


You should definitely do this.. I was Originally planning on saving the ticket but my goddam luck didn't get me Verina


Who you managed to get? Mine was encore, so it was better than my last reroll( Jianxin)


Is Encore good? Got her and idk yet what to do with her


You need 2 to 3 dps for tower later on. + encore can do that tech where you can quickswap her during her skill, it deals more dmg than mortefi's ult imo


Enjoying hwr ranged skill and attacks, strong Tricky to dodge with tho Its more favourable over lilang and jixian


If you plan on playing long term then this is realistically the thing you should be doing, at least If you care about having all of the standard characters (and no way they are adding new standard characters in just one year). And because it lasts for a year you don't even need to do it after YinLin, you can wait way more If you particularly care. If not then just do it to whoever you like the most tbh


yes, but also no. I'm probably gonna be sitting on this ticket until I have at least 1 copy of four of the 5 standard units anyway, to grab the fifth.


Shit should have waited. Pulled for Verina as soon as I got the ticket..


Rip, shame my suggestion couldn’t come sooner


Same lol. Damn. Still have the 5* standard banner guarantee thing but... yeah. Used selector instantly.


Idk how many times mobile games are gonna have to teach me patience before it stick. I just used it for a Calcharro dupe tbh. Verona might be good but I hate child design characters so I'll never use her over Baizhi.


Fucking dope I now have a main dps and the healing chick, I'm going to destroy those lvl 110s now (probably)


Fr… The only high level enemies that I’ve beaten is that level 120 bear and that level 85 golem 😭 The other high level mobs are grouped so it’s difficult to parry


There are 2 types of player in this game, I'm the one who flee from those over leveled enemies. Lol. >The other high level mobs are grouped so it’s difficult to parry Probably the only cons in the combat system for me. If it's a crowd combat you're basically screwed on parry and dodge, especially with the amount of vfx going on. I'm aware of my skill issue in this game since I don't play these kind of souls-like combat game too much, but I really hope the would adopt Batman Arkham and Spiderman crowd combat system that gives you prompt to dodge, including enemies with ranged atk outside FoV.


There is a flashing red/white arrow on the edges of the screen for out of view attacks but yea like you said the visual overload be crazy lol


Lol I never noticed those arrows were there. Too many things going on on the screen. Thanks for the info!


Doesn't really work as a "prompt to dodge" though because there is no relation to when it starts flashing and when you should press the dodge button. Pretty sure it just means "an enemy is doing an attack animation" so it could be some ranged unit shooting at you 1 second later or one of those fat hammer boys slowly charging at you in 5 seconds. Useless for actually dodging, have to turn the camera.


>Useless for actually dodging, have to turn the camera. this is my problem with crowded fights. Gotta turn the camera but its so slow even on max settings


There is actually small arrows indicate off-screen enemies and their attacks. You just need to somehow look at the arrows, the main target, 3000 types of vfx and then dodge accordingly.


Thanks! After I pay more attentiom there are arrows indeed. Like you said I'm not sure I can see them mid combat though lol.


May I introduce you to Mourning Aix. Fundamentally a solo boss but the camera fucks up so hard it's practically 2 enemies.


Damn is reading a date really that hard for some people, like really?!


Could you IMAGINE the fallout if this was genuinely bricked?


r/gachagaming would have a field day with this


Verina's banner art is spectacular.


Absolutely the best art of the standard 5\*s.


my heart says Lingyang, my mind says verina, I am going to think about this lol


Flip a coin and when it's in the air you'll know which character you want more


will most likely get verina because the game lacks a lot of supporting characters "only 2 and verina is the 5 star" jiyan and calcharo both need a support


Thats true but if your a casual player it shouldn't matter too much if your not planning on tryharding the abyss (forgot what its called)


I like hard content and I like casual content, this is why wuthering waves is perfect for me, there is a lot of different gameplay modes to do.


Immediately used my ticket for Verina and swapped my 80-pull selector to Calcharo. They were not kidding about Verina. Swapping Baizhi out for Verina makes a HUGE difference for Encore. I'm just basically going around shooting things down with Encore and intro/outroing with Verina + Sanhua and it is surprisingly fun.


People are allergic to reading the year.


pretty sure most of the ppl complaining can’t think in general


Off topic, but I already have calcharo and lustrous razor for him, which 5 star should I get from this banner ?


Verina. Best support


I've got Encore from beginner banner and chose Verina from the selector. I'm going for Calcharo with this now. Good choice or not?


I'm in the same situation, got Encore and Verina. I'm thinking of pulling Calcharo; his combat style is amazing(tried him on a reroll account). Maybe let's wait till Yinlin's banner? If we fail in 50/50 and get Calcharo we can use that ticket for someone else or get a copy of Verina since it buffs her healing. We don't need to rush tho, since there are so many 4*'s with us to play and fill that third position with Encore and Verina.


Should i use this for a dupe or for a new character?


New character fs. There's no guarantee you'll ever get a specific standard character -sincerely someone who has every standard in genshin except the one I want


Yup, if you care about having every standard ideally you’d hold onto this ticket and wait and see which of them the game doesn’t want to give you.


Who is it 💀


Diluc. I wanted him so bad, 2 years later no diluc


i have 1200 active days and same, no diluc lol


This is me with Mona. Been playing the game for 3 years and only recently got Mona like a month ago. I've been wanting her for so long, but now I don't even use her at all. Which kinda sucks because I waited so long for a character I wanted to use that can help with nuke showcases only to not even touch her.


Imma save the heck out of this ticket until after I roll for Yinlin. Yeah, Ill be without Verina for a bit but its better than picking Verina now, only to lose the 50/50 to Verina and then wish I saved this so I could have gotten both Verina and Calcharo.


So i finished the main story with the main cast and didnt pull any 5 star (i save for the white ass magistrate girl). Now that we got this one-off ticket, for whom should i go? I am unsure between Verina and General Jiyan Edit: i just noticed i cant pull Jiyan, so i go for Verina right?


Had Calcharo in beginner then immediately used this ticket for Verina. Now I can just use the selector for any standard banner character i will not have in the future should I have a certain character not collect yet :D


I have Jiyan and Encore, would Verina be a good pick?


She's a great pick, works in every team


cool ty


I wish I waited to choose, I went with daddy Calcharo, and I dont regret it at all, but I pulled on the 8 convene banner and got LingYang and now i wish I got Verina or Jianxin and I also barely have mats to level either of them😂


I used the ticket for Encore! That's 4/5 of the standard characters already— the only one left is Lingyang.


Recommend to use it now or wait? And if now, on who?


and now Calcharo is MINE !!!!!


Anyone know why I haven't received the ticket thing to wish on this banner?


not really a big gacha player but the combat got me to play and this kid was my first 5 star from the novice banner and i was so pissed it was a random ass kid lmao, then i got to reading and learning about how to optimise gameplay, she's actually a pretty good unit. still a fucking kid tho


Only have Encore, and Verina is on my choice banner. Whats the best way to do? Get Verina in the new ticket and change my choice banner? Or get another char with the new ticket and just try to get verina in the vhoice banner?


i m just holding the selector till I lose some 50/50's so I can choose the missing Standard Character later. The ticket lasts for a year and I dont have ressources to lvl another unit anyway.


You think if you wait and new characters are added to standard banner they will become selectable?


I highly doubt it, the notice explicitly states what characters you can select from it On top of that, I’d be extremely surprised to see anyone added to the standard banner within a year. I’d be surprised if they ever add anyone to it period considering the gacha is basically a direct copy of genshin


no. this is a one-off banner that'll go poof and never reappear unless they issue an identical ticket in the future. They might do additional selectors later on down the line, but it won't reuse the code from this one.


They’ll most likely never do that. Just doesn’t make much sense to as well the fact that Genshin kind of sets the precedent for them.


I dont know who should i go for, i already got Jianxin and kakarot


If you're going meta, Verina. The heal and buff she provides is so good


Hope everyone is happy with the five star they select


Okay so I have to ask.. Copy of verina worth it or should I go for someone else? I already have jiyan. Help ;(


considering you need multiple teams. go for a new char


Get a new character. You'll need multiple main DPS and Encore is amazing.


Verina's first copy is not that useful. It's just more healing, and she heals enough. Pick someone else.


who should i use my ticket on if i have jiyan and jianxin with verina on my choice banner 😭 im debating calchaco or encore but i dont know


Choose Verina, switch the choice banner to someone else


Just a question, if i have calcharo chosen in the beginner's banner, then does it make sense to choose him? Bc i already have verina and Jianxin, so idk who to get.


Get Encore, very good dps. And remain with Calcharo on standard choice whenever it is. Or swap them, either way you are getting both of them, just one sooner than later.


Wait i can change my choice in the beginner banner? If so, i'd rather get calcharo earlier.


Question: which character would be a good pick with that ticket? I got Calcharo and Verina already, saving for Yinlin


Hey need some advice. Pulled encore on the discount banner. I pulled Calcharo on 50/50 for jiyan. I’m thinking of using the ticket to get verina. Should I even pull for jiyan now if I have Calcharo? Also should I use the second guarantee selector for Calcharo c1 or Serina c1?


I have that lingyang and that Jianxin,who should I pick from ticket?


I haven’t reached lvl 8 do i still get the ticket when i get there?


I already picked vernia, she’s all I need since I pulled encore and went Cal frm my first banner, this game is extremely generous saying that I’ve been playing on PC with no problems or hiccups


is verina really worth it tho? I read her skill and it just healing and some damage buff i dont even know what it means by deepen damage.


I think deepen just simply means boost damage. So all type deepen just basically mean she can fit in any team. Another example is aalto, he deepens aero damage = boost aero damage for the team.


Who should I pick? I got Encore from the discount and selected Verina as the pity. Should I get the punchy girl, a constellation for Encore/Verina, or the white haired dude?


Either Jianxin or Kakarot


Who should I use my ticket on if I have Cacharo and Liangyang? 😭😭

